Tetracycline discolored teeth whitening. Tetracycline teeth: signs and treatment of the disease What are tetracycline teeth

Tetracycline teeth are currently an increasingly rare pathology. The disease is accompanied by persistent pigmentation of dental tissues and causes a lot of psychological complexes and problems. Having noticed an unsightly shade of enamel, many try to solve the problem on their own, but the actions do not bring the expected effect. Self-medication often leads to the development of undesirable consequences - caries, soft tissue burns. You need to know that tooth staining indicates various diseases. Your doctor will help you eliminate unsightly spots and make your smile snow-white. The dentist will conduct an examination and diagnosis, determine the exact cause of the defect and provide adequate and painless treatment.

Diagnosis: tetracycline teeth. Symptoms

Since the 50s of the last century, dentists began to encounter cases of persistent pigmentation on the teeth of young people. For a long time, it was not possible to establish the cause of the pathology, and only 30 years later, the mystery was solved. As a result of research, it was revealed that the antibiotic tetracycline, after entering the body, comes into contact with calcium and is deposited in the body. This reaction is typical only during the formation of cellular bone structures and develops regardless of the method of administration of the drug. After the cause of the pathology was determined, tetracycline drugs remained popular, but were prohibited for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women and children under 14 years of age. By eliminating the main cause of the disease, the diagnosis of tetracycline teeth will soon become a thing of the past.

After the antibiotic enters the body, changes in the color of the teeth appear after some time. If a woman took tetracycline drugs during pregnancy, then the baby she is carrying will likely develop hypoplasia or enamel pigmentation in the future.

The intensity of tooth staining and the likelihood of unpleasant symptoms depends on a number of reasons:

  • dosage and duration of administration of the prohibited drug;
  • the presence of an allergic predisposition of the body;
  • intensity of influence of dyes on enamel;
  • duration of exposure to sunlight.

Changing the color of teeth is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the tissues and does not contribute to the development of the carious process, but is a significant aesthetic drawback. If a developing organism receives a small dose of tetracycline, minor changes appear - partial pigmentation in certain areas of the teeth. With prolonged use of the antibiotic, the color of all units changes, and underdevelopment of the enamel is observed. Instead of being white and milky, the teeth become yellow, grey, brown or orange. Pathological changes impair the beauty of a smile and are the object of attention of others.

Differential diagnosis. Causes of enamel pigmentation

A beautiful, open smile is the hallmark of success. If pigmentation and plaque appear on the teeth, a person experiences internal discomfort and tries to smile less often and engage in conversation. To give your smile a healthy look, you need to find out the exact cause of the aesthetic defect.

Dark, white spots and inclusions on enamel can appear in various situations:

It is quite difficult to determine the exact cause of pigmentation on your own. Often patients have several pathologies at the same time. To confirm the diagnosis of tetracycline teeth, the doctor conducts an examination with a special lamp. When teeth are exposed to ultraviolet light, a specific glow is observed. The patient's medical history is of great importance in diagnosing pathologies. Quite often, a detailed interview reveals that the patient as a child, or his mother during pregnancy, took a prohibited antibiotic.

Treatment methods

To maintain dental health, it is recommended to undergo a preventive dental examination every 6-7 months. During the appointment, mandatory professional hygienic cleaning and sanitation of chronic foci of infection is carried out. If the patient is confused by the color of his teeth, he has the opportunity to have them whitened.

It is very difficult to eliminate pigmentation of tetracycline teeth, since the cause of the disease lies in the altered cellular structure of tissues, but you should not despair. There are special methods that will help get rid of dark spots and give patients a snow-white smile.

General treatment tactics:

  • Removing hard and soft plaque is the primary task of the dentist. After removing stones and professional teeth cleaning, the color of the enamel is lightened, and the effectiveness of dental procedures increases. Professional cleaning of the oral cavity helps prevent the development of caries and inflammatory processes of the gums;
  • elimination of chronic foci of infection. Before you begin to lighten tetracycline-stained teeth, it is necessary to cure, and;
  • restoration of enamel tissue (remineralization process). Mineralization (saturation with fluorine, phosphorus, calcium) is carried out by application or using electrophoresis. During the procedure, solutions of calcium gluconate and sodium fluoride are used. Depending on the severity of the pathology, 15-20 procedures are prescribed. Manipulations are carried out daily or every other day. In some cases, the dentist prescribes mineralizing preparations for home use;
  • protection from external adverse factors - enamel coating;
  • Teeth whitening using a laser or Zoom () lamp. The method is used if uniform darkening of all dental units is observed. With the help of modern materials and equipment, it is possible to lighten the enamel by 8-12 tones. According to reviews, many patients prefer laser whitening. The procedure is gentle, has good results and long-term effectiveness.

If pigmentation is located only on some teeth, aesthetic dentistry will help correct the defect. Pigmentation can be eliminated by installing ceramic crowns and restoring teeth with photopolymers.

The reasons for the development of tetracycline teeth and methods of combating pathology can be learned from the video:

Attention! Treatment of tetracycline teeth begins after an accurate diagnosis has been established. During diagnosis, fluorosis is primarily excluded, since the use of fluoride-containing drugs is prohibited for this disease.

Question answer

How to protect teeth from the development of pathological staining?

Prevention of tetracycline teeth is the refusal to introduce tetracycline drugs into the body during the development of bone structures. Secondary ways to combat pigmentation are proper nutrition, preventive dental care, and careful hygienic care of the oral cavity.

Can tetracycline ointment be used to treat conjunctivitis in an infant?

One of the common mistakes young parents make is self-medication and the use of medications without a doctor’s prescription. Tetracycline ointment is indeed used in the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in adolescents over 12 years of age and adults, but is strictly prohibited for use in children. A baby’s teeth are at the stage of formation; when a small organism comes into contact with a prohibited antibiotic, there is a high probability of developing abnormalities of bone tissue and structures.

Quite a lot of patients visit the dentist with complaints about changes in the shade of tooth enamel. The defect when their color turns yellow is called “tetracycline teeth”. This pathology is not completely cured, but only corrected. To understand why this happens, you need to understand this disease in more detail.

What are tetracycline teeth?

The concept of “tetracycline teeth” appeared in the 80s of the last century. Dentists began to notice that when using the antibiotic Tetracycline, the enamel changes its color.

The mechanism of development of pathology is quite simple. When the substance enters the body, together with calcium, it undergoes a mineralization process, which leads to irreversible changes in the bone structure. This effect develops only when the antibiotic enters the body at the stage of tissue development. Accordingly, children under 12 years of age and women during pregnancy are most susceptible to it.

For what reasons does pathology occur?

The development of tetracycline teeth is possible only in one case - treatment with the drug of the same name. The appearance of such a disorder is promoted by both its ingestion and application to the skin. Teeth do not change immediately after tetracycline, but after some time.

The duration of manifestation of pathology will depend on the following factors:

  1. The peculiarity of each specific organism;
  2. The influence of food products;
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Exposure to drugs.

Description of external signs of the disease

The effect of tetracycline on teeth varies. Most often, the degree of manifestation depends on the amount of the substance entering the body. In some cases, the enamel may completely change its shade, and sometimes only be stained in small areas.

The first manifestations begin in the area of ​​the tooth neck or its contour. If a small dose is injected, the shade changes only in the inner layers of the enamel. With constant use of tetracycline, teeth become chaotically stained. For example, one of the premolars is covered with stripes that have a grayish tint, which are complemented by yellow, while the other does not change in any way. A characteristic sign will be the absence of fluorescence effect in the affected teeth.

The color options themselves are also different. In some patients, the enamel becomes poisonous lemon-colored, while in others it turns brown. If the patient uses other dyes, the enamel acquires a dark gray tint.

Differential diagnosis and problem identification

Tetracycline teeth are distinguished from the following pathologies:

  • Staining of newborn teeth after hemolytic disease. In this case, iron supplements will have an effect, but more so bilirubin. The products of its transformation are deposited in the tooth tissues, which leads to the appearance of enamel, which is painted in different shades. Variants range from gray-yellow to blue or purple. develops against the background of general pathology;
  • Imperfect dentinogenesis. This pathology is hereditary and is associated with the development of dentin, which has an opalescent effect. The enamel is fragile and quickly chips, which leads to a change in the color of the underlying tissues to yellow-brown;
  • Amelogenesis imperfecta. The defect is also inherited. A characteristic sign of this pathology is a delay in the eruption of primary and permanent teeth with accelerated resorption of their roots. The color of the enamel varies from light yellow to dark brown;
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta. The disease is also genetic. In this case, the entire bone tissue is affected. It becomes fragile, bones often break even with mild impact.

Common Treatments for Tetracycline Teeth

Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the color of the enamel has changed due to taking tetracycline drugs. First of all, the doctor examines the oral cavity and collects the patient’s medical history and finds out his complaints. Then a diagnosis is carried out using a lamp: tetracycline teeth change color under ultraviolet light, the affected areas will be highlighted.

Tetracycline passes easily and quickly into breast milk. Even external use of this antibiotic does not protect against penetration. If treatment includes therapy with tetracycline drugs, then breastfeeding should be stopped immediately.

Only after a complete diagnosis is a final diagnosis made. Then, depending on the patient’s wishes and the severity of the condition, the optimal treatment method is selected.

Tetracycline teeth in adulthood are not easy to treat. Therapy will include several aspects: professional oral hygiene, remineralization therapy, coating with preparations containing fluoride (fluoride varnish is most often used), cosmetic procedures, such as restoration with filling materials.

In most cases, treatment will begin with supportive care. Other options can only be offered if conservative therapy is ineffective.

Professional oral cleaning

This stage is carried out exclusively in the clinic under the strict supervision of a dentist.

The procedure will consist of the following manipulations:

  1. Removing pigmented deposits using a sandblaster;
  2. Removing soft plaque with a brush and paste;
  3. Polishing of all tooth surfaces.

Hygiene is the first stage of treatment, it promotes deeper penetration of drugs that will be used further. Before any interventions, it is recommended to treat all carious cavities so that no unforeseen situations arise during the therapy.

Professional cavity hygiene is only one of the stages of treatment; its separate use will not bring the desired result. Of course, the appearance will improve, but the color of the teeth will not change dramatically.

Tetracycline teeth in children and adults develop due to disturbances in the mineralization processes, so it is necessary to compensate for the resulting deficiency. This stage is one of the most important in the entire treatment.

To strengthen tissues, medications containing fluorine, calcium and phosphorus ions are prescribed. Phonophoresis or electrophoresis will be most effective. The optimal therapeutic course includes 15 procedures.

Fluoride varnish coating

After performing oral hygiene and using remineralizing drugs, the teeth must be coated with varnish containing . The drug looks like a viscous liquid with a dark yellow color.

Application stages:

  1. Isolation of the working area with cotton rollers;
  2. Drying the surface of the teeth;
  3. Applying varnish using applicators;
  4. Inflating with air;
  5. After applying the varnish, do not eat or drink for an hour.

The result of the impact will be its saturation with mineral components. An additional advantage is the reduction in the activity of cariogenic microorganisms.

Cosmetic correction of a defect

In more advanced stages of the disease, the patient can benefit from a cosmetic improvement in appearance. and restorations make it easy to achieve the desired result.


Can tetracycline teeth be whitened? The answer to this question will only be given by the dentist after the examination, and in most cases it will be positive. The only exception is uneven staining of tooth enamel. Whitening is always carried out against the background of therapy, which includes.

Whitening is only possible for adult patients. This procedure is allowed only after the permanent teeth have fully formed. Treatment for the child will consist of professional hygiene and an attempt at remineralizing therapy.

There are two options: external and internal influence. In the first case, a laser and lamps, for example, will be used. Manufacturers claim a change in enamel color up to 10 tones. A special one is applied to the teeth, which is activated by light. The coating releases active oxygen, which affects the pigment contained in the teeth. The number of necessary procedures is determined by the doctor depending on the initial condition.

Usually 2-3 procedures are prescribed, since the excessive influence of peroxide on the enamel leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth. It is important to remember that the desired result is not always achieved. You can maintain whitening at home using individual aligners.

Modern dentistry is aimed at reducing possible negative reactions that may occur during whitening. Almost all systems used in clinics contain a small amount of peroxide and are activated by cold rays.

How to whiten tetracycline teeth from the inside? This method is used for damage to tissue located at depth. In this case, the active substance will be applied to the area of ​​the pulp chamber.


Restorations are used if the enamel is only partially damaged.

Taking into account the wishes of the patient and the clinical situation, the following options are possible:

  • Straight or composite;

Composite is the simplest and most affordable option. It is applied to the prepared tooth surface and polymerized with a special lamp. The material must completely cover all defects and give the tooth an aesthetic appearance.

The use of orthopedic structures is a more reliable option. With the help of veneers and crowns, you can achieve the “Hollywood smile” effect. The disadvantage of this method is its relatively high cost.

Tetracycline teeth - this is the name given to the phenomenon in which, under the influence of drugs containing tetracycline, teeth acquire a yellow, gray or dark brown tint. Often children become “victims” of tetracycline, and no attempts to brush their teeth with special toothpastes will return the natural color of the enamel. Why does this happen and how to get rid of the unpleasant symptom?

Tetracycline and its effect on teeth

Tetracycline is an antibiotic that is often prescribed for infections and respiratory conditions. Side effects of this medication include disruption of the formation of dental tissue in children under 14 years of age. In this case, a small dose of the drug only leads to a change in the color of the dental covering: the teeth become dark yellow or gray. With long-term use of the medication, serious damage can occur: the substance does not directly provoke the development of caries, but disrupts the formation of hard tissues.

The drug came into use back in 1950, but the unpleasant side effect became known only in 1980. Then the concept of “tetracycline teeth” was born.

In general, the course of the disease can be divided into the following three stages:

  1. First. The enamel is partially pigmented, in places or linearly, the shades are light (yellowish).
  2. Second. The color is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the teeth, creating a lasting brown color.
  3. Third. If left untreated, teeth become a deep dark color.

Tetracycline teeth are more susceptible to caries than healthy teeth. This is due to weakened enamel protection.

Causes of pathology

Tetracycline interacts with calcium in developing bone and dental tissue, forming a mineral compound that changes their structure. Children and pregnant women are most susceptible to the disease.

The appearance of tetracycline teeth can be triggered by taking the drug in large doses. It does not matter in what form it is introduced into the body.

External signs of tetracycline teeth

The most obvious sign is a change in the color of the teeth, which you can see in the photo. The depth of the shade depends on how much and how often the antibiotic was taken, and the rate of progression depends on the individual characteristics of the body, its reaction to the drug, etc.

The natural color of enamel is pale yellow, but changes can be as follows:

  • yellow with light fragments shades - for short-term use;
  • brown and its tones - long-term regular use of the drug;
  • gray, dark and bluish - long-term use, serious damage;
  • gray-yellow, brown, orange.

The color is distributed unevenly; the following areas are painted first (including the inside):

  • cervical (closer to the gums);
  • corner;
  • enamel outline.

Also, due to weakened immunity, teeth become hypersensitive (for example, to hot or cold food). This is accompanied by painful sensations.

Treatment of pathology

First of all, a diagnosis is carried out, during which the attending physician conducts an ultraviolet examination. If tetracycline exposure is detected, treatment is prescribed, including a whole range of procedures aimed at whitening and strengthening the enamel. Treatment of tetracycline teeth cannot be done at home.

Professional cleaning

Professional sanitation of the mouth area is the first and one of the main procedures performed during treatment. This is a hygienic therapy aimed at cleaning enamel from tartar and getting rid of bacterial plaque.

The most commonly used treatments are sodium fluoride and calcium gluconate. After the procedure, the enamel is dried for the next therapy.

Professional cleaning is not a separate method of treatment, but is included in a common complex with other methods. Best combined with reminalization and whitening.

Remineralization of tetracycline teeth

The essence of remineralization is to give enamel, which has lost its correct structure due to tetracycline, its original (healthy) appearance. During these procedures, fluoride, phosphorus and calcium are introduced into the body, which strengthen the dental tissue. You can do this in several ways:

  • phonophoresis - introduction of macroelements under the skin using ultrasound;
  • electrophoresis is a similar procedure, but medications are administered using an electric current;
  • application - the necessary medications are applied to the enamel or gums.

Some substances that are used in remineralization:

  • sodium floride solution;
  • calcium gluconate solution;
  • remodent containing active minerals.

The amount and frequency of therapy depends on the extent of the lesion. In general, a course of 15–20 procedures is carried out, which are performed every day. As a rule, remineralization is prescribed after professional cleaning.

Fluoride varnish

Fluoride varnish is a means for the prevention of dental diseases. It has antibacterial properties and high penetration. An additional advantage of this varnish is that it helps against hypersensitivity and protects against negative environmental influences. The composition is applied to the enamel at the end of the remineralization procedure. After coating, the mouth should be cleaned with fluoride and calcium-containing pastes.


Tetracycline teeth whitening is effective in the early stages when the pigments on the surface are pale. It works both in combination with other methods and independently.

There are two types of teeth whitening:

  1. Laser. It occurs by influencing the structure of the enamel with laser radiation. In combination with regular hygiene procedures, it gives excellent results.
  2. Zoom. Such bleaching can be performed only in the early stages. A suitable gel is applied to the teeth and then exposed to ultraviolet light.

The course of treatment is carried out in dental clinics using special equipment. During the course, you can whiten your teeth by 10–12 shades.

Dental restoration

If the damage is too serious (destruction of tooth enamel) and the color is intense, then the best solution would be restoration using the following methods:

  1. Veneer plates. These are thin ceramic plates that are attached to the front side of the teeth after preliminary grinding.
  2. Photocomposite. A special material resembling resin. It is applied to the surface of the teeth and irradiated with halogen lamps for about 30 minutes, after which a strong crust is formed.
  3. Prosthetics. Used for deep damage to dental tissue and if the above methods do not help.

Tetracycline is a component of some drugs with a broad spectrum of action. It has a very unpleasant side effect: it can stain the enamel dark. Tetracycline began to be widely used in dentistry in 1950, and doctors for several decades could not establish the cause of darkening of the enamel. Only over time, in 1980, the concept of “tetracycline teeth” appeared.

The effect of tetracycline on the body

For a long time, doctors could not understand why the enamel turns dark. Over time, it became clear that tetracycline, when entering the human body, combines with calcium and, in the process of mineralization, causes disruption of the enamel structure, as well as the human musculoskeletal system.

An interesting fact is that this process occurs in tissues that have not yet formed. That is why children and pregnant women are most vulnerable to tetracycline.

The substance stains not only the top layer of the tooth, but also the inner one. Therefore, treatment in this case is long and complex.

Reasons for staining enamel

Color may be uneven

There is only one reason for the occurrence of tetracycline teeth - the intake of drugs containing tetracycline into the body in large doses. And this can be not only oral administration of the drug, but also external use.

Tetracycline is part of drugs that are intended to treat the following ailments:

  • pneumonia,
  • cholera,
  • skin rashes of various origins,
  • ulcers

These are very complex diseases that are treated in a hospital setting. Please note that the doctor is obliged to warn the patient that the drug contains tetracycline.

In most cases, the formation of tetracycline enamel occurs before the age of 12. But teeth can darken much later.

It is prohibited to take medications:

  • children under 12 years of age,

  • pregnant women, since the substance will harm not only the mother, but also the fetus.

Features of the effect of tetracycline on teeth

Tetracycline teeth photo

Tetracycline does not provoke the development of caries or other dental diseases. It causes hypoplasia - a violation of the proper formation of hard tissues of teeth and bones. If a small amount of the substance enters the body, it causes slight staining of the enamel. But large doses can cause serious disturbances in the formation of hard dental tissues.

The enamel may not darken immediately, but over time, it depends on many factors:

  • individual characteristics of the body,
  • food exposure
  • influence of sun rays,
  • duration of exposure of the substance to the body,
  • the body's response to the drug.

In most cases, it is not the entire tooth that changes color, but individual parts of it. First of all, the drug colors:

  • cervical area of ​​the tooth,
  • folds on the corner teeth,
  • contours.

If the doses of the drug were small, then slight pigmentation will occur - the tissues will turn lemon-colored. If the concentration of tetracycline in the body is high, the color will be chaotic: the enamel may turn gray at the ends and brown at the base of the tooth.

Degrees of enamel coloring

  1. Uniform slight color change.

Teeth may become brown, gray or yellow. At this stage there are no intense spots and stripes on the enamel. If the disease is at this stage, teeth whitening is sufficient.

  1. Rich enamel color without streaks (gray or yellow)

It can be effectively treated with whitening, but if the result is not satisfactory, veneers can be used.

  1. The enamel is painted in stripes of blue or dark gray.

In this case, only veneers can correct the situation, since whitening will not bring a noticeable effect.


After treatment, the enamel brightens several shades, clickable

Whitening such teeth is not an easy task. Restoration of damaged enamel is carried out using the following procedures:

  1. First it is carried out diagnostics: an ultraviolet ray is directed at the enamel, and the areas damaged by tetracycline begin to glow. This point is very important, since tooth discoloration can also occur for other reasons.
  2. Remineralization

To restore damaged teeth, their tissues must be strengthened. The following substances are used for these purposes:

  • calcium,
  • fluorine,
  • phosphorus.

To introduce these substances into tooth tissue, the following procedures are used:

  • phonophoresis,
  • electrophoresis,
  • applications.

Before starting such manipulations, it is necessary to carry out and dry the enamel. The substances are best used in the form of solutions: sodium fluoride and calcium gluconate.

  1. Coating the enamel with varnish containing fluorine.

If tetracycline evenly stains the enamel dark, teeth whitening. This can be done in one of 2 ways:

  • laser whitening,
  • zoom whitening.

Teeth that have acquired a gray or yellow tint are best suited for whitening. Their color after the end of the course of treatment brightens by 10-12 tones.

If the enamel is severely damaged by tetracycline, and all of the above methods are powerless, doctors resort to cosmetic dentistry:

  • restoration of enamel using photocomposite,
  • restoration using veneers,
  • covering damaged teeth with crowns.

Using veneers to restore damaged enamel

Veneers are thin plates made of zirconium, ceramic or phosphorus. Veneers are attached to the outside of the tooth, restoring its shape. A special reflective material is used to attach them.

A huge advantage of this method is that you can choose a shade of material that will not differ in any way from the natural color of the patient’s teeth.

Advantages of veneers:

  • Porcelain veneers are not stained by food products, so there is no risk of staining,
  • the tooth acquires a beautiful shape and color,
  • the plates are practically no different in color from real enamel.

But this method also has some flaws:

  • veneers are quite fragile and brittle, they need to be handled very carefully,
  • Before installing the plate, the tooth is ground,
  • the veneer itself is resistant to staining, but the glue on which it is attached may change its color in places where it protrudes to the surface,
  • Veneers are contraindicated for gum disease and

in addition, this method is contraindicated for people suffering.

Can tetracycline teeth be whitened? Yes, but only if the tetracycline stain is not too dark and fairly uniform. Before the procedure, remineralization of the dentition is carried out. Simply put, they restore the structure of teeth using minerals. The method and duration of the whitening course is determined by a professional dentist for each individual case.

If the damage is minor, you can lighten the enamel at home. In this case, the patient is prescribed special dental pastes. In case of more intense coloring? the choice falls on ultrasonic cleaning, ZOOM or laser whitening - they can solve the problem very quickly. The radical solution to the problem is the installation of veneers. With them, your tetracycline teeth will be snow-white. But first things first.

Procedures prior to tetracycline smile whitening

When it comes to tetracycline teeth, whitening can more accurately be called restoration and cleansing of enamel. The process of teeth whitening will be complex and lengthy in any case. It will include several procedures at once. And in order to select the appropriate ones, a preliminary examination is carried out. It can also be considered the first step on the path to success. The dentist will apply ultraviolet light to the patient's teeth.

If tetracycline is in the enamel, it will “glow”. After this, the doctor will begin to determine the amount of the substance. Perhaps the reason for the darkening is not tetracycline at all?

The next step is called remineralization therapy. Only thorough strengthening of the dental bone tissue can eliminate the effect of tetracycline. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed fluoride, calcium and phosphorus. These microelements can be introduced using electrophoresis, phonophoresis or applications.

Before proceeding to this stage, it is necessary to get rid of tartar. Remineralizing therapy consists of 18-20 phoresis or applications. They are carried out daily or every other day. If the enamel is not too heavily colored, then the above preparations are used at home. If the enamel is damaged very significantly, then you will have to regularly visit the dental clinic.

But even after this, it is still too early to start direct whitening. After remineralization, it is time to coat the enamel with fluoride varnish. This remedy will allow you to maintain future positive results much longer. It will also additionally strengthen the enamel and become a reliable protection against external adverse influences.

Features of direct tetracycline teeth whitening

If you are lucky (albeit relatively) and your tetracycline teeth have one uniform dark color, you will be offered the following enamel lightening methods:

  1. . With its help, you can achieve results that are amazing in both effect and duration. Your snow-white smile will remain with you for 2-3 years. In just one procedure lasting less than an hour, you can lighten your enamel by 8 tones;
  2. Bleaching. The technique is also safe and effective. The duration is an hour, the desired result is after the first session.

The dentist will decide how to solve problems. On average, it takes patients from a couple of days to a couple of months to cope with the problem of tetracycline teeth. What matters here is the intensity of the enamel color. After the course, it becomes 9-12 shades whiter. The best results are achieved by patients with yellow or gray teeth. Whitening is a good way to get a snow-white smile painlessly and quickly. But there are other options.

Alternatives to Teeth Whitening - Cosmetic Dentistry

If remineralization fails to achieve the desired result, cosmetic dentistry can come to the rescue. There are several ways:

  • installation ;
  • indirect restoration of the dentition with ceramic veneers;
  • use of photocomposite for dental restoration.

Unfortunately, the cost of all these methods is much higher than the price of whitening. Note that prosthetics are chosen in the case of complete or partial staining of the enamel (when yellow or gray color spoils more than 50 percent of its surface).

Let's sum it up

You can make tetracycline teeth white either through direct bleaching or through dentures. In the latter case, you can get rid of other dental defects, for example, small gaps between teeth or cracks, simply by covering them with a denture.

The problem of tetracycline teeth is uncommon. It can only be solved with the help of dentists. Various home methods for lightening enamel are practically powerless here. Moreover, with their help you can cause even more harm to your damaged teeth. Avoid even using special whitening pastes until you consult a professional dentist.

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