How does activated carbon work? Activated carbon - benefits and harm. Indications for the use of enterosorbents

There is not a single person on Earth who does not use activated carbon to cleanse the body of toxic substances. Possessing sorption activity, it adsorbs (collects on itself) harmful substances and toxins that enter the intestinal environment with food or consumption of poor-quality drinking water. This remedy is quite widely used not only in ordinary medical practice. It is used by traditional healers and homeopaths. Used in everyday life (filters for water purification), by the military it is included in gas mask filters. Found its application in chemical practice.

Coal making

Activated carbon, as we are used to buying it at the pharmacy, and more recently it has appeared in supermarkets, undergoes many transformations before it is activated. How is it activated?

Activated carbon is produced industrially from organic raw materials. The raw materials are wood, peat, and animal bones. Charcoal is most often used. Under the influence of high temperatures, the wood is burned to the required state. After this treatment, it becomes similar to charcoal for barbecue. The most important process remains: the carbon needs to be activated. The burnt wood is placed in special chambers, where the activation process occurs under the influence of hot water steam. This type of coal develops special pores. The more pores, the better the sorbent will absorb toxic substances.

Cleansing the body

Coal is often used in case of poisoning of the body with low-quality food products. But it can be used if the poisoning is not associated with infections. In such situations, additional necessary medications are added. Alternative medicine uses activated charcoal to remove so-called toxins (this is not a medical concept, but a folk one).

Possessing specific porosity, activated carbon absorbs the following toxic substances:

  1. Which are of plant and bacterial origin. A toxin such as botulinum toxin (botulism) cannot be treated with charcoal. The only remedy will be a specific serum.
  2. Increased gas content.
  3. Bile and its metabolic products.
  4. Alcohol and its substitutes. It will not help with methyl alcohol poisoning. In this case, you need to drink 40% ethyl alcohol (vodka) according to a special scheme;
  5. Increased formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  6. Poisoning with various chemical compounds, medications, salts of heavy metals,
  7. Preparation for endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Using charcoal reduces the level of accumulated gases in the intestines.

When to use

Activated carbon for cleansing the body, instructions for its use:

  1. The sorbent absorbs not only toxins that cause harm to the human body, but also necessary substances (glucose, vitamins, amino acids, minerals necessary for the body). Tablets or capsules with this drug should be taken between meals, two hours before or after meals. It is necessary to drink immediately after eating if there is a possibility that poor quality food has poisoned the body.
  2. Do not take with other medications at the same time. Some time must pass, otherwise other drugs will not work, but will simply be eliminated from the body.
  3. It is impossible to get poisoned with this sorbent. It is not absorbed in the digestive tract, and its excess is excreted in fecal matter. There are certain contraindications when it is not taken.
  4. Tablets must be turned into powder before use. In powder form, the active surface area increases. The powder from the capsules can be poured out, but can be taken in this dosage form. The gelatin capsule will act directly in the intestines. The powder is poured with the required amount of water and drunk.

Dosage regimens

The body is cleansed of long-term accumulation of toxic substances following certain patterns. People who suffer from flatulence (excessive formation of gases in the intestines) are especially suitable for this therapy in addition to the main one.

Patients are interested in the question: “How to take activated charcoal to cleanse the body”? Let's look at the rules for taking the drug:

  1. When fermentation occurs and gases form, it is necessary to remove them. Take at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of human body weight. Take three times a day some time before meals.
  2. Acne is an unpleasant disease accompanied by skin damage and the formation of acne. This condition can develop due to poor nutrition. It is recommended to drink 3 to 5 sorbent tablets one hour before meals. It is necessary to adhere to a special diet: exclude carbonated drinks, alcohol-containing drinks, fried, smoked foods and sweets from the diet.
  3. If you experience brittle hair or nails, you need to cleanse your body frequently. Take the main treatment and, in addition, activated carbon preparation.

Charcoal removes not only formed toxins, but also nutrients. After such therapy, it is necessary to replenish the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Many who took activated charcoal to cleanse the body left positive reviews, but improper and long-term use of the drug leads to constipation. The product also has antidiarrheal activity (used for diarrhea).

Application in cosmetology

The charitable sorbent is used not only for poisoning, but also for removing toxic substances from the body. It has also found its application in cosmetology. Pharmaceutical factories produce special wipes with this remedy for blackheads on the skin of the face.

Similar remedies can be prepared at home. The prepared activated carbon mask has been used in cosmetology practice for a long time. There is a wide variety of face masks: a mask made of gelatin and activated carbon makes the skin snow-white and opens the pores in the skin. You can add milk to this mask to enhance the effect. A face mask of gelatin and activated charcoal has a certain effect on the skin.

  1. Has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Smoothes the surface of the epidermis (outer skin).
  3. Cleanses the skin of dead cells.
  4. Gives freshness and tone to the skin.

Activated carbon works:

  1. The process of drying the skin occurs.
  2. Pores are retracted to normal sizes.
  3. Inflammation goes away, acne disappears.
  4. The skin texture is smoothed.
  1. Removes darkening, whitens skin/
  2. Has a rejuvenating effect/
  3. Reduces the aggressiveness of gelatin and carbon components/
  4. The skin becomes soft and silky.

Preparation of the mask, necessary components

We will need:

  1. One teaspoon of gelatin.
  2. Tablet coal. You need to take one tablet.
  3. Milk 2 teaspoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the tablet to a homogeneous powder mass. If you have a special mortar, use it. Can be crushed using two tablespoons.
  2. Add cold milk to the resulting powder and stir.
  3. Place the mixture in the microwave or heat it slightly on a regular gas or electric stove. Wait no more than 15 seconds
  4. Allow to cool to room temperature.
  5. Apply the prepared mask in a thin layer in the form of a film to the skin of the face. Wait until the mask dries.
  1. The ingredients (gelatin, milk, activated carbon) must not be expired.
  2. Find out if you have an allergic reaction to the components used. Apply the mask to the skin of your wrist; if redness or itching appears, do not use this mask.
  3. Take warm baths or warm showers. The skin should also be steamed. The mask can only be applied to prepared skin.
  4. Apply the mask from bottom to top. In the opposite direction, remove it.
  5. Do not apply around the eyes. The thin skin around the eyes may be damaged by this procedure.
  6. After removing the mask, apply the cream you use daily to your face.
  7. Masks can be made no more than 2 times a week.
  8. The duration of therapy is at least 6 weeks
  9. A break is taken for two months. Afterwards the course can be repeated.


  1. Masks based on activated carbon should not be used by those who are ill (capillaries appearing on the face, facial skin becomes red)/
  2. Having an allergic reaction to activated carbon/
  3. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract/
  4. Presence of stomach and 12th intestinal ulcers/
  5. UC (nonspecific ulcerative colitis)/
  6. Crohn's disease (a type of intestinal inflammation).

Side effects of activated carbon

Like all medications, charcoal is no exception.

Side effects include:

  1. Absorption of vitamins is reduced. Hypovitaminosis may be observed/
  2. Dyspeptic disorders appear (constipation, diarrhea)/
  3. Decreased absorption of nutrients from the nutrient tract.

Truths and myths about activated carbon was last modified: April 25th, 2016 by MaximB

Activated carbon is a simple adsorbent, an integral attribute of every home first aid kit. The pharmacological drug quickly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, binds and removes pathogenic microbes and toxic products of their vital activity from the body. A small number of contraindications allows the drug to be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women. Many modern drugs work in the same way as activated carbon. But cheap black tablets often exhibit higher therapeutic effectiveness due to the presence of a huge number of pores on their surface.

How is the medicine produced?

The main raw material for obtaining porous adsorbent is organic materials. The production of activated carbon takes a long time and occurs in several stages. The most useful properties of drugs are those based on:

  • charcoal;
  • peat coke;
  • coal coke.

Recommendation: Activated carbon with various additives has recently appeared on pharmacy shelves to attract customers. Such tablets are suitable only for course cleansing of the body. And in case of poisoning, only those drugs that contain one ingredient - activated carbon - will help.

Technological production of porous absorbent consists of several successive stages:

  1. Organic raw materials are burned under high temperature and without access of air to obtain carbonate. This compound represents the basis of the future activated carbon. They are similar in chemical composition, but the carbonate completely lacks pores;
  2. At the next production stage, the carbonate is carefully processed until the smallest fraction is formed. This gives the substance a special structure, significantly increasing the adsorption area.

After receiving the blanks, you need to activate the carbon. For this, two main methods are used, differing from each other in the chemicals used in the process:

  • The crushed carbonate is treated with salts, which release certain types of gas. For chemical activation, the necessary conditions are created - high temperature and the introduction of activators. In the role of the latter, manufacturers usually use inorganic salts of nitric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids;
  • The carbonate oxidizes at very high temperatures in the presence of water vapor and carbon dioxide. To carry out a chemical reaction, catalysts are used - oxides or carbonates of alkali metals. Using vapor-gas activation, the output is an adsorbent with the maximum number of pores on its surface.

Craftsmen do not trust pharmaceutical drugs and make the medicine at home. What is activated carbon made from - from coconut and walnut shells, olive and apricot kernels, birch logs.

The production of activated carbon consists of several complex steps

The effect of the drug on the human body

The drug has a disinfectant, antiseptic, and detoxifying effect. Despite its natural composition, activated carbon is a pharmacological drug, so before taking it you should consult a gastroenterologist. In case of acute poisoning, this may be an emergency doctor, who should describe the symptoms that have arisen and the presumed cause of intoxication.

Cleansing effect

The unique composition and porous structure of activated carbon contribute to the rapid absorption of toxins and toxic compounds. No wonder it is recommended by gastroenterologists to provide:

  • poisons of plant and animal origin;
  • household chemicals;
  • heavy metals.

After penetration into the gastrointestinal tract, the drug adsorbs endo- and exotoxins on its surface. This prevents the absorption of toxic substances by the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, violating their integrity. Toxic substances do not enter the systemic bloodstream and are not carried by the flow of biological fluid to cells and tissues.

The undoubted advantage of the pharmacological drug is the absence of its metabolism. This ability prevents the tablets from completely disintegrating in the stomach and intestines. After cleansing the digestive tract, activated carbon with toxic compounds is eliminated from the body along with feces.

Warning: Don't worry if your stool turns black after taking activated charcoal. This is a completely natural process - the higher the dose of the drug taken, the more intense the color of the fecal matter.

Activated carbon perfectly cleanses the human body of waste and toxins.

Antiallergic effect

Doctors often include a drug in a therapeutic regimen when an allergy develops. In this case, the effect of activated carbon is to remove from the body substances that caused the sensitization reaction. The drug normalizes the level of immunoglobulins M and E, increasing the production of T-lymphocytes, or killer cells. The immune system begins to produce them when an allergic agent penetrates into the body, which it recognizes as a foreign protein. The more T-lymphocytes are released into the bloodstream, the faster a person’s recovery occurs.

Detoxification effect

Activated carbon is recommended to be taken for viral and bacterial intestinal infections. Pathogenic microorganisms, during their life processes, produce a huge amount of compounds that are toxic to cells and tissues. After penetration into the bloodstream, harmful substances are distributed throughout the body and become the cause of general intoxication. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • increased temperature;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

Taking activated carbon prevents the development of events in such a negative scenario. The drug quickly absorbs on its surface not only toxic compounds, but also the pathogens themselves. This becomes an excellent prevention of the formation of secondary infectious foci in the human body.

For poisoning and infections, activated carbon should be used without any additives.

In what cases is the drug used?

The high adsorbing capacity of the drug is used in the treatment of many diseases. When prescribing complex therapy, one should take into account how long it takes for activated carbon to act. The fact is that the porous adsorbent binds not only waste and toxic compounds, but also the active ingredients of medicines. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a time interval (3-4 hours) between the use of activated carbon and other pharmacological drugs.

Warning: It is not advisable to take activated carbon if 10-12 hours have passed since poisoning or alcohol intoxication. During this time, all exotoxins or ethyl alcohol have time to be absorbed by the mucous membranes and penetrate the systemic bloodstream.

The drug can be used both once and for a course of therapy. Most often, activated carbon is prescribed to patients diagnosed with the following pathologies:

  • dyspeptic disorders: increased gas formation, bloating, belching;
  • intoxication accompanied by excessive production of hydrochloric acid;
  • poisoning with pharmacological drugs: barbiturates, alkaloids, glycosides;
  • intoxication with spoiled food;
  • intestinal infections: dysentery, salmonellosis, botulism;
  • acute and chronic gastritis;
  • allergic reactions: urticaria, atopic dermatitis;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • alcohol poisoning, hangover.

Activated carbon is also used to restore the body of patients who have undergone radiation or chemotherapy. The adsorbing effect of the drug is used in preparation for endoscopic examinations or surgical operations.

Activated carbon is a porous substance, usually black in color, which is produced from various carbon-containing materials of organic origin. Currently, technologies are known for producing activated carbon from charcoal (BAU-A, OU-A, DAK), from coal coke (AG-3, AG-5, AR), from petroleum coke, as well as from other organic materials. Activated carbon is a very porous material, as a result of which it has a large specific surface area per unit mass, and therefore has a high adsorption capacity. It is this quality that allows activated carbon to be used in medicine, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Many modern complexes for drinking water purification use filters containing activated carbon.

One gram of activated carbon can have a total surface of 500 to 1500 m², depending on the technology for producing a particular brand of carbon.

You may have long ago stopped using this frankly cheap remedy as a way to remove toxins from poisoning, but in recent years, especially in the West, activated carbon has become a real wellness trend! In any case, you don’t know much about activated carbon, and yet, like any other medications, improper use and violation of dosage can be harmful to health. In this article we will try to understand how to use various carbon-containing products without harm to health and what are the capabilities of activated carbon.

How does activated carbon work?

Activated carbon removes toxic substances from the body through two mechanisms, firstly through adsorption and secondly through catalytic reduction (a process that causes negatively charged pollutant ions to be attracted to positively charged carbon ions).

Activated carbon binds toxins in the human body (both those that enter the body from the outside and those formed as a result of the vital activity of any microorganisms inside the gastrointestinal tract) through adsorption and promotes their rapid elimination through the intestines.

It also effectively cleanses the body of chlorine, chloramines and by removing them through catalytic reduction.

Please note that the use of activated carbon reduces to almost zero the effectiveness of medications taken simultaneously with it (within 10 hours).

Cleansing the body with charcoal in case of poisoning

The main feature of activated carbon, even taken in excess of the norm, is that it does not irritate the intestines. The normal dose is completely eliminated from the body no later than 10 hours after ingestion. Despite all the benefits of activated carbon, you shouldn’t get too carried away with them, whether it’s a charcoal mask (cosmetologists do not recommend applying it more than once a week), or you simply add charcoal powder to your food. In the latter case, it is worth remembering that along with toxins and carbon, many microelements are also removed from the body, for example, vitamins of different groups.

Based on this, scientists and doctors have compiled strict recipes and dosages for the use of activated carbon for an adult: the drug is taken no more than twice a week, taking into account the fact that after taking activated carbon, any other drug is taken no earlier than 10 hours later. On the days you take charcoal, you must strictly drink at least 2.5 liters of water. In case of poisoning, take 4-6 tablets of activated carbon, and during a detox course - two.

Activated carbon in cosmetics

Activated carbon is produced primarily from charcoal, peat or coal. The porous structure of the tablets is achieved by exposing the component to strong micro-air flows. Each tablet of activated carbon, as a result of this porosity, can absorb molecules of toxins, dirt or fat. For example, shampoo with charcoal granules acts on the hair like a scrub, paste and even toothbrushes with charcoal particles kill countless bacteria in the oral cavity, and charcoal masks can solve almost any problem associated with problematic skin.

Interesting fact: several tablets of activated carbon weighing 5-7 grams can absorb and absorb a huge amount of toxins; if you evenly distribute the surface of such a number of carbon tablets in one layer, then the size will be no less than the area of ​​a football field.

Activated carbon drinks

All the numerous properties of activated carbon are determined by its chemical composition and the structural features of the natural sorbent. It is curious, but most of the beneficial properties of activated carbon were discovered by the inhabitants of Ancient India and China, who used coal to purify drinking water and wine. And several centuries later, experts in the field called activated carbon one of the best means for detox (cleansing the body).

If you are accustomed to packaging activated carbon in the form of tablets and powder, you will probably be surprised that in the USA and Western Europe lemonade with carbon has been on sale for several years!!! Yes, yes, activated carbon lemonade, which can be found on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores in New York or Los Angeles.

Such “activated drinks” are available in various shades, from black to light gray, in different flavors and in different containers. It would seem that there would not be so many people willing to try the black drink. However, adherents of a healthy lifestyle shout during breaks about the benefits of such lemonades and cocktails, and buyers buy such drinks in large quantities.

Drinks with the addition of activated carbon are only a small part of the use of an effective sorbent; today in the USA and most European countries it is a very popular component that is added to cosmetic products for skin and hair care, including: face masks, scrubs, dental paste (powder), soap, shampoo and so on.

Skin cleansing with activated carbon

Activated carbon masks not only cleanse pores, but also tighten them. One small coal granule absorbs dirt (grease, grease) 200 times its own weight. Systematic, but not excessive use of masks will help get rid of the problem of shine and oily skin for a long time.

There is one very important point here: the composition of cosmetic products (charcoal masks) should include only a fresh component (fresh activated carbon will crumble even with light pressure on it with a spoon).

Activated carbon can cause an allergic reaction, so test it on your hand before applying this mask. Also, cosmetologists recommend applying such masks only to a steamed face.

Teeth whitening with charcoal

Activated carbon can whiten teeth by 7-8 shades without damaging the integrity of tooth enamel. You can also rinse your mouth with charcoal powder; the product has good antibacterial properties.

After just a few charcoal procedures, you will notice a change in the condition of your gums and this is due to the fact that charcoal changes the PH environment in the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth with charcoal powder is carried out in the same mode as brushing with toothpaste. If you are still concerned about tooth enamel, you can brush with charcoal powder applied on top of the toothpaste.

From time to time, topics about losing weight using activated carbon appear on forums and women’s websites - it’s worth noting right away that this is a rather dangerous way to lose excess weight and we strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND using such charcoal diets! Yes, activated carbon removes toxins from the body, but along with them it also adsorbs useful minerals, amino acids, etc. That is why taking activated carbon for a long time and in large quantities you risk seriously harming your health, because in this way the body will lose important elements necessary for normal metabolism!

Of course, charcoal cleanses the blood, liver and intestines, the body’s fat reserves gradually disappear, but excess fat tissue leaves due to mineral and vitamin starvation of the body. After a certain time after you begin to actively consume activated carbon, your intestinal function may be disrupted, constipation will appear, and the absorption of fats, proteins, vitamins, hormones and minerals from the gastrointestinal tract will decrease. As a result, the blood sugar level will drop, it may drop dangerously, dizziness and chills, apathy and even a decrease in brain activity will appear.

To get rid of excess weight, we would advise you to reconsider your diet in favor of fiber-rich foods (cereals, vegetables, whole grain bread, fruits, etc.). Such products are less digestible, but they help improve intestinal function and, unlike activated carbon, do not remove vitamins and minerals from the body. It’s even better to calculate the number of calories consumed and burned during the day and maintain a balance when you consume less than you spend - this approach will allow you to lose weight without harm to your health!

Experience - how activated carbon adsorbs

To personally verify the adsorption properties of activated carbon, we can conduct a small experiment. For the experiment, we need only 2 components, namely activated carbon and iodine solution.

  • Take 5 charcoal tablets and place them in a regular transparent glass, add a few drops of drinking water to the glass and crush the activated carbon in the glass.
  • Pour a teaspoon of iodine and 2 tablespoons of water into a glass with the mixture and mix.
  • At the beginning of the reaction, our solution will darken, this happens because the activated carbon tablets contain a certain proportion of starch (helps the tablets maintain their shape), which interacts with iodine, giving a characteristic blue color.
  • We leave the glass with the solution for several hours (for the purity of this “laboratory work”, you can use a second glass in parallel, which will also contain water and iodine, but not activated carbon).

After a few hours in the first glass, the dark coal sediment will sink to the bottom, and the liquid solution will become transparent - this will mean that all the iodine has been adsorbed by the coal. The solution without coal in the second glass will remain brownish-yellowish (it is iodine that colors it).

In a similar way, activated carbon tablets act in the human stomach, adsorbing toxins and helping the gastrointestinal tract cope with food poisoning.

A widely used remedy, however, is not a panacea and requires compliance with the rules of use in order to get only a positive result.

How does activated carbon work?

Activated carbon is made from coal, coconut shells, and more often wood. As a result of special processing, the structure of the drug is penetrated by a huge number of tiny pores, due to which the absorbing surface increases to 2000 m2 per 1 gram of coal. It is these pores that actively absorb a variety of substances. Thanks to this amazing ability, the drug is widely used in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in medicine.

The effectiveness of activated carbon is due to two aspects of its effect:

  1. the ability to adsorb organic substances on its surface;
  2. the ability to oxidize some dangerous inorganic substances, such as chlorine and chloramine.

The absorption activity is so high that it allows most of the toxins to be absorbed from the intestines even before their absorption begins.

In what cases will activated carbon help?

  • with increased gas formation in the intestines, as well as with dyspepsia;
  • if putrefactive processes began to predominate in the intestines for a number of reasons;
  • for various types of poisoning: food, medicinal, chemical;
  • to cleanse the body when the kidneys and liver are not working properly;
  • for salmonellosis and some types of diarrhea;
  • as an adjuvant for the treatment of gastritis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, allergies and asthma;
  • partially get rid of hangover syndrome;
  • Somewhat reduce intoxication during radiation and chemotherapy of cancer patients.

Debunking the Myths

Such a wide spectrum of action of activated carbon has become a reason to attribute some unrealistic properties to it. So, for many years there has been a myth about its ability to help with weight loss, based on the ability of coal to absorb organic substances.

Indeed, it can absorb some of the excess food that enters the body. But this is such a small amount that it is simply not comparable to the total volume of food. In addition, activated carbon does not have selective adsorption ability. It can absorb any substance, primarily small particles, including vitamins and mineral salts contained in food. Therefore, even if slight weight loss occurs, it will be accompanied by a significant deterioration in health.

Another myth is the ability of charcoal to fight acne. In fact, it is used only as a means of combating the consequences of poor nutrition - the main reason for their occurrence. To combat acne, there are other effective medications that your doctor will prescribe.

When should you not use activated carbon?

A seemingly harmless drug should still be used with caution, precisely because it also adsorbs beneficial substances along with harmful substances. It is not recommended to take activated charcoal for more than 3-5 days in a row.

It is permissible for children to use it only over the age of 3 years. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dosage: no more than 5 grams at a time and no more than three times a day.

People suffering from stomach or intestinal bleeding should not take charcoal at all.

At the same time, not everyone knows the nuances of using activated carbon. Even if there is an idea that it is against poisoning, then from what, in what quantities and for how long should it be used? What to combine with? What to drink with it? And how else can activated carbon be used other than internally as a sorbent?

What is activated carbon?

Activated or, as it is also called, activated carbon is a porous material obtained from a wide variety of organic carbon-containing products. Usually this:

  • wood and charcoal,
  • coal coke,
  • peat,
  • petroleum coke,
  • coconut charcoal (from coconut shells),
  • bituminous coal.

To obtain the product, the raw materials are charred and then activated. Activation is the opening of the pores of a carbon material by treating it with chemicals, carbon dioxide or superheated steam. Activated carbon contains a huge number of pores, and therefore has a wide specific surface area and high sorption capacity. The surface of 1 gram of activated carbon can have a specific surface area of ​​up to 1500 m². Depending on the size of the molecules with which the carbon will have to interact, it is made with different ratios of pore sizes. The sorption abilities of activated carbon are appreciated by pharmacology and medicine, metallurgical and chemical industries, where carbon is used for purification, separation and extraction of a wide variety of substances.

Humanity has noticed that ingestion of coal powder shows good results in the treatment of food poisoning, intoxication with heavy metal salts, and in the treatment of severe infectious diseases, be it dysentery, cholera or typhoid fever. No less positive effects of coal are noted in the treatment of gastritis, colitis, diarrhea with vomiting, and increased acidity of gastric juice.

The effect of activated carbon on the human body

Enterosorbing and detoxification actions are actively used in pharmacology activated carbon. Enterosorbents are solids or liquids used to absorb/absorb endo- and exotoxins from the gastrointestinal tract. They are used orally and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Activated carbon, being a physicochemical antidote, is characterized by high surface activity and perfectly absorbs poisons and toxins localized in the gastrointestinal tract.

Among the substances that are used to prevent absorption are:

  • alkaloids,
  • glycosides,
  • barbiturates, glutathimide, theophylline - as part of hemoperfusion,
  • sleeping pills and anesthetics,
  • heavy metal salts,
  • phenol derivatives,
  • hydrocyanic acid derivatives,
  • sulfonamides,
  • toxins of various origins - bacterial, plant, animal,
  • gases,
  • to a lesser extent - acids and alkalis, iron salts, cyanides, methanol, ethylene glycol.

Most often, the use of activated carbon occurs in cases of poisoning with various medications, plant poisons and other chemicals. Coal is less effective for poisoning with strong acids, alkalis, cyanides, and iron preparations. In such cases, activated carbon is used for gastric lavage:

  • 1 tablespoon of powder dissolves in 1 liter of water
  • 20-30 g (sometimes up to 80-100 g) in the form of a liquid suspension in 100-150 ml of water.

It is necessary to introduce charcoal powder (or crushed tablets) into the stomach before and after washing it.

The mechanism of action of activated carbon in the digestive tract will be realized under the condition of a high, excessive amount of carbon in the stomach and intestines. If the concentration of the substance is reduced, the reverse process of desorption of toxins and their absorption occurs. If the gastrointestinal tract is not washed, and there are food masses in the stomach, then high dosages of activated carbon are justified by the fact that the contents of the gastrointestinal tract will also be sorbed by carbon and partially take over its potential. For a similar reason, activated carbon is not recommended to be combined with other drugs of similar or related action (acting on the gastrointestinal mucosa). Any of them will take over the sorbing effect of coal, and as a result, the effect of both will not be sufficiently pronounced.

Indications for use of activated carbon

Activated carbon is a medicine that naturally has a number of indications for its use. In addition to the fact that charcoal can be taken for preventive purposes in cases of suspected food poisoning, it will also be relevant for the following diagnoses:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice during exo- and endogenous intoxications:
    • dyspepsia,
    • flatulence,
    • rotting and fermentation of food masses in the gastrointestinal tract,
    • hypersecretion of mucus, gastric juice, hydrochloric acid,
    • diarrhea;
  • poisoning:
    • alkaloids,
    • glycosides,
    • salts of heavy metals,
    • food intoxication;
  • food poisoning:
    • dysentery,
    • salmonellosis,
    • burn disease in the stage of toxemia and septicotoxemia;
  • chronic forms and exacerbations of diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, bile:
    • renal failure,
    • chronic hepatitis,
    • acute viral hepatitis,
    • cirrhosis of the liver,
    • gastritis,
    • chronic cholecystitis,
    • enterocolitis,
    • cholecystopancreatitis;
  • poisoning with chemical compounds and drugs (including organophosphorus and organochlorine compounds, psychoactive drugs);
  • allergic diseases:
    • atopic dermatitis,
    • bronchial asthma;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • intoxication in cancer patients during radiation and chemotherapy;

Current use of activated carbon at the stage of preparation for x-ray and endoscopic examinations. This is done to reduce the content of gases in the intestines.

However, activated carbon also has a number of contraindications. It should be used with caution and not contrary to doctor’s prescriptions for ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract. For such diseases it is most often contraindicated - peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, bleeding from the tract. It is also not the best solution to combine the intake of activated carbon with antitoxic drugs, the action of which is preceded by absorption.

In most cases, activated carbon is favorably accepted by the body, but side effects may also develop. Among them:

  • dyspeptic symptoms - constipation, diarrhea;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • decreased absorption of nutrients and macronutrients in the digestive tract;
  • hemoperfusion using activated carbon can cause hypotension, thromboembolism and hemorrhage, as well as hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia.

Side effects tend to develop in case of prolonged use of activated carbon.

How else is activated carbon used?

This sorbent is used not only in pharmacology and medicine, but also in other areas of industry, as well as in home life and for performing cosmetic procedures.

  • Activated carbon is most often an integral component of personal respiratory protection equipment and gas masks.
  • Today, activated carbon is often included in devices for drinking water purification.
  • In the food industry, activated carbon can purify sugar, vegetable and animal oils; caramel, citric, lactic and other organic acids are prepared using it.
  • In the metallurgical and chemical industries, coal is used in the extraction of precious metals, ore flotation, production of rubber, glass, mineral oils, chemical reagents and paint and varnish products.

The use of activated carbon by industry does not end there, but it is much more useful to know how to use activated carbon tablets at home.

As an air freshener. To eliminate or prevent unpleasant or stagnant odors in the toilet, bathroom, pantry, refrigerator, as well as in desk drawers, cupboards and closets. The use of activated carbon helps prevent the occurrence of mold. The crushed coal should be placed in cloth bags, for example gauze, or in boxes with holes. When the carbon adsorption period has expired, the substance should be replaced with a fresh one.

As a natural flavoring(for the same air). A handful of activated carbon needs to be crushed into powder. Mix with enough 7-8% potassium nitrate solution to obtain the consistency of a stiff dough. Add a few grams of your favorite scent to the resulting product - cinnamon, pine needles, mint, vanillin, cloves, or even better, the essential oils of these products. From the resulting mass you need to fashion small pyramids or cones and then dry them. When necessary, the pyramid should be set on fire; it will smolder and release a pleasant aroma.

In shoe insoles. Activated carbon can be sewn into fabric, shaped like shoe insoles and used for its intended purpose. As a result, those who spend a lot of time on their feet or whose heels sweat a lot will forget about the unpleasant odor from their shoes. In a similar way, you can use powdered coal, just put it in your shoes at night. In the morning there will be no trace of the unpleasant smell.

In facial masks. Activated carbon cleanses not only the digestive tract, but also the skin. Its use is an excellent acne prevention, suitable for oily skin with large pores. For example, you can mix 1 tsp. tableted carbon powder, 1 tsp. aloe vera juice or gel, 1 tsp. distilled, or better yet rose water, 5 drops of tea tree oil, 1 pinch of sea salt. Mix everything well, apply to the face, leave to dry, and then rinse.

In tooth powder or paste. Activated carbon is excellent at removing plaque. But there is no need to add it sparingly to teeth cleaning products, since even the smallest grains of it will damage tooth enamel if used regularly. To be safe and effective, it is enough to brush your teeth with activated charcoal once a week. Apply the paste to your toothbrush and dip the brush into the charcoal powder until the paste is completely covered in a layer of powder. Brush your teeth as usual, do not be alarmed by the black color, but rinse your mouth thoroughly at the end of the procedure.

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