Russian citizens deserve a decent education. Russian citizens - a decent education Minister of Justice Panin

Born in 1969 in the Saratov region;

In 1991 graduated from the Riga Higher Military-Political School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.S. Biryuzov;

From 2002 to 2005 he studied at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation under a joint program with the International Higher School of Business "MIRBIS", completed his studies with honors in the specialty "Public and Municipal Administration" with the additional qualification "Master of Business Administration" (MBA );

In May 2007 headed the Organizing Committee of the 1st All-Russian Forum of Large and Adoptive Families of Russia, acted as coordinator of social programs of the All-Russian Community of Large and Adoptive Families;

He took direct part in the work of the World Russian People's Council (2007), the All-Russian Conference "Protection of Consumer Rights: the Sphere of Education" (2007), the II All-Russian Civil Forum at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (2008);

Laureate of the first national award "Beacons of the Fatherland" - for the development of a strong civil society and care for children; awarded the insignia of the Strategic Missile Forces - the Marshal Nedelin medal, the Golden Badge of Honor of the National Foundation for Public Recognition - for his great contribution to the development of modern Russian education, fruitful public educational activities to protect the rights of participants in the educational process, active citizenship;

He is the head of federal social projects of the All-Russian public organization "Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services"; author of numerous methodological recommendations on self-defense of rights in the field of education; author of the Analytical Review "Corruption in Education in Modern Russia" (2010).

Married, has four children.

Publications with mentions on

MOSCOW, April 15, RIA FederalPress. The Chairman of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Consumers of Educational Services, Viktor Panin, sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office, with...

Victor Nikitich Panin

Panin Viktor Nikitich (28.III.1801 - 1.IV.1874), count, - Russian statesman. Since 1819 - in the diplomatic service. From 1832 - Deputy Minister of Justice, from 1839 - Manager of the Ministry of Justice, in 1841-1861 - Minister of Justice. He adhered to an extremely reactionary course and was opposed to any reforms. As a member of the Secret (since 1857) and Main (since 1858) committees for peasant affairs, he stubbornly delayed the abolition of serfdom. In 1860, he became chairman of editorial commissions, where he defended the interests of serf owners in every possible way. Was not present at the final meeting of the drafting committee due to sharp disagreements with other members. Published 2 essays dedicated to the so-called Princess Tarakanova (M., 1867), and several documents from the family archive.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 10. NAHIMSON - PERGAMUS. 1967.

Panin Viktor Nikitich (03/28/1801-04/1/1874), count, statesman, diplomat, son N.P. Panina. From 1819 he served in the College of Foreign Affairs. He carried out diplomatic assignments in Madrid. He served in the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs during the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829. In 1831 he was a Russian attorney in Greece. In 1832 he was appointed acting deputy minister of justice, then - minister of justice. He held this post until 1862. During his reign, conscientious courts were abolished, the Moscow Archive of Justice was put in order, a special school for Caucasian surveyors was established, etc. In 1857 he was appointed a member of the secret, and in 1858 - the Main Committee for Peasant Affairs . In 1860, he was entrusted with the chairmanship of the editorial commissions that were part of the Main Committee, and for this period he was relieved of control of the Ministry of Justice. Panin believed it was necessary to provide landowners with patrimonial police within the boundaries of their estates; he did not allow the right of landowners to their lands, which were for the use of the peasantry, to be recognized by law as an incomplete right of ownership of these lands. He was opposed to giving land to peasants for indefinite use and tried, if possible, to limit the maximum allotment of land. At the same time, defending his opinion and being an opponent of the reform, he remained correct in the debate and tried to follow the will Alexandra II. In 1861, Panin left the Ministry of Justice, because he finally disagreed with the fundamental provisions of the proposed judicial reforms. In 1864 he was appointed chief executive of the Second Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery. He was retired from 1867.

Materials from the site Great Encyclopedia of the Russian People were used.

Read further:

Panin Nikita Petrovich (1770-1837), count, diplomat, father of Viktor Nikitich.


Kolmakov N. M., Gr. V. N. Panin, "PC", 1887, No. 11-12;

Semevsky V.I., Cross. question in Russia in the 18th century. and first floor. XIX century, vol. 1-2, St. Petersburg, 1888.

Panin Viktor Evgenievich- Russian physicist, scientific director of the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, specialist in the field of physics and mechanics of deformable solids, physical materials science, professor of the Materials Science Department of the Engineering School of New Production Technologies of Tomsk Polytechnic University, member of the TPU Board of Trustees.


From a family of employees. Panin spent his childhood and youth in Tobolsk, where he graduated in 1947. Wed. school No. 1. In 1947-1952. Studied at the Faculty of Physics of TSU. He graduated from the university with honors with a degree in Physics with a qualification. “A researcher with the right to teach in higher and secondary schools” and was recommended for graduate school in the specialty “Metalphysics”. He graduated from graduate school with a Ph.D. thesis defense at the United Council of Physics Faculties of TSU on November 24, 1955 on the topic “The influence of friction at the ends on mechanical properties and energy absorption during compression.” Approved for the academic degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on October 17, 1956.

After graduating from graduate school, from September 1, 1955, he was a junior researcher at SFTI, and from February 2, 1957, he was an assistant at the Department of Experimental Physics at TSU. From 09/01/1959 – senior researcher at SFTI, specialty “Solid State Physics” (approved as a senior researcher in this specialty on 04/17/1963). From 01.06. 1969 – Head of the Department of Metal Physics at SFTI. In 1967, at the TSU Council, Panin defended his doctoral dissertation “Transformation processes and the main factors of hardening in a number of solid solutions based on copper” (approved for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on May 31, 1968).

Since 1979 - Head of the Department of Solid State Physics and Materials Science of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics (IOA) of the Tomsk Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and from 1980 to 1984. – Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the IOA. In 1984, on his initiative and under his leadership, the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science (IPPM SB USSR Academy of Sciences, now RAS) was created in Tomsk, the permanent director of which he was from 1984 to 2002. Since 2002 - scientific director this institute.

Areas of scientific activity

Physics of plasticity and strength of solids. Physical mesomechanics of materials. Nanostructured materials and coatings. The role of the surface and internal interfaces in the deformation and destruction of solids. The nature of fatigue failure of loaded materials and structures. Wear in friction pairs. Pre-fracture diagnostics using physical mesomechanics methods. Scientific basis for the design of materials with high characteristics of strength, wear resistance and fatigue strength. Surface hardening and application of hardening and protective coatings. Degradation and reliability problems of thin films and multilayer materials for electronics. Modern high technologies for strengthening and restoring structures and highly loaded machine parts.

Scientific activity

Panin's scientific activity for many years was associated with research into the plasticity and strength of materials and alloys. Then the problems of the electronic structure of metals and alloys, atomic distribution and the nature of phases in alloys became the focus of the scientific interests of him and the team of employees of the department he headed. Issues of thermodynamics of alloys, physics of sintering and internal oxidation are being developed. Based on electronic representations, work began on analyzing the nature of plasticity and strength of materials and alloys. Advances in the field of theoretical research have become the basis for the most important applied work on the creation of new materials for various purposes. Work was carried out in several directions: development of the theory of alloys, scientific foundations for the creation of new materials, powder metallurgy, plasticity and strength of materials.

During this period, contacts were established with many scientific centers of the country, research institutes, universities, and design bureaus. International recognition also came. P. repeatedly traveled abroad for scientific purposes, representing the Tomsk school of solid state physics: China (1960), Bulgaria (1971, 1978), Germany (1973), Czechoslovakia (1974). In 1975, under a cooperation agreement between Great Britain and the USSR, Panin was sent to England as a representative of Soviet metal physicists, where he gave a number of lectures on the theory of alloys at the universities of Oxford, Birmingham and Guildford. On his initiative in the 70s. All-Union meetings on the ordering of atoms and their influence on the properties of alloys (1972, 1976) and All-Union schools on the calculation of electronic spectra in metals and the theory of phases in alloys (1975, 1978), III All-Union seminar on wear and adhesion were held in Tomsk and soldering of materials.

The transfer in 1979 of Panmin and part of the staff of the Department of Metal Physics of the SFTI to the Institute of Optics and Atmosphere of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences marked a new stage in the development of the Tomsk school of solid state physics within the framework of academic science. With the formation of the independent Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, research in the field of physics of metals and alloys significantly intensified and became diversified. Many of his works have significant theoretical and practical value and are widely used for the development of new materials and technologies for their production and processing.

The Institute has become Russia's leading organization for computer-aided design of materials. Panin is the founder and director of the scientific school “Physical mesomechanics and computer-aided design of materials”. By the decision of the Grants Council under the President of the Russian Federation, the school was classified as one of the leading scientific schools in Russia. He carried out research under the target program “Creation and development of high-performance processes and equipment in industrial conditions.” Provided scientific leadership to the integration project of the Ministry of Education “State support for the integration of higher education and fundamental science”, the Interuniversity Scientific and Technical Progressive Program “Fundamental Research in the Field of Powder Metallurgy”, the International Russian-Slovenian Project “Ceramics”, the regional Scientific and Technical Progressive Program “Siberia”, etc.

Main results

Under the leadership of ac. V. E. Panin created and is developing a new scientific direction - physical mesomechanics of materials, which organically combines the mechanics of a continuous medium (macro level), the physics of plastic deformation (micro level) and physical materials science. He formulated and substantiated the fundamental principles of physical mesomechanics: the determining role of stress concentrators of various scales in the generation of deformation defects of various types, the fundamentally important role of defect flows on the surface in the development of plastic flow, the role of internal interfaces in the formation of quasiperiodic stress concentrators generating deformation defects, movement on meso-level of three-dimensional structural elements as a whole according to the “shear+rotation” scheme, the wave nature of the propagation of an elementary shear with constrained material rotation, destruction as a global loss of shear stability of a loaded solid at the macroscale level. He is the founder and director of the scientific school "Physical mesomechanics and computer-aided design of materials." By the decision of the Grants Council under the President of the Russian Federation, V. E. Panin’s school was classified as a leading school.

Along with recognized successes in developing the fundamental principles of a new scientific direction, V. E. Panin and his colleagues obtained a number of major practical results. On the basis of physical mesomechanics, methods have been developed for the computer design of new materials and technologies for their production, new non-destructive methods for testing loaded materials and structures, principles and technologies for creating high-strength materials and reinforcing coatings, including nanostructured ones.


Main building of the Institute of Physics and Applied Mathematics SB RAS

Republican Engineering and Technical Center

Building No. 2

Panin created the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science from scratch and until recently was its permanent director. The revolutionary scientific direction “physical mesomechanics of materials” was formed at the institute, electron beam technology of powder metallurgy was developed, and the combination of powder metallurgy with conventional metallurgy turned out to be effective. The developments of the academic institute are in demand in the energy sector, railway transport, and the oil and gas industry. Today, IFPM is also conducting research on the creation of especially strong ceramics with a supermicrocrystalline structure or nanoceramics.

At the same time, as Panin put it, the education of scientific youth became a strategic direction. The Academic Institute works together with universities under the Integration program. Back in 1980, Panin headed one of the materials science departments. In 1989 A branch of the TPI department and graduate school was opened at the academic institute. Since 1997, joint work has been carried out within the framework of the federal target program “State support for the integration of higher education and fundamental science.”

IPPM specialists have developed and delivered basic and special lectures to university students. Already from the third year, students perform laboratory work and undergo all types of internship at an academic institute. Their research work is supervised by qualified specialists.

Students conduct their research on a modern scientific and technical basis, which is not available at the university. In particular, a unique optical-television installation “Tomsk” created at IFPM is used, which allows, through computer processing, to monitor the pattern of sample deformation under various forms of loading, an original automated laser measuring complex, electron and tunnel microscopy.

Many research projects are carried out by the institute’s staff together with students. These works are published in Russian and international journals and collections. Students have become full participants in international conferences and symposiums - they give independent reports in English. A number of student collaborations are commissioned by industrial enterprises. The branch of the department at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Applied Mathematics has actually become a center for training high-quality specialists at all levels of education - bachelors, engineers, masters, and graduate students. Every year, the most capable graduates of the department are assigned to the laboratory of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the SB RAS.

Nowadays, the institute is mastering high-tech developments for key sectors of the economy with access to the international market. One of the most effective developments is electron beam powder metallurgy technology, which is being introduced into the metallurgical industry. The West Siberian Metallurgical Plant has mastered the technology of increasing the operating time of the head nozzles of blowers - tuyeres in blast furnaces from 2-3 months to 2 years. The same technology has been developed by the institute for crystallizers used in steel casting. Metallurgical plants (Kuznetsk, Severostal, Ukraine) use the institute’s developments on a contractual basis. The Institute’s new technologies for applying coatings, strengthening materials and increasing their service life are applicable in virtually all industries: in the energy sector (thermal, hydro and nuclear power plants, in the manufacture of titanium steam turbine blades); aircraft manufacturing; railway transport; oil and gas industry. The Institute conducts advanced research in the field of ceramic products, increasing the ceiling of their ductility and strength.

IPPM currently has 5 laboratory buildings equipped with modern instruments and technological equipment, staffed by highly qualified specialists, it includes 32 doctors and 98 candidates of science. In 1985, the Republican Engineering and Technology Center (RITC) was created at the institute to bring developments to industrial designs and organize their mass production.

In 1991, in order to facilitate the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the sectors of the national economy, the Russian Materials Science Center (RosMC) was created on the basis of the IFPM, uniting the materials science departments of TSU, TPU, TGASU. In 1994 IPPM and RITC were given the status of State Research Center. IPPM is the parent organization of the International Center for Research on Physical Mesomechanics of Materials, established in 1997.

Social activity

Curator of the study group (TSU); member of the trade union bureau of the SFTI; curator of the NSO of the Faculty of Physics; was elected chairman of the scientific advisory council on metal physics of the SFTI. He was the chairman of the Tomsk regional board of the Knowledge Society; Chairman of the Council for Awarding Academic Degrees in Physics at the Physics Faculties of TSU; member of the Main Council for Solid State Physics of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the RSFSR; member of the Main Council for Powder Metallurgy of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Council of Ministers of the USSR; Deputy editor of the journal “News of Universities. Physics"; member of the Tomsk regional committee of the CPSU; member of the Presidium of the SB RAS; member of the presidium of the Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS; Deputy Chairman of the Joint Scientific Council of the SB RAS on Mechanics, Energy and Mining Sciences; member of 3 scientific councils of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the coordinating council for technical sciences, the scientific council on the problem of “Reliability, resource and safety of technical systems”, the joint scientific council on the complex problem of “Mechanical Engineering”.

Panin is the chairman of the dissertation council for awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in the specialty “Physics of Condensed Matter, Mechanics of Deformable Solids”, “Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals” at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Member of the Coordination Council of the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation in the priority area “Computer Design of Materials” of the state scientific and technical program “New Materials and Chemical Products”. Member of the editorial boards of 4 scientific journals, including two international “Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics” (Amsterdam, the Netherlands); Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Physical Mesomechanics”, Publishing House of the SB RAS.

Main publications

1. Panin V.E., Sergeev V.P., Panin A.V. Nanostructuring of surface layers and application of nanostructured coatings. - Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2008. - 285 p.

2. Surface layers and internal interfaces in heterogeneous materials / hole. ed. V. E. Panin; Ross. acad. Sciences, Sib. Department, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House SB RAS, 2006. - 520 p. - (Integration projects of the SB RAS; issue 8).

3. Panin V.E., Grinyaev Yu.V. Physical mesomechanics - a new paradigm at the intersection of physics and mechanics of a deformable solid // Phys. mesomech. - 2003. - T. 6. - No. 4. - P. 9-36.

4. Panin, V. E., Panin, A. V., Derevyagina, L. S., Kopylov, V. I., Valiev, R. Z. Scale Levels of Plastic Flow and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials. P. 37-43 In Zehetbauer, Michael / Valiev, Ruslan Z. (eds.). Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation.- 2004. XXII, ISBN 3-527-30659-5 - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.- 850 p.

5. Panin V.E., Elsukova T.F., Panin A.V., Kuzina O.Yu.. Mesosubstructure in the surface layers of polycrystals under cyclic loading and its role in fatigue failure // Reports of the Academy of Sciences. - 2005. - t.403.- No. 3.- P.1-6.

6. Panin V.E., Panin A.V.. Large-scale levels of plastic deformation and destruction of nanostructured materials // Nanotekhnika. - 2005. - T. 3. - P. 28-42.

7. Panin V.E., Egorushkin V.E., Panin A.V. Physical mesomechanics of a deformable solid as a multilevel system. I. Physical foundations of the multi-level approach. Phys. mesomech. 2006 -t.9. No. 3. P.9-22.

8. Panin V.E., Panin A.V.. The fundamental role of the nanoscale structural level of plastic deformation of solids // Metallurgy and Thermal Treatment of Metals. - 2006. - No. 12 - P.5-10.

9. Panin V.E., Sergeev V.P., Panin A.V., Pochivalov Yu.I.. Nanostructuring of surface layers and application of nanostructured coatings is an effective way to strengthen modern structural and instrumental materials. Phys. - 2007. - T.104. - No. 6. - P. 1-11.

10. Panin V.E., Egorushkin V.E., Panin A.V., Moiseenko D.D.. The nature of localization of plastic deformation of solids // Zh.T.F. - 2007. - vol. 77. - issue. 8.- pp. 62-69.

11. Panin V.E., Panin S.V., Goldstein R.V. Mesomechanics of multiple cracking of brittle coatings in a loaded solid // Int. Journ. Fracture. - 2008. - P. 37-53.

12. Panin V.E., Egorushkin V.E. Physical mesomechanics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics as a methodological basis for nanomaterials science // Physical mechanics. - 2009.- T.12.- No.4.- P.5-17.

Graduate student supervision

Doctoral student supervision

05.16.01 - Metal science and heat treatment of metals

05.16.06 - Powder metallurgy and composite materials

01.04.07 - Physics of condensed matter

Honorary titles

  • Honorary citizen of Tomsk
  • Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the editorial board of the international journal “Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics”
  • Member of three editorial boards of Russian journals
  • Editor-in-Chief of the international journal "Physical Mesomechanics"
  • Member of the Bureau of the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Member of the Presidium of the Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS
  • Member of the Bureau of the Joint Scientific Council of the SB RAS on Mechanics and Energy
  • Member of three Scientific Councils of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • Full member of the RAS
  • Foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, majoring in Materials Science

Panin - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1981), Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1987), Honorary Citizen of Tomsk (2000), Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (2000), Honorary Professor of TSU (2001).

Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981, 1986), “For services to the Fatherland, IV degree” (1998); medals “For valiant work. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin".


1. Biographical reference book “Professor of Tomsk Polytechnic University”: Volume 3, part 2 / Author and compiler A.V. Gagarin. - Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2006-266 pp.

2. Journal of TPU “Tomsk Polytechnic” No. 10, 2004-199 pp.


100 thousand schoolchildren and students applied for protection of their rights in 2009

Despite all the efforts of the state to combat corruption, the problem of “pocket payments” in schools and universities remains. In an interview with RIA Novosti, Viktor Panin, deputy head of the committee of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services, spoke about what violations of their rights schoolchildren and students most often face. - If we talk about universities, then first of all, students who study at on a contractual basis. As a rule, we are talking about all kinds of violations of the agreement on paid education. For example, the contract unjustifiably includes a clause that if a student is expelled due to poor academic performance or any other reason, the tuition money paid by him will not be returned. That is, if a student paid for the entire year of study, but was expelled in the first semester, the money is not returned, despite the fact that he was not provided with the service for which he paid.
link: http://www.potrebitel. net/main/news/32714/

Victor Panin: The initiators of reforms in the education system are behind the scenes

Everyone is dissatisfied with the level of education in the country - parents, teachers, and children. According to VTsIOM, more than 80% of Russian citizens consider corruption to be the main problem in education. Every third respondent has personally encountered facts of corruption in the field of education; 12% of respondents paid for admission to universities or secondary education institutions. Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services Viktor Panin believes that the Ministry of Education and Science, instead of eliminating the shortcomings of the current legislation in the field of education and science, improves the quality of education in the country endless and ineffective experimentation.

The Minister of Education is asked to leave in English

During the press conference, the All-Russian public action “OFF” began, which stands for “Fursenko’s resignation.” The organizers of the action are collecting signatures for this demand on the website, and they also plan to go out onto the street with signature sheets and attend crowded events. The demands of the masses will be presented to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev around the beginning of the school year, just in time for the United Russia party congress scheduled for September 3-4, said Viktor Panin, deputy head of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services.

“Scandals in education: who is to blame and what to do?”

Victor Panin: I will continue this tirade of Oleg Nikolaevich. And I will probably even be more emotional, since this is the beginning of our press conference, and I will be more harsh in my statements. I personally believe, and my colleagues have joined this position, that today, in fact, assessing the threat to Russia’s national security through the consequences of the so-called reforms carried out by Fursenko’s department, we are forced to confidently assert that the country’s national interests have been sacrificed to the interests of personal and dedicated.
link: htm

Viktor Panin met with human rights activists of the Don region

Of the school canteens inspected by consumer advocates, less than 1% meet standards

According to him, in 2009, the society for the protection of the rights of consumers of educational services announced the launch of the federal social project “Healthy Generation - Healthy Country.” “As part of this project, over 2,500 food units of educational institutions in schools, kindergartens, and food factories were inspected. Moreover, we literally recently conducted surprise raids in food processing plants. In particular, in Moscow, at ten food factories,” noted Viktor Panin.
link: proverennyx

School textbooks: more benefit than harm?

In my opinion, an equally important story that has been worrying both parents and the educational expert community for several years now is the situation with educational literature, in particular with textbooks in schools. Since the beginning of this school year, the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services has received a huge number of calls from alarmed parents who were concerned that this is not the first year that funds have been collected from parents for the purchase of educational literature, despite the fact that people have heard somewhere or read about that the budget is obliged to provide for these purchases. This is true, but in practice it turns out that many do not know about this, fall for similar tricks of the administration of educational institutions and are forced to hand over these funds or buy these textbooks themselves.

Graduation events swept across Russia: parents were tortured by school taxes

- No, of course not. After all, the system does not exist on its own; it is not created in a vacuum somewhere. It is created by people, the same teachers, naturally all of us, citizens of our homeland. That is, those who participate in this process. These are the children's parents, these are the children themselves, after all. After all, we all create this system. Therefore, I would not in any way dump responsibility from teachers and from officials from the education system, who, in general, have a very strong and active influence on the current environment. In my opinion, the problem here is much deeper. If the teacher does not want to participate in this process, he certainly will not do it. And there is no need to talk now about who would organize the purchase of tables or desks.

They cost a pretty penny

Victor Panin: One Moscow school. It began, it would seem, with a banality - an English teacher, a teacher of the highest category, was fired. Almost everyone who studied with her entered linguistic universities without additional classes or tutors. And they fired him “for an immoral act.” A young girl with no experience, who later turned out to be the director’s daughter, filled the vacant position.

Expert: only 0.2% of food units in schools meet sanitary standards

Only 0.2% of catering units in Russian schools, according to inspections carried out by the All-Russian Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services, meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements; in some educational institutions, staff in canteens smoke and drink alcohol in the workplace, the chairman of the society, Viktor Panin, said on Friday .
RIA News

Father V.E. Panina, Evgeniy Dmitrievich (1895-1967), originally from Ust-Kamenogorsk, worked as a rural teacher, then as an accountant. Mother, Zoya Nikolaevna (maiden name Minervina, 1900-1970), was born in Tobolsk. Before her marriage, she worked as an orphanage teacher, then ran a household and raised two sons. Brother V.E. Panina Lev (1935-2013) – Doctor of Medical Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Institute of Biochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. V.E. Panin is married to Margarita Vasilyevna (maiden name Pyankova, b. 1943). She is a civil engineer by profession. Their children: Sergey (b. 1971), a graduate of TUSUR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director for Research, Head of the Laboratory of Mechanics of Polymer Composite Materials at the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, was Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS; Alexey (b. 1971), graduate of the Faculty of Radiophysics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, head of the Laboratory of Physics of Surface Phenomena at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Childhood, student years

Up to 3 years old V.E. Panin lived with his parents in Jalal-Abad (Kyrgyzstan), then in his mother’s homeland, in Tobolsk, where he spent his youth. In Tobolsk he graduated from secondary school No. 1 (). In 1947 he entered the Faculty of Physics of TSU and graduated with honors with a degree in Physics.

From graduate student to director of the institute

Panin V.E. defends dissertation (1967)

Social and political activities

During his work at TSU V.E. Panin was appointed curator of academic groups. He headed the production sector of the trade union bureau of the SFTI, and was the curator of the NSO of the Faculty of Physics. He was elected chairman of the scientific advisory council on metal physics of the SFTI. He was the chairman of the Tomsk regional board of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies, deputy chairman, chairman of the council for awarding academic degrees in physics specialties at the physics faculties of TSU, deputy chairman of the Tomsk regional board of the Knowledge Society, deputy editor of the journal Izvestia of Universities. Physics”, member of the Main Council on Solid State Physics of the MV and SSO of the RSFSR, member of the Main Council on Powder Metallurgy of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (70-80s). In present day V.E. Panin is a member of the editorial board of the international journal “Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics” (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), three editorial boards of Russian journals, editor-in-chief of the international journal “Physical Mesomechanics”, member of the presidium of the SB RAS, member of the presidium of the Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS, deputy chairman of the joint scientist Council of the SB RAS on mechanics, energy and mining sciences. Chairman of the dissertation council for awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in condensed matter physics, mechanics of deformable solids, metallurgy and heat treatment of metals, Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the coordinating council of the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation for the priority direction of development of science and technology “New materials and chemical products”, head of the direction “Computer-aided design of materials.”);

  • Medal “For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” (1970).
  • Proceedings

    • Together with M.A. Bolshanina. Latent energy of deformation // Research in solid state physics. M., 1957;
    • Together with M.A. Bolshanina, M.B. Macagon. Temperature-rate dependence of the deformation resistance of copper and its alloys // Research on heat-resistant alloys. M., 1958. T. 3;
    • Together with E.F. Dudarev, L.M. Butkevich, R.P. Dolmatova. On the influence of short-range order on fur. properties of solid solutions // Physics of metals and metal science. 1965. T. 20, issue. 3;
    • Together with E.F. Dudarev, L.S. Bushnev. Influence of the nature of the dislocation structure on the mechanical properties of Cu – Al solid solutions. // DAN. 1965. T.60, No. 1;
    • Together with E.F. Dudarev, L.S. Bushnev. Concentration dependence of the resistance to deformation of Cu – Al solid solutions. // Physics of metals and metal science. 1965. T. 20, issue. 6;
    • Together with V.P. Fadin, L.D. Kuznetsova. On the influence of the initial state on order–disorder processes in Cu–Al solid solutions // Physics of metals and metal science. 1965. T. 19, issue. 2;
    • Together with V.P. Fadin. On the contribution of short-range order to the change in the properties of Cu – Al solid solutions during their heat treatment // Izvestiya vuzov. Physics. 1965. No. 2;
    • Together with E.F. Dudarev, L.S. Bushnev. Concentration dependence of the resistance to deformation of Cu – Al solid solutions // Physics of metals and metal science. 1966. T. 21, issue. 1;
    • Together with E.F. Dudarev, L.S. Bushnev. Structure and fur. properties of substitutional solid solutions. M., 1971;
    • / V.E. Panin, V.E. Egorushkin, P.V. Makarov and others; Rep. ed. V.E. Panin: In 2 volumes. Novosibirsk, 1995. T. 1;
    • Physical mesomechanics and computer-aided design of materials / V.E. Panin, P.V. Makarov, S.G. Psakhye et al.; Rep. ed. V.E. Panin: In 2 volumes. Novosibirsk, 1995. Vol. 2;
    • Physical mesomechanics of heterogeneous media and computer-aided design of materials / Ed. by V.E. Panin. - Cambridge: Cambridge Interscience Publishing, 1998;
    • Overview on mesomechanics of plastic deformation and fracture of solids // Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 1998. No. 30;
    • Synergetic principles of physical mesomechanics // Physical mesomechanics. 2000. T. 3, No. 6;
    • Synergetic principles of physical mesomechanics // Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2001. No. 37;
    • Surface layers of loaded solids as a mesoscopic structural level of deformation. Physical mesomechanics // 2001. T. 4, No. 3;
    • Physical mesomechanics of solid surface layers // Proceedings International Conference on New Challenges in Mesomechanics, Aalborg University, Denmark, 08/26-30/2002;
    • Together with V.P. Sergeev, A.V. Panin. Nanostructuring of surface layers and application of nanostructured coatings. Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2008;
    • Together with A.V. Panin. The fundamental role of the nanoscale structural level of plastic deformation of solids // Metal science and thermal processing of metals. 2006. No. 12;
    • Together with V.P. Sergeev, A.V. Panin, Yu.I. Pochivalov. Nanostructuring of surface layers and application of nanostructured coatings is an effective way to strengthen modern structural and instrumental materials. FMM. 2007. T.104. No. 6;
    • Together with V.E. Egorushkin, A.V. Panin, D.D Moiseenko. The nature of localization of plastic deformation of solids // Technical Physics. 2007. T. 77. issue. 8;
    • Together with S.V.Panin, R.V. Goldstein Mesomechanics of multiple cracking of brittle coatings in a loaded solid // Int. Journ. Fracture. 2008;
    • Together with V.E. Egorushkin. Physical mesomechanics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics as a methodological basis for nanomaterials science // Physical mechanics. 2009. T.12. No.4.

    Sources and literature

    • GATO. F. R-815. Op. 29. D. 496;
    • Filonenko V., Detinko V., Elsukova T. At the forefront of science // For Soviet science. 1978. May 18;
    • Panin V. Competitor of melting and casting // Red Banner. 1980. July 31;
    • Physical development Sciences at Tomsk University / Ed. IN AND. Gaman, M.A. Krivov. Tomsk, 1981;
    • Mertsalova L. How to become an academician // Red Banner. 1988. March 19;
    • Scientific elite: who is who in the RAS. M., 1993;
    • Korotaev A.D. Department of Metal Physics and Development of Physical Materials Science at Tomsk University // ;
    • Panin V.E. Tomsk School of Solid State Physics // Physicists about physics and physicists. Tomsk, 1998;
    • Professors of Tomsk Polytechnic University 1991-1997: biographical collection / Compilers and responsible. editors A.V. Gagarin, V. Ya Ushakov. Tomsk, 1998;
    • Academician Viktor Panin: “The troubles in the economy are due to the lack of demand for science” // Red Banner. 2000. November 28;
    • Siberia in faces. Novosibirsk, 2001;
    • Honorary members and honorary doctors of Tomsk University (1891–2013) / ed. G.V. Mayer and S.F. Fominykh. 3rd ed., rev. and additional Tomsk, 2013.
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