How to make a voice. How to make your voice settle down. Lost voice and sore throat: how to treat with inhalations

The most common of these ailments is laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx). With this disease, you will feel a sore throat, your voice will become hoarse, and you may even lose it completely. In the initial stages of the disease, a dry cough is possible, then a cough with sputum. Have you noticed similar symptoms? Consult a specialist immediately. Untimely treatment or its absence can lead to the disease becoming chronic. By the way, treatment is often associated with a complete restriction of oral communications - you will have to remain silent in order to heal. Whispering, by the way, is also contraindicated - the vocal cords become even more tense than during normal conversation.

2. Vocal cord strain

Most often it occurs in people who are forced to talk a lot and for a long time, using their vocal cords “to the maximum.” As you may have guessed, these are teachers, tour guides, artists, singers. If you notice that your voice is hoarse, but your throat does not hurt, there are no manifestations of colds (fever, cough), then you have good reason to suspect that the ligaments have been overstrained. Below we will tell you how to get your voice back as quickly as possible, but it is still better not to self-medicate and consult a specialist.

3. Nervous stress

Stress or extreme fear can also cause voice loss. Often, with nervous overstrain, the patient’s voice disappears completely; in addition, other signs of neurological disorders may be present. In this case, after examination by an otolaryngologist, timely assistance from a neurologist and psychotherapist will be required; it is important to carry out treatment before the disease becomes chronic.

4. Physiological withdrawal

Don't be surprised if your teenage son starts talking to you in a hoarse voice. During puberty in boys 12-16 years old, when increased growth of the larynx is observed, changes occur, a mutation of the voice: it becomes lower. For boys, the voice changes from treble or alto to tenor, baritone or bass. Your son will not need medical attention. Just talk to the teenager and explain in an accessible form that now it is not recommended for him to scream or strain his vocal cords by singing.

5. Benign and malignant neoplasms

These include polyps, cysts, fibroids, as well as “singing nodules.” With these ailments, the voice becomes hoarse, and sometimes it can disappear completely. If you cannot speak normally for a long time, you must definitely visit a doctor, undergo an examination and promptly identify the cause.

2. Eliminate spicy, sour, salty foods, carbonated drinks, solid foods (nuts, crackers, etc.) from your diet.

3. Give up cigarettes, as smoking contributes to the development of hoarseness.

4. When staying outside in the cold season, try to breathe not through your mouth, but through your nose (then the air gets inside already warm and moist).

Loss of voice (aphonia) is one of the difficult situations that can turn out to be a real problem. Especially if a person’s professional activity is related to communication. These are singers, actors, teachers and other professions. How to quickly restore a lost voice?

There are 4 main reasons that lead to loss of voice. This:

  1. Infectious pathologies - most often aphonia develops due to laryngitis (the disease causes swelling of the vocal cords).
  2. Overstrain of the vocal cords is a typical problem, for example, for teaching staff. The cause of a sudden loss of voice is a prolonged conversation in a raised voice or shouting. It also occurs in people with weak vocal cords.
  3. Nervous stress. Severe stress always has a negative impact on human health. And voice loss is no exception.
  4. Neoplasms in the laryngeal cavity, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • We must try to speak as little as possible. Even a whisper is excluded, since it causes severe tension in the inflamed ligaments.
  • You need to drink plenty of fluids. This helps moisturize inflamed mucous membranes. Drinks should be warm, but not hot.
  • Keep your throat warm to avoid hypothermia. You can wrap it with a warm scarf.
  • During the period of illness, it is prohibited to smoke, drink alcohol, or drink caffeinated drinks. It is necessary to exclude sour-tasting foods.


Traditional methods

If we talk about how to quickly restore a shrunken voice, then you can try one of the folk methods.

Taking medicinal drinks provides good results:

  • Combine equal volumes of honey and carrot juice (1 tbsp each) and pour the mixture with heated milk (200 ml).
  • You can treat a hoarse voice with heated beer, but you should not overuse it, an ordinary glass will be enough.
  • Grind horseradish root (2 cm) through a meat grinder/blender, pour boiling water (200 ml) and let it brew. Strain, add a little sugar to the drink and drink 1 tbsp. l. during the day.
  • It is necessary to grind the aloe leaf in a blender to a paste and combine with the same volume of honey. The mixture should be sucked like candy up to 6 times a day.
  • Figs will help you regain your lost voice. To do this, mash the fruit and pour a glass of warm milk over it. Let it sit for a while. Take the drink up to 3 times a day.
  • Stir a spoonful of honey and butter into heated milk (200 ml) and drink before bed.
  • Take equal proportions of lemon juice, honey, cognac and 1 beaten egg. The components are mixed and heated in a water bath. Take ½ glass 4 times a day.
  • Pour 15 g of crushed femoral root with strong alcohol (50 ml) and leave for 3 weeks. Drink 15 drops three times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks.
  • Extract the juice from the cabbage using a juicer. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Drink 4 times a day for a week.
  1. Beat 2 egg yolks with granulated sugar or honey (2 tbsp).
  2. Pour the mixture with warm milk (1/2 cup milk). It is allowed to add orange juice, cognac, and rum to the drink, but in case of a missing voice, it is better to refrain from adding alcohol.
  3. The whites and sugar are whipped separately and also added to the drink.

Drink eggnog warm.

  • Heat milk (200 ml) and stir 1 tsp in it. honey and ½ spoon of butter. To enhance the healing effect, you can add a little soda. Drink the drink three times a day. Duration of therapy – 5 days.
  • Stir 1 tbsp in 250 ml of milk. l. anise seeds Boil, cool and filter. Put 1 tbsp in it. l. honey and take 2 spoons every 2 hours throughout the day. This recipe helps to regain your lost voice quickly.

Lungwort gives a good therapeutic result. The plant contains a large percentage of saponins and tannins, which help soften and moisturize the inflamed mucous membranes of the larynx. In addition, lungwort has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Place dried lungwort grass (15 g) in a thermos and fill it with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for an hour and a half. Filter and drink ½ glass three times a day before meals, 30 minutes before. The duration of the course is 10 days.
  • Brew 1 tbsp of seeds with 500 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 2 - 3 hours. Drink 200 ml up to 6 times a day. Duration of therapy is 10 days.
  • After each medicinal drink, gargle with olive oil. It enhances the effect of the drink, further softening the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx.


Before starting classes, you need to massage the larynx. Using two fingers, gently massage the neck, moving in a circular motion from top to bottom. The procedure improves local blood circulation.

The complex itself includes the following exercises:

  • The head is thrown back. It is necessary to imitate the sounds of gargling as far as you can breathe.
  • Play the sound “M” while tapping the wings of your nose with your fingertips.
  • Say the syllable “WOULD” out loud, lightly tapping the surface of your upper lip.
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, tap your chest and sing any vowel sounds.
  • Sit like a dog on your hind legs. Stick out your tongue as much as possible and try to pronounce the sound “K” out loud.

Medication assistance

  • "Faryngosept". A medicine with an antibacterial effect.
  • "Septolete." A medicine with combined properties. It has several qualities at once - antimicrobial, analgesic, softening and antitussive.
  • "Decatylene". Used as an analgesic, bactericidal and antifungal agent.
  • "Homeovox." Homeopathic medicine with complex action. It is prescribed for treatment of inflammation of the throat, in particular, hoarseness of the voice, swelling of the ligaments, etc.

Sprays that provide high-quality atomization of medicinal components are becoming more effective in the treatment of aphonia.

  • "Hexoral". Antiseptic with analgesic, antimicrobial, moisturizing and enveloping properties.
  • "Inhalipt." Anti-inflammatory medicine with disinfecting properties.
  • "Chlorophyllipt". A natural composition with an antibacterial effect.
  • "Kameton." A combined agent with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.


  • Decoctions or infusions of calendula and sage give the desired result.
  • Salt sanitization of the throat will be beneficial. The simplest recipe is to take ½ tsp per 200 ml of warm water. salt and a few drops of iodine. The procedure can be replaced by treating the mucous membrane with Lugol's solution.
  • Chamomile copes well with the inflammatory process and relieves swelling of the vocal cords. For 1 liter of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile color. After infusion, the drink must be filtered and used for rinsing.
  • Bake the onion in the oven and rub through a sieve. Then it must be diluted with warm water to the consistency of a solution and used for sanitation every hour.
  • Anise seeds will help cure inflamed vocal cords. A decoction must be prepared from them. You need to use it for rinsing every hour. If a person has lost his voice, then this procedure will help restore it very quickly, literally in 2–3 procedures.
  • Mix equal parts of chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus in equal volumes. Then 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the composition and leave to steep for 30 minutes. Rinse every 2 hours.


To restore your voice and treat inflamed ligaments, it is allowed to apply compresses to the throat. In the selected composition, it is necessary to wet any soft fabric (it must have good absorbent properties). The excess must be squeezed out so that the liquid does not flow. Then it is applied to the surface of the throat, covered with film and insulated with a scarf or handkerchief.

  • Vodka. Alcohol must be diluted with water 1:1.
  • Oil. Before use, the product must be warmed to a comfortable temperature.
  • Honey. Apply honey to the surface of the cabbage leaf. Wrap it around your throat and insulate it with a knitted scarf or down scarf.


  • To the decoction of St. John's wort and oregano you need to add two to three drops of peach oil ether. The composition perfectly moisturizes the mucous membranes of the throat, providing a softening effect.
  • Boiled potatoes in their jackets. Hot steam is good for inflammation of the vocal cords caused by colds.
  • Combine the herbs of eucalyptus, chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme and linden blossom in equal volumes. Take 3 spoons of the mix and brew them with 750 ml of boiling water. Heat the composition in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth to an acceptable temperature and inhale, covered with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  • If your voice has disappeared, you can breathe in steam with essential oils. It is allowed to use sage, lavender, anise, bergamot, sea buckthorn, rosemary.
  • Dill seeds. To prepare the composition, brew 2 tbsp in 500 ml of boiling water. l. dill. Breathe steam twice a day. Duration of treatment – ​​5 days.

How to treat inflamed ligaments with laryngitis

If the voice disappears suddenly, it is most often caused by an infectious pathology. As a rule, the cause is laryngitis. The disease is accompanied by significant inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx: a person’s voice becomes hoarse and may even disappear completely.

  • Taking medications with an expectorant effect. Loss of voice during laryngitis is caused by severe irritation of the mucous membranes, which is expressed in severe soreness.
  • Antitussives. The appearance of a cough is typical for laryngitis, so the patient is prescribed cough medications.
  • Sanitation of the throat with antiseptic compounds. They soothe the inflamed mucous membranes of the vocal cords and eliminate the existing inflammatory process.
  • Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy also has a good healing effect.
  • Inhalations. Steam inhalations significantly alleviate the condition, accelerating the healing process.

Antibiotics and antiviral medications are mandatory. The duration of therapy is determined by the treating doctor.

Probably, many of us have encountered such a phenomenon as loss of voice, which in medicine is called aphonia. The causes of this condition can be both inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and neoplasms of the trachea or vocal cords. Therefore, people whose voice has disappeared cannot do without consulting a specialist.

In this topic we will explain in detail why the voice disappears, what to do and how to treat the diseases that led to this condition.

  • inflammatory diseases of the throat and vocal cords, caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Most often, aphonia is caused by laryngitis - an inflammation of the larynx, which also affects the vocal cords, as a result of which they swell and become inactive. Therefore, the process of sound formation is disrupted. But even with severe throat congestion, when the ligaments are not affected by the inflammatory process, partial or complete loss of voice is possible;
  • prolonged overstrain of the vocal cords. Most often, the voice disappears not in professional singers who give a concert, but in those whose vocal cords are not trained. For example, if you decide to sing loudly during a fun feast, then the risk of losing your voice is quite high;
  • severe stress, worry or fear. Severe psycho-emotional shock can cause a missing voice. Only in this case, aphonia will not arise due to damage to the ligaments. Due to nervousness, the voice can disappear either abruptly or gradually;
  • neoplasms of the larynx and vocal cords themselves. Tumors of a benign or malignant nature disrupt the contact of the vocal cords, as a result of which complete or partial aphonia develops;
  • neoplasms or hypertrophy of the thyroid gland. An enlarged thyroid gland will compress the larynx, and, accordingly, the vocal cords, as a result of which the voice may disappear;
  • unfavorable ecological situation of the area where the person lives. Air pollution from exhaust gases or smoke from industrial enterprises negatively affects the condition of the speech apparatus. Constant irritation of the vocal cords by harmful substances present in the inhaled air can cause hoarseness or complete loss of voice;
  • active and passive smoking. Tobacco smoke also constantly irritates the vocal cords, causing them to become rough. Similar processes in the human speech apparatus can result in loss of voice.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which can be bacterial, viral or fungal in nature. With laryngitis, the voice may disappear partially or completely.

Patients with colds, including laryngitis, may experience the following symptoms of the disease:

  • sore throat, especially when swallowing;
  • hoarseness, hoarseness, or complete loss of voice;
  • dry cough;
  • redness of the throat;
  • increase in body temperature to fairly high numbers;
  • general weakness and others.

If the above symptoms appear, do not delay visiting a specialist and do not waste time on self-medication, because this does not always give the expected result. An otolaryngologist diagnoses and treats laryngitis. But if you lose your voice, you may need to consult a phoniatrist - a specialist who specializes in restoring the speech apparatus.

Patients who have lost their voice due to a cold, in addition to drug treatment, need to follow some rules, namely:

  • give your vocal cords a rest. To do this, you just need to remain silent for a few days;
  • If you have a fever, you should rest. But if the body temperature is within normal limits, then it will be enough to limit physical activity;
  • Drink plenty of warm liquid. Preference should be given to sweet tea, juice, compote or fruit drink, and it is better to exclude sour drinks. Warm things before bed will help restore your voice;
  • meals should be fractional, that is, in small portions 5-6 times a day. Dishes need to be steamed, stewed or boiled. It is strictly not recommended to eat hot, spicy or fried foods, as they will irritate an already sore throat;
  • carry out wet cleaning and ventilation twice a day in the room where the patient is;
  • Smoking during illness is strictly prohibited;
  • The throat should be wrapped in a woolen scarf.

The following groups of drugs can be used in the treatment of colds and laryngitis:

  • expectorant medications: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, ivy syrup and others. With the help of these drugs, the cough will become moist, congestion and irritation of the throat will decrease;
  • lollipops with antiseptics: Decathylene, Strepsils, Septefril. The use of these drugs helps eliminate sore throat and sore throat;
  • antiseptic oral sprays: Cameton, Orosept, Hexoral. With the help of these drugs, the inflammatory process in the throat is reduced, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed and swelling of the mucous membrane is stopped;
  • gargling solutions: Yox, Furacilin solution, Decasan;
  • antibiotics: Augmentin, Fromilid, Ceftriaxone. The listed medications are the drugs of choice in case of sore throat.

Lost voice: how to treat it at home?

Laryngitis and tonsillitis can be treated at home under the supervision of your doctor. But you need to understand that folk remedies and methods are not effective enough to cope with colds and aphonia on your own, and therefore can be used exclusively as additional therapy, if the attending physician allows it.

We bring to your attention the most popular and effective folk remedies for loss of voice.

  • Milk with Borjomi. If you have a sore throat, and then become hoarse or have lost your voice, you can use milk and Borjomi, which are combined in a 1:1 ratio. For a glass of the resulting solution you will also need one teaspoon of linden honey and butter. This medicine is taken twice a day.
  • Egg and butter. Grind two yolks with one teaspoon of sugar to form a white foam, and add one teaspoon of butter. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon between meals.
  • Onions and white raisins. Dilute one tablespoon of onion juice with one glass of water, add two tablespoons of white raisins and put on fire. When the broth boils, reduce the heat and cook for another 20 minutes. The medicine is taken one tablespoon four times a day.
  • Milk and carrots. Peel one medium carrot and grate it on a fine grater. Pour two glasses of milk into a saucepan and add grated carrots, then bring to a boil and cook until the vegetable is ready. Strain the finished broth through a fine sieve and take warm throughout the day.
  • Cognac, lemon and honey.¼ glass of high-quality cognac needs to be slightly warmed, then mixed with five drops of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey. This medicine is drunk in small sips, as if savoring it, before going to bed.

Lost voice and sore throat: how to treat with inhalations?

To prepare the decoction, you need to take three tablespoons of one of the listed plants, pour three glasses of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The finished broth must be cooled to a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius and poured into. If there is none, then you can simply breathe over the pan, covered with a towel. Inhalation is carried out for 10-15 minutes twice a day - morning and evening.

Also, inhalation of herbal decoctions can be combined with inhalation of essential oils, for example, lavender, basil or cedar. To do this, three glasses of water need to be heated to 50 degrees Celsius and 5-6 drops of oil should be added to it. You can breathe directly over the pan or by pouring water into an inhaler.

Another simple recipe for inhalation is inhalation over potato steam. To do this, wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil them in their skins until tender, then remove from heat and add one tablespoon of baking soda. When the potatoes have cooled slightly, cover with a towel and breathe in the steam.

Inhalations quickly and effectively soften the mucous membrane of the throat, including the vocal cords, and eliminate pain and inflammation.

If your child experiences hoarseness or loss of voice, but there are no other symptoms, you can try to cope with the problem yourself. After all, the voice could disappear or become hoarse from prolonged screaming or crying.

The child needs to be provided with the same rules that we talked about earlier, that is, rest, diet, plenty of warm drinks, etc.

As for drug treatment, drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Principles for treating colds, hoarseness and loss of voice:

  • gargling. If the child understands how to gargle, then for this you can use a solution of Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin;
  • local antiseptics. The child can be given to dissolve tablets that contain antiseptics, for example, Lisobakt, Decatylene, Septefril, Faringosept;
  • expectorants. For a dry cough, phlegm-thinning drugs such as Doctor Mom, Bronholitin, and Ambroxol are indicated. Mucolytics should not be given to children under two years of age, since they do not yet know how to cough up sputum;
  • antihistamines. Antiallergic drugs will help eliminate swelling of the laryngeal mucosa and restore the child's voice. The drugs of choice in this case may be Eden, L-cet, Suprastin;
  • antibiotics. Drugs in this group are used if a high temperature persists for three days or there are signs of bacterial inflammation. Children can be prescribed Flemoxin, Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone and other antibiotics approved in childhood. Antibiotic therapy must be covered with probiotics (Lactomum, Bifi forms, Lactovit, Prema and others);
  • vitamin therapy. Vitamins help strengthen the immune system and speed up the recovery of the vocal cords. Children can be given Pikovit, Kinder Biovital, Alphabet and other vitamins;
  • physiotherapeutic methods. The simplest method of physiotherapy that can be performed at home is inhalation, which we have also already talked about.

Colds during pregnancy should also be treated only by a specialist, since self-medication can harm not only the woman, but also the fetus. First of all, the doctor will consider products made from natural ingredients or homeopathy as a treatment, since chemistry can be dangerous.

Treatment for a cold that has caused loss of voice in pregnant women may be as follows:

  • inhalation with essential oils of lavender, cedar or cedar;
  • inhalation of potato steam, decoction of pine cones or garlic;
  • a solution of Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin or Miramistin;
  • expectorants: licorice root, Doctor Mom, Sinupret and others;
  • For a bacterial upper respiratory tract infection, your doctor may consider using antibiotics.

Also, a woman must adhere to the rules described above, which are necessary to quickly restore her voice.

Lost voice: how to treat while breastfeeding?

Breast milk is an essential food for a baby, so experts do not recommend interrupting feeding, even if a woman has a cold. But before feeding, the woman should put on a disposable surgical mask and remove it when the baby has eaten.

The drugs of choice for a cold in a nursing mother may be interferon preparations (Nazoferon, Grippferon, Human Interferon, Viferon). You can relieve a sore throat with the help of drugs such as Lisobakt, Chlorophyllipt, Eucalyptus, Hexoral, Tantum-Verde.

Folk remedies and methods that we talked about earlier will also help cure your throat. But such medications should not contain highly allergenic substances and alcohol. In addition, any treatment should be used only after consultation with the treating doctor.

As a result, we can conclude that the voice disappears most often due to colds of the upper respiratory tract, and when treating this pathology, it is important not only to take medications, but also to provide rest to the vocal cords. Also, you should not prescribe any medications yourself, as they have contraindications and side effects that can harm your health.

There are not many people who want to lose their voice, but their aspirations should be respected. The technology in this case involves excessive tension on the vocal cords. This can be done, for example, with the help of special vocal exercises. However, this is not so easy to do in five minutes.

However, this can be achieved if you repeat the exercises listed below in combination and with increased intensity.

What to do to stop your voice?

The classic method, respected by the ancients, is heart-rending scream. In order not to disturb your neighbors or provoke them to call the police, stock up on a pillow. You should bury your face in it and then devote the next quarter of an hour to screaming. Every fifteen minutes, experts recommend taking a break to restore strength and emotional readiness, after which the exercise is continued again until the voice is completely lost. However, you will have to work hard, this procedure may take two hours, but your dream will still come true.

Experienced experts say that it is very effective transition from scream to roar, and this alternation must occur in every quarter-hour cycle.

Try not to drink keeping the throat moist will end, as a dry larynx is prone to overexertion. If you still drink a little water, you can still achieve the desired result, it will just take noticeably longer.

Remember when, without any desire to lose your voice, you were still close to this? Sure, this can happen at sporting events or rock concerts. There, voice loss exercises are carried out jointly and with the full support of like-minded people. So with such cultural pastime you can lose your voice and get pleasure. Undoubtedly, this is the optimal and most effective and at the same time gentle method.

Scientists studying the problem of effective voice loss have discovered that whispering can strain the vocal cords just as much as shouting, so constantly whisper, twenty minutes at a time, with the same five-minute breaks, means getting on the right path to losing your voice. Studies have shown that whisper therapy can help get rid of voices in just a couple of hours, as with loud screams. Moreover, this is not fraught with unhealthy curiosity from people whom your activities should not concern at all. When whispering, the ligaments tighten, which is accompanied by excessive tension. As with shouting, when whispering it is rational not to drink liquids and keep your throat dry.

Helps and singing as high as possible. Perform your favorite pieces of music in the mode of a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and your dream will come true. By the way, it is not necessary to hit the high notes. Sing the anthem of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe at a pitch below your comfortable pitch many times in a row, and you will noticeably overload your vocal cords, causing your voice to crack. After just a couple of executions, the beginnings of a positive result will be visible, but to fully achieve your dream you will still have to spend a couple of hours.

To avoid attracting the attention of your neighbors, you can replace the scream with a strong cough. This should be a high-quality cough, as strong and long as possible. You can interrupt, but not for long, if your cough begins to be accompanied by a headache. If your neighbors come knocking with pills, there will be an opportunity to yell, quite legally and understandably, when you explain where they should go. The cough seriously strains the throat. Taking into account the dryness of the throat, such a technique for breaking the voice will also take no more than two hours.

Can help in achieving this noble goal excessive consumption of acidic foods, which noticeably irritate the vocal cords. Drink vinegar little by little and in the same couple of hours you will lose your voice with no less effectiveness. And if you comprehensively influence the ligaments using all known methods, then this will happen even earlier.

Okay, in terms of losing my voice, cold water affects the ligaments. You can enhance the effect by adding the juice of two lemons to a glass of cold water. Stock up on a second glass, half filled with vinegar. These drinks should be alternated with each other, lying on the bed and taking a sip from each glass. The head should be thrown back. After each sip you can lie down for a quarter of an hour. In the absence of special drugs for voice loss in pharmacies, this is a very effective and affordable medication from the arsenal of traditional medicine. If pure vinegar is not comfortable for you, dilute ten milliliters of apple cider vinegar with cold water to improve the smell.

Operating principle

It's actually simple. If a person is thinking about how to lose his voice, he should strain his vocal cords as much as possible. It is on this principle that all voice loss techniques are based.

Laryngitis is not that difficult to get. In just a few days at home, a person can lose his voice or become hoarse. What should you pay attention to? What actions will help bring your idea to life?


Screaming is the fastest and most effective technique that can help you lose your voice. But to get the desired result you will have to try. Sometimes you need to scream for hours on end. Only after this will the voice become hoarse or disappear.


How to quickly lose your voice? The next piece of advice that can be given to a person is to stop drinking liquid. Especially when screaming. You just shouldn’t limit yourself to fluids - this is fraught with negative consequences for the body. But during the period of screaming, it is recommended to exclude all drinks.

The point is that the larynx will become tense faster without moisture. This means that the results from screaming will be faster. Therefore, if you want to know how to quickly lose your voice, you need to forget about drinks for a while.


It’s hard to believe, but if a person is thinking about how to become hoarse in the shortest possible time, he needs to whisper. Whispering is another effective way to strain your vocal cords.

In fact, this technique strains the throat and ligaments even more than screaming. It is enough to whisper for about 20 minutes, and the result will not be long in coming. Why does this effect happen?

As a result of whispering, the vocal cords become denser. And because a person is talking, tension also occurs. The double load on the ligaments leads to a fairly rapid loss of voice. But not for long. How to lose your voice temporarily? It is enough to either scream or whisper for about an hour. In both cases, it is better to keep the larynx dry. This way the result will come faster.


But that's not all. In addition to the methods listed above, you can use more interesting techniques. How to lose your voice? Singing at high notes will help you become hoarse for a while.

Quite often it is advised to simply sing your favorite songs a few notes higher or lower than your usual voice timbre. This technique strains the vocal cords very much. True, singing does not always help quickly.

As practice shows, vocals on high notes are the most effective solution to the problem. Sometimes you have to sing for several hours. But the first result will be noticeable in just a few minutes. It's enough to sing a couple of songs.


What to eat and drink

For example, on sour foods and drinks. Lemon juice or vinegar are perfect for bringing your idea to life. If you drink these drinks in small sips, you can lose your voice within a few hours.

It is recommended to mix the juice of two lemons in a glass with cold water. In another cup you will have to mix water and 125 milliliters of vinegar. Alternating such drinks is a sure way to cause laryngitis. You can add a little apple cider vinegar to regular vinegar. This technique will help get rid of the unpleasant odor.

You should not use this method if you have allergic reactions to acidic foods. Also, this method is not suitable for people with stomach diseases. They cause digestive problems.

  • cold food (ice cream, for example);
  • cold drinks (preferably with caffeine).

All of the above methods sometimes require patience. In some cases, eating cold food and drinks takes several hours. Sometimes you have to spend the whole day to get maximum results.

But that's not all. There are a number of actions that contribute to the rapid appearance of laryngitis in humans. What should you pay attention to? What techniques can help you lose your voice for a given period of time?

What to do

Among the most common tips are:

  1. Cold compresses. They apply to the throat. For example, you can put an ice pack on your neck for several hours.
  2. Stimulation of the nasal passages. We are talking about tension in the larynx as when swallowing.
  3. Jogging in cold, rainy weather is a great help if you want to catch laryngitis. Hypothermia, in principle, contributes to loss of voice.
  4. Inhaling pepper or eating extremely spicy foods. Not the most effective and common techniques, but sometimes they are used in practice.

What to do if your voice is lost

Each of us may lose our voice for various reasons. For some it disappears due to overstrain of the ligaments, for others due to a cold. However, this problem gives a person a lot of discomfort. In this article we will tell you about the reasons for losing your voice, as well as how to get it back.

Before you try to cope with a problem such as voice loss, you need to understand what caused this problem. There are many factors that can cause voice loss. Most often this happens due to work. Those people whose profession involves talking very often suffer from loss of voice. Teachers, educators, opera singers, telephone sales managers, and the like fall into the risk category. Due to constant tension of the vocal cords, inflammation of the larynx occurs. In medicine this is called laryngitis. This disease is very common and can occur due to a cold.

Loss of voice is also possible if there is a strong sudden load on the vocal cords. For example, after the presentation of an important report, after singing at a concert, and the like. Even after a long, strong cry, the voice may disappear. In everyday life, such a phenomenon is called “voice loss.”

An equally common reason for loss of voice is the common cold. It is worth noting that loss of voice may be the only symptom, so a person may not even realize that he is sick. It's very easy to get a cold throat. It’s enough just to drink something cold, eat ice cream or talk in the cold. The cold is very damaging to the vocal cords. That is why singers take great care to ensure that their throats are always warm.

If you smoke, this may cause you to lose your voice. Smoking changes the timbre of a person's voice. In addition, smoking leads to the development of cancer and reduces immunity, so smokers often get sick.

Endocrine diseases can also lead to hormonal changes. Some diseases of the endocrine system can lead to loss of voice (partial or complete). Therefore, under no circumstances should you self-medicate in such situations. You need to see a doctor immediately.

Any diseases and pathologies that lead to loss of voice require proper treatment. You shouldn’t start your condition and wait for the voice to return on its own. Of course, if you just lost your voice from talking loudly and for a long time, then it’s okay. In a couple of days the voice will be restored. But if the cause of voice loss is diseases, then they need to be treated, otherwise you may lose your voice forever.

As mentioned above, one of the most common reasons why the voice disappears is a cold. Laryngitis can occur due to hypothermia, after drinking cold drinks or walking in the cold. For laryngitis, doctors prescribe complex treatment, which includes a whole range of therapeutic measures:

  • a lot of rest and silence (you need to be silent until your voice returns);
  • exclusion of hot or cold foods (only warm food and drink);
  • mandatory consumption of dairy products (warm milk with honey is especially useful);
  • gargling with herbal decoctions or medications;
  • complete exclusion from the diet of salty, fatty, spicy and sour foods;
  • exclusion of carbonated drinks;
  • inhalation.

If you have lost your voice as a result of vocal strain, you can try to get it back at home. However, it is very important to remember that if there is no noticeable improvement after a day, you should immediately consult a doctor. Voice restoration is carried out by ENT and phoniatists.

  • Don't speak until your voice returns. If you still need to say something, then you need to do it in a whisper.
  • Your body needs to recover, so doctors advise you to sit at home in a calm environment for a couple of days.
  • It is very important to keep your throat warm, so wrap it in a warm woolen scarf.
  • Drink as much warm liquid as possible. Tea, milk with honey and butter will do. Avoid lemon, as it will irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Avoid eating spicy, salty or sour foods for several days so as not to irritate the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • As soon as your voice begins to return, you should not say much right away. Try to limit conversations.

If your voice is really hoarse or has disappeared due to overstrain of the ligaments, then such measures will help you. The very next day the voice should return, or at least visible improvements should appear. If the cause of voice loss is different, then you need to consult a doctor and establish it.

Modern medicine and pharmacology offer many remedies that can cure laryngitis and restore your voice. Of course, in advanced cases, only medications can help. However, most often you can get by with traditional methods that are safe for the body and very effective. However, before starting treatment using traditional methods, you need to consult a doctor.

  1. Our grandparents treated their throats with inhalations. Inhalations are most often done over potatoes. The recipe for inhalation is very simple - you need to boil potatoes in their jackets, drain the water from them, and place a saucepan in front of you. After this, take a towel and cover yourself with it so that the potato steam does not escape and you can breathe it. The duration of such inhalation should be 7-10 minutes. After inhalation, you need to wrap your throat and chest. Under no circumstances should you go outside and breathe in cold air, otherwise there will be no result.
  2. A decoction of anise seeds is used by politicians and opera singers to restore their voices. To prepare a healing decoction, take half a glass of anise seeds and pour a glass of boiling water over them, then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. As soon as the broth is ready, add half a glass of linden honey to it and put it on the fire again for a couple of minutes. You need to add one tablespoon of cognac to the finished mixture and take 1 tablespoon every half hour.
  3. Some doctors claim that cognac is an excellent remedy for restoring voice. The recipe described below can be used for emergency relief from loss of voice. Take 50 g of cognac, add three teaspoons of honey and bring to a boil, then add a couple of drops of lemon juice and drink slowly. The voice should return immediately. However, be careful not to burn your throat.
  4. It is very important to gargle. There are different recipes for gargling when you lose your voice:
  • Take 200 ml of freshly squeezed beetroot juice and add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it. Gargle with this mixture several times a day.
  • Take half a liter of milk and boil one medium-sized carrot in it. Remove the carrots and gargle with the resulting broth every three hours.

5. With laryngitis, it is very important not only to restore your voice, but also to strengthen your vocal cords. A decoction of marigold, chamomile and eucalyptus leaves can help you with this. Take the herbs in equal proportions and pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour and gargle with the resulting infusion twice a day. The course of treatment should be two weeks.

How to lose your voice

Many people are very worried when they lose their voice and try in every possible way to restore the ability to speak normally. While others sometimes, on the contrary, do not know how to lose their voice in order to get sick leave, simply pretend to have a bad cold or for some other reason. In fact, it is quite possible to lose your voice on your own, so this article discusses the most common and effective ways to do this.


If you don’t know how to lose your voice quickly, then the first remedy is hypothermia. Light clothing in cold weather, long walks in the coldest weather, and especially breathing through your mouth will quickly help you achieve the desired result. True, there is every chance of getting quite seriously ill and lying in bed with a high temperature for a week, or even more.

If the season is warm, you can take advantage of low air conditioning temperatures or eat cold foods. So, in addition to ice cream, it is recommended to eat ice, frozen foods, and also drink drinks that are too cold. By the way, carbonated drinks are very irritating to the throat, so if you combine them with cold foods, voice problems are almost guaranteed. Moreover, chewing mint gum with ice water for a long time in between is also an effective remedy for loss of voice.

Bad habits

In order to know how to lose your voice, you need to say goodbye to a healthy lifestyle for a while. Smoking and alcohol in this case are the best remedy. It's just that if you are already a smoker, then your usual daily dose of cigarettes is unlikely to help. You will need to smoke stronger cigarettes, preferably even without a filter, and in impressive quantities.

As for alcohol, a few bottles of cold beer can sometimes cause voice loss. Also, other alcoholic drinks in large doses can help you wake up without the ability to talk.

In addition, one of the most effective ways to lose your voice is karaoke or simply loud singing that turns into screaming. For example, you can attend a hard rock concert and sing along with the vocalist with all your might, straining your throat. In such situations, some people advise shouting in a whisper, which puts maximum strain on the ligaments. For other ways to lose your voice, read our article: How to become hoarse.

In any case, you should be careful, as some methods can have the most dire consequences, including complete loss of voice forever.

5 reasons why you may be left without a voice

1. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and larynx

The most common of these ailments is laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx). With this disease, you will feel a sore throat, your voice will become hoarse, and you may even lose it completely. In the initial stages of the disease, a dry cough is possible, then a cough with sputum. Have you noticed similar symptoms? Consult a specialist immediately. Untimely treatment or its absence can lead to the disease becoming chronic. By the way, treatment is often associated with a complete restriction of oral communications - you will have to remain silent in order to heal. Whispering, by the way, is also contraindicated - the vocal cords become even more tense than during normal conversation.

2. Vocal cord strain

Most often it occurs in people who are forced to talk a lot and for a long time, using their vocal cords “to the maximum.” As you may have guessed, these are teachers, tour guides, artists, singers. If you notice that your voice is hoarse, but your throat does not hurt, there are no manifestations of colds (fever, cough), then you have good reason to suspect that the ligaments have been overstrained. Below we will tell you how to get your voice back as quickly as possible, but it is still better not to self-medicate and consult a specialist.

3. Nervous stress

Stress or extreme fear can also cause voice loss. Often, with nervous overstrain, the patient’s voice disappears completely; in addition, other signs of neurological disorders may be present. In this case, after examination by an otolaryngologist, timely assistance from a neurologist and psychotherapist will be required; it is important to carry out treatment before the disease becomes chronic.

4. Physiological withdrawal

Don't be surprised if your teenage son starts talking to you in a hoarse voice. During puberty in young people, when increased growth of the larynx is observed, changes occur, a mutation of the voice: it becomes lower. For boys, the voice changes from treble or alto to tenor, baritone or bass. Your son will not need medical attention. Just talk to the teenager and explain in an accessible form that now it is not recommended for him to scream or strain his vocal cords by singing.

5. Benign and malignant neoplasms

These include polyps, cysts, fibroids, as well as “singing nodules.” With these ailments, the voice becomes hoarse, and sometimes it can disappear completely. If you cannot speak normally for a long time, you must definitely visit a doctor, undergo an examination and promptly identify the cause.

2. Eliminate spicy, sour, salty foods, carbonated drinks, solid foods (nuts, crackers, etc.) from your diet.

3. Give up cigarettes, as smoking contributes to the development of hoarseness.

4. When staying outside in the cold season, try to breathe not through your mouth, but through your nose (then the air gets inside already warm and moist).

The most important thing is to stop in time, I know for myself that if I come from a match of my favorite football team, then I have practically no voice. And, of course, it is not advisable to drink ice water; you may be left without a voice for some period of time. Well, of course, I don’t wish this on anyone, because you need to take great care of your voice, just like your ligaments. Still, this is very important!

Yes, and the ‘recipes’ have been known since childhood

Doesn't float at all

Oh) I had to lose my voice. And it's terrible! You feel flawed, you can’t say what you want, you can’t convey your idea. Whispering is also very difficult, the ligaments get tired. I graduated from a music school in piano and vocals and I am very familiar with how to take care of my voice)) Scientifically, of course, everything is clear. Why and why we can lose our voice, but esotericists believe that people who lose their voice have closed within themselves what they want but cannot say. And in such cases, it is advised to either tell the person what is sitting inside you or shout at the stream of flowing water (you can do it from a tap or in the shower). As another option. In general, of course, it’s best to be careful))

For an ordinary person, temporary loss of voice is not a big nuisance. But for people for whom the voice is a working instrument, so to speak (singers, announcers, speakers, dispatchers, etc.) this is tantamount to a disaster. That is why these professions guard their voice so carefully.

Don't drink cold vodka - we completely forgot

I always breathe through my mouth, but fortunately I rarely get sick)

You have to take care of yourself - there’s no arguing with that. Well, you shouldn’t forget about doctors either, I agree.


Materials published with permission of Rodale Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of materials or fragments from them in any language is possible only with the written permission of MoscowTimes LLC. "Partner of Rambler"

True, this is very risky and fraught with complications for the body, since you can lose your voice forever.

Learn to breathe correctly

Everyone can increase the volume of their voice. To do this, you just need to maintain proper breathing. This is a natural human skill that, as a rule, is rarely used when speaking. To test your voice and practice proper breathing, find a large indoor area and ask a friend to help you. Stand at opposite ends of the room. Check how quiet and how loud you can speak? Try making a loud scream, and then make a sound similar to a squeak.

To imagine the audibility in a given room, switch roles. Ask a friend to do the same exercises.

Maintain eye contact

When you communicate with someone one-on-one, you always look at your interlocutor, even if you constantly look away. This allows you to estimate the distance to him, as well as whether he can hear what you are saying to him. This is a natural part of communication between two interlocutors. However, when communicating with a group, some people get lost, they look at the floor, around, or somewhere into the distance. As a result, the volume of their voice does not match the environment.

If you feel uncomfortable talking to people you don't know, ask your friends to listen to you and then ask them if they heard you well.

Get rid of nervousness

The reason for a quiet voice may be that you feel lost or nervous in the company of a lot of people. In this case, even learning to breathe correctly will not help make your voice louder. First of all, make it a rule not to try to seek approval for your words from every member of the group. This is something you should strive for, but it is not necessary; your goal is to convey your message to the group as a whole.

How to quickly lose your voice

If you want to lose your voice quickly without resorting to extreme measures such as smoking or catching a cold, try to ensure that the vocal cords are under maximum tension. Scream, sing, whisper, cough, attend sporting events or loud concerts. Eat and drink foods that irritate your vocal cords (such as sour, salty and fatty foods, and caffeinated and alcoholic drinks). In addition, create the necessary conditions for voice loss, for example, breathing cold and dry air, being in a warm room or in a very noisy place.

Steps Edit

Method 1 of 3:

Method 2 of 3:

Use food and drinks Edit

Method 3 of 3:

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How to quickly lose your voice

If you have good reason to lose your voice, then there are several options that can help you within a few hours to a day. Laryngitis can be caused by strong vocal exercises.

So most tactics are based on severe vocal overexertion. Here are a few things you can try if you want to lose your voice and lose it fast.

1) Scream.

If there was a timeless, classic method for losing your voice, screaming would be it. Stick your face into a pillow and scream at the top of your lungs for 15 minutes, stopping for 5-minute breaks in between, until your voice disappears. Screaming is the fastest way to lose your voice, but you will still have to wait several hours before it takes effect. Screaming works because you end up overexerting your voice. For greater effectiveness, alternate between 15 minutes of screaming and 15 minutes of growling. If you take even a couple of sips during the process of losing your voice, the process will lasts longer. Therefore, you should control yourself so as not to wet your throat. If you have more time and opportunity, then go to a sporting event or a rock concert and scream there to your heart's content. Your screams will not seem inappropriate there, and you can get the additional advantage of having a good time, losing your voice.

2) Use whisper repeatedly.

Oddly enough, whispering puts as much stress on the vocal cords as screaming. Talk or sing in a whisper in 20-minute intervals, with 5-minute breaks in between if necessary. Whispering will cause you to lose your voice in a few hours. Drink as little as possible during this exercise. Keeping your throat dry will cause you to lose your voice faster than keep it moist.

3) Sing off the field.

Sing the entire album in a voice that is a step or two higher or lower than your natural vocal range. Everyone has a comfortable vocal range. When you sing higher or lower than your natural range, you are straining your vocal cords. Singing in a high pitch especially useful if you need to lose your voice. You may have to sing for several hours before losing your voice completely, but depending on how off-field you sing, you may hear your voice start to break within a few songs. This is a sign that you are close to losing your voice. Keep your throat as dry as possible to speed up the process.

4) Cough frequently.

Cough for as long as you can. If your cough is causing headaches, you can try clearing your throat again, as harshly as possible. Both types of cough irritate the larynx, where your vocal cords tense up. This technique can take several hours, depending on how dry your throat is already and how severely you can control to clear your throat. To speed up the process, place a cold compress on your throat.

Place a cold compress or ice pack on your neck for several hours, changing it to a new cold compress each time it starts to warm up to room temperature. Cold temperatures cause your muscles, including your vocal cords, to contract. Wearing a cold compress around your throat will cause your vocal cords to constrict, making them unable to produce the necessary vibrations for speech. To speed up the process, wrap the ice in a towel and hold it on your neck.

The towel will prevent skin damage from the cold and can also stimulate your nasal passages. Doing activities that normally cause a lot of mucus to flow into your throat can cause temporary loss of voice. After a day or two of excessive drainage, your larynx swells, which also prevents your vocal folds from functioning properly.

5) Drink or eat a lot of sour foods.

Small amounts of lemon juice and vinegar can cause you to lose your voice in less than two hours. Acidic liquids and foods irritate the vocal cords. Some forms of laryngitis are actually caused by acid, so drinking highly concentrated acidic liquids can mimic this effect so that you lose your voice .Mix the juice of two lemons (8 drops) in a (250 ml) glass of cold water. Use cold water as it compresses the vocal cords. Pour 4 drops (125 ml) of vinegar into another cup. Alternate the two drinks back and forth. Sip lemon juice and lie head up and down for 15 minutes. Take another sip of vinegar and repeat. Do not use this method if you are prone to acid reflexes or stomach ulcers. Because high-acid drinks can cause digestive problems. Cold drinks and foods foods can compress the vocal cords, so consuming a strict diet of cold foods may lead to voice loss. Please note that this method may take a full day to become effective.

Your throat may become very sore if you shout. Try talking as much as you can. It can be quite dangerous to lose your voice on purpose. If you talk a lot it usually helps to shout or whisper. Some of these exercises can take up to several hours to complete. to become effective. Once you are able to keep your voice back to normal, you must take steps to restore it. Drink plenty of water, juices and other liquids.

Warm liquid is especially beneficial. Rest your voice and avoid talking for a few days.


Do not cause much or frequent harm to your throat. You can cause serious, long-term damage to your larynx if you constantly strain it.

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1. Study on your own, because the teacher can ruin your individuality. You don't want to sing like everyone else!2. Exercise at least 3 hours a day, don’t spare yourself! If you're tired, use your willpower!

The more you sing today, the better your voice will sound tomorrow. Don't give yourself days off.3. Actively master high notes. If you feel hard or in pain, don’t stop, take at least 5 more semitones!

Sing at the very top of your range. Use chest register only. If it’s really difficult, shout.

It is very useful. Soon you will get used to it, and the larynx will stop resisting.4. Sing more at the deep end of your voice. There is no need to whisper - sing loudly, load the sound properly. You will get a very beautiful bass.5.

If you have a cold or a sore throat, you cannot cancel the lesson. Only weaklings succumb to disease. If your voice has completely died down, remember that for a person with the will to succeed, nothing is impossible, you just have to try harder.6.

It is better to exercise in the morning, before you are tired. Get up early and get going! After the first two hours of work, you can treat yourself to coffee.

It is advisable to consolidate the lesson late in the evening.7. It doesn’t matter where you are (on a bus, in a music club, in a crowded square) - try to speak louder than everyone else. Let everyone know what a beautiful, strong voice you have.8.

If you find yourself at a party with alcoholic drinks, you are very lucky, because this is a great opportunity to show off. Once you've had your fill of alcohol (preferably cold beer), turn on the karaoke or grab your guitar and impress everyone with your talent!

Choose songs that are more difficult, with a large range and the need to stretch high notes for a long time. For extra credibility, light a cigarette while singing (this will give you a stylish look, especially if you're holding a guitar).

The next day your voice may become weak, but you already know that for a purposeful person this is not a reason to give yourself a rest.9. Never listen to anyone. There will always be people who will say that you sing incorrectly, that you are “forcing the sound” or “straining the larynx.”

Don't pay attention, they are just jealous of your talent.10. If you have problems with your ligaments, do not contact your phoniatrist until the last minute. Your body is young and strong, it can handle it on its own, and medicine can only do harm here.

You should consult a doctor only in case of prolonged (more than a week) bleeding from the throat; in other cases, the body will cope on its own. This entry was published on 10/22/2008 at 2:53 pm. In categories: Musicians.

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12 comments on “10 Ways to Lose Your Voice. Memo for a beginning vocalist"

  1. talion_master

Method 3: Vocal exercises What you need to do What you need to drink and eat There are not many reasons why a person wants to lose his voice, but if you have such a reason, then here are some tips on how you can lose your voice in a couple of hours. Laryngitis can be caused by excessive strain on the vocal cords, so most treatments involve straining your voice. Here are some tips if you want to lose your voice quickly.

Method 1 of 3: Vocal Exercises

  1. 1 If there is an eternal classic method in the world of how to lose your voice, it is screaming. Bury your face in a pillow and scream as much as you can for 15 minutes, take a 5-minute break and continue until you completely lose your voice. Screaming is the fastest way to lose your voice, but you may have to wait a couple of hours before the desired effect sets in. Screaming works because you overstrain your vocal cords. The only way to quickly lose your voice is to severely strain your vocal cords. For greater effect, alternate 15 minutes of screaming with 15 minutes of roaring. Refuse the desire to drink. You will eventually lose your voice even if you drink a little water, it will just take longer. A dry larynx will tense up faster than a moistened one. If you have time, you can go to an athletic competition or a rock concert and scream as much as you want. Your screams will be out of place at such events, and besides, you will have a great time.Advertising
  2. 2 It’s very strange, but whispering puts just as much strain on your vocal cords as shouting. Speak or sing in a whisper for 20 minutes at a time, with 5-minute breaks if you need them. Like screaming, whispering can help you lose your voice in a couple of hours. Whispering causes your cords to tighten, and since you are still using your vocal cords, you strain them. Drink as little as possible during this exercise. Keep your larynx dry, so you'll lose your voice faster than if your throat is wet.3 Sing your entire favorite album a couple of notes higher than your normal pitch. Everyone has their own comfortable timbre for singing. When you sing a couple of notes lower or higher, your vocal cords are stretched more than usual, which ends up making them very tense. Singing at very high notes especially helps. You may have to sing for a couple of hours before you lose your voice completely, but Depending on the height of your timbre, you may notice the result after just a couple of songs. This will prove that you are on the right track towards your goal. Keep your throat dry to speed up the process. 4 Cough as hard as you can, for as long as possible. If coughing gives you a headache, then do several of these approaches. This strains your throat and your vocal cords. This technique may take a couple of hours, depending on how dry your throat is. Advertisement

Method 2 of 3: What to do

  1. 1Place a cold compress on your throat. Place a compress or ice pack on your neck for a couple of hours, changing it constantly as it warms up. Cold temperatures cause your muscles, including your vocal cords, to contract.Advertising

A cold compress on your throat will cause your throat ligaments to tighten and prevent them from vibrating properly to produce sounds.

  1. 1To speed up this process, tighten the ligaments while you apply the compress to your neck. Wrap a towel around the ice pack before applying it to your throat. This will prolong the time before you lose your voice without harming your skin.2 Making it look like you're swallowing can also cause you to lose your voice. Sometimes mucus blocks your throat and your cords cannot vibrate properly when speaking. After a day or two of intense swallowing, your throat will become swollen and unable to function properly. If you need a couple more ideas, you could go running in cold weather, cry, laugh, make yourself a very spicy meal, or inhale pepper. Advertisement

Method 3 of 3: What to drink and eat

  1. 1 If you drink a little lemon juice and vinegar, you can lose your voice in less than two hours. Acidic liquids and foods irritate the vocal cords. Some forms of laryngitis are caused by acid reflux, so drinking strong acidic liquids can cause the same effect, causing you to lose your voice. Mix the juice of two lemons in a glass of cold water. Take cold water as it will act on the vocal cords. Pour 125 ml of vinegar into another glass. Alternate these drinks with each other. Take a sip of lemon juice, lie on the bed with your head tilted up, and lie there for 15 minutes. Take a sip of vinegar and repeat the same. If you cannot drink pure vinegar, then you can stir 10 ml of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water to make the smell more pleasant. To speed up the process, do an exercise to tense your vocal cords between sips. Don't use this method if you are allergic to sour foods or have any stomach diseases. Such drinks can cause digestive problems.2 Cold drinks and food can strain your vocal cords, so eating cold food may help you lose your voice. Remember that this method may take the entire day to achieve results. Choose something with caffeine rather than plain water. Water keeps you hydrated, improving the overall health of your larynx, while caffeine dehydrates and dries out your larynx. Iced tea, iced coffee and soda are caffeinated drinks. Cold milk does not have caffeine, but it can also work. Eat frozen and refrigerated foods instead of hot foods. Advertising
  • If you shout, you may get a sore throat. Try talking as much as possible. Some of these exercises need to be done for several hours to achieve the desired effect. If you already talk a lot, try shouting or whispering. Can be very dangerous purposely try to lose your voice. Once you want to restore your voice, you will need to take some measures. Drink plenty of water, juices and other liquids. Warm drinks will help a lot. Give your voice a rest and try not to talk for a couple of days.


  • Don't strain your voice more than necessary. You can cause serious problems to your larynx if you constantly strain your voice.

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What you will need

Nature has awarded people with a unique gift - a voice. Each person has his own individual timbre, his own tonality. Some are natural orators, others are consummate singers.

It sounds differently at different periods of life: in childhood the voice is soft, sonorous or quiet, in youth it becomes rougher, in men it can be rough and hoarse. Each conversation can sound in a variety of intonations. A person's calm speech sounds slowly and clearly.

If a person screams, says unpleasant words, waves his arms, this means that he is offended, angry, dissatisfied with something. With proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, a person’s voice will be healthy.

But there are times, for example, endless quarrels in the family or with friends, when the voice shrinks or disappears altogether. What are the reasons for a “lost” voice, and how to quickly cure a shrunken voice - read about it in this publication.

Reasons leading to the “loss” of voice.

They cause swelling of the larynx, wheezing appears, which greatly affects the tone of the voice and interferes with speaking clearly. In damp and cool weather, you need to wear scarves, hats, and warm shoes to avoid hypothermia and hoarseness in your voice.

If a person is constantly exposed to nervous tension and has a diseased endocrine system, his voice also changes. In those who have undergone surgery on the thyroid gland, the voice becomes hoarse, this indicates that there was internal inflammation. The second reason for a hoarse voice is soft drinks.

When the summer heat comes, there is always a desire to drink cold, and also highly carbonated water, as required by the body. And people don’t even suspect that this can result in a sore throat.

And then they start drinking hot drinks - milk with honey, tea with raspberries. Of course, you need to drink water as much as you want, but not too cold.

Also, there is no need to eat ice cream in the winter, and small children even in the summer. The third reason is cold fermented milk products. Athletes love to use them during training, dancing, and fitness classes.

To support energy, drinks such as kefir, milk for athletes, juice, nectar, and mineral water are suitable. They will help you regain strength and recover quickly.

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But if the drinks are very cold, then before the end of the workout you can become very hoarse, it will become difficult to talk and you will feel a sore throat. Therefore, you need to take kefir or yogurt at room temperature with you, but do not heat it in the sun or on a radiator, otherwise it will spoil and poisoning will occur. The fourth reason is a loud cry.

If a person calls someone, cheers for his favorite team at the stadium, or loudly sorts things out, then he can lose his voice or even lose it. If you speak in front of an audience, you need to speak in a normal tone; it is undesirable to raise your voice, subjecting your vocal cords to overstrain.

How to quickly cure a hoarse voice?

There are many good methods to cure your voice. First you need to figure out why your voice has become hoarse. If the reason is an emotional conversation, then you need to come to your senses, figure out the problem, take a sedative and, finally, drink hot tea with lemon and honey.

You can use viburnum juice or grape juice without sugar. For those who love milk, there is a good way to treat a hoarse voice - drink warm milk throughout the day. If the cause is a cold drink, then treatment will be more difficult.

Again, figure out the cause of the cold or sore throat, whether cold juice or water is to blame. If not, then start treatment. The first thing to do is boil the potatoes in their jackets, then mash them slightly. Cover your head and breathe over the potato steam.

This method will help restore a dull voice, as steam envelops the throat and nasopharynx. Secondly, after half an hour, you should gargle with calendula tincture. To prepare this remedy, take a glass of warm water and pour into it 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture, which is sold at the pharmacy.

Gargle several times for an hour without eating or drinking anything. With the help of calendula, your voice will quickly regain its strength and timbre. A damaged voice is restored with a chicken egg, for example, by singers.

But there is no need to get carried away with this method, because raw eggs also contain harmful substances for the body. Eating eggs in large quantities and especially fresh is harmful to health. Boiled eggs should also not be consumed often.

Eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, which can cause many diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, heart failure, atherosclerosis, and gastrointestinal diseases. It follows from this that it is not worth treating with eggs. Vegetable oil or butter are products for restoring a hoarse voice.

Vegetable oil is used to gargle the throat, and butter should be spread on bread and eaten, chewing slowly, so that the oil lubricates the area of ​​the palate. It is very good if you have honey, it will also help correct your voice.

After putting honey in your mouth, swallow it slowly. If your voice suddenly becomes weak or disappears, it is best to consult a doctor. Give up talking for a few days; in complete silence, your ligaments will recover faster. Whispering can be just as damaging as shouting.

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