Papillomas on the body: leave or remove? Do papillomas need to be removed? Do papillomas need to be removed?

Removal of papillomas and warts is carried out exclusively in specialized medical institutions after examination by a doctor. The neoplasm can be malignant and, under unfavorable conditions, can degenerate into a cancerous tumor. Depending on the characteristics of the skin defect, the patient is prescribed different methods of hardware treatment. The painless and safe procedure does not take much time - you can return to your normal rhythm of life immediately after the operation.

Where and why do papillomas and warts form?

Papillomas and warts are the most common benign neoplasms, that is, they themselves do not cause direct or potential harm to health and life.

The cause of skin defects is considered to be a viral infection, or more precisely, the human papillomavirus. It belongs to the group of herpes and is capable of remaining in the body for a long time without detecting itself.

The following factors can provoke external manifestations of neoplasms:

  • decreased general and local immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance, including during pregnancy and menopause;
  • suffered stress;
  • diseases of the stomach, pancreas and gall bladder;
  • taking certain medications;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gynecological disorders.

The favorite place for warts and papillomas are open areas of the body that are most susceptible to injury - fingers, face and feet. Often growths appear under the hair and in the folds of the skin, where a certain microclimate is created. In appearance they resemble a hanging mole.

The mucous membranes are characterized by the formation of cone-shaped papillomas, which are called condylomas. They should not be confused with lipoma (wen) or molluscum contagiosum. Although it is viral in nature, it belongs to the group of poxviruses.

On the face

Why do papillomas and warts appear so often on the face? Everything is very simple. These benign growths love to settle in areas with good blood circulation and thin, delicate skin - around the lips and nostrils, near the eyes, on the nose, upper and lower eyelids, or along the edge of the eyelashes.

In men, the viral infection affects the chin and shaving area. New growths can grow singly or be multiple in nature and look like thread-like or round growths, reminiscent of cauliflower.

Skin defects form on the face for the same reasons as on other parts of the body, but the provoking factor is microtrauma to the skin received during shaving or scratching acne.

On the tongue

Neoplasms on the tongue and oral mucosa are a very rare phenomenon. In this area, genital warts most often form, which have much in common with growths on the genitals.

The cause of excessive growth of the mucous membrane is non-compliance with hygiene rules and oral sex with an infected partner. In the latter case, condylomas invade not only the tongue, but also the throat.

On the neck

The cause of the appearance of warts and papillomas on the neck is often a hormonal imbalance associated with menopause or pregnancy of a woman, various diseases of the thyroid gland. Weakens the body's resistance and poor lifestyle, alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Often, a viral infection in the neck develops due to poor personal hygiene and close contact with an infected person. For example, wearing someone else's clothes can provoke the formation of papillomas in places where the skin comes into contact with the collar of the dress.

Under the arms and on the hands

On the fingers and palms we most often see common or vulgar warts (periungual and subungual) caused by HPV types 3 and 10. They are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by shaking hands or other close contact. It takes 3–6 months from infection to external manifestations of the virus.

A feature of vulgar warts is their flat shape, absence of a stalk and rough surface. Merging, neighboring elements form extensive plaques and can affect a large area of ​​skin.

Loose papillomas on a thin stalk are usually localized in the armpit area. They can be single or grow to the point of papillomatosis. For older people, the appearance of acrochords (thread-like papillomas) is more common.

On the foot

Plantar warts grow where there is the greatest pressure on the foot and resemble a callus in appearance. HPV types 1, 2 and 4 are considered to be the culprit of their formation. The first and second strains of the virus cause a lot of discomfort when walking - patients complain that it hurts to step on their feet, and a burning and tingling sensation is felt where the growth comes into contact with the shoes.

The cause of infection can be someone else's shoes, the floor in the pool or gym, shower stall, bathhouse and sauna. Often, HPV is an addition to fungal infections of the feet. Adolescents who actively attend various sports classes, pregnant women and athletes are at risk.

On the genitals

The appearance of papillomas and warts in the genital area indicates that you are infected with HPV type 6 or 11. It cannot be said that these strains are the most dangerous, but it is better to remove the neoplasms caused by them as soon as possible.

Pointed growths are localized on the internal and external genital organs, often penetrating to the bladder and uterus. You can become infected with the virus through intimate contact, and it doesn’t matter whether you used protective equipment or not. Another common source of infection is benches in showers, swimming pools and sports locker rooms.

The location of condylomas depends on the gender of the carrier. In women, warts are found:

  • on the labia;
  • in the pubic area;
  • on the vaginal mucosa and cervix.

In men, the affected area is somewhat wider. Warts involve the head of the penis, the coronary sulcus, the entrance to the urethra and the skin around the anus. With strong growth, condylomas move from the groin to the thighs and buttocks.

Why remove tumors

Warts and papillomas, wherever they are located, usually do not cause physical discomfort unless they are injured by clothing or jewelry. Therefore, many people have a logical question - why remove a defect if it does not interfere?

It is known that any benign neoplasm tends to grow, albeit slowly, and some types of HPV are initially prone to oncogenic risk.

Therefore, there is no need to wait for the growth to change appearance, turn red and fester. It's better to remove it immediately. Another indicator of future trouble is pronounced asymmetry or jagged edges of the wart.

There are two ways to remove a skin defect - go to the clinic or try to deal with the problem yourself. It should be said right away that the second method is not the best and is applicable only to small and single growths of a non-oncogenic strain - this is a virus of type 1–5, 7, 10, 12, 14–15, 17, 19, 20–24, 26–29, 57 .

Methods for removing papillomas and warts

Modern medicine can offer the following options to combat infection:

  • medicinal;
  • surgical.

The conservative method involves the destruction of neoplasm tissue using chemical action. For this, the patient is prescribed keratolytics (Collomac, Duofilm, Salipod, Superchistotel, Feresol) and necrotizing agents - Vartek, Condyline, Solcoderm.

To avoid a possible relapse, the affected area is treated with ointments with antimicrobial and antiviral effects: Oxolinic, Terbinafin.

Surgical intervention

If the appearance changes and discomfort appears in the infected area, it is better to turn to the classic option for getting rid of growths - a surgical scalpel. Modern clinics also practice other methods of removing warts:

Skin defects should be surgically removed only in specialized institutions that can ensure safety and excellent results.

Classic excision

Removal of papillomas and warts by excision is the oldest and most traumatic way of combating viral infection. However, it is still in demand when degeneration is suspected or in cases of multiple lesions. Sometimes a scalpel remains the only option for dealing with growths (if there are contraindications to other methods).

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, although anesthesia is often used in pediatric practice. There is no need to stay in the hospital after removing growths. The removed material must be sent for histology to determine the nature of the neoplasm.


The laser allows you to remove any growths, except oncogenic ones, does not leave marks or scars, and eliminates the possibility of wound infection and bleeding. This is the safest, painless and effective way to remove overgrown tissue, therefore it is often used in pediatrics and to combat defects in the facial area.

Cauterization of condylomas in the oral cavity is carried out with a special dental laser, which eliminates the burn of healthy tissue.

Liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction)

Cryodestruction is exposure to cold. The technique is absolutely safe and highly effective, does not leave noticeable scars. Under the influence of low temperatures, not only the surface cells of the wart die, but also those that have managed to penetrate deep into the dermis.

6–7 days after the operation, the growth dries out and falls off, leaving a pinkish spot.

Radio wave removal using Surgitron and Fotek devices

Surgitron and Fotek are the latest devices for radio wave treatment. The main element of the devices is a radio knife, which makes a cut without physical contact with the surface of the skin - the edges of the wound diverge to the sides under the influence of radio waves of a certain frequency. Concurrent coagulation of blood vessels helps to avoid bleeding and infection.

Radio beam is widely used in gynecology for painless removal of condylomas from the vaginal mucosa and vestibule of the cervix. The wave method does not cause swelling or damage to healthy tissue, shortens the rehabilitation period and reduces the risk of relapse.

Hardware effects have virtually no contraindications, with the exception of the following cases:

  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • malignant nature of the neoplasm.

Removing skin growths with ultrasound is similar in effect to the work of Surgitron, only high-frequency sound is used instead of radio waves.

Removal with a coagulator

Electrocoagulation is the burning of abnormally grown papillomas using an electric current. The technique is used infrequently because it is quite painful and leaves a visible scar on the skin, especially with deep and voluminous growths.

Features of tumor removal during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Removal of warts, papillomas and other growths on the arms, legs, face and body is prohibited in any trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. If we are talking about condylomas in the genital area, then the attitude towards them during the period of bearing a child is different. Such neoplasms require histological examination to identify the nature of the overgrown cells.

If during the period of gestation there is a massive spread of the virus, and it urgently needs to be stopped, it is better to do this after the 28th week of pregnancy.

For removal, any methods of hardware medicine are used, however, for cutaneous warts, preference is given to a laser, and genital warts are excised with a radioknife. The same methods are also used during lactation.

Getting rid of it at home

Using traditional medicine recipes, you can get rid of small warts or non-oncogenic papillomas. The following remedies have a good therapeutic effect:

  • juice of celandine, milkweed and yellow buttercup;
  • baked onions;
  • strong infusion of string;
  • pulp of aloe leaves;
  • acetic acid, iodine.

Some essential oils also have an excellent antiviral effect, for example, tea tree and eucalyptus, lemon, cedar and clove concentrate. Castor oil is good for warts on the face.

Among the ancient methods, potato juice and laundry soap are the most effective. It is recommended to take antiviral herbal preparations internally.

It is good to combine treatment with traditional methods with the use of Darsonval. Current enhances the effect of external agents and promotes deeper penetration of active components. Just remember to consult your doctor before using the device - Darsonval is not recommended for condylomas and papillomatous nevi.

Removal of papillomas and large warts

Large neoplasms include all growths with a diameter of more than 1 centimeter. To combat them, only surgical treatment is used. This is the only effective way to get rid of skin defects of any size and depth of germination.

The disadvantage of surgical excision is the formation of a visible scar after healing. Applying a cosmetic suture will help reduce the scar and make it more neat.

Why is self-excretion dangerous?

Any skin tumors, including papillomas, condylomas and warts, have an extensive capillary network, so their removal or damage is associated with heavy bleeding. A staphylococcal infection can get into an open wound and cause severe inflammation with suppuration.

Independent removal of oncogenic growths will entail the activation of cancer cells with subsequent malignancy of tissues.

How to care for a wound

After surgical excision or cauterization, it is necessary to regularly treat the wound with an antiseptic solution or Fukortsin and adhere to the recommended restrictions.

So, what not to do during the healing stage:

  • wash, swim in a pool, swim in the sea or otherwise wet the damaged area;
  • tear off the crust;
  • use creams, scrubs and other cosmetics;
  • go to the solarium or sunbathe on the beach.

How long does the rehabilitation period last after surgery? As a rule, at least 10–12 days pass until the tissues are completely healed.

Why can’t you remove the crust from a wound yourself? Firstly, an infection can occur, and secondly, damaged tissue will take longer to heal and a scar will remain. If suspicious changes occur in the skin - the wound is swollen, red, festered, begins to itch or ripple - immediately go to the doctor.

You can read more about the rules of skin care after removal of papillomas.

Possible complications after surgery

Complications can occur with any method of removal. Much depends on the size of the growth and care of the postoperative wound.

Patients most often encounter the following consequences:

  1. Development of allergies to the use of antiseptics. In this case, use antihistamines.
  2. Formation of keloid scars. To prevent them, immediately after healing, apply ointments with collagenase to the scar.
  3. The appearance of a bubble at the cauterization site. To reduce the blister, use anti-burn agents: Levasin, Bepanten, Levomekol.

If, instead of a removed tumor, thickening, redness and itching appear, consult a doctor immediately. What could be the danger of such a condition? At a minimum, the beginning of malignancy.

The risk of malignancy increases sharply in white-skinned people, with a family history of melanoma or constant exposure to sunlight. That is why it is not recommended to remove new growths in late spring and summer.

Activity in the skin and mucous epithelium of the human papillomavirus is not immediately detected. Problematic questions, how to get rid of the infection, whether it is possible to remove papilloma, arise along with the appearance of tiny bumps and “dangles” on the body. However, these benign neoplasms acquire the most bizarre shapes, sizes and colors. They can be removed at home with solutions, ointments and extracts, the action of which is based on cauterization of pathological tissues.

Removing papillomas helps fight infection

Once the virus has already entered the body, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it. There are prospects for treatment, mainly related to the removal of growths and increasing resistance to human papillomavirus infection (PVI). Skin growths are not just a cosmetic problem. Among more than 120 types of viruses, there are groups that can cause malignant degeneration of cells and tissues.

At the everyday level, it is almost impossible to distinguish benign growths from cancerous tumors.

It would be reasonable and prudent to entrust doctors with the decision on how to remove papillomas and what medications to take to reduce the activity of PVI. If the doctor recommends treating an infectious disease at home, then you can use pharmaceutical drugs and traditional medicine.

Method differs from method

What happens if you bandage a papilloma with thread or hair? Most likely, it will become inflamed, and secondary infection is possible. Therefore, this method is not practiced.

Modern methods of destroying tumors involve treating them with laser, electric current, radio waves, and low-temperature substances. They stop the blood supply to the papillomas or evaporate its tissue, as a result of which the tumor-like papilla is destroyed.

Papillomas cannot be removed in unsanitary conditions.

Is it permissible to rip off a papilloma and then treat the wound with alcohol or brilliant green? Under no circumstances should this be done! There are more “humane” ways to get rid of benign formations on the skin and mucous membranes. You can prepare it at home or buy inexpensive extracts at the pharmacy for treating papillomas. After several treatments, the small tumors darken and fall off.

Cauterization of papillomas with tinctures

Many substances, active ingredients of plants, and beekeeping products are highly soluble in ethyl alcohol. You can prepare such products at home, but it is better to purchase an alcohol tincture of iodine at a pharmacy. It is prepared from poisonous dark purple crystals of the substance, diluted alcohol and potassium iodide.

The tincture is used externally, and it is recommended to lubricate only the edges of the wound, since the solution kills not only the infection, but also living tissue. In the case of papillomas, on the contrary, only the tubercle or stalk of the pendulum (if present) is lubricated with iodine. According to reviews from those who have used this method, necrosis of the growths occurs within two weeks. Iodine should be applied to papillomas at least 2 times a day.

Self-removal of papillomas with propolis includes the use of applications and tinctures. The softened bee glue should be kneaded and secured to the papilloma with an adhesive plaster. After 1–2, the bandage can be removed and problem areas treated with propolis tincture. Continue treatment with an alcohol solution of bee glue in the following days (once a day).

To cauterize papillomas in the summer, the juice of green walnut peel, rich in quinones and hydroquinone (a phenol-related compound), is used. Reviews about the use of this natural remedy are positive. Just don’t tear off the papilloma, it’s dangerous. You should carefully apply the juice directly to the surface of the new growth, avoiding contact with healthy skin.

Fresh and dried walnut foliage is also a source of active substances that act on papillomas. An infusion is prepared from the raw material to treat growths; its brown color is due not to iodine, but to plant pigments.

Sometimes doubt arises: is it dangerous to remove papillomas using plant extracts? Precautionary measures must be taken, as in the case of using iodine tincture, green nut juice, and celandine. We are talking about using any product only to treat papilloma. The skin around the tumor is protected by sticking an adhesive plaster and a thick layer of cream.

It would not be amiss to add a list of folk remedies for getting rid of papillomas with a mention of when it is best to remove papillomas according to the lunar calendar. This should be done during the waning moon phase.

Other folk recipes for papillomas

The question is often asked whether it is possible to bandage a papilloma. The correct answer to this is: the tumor stalk, its base cannot be tied with thread. If you mean attaching a piece of aloe, propolis or cotton wool with extract to your arm, neck, leg, then a bandage or patch will come in handy.

Home healers:

  1. Aloe and Kalanchoe have bactericidal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When deciding how to remove papillomas, you should not discount these indoor plants. They secrete juice, which softens and cauterizes tumors. For treatment, you need to select mature aloe or Kalanchoe leaves without damage, make a longitudinal section and apply the pulp to the papilloma. Secure with a bandage or bandage and keep for 4 to 8 hours. The procedure should be repeated daily for 10 days.
  2. Tea tree and lemon oils should be applied pointwise to papillomas. The procedure is carried out twice a day for two weeks.
  3. Crushed garlic is mixed with flour or starch and applied to the papilloma with an adhesive plaster for 2–3 hours. This is the simplest way to cauterize a papilloma. After the specified time, the skin is washed. Benign neoplasms will be destroyed after regular procedures and will disappear within 1–1.5 months.

Papilloma is a deformed area of ​​skin of viral origin. This benign neoplasm is the most common among skin diseases. In appearance, a papilloma is similar to a wart, since it consists of squamous epithelium and is located above the level of the skin. However, its difference is that the papilloma is separated from the skin by a small “leg”.

The appearance of papilloma can occur anywhere. Sometimes a growth can appear in completely unexpected places: the wall of the bladder, intestines, stomach, mucous membrane of the larynx, eyelid. Also, growths can be located on the tongue, skin, and genitals. In this case, the formation of papilloma is accompanied by a white or yellowish coating.

Neoplasms can vary in shape and size. The color of tumors can have a variety of shades - from white to light brown tones. These neoplasms very often do not cause much concern, so patients have a question about whether the papillomas need to be removed.

How does a tumor arise and why does it need to be removed?

The main reason for the appearance of papillomas is infection with a virus and weakened immunity. The emerging tumor may be the result of exposure to certain factors. The conditions for its development may be as follows:

Papillomas can appear on the body of any person, since no one is immune from this. However, there are certain groups of people who are most susceptible to developing nasty growths. First of all, these are people:

  • who have many sexual partners;
  • alcohol and drug abusers;
  • who take oral contraceptives;
  • with weakened immunity.

However, the disease can also affect people who lead a healthy lifestyle if they are influenced by certain unfavorable factors:

You can often hear a question regarding papilloma - should this tumor be removed or not? Patients also often wonder whether it is dangerous to remove papillomas. In this case, the safety of the procedure depends on the level of professionalism of the doctor and the characteristics of the method by which the papilloma will be removed.

Most doctors are unanimous in their opinion that the emerging tubercle of benign origin should be destroyed. Why can’t the formation of these growths be ignored? The fact is that the papilloma can be accidentally injured and damaged, which becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. As this area of ​​the skin heals, an unaesthetic scar may form or inflammation may begin.

If the growth is located in the area of ​​the lymph node, this is fraught with the development of lymphadenitis. If compaction and redness appear at the location of the papilloma, you should contact a dermato-oncologist as soon as possible. If the patient is diagnosed with cervical papilloma, then after its removal a tissue biopsy is necessarily performed. This will make it possible to establish the degree of danger of this neoplasm.

Not all papillomaviruses can provoke the development of malignant tumors. In modern medicine, those with the highest oncogenic risk are identified: HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68. However, for oncologists the question is whether it is necessary to remove papillomas body, it is not worth it, since any neoplasm, even with a low oncogenic risk, under unfavorable circumstances, for example, due to injury, can develop into a malignant one.

Medicinal and traditional methods

When papillomas develop, removal is not always practiced. This depends on the stage and speed of development of the pathology. With the intensive growth of the neoplasm, due to its high danger to health, papilloma must be fought and eliminated at the earliest stage of the disease. If the papilloma progresses, then it can be removed using several methods. Non-operative methods include:

Radical methods

In modern medical practice, there are various ways to remove papillomas. Let's consider the main ones:

Postoperative recovery

Each of the methods of tumor removal described above has certain contraindications, and only a specialist, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the disease in a particular case, will be able to prescribe a method that will avoid negative consequences. However, no matter what method is chosen, in any case, damage to the skin occurs.

The wound after papilloma removal requires special care. Sometimes it happens that the wound does not heal for quite a long time. Therefore, after removing papillomas, it is important to know how to treat the skin. All recommendations should be given by the doctor after the procedure.

If you do not properly care for your skin after papilloma removal, this will lead to inflammation and the formation of age spots.

Necessary actions after removal of papilloma:

Simple prevention methods can prevent the development of papillomas:

  1. It is necessary to regularly strengthen the immune system.
  2. Be sure to take a shower and disinfect the skin with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine after visiting places such as swimming pools, baths, saunas, beaches.
  3. Promptly treat any wounds and abrasions on the skin with iodine.
  4. Treat chronic illnesses in a timely manner.
  5. Protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

It should be remembered that if any growths appear on the skin, you should immediately contact a specialist, preferably an oncodermatologist.

He will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures and determine the most appropriate method for removing tumors in a particular situation. This approach will allow you to quickly get rid of the growth and avoid complications.

Papillomas are small raised or pedunculated growths on the skin. Color can vary from flesh to dark brown. They can be located either in groups or individually. The largest tumors in the group are considered “maternal”; their correct removal most often stops the growth and spread of smaller papillomas.

The appearance of papillomas is a signal that the body’s defenses are weakened. And it can be weakened for various reasons:

  • Stress.
    In a stressful situation, glucocorticoid hormones are released, suppressing the work of certain parts of the immune mechanism.
  • Physical inactivity.
    If muscles rarely work, blood cannot circulate freely throughout the body, lymphocytes do not have access to cells, and therefore do not destroy viruses.
  • Lack of sleep.
    When biological rhythms are disrupted, the body “turns on” the TLR-9 gene, which makes a person susceptible to viruses.
  • Infections.
    Caries, sinusitis, tonsillitis are foci of infection and force the immune system to be in constant tension.

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm.

Many people, having noticed such a growth on themselves, consider it a cosmetic defect, but only a few know what it is and how it really is dangerous.

Let's consider this issue in more detail, because, according to medical statistics, a large part of the population is infected with the papilloma virus, which means this problem can affect everyone.

What it is

Papilloma (or wart) is a growth on the skin or mucous membrane, which is a symptom of human infection with papillomavirus.

This virus has a huge number of subspecies, depending on which skin formations may differ in shape, location and degree of danger.

  • The color of papillomas usually varies from flesh-colored to brown, and on the genitals - to reddish-bluish, which depends on the pigment content or blood vessels in the structure of this formation.
  • Warts can be round, flat, conical, or resemble a cauliflower inflorescence or a bunch of broken threads.
  • The structure of papillomas also differs from each other in density and can have a soft, elastic or keratinized surface. Some formations remain small throughout their existence, others grow to large sizes.

Some types of papillomas are more common than others and have already been studied quite well, since doctors constantly have to deal with them:

  • simple (vulgar) papillomas are hard, keratinized growths that are usually found on the fingers and hands, and in children also on the knees. Sometimes they disappear on their own over time;
  • Plantar warts are often confused with regular calluses. They also cause discomfort when walking, but unlike papillomas, a skin pattern can be distinguished on the surface of the callus, and the wart also has a noticeable protruding rim;
  • flat papillomas are not necessarily round in shape, often even irregular. They cause inflammation and redness of the surrounding skin and are very itchy.
  • filamentous papillomas grow in length. They can appear as a growth in the form of a single thread or a whole bunch; they often appear on the body of people of middle age and older. Usually formed on the face, neck, under the arms;
  • genital warts are often found in intimate areas: the external genitalia, around the urethra and anus, and in women - in the vagina and cervix.

Doctors already know what the most dangerous type of human papillomavirus is. These are types 16 or 18, because they are the common cause of the development of malignant tumors from papilloma.

Regardless of the type of papillomas, modern medicine recommends removing them.


Exposure to various negative factors, combined with a weakened immune system, can lead to the activation of the human papillomavirus in the body. Most people on earth have it, but not everyone has it.

What do growths look like?

The most common papillomas are in the armpits, chest, neck, and groin. They do not cause any discomfort if they grow on the skin, but there are situations when they appear on the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth. If a person has multiple growths, then this disease is called papillomatosis. The growths can be either flesh-colored or whitish; brown formations are also often found.

In most cases, they look like tumors on a thin stalk with an uneven surface. But they can also be flat - then they are called adherent papillomas. If there are a lot of growths, then they unite and begin to resemble cauliflower inflorescences.

The cause of papillomas is a virus.


There are many types of papillomas. But most often doctors encounter the following:

  • simple (vulgar) warts are small (about 5 mm in diameter) round-shaped neoplasms, their surface is hard and rises like a hemisphere. Such growths can often be found on the fingers and hands, on the knees;
  • flat – rounded formations that rise slightly above the skin. Such growths cause inflammation and itching of the skin, and therefore cause significant discomfort;
  • plantar - form on the soles of the feet and at first they can be confused with ordinary calluses. But then the edges of the formation rise above the center, and the wart itself begins to grow inward, causing discomfort when walking;
  • filamentous - small growths growing in length. At high magnification, uneven edges are visible, like a broken thread. They form in the natural folds of the skin (under the armpits, in the groin), on the neck, on the face, on the eyelid. The symptoms do not bother them, but they are often injured.
  • genital warts- this type of papillomas appears on the genitals, around the anus and inside it. Condylomas are similar to the comb of a rooster and tend to grow. The color, like the mucous membrane, is pinkish, and over time may become covered with a whitish coating.

These papillomas have a very specific appearance and can be recognized from a photo. But still, the final diagnosis is made by a specialist.

Video: “Papilloma - symptoms, treatment, prevention”

Symptoms of HPV include growths that appear.

  • Some of them may pass on your own during a year. Others can grow and form daughter outgrowths. The disease is prone to relapse.
  • Genital warts do not go away on their own. Moreover, they gradually change the structure of surrounding tissues and can cause their malignancy.

Often, growths are discovered by chance, by touch or through injury.


For diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

Of course, it is usually possible to identify papillomas by their appearance, but an accurate diagnosis is necessary for proper treatment.

The following studies help determine it:

  • simple and extended colposcopy - a colposcope allows you to examine all the nuances of the tumor and surrounding tissues;
  • cytological examination - helps to draw conclusions about the state and functioning of the cells of the growth and surrounding tissues;
  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction detects the DNA of the virus in the material under study and determines the degree of its oncogenicity;
  • histological analysis – clarifies the benign quality of the formation or the stage of its malignancy;
  • The Digine test is the most sensitive test to date that detects HPV and provides complete information about its type and oncogenicity.

Treatment of papillomas

The papillomavirus has many varieties. Some of them (about forty) cause the appearance of growths on the reproductive organs of women and men. The reasons for this lie in weakened immunity. Most often the formations are harmless, but some can cause serious trouble. Therefore, it is necessary to remove papillomas on the body.

Depending on where the growths appeared, there are different ways to remove papillomas. They are aimed at getting rid of tumors that affect the skin and reproductive organs.

The following methods show how to remove papillomas:

  1. Conservative treatment. Only the doctor selects. Medicines (Cryopharma, Ferezol, Verrukacid, etc.) are taken according to a special regimen. They increase immunity, suppress the virus and thereby help remove papilloma. The action of the drugs works according to this scheme: the chemical components help to cauterize the papilloma, acting from the inside on the leg, which dries up, and the growth itself comes off the body after a week.
  2. Cauterization. The oldest method that people used in ancient times. The inhabitants of Egypt tried to burn off the growths with a firebrand. Modern medicine uses different means for this procedure. Cauterization of papillomas is carried out only by a specialist in a medical institution.
  3. Surgical removal of papillomas is another method that destroys growths. Its peculiarity is that it is used only against the background of one reason: the possible transformation of neoplasms into oncology.
  4. Electrocoagulation. You can burn out formations with high-frequency current. This method of removing papillomas cannot be used on the face, because it leaves scars.
  5. Cryodestruction. Helps destroy growths with liquid nitrogen. They cannot produce formations everywhere. The method is not dangerous, but also not very effective: several sessions will be required.
  6. Cauterization with laser. It will allow you to quickly and without scars reduce papillomas and leave no traces after removal. The procedure involves sealing the blood vessel that feeds the growth. As a result, education disappears. Suitable for all types of neoplasms.
  7. Radiosurgery will also help get rid of the human papillomavirus. The radio knife works using radio waves. This method demonstrates whether it is painful to remove papillomas. Therefore, the procedure is performed using local anesthesia.

Each method shows well how you can remove papillomas on the body.

The benign structure of the formation makes you wonder whether it is worth removing papillomas that appear on the body. Even if they do not bother you, their presence creates the possibility of infecting others.

To protect loved ones, you should seek help from a medical facility. The specialist will tell you in detail how to remove papillomas on the body at home.

Such methods can kill the growths, but the virus itself will remain inside the body and, under suitable conditions, provoke re-infection.

Is it possible to remove papillomas only externally? It is possible, but there will not be a lasting therapeutic effect, since the neoplasm itself is secondary. The virus must be treated. For this purpose, medications have been developed that can be used in home treatment after consultation with a doctor.

This is a viral infectious disease that may not appear externally at all, but can cause growth of the epidermis. The incubation period is from a month to six months or more.

Whether papillomas need to be removed is decided by the doctor, based on tests and histological examination of pathological formations. Also, to prescribe treatment, the age and condition of the patient’s body, the localization of warts, their quantitative (single, multiple) and qualitative (flat, wide, pointed) characteristics are taken into account.

Removal of papillomas is the first step in the treatment of this disease. Excision of growths should be combined with immunomodulatory and antiviral therapy.

Methods for removing papilloma

In order to get rid of warts on the body, you need to consult with a qualified specialist who can prescribe one of the destructive therapies.

Types of removal:

  • Excision of growths using physical methods;
  • Use of chemicals;
  • Medicines.

There are methods of destruction of formations that are not associated with official medicine. Before you think about how you can remove the papilloma yourself, you need to tell a specialist about this intention. Your doctor may be able to convince you not to use ineffective and dangerous home remedies.

Getting rid of growths sometimes does not give a lasting result; they can appear again, sometimes in the same places.

To prevent relapses, an integrated approach is used:

  • removal of tumors;
  • antiviral therapy;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Antiviral drugs can be used in the form of tablets, ointments, and suppositories.

Of course, they should be prescribed by a specialist who will evaluate the individual clinical picture.

Only immunity is able to contain the activity of the virus and transfer it to a latent (hidden) form.

Therefore, it should also be strengthened.

  • This could be a full menu and a course of vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to take special medications that help strengthen natural defenses. They should also be prescribed by a doctor, since experiments with drugs can have the opposite effect.

How to get rid of it at home

There are several ways to remove papilloma at home.

You can use pharmaceutical products:

  • Cryopharma, Wartner cryo - used for rapid freezing of warts;
  • Super Celandine, Super Chistotel, Antipapillom are alkaline preparations, they should be used according to the instructions to prevent burns to healthy skin;
  • Verrukacid, Ferezol - phenolic solutions allow you to remove a wart in one day;
  • adhesive tape for warts - glued to the growth for 3 hours, then removed along with the wart.

You can also use drugs that are not directly intended for removing warts, but have proven themselves: iodine solution, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, castor oil.

They should be applied to the wart several times a day (iodine is applied once).

Folk remedies


One of the most effective folk remedies in the fight against papillomas is celandine juice. The product is applied to the site of the tumor and sealed with a band-aid.

The next day they take it off. The procedure is carried out once every two days until complete disappearance.

You can also use alcohol or vinegar to remove the tumor. The affected areas are cauterized using a cotton swab.

Carry out the procedure once a day until it disappears completely.

An infusion made from thuja, potato sprouts and celandine has worked well. The components are taken in equal parts and completely fill a liter jar with them. Then alcohol is added and stored in a dark place for 10 days. The resulting infusion is used to cauterize papillomas up to three times a day. The procedure is repeated daily until the tumor goes away.

A more gentle remedy is celandine with olive oil. Celandine shoots are crushed, placed in a glass container and filled with oil. The product should sit in a dark place for one month. After this, it is applied to the affected areas up to four times a day.

Castor oil has proven itself well. It is applied to the area affected by papilloma twice a day for a month. Castor oil contains organic acids that gradually break down various types of growths formed on the skin.

Garlic and butter are used as a folk remedy. To do this, crushed garlic is mixed with oil in a ratio of 1 to 2. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area and sealed with a band-aid. After a couple of hours, the product is removed. The procedure is carried out over a month. It will take approximately this long for the papilloma to completely dry out and fall off.

To combat growths, kerosene with chopped walnuts is also used. Unripe green fruits are infused in kerosene in a ratio of 1 to 2 and allowed to brew in a dark place for half a month.

The prepared product is applied to the affected areas up to three times a day. A more gentle remedy is walnut fruits with honey.

The nuts are crushed and mixed with honey in a ratio of 2 to 1. The product is applied in the morning and evening, leaving to act for one hour.

The product can be covered with a film on top and sealed with a band-aid to enhance the effect. The procedure is repeated daily for a month.

Propolis is used to combat papillomas. A piece of the product is applied to the growth and fixed with a band-aid. Leave to act for a day. The procedure is repeated every day until the tumor disappears.

Regular chicken egg shells will help get rid of papillomas. To do this, place the component in a preheated oven to 250 degrees and leave for half an hour.

The shells are then ground to a powder. The product is stored in a tightly closed glass container.

The powder is poured onto the affected areas and sealed with a band-aid on top. The bandage is changed to a new one after three days.

After three weeks, as a rule, the tumors dry out and fall off on their own.

To disappear new growths and prevent new ones, you can use baths made from chestnut or celandine decoction.

For oral administration

Since one of the reasons for the appearance of papillomas is a weakened immune system, it is recommended to use tonic drinks, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

To strengthen the immune system, a herbal collection of blackcurrant, coltsfoot and lungwort leaves is used. The components are taken in equal proportions and brewed with boiling water. The resulting decoction is used in the form of tea 2-3 times a day, one cup at a time.

Cahors infused with St. John's wort is taken as a general strengthening infusion. Take two tablespoons of the herbal component per bottle of the drink and leave for half a month in a dark place. After this, the drug is taken three times a day before each meal. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Some traditional pharmacy recipes are effective for removing warts. You can use them at home, and they have already been time-tested:

  • celandine - drop fresh plant juice directly onto the growth, do it every other day;
  • stick a piece of garlic with a plaster to the tumor for 2-3 hours, do it twice daily;
  • cut an aloe leaf lengthwise and tie it to the wart for 3 hours a day;
  • make a paste from a cabbage leaf and tie it to the growth for 3-4 hours twice a day;
  • make a tincture of dandelion flowers (put them in a jar, pour vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place), lubricate the new growth with it 3 times a day;
  • slightly damp laundry soap rub the growth, leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse, you can do this several times a day.

You should not expect a quick result, but gradually the warts will dry out and fall off.

Folk remedies

Most traditional methods are ineffective. Removing papilloma cleanly and painlessly by tying it with thread or cauterizing it with various compounds is possible only with a sufficient amount of luck. Most often, such methods only lead to injury to the affected area, the spread of infection and the appearance of new lesions.

This should also include various pharmaceutical preparations for home removal of papillomas and warts. Most of them contain alkali or other aggressive components that cannot be dosed. The consequences of such self-medication are chemical burns and non-healing scars.

The following most well-known methods will show you how to get rid of papilloma at home.

  • Removing papilloma with adhesive tape. It is freely sold through the pharmacy chain. A tape soaked in a special solution is applied to the infected area. The tumor will be underneath it. Within a week it dies and is removed along with the tape. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • A reliable way to remove papilloma at home is to cauterize it with celandine juice. The base of the growth is tied with thread, the area is treated with an antiseptic, and then a little juice is applied to the growth. The procedure is repeated for some time until the growth disappears. Having gotten rid of it, the removal site must be smeared for another month so that there is no relapse. This method clearly shows whether papillomas can be cauterized.
  • You can remove formations from the body using the drug Verrukacid. The package contains instructions that describe how to remove papilloma correctly step by step. The solution is applied to the formation with the applicator included in the kit up to 3-4 times. If it is impossible to cope on your own, you need to ask someone for help. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the skin. The effect of the medicine will be visible after two days. During this period, the tumor will turn black and then fall off.
  • Is it possible to remove papillomas with ointment? For this purpose, oxolinic and salicylic ointments are used, as well as a special ointment Viferon. Their main action is to fight the virus. The treatment period is quite long, with repeated courses to prevent relapse.

There are other methods that tell you how best to remove papillomas at home.

Consequences of papilloma removal

After removal of tumors on the body, many are faced with the question: how to care for the wound after removal of papilloma? What can lead to complications? The operated area needs careful care, as infection can get through the resulting wound.

What you should never do after removing a papilloma:

  • peel off the crust;
  • wet the wound;
  • overheat the wound in the sun;
  • to injure;
  • cover with adhesive tape.

You cannot use other people's things and hygiene products. If possible, hands should always remain dry, and if you accidentally touch a wound, you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat the wound.

How to care for a wound?

No matter how the tumor on the body is removed, careful care remains equally important in treatment. After removal of the papilloma, a funnel-shaped depression is formed on the skin.

The size of this hole corresponds to the depth and diameter of the removed tumor. After removing a wart or papilloma, redness and swelling appear on the skin.

Since the wound is not sealed with a plaster, the necrotic tissues form a scab after some time. This process can take 2-4 weeks.

The resulting crust protects the wound from external irritants. If the wound is sealed with a medical plaster, then the process of crust formation does not occur.

By removing the crust yourself, you can cause bleeding, which will subsequently lead to the appearance of a scar, pigment spot and infection of the wound. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to tear off the crust or papilloma tissue.

To create the necessary conditions for the formation of a crust, it is not recommended to use various ointments, creams and other cosmetic emollients and moisturizers. After removing the papilloma, try not to wet the wound at least for the first time.

If pus has formed under the scab, this means that the wound has become infected. In this case, the attending physician softens the crust with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin and carefully removes it.

If the crust falls off naturally, then in its place there remains thin skin of a bright pink color. After a few months, the operated area acquires a natural skin color, and no trace of papilloma remains.

It is not recommended to treat young skin with alcohol-based cosmetics for the first time. Contact with household chemicals and other active substances should be avoided. You should be extremely careful when using a washcloth, razor or pumice stone. To protect the resulting skin from sun rays, it is recommended to lubricate the area with sunscreen.

Skin care after papilloma removal plays an important role during the rehabilitation period. By following all the rules, you can speed up the healing process and avoid inflammation or suppuration of the skin.

How to prevent complications?

The consequences of removing papilloma can be disastrous. If you do not properly care for the wound after surgery, complications are possible. Most often, with weak immunity, the wound takes longer to heal, and scars form in its place. If the care rules are not followed, the wound may become infected and pus may form. To avoid complications, it is enough to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

As a rule, medications during the rehabilitation period are prescribed by the attending physician on an individual basis, depending on the location of the papilloma and the condition of the skin. However, the main medical treatments are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents.

The wound heals faster if it is treated with disinfectants, for example, iodine, brilliant green or potassium permanganate.

After peeling off the crust, the skin area can be lubricated with 1% Hydrocortisone ointment. In addition, the wound can be treated with Methyluracil ointment or Solcoseryl.

It is not recommended to lubricate the wound with calendula tincture or potassium permanganate. In this case, an allergic reaction may occur. The skin may become red, itching and burning may occur. Antiallergic medications, for example, Fenistil gel or Claritin, will help relieve inflammation.

In the postoperative period, it is necessary to increase the restorative function of the skin, improve its elasticity and resistance to external environmental irritants. For this purpose, doctors prescribe solutions based on vitamins E and A.

Hyaluronic acid, which is found in medicinal gels and creams, has proven itself well. The main function of hyaluronic acid is to create a thin film that renews rough tissue, allows oxygen to pass through and stimulates the connection of eastin and collagen.

You can use glycolic acid as a scrub. It has a gentle effect and at the same time removes dead skin particles without damaging the skin.

After removing the tumor, it is necessary to normalize the production of collagen and elastin to create connective tissue. And this can be achieved only with proper and enhanced nutrition of the skin. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the process of healing and tissue renewal.

To prevent relapse, doctors recommend taking medications that are aimed at strengthening the immune system, for example, ascorbic acid and herbal adaptogens. At home, you can prepare tinctures to strengthen the immune system based on ginseng or echinacea.

To improve your general condition, you can also carry out preventive measures, such as hardening, walking in the fresh air and physical exercise.

To avoid complications of papillomas removal, it is necessary to have them removed by an experienced surgeon, and not in a beauty salon.

  • Complications of papillomas removal, especially independent, there may be severe burns to healthy skin adjacent to the wart. As a result, a rough scar may form at the site of the growth.
  • Inept actions or incomplete removal can provoke not only a surge in virus activity, but also tissue degeneration.

Therefore, if after removal of the papilloma the wound does not heal for a long time, signs of inflammation, itching, pain appear, do not hesitate to visit the doctor.


Local removal of papillomas cannot guarantee that new ones will not appear in place of old tumors. General preventive measures, which consist, first of all, of strengthening the immune system, can help avoid relapse.

Proper, healthy eating, physical activity, taking vitamin complexes and giving up bad habits will help strengthen the immune system. In addition, it is important to avoid stressful situations, overwork, and maintain wakefulness and sleep patterns.

Personal hygiene is also important: when in contact with other people, do not forget to wash your hands, as the virus can be transmitted through a simple handshake.

Some preventive measures will reduce the risk of infection or relapse:

  • limiting the number of sexual partners;
  • using condoms;
  • annual preventive examinations with a gynecologist (for women) or a urologist (for men);
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • taking care of your health in a broad sense (giving up bad habits, nutritious nutrition, preventing overwork);
  • HPV vaccination.

Papilloma (or wart) is not always a harmless neoplasm.

Sometimes it can cause significant damage not only to your wallet, but, more importantly, to your health.

Therefore, consult your doctor promptly about any growths that appear. This is where your care for your own body begins.

Papillomas live in colonies

Papilloma is a skin growth, the shape and color of which may vary in each case. This defect is formed as a result of the impact of the virus on the cells of the body, which causes pathological changes and proliferation of epithelial tissue. HPV is transmitted primarily through sexual contact, but cases of infection through common household items are common. The level of danger of such neoplasms largely depends on the type of HPV strain with which a person was infected. Currently, the indication for removal is the high oncogenic activity of the papilloma, which can be determined using a special analysis, but removal of papillomas with a low oncogenic risk is not prohibited.

Most of the neoplasms are benign in nature, which theoretically makes it possible not to seek the help of a surgeon unless they cause constant psychological discomfort to the person. However, if the papilloma is large, then no matter where it is located, there is always a risk of accidental injury or even complete separation from the skin. This can lead to the formation of a deep scar or cause complications such as:

  • massive bleeding;
  • blood poisoning;
  • sharp growth and spread of new papillomas.
Separation of papilloma from the skin

A person cannot independently determine which strain of the virus provoked the growth of a particular papilloma, and therefore there is always a risk of its malignancy, especially if it is subjected to constant mechanical stress (for example, friction of clothing). Papillomas located on the skin can increase significantly in size over time, which can even lead to complete blindness. If the genital mucosa is affected, a person may experience discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, and infection of the basal layer of the cell can lead to cancer of the reproductive organs.

Is it dangerous to remove papillomas?

Removal of papilloma should be carried out only in a hospital setting after having determined the nature of HPV, the doctor will select the most rational way to eliminate this problem. Currently, thanks to high-precision medical equipment, this procedure takes from one to several minutes, and the patient experiences virtually no pain.

With the right approach to papilloma removal, the risk of complications is practically absent, but cannot be excluded. Below is a table describing the most famous modern methods of combating skin growths, as well as the consequences that can be observed after them:

Procedure nameExecution techniquePossible consequences and disadvantages of the chosen method
CryodestructionPapilloma tissues are destroyed under the influence of extremely low temperatures; liquid nitrogen is used for this, which is applied using a special applicator. The procedure does not require the use of anesthetics and is well tolerated by both adults and children.The only disadvantage of cryodestruction is the inability to control the depth of nitrogen exposure to pathological tissue, as a result of which the tumor may not be completely removed and a repeat procedure will be required. In rare cases, small scars may remain.
ElectrocoagulationThis method is based on the use of high-frequency current, under the influence of which the pathological tissue is completely destroyed as a result of the coagulation of its protein structures. The doctor himself controls the depth of the effect; the duration of the procedure depends on the size of the growth.The main consequences of electrocoagulation include possible burns of healthy tissue located near the papilloma, as well as the formation of a small scar. Removal may be painful, so local anesthetics are used before the procedure. The recovery period takes some time.
Laser therapyThis is one of the modern painless express methods for removing papillomas, after which there are no signs of medical intervention. During cauterization, bleeding and the entry of microbes into the wound are eliminated; the depth of laser exposure is well controlled using special high-tech equipment, which makes it possible to remove small and complex tumors in the intimate area and on the face.Not identified
Chemical cauterizationPapilloma tissue is destroyed by chemicals containing salicylic acid or Spanish fly extract.High risk of chemical burns to healthy tissues and the formation of deep scars.
Radio wave methodThis method does not cause pain to the patient and is suitable for removing papillomas in hard-to-reach places. During the procedure, using high-frequency current, pathological tissue is removed layer by layer while simultaneously cauterizing the wound.Not identified
Surgical excisionPreference for this method is given in the presence of large tumors, especially those prone to malignancy.The operation requires the use of painkillers, long-term rehabilitation and regular wound care. There is a risk of severe bleeding and blood poisoning if hygiene measures are not followed.

The above methods for removing papillomas are the safest of all known today, but since the result often depends on the experience and qualifications of the specialist, it is better to give preference to doctors with good recommendations.

Are traditional methods of removing papillomas effective?

Traditional medicine also offers a large number of ways to remove papillomas with homemade ointments and compresses based on natural ingredients. Many of these medicines are really effective, but cauterizing or dissolving skin growths using the juice of celandine and other poisonous plants without the supervision of a specialist can be dangerous, as there is a high risk of getting a severe burn.

Celandine juice is used to cauterize papillomas

Also, when removing a skin growth, a person cannot be sure that it is not caused by a strain of HPV with a high oncogenic risk. Careless cauterization or excision of a malignant tumor can provoke rapid growth of atypical cells - skin cancer. Such a mistake can even cost a person his life, so in order to avoid serious consequences, it is better to entrust the procedure to experienced specialists who can quickly and painlessly remove the papilloma without risk to health.

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