Stomach cancer: the first symptoms of malignant neoplasms. How not to miss the symptoms of stomach cancer? It is important! Stomach cancer first symptoms


Stomach cancer is a common cancer that affects men more often than women. As a malignant tumor develops, it can spread to the liver, lungs, esophagus and other organs. If treatment for stomach cancer is started in the first stages of its development, then there is a chance to completely get rid of this disease and save the patient’s life. What are the features, first signs and symptoms of this cancer?

Features of the manifestation of stomach cancer

Oncological disease, caused by the formation of a malignant tumor from cells of the gastric mucosa, ranks 4th among cancer diseases. Asians often suffer from it. A malignant tumor can develop in any part of the stomach. In the early stages, cancer of the digestive organ is very problematic to diagnose, because there is no clear picture of the disease. This cancer is classified by histological cell type, tumor growth and clinical stage.

Types of stomach cancer:

  • Squamous, arising from the degeneration of epithelial cells.
  • Signet ring cell, formed from goblet cells.
  • Glandular, which is the result of degeneration of glandular cells.
  • Undifferentiated, arising from immature cells.
  • Adenocarcinoma, formed from secretory cells of the mucosa. This type of oncology is diagnosed in 90% of cases.

With the diffuse type of cancer growth, there is no connection between tumor cells, which grows through the entire thickness of the wall and does not enter the stomach cavity. This behavior is typical for an undifferentiated type of cancer. With the intestinal type of growth, cells are connected to each other. In this case, the malignant tumor slowly grows inside the stomach. This is how glandular cancer, adenocarcinoma, behaves. According to clinical manifestations, this cancer is divided into 5 stages (0-4).

What are the first symptoms and signs of stomach cancer?

The first symptoms of stomach cancer are difficult to determine, so they are often mistaken for a manifestation of an ulcer or. Only an experienced doctor will be able to distinguish a malignant formation in this organ of the digestive system in the early stages of development. Treatment of stomach cancer at an early stage gives a high probability of getting rid of this disease. If there is a suspicion of oncology, then in order to accurately diagnose cancer, the patient may be prescribed an examination.

Diagnosis of cancer is carried out using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, MRI, ultrasound, and blood tests for tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract. What are the signs of stomach cancer? Doctor L.I. Savitsky believed that the early stage of the disease can be determined by the special state of the body. He coined the new term “small sign syndrome in gastric cancer.”

Its presence in the body is characterized by constant weakness, fatigue, depression, weight loss, loss of appetite, and stomach discomfort. An experienced doctor will be able to prescribe effective treatment when identifying small signs of cancer. In the initial stages of the disease, the first symptoms of cancer are vague and often depend on its location in the stomach. Below we will consider the main first signs of this cancer.


Loss of appetite is a common sign of stomach cancer, which occurs in older and middle-aged people. Along with this symptom, patients may experience nausea and heaviness in the epigastric region. Such patients note that for the first time they noticed discomfort in the stomach after a heavy meal. Subsequently, they stopped enjoying food, so their appetite decreased. Often, patients in the early stages of tumor development complain of heaviness, heartburn, belching, and flatulence.

Discomfort in the chest

In the first stages of cancer, unpleasant, painful sensations appear in the chest area. These include: a feeling of fullness, pressure, heaviness, burning, mild temporary convulsive phenomena. These symptoms occur after eating a heavy, heavy, or difficult-to-digest meal. With the development of stomach cancer, chest discomfort intensifies and worries the patient even with moderate consumption of dietary foods. Patients at the initial stage of development of this cancer often complain to the doctor of chest pain radiating to the heart or shoulder blade area

Difficulty swallowing

If the malignancy is localized in the upper part of the stomach, it sometimes causes problems when swallowing food. This symptom cannot be ignored. In the first stages of cancer growth, the patient experiences only slight discomfort when eating food in the form of large, coarse pieces. However, as the tumor develops and increases in size, it becomes difficult to swallow soft, liquid-like food.

Nausea and vomiting

At the initial stage, stomach cancer often manifests itself in the form of discomfort after eating. Many patients noticed that after eating, nausea appeared, which did not go away for a long time after lunch. Another of the first symptoms of this cancer is vomiting that begins after eating or at other times of the day. In some patients it appears periodically, in others - once. If the vomit contains scarlet or brown blood, then urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Cancer manifests itself at the initial stage by the presence of occult blood in the stool. This phenomenon indicates that gastric bleeding is occurring. Moreover, in case of stomach cancer, tests for blood content in feces will constantly confirm its presence in feces. If, after repeated such studies, the result is always positive, then this is a serious symptom confirming the development of a malignant tumor in the stomach.

If bleeding in the stomach is regular, then it is accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue, and pale skin. Not all cases of early stage cancer contain blood in the stool. A doctor will help determine the cause of blood in stool or vomit after an examination. Bleeding can be caused not only by malignant tumors in the stomach, but also by duodenal ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Dramatic weight loss and changes in well-being

Constant fatigue and sudden weight loss are the first symptoms of stomach cancer. It has been noticed that this sign of cancer often occurs in those who have suffered from gastritis with secretory deficiency for a long time. For other people, thinness occurs because they stop eating enough food due to loss of appetite and discomfort after eating.

How quickly does stomach cancer develop?

The precancerous condition of this disease sometimes lasts 10-20 years. At this time, only if the first symptoms of the disease are present will an experienced doctor be able to suspect cancer. Gastric cancer is often detected in the later stages. First, a person suffers from gastritis, which, in the absence of suitable treatment, becomes chronic. Then comes atrophy of the gastric mucosa, the formation of atypical and cancer cells. In those who lead a healthy lifestyle, cancer develops more slowly than in people who use tobacco, alcohol, overcooked and too hot food.

How long do people with stomach cancer live?

There is a concept of “five-year survival rate”. This term means that if a patient lives for 5 years after cancer treatment, he is cured and will never suffer from the disease again. Statistics show that when detected and provided with medical care at stage 1 of the disease, the survival prognosis is 80% of patients, at stage 2 – 56%, at stage 3 – 38%, at stage 4 – 5%. These data show that it is possible to defeat the disease if you contact it at its first manifestations and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Stomach is one of the most common and at the same time insidious oncological diseases. In terms of the frequency of deaths, it is in second place, second only to lung cancer. The reason for the high mortality rate in this disease lies in the difficulty of timely diagnosis. It is very difficult to identify stomach cancer in its early stages, since the symptoms are often very vague and patients most often do not pay attention to them. And in later stages, this disease is already difficult to treat.

When you consult a doctor and diagnose stomach cancer in its early stages, the possibility of complete relief from the disease is very high, and the five-year survival rate is close to 80-90%. But, in most cases, the diagnosis of stomach cancer occurs at later stages, which greatly reduces the five-year survival rate. Therefore, you should know the first, most common symptoms of stomach cancer and, at the slightest suspicion, undergo a more detailed examination.

Symptoms of stomach cancer are not always the same in different patients. Depending on the location of the tumor and its histological type, symptoms can vary significantly. The location of the tumor in the cardiac part of the stomach (the part adjacent to the esophagus) is primarily indicated by difficulties in swallowing rough food or large pieces of it, and increased salivation. As the tumor grows, the symptoms become more pronounced. After some time, other signs of a tumor develop: vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, between the shoulder blades or in the heart area, pain.

If the primary tumor is located in the lower part of the stomach (the so-called antrum), then the symptoms will be slightly different. In such cases, the patient complains of vomiting, a feeling of heaviness, and an unpleasant odor from the mouth or vomit. The presence of a tumor in the body of the stomach is indicated by general oncological manifestations: lack of appetite, weakness, dizziness, anemia, weight loss, etc. There are no pronounced symptoms in the case of a tumor of the middle part of the stomach.

Depending on the presence and nature of symptoms, the doctor can determine the need and types of further diagnostics. But still, there are many more symptoms of stomach cancer than described above.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in its initial stages

The earliest signs of stomach cancer are so vague and inexpressive that treatment, if they occur, is started in extremely rare cases and, as a rule, is not appropriate to the disease. After all, most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have similar manifestations, and it is extremely difficult to diagnose cancer using them. But, nevertheless, the most likely symptoms of stomach cancer can be identified. These include:

  1. Digestive disorder. This includes heartburn, frequent belching, bloating, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. These symptoms were noted by many patients, even over many years of their lives. But they went to see an oncologist only if they had other more serious symptoms.
  2. Uncomfortable sensations localized in the chest area. Such manifestations include pain, a feeling of fullness, heaviness or any other manifestations of discomfort.
  3. . Nausea can haunt the patient immediately after each meal and cause discomfort for a long time.
  4. Difficulty swallowing. This symptom occurs only when a tumor forms in the upper part of the stomach. It may partially obstruct the passage of food, which explains this symptom. In the early stages, difficulties arise only with rough food or large lumps. But as the disease progresses, it becomes more difficult to swallow even soft and liquid foods.
  5. Vomit. Often, only the appearance of symptoms such as vomiting and nausea lead the patient to be examined. Vomiting can be a one-time or periodic phenomenon, occur immediately after eating or not be associated with food intake at all. The most terrible manifestation is vomiting with scarlet or brown blood. In addition to small but steadily recurring bleeding, anemia, pallor, shortness of breath, and fatigue are associated.
  6. Presence of blood in stool. This is another symptom of stomach bleeding and stomach tumors. It can be diagnosed in the laboratory or visually by the color of the stool, which in this case is tar-black.
  7. Painful sensations. Often the pain is felt in the chest area, but the pain can also spread towards the shoulder blade or the heart.
  8. General clinical symptoms. After the tumor develops and metastases occur outside the stomach, symptoms common to all cancer diseases may appear: weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, anemia, lethargy, etc.
  9. Secondary symptoms. New symptoms indicate the appearance of secondary tumors. Symptoms can be very varied and depend on the direction of metastasis.

The list of the above symptoms is far from complete, but it is these symptoms that should alert the patient and force him to undergo examination in order to begin timely treatment.

Dyspepsia as a characteristic sign of stomach cancer

Diagnosing cancer is a rather complex process.

Quite often, a patient comes to the doctor with a very common symptom - dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is a disorder of the normal functioning of the stomach, indigestion. In this case, the doctor’s task is to conduct a full examination in order to identify the root cause of such a disorder. Dyspepsia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • decreased or loss of appetite;
  • reducing the portion size consumed;
  • aversion to previously loved food, often protein (meat);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lack of pleasure when eating.

If one of the above symptoms appears, there is no need to panic, but a combination of several should alert the patient and force him to contact the appropriate specialist for a thorough examination.

Diagnosis of stomach cancer in laboratory conditions

The majority of patients (60-85%) experience symptoms of anemia caused by chronic blood loss and the toxic effect of tumor cell metabolites on the red bone marrow. When testing for occult blood in stool, a positive result is obtained in 50-90% of cases. The stomach contents are also examined for acidity levels and an increase in beta-glucuronidase activity.

Differential diagnosis of stomach cancer

First of all, stomach cancer should be distinguished from benign stomach tumors and peptic ulcers. In all cases, only targeted gastrobiopsy can definitively confirm the diagnosis of stomach cancer.

Stomach cancer against the background of peptic ulcer

If a stomach tumor is present, you can suspect it based on the following signs:

  • uneven edges of the ulcer, undermining of one edge and elevation of the other;
  • non-traditional form of ulcer (amoeba-like);
  • thickening of the mucous membrane around the circumference of the ulcer, granularity of the mucous membrane;
  • bright red color of the edges of the ulcer;
  • bleeding, pale, sluggish mucous membrane around the ulcer;
  • the bottom of the ulcer is gray, granular, shallow, relatively flat;
  • ulceration of the edges of the ulcer.

If such symptoms are present, the patient should undergo a targeted gastrobiopsy; tissue samples must be taken from both the bottom of the ulcer and its edges.

Stomach cancer and polyps

Polypous gastric cancer is a tumor of considerable size (up to 2 cm), similar to a pedunculated node with a wide base. The surface of the polyp is similar in appearance to cauliflower; ulcers, erosions, swelling, and necrosis can be observed at the top of the formation. If the polyp is small in size, has an intact mucous membrane, and has a small stalk with a narrow base, then this indicates a benign tumor.

Most of these polyps hyperplastic. But we should not forget about the frequent cases (about 40%) of malignancy (the cells acquire the properties of a malignant tumor) of adenomatous polyps. , having a wide base and significant size, are always subject to removal with further study of their structure

Other types of stomach tumors

Other types of benign tumors are extremely rare. Signs of a benign tumor are always obvious - this is an undisturbed mucosa, preservation of foldability and peristalsis of the stomach, the mucous membrane has a standard, unchanged color (only the mucous membrane has a yellow color).

Macromorphology stomach tumors

Exophytic tumors (looking like plaques or nodes protruding above the surface of the tissue), as a rule, grow into the lumen of the organ and are separated from healthy tissue. They are characterized by less malignancy and slower spread and metastasis.

A polypoid tumor occurs in 3-10% of cases and looks like a mushroom hat with a wide cylindrical base, or a polyp with a high stalk of dark red color, on the surface of which erosions and fibrin deposits are visible. It is located predominantly in the antrum or body of the stomach, often on the lesser curvature. There are no changes in the mucous membrane. A polypoid tumor can be of various sizes: a few millimeters or several centimeters and grow into the lumen of the stomach, occupying it completely.

Saucer-shaped (cup-shaped) cancer occurs in 10-40% of cases of stomach tumors and is a tumor with a wide base, in the center of which there is a decay that looks like an ulcer with wide, raised edges, similar to ridges. The bottom of the ulcer has an uneven surface, covered with a dark brown or dirty gray coating. Blood clots or thrombosed vessels can be seen in the deepening of the ulcer. Visually, the tumor is sharply separated from healthy tissue. The location of the tumor on the lesser curvature is often characterized by its infiltrative height.

Plaque cancer is a very rare form of stomach cancer. Occurs in 1% of cases. It is a thickening of the gastric mucosa, whitish or grayish in color, 1-2 cm in diameter, sometimes with ulcerations.

An endophytic tumor is characterized by spreading along the wall of the stomach in all directions, mainly along its submucosal layer. It is a deep ulcer of various sizes with an uneven, bumpy bottom and unclear contours. The areas around the ulcer infiltrated tumor cells that penetrate all layers of the stomach wall and nearby organs.

With this type of tumor, the wall of the stomach around it is compacted and thickened. The mucous membrane surrounding the tumor is rigid, atrophied, and its folds are often straightened. The tumor is most often localized at the gastric outlet, in the subcardial region and on the lesser curvature. It begins to metastasize very early.

Diffuse fibrous cancer (scirrh) is one of the most common forms of gastric cancer, diagnosed in 25-30% of cases and ranks second in frequency of occurrence. Most often it is located in the outlet section of the stomach, wrinkling its walls, narrowing the lumen and gradually spreading to the entire stomach. The walls of the stomach in this form are thickened, the folds of the mucous membrane are also thickened, and have multiple ulcerations. Symptoms of cancerous lymphangitis often develop - the growth of cancer cells through the lymphatic vessels. Tumor tissue may infiltrate into the ligaments of the stomach, as a result of which it is pulled towards the liver or other organs.

Diffuse colloid carcinoma is a very rare type of tumor, localized predominantly in the submucosal layer or between layers of the mucous membrane. The wall of the stomach is, as it were, saturated with mucous masses consisting of mucus-forming cells. The wall of the stomach is greatly thickened, the stomach itself is significantly increased in size.

About 10-15 cases of cancer have mixed signs or signs characteristic of transient forms. The above symptoms and stomach symptoms are far from complete, but they can help patients pay attention in time and start treatment for this insidious disease in a timely manner. This can reduce the incidence of late-stage gastric cancer and significantly increase the percentage of favorable treatment outcomes.

Detailed information about cancer can be found in the video:

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Usually the word “oncology” brings every sane person into horror and complete numbness. Many people believe that such a diagnosis is a death sentence. Although the percentage of deaths from this disease is especially high throughout the world, and the factors of its occurrence are still not well understood by medicine, there is no need to panic. Every smart person should become their own first aid. Then this disease will bypass you. The main thing is to know the features of the initial stages of the manifestation of an anomaly in the body, to respond to them in time by consulting a doctor.

Today, only those people who do not worry about their health do not know the first signs of stomach cancer. After all, this is one of the most dangerous and very common forms of oncology. This is only because the first causes are barely noticeable and are similar in symptoms to gastritis and ulcers.


The stomach is a hollow organ of the human digestive system, located between the esophagus and the duodenum. It accumulates consumed food, which is partially processed, while microelements necessary for the body’s functioning are absorbed. Therefore, any pathology is a blow to the entire body.

Stomach cancer is one of the most common diseases today. According to various sources, it occupies a leading position. It is either in second or third place. Its “competitors” are lung, breast and colon cancer. And in terms of the percentage of deaths, gastric oncology consistently ranks second. What are the reasons?

Treatment does not always lead to recovery, since the disease is difficult to diagnose. As mentioned above, its manifestation is similar to the causes of other diseases. This is the first. Secondly, the symptoms at the initial stage are very vague. They don't focus on them. And subsequent stages of development of cancer cells in the stomach are difficult to treat. Timely contacting oncology clinics for the very first suspicions increases the likelihood of recovery from 80 to 90% of all cases. In eight out of 10 cases, when the stomach is damaged by cancer cells, metastases develop. The disease occurs twice as often in men as in women. And elderly people are a risk group, since the disease is age-related.

Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor. Abnormal cells develop from mucosal tissues. A neoplasm can develop in any part of the organ. In percentage terms, the location of cancer is as follows:

  • the pylorus, adjacent to the spine, is divided into the antrum and the pylorus with the locking muscle - from 60 to 70%.
  • slight curvature of the body - from 10 to 15%;
  • cardia – from 7 to 10%;
  • rear and front walls - from 2 to 5%.

Developing in these parts of the stomach, cancer cells easily spread metastases to other organs - the esophagus, liver, lungs.

Here a direct question arises: “How long do people with this disease live? Is the treatment effective? The answer directly depends on the stage of the cancer. It is important to have data on the presence and rate of progression of metastases through tissues, histology (development), and type of tumor. And of course, the result depends on the individual characteristics of each organism. How long do people live with timely diagnosis? Medical statistics indicate that in such cases treatment brings positive results. Oncologists achieved five-year survival in eight out of ten patients who applied. The figure is different for how long people live when the second stage is detected. Here the statistics are already disappointing - 50%. And in the presence of relapses and the development of metastases, patients live up to two years. At the third stage, no more than 35% last the same time. At the last, fourth stage, life expectancy is no more than six months.

It should be noted that in the last decade, stomach cancer has retreated slightly. Moreover, treatment is carried out quite successfully in the early stages - zero and first. After analyzing the numbers, everyone will understand that stomach cancer symptoms simply need to be known. Before moving on to the symptoms, let's determine the reasons for the appearance of cancer cells.

Origins of the disease

The causes of stomach pathologies have not been studied for certain. But medicine notes some important sources that promote the proliferation of tumor cells. Negative factors can be divided into two risk groups. These root causes contribute to the appearance of cancer cells.

Influence of lifestyle, external stimuli and nutrition:

  1. Vegetables with a significant content of nitrates and nitrites. They act as carcinogenic metabolites that adversely affect the cellular composition of the stomach. The process of degeneration of epithelial cells is activated, their mutation to a state of aggressiveness. These salts of nitrous acids, harmful to the body, are concentrated in large quantities in early produce: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, celery. The percentage of harmful substances depends on the methods of growing and storing vegetables, the use of fertilizers and chemicals for their rapid ripening.
  2. Food rich in animal fats, smoked and dried foods, a large amount of spices. They contain concentrated carcinogenic substances. Entering directly into the digestive tract, nitrates are reduced to nitrites, which, under the influence of gastric juice, are converted into nitrosamines - alkyl and aryl radicals. These toxic substances damage the liver, causing hemorrhage and convulsions. At high concentrations in the body it leads to coma. Once in the stomach, they promote gene mutations in epithelial cells.
  1. Abuse of smoking and alcoholic beverages, which have a detrimental effect on the normal and balanced environment in the stomach. The reason is the benzene content in them. This toxic and carcinogenic substance is one of the important reasons for the appearance and proliferation of cancer cells.

These conditions often lead to precancerous conditions. Further, the mechanism of development of the disease is simple. The above factors lead to gastritis. It, in turn, turns into a chronic form, and then into a stomach ulcer. Bacteria and viruses, settling on the mucous membrane, contribute to its atrophy, which leads to a decrease in the number of healthy cells. This gap is filled by the growth of atypical tissues consisting of cancer cells.

Impact of other diseases:

  1. Chronic gastritis with reduced acidity – inflammatory and dystrophic metabolism of the mucous membrane. A long-term disease leads to thinning of the epithelium of the stomach walls, disruption of the regenerative functions of cells and replacement of glands with fibrous tissue. This favors the formation of tumors.
  2. Stomach ulcer – deep inflammation of the epithelium and mucous membrane due to infections, mechanical, radiation and chemical damage. Impaired blood supply and long-term non-healing of wounds on the posterior and anterior walls of the organ lead to the loss of adequate tissue. During recovery, they are replaced by gene-mutated cells
  3. Gastric erosion . In this pathology, the principle of development of cancer is the same as in ulcers.
  4. Duoden-gastric reflux - the process of throwing contents from the duodenum into the stomach cavity. Produced bile acids corrode the mucous membrane and provoke the proliferation of inadequate cells.
  5. Polyps. This benign tumor has all the prerequisites for degeneration into a malignant one. That is, there is a risk of malignancy - the acquisition of pathological properties by normal cells. The process is based on a violation of cell differentiation and proliferation, and their mutation.
  6. Pernicious anemia or Addison-Beermer disease - a disorder of hematopoiesis due to a lack of vitamin B. The parietal cells of the stomach are especially sensitive to this, losing the ability to synthesize fatty acids.
  7. Immunodeficiency. Medicine has proven that every half hour, one foreign cell is formed in the human body. And with normal immune development, it is destroyed by lymphocytes. In opposite cases, it becomes uncontrollable, multiplies chaotically and can lead to tumors.

It is important to know! A tumor does not appear out of the blue overnight. Cancer is a consequence, and the causes arise much earlier. Many of them lie in neglected or untreated forms of other diseases. In this case, the cells lose the ability to regenerate, acquire the status of cancer, and multiply exponentially. One cell is divided into two every half hour. It is not difficult to calculate how many harmful elements the body will acquire per day.

First symptoms

It should be noted that according to their clinical manifestations, signs of stomach cancer are divided into three forms:

  • latent , asymptomatic, in a latent state;
  • painful , with local and general symptoms, but in the absence of significant complaints of significant pain;
  • progressive , with intense pain that lasts a significant period of time.

The first symptoms directly depend on the location of the tumor and its histological signs of structure, vital activity and development of abnormal tissues.

  1. When the tumor is located in the cardinal department adjacent to the esophagus, there is a difficult process of swallowing solid and poorly crushed food. This deviation is accompanied by copious secretion of saliva. Pain and a feeling of heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract may appear.
  2. If cancer cells develop in the lower part - antrum , then, in addition to pain, severe vomiting appears, and an unpleasant and rotten smell from the mouth is significantly felt.
  3. When localized atrophy in the middle part of the stomach in the early stages the symptoms are not so pronounced. Specific symptoms for many diseases appear: general weakness, decreased muscle tone, severe fatigue, lack of appetite.

As many diseases as there are in the world, there are as many symptoms. But there are a number of signs that are characteristic of almost all ailments. They are considered common:

  • long-term changes in well-being against the background of general weakness of the body, drowsiness, significant fatigue, loss of ability to work and decreased interest in work;
  • loss of muscle tone, reluctance to move, lethargy;
  • depression and apathy, loss of interest in the world around us, alienation;
  • persistent loss of appetite and weight loss, which is accompanied by pale skin.

These signs are common and may be caused by diseases other than the tumor. But if they are added to by a loss of feeling of satisfaction from eating your favorite foods, a feeling of fullness and satiety in the stomach even from a small portion, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, you need to urgently contact the clinic. A correct diagnosis and adequate treatment will prevent a person from falling into the risk group of incurable patients.

The following series of symptoms will require an immediate response from the patient. Remember that in eight out of ten cases, cancer detected at stages zero and one is completely treatable.

  1. Feelings of discomfort in the abdominal area - pain, internal heaviness, bloating of the entire abdomen.
  2. Signs of dysfunction of the digestive system. These include heartburn and belching. Flatulence is characterized by excessive accumulation of gases in the stomach and the release of a large amount of them out (flatulence).
  3. Complex process of swallowing food. It is partially difficult to accept hard and coarsely chopped foods. As the lesion grows, even ground food becomes difficult to swallow.
  4. Nausea and severe vomiting. Occurs after eating. It has both a single and systemic character. The vomit has a putrid odor. In especially acute cases, they come out with blood impurities. Constant bleeding leads to anemia with the appearance of pale skin, loss of skin elasticity from dehydration and shortness of breath.
  5. Gastric discomfort - dyspepsia syndrome. This is a complete disruption of the digestive system.
  6. Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and an increase in the size of the abdomen. Also excessive and painful bloating.
  7. The presence of blood in the stool indicates gastrointestinal bleeding when the mucous membrane of the organ is damaged. It is detected visually by its scarlet or burgundy color, as well as during laboratory tests.
  8. Severe pain in the abdomen, which radiates to the chest, scapular region, heart and kidneys.
  9. Disruption of the bowel movement - constipation and diarrhea.
  10. Sudden and significant weight loss.

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Based on the clinical picture, 5 stages of stomach cancer are determined.

  1. With early zero stage cancer cells have not yet grown into the mucous membrane, the tumor is small in size, there are no metastases, removal of the tumor takes place without consequences. In 9 cases out of 10, complete recovery is guaranteed.
  2. Stage 1 divided into two forms:
  • the tumor does not extend beyond the stomach, the lymph nodes are clean, without cancer cells;
  • the neoplasm also does not leave the boundaries of the organ, but a small number of abnormalities are observed in the lymph nodes.
  1. 2 stages The process of tumor growth into the walls of the stomach is characteristic, and damage to 2–3 lymph nodes is detected. Treatment will require the use of chemotherapy.
  2. Stage 3. Cancer cells were found in connective tissues and 5–7 lymph nodes, with metastases present. The prognosis is unfavorable.
  3. Stage 4. Most of the lymph nodes are affected by cancer cells, and distant metastases to other organs and systems are observed. Surgery is not advisable. Analgesic treatment is used.


The latest medical technologies in the field of detecting stomach tumors make it possible to detect pathology even at the zero stage of the disease. Recently, such systemic research and treatment has significantly reduced the number of deaths and increased the percentage of recovery in subsequent stages.

The most popular endoscopy stomach. After anesthesia, the endoscope is inserted into the esophagus, reaching the stomach and the beginning of the small intestine. If an abnormal area is present, a small piece of biomaterial is taken to perform biopsy– microscopic examination of tissue suspicious for cancer.

X-ray method used in combination with endoscopy and ultrasound examination. Such a study allows us to identify even minor changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

The most informative in modern medicine are considered magnetic resonance and computed tomography. They help take pictures of the affected areas from different angles and examine them layer by layer.

The possibility of surgical intervention and the size of the lesion are studied using the method laparoscopy.

It should be noted that some of these technologies are aimed at diagnosis, others at confirming the diagnosis, determining the location and extent of gastric damage.


If, in the case of oncology of other human organs, surgical intervention is used in the most extreme cases, then treatment of stomach cancer begins with surgery. Only surgery can save the patient. The reasons lie in the hidden course of the disease and symptoms similar to other pathologies. Before this, chemotherapy treatment is usually not used. For small tumors, resection is used - removal of a small or significant part of the stomach. After this, in the absence of metastases, the continuous functioning of the digestive tract is completely restored. Over time, the organ reaches the same size as before the operation. Rehabilitation is characterized by a long recovery process. In many cases, the stomach has to be completely removed, and the accompanying, affected lymph nodes are also cut out. As a result, the esophagus is surgically attached directly to the intestine. Such a complex operation can prolong the patient’s life for only a short time – a maximum of one year. If metastases are suspected of spreading in the body, other methods are used.


It has already been said that chemotherapy for stomach cancer is more often used in the postoperative period. This is one of the most highly technical, modern methods of treating many malignant tumors.

Her goal – complete destruction, or suspension of growth and reproduction of cancer cells.

Its essence consists in the principle of introducing special antitumor medications and chemicals aimed at destroying metastases. The toxins used do not harm healthy tissue.

Appointed in case of metastases leaving the stomach and affecting nearby organs and lymph nodes.

Chemotherapy can be administered in tablet form, through an infusion pump, or an intravenous catheter. Patients are recommended to undergo 7 to 8 courses of treatment in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of a large area affected by metastases, when surgery is pointless, or when the patient refuses surgical intervention. In this case, the emphasis is on inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells and prolonging the patient’s life.
  2. Immediately before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and facilitate its removal.
  3. Postoperative care is aimed at stopping relapses and inhibiting the development of metastases.

The effectiveness of chemotherapy is registered in 4 cases out of 10. It all depends on the activity of malignant cells, which multiply in each body at different rates. For some patients, these methods of relieving the disease do not help. In such cases, chemotherapy is either stopped or a different combination of drugs is prescribed.

The introduction of the latest developments into practice increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy every year. Although stomach tumors do not have increased sensitivity to this group of drugs, such treatment can prolong life by months. Some patients live for years. This very effectively protects against relapses after radical treatment.

Stomach cancer is most often fatal. Therefore, you should never ignore its first signs at an early stage of the disease. Mortality rates can only decrease if patients themselves recognize the signs of cancer. As soon as any ailments appear, you should contact a clinic so that you don’t have to call an ambulance later.

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Today, for every person, the word “oncology” is a terrible expression. Especially when it comes to the presence of a tumor in the stomach. Stomach cancer is very severe and steadily progressing, provided that there is no treatment for a disease that can lead not only to the development of severe complications, but also to the death of the patient.

According to the World Health Organization, stomach cancer is in third place, second only to lung and skin cancer, and in the structure of mortality, stomach cancer is second only to lung cancer. The incidence increases significantly for men over 60 years of age and for women after 50 years of age, while the incidence of stomach cancer for men and women is at the same level.


Oncological diseases arise due to the influence of a combination of factors on the body. With the onset of DNA mutations, pathologically altered cells are eliminated with the help of special immune cells (NK cells, natural killer cells). If such antitumor immunity is not able to cope with the removal of pathologically altered cells, then the process of uncontrolled division begins.

An initial tumor node begins to form, which destroys the organ from the inside, and then begins to grow into nearby tissues. After this, metastases spread to other more distant organs. A similar situation is present with stomach cancer. Oncological processes at the cellular level can develop over a long period of time, so quite often the asymptomatic stage can last several years.

Provoking environmental factors:

    unfavorable environmental conditions - industrial waste, smoke in populated areas with exhaust gases, a large amount of household chemicals (toys made of toxic materials, household appliances, low-quality furniture, cosmetics) - reduces immunity, contributes to the accumulation of carcinogenic substances in organs;

    associated diseases are diseases caused by Helicobacter bacteria, which live on the inner wall of the stomach and differ in types that can cause chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers. In chronic gastritis, increased acidity in the stomach can cause the development of ulcers, which can become malignant;

    products - refined oil, sugar, white flour, excessive consumption of fatty, fried, spicy foods, fertilizer residues in greenhouse fruits and vegetables, food additives lead to damage to the stomach wall and a decrease in its protective properties;

    medications - antibiotics, corticosteroid hormonal drugs, painkillers;

    alcohol abuse, smoking - irritation of the mucous membrane;

    radiation (ionizing radiation) – causes cell mutation by influencing the nucleus containing DNA.

Internal factors:

    metabolic disorders – vitamin metabolism disorders, immune and hormonal disorders;

    age – the risk of developing cancer processes in the body increases after 50-60 years;

    predisposing diseases - formations in the stomach of a benign nature (adenomas, polyps), which can degenerate into malignant ones, as well as deficiency of folic acid and B12, which are involved in the process of cell reproduction and division without DNA mutation;

    genetic predisposition – experts have proven that most diseases are hereditary. Oncological lesions of the body, including stomach cancer, are no exception.

Manifestations and symptoms of stomach cancer

The clinical manifestations of stomach cancer depend on the stage at which the process is present.

Carcinoma “cancer in situ” - clinical manifestations are completely absent, and the detection of pathology in most cases is a completely random finding during a mucosal biopsy for the presence of other pathologies.

First stage of stomach cancer: the tumor is localized mainly in the mucous membrane itself, while there is no germination into the muscular layer of the stomach. Lymph nodes (1-2) are likely to be affected, which are located throughout the entire length of the organ (T1 N1 M0 or T1 N0 M0). Starting from this stage, the first symptoms of the disease are present:

    depressive emotional background;

    probably a prolonged increase in body temperature (low-grade fever);

    aversion to animal proteins in food (fish and meat products or one type of meat);

    pronounced decrease in body weight;

    anemia (drop in hemoglobin level);

    lack of appetite;

    increased fatigue;

    unmotivated weakness of the body.

Second stage: the tumor may continue to be located within the gastric mucosa, but more than 3-6 lymph nodes are affected, or it grows into the muscle layer with damage to 1-2 lymph nodes (T2 N1 M0 or T1 N2 M0). The first signs begin to appear that indicate a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract:

    defecation disorder;

    increased gas formation (flatulence) in the intestines;

    progressive loss of body weight;

    belching air;

    vomiting, which brings only short-term relief;

  • feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;

Such complaints are not of a constant, pronounced nature, so quite often patients do not attach much importance to this and delay their visit to the doctor.

Third stage: the tumor grows not only into the muscle layer, but also through the outer lining of the stomach, causing damage to neighboring tissues and organs, and damage to more than seven lymph nodes. There are no metastases (T2 -4 N1-3 M0).

    with cancer of the exiting “pyloric” part of the stomach, food can get stuck in the organ for several days, which is manifested by belching with the smell of rotten eggs, vomiting of stagnant contents, a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium (constant), a feeling of rapid satiety;

    in the presence of a tumor in the cardinal (initial) section, dysphagic phenomena appear - regurgitation, frequent choking, so food must be washed down with water or taken only in liquid form;

    the patient is practically unable to eat food because it does not pass into the stomach;

    pain in the epigastric region intensifies and becomes permanent;

    complaints characteristic of the second stage become more pronounced.

Fourth stage: the tumor completely grows in the wall of the stomach, adjacent organs and tissues are destroyed, more than 15 lymph nodes are affected, metastases appear in distant organs and lymph nodes - in the lymph node of the supraclavicular fossa, lymph nodes of the perirectal fatty tissue (around the rectum), ovaries in women:

    the body is poisoned from the inside by the products of decay and metabolism in the tumor, a sufficient amount of nutrients is not supplied, the tumor cells absorb nutritional products from the blood, dystrophic changes occur in all systems and organs that lead to death;

    constant excruciating pain appears, which is relieved for a short time by taking narcotic analgesics;

    the patient is so exhausted that he is able to take food only with the help of a tube;

    earlier symptoms become permanent.

It is at stages 3 and 4, which are considered late, that patients consult a doctor (80% of cases). In such cases, the diagnosis of stomach cancer is no longer in doubt and has a worse prognosis.

Diagnosis of stomach cancer

Recently, the issue of early diagnosis of stomach cancer has become especially acute. For example, research is being conducted in the field of photofluoroscopic screening and electrical impedance spectroscopy, which may increase the percentage of patients with cancer detected in the early stages.

When visiting a doctor, a patient who is suspected of having stomach cancer may be prescribed the following tests:

    General analysis of urine and blood. With their help, it is possible to determine impaired renal function (which is determined by the presence of protein and blood in the urine), accelerated blood ESR, and decreased hemoglobin levels;

    a biochemical blood test, which can be used to determine dysfunction of the pancreas and liver if metastasis or tumor germination is present;

    immunological blood test - study of antibody titers to Helicobacter pylori;

    stool analysis for the presence of occult blood - if bleeding from the tumor is suspected;

    tumor markers – allow you to evaluate the response of the tumor to therapy after confirmation of the diagnosis;

    FEGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) is the most commonly used method for diagnosing malignant tumors in the stomach. Using an optical instrument that is inserted through the esophagus into the duodenum or stomach, you can examine the intestines and stomach for the presence of tumors, evaluate its location, shape and size, and take material for further microscopic examination to determine hormonal, immune, chemical and other properties. For population prevention, such a survey can be carried out annually for people over 40 years of age;

    X-ray examination of the chest allows you to determine the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, bones of the chest, and lungs;

    MRI and CT – by layer-by-layer scanning of the abdominal organs, you can determine the exact location of the tumor, which is very important if surgical treatment is planned;

    MRI for more accurate diagnosis of the tumor process;

    Ultrasound of the lymph nodes, pelvic organs and abdominal cavity makes it possible to identify the presence of the tumor itself and the extent of damage to the lymph nodes that are adjacent to the pancreas;

    X-ray of the limbs and bones of the skull - carried out in case of suspected metastases.

Treatment of stomach cancer

Today, scientists around the world have joined forces in search of an effective cancer treatment. And there are already some achievements in this area. For example, Western clinics are already practicing the use of targeted therapy, in which the patient is treated with drugs that can identify and attack individual pathologically altered cells. Among these drugs:

    enzyme inhibitors - are able to penetrate a cancer cell and disrupt its functions, which causes the death of this cell. The following drugs are used: Bortezomib, Penitumumab, Alemtuzmab;

    immunoglobulins - act like antibodies, recognize foreign cells and block them, while transmitting information to real immune cells, which destroy pathogenic cells.

In Russia, such methods are still in a state of research and study, and treatment of stomach cancer is carried out using the following methods and their combinations:


The operation is a radical method of cancer treatment, since the process involves removing part of the stomach or the entire organ completely (total or subtotal gastrectomy). Lymph nodes and other organs that have undergone a tumor process are also excised.

If a patient is diagnosed with the fourth stage of gastric cancer, in which metastasis occurs to other organs, and it is impossible to perform gastric resection, since there is a pronounced spread of the tumor, then a gastrostomy technique is used - an opening that is located on the anterior abdominal wall and serves to the stomach delivers food.


It is a method in which chemotherapy drugs are introduced into the patient’s body, which have a detrimental effect not only on tumor cells, but also on healthy ones (which is why the method has a lot of side effects - hemorrhagic cystitis, weight loss, vomiting, constant nausea, hair loss). These drugs include antitumor antibiotics, cytotoxins and cytostatics (Methotrexal, Epirubicin, Lomustine, Topotecan, 5-fluorouracil). Chemotherapy is carried out in courses that are repeated on the thirtieth day, and after that every eight weeks. Chemotherapy can be given both before and after surgery.

Radiation therapy

It involves irradiating the projection of the organ affected by the tumor using small doses of X-ray radiation. In the presence of stomach cancer, targeted irradiation of the organ is used during surgery.

Symptomatic therapy

Vitamins, painkillers, drugs against flatulence, vomiting, nausea, normalizers of intestinal microflora and immunostimulants are used.

Lifestyle of a patient who has a tumor in the stomach

A patient undergoing tumor therapy should adhere to the following recommendations:

    correct organization of the regime - more rest, sufficient sleep, development of an acceptable rest and work regime;

    adherence to the diet - the first 3-6 days (the length of time depends on the volume of surgical intervention). It is forbidden to eat food. Only drinking water is allowed. After the expiration of the period, it is necessary to start with liquid food, gradually switch to ground food and expand the diet. Food should be taken in small portions and quite often (6-8 meals). The following products are allowed: bread, dairy products, vegetables, fruits (which do not cause fermentation), fish and lean meat, soups, cereals. You need to limit your consumption of sweets and whole milk. Avoid alcohol, salty, fatty, fried, spicy foods, coffee, smoking and other foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;

    limiting severe physical activity, especially after surgery;

    frequent walks in the fresh air;

    limit the influence of negative emotions;

    undergo periodic spa treatment, but physiotherapeutic procedures should be excluded;

    regular examinations with the attending physician with the necessary studies.

Complications of stomach cancer

Bleeding from a tumor:

    symptoms – vomiting of contents mixed with blood, black tarry stools, loss of consciousness, nausea, severe weakness;

    diagnostics: fibrogastroduodenoscopy;

    treatment: surgical using a laparoscope, endoscopic (cauterization of the wound using an endoscope).

Cicatricial stenosis of the pyloric pylorus at the junction of the stomach and duodenum. It is characterized by partial or complete obstruction of food from the stomach to the intestines.

    symptoms - frequent vomiting of stagnant contents, after which relief comes, belching with a rotten odor, a feeling of fullness in the epigstrum, rapid satiety, constant nausea, weakness;

    diagnostics - FEGDS and fluoroscopic examination of the stomach after taking a barium suspension;

    treatment is surgery.

Disease prognosis

There is no clear answer to the question of life expectancy with stomach cancer. It all depends on how timely the patient sought medical help. For stomach cancer, the prognosis is determined by five-year survival. Survival varies significantly depending on the stage at which diagnosis is made.

    The first stage is the most favorable prognosis: eighty people out of a hundred survive, and 70% of patients achieve complete recovery.

    The second stage - the prognosis is not so favorable, since the five-year survival rate is 56%.

    The third stage - the prognosis is unfavorable, since only thirty-eight out of a hundred people survive, all the rest die from complications and further spread of cancer.

    Stage four – survival rate is only 5%.

It is worth noting that today, due to significant progress in the development of medicine, the diagnosis of “malignant formation” and in particular “stomach cancer” should not be taken as a death sentence. Domestic and foreign oncology today is able to diagnose the disease in the early stages and carry out high-quality, targeted antitumor treatment, which can not only improve the patient’s quality of life, but also significantly prolong it.

Patients should remember that self-medication and self-diagnosis are a threat to health and life, since only a doctor can accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment in the presence of a tumor process in the stomach.

A malignant tumor disease that originates from the epithelium of the mucous layer is called stomach cancer or. It occurs in both men and women, but in men, cancer is observed 20% more often than in female patients. Knowing the danger of this disease, many are interested in the question,? However, no one can give an exact answer, but if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow treatment recommendations, oncology may not bother you for decades.

In the initial stages, malignant tumors are difficult to diagnose.

How to identify?

It is not easy to recognize a malignant neoplasm in the stomach at an early stage. But what to do then and what symptoms help identify carcinoma? Doctors say that the initial manifestations of a malignant tumor are determined by profuse bleeding, which is formed from a disintegrating tumor or by perforation of the stomach walls. These are the most indicative signs of cancer; malignant neoplasms are diagnosed based on various symptoms. In humans, the primary symptoms of gastric carcinoma are varied and depend on the size of the tumor formation, its shape, the root cause and location of the tumor.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in humans

Symptoms of gastric carcinoma are conventionally divided into local and general. The first include:

  • vomit;
  • dull pain in the upper abdomen;
  • belching;
  • poor appetite;
  • nausea;
  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • quick feeling of fullness during meals;
  • heaviness after eating food.

Common symptoms include excitability, fatigue, irritability, sudden weight loss and apathy.

Stages and symptoms

Every patient with stomach cancer is interested in the question: how long do they live with this diagnosis, and is this disease treatable? Doctors cannot give an unambiguous answer, because, like all cancers, gastric carcinoma has stages; in medicine there are 4 of them, each of which has its own strength and degree of damage, the spread of the malignant tumor (cancer):

  • Zero. Diagnosing carcinoma is almost impossible. Cancer cells are found in the gastric mucosa, but in no more than six lymph nodes. In medical practice, there are several cases where it was possible to identify malignant neoplasms of the stomach based on the patient’s symptoms.
  • 1st. There are cancer cells and submucosal tumors in 6 lymph nodes and no more. Malignant cells remain in place and do not spread to neighboring lymph nodes and organs. At stage I, the symptoms of stomach cancer are very similar to ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating food may be accompanied by discomfort in the intestines, heaviness after eating, pain, nausea and vomiting. The patient has an aversion to certain foods and unreasonable weight loss occurs.
  • II. Cancer cells affected no more than 15 lymph nodes; their spread affected the mucous layer of the stomach. The main feature is that the tumor has entered the outer layer, but has not affected the lymph nodes. At stage II, a burning sensation is felt inside, there is vomiting, and pain in the stomach after eating food. The symptoms are similar to the first stage, but the malignancy also affects other nearby organs.
  • III. The location of the tumor-like formation reached the muscle layer and affected no more than 15 lymph nodes. The malignant tumor affected the liver and spleen. At stage III, the patient experiences all the previous symptoms, only the pain becomes stronger and radiates to the back area. There is a risk of internal bleeding. The tumor invades nearby organs and metastasizes.
  • IV. The spread of malignant cells increased to 15 lymph nodes, while carcinoma can be diagnosed in organs close to the stomach. In stage IV, the tumor has spread to the brain, pancreas, bones and liver. The signs of stomach cancer combine the previous ones, but at the same time the pain intensifies, which cannot be relieved by any medications. There is a sharp weight loss and abdominal enlargement, as fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity and swelling occurs.


In a patient, the signs of stomach cancer do not have a clearly defined picture and are similar to other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Signs of carcinoma include: indigestion, bloating, sudden weight loss, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, heartburn and loss of appetite. If symptoms persist for more than a month, the patient should consult a doctor to find out the root cause of the disease and eliminate it.

First signs

If the patient is concerned about the following points, then you should pay attention to them, as these may be the first signs of stomach cancer:

  • deterioration of appetite or its complete loss, which entails a complete aversion to food;
  • a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition, which occurs over 2-3 weeks, and is accompanied by weakness, loss of strength and fatigue;
  • there is discomfort in the intestines, pain, a feeling of fullness and, in some cases, nausea and vomiting;
  • Unreasonable weight loss, which is accompanied by paleness of the skin.

Early symptoms

Diagnosing the symptoms of stomach cancer at an early stage is problematic, but they can identify the initial manifestation of a serious illness. In most cases, experts mistake the primary symptom of cancer for a stomach ulcer or gastritis. Treatment is appropriate to the diagnosis and is limited to medications while the cancer continues to spread and progress.

Initial symptoms are important for further results. If you pay attention to them in time, then diagnosing carcinoma is much easier. In oncology, there is such a concept as small sign syndrome, which was introduced into medicine by Dr. Alexander Ivanovich Savitsky. Minor signs are nothing special, but it is by these signs that specialists with extensive experience are able to diagnose primary malignant neoplasms in the stomach. Thus, early neoplasms manifest themselves in the following:

  • Manifested by stomach discomfort, belching, heartburn. Diagnosis is difficult and symptoms depend on the location of the tumor. More clear and pronounced symptoms in oncology are diagnosed in the last stages. Patients complain of increased pain in the head, which extends to the back and is accompanied by vomiting, weakness and sudden weight loss. If the patient has a narrowing of the outlet in the stomach due to a tumor formation, then there is a rapid feeling of satiety after eating food, nausea, belching and vomiting.
  • Often, the initial symptoms of a malignant tumor are similar to gastritis or polyps. Because of this, patients do not rush to seek help from doctors, and meanwhile the cancer continues to progress.

The first symptoms in women and men

What are the first symptoms of stomach cancer in women and men, worries almost every person. As is known, malignant neoplasms in the stomach are more common in male patients, but the symptoms in this case are the same. Patients observe a decrease in appetite, performance, deterioration in health, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, nausea. The first symptoms of stomach cancer in women and men increase due to the growth of the tumor and are manifested in the following:

  • the size of the abdomen increases;
  • there is a sharp unjustified weight loss;
  • constipation and other stool disorders are observed;
  • there is a risk of gastric bleeding as a result of destruction of blood vessels;
  • pain in the upper abdomen extending to the back.

If gastric bleeding is present, the patient may lose consciousness and feel severe weakness. Vomiting blood and black stool may occur. A ruptured tumor is accompanied by a rise in body temperature and severe pain in the abdominal area.

Symptoms of malignant formation of the esophagus

The most common site of cancer cell invasion is the esophagus. A tumor in the esophagus does not have a clearly defined picture and is generally similar to inflammatory diseases of the organ. The patient may notice discomfort and a burning sensation in the chest, difficulty swallowing solid food. While eating, you feel the urge to drink water.

Further, the symptoms intensify and difficulties appear when swallowing pureed foods. Over time, it becomes difficult for the patient to drink water and other liquids, as there is severe pain. Constant weakness and loss of strength appear.

Symptoms of intestinal carcinoma

The following symptoms of intestinal carcinoma are observed:

  • nausea;
  • pain near the navel;
  • gagging;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating food;
  • dizziness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • prostration;
  • difficulty swallowing food;
  • poor appetite or no appetite at all;
  • weakness;
  • bleeding.

Over time, inflammation of the colon and intestinal obstruction occur. There is blood in the stool and vomit.

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