What to do if water gets into your ear and it’s blocked, how to treat it at home. What to do when water gets into your ear? First aid for water in the ear

Have you once again taken a bath or swam in an open pond? Water is a beautiful element; swimming is a pleasure for many. However, water procedures often end in such a nuisance as fluid accumulation in the ear. In professional formulation it sounds like “Swimmer's ear”. This is how doctors refer to the accumulation of fluid in the ear canal when a person cannot get rid of this water on his own. This is often accompanied by gurgling in the ear, a feeling of discomfort, and a deterioration in hearing acuity. If measures are not taken in time, water can enter the middle ear and cause inflammation. In this article we’ll talk about what to do if water gets into the ear, how to get rid of water in a child’s ear, and what to do to prevent the situation from happening again.

How to get rid of water in the ear

Usually a person very clearly understands that water has got into his ear, he feels which ear is affected, and sometimes he even feels and hears this liquid. This often happens after being completely immersed headfirst in water. How to react to water getting into your ear? First, you should try sticking the tip of a towel into your ear canal to absorb any unnecessary moisture. If this doesn't help get rid of the water, try our next tips.

  1. The simplest and most famous way to get rid of water in the ear is to hop on the toes of one foot. And on the side on which the water got stuck. That is, if water gets into your right ear, you need to jump on the toe of your right foot, tilting your head as far as possible to the right. With each jump, during landing, try to swing your head so that the amplitude is maximum. But do not forget to hold on to the wall or edge of the table with your hands so as not to fall. With intense movements, after 2-3 jumps the water will be removed.
  2. You can remove water without making any special efforts. You need to lie on your back and slowly turn your head towards the ear in which the water is stuck. The key word is slowly. The physiology of the ear space is such that water will simply pour out slowly with smooth movements - you will feel it.
  3. Do you know how the body removes wax from the ears? That's right, due to chewing and swallowing movements. Lie down on a horizontal plane and start chewing gum. You can imitate chewing movements or just drink water. Since the process is complicated by the fact that you are lying down, you can drink through a straw - this is much more convenient.
  4. Inhale the air and try to exhale it with a strong jerk, while closing your mouth and nose. The air will create pressure on the membrane, it will bend and push some of the water out of the ear canal. This technique is often used on airplanes to relieve the feeling of stuffiness in the ears.
  5. Press your palm firmly against your ear so that a vacuum is formed there. Then sharply remove your palm from your head. The thin air will help you push the water out of your ear.
  6. Place a few drops of boric alcohol into your ear. It will not only disinfect the ear canal (this is important if water gets into the ear from a pond), but will also help get rid of moisture. The fact is that boric alcohol evaporates very quickly. It will mix with ordinary water and simply evaporate into the air.
  7. You can get rid of water in the ear using the same water. Pour water into your ear in a strong stream using a bulb or syringe. This water will help get rid of the air lock, which often prevents the removal of excess liquid.

These simple tips will help you get rid of water that accidentally got into your ear. But what to do when the baby has a problem?

What to do if a child suffers from water in the ear

If the baby already knows how to jump on one leg, you can explain to him what head movements he should make so that the water comes out. But what should you do if water gets into your baby’s ear while bathing? And how can you understand that something wrong has happened to your baby? If a baby has water stuck in his ear, he will show it with his whims, tearfulness, and anxiety. Children often put their hands to their ears, which can make them hear worse. If such symptoms begin after water procedures, it can be assumed that water in the ears is to blame.

You need to make a turunda out of cotton wool - twist a thin flagellum and carefully insert one end into the baby’s ear. Never use hard objects such as a cotton swab. It can damage the delicate parts of your baby's inner ear or push the wax closer to the eardrum, preventing it from coming out naturally. And the flagellum will safely absorb excess moisture, relieving the baby’s ears from the feeling of fullness.

If this does not help, just try feeding the baby in a lying position - first on one side, and then on the other. Swallowing movements will help expel the water naturally.

How to protect your ears from water getting into them

Preventative measures are the main defense against water getting into your ears. Be sure to wear swimming caps in the pool and open water, especially if you like to dive and immerse yourself in water. Professional swimmers are recommended to wear special earplugs for swimming, which prevent water from entering the ear cavity. If your child doesn't like wearing earplugs or a swimming cap, you can simply lubricate the ear canal with a rich cream before swimming. This, of course, will not completely protect the ear from water, but it will reduce the risk of liquid getting into the ear canal, since fat tends to repel water molecules.

Water in the ear is not just a discomfort. If, for example, you go outside in winter after swimming in the pool, the water can cause otitis media. Be sure to clean your child’s ears after water procedures, because soaked wax can cause pain, discomfort, and a feeling of pressure in the ears, as it swells in a humid environment and puts pressure on the membrane. If you cannot get rid of water in your ear on your own, be sure to visit an otolaryngologist. It will help you solve the problem in seconds. Take care of your ears and clean them of water in a timely manner.

Video: how to remove water from your ear

In otolaryngology there is one interesting concept “swimmer’s ear”, which has a connection with the fact that water has formed in it. If water gets into the ear, in the absence of adequate treatment measures, you may encounter adverse consequences in the form of congestion, headache, and hearing loss. If the hearing organs are in normal condition, the liquid should pour out of them after some time. Let's consider what to do if water gets into your ears and how to act.

Causes of the phenomenon

If water gets into the ear and cannot come out of it, fluid retention occurs, this can happen due to a number of reasons:

  • penetration of water into the middle ear (inner ear), if there is an inflammatory process in the ears;
  • water can penetrate into the inner part of the middle ear if the nose was not washed correctly; there are several interconnected channels inside the head.

If a pathological process occurs, most often it is caused by individual characteristics of physiology and anatomy, as well as a complex of acquired diseases.

What should first aid be?

So how do you get rid of water? This is quite simple to do: you just need to eliminate all the water; you don’t need to have any skills. All these actions can be taken after a bath, on the beach. You need to jump so that your head is tilted down on the side into which the water got in. If water gets into the ear and does not come out in a small child, the liquid can be removed; you should familiarize yourself with the functioning of the plunger and carry out a number of simple actions and manipulations:

  • touch the ear firmly with your palm;
  • remove it sharply so that the operating principle of the plunger is formed;
  • the water will begin to behave differently.

Thus, the pressure exerted on the ear plug will ensure its rapid release; the air flow will be destroyed according to the vacuum principle. If the water does not come out, you need to visit your doctor.

Divers' method

In their practice, professionals often use a universal method. You need to inhale a little and hold your breath, then let the air through, as if breathing through your ears. Usually this method works from the first use. Often, after eliminating the fluid, pain occurs; it is necessary to warm the area that is bothering you with heated salt. If your baby's ear is blocked after bathing, you need to put salt on the pillow on which the baby is placed.

If the fluid does not come out, this gives rise to numerous complications and inflammatory processes. As a result, water remaining inside the hearing organs for a long time leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes and complications. The sulfur swells, hearing noticeably deteriorates over time, and the person experiences congestion and other troubles. If you happen to encounter a similar situation, you need to contact a medical specialist.

Signs of water in the inner ear

Only with the help of a specialist can you determine the exact location of fluid retention. It happens that when rinsing the nose, water gets into the ear, and in practice situations may arise when the ear hurts after swimming, sometimes liquid can get into the ear after swimming. Usually, when fluid gets inside, there is severe congestion.

If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, you may encounter the development of a complex inflammatory process. At first, it is necessary to attempt to extract the liquid by tilting the head.

If water gets into your ear and it’s blocked, it’s important to understand that using a cotton swab is unacceptable, because it will not only push the wax deeper into the canal, but also damage the membrane. Only a tourniquet can fully absorb water. If the pain is severe, it is important to make a compress from warm raw materials and take medication for pain relief. After this, you need to urgently see a specialist. Often, water ingress leads to hearing impairment, so the first thing to do is to urgently take measures to remove it.

Traditional methods of therapeutic process

There are several options for getting rid of water, but it is not at all necessary to contact a specialist:

  • if the ear is blocked, the first step is to thoroughly rub the entire head, after which the nose is pinched and the air is exhaled: pressure will be created in the head, through which removal will be ensured;
  • if water gets into your ears and they hurt, you need to lie down for a few minutes on the side of the ear canal that is damaged, this will ensure heaviness in your head, which will allow the water to drain out on its own without much difficulty or problems;
  • if water gets into the ear when rinsing the nose or during other actions, alcohol is used for instillation, and this method will be relevant for children and adults because it is harmless and completely safe;
  • If there is water left and these methods are unsuccessful, you should drop in a few drops of peroxide, and then lightly pull the lobe to move the liquid along the canal, then wait for the water to come out.

Absolutely all people are constantly in contact with water, using it in everyday life. On the one hand, water has an exclusively positive effect, but this is not true.

Probably many have encountered the problem of water getting into the ear canal, resulting in discomfort. Let's find out what to do at home if water gets into your ear and it becomes blocked.

Every person regularly comes into contact with water, but not in all cases you have to think what to do when water gets into your ear and it becomes blocked.

This is due to the fact that earwax protects the hearing organ from liquid and, if it gets in, it should flow out on its own. But this does not happen for everyone and the phenomenon is associated with several reasons:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the middle ear;
  • improper rinsing of the nose or gargling;
  • the presence of sulfur plug, after a shower it tends to swell and block the lumen;
  • while swimming, a person choked, for example, after diving or diving;
  • Ear pathology - anatomical features can also cause water retention, but this problem is extremely rare.

Most often, ears become clogged after swimming in the sea, pool or other bodies of water; most people have probably encountered this phenomenon, but usually the feeling of discomfort goes away quite quickly. In a situation where the ear is blocked and it hurts, measures must be taken. Below we will consider other associated symptoms.

Symptoms and signs

Absolutely everyone, in contact with water, can feel stuffiness or pain in the ear. Signs of a water plug in the ear may include:

  1. Congestion. The membrane inside the ear is very sensitive and water that gets inside puts pressure on the membrane, which is why severe discomfort occurs, felt like stuffiness.
  2. Reduced hearing level. The penetration of fluid into the auricle interferes with the penetration of sounds through the ear canal, as a result of which the person hears worse.
  3. "Gurgling" sensation in the ear. The eardrum has sensory receptors that transmit vibrations caused by high levels of fluid inside the ear. The auditory ossicles enhance the sound heard in the middle ear.
  4. Noise in the ears and echo of one's own voice. Accumulated moisture near the membrane distorts sound perception, which is why a person seems to hear an echo of his own voice during a conversation.
  5. Pain. Ideally, water should come out in a short time, but fluid retention for a long time creates favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The situation can provoke the development of an inflammatory process, accompanied by pain, fever and other symptoms. Pain is also possible in case of an excess of sulfur, which has caused the formation of a plug; it swells from water and presses on the walls.
  6. Headache. Inflammatory processes in the ear irritate the nerve endings that transmit pain impulses and cause pain in the head, in the area of ​​pathological processes. In this case, you might mistakenly think that inflammation has spread to the brain tissue, but this is not the case.

How to remove water from your ear yourself

If your ear is blocked from water and the liquid does not drain on its own, you need to take action. There are several effective ways to try to relieve the discomfort:

  1. The simplest and most effective way to eliminate unpleasant sensations is to jump on one leg, tilting your head to the side. If your right ear is blocked, you need to jump on your left leg and vice versa.
  2. Another simple method is to imitate deep yawns; often after swimming, this is what will help “unfold” the ear. You can also chew gum or make chewing movements, they will have the same effect.
  3. Creating a vacuum. It is necessary to place your index finger in your ear and carefully move it upward, then a vacuum is formed and, by moving your finger out, water should flow out behind it. The finger should not be inserted deeply, so as not to damage the eardrum.
  4. If there is no benefit as a result of the above steps, take a cotton swab or pad and clean your ear, then leave the cotton swab in the auricle so that it can absorb the remaining moisture. Then drop slightly warmed boric alcohol into your ear or regular alcohol and hold your head tilted for 15-20 seconds. You should be careful because these methods are not suitable for children, and they are not used in the presence of ear diseases and perforation. It is also important to remember the side effects of boric alcohol.

The first three methods are the simplest and safest; the last one should be treated with extreme caution so as not to harm yourself. Therefore, if they do not help, it is better not to carry out other serious manipulations and consult a doctor, especially when a person is experiencing pain. The situation is much more complicated if there is a problem at sea, but even then you should look for a first-aid post and seek qualified help or contact your doctor, who will tell you how to get rid of excess fluid and what to do if your ear is blocked after swimming.

If none of the options for solving the problem helps you and your ears begin to hurt, consult a doctor immediately.

What not to do

It is important not only to know what to do if your ear is blocked after the pool, after the sea or any contact with water, but also what not to do, especially the recommendations apply to young children whose skin is more sensitive and delicate.

  1. No matter how strange it may be, drying your ears with a hairdryer is not the best solution, although many people probably resort to this method first. In most cases, a hair dryer will not be effective, especially when the liquid is too deep, since the hot air currents will not reach it. In addition, the skin can be burned and loud noise has a negative effect on hearing.
  2. If water stagnates due to a plug that has formed, you should under no circumstances remove it yourself, especially using a cotton swab, since in this way you will only be able to push it even deeper and aggravate the problem, causing complications, for example, creating conditions for infection.
  3. Alcohol will not always be effective; you cannot heat it too much, otherwise it will easily leave a burn on the skin. This method is especially not suitable for children.
  4. You cannot insert a stick, cotton wool or finger deeply; such methods do not help get rid of water in the ear, but may well damage the epithelium and eardrum.
  5. You should not use traditional methods, since they do not always have a positive effect; on the contrary, they are often harmful.

First aid for a child

If water gets into a small child’s ear and it becomes blocked, adults do not always immediately notice the symptom, but in this case the baby will shake his head, touch the ear and fidget with it. The situation is much easier with older children who can report the problem.

Usually in children, water does not stagnate, but flows freely without causing discomfort, otherwise, you need to do the following:

  • lay the baby on its side with the ear in which the water has stagnated down;
  • sometimes the so-called vacuum created by applying the palm to the ear helps;
  • already an adult child must be asked to tilt his head with the “injured” ear down, pull the earlobe down and back and hold the ear in this position for several minutes;
  • For older children, some recommend dripping two drops of hydrogen peroxide or diluted alcohol, which can also lead to an improvement in the situation.

It is not always possible to lay the baby calmly on its side, then there is an option to apply this method in the process of feeding, put the baby on the problem ear. Children can be helped by cotton flagella, which clean the ear canal well, sticks should not be used, their use can be harmful, especially when the baby is restless.

The ear plug that caused the fluid to stagnate should be disposed of, but the procedure should be carried out for children exclusively by a specialist, since without a preliminary examination there is a high risk of consequences.

In what cases is a doctor needed?

If after bathing the ear is blocked and the feeling does not go away even as a result of taking measures, it is necessary to consult a doctor, a long stay of water inside the hearing organ is quite capable of leading to inflammation and other complications. The main signs that require a visit to a specialist are listed below:

  • the symptoms of a water lock do not go away for a day or longer;
  • there is an increase in body temperature;
  • there was a sharp, shooting pain in the ear;
  • the patient feels constant pain in the area around the auricle;
  • hearing has deteriorated greatly or disappeared completely.

Don’t hesitate to go to the doctor; the sooner help is provided, the lower the risk of complications.

How to avoid getting water

In order not to have to suffer from congestion in the ears when water gets in, it is better to take precautions:

  • treat ear diseases in a timely manner and get rid of wax plugs;
  • when swimming, wear a cap that fits tightly to your head, covering your ears, but it is important to take into account that the child will hear his parents worse;
  • use special plugs for swimming, but the products are not suitable for children;
  • make earplugs yourself - smear a cotton pad with Vaseline and place it in the ear;
  • use earplugs designed for a specific situation, for example, products for divers differ from ordinary earplugs;
  • When bathing small children, hold your head to avoid contact with water.


Periodically, after taking a shower, bathing, swimming in the sea or diving, water flows into the ears. If your hearing organ is in order, then there is nothing to worry about, because the layer of sulfur will protect your ears from water, and it will simply flow out. Otherwise, minor problems may await. But don’t worry, because in most cases you can get rid of water in the ear on your own, at home.

When water gets in, it is often easy and simple to get rid of congestion; you just need to shake your head or jump on one leg, then, often, the liquid will flow out without difficulty. Well, in a situation where the ear does not go away and it starts to hurt, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Many are familiar with the situation when, after water procedures, water gets stuck in the ear. Getting rid of it is not so easy. This not only brings serious discomfort, but can also be the cause of some ENT diseases. Water stuck in the ear (especially from a dirty pond or swimming pool) contains germs, bacteria, and chlorine. Stagnation of this water in the ear can lead to various inflammatory processes in the outer ear. This is an occupational disease that many swimmers suffer from. Before we find out how to get rid of water in the ear, let’s try to understand the sensations in this situation.

How to tell if water got into your ear

Here are some symptoms that may indicate that there is some fluid stuck in the ear.

  1. The sound of the surrounding world is altered as sounds travel through the water cushion. In this case, there is a noticeable pressure exerted by the liquid on the eardrum.
  2. There is a feeling of fullness in the ear, as if it is “stuffed up”.
  3. The ear contains a large number of nerve endings and receptors, so many people literally feel the transfusion of fluid in the ear. It's pretty annoying.
  4. Often, water in the ear causes resonance from one's own voice. Perception becomes distorted.
  5. If water remains in the ear for more than 4 hours, this can lead to inflammation, ear pain, and fever.
  6. Often, prolonged exposure to water in the ear leads to headaches.

Those who have wax plugs in their ears are at risk. The fact is that the sulfur plug swells under the influence of moisture and begins to put pressure on the eardrum. This is a very painful feeling. Sometimes water from the external meatus can enter the middle ear through microscopic lesions in the eardrum and cause otitis media. Water in the ear is also dangerous for people whose ear canal walls are too thin. As a rule, inflammation develops much more intensely on irritated skin, and you won’t have to wait for it if the water was soapy or dirty. By the way, water can also get into the middle ear through the nose - this is also fraught with the development of otitis media.

To avoid all these unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to quickly and safely get rid of water in the ear.

We have collected for you the most effective ways to cleanse the ear canal of unwanted moisture.

  1. Jumping on one leg. This is the most popular way to get rid of water in the ear. Tilt your head towards the “wet” ear and jump on one leg as high as possible. Why on one? The fact is that during a jump on one leg, the amplitude of the oscillations is slightly higher, since a person cannot fully control the body, than during a jump on both legs. Be careful when doing this - it is better to hold on to a chair or the edge of a table, since during intense jumps you may feel dizzy. If you move your head while jumping, the water will come out faster.
  2. Lying position. To remove water in this way, you need to lie with your back on a horizontal surface. Do not use a pillow, keep your head straight. Slowly turn your head in the direction from which the water has clogged. The physiological structure of the ear canal will allow water to flow down the side surface of the ear canal at this moment. If the water does not come out, repeat the action several times.
  3. Cotton turunda. Make a small cotton ball from clean, sterile cotton wool and place it in the ear canal. In this case, the auricle should be pulled to the side and slightly upward. This way the ear canal, where the water is stuck, will be as open as possible. Never put hard objects into your ear - this can damage your eardrum.
  4. Finger. This is the easiest way to remove water from the ear, as it does not require additional items. Tilt your body and head towards the stuffy ear and stick your finger into the ear. Move your finger vigorously from side to side without changing position. After several active movements, you will feel the water come out.
  5. Palm. Place your hand tightly to your ear and quickly tear it away. In this case, the head should be tilted towards the stuffy ear. When you suddenly remove your hand, a small vacuum is created, which draws fluid out of the ear canal.
  6. Drink. For this method you will need a flat surface and a glass of water with a straw. Lie on your side so that your stuffy ear is on the bottom. In this position, start drinking water through a straw. Swallowing movements will push water from the ear canal to the exit. After all, it is jaw movements that contribute to the natural removal of wax from the ears. If it is uncomfortable to drink water, simply make swallowing movements, imitating the drinking process.
  7. Gum. Active chewing movements will help remove water from the ears. Chew chewing gum for 10 minutes and the problem will solve itself.
  8. Exhalation. If water gets into your ears, take a deep breath and try to exhale it, while holding your nose and mouth. This is usually done when getting rid of stuffy ears. Sharp pressure on the eardrum will force fluid out of the ear canal.
  9. Boric alcohol. This is another effective way to get rid of water congestion in your ears. Turn your head to the side so that your ear, which is clogged with water, is on top. Place 2-3 drops of boric alcohol inside. Firstly, it will disinfect the liquid and prevent inflammation. And secondly, boric alcohol will help the water evaporate much faster. Thus, within an hour there will be no trace of fluid left in the ear.
  10. Water. This is a rather dubious method that can only be used as a last resort. It consists of filling the ear with an additional portion of water. We tilt our head so that the ear filled with water is at the top. We pour water into it with a syringe, and then sharply turn our head so that the water flows out. The fact is that water molecules adhere perfectly to each other, and the poured water will come out along with the stuck water.

These are the 10 most effective ways to remove water from the ear canal.

What to do if the water does not come out

Very often, water does not find a way out for a long time if it is located in the middle ear. If water gets into the middle ear, you need to put any drops into your nose that will remove and allow the fluid to get out - for example, Naphthyzin. After instilling a vasoconstrictor, you need to wait for the medicine to take effect and lie on your side so that the water flows out of your nose. You can get rid of water from the middle ear with the help of a spicy and spicy dish. The sharp taste causes the muscles to reflexively contract, and this promotes the removal of fluid. If pain occurs or there is a “shooting” in the ear, you need to put in ear drops and contact an ENT specialist.

You should also seek help from a doctor if water does not come out of the ear canal for more than a day. Often this occurs due to the presence of sulfur plugs. In this case, you need to drip sunflower oil into your ear to soften the plug and go to the doctor. Self-cleaning will not help here - ear sticks only compact the wax and push it even closer to the membrane. The doctor will easily remove the plug and save you from suffering.

How not to get rid of water in the ear

There are some recommendations that are not only useless - they can be dangerous. Under no circumstances should you dry your ear with a hairdryer. Firstly, hot air simply will not reach the area with water. And secondly, such drying can burn the thin skin of the ear canal. Also, you should not get water with ear sticks or other hard objects - this can lead to injury to the eardrum. In addition, if the skin of the ear canal is scratched, it often ends in inflammation. If you can’t cope with water in your ear, consult a doctor.

To prevent water from getting into your ears, they need to be protected. Wear earplugs when swimming or showering. Choose the right size so that the earplugs fit snugly into your ear and cover the ear canal. Be sure to wear a swimming cap in the pool. If your work involves frequent exposure to water, use special ear drops that swimmers use - they have a water-repellent effect. After bathing, dry your ears with the edge of a clean cloth or handkerchief. By taking these simple precautions, you can protect your ears from water getting into them.

Video: how to remove water from your ear

Water in the ear almost immediately causes discomfort - a sharp deterioration in hearing, congestion and extraneous noise. Untimely elimination of fluid can cause the development of catarrhal processes in the external ear canal, membrane and parts of the middle ear. Septic inflammation contributes to the development of ear diseases, which include otitis media, myringitis, eustachitis, etc.

"Swimmer's ear", i.e. a bacterial infection localized in the outer ear occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic agents into the ear canal. In the presence of minor mechanical damage (abrasions, scratches) in the ear, complications often arise, leading to auditory dysfunction, conductive or sensorineural hearing loss.

Is congestion dangerous?

What to do if water gets into your ear? In the absence of ear diseases and perforations in the tympanic membrane, there is no need to be afraid of liquid penetration into the outer ear canal. There is a sufficient amount of wax inside the ear, which prevents moisture from penetrating into the bony part of the ear canal.

Even if water gets deep into the ear canal, its penetration into the tympanic cavity is excluded. Between the outer and middle ear is the eardrum, which is a waterproof membrane. It performs two important functions:

  1. prevents the penetration of water and pathogens into the hearing analyzer;
  2. amplifies sound signals coming from the environment.

According to experts, you need to be wary of moisture entering the ear when:

  • accumulation of cerumen in the ear - the penetration of liquid into the ear canal contributes to the swelling of cerumen plugs, which can lead to damage to the skin and, accordingly, the development of otitis externa;
  • suffering from otitis media - as a result of perforation, the tympanic membrane becomes scarred for a long time, which can contribute to the penetration of moisture into the middle ear cavity;
  • reduced resistance of the body - water contains opportunistic organisms, which, when the immune defense is weakened, provoke septic inflammation in the soft tissues of the auditory analyzer;
  • skin hypersensitivity - water in the ear often causes an allergic reaction, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane in the ear canal.

If discomfort in the ear does not go away within 3-4 days, you need to be examined by an ENT doctor.

How can you tell if water has gotten into your ear? As a rule, adults accurately determine the presence of fluid in the outer part of the auditory analyzer. The following signs indicate the accumulation of moisture in the ear:

If water gets into your ear after swimming in open water (river, lake), it must be removed as soon as possible. As a rule, the liquid contains a large number of pathogenic protozoa and microbes, which, when favorable conditions arise, begin to actively multiply, provoking the development of diseases.

Possible complications

Untimely removal of fluid from the sections of the auditory analyzer can lead to serious consequences. Water helps change the pH level in the outer ear, which creates optimal conditions for the development of pathogenic flora, represented by bacteria, viruses or fungi. If moisture gets into the ear canal, the following pathologies cannot be ruled out:

  • external otitis - catarrhal processes in the skin and cartilaginous tissue of the shell and ear canal;
  • otitis media - inflammation in the ciliated epithelium of the tympanic cavity and the Eustachian tube, leading to a decrease in hearing acuity, destruction of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity and auditory ossicles;
  • eczema is a dermatological disease characterized by the appearance of an erythematous rash in the skin of the outer ear;
  • myringitis is catarrhal inflammation in the membrane, in which the formation of perforated holes in the membrane is possible.

Pathological processes in the auditory analyzer can lead to damage to the inner ear, which is fraught with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus and sensorineural hearing loss.

Moisture in the outer ear

What to do if water gets into your ear and it becomes blocked? Timely and correct removal of fluid from the ear canal does not guarantee the absence of complications. Therefore, after the procedure, experts recommend being examined by an otolaryngologist. How to remove water from the ear?

  1. make a cotton tourniquet: roll up a tampon from sterile cotton wool and place it in the ear (the hygroscopic material will absorb moisture, which will help eliminate discomfort);
  2. drip boric alcohol: drop 2-3 drops of an alcohol solution into the ear canal, after 10 minutes remove the remaining liquid with a sterile cotton swab;
  3. press on the auricle with your palms: press your palms tightly to your ears and pull them back sharply.

You cannot use the methods described above if there are perforations in the eardrum.

Moisture in the middle ear

After acute otitis media and chronic otitis media, perforated holes often remain in the membrane, which increases the risk of moisture entering the auditory analyzer. The mucous membrane in the main parts of the middle ear is exposed to pathogens, so untimely removal of moisture from the tympanic cavity often leads to the development of otitis media. What to do if your ear is blocked with water?

  • press the wings of your nose against the cartilaginous septum and, after inhaling, try to blow it out through your nose;
  • lie on your side so that the sore ear is on the bottom; holding your nostrils and closing your mouth, make 5-6 swallowing movements;
  • drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages and lie on your side so that the stuffy ear is at the top (within 10 minutes the liquid should flow out of the tympanic cavity through the nose).

Before removing water from the ear, make sure that there is no wax in the external auditory canal. Most often, the feeling of stuffiness occurs due to the compaction of natural fat and wax in the ear, the volume of which increases many times when in contact with water.

Failure to comply with the basic rules for removing fluid from the ear cavity is fraught with the occurrence of injuries and serious damage, leading to hearing loss and the development of persistent hearing loss. To avoid complications, experts do not recommend:

  • dry your ears with a hairdryer;
  • bury hot alcohol in the ear;
  • remove wax plugs with ear sticks.

Important! Otorrhea is a sign of perforation of the eardrum. If serous and purulent exudate appears in the ear canal, you should seek help from a doctor.

It is not advisable to use topical analgesic drops without the recommendation of an otolaryngologist. The presence of pain often signals the occurrence of inflammatory processes in tissues. In this case, it is necessary to undergo medical treatment using anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating drugs.

When to go to the doctor?

Keeping fluid in the ear for 24 hours increases the risk of developing pathogenic flora. If, after removing the moisture, congestion in the ear does not go away within 3-4 days, you need to make an appointment with a specialist. Direct indications for undergoing examination by a specialist are:

  • heat;
  • hyperemia in the auditory canal;
  • enlarged parotid lymph nodes;
  • noise and pain in the ear;
  • sudden hearing loss;
  • painful sensations during palpation of the tragus;
  • purulent discharge from the ear canal.

The presence of the above symptoms indicates the occurrence of infectious inflammation in the organ of hearing. Failure to undergo therapy in a timely manner can lead to the development of hearing loss and labyrinthitis.

Compliance with basic rules of prevention allows you to prevent the development of ear diseases. To prevent moisture from penetrating inside the ear, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

A common cause of fluid penetration into the bony part of the ear canal is regular cleaning of wax from the ears. It has pronounced bactericidal and hydrophobic properties, so its removal only promotes the flow of water into the outer ear.

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