How to build shoulders without dumbbells. How to quickly pump up your shoulders at home. Short video: Arnold press in action

In order to pump up the deltoid muscles, it is not necessary to go to the gym.

If you do not know how to build shoulders at home, but really want to learn, then this article is for you.

With this set of exercises, you can train at any time of the day, when it suits you. You don't have to spend a dime on a gym membership. You don't even need dumbbells or a barbell. That's the beauty of bodyweight training - it's all shoulder exercises at home.

At the most, you can purchase an inexpensive elastic band for the perfect workout.

Take a look at any competitive gymnast and you will see massive delts that add incredible strength and masculinity to them. Don't believe? Watch the video:

Gymnasts train without machines. Almost all of their exercises involve exclusively body weight, while their figures are distinguished by a developed muscular corset and, of course, good, strong shoulders.

Secret in tension

Muscles respond to tension. They are designed to resist any kind of force, whether it's lifting a heavy object, resisting the pull of an elastic band, or isometric stress when pushing against a wall.

The greater the external force, the more the muscles are tensed. Then how to pump up deltas at home without iron? Keep reading and you'll find that dumbbells and barbells are just one of many ways to create that muscle tension.

How to build shoulders at home - video

Verified by NASA

NASA research has shown that the conditions under which training takes place do not matter for muscle growth. Muscles just need tension. It is it that stimulates their growth and increase in strength.

Kenneth Baldwin, professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of California, with support from NASA, has researched muscle growth in rats trained with various kinds physical activity.

Through painless electrical stimulation, Baldwin stimulated the rat muscles to contract isometrically (static contraction), isotonically (normal contraction), and eccentrically (negatively). The results ended the debate about how best to train for good.

Baldwin stated: “We found that after 12 sessions of each type of training, the degree of growth muscle tissue each group is the same,” even with isometric exercises that are not actual movements.

Are deltoid exercises at home safe?

Now you know why you can easily build deltoid muscles at home, but how to build shoulders at home without dumbbells?

Before moving on to practice, we consider it necessary to touch on an important topic - security.

The human shoulder is an incredibly complex combination of muscles, tendons, and bones that can easily be damaged by incorrect movements.

There are several traditional exercises that have been included in training for several decades and have caused a huge number of injuries.

The barbell press from behind the head, if performed correctly, is a very effective exercise. Unfortunately, few people perform it correctly, hence the frequent injuries of the shoulder joint.

When training with complex weights, the temptation is always great to lift as much as possible. The concept of "more is better" is inherent in human nature. But don't forget that NASA research has shown that it's muscle tension that matters, not the actual weight that caused it to grow.

The more weight you take, the less you can control the range of motion, and this leads to the risk of serious injury.

Remember the following rules when doing shoulder exercises

  • The most important factor in muscle growth is tension, whether the movement is isometric, isotonic or eccentric.
  • The shoulders are a complex system of bones, tendons and muscles that are easily damaged if the exercise technique is not followed.
  • The safest way to quickly pump up your shoulders at home is slow and focused movements in compliance with the technique.
  • In order to get large and powerful deltas, no additional equipment is needed.

How to strengthen shoulders at home

Now you know that you can strengthen your shoulders without special equipment. You learned what the shoulder girdle is made of and how easy it is to get grass.

It's time to learn how to build shoulders in conditions. Push-ups, by the way, are not limited.

Push up!

Honorable first place, of course, for push-ups. This exercise was a staple of military training even before the Greeks conquered the world under Alexander the Great.

Properly performed push-ups are the most effective method pump the chest, deltas and triceps.

Let's look at the best variations on how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups from the floor.

Reverse push-ups

Push-ups with a reverse grip, like a laser-guided missile, allow you to pump your delts perfectly.

To get started, get into a standard push-up position: palms pressed firmly to the floor, fingers pointing forward. Now turn your hands so that the fingertips are pointing towards each other.

Keeping your elbows firmly pressed to your sides, slowly lower and rise to starting position.

Handstand push-ups

Handstand push-ups are a powerlifting shoulder exercise. When performed correctly, it helps develop incredible strength.

Unless you have incredible athletic talent or are a professional gymnast, you will need a wall survey.

Stand facing the wall, bend over and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Raise your legs up so that they rest against the wall. Yes, it may not work right away, but do not despair.

Standing still, turn your hands so that your fingers are facing away (not towards the wall). This position of the hands will significantly reduce the risk of injury and fix the shoulder joint in the most comfortable position. Slowly, bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor, then return to the starting position.

Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time. There are many more variations of this exercise:

  • Standing pike push-ups: Instead of keeping your spine straight, bend at the waist, resting your feet and palms on the floor.
  • Perform a handstand without push-ups. Isometric exercises are good too.
  • Partial repetitions. Push up shallowly, gradually, as strength increases, reducing the distance from the floor.

Elastic band

The elastic band provides the ideal resistance to develop strength and muscle size with minimal risk.

The degree of resistance of the band is ideal for training delts with variable resistance.

Raising arms to the sides with elastic band

This exercise targets all three parts of the deltoid muscle:

  • front;
  • back;
  • medial.

Stand on the elastic band, hold the edges firmly in your hands. Slowly raise your arms just above shoulder level, with your elbows slightly bent. Hold this position for as long as possible.

  • By adding an isometric exercise, keeping your arms up, you will increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The variable resistance of the elastic band will help pump the deltas to the maximum, stimulating muscle growth.

Raise your arms in front of you with an elastic band

This exercise pumps the anterior and lateral parts of the deltoid muscle well, allowing you to significantly increase strength and endurance.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Raise your arms straight out in front of you until your palms are at eye level. Stay in this position for as long as possible, then return to the starting position.

Breeding arms with an elastic band to the sides in an inclination

As you know, it is difficult to pump up the rear delt, however, an elastic band is a good solution to this problem.

This time, tilt your body down, lower your arms down, palms on top of each other. Slowly raise your arms to the sides and hold them there until the muscles begin to “burn”.

  • Focus on the degree of resistance, not the number of repetitions.
  • Tension is your best friend. Remember that growth is driven by the duration of the effort, not the number of repetitions.

Isometric shoulder exercises at home (static)

Isometric exercises are an unusual way to train muscles with minimal risk of injury. The doorway press is an exercise aimed at the shoulders, which guarantees the necessary load.

Stand in a doorway with strong jambs, raise your hands up and place your palms on the top slope of the door. After making sure that the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, push the body forward.

  • This exercise is done for time, not for the number of repetitions.
  • Do your best, don't hold back!
  • Do not hold your breath while doing the exercise. Breathe slowly and smoothly.

What are you waiting for?

Now you know how to build broad shoulders at home.

You don't need a gym to do this, you don't need extra weights. The best weight is your own.

What are you waiting for? Get started! All of these exercises will help you build your shoulders at home without dumbbells, and the result can be many times better than when training in the gym.

How to properly and quickly make the shoulders voluminous and embossed. The training technique will help to achieve a good result both at home and in the gym.

The deltoid muscle, which must be trained to obtain a round shape of the shoulders, consists of three bundles: anterior, middle, posterior. Each exercise should include all bundles in the work, only the comprehensive development of the muscle will make the shape of the shoulder correct. It is important not only the correct preparation of the program, but also the technique and degree of load.

Preparing for classes

Despite the preparation of the athlete and the weight of the equipment, it is necessary to start training with a warm-up. Even when training without equipment, there is a risk of injury in the form of muscle or ligament sprains. It is also important to warm up all the joints, so start your workout by jogging for 7-10 minutes, or by warming up the joints in place.

Be sure to perform circular rotations with your arms and stretching the deltoid and other muscles of the shoulder - biceps and triceps, as they also take on part of the load. Stretching is also recommended at the end of the session, this will help the recovery and growth of new muscle fibers.

Basic requirements for training

The main condition for muscle growth is the correct load and mode of work, in this case for mass growth, as well as nutrition before and after training - getting the necessary nutrients. As for the load, to increase the volume of muscles, it is necessary to perform an approach of 8-12 repetitions. This means that the load should be maximum, and the ability to perform an exercise with such a weight does not exceed 12 times. Only in this case, the muscles begin to grow. Over 15 repetitions, volumes, on the contrary, will begin to go away.

Rocking shoulders at home

Knowing the main requirements for muscle growth, the conclusion follows that without weight, muscles cannot be pumped up, and if they tell you this, know that this is a myth. You must ensure that the weight is just enough to perform the specified number of times, no more. Working with a small or own weight will only tone the muscles, but will not increase their volume. You can use improvised means instead of dumbbells - six liter bottles, chairs, whatever, as long as this weight is tangible for you. These workouts are suitable for beginners.

Push-ups upside down

It is better to perform this exercise only for trained people. Without physical training, it will not be possible to technically hold the body, there is a risk of injury. Therefore, be careful.

  1. To simplify the technique, we put our feet on a hill, for example, a sofa. Hands are aligned on one line with the body.
  2. We put our hands wider than the shoulders, the torso forms a right angle.
  3. Inhale: bending your arms, lower the body, elbows go to the sides, forming a right angle. The head tends, but does not touch the floor.
  4. Exhale: we push out with our hands due to the strength of the shoulders and triceps. We return to the original.

Perform 12 push-ups for 4 sets.


In this option, only the rear bundles of deltas are involved, so push-ups alone are not enough for the muscle. But in home workouts for the rear delta, as one of the options, the exercise is acceptable.


  1. Take an emphasis lying down, put your palms under your shoulders, holding your lower back without bending.
  2. Inhale: lower the chest lower to the floor, bending the arms, elbows pressed to the body.
  3. Exhale: push up, straightening your elbows.

We perform 12 repetitions of 4 sets.

A set of exercises with a barbell at home

Pull to the chin

Exercise develops the anterior and middle deltoid bundles. The weight of the rod is adjusted using small pancakes, gaining the required load. The exercise is performed while standing.

  1. We place the palms on the bar with a narrow grip, connecting the thumbs in the center - this will be the grip gauge.
  2. Exhale: pull the bar along the body, draw the elbows through the sides. Bringing the neck to the chin, the elbows rise slightly above the shoulder joints.
  3. Inhale: without a jerk, smoothly lower the bar, straightening your elbows.

Perform 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Press in front of you

It is performed sitting or standing, the main thing is that the lower back does not bend, and the body does not sway. This exercise trains the front and middle deltas.


  1. Grasp the barbell with a wide grip, bending your elbows, and place the bar near your collarbones.
  2. Elbows look down, chin slightly raised.
  3. Exhale: press the bar in front of you, fully straightening your elbows above your head.
  4. Inhale: slowly lower the bar to the collarbones.

Perform without jerking 8-12 times, depending on the weight of the bar. Only 4 approaches.

Press from behind the head

In this variant, the middle and posterior bundles of the deltoid muscle work. Also performed sitting or standing.

  1. Place the neck on upper part trapezius muscle, hold the bar with a wide grip. When lifting, the elbows should pass through a right angle.
  2. Exhale: squeeze the bar up, elbows look to the sides. At the top, the bar is above the head, not moving forward or backward.
  3. Inhale: slowly lower the bar without touching the cervical vertebrae.

Perform also up to 12 times, only 4 sets.

Complex with dumbbells for wide shoulders

Dumbbell press

One of the most effective exercises for deltas. Can be performed while standing, to ease the load on the back - sitting.

  1. We take dumbbells, place them over the shoulder joints, but without touching. Elbows are bent, look down, not touching the body.
  2. Exhale: squeeze the dumbbells over your head, straightening your elbows.
  3. Inhale: slowly lower to the starting position, without touching the shoulders.

As usual, perform 4 × 8-12 repetitions.

Mahi in front of you

Mahi are performed either with two hands at the same time, or alternately, to simplify the complexity. In the exercise, the front delta works in isolation.

  1. We place the palms with dumbbells on the front of the thighs, the elbows are slightly bent.
  2. Exhale: at the same time we perform swings with dumbbells in front of us, lifting slightly above the shoulders. The body does not wobble.
  3. Inhale: slowly lower the dumbbells to the hips.

Rest between sets 1-2 minutes, and so 4 sets of 12 swings for each hand.

Mahi in tilt

The exercise involves only the back delta. Take small dumbbells, as the exercise is quite difficult, first try to work out the technique.

  1. From a standing position, we tilt the straight body forward, keeping the back straight, arms hanging freely, knees slightly bent.
  2. Exhale: perform swings through the sides, slightly bending your elbows. We raise the dumbbells to the level of the shoulder joints.
  3. Inhale: slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting point.

Perform 12 times, feeling the work of the back bundles of the shoulder. Also 4 sets.

Your attention exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders:

Nutrition for strength training

Another important condition for muscle growth is the timely and balanced diet. With a lack of nutrients, muscle growth becomes impossible.

Principles of nutrition for weight gain:

  • the diet should contain enough complex carbohydrates(cereals, cereals);
  • compulsory consumption building material for muscles - protein (eggs, lean meat, seafood and dairy products);
  • six meals a day;
  • eating within 40 minutes after training, thus closing the protein-carbohydrate window necessary for building new fibers.

Video lesson from the champion of the category Mens physicist - "How to quickly pump up wide shoulders":

Do not train for more than an hour, so as not to lose muscle mass. It is enough to train deltas 2 times a week, these muscles need 2-3 days to recover, so you should not load every day. Rest 2 minutes between sets. The main thing is to eat right and exercise regularly.

In contact with

Pumped deltas are the secret of beautiful shoulders and smooth lines of proportions. The muscles got their name due to the triangular shape, which resembles the fourth letter of the ancient Greek alphabet - Δ, δ. Main function segment - rotation and lifting of the arms. The shoulder joint is the most mobile in the body, therefore, when performing exercises for pumping deltas, it is recommended to exercise maximum caution.

Why gymnasts have developed deltas: muscle tension

Gymnasts are a great example of how to build shoulders without dumbbells. And although athletes do not work out with dumbbells, barbells and do not pull iron, their deltas are beautiful and embossed. What's the secret? The secret is constant voltage and resistance when working with its own mass.

How to swing your shoulders at home without using dumbbells and barbells?

You can pump up your shoulders without iron thanks to any type of tension: isometric, isotonic and eccentric loads contribute to muscle growth and increase the characteristics of strength and endurance.

Classes at home without dumbbells and barbells eliminate the risk of injury when working with large weights. However, do not forget about safety precautions, preliminary warm-up and hitch. At the start, it is recommended to do no more than 15 repetitions of each exercise. As you level up, the number of sets can be increased to 3.

Deltas should be given 1-2 days a week. Indirectly, the deltoid muscles also work when pumping the chest and back. It is important to allow sufficient time for muscle rest and recovery, since new cells and fibers grow during the recovery period, and not during tension.

Safety rules for pumping shoulders

Before moving on to intense and exhausting workouts in order to create a beautiful line of shoulders, it is recommended to strengthen the deltas. Preliminary preparation to avoid injury and breakage. According to statistics, shoulder joint injuries account for about 45% of the total number of injuries.

We strengthen pre-deltas

Below are a few tips to help strengthen your delta and avoid injury:

» Warm-up. Various swings and rotational movements will help prepare the muscles for serious stress. In the warm-up complex, it is also recommended to include imitation of pull-ups.
» Exercises must be performed smoothly and at a slow pace.
» It is recommended to move on to complex exercises only after mastering the basic types of load.
» Use of gloves. When working on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, it is recommended to wear special gloves that will reduce the likelihood of slipping off the crossbar.
» Hitch. Ending your workout with stretching will help relax your muscles and reduce the chance of injury.

What tools are worth doing?

The following sports equipment will help to build shoulders without a barbell:

» Expander
» Elastic bands
» Elastic loops
» Bars
" Rings
» Crossbar
» Fitball

How quickly can you see results?

Working out the shoulders requires regularity. The increase in strength and endurance will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks. beautiful line shoulders and relief require long-term training for 4-6 months. To achieve excellent results, you need to work hard for at least 8 months.

The best shoulder exercises without dumbbells, barbells and machines

The ideal exercise for pumping all three bundles of deltoid muscles without dumbbells are various variations of push-ups. The following types of loads will help to expand the shoulders:

1. Classic push-ups

IP: lying down. To emphasize the load on the middle beam, a narrow setting of the hands is most suitable, and for pumping the front beam, the hands should be placed wider than the shoulders. You need to go down not to the floor, but a little higher.

2. Reverse push-ups

IP: emphasis lying. The palms are wider than the shoulders, but the fingers point back towards the toes. There should be no arches in the back.

As you exhale, lower your body down, bending your elbows. Do not touch the floor with your stomach or chest. As you inhale, go up to the PI.

3. Vertical push-ups

IP: support on hands. Palms in the projection of the shoulders. Feet can be held above your head or rest against a wall.

Bend your arms at the elbow joints 90 degrees. Smoothly straighten your arms. Try to avoid jerks and sudden movements.

Subtleties of doing push-ups:

» To work out the front deltas, the palms are placed in the projection of the shoulders, and the elbows are pulled to the cortex.
» Beginners can try push-ups from their knees
» Corset weights can be used for extra weight.
» Be sure to keep your back straight from the crown to the tailbone

4. Burpee

Burpee is a multi-component exercise for pumping almost all large segments of the body. A more difficult option is burpee with access to the horizontal bar and pull-ups.

IP: standing, feet in the projection of the shoulders. Hands along the body.

While inhaling, tilt the body forward, sit down and rest your palms on the floor. Lunge back and take a prone position. Keep your back straight. Push up once. Return to the squat position with support on your hands. As you exhale, jump up, stretch your arms behind your head, pull your knees to your chest.

Difficult option: during the jump, reach the crossbar of the horizontal bar. Pull up once. Return to IP.

front delta

1. Breeding straight arms with an elastic band

IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Secure the elastic band under the foot, clasp the ends with a reverse grip. Raise your hands up to shoulder level.

As you exhale, raise your arms above your head, gently stretching the bands. Do not bend your arms at the elbow joints. On an inhale, return to PI.

Middle delta

1. Pull-ups with a medium straight grip

IP: hanging on the horizontal bar, maintaining a slight deflection in the back. Fingers pointing away from you, palms wider than shoulders. Legs bent or crossed.

While pulling up, you need to simultaneously reduce the shoulder blades. At the highest point, touch the bar with your chest. On an inhale, return to PI, fully straightening your arms.

2. Raise your arms in front of you

IP: standing, feet in the projection of the shoulders, arms along the body. Fix the elastic band under the feet, clasp the ends with your hands.

As you exhale, raise your straight arms to shoulder level. Do not bend your elbows. On an inhale, return to PI.

rear delta

1. Y-press

IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Fix the elastic band at chest level. Take the ends of the tape by your hand, pull it back, spread it behind your head and bend your arms at the elbow joints.

Straighten your arms above your head. Do two squats. Bring your hands together at chest level. Return to IP.

2. Breeding arms in an inclination

IP: standing, feet in the projection of the shoulders. Fix the tape under the feet, take the ends in your hands. Tilt your body forward.

Take your hands to the sides and hold for as long as possible. In this exercise, it is tension that stimulates the growth of the posterior delta bundle.

We swing our shoulders without dumbbells and simulators: video

» inadequate physical exercise. In order to perform complex complex exercises, you must first strengthen the muscles. It is better to perform fewer repetitions, but with the correct technique. Adequate loads will help to quickly adapt and pump the deltas and develop broad shoulders.
» Wrong nutrition. A rational and varied menu is necessary to maintain the vital activity of the body, provide cells with enough protein to build new muscle fibers and carbohydrates to cover energy costs.
» Little rest. Frequent intense exercise leads to muscle microtrauma and it takes time for them to heal.Constant work will provoke inflammation and discomfort, pain during training. Muscle fibers grow during rest and recovery.

» Dropped elbows. While doing the wiring and lifting in front of you, the elbows must be kept above the shoulders.
» Excessive back arch. While doing push-ups, pull-ups and other exercises, you should not allow too much deflection in the lower back. Deflection in the back not only shifts the emphasis of the load, but is also fraught with an increased risk of injury.

How to pump up your shoulders to get the famous oblique fathom? After all, it is she, whatever one may say, the most noticeable part of the athletic male body. For "broad-shouldered" potential opponents begin to respect; first of all, an admiring female gaze clings to her, darling ... This is a swollen press and you still have to manage to see your legs under your clothes, you can’t hide your shoulders even with a thick winter jacket. But is it realistic to create a noticeable relief without the help of an instructor and half a dozen different simulators at hand?

Anatomy page

Before figuring out how to pump up your shoulders at home, you should take a closer look at what, in fact, you are going to do. To do this, we will make a short digression into the anatomy.

Well, offhand: how many muscles do you have to deal with? Many beginners are sure that with just one, and if you stubbornly “bomb” it with one or two types of exercises more difficult - say, push-ups on the uneven bars - then sooner or later the desired goal will be achieved.

Not certainly in that way. The shoulder muscle you need to focus on is made up of three different, somewhat independent fibers.

front delta allows us to raise our hands in front of us. The bench press over the chest, the dumbbell bench press and other similar exercises will help to work it out.

Middle or side delta is responsible for raising the arm to the side and ... for the heroic turn of the shoulders. Yes, yes, it is she who makes the part of the body we need to be distributed in breadth, so if you are worried about how to quickly pump up your shoulders, do not leave this important muscle unattended. Here it is worth focusing on swings to the sides.

rear delta serves to take the elbow back. It lends itself perfectly to pull-ups or, for example, spreading the arms in an inclination.

All three bundles of muscle fibers should receive the same load.

You can work out until the seventh sweat, but if at the same time the load falls unevenly on the muscle fibers, you can’t expect a high-quality result. A good workout should consist of at least three exercises - on the front, back and side deltas. It would be even better to strengthen them with 2-3 basic exercises, to one degree or another affecting all the muscles of the shoulder.

And be aware! In addition to the deltoid muscles, the rotator cuff is located in the region of the shoulder joint. It costs nothing to damage it, but recovery will be long and difficult, so the correct exercise technique and a good warm-up before class are of decisive importance, and not at all the weight with which you are going to work.

The main rules for a successful workout

How to pump up your shoulders at home and at the same time not harm yourself? Do not neglect safety precautions. It's not just made up!

Precede any workout with a warm-up: it will prepare the muscles for the load and avoid injuries to the shoulder joint.

Start the lesson with basic exercises that work out a larger number of muscles, and finish with isolating ones, aimed locally at one or another bundle of muscle fibers.

By overestimating your strength, you run the risk of acquiring such a dubious decoration for a long time.

Do not strive for increased loads. You can achieve a lot more by training with light weights than by tormenting yourself with lifting weights that you are not yet ready for.

Don't rush into battle. 3-4 classes per week will fully provide the necessary load, and 6-7 will simply wear you out.

Even if you really want to see the result as soon as possible, do not focus on only one muscle group. This looks strange, violating the normal proportions of the body, and ends with injuries.

Going to the gym definitely doesn't hurt!

by the most the best option for a beginner, there will be a personal consultation with a trainer. Find the time and money to visit a fitness club at least 2-3 times and in practice figure out how to build broad shoulders in a safe way. And everything is simple there - ask, listen, follow the actions of the instructor and shake your head. So you reduce the risks and go to your goal by leaps and bounds.

Workout plan

So, a light warm-up - jogging in place, rotation of the shoulders and elbows, swings - was left behind. It's time to take the load on your shoulders more seriously. Let's get started without delay!

Basic exercises

How to build shoulders on the horizontal bar? Extremely simple. This is an almost universal simulator, giving a uniform load on all muscles. shoulder girdle, and especially those that we need.

Direct grip. Starting position - hanging with a direct average grip; the legs are bent at the knees and crossed, the back is bent at the waist, the hands lie on the crossbar with the back side facing you. Pull up, trying to touch the horizontal bar with your chest, and do not forget to bring your shoulder blades together. When lowering the arms, the arms are straightened almost completely.

Proper body position is half the success

Reverse grip. General position the body remains the same, only the hands move - now they should be turned with their palms towards you. Gently bend your elbows, trying to reach the horizontal bar not with your chest, but with your back. At the same time, you should not be at the limit of your strength to rush to raise your body as high as possible! The muscles are maximally worked out with incomplete pull-ups, at the moment when the elbows are bent 90 degrees, the shoulders are parallel to the floor, and the shoulder muscles feel the tension well.

Just one detail, and the load distribution has changed

Perform each exercise 8-12 times, doing 3-4 sets per workout.

Over time, the number of repetitions in each of the approaches can be increased to 20, but it makes no sense to strive further, to astronomical numbers. Better use weights.

How to build shoulders with dumbbells? Firstly, pick up a projectile of such weight so that you can painlessly, but with effort, perform 8–12 dumbbell lifts, and secondly, find a bench with a hard back.

Press Arnold. Starting position - sitting on a bench, with your back tightly pressed against its back and legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands with dumbbells are also bent at the elbows, the hands are at shoulder level, palms to the body. Trying to keep your head strictly straight, start the dumbbell press up. Halfway - somewhere at the top of your head - begin to turn your wrists with your palms out and continue to the top point. As you lower your arms, do the exact opposite: rotate your wrists again so that your palms are facing your shoulders.

Short video: Arnold press in action

The exercise perfectly works out all three bundles of the deltoid muscle, but the anterior and middle deltas receive special attention.

Seated dumbbell press. Starting position - sitting, arms with dumbbells spread apart, shoulders parallel to the floor, elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Smoothly, without jerking, begin to raise the dumbbells above your head, trying to make both hands move in an arc. At the top point, the dumbbells should almost touch, and then, without delay, just as smoothly return them to their original position.

Video hint:

Make sure that during the entire approach, the elbows fall below the shoulders - this will negatively affect the deltoid muscles.

What if there was no horizontal bar or dumbbells at hand? Push-ups come to the rescue!

Take an emphasis lying down. The lower back is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the feet are raised on toes, the palms are firmly on the floor. Your task is to perform push-ups without changing the angle of the body. This will give a qualitative load on all the necessary muscle groups.

Choose the difficulty of the exercise based on your capabilities.

It’s very good if your physical form allows you to do push-ups with your legs resting on a wall or bench.

Isolation exercises

We turn to the local study of the deltoid muscles.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you. In this case, the object of our influence will be front delta. Perform the exercise slowly, thoughtfully, trying to feel the tension of the shoulder muscles with each rise. If it is still difficult for you to work with both hands at once, use them one by one, the effect will still be.

Do not make sudden jerks!

Breeding dumbbells standing. This time at gunpoint middle deltoid muscle. A little trick: pause for a second every time the dumbbells are at the most extreme points, this will avoid doing the exercise by inertia.

Try to feel the effort of the shoulders

Breeding dumbbells in an incline. It's time for the rear delta! Keep your back strictly straight, arms almost completely straight and ... forward!

Perform each exercise 15 to 20 times, depending on the preparation.

It will be easier if you provide yourself with a reliable head rest.

Video: sculpt broad shoulders at home

It is known that it is better to watch once than read ten times, so finally take a look at the video "How to build shoulders" from the Fortress of Fitness. Maybe this is exactly what you need?

Or maybe you will like the advice of Alexander Dobromil more?

A fit, broad-shouldered man with one look inspires the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis strength and masculinity. Women involuntarily pay attention to such representatives of the strong half of humanity, as they subconsciously feel more secure with them. In order to become such a man yourself, it is not necessary to visit gym. You can pump up beautiful muscular shoulders without the use of simulators and sophisticated sports equipment. It is enough to have a strong desire, free time and dumbbells (although in some exercises you can do without them). So, how to build shoulders at home? What exercises effectively work out the shoulder girdle?

There are two ways to build shoulders at home. The first way: classes exclusively with the weight of your own body. The second way: exercises with dumbbells. In the article, we will consider options for effective exercises in order to pump up your shoulders at home, both for the first method and for the second.

Not every house even has a skipping rope, not to mention dumbbells. Their absence suggests that you need to go to the store and buy the right equipment for sports. Having picked up a special set of tools for exercises, you can quickly pump up the deltas and all the muscles of the shoulder girdle, exercising only with the weight of your body.

Classes can be held in the warm season on the street. Fresh air and sunlight will make your shoulder girdle workouts not only more enjoyable, but also as effective as possible. Being engaged in the apartment, do not forget to ventilate the room. This is also very important.

Drink water, little by little in small sips after each set. A hydrated body will give your muscles enough strength to perform all the necessary exercises.

Bodyweight training

How to build shoulders at home without dumbbells and other sports equipment on hand? Everything is very simple. To pump up the muscles of the shoulder girdle, and especially the delta, with the help of which the volume of the shoulders is formed, pull-ups and push-ups are most often performed. Pull-ups are divided into several types:

  1. Pull-ups with a wide, narrow and medium grip. Such exercises pump the upper part of the shoulder girdle well.
  2. Reverse pull-ups. In this case, the palms of the hands will look at you.
  3. Pull-ups for the head work out the muscles of the back very well, as well as the back delta lagging behind for many.

Push-ups, in turn, are divided:

  1. Classic push ups. For the most part, this exercise will work the pectoral muscles, but the shoulder girdle is also involved. A narrow setting of the hands will involve the triceps and the middle delta in the work, and if you put your hands wider, then in addition to the middle beam, you can also use the front delta beam. In order to maximize the use of the muscles of the shoulder girdle in the exercise, try to do push-ups not to the floor, but a little higher so that only the deltas work.
  2. Push-ups on bars. The shoulder girdle, in this case, will only work when you go up. Therefore, having descended as far as possible, rise without straightening your arms to the end. Then go down again. So you should feel good work of the deltoid muscles.
  3. Push-ups on one arm well tone the shoulder girdle. It is important to take into account one point: the wider the legs are, the easier it is to perform the exercise, but the less stress on the muscles. So choose the right position for yourself.
  4. Push-ups in a handstand. This exercise may seem a bit difficult for a beginner, but if you do it against a wall, it will be much easier. So you can work out the muscles of the shoulder girdle well.

If you want to diversify your workouts, read below how to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells. You will need to use a special set of exercises. With the help of various dumbbells, the muscles of the entire shoulder girdle are well worked out, and in particular the rear, middle and front deltas.

  1. Shrugs. This exercise works the trapezius muscle, as well as the latissimus dorsi muscle. And your posture after the regular performance of this exercise can be envied! Stand up keeping your body straight. Hands with dumbbells are lowered. Lift the dumbbells, but not at the expense of the hands, but by including only the trapezius muscles in the work, raising the shoulders as high as possible.
  2. Vertical traction - involves almost the entire shoulder girdle: deltas, trapezius muscle and biceps. Take dumbbells. Stand up straight. The back is straight. Bending your arms, take your elbows to the sides. Raise your arms to the middle of your chest. Don't drop your elbows. Try to fix the case without swinging it. Next, lower your arms with dumbbells down.
  3. The seated press engages the shoulder girdle as much as possible. Sitting on a bench, keep your back straight. Raise the dumbbells up, but at the end point, try not to straighten your arms to the end. Lower the dumbbells, spreading your elbows to the sides, to shoulder level.
  4. The Arnold press should also be included in a set of exercises to work out the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Stand straight with your arms bent at the elbows, place them with dumbbells in front of you so that your palms look at you. Raise the dumbbells up and rotate your palms 180 degrees as you move. Try not to straighten your arms until the end, feeling muscle tension. Return to the starting position by turning your palms towards you.
  5. Lifting dumbbells in front of you has an isolated effect on the front and middle deltas. Stand up straight, keeping your body straight. Take dumbbells, lower your arms and slightly bend at the elbows. Point your palms towards you. Raise the dumbbells just above shoulder level. Slowly lower your arms to the starting position. When performing the exercise, try to keep the body motionless.

The question of how to build shoulders at home arises quite often among busy men who do not want to regularly visit the gym. You always want to have broad, courageous shoulders and a well-developed relief of the arms and shoulder girdle! This is real! With or without dumbbells, regularly devoting time to training, you can quickly get visible results. The main thing - good mood and faith in success!

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