Daily horoscope for Sagittarius. What causes sneezing allergies. Causes of frequent sneezing in children and adults

For cheerful and good-natured Sagittarius, 2015 can present a lot of surprises. However, you should not relax, as the surprises may not be what you expected. At the beginning of 2015, you, dear Sagittarius, will feel how the burden of depression and bad mood has finally left you, and life is beginning to take on new bright tones and colors. The period when everything fell out of hand and there was no desire to start anything new will end with the advent of 2015. But still, no matter how much Sagittarius wants to relax or shift the burden of responsibility onto someone else, in 2015 you yourself will have to move on and build your life brick by brick, like a strong and reliable home. The key to the success of any Sagittarius undertaking in 2015 will be perseverance, work and healthy ambitions. Yes, yes, you understood correctly, the times when you could rely on the diligence of another person or providence are irrevocably gone. Sagittarius must take responsibility for their destiny into their own hands. One way or another, you will have to realize that only you are responsible for your life, everything that happens in your life depends on you and only a small percentage of the circumstances, which in turn are also 99% dependent on you! In 2015, dear Sagittarius, you will have to make plans, clearly track the deadlines for completing all stages, and only thanks to this you will be able to avoid mistakes and achieve the desired results in the foreseeable period..

And yet, for some, let’s say “especially brave” Sagittarius, an alternative scenario is available. In 2015, many Sagittarius will be drawn to distant countries. You may unexpectedly notice that you cannot sit still, and your soul requires new impressions, preferably sharper and brighter ones. Of course, not all Sagittarius will be able to realize their desire to travel. Only a small part of the representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to afford to break away from their homes and escape, at least for a short time, from the burden of responsibility for what is happening in their homeland. Communication with foreigners, outlandish countries, even short trips abroad and foreign business trips - this is what will give you a boost of energy and will give you hope that you, dear Sagittarius, will cope with any difficulties. However, remember that despite the temporary delay, you still have to return. Even if you put the solution to the accumulated problems in the farthest box, over time, you will still have to open it. Sagittarians need to understand that the delay provided to you is not only to simply delay the inevitable, but to transform existing resources to give you the opportunity to better prepare for new changes. Only a fool can waste this blessed time; a smart one will take advantage of the respite and new experience gained in foreign travels. In addition, new experiences also have good potential for generating ideas. And you will have a lot of them in 2015. However, in order not to “drown” in the abundance of options, you will need to, with a serious dose of practicality, discard everything that has no basis in reality.

In addition to the main trends of 2015, we can add that in the first half of 2015, issues related to training, higher professional education and advanced training will be resolved favorably. Those Sagittarius who have already received an education may be thinking about changing their professional orientation and exploring a new niche in the labor market. Those who do not yet have a diploma will understand how important education is and will want to increase or update their level of knowledge. In the second half of 2015, when you are full of strength, determination, and self-confidence, feel free to tackle career issues. It is during this period of time that your zodiac sign increases the chances of achieving a high position in society, occupying the boss’s chair, or simply becoming popular within your regular social circle. The period of the end of 2015 will be especially favorable for those Sagittarius who are engaged in creative professions, since it is at this time, with a high degree of probability, that the public will be able to appreciate and recognize your talents.

Additional information for the horoscope for 2015 Sagittarius

Sagittarius people born between November 28 and December 2 need to pay special attention to their health. It is likely that your body may be malfunctioning due to the experiences that past events brought you. In 2015, pay special attention to issues related to rest and treatment, follow your doctor’s recommendations and do not self-medicate.

Those Sagittarians who were born between December 5 and December 11 may note in 2015 that events are taking place in their lives that change the usual way of things. These include unexpected prospects, new opportunities, trips, new companies, and friends. Within a year, you can radically change your life for the better! However, unlike other representatives of your zodiac sign, Sagittarians of your group in 2015 will be characterized by adventures of a semi-legal or even criminal nature. Perhaps you have to take part in some kind of adventure that will change your understanding of your own capabilities. But whether this “revolution” will be for the better or worse, time will tell... In the end, no matter how you whitewash the rogue, his dark nature will always appear under a layer of powder. With a good person everything is much more complicated - it is very easy to denigrate him. Of course, such an adventure will make him stronger, but whether a good person can wash himself away from slander and slander is a big question!

Sagittarius, who celebrate their birthday from December 6 to 13, will have to make decisions related to love partners and commitments. Some of you are facing a divorce, while others, on the contrary, will want to tie the knot. In any case, remember that Sagittarians in your group during 2015 need to beware of any litigation or other property disputes with loved ones.

For Sagittarius born on other days, the horoscope for 2015 does not promise drastic changes, provided that you do not want to arrange them for yourself. True, there is a suspicion that you yourself think that you have already stayed in one place... Are you brave enough to join those few who believe that it is better to enjoy a moment of freedom than to shake with fear all your life because of a warm place in the sun?

What awaits Sagittarius in 2015 interests everyone who was born under this zodiac sign. Astrologers promise that this year will be successful for Sagittarius if they do not give up as soon as a problematic situation arises. The Year of the Wooden Goat promises many pleasant moments and excellent opportunities for making new contacts. Such acquaintances will have a beneficial effect on all areas of your life.

General horoscope

Many representatives of this sign will be able to realize their long-standing dreams and make a long-awaited trip abroad. For most of the year, Sagittarius will be on the rise, and even minor troubles will not be able to spoil their good mood. They can complete any task easily and quickly. Optimism and inspiration will be transmitted to all the people close to Sagittarius, so they will feel comfortable in your environment. In January, astrologers recommend devoting more time to home, repairs and handicrafts. You can plan a long trip or business trip for February.

Career and finance

Few representatives of this zodiac sign will want to change their place of work, simply because there is no point in changing good relationships in the team and a calm work pace for something unknown. In the fall, however, relations with your superiors may worsen; it is better to wait out this period, remembering that it is not protracted. In the spring you will have to tighten your belts as your financial situation will worsen. You can turn to relatives for help. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid loans and debts during this period, but from April to July the stars greatly increase the likelihood of receiving “easy” money.

Believe in yourself and your luck, then fortune will not pass you by. At the end of the year you will receive an unexpected gift from a loved one.

Love horoscope

In love affairs, the year of the Goat promises to be eventful, especially for those who are still in search of their soulmate. The year promises to be rich in interesting acquaintances and promising relationships. For Sagittarius women, there is a high probability of meeting a fairly wealthy man who, among other things, will help solve your financial problems. Most likely, there will be a big age difference, and he could be either younger or older than you.

Some Sagittarians may want to return to a past relationship. However, it is your past relationships that prevent you from moving forward, so such a decision will not bring results and you will only waste time. But you will stop being in illusion about your former chosen one and will soon meet new acquaintances. Sagittarius traveling alone will have a pleasant acquaintance in the period from May to July, which is unlikely to end in marriage.

Health horoscope

Astrologers recommend postponing health issues for later in 2015. Overwork will negatively affect your well-being. More physical exercise and sports games will help improve your health. It's time to switch to proper nutrition and quit smoking. A difficult period regarding health awaits Sagittarius during the smart period until June. It will be useful to take part in psychological training or a psychological relief group. Be attentive to your body and take into account all symptoms.

The year 2015 of the wooden green Goat will pass under a lucky star for Sagittarius. Thanks to his restless and changeable nature, Sagittarius will experience pleasure from the changes that will occur in his life. In career, due to the successful aspect of Jupiter, a streak of luck begins. Sagittarius always attracts people to him, they are ready to help him in his projects, sometimes even selflessly. As a rule, Sagittarians do not have deep knowledge in the professional field, but they always rely on working with the right people. As a result, Sagittarius will receive all kinds of dividends and significantly improve their financial situation. Everything is going well in business. New offers and new clients will appear, this is indicated by the aspect of Neptune and Jupiter. Finance will be received constantly, all kinds of increases and bonuses are expected. But complications are expected in family matters. Perhaps Sagittarius will want to leave the family this year, as he will want to start a new relationship that will have an interesting beginning, but an unhappy ending. This position will determine the aspect of Venus to your sign. At the end of the year, Sagittarius, after Saturn enters his sign, will look at all this differently and realize that he has taken an ill-considered step. As for health, you should pay attention to the liver and proper nutrition.


In the coming year, Sagittarius will have a successful career. The aspect of Jupiter makes any endeavors successful, and Sagittarius will strive to improve their financial situation. In February and March, Sagittarius will want to implement new projects, the aspect of Neptune and Mars will make this possible. Since Sagittarians do not like to work alone, projects will be completed in a team. Sagittarians will attract competent colleagues to their side and become ideological inspirers. This will allow Sagittarius to demonstrate their excellent organizational skills. But in April, due to the aspect of Mercury and Uranus, Sagittarius may unexpectedly change his profession or place of work; it is during this period that his thirst for change will manifest itself most strongly. Sagittarians who have their own business will develop it in every possible way throughout the year. Development will go in the direction of attracting new clients, and here Sagittarius will use modern information techniques, such as advertising on the Internet, sending messages by e-mail. This is facilitated by the aspect of Uranus. For Sagittarius, everything will work out easily. In September, when Jupiter enters the sign of Virgo, Sagittarius will have to think through their actions more carefully and no longer get carried away with experiments. At the end of the year, Sagittarius can already receive dividends.


Sagittarius is expected to experience a difficult period in family relationships. Sagittarius will want something new in established habits, some kind of change. Therefore, you can go on a romantic trip with your partner, especially since Sagittarius is a big travel lover. This will help Sagittarius shake itself up. But some Sagittarius will still want to leave the family in search of a new relationship; this can happen in the spring months. The beginning, of course, will be interesting, but after a while you will want to go back. When the euphoria wears off, Sagittarius will realize that he made a mistake. This will happen at the end of the year, Saturn will settle in the sign of Sagittarius, and will force you to look at the breakup differently. Free Sagittarians will be very active in search of their soul mates. In 2015, Sagittarius is overwhelmed with energy, and they will constantly travel and move. Perhaps over short distances, the process of movement itself is often important to Sagittarius. They will make a lot of acquaintances, which will not necessarily be of a romantic nature. For Sagittarius, the spring and summer periods will be filled with a series of bright events, but only in the fall can Sagittarius begin a serious relationship, when a reliable configuration of Venus and Jupiter is formed.


Financial affairs will be stable, but in January and February, thanks to the tense aspects of Mars and Neptune, you will be surrounded by a not entirely calm and stable environment; money may not reach you immediately, and there may be delays in payment. Therefore, it is advisable to have a monetary fund, more modest of course than that of the central bank, but it should still be there. In the spring, everything will stabilize, Sagittarius can breathe easy, especially since Sagittarius’ income will begin to grow steadily upward, and you can try to invest money in renovating a house or apartment. In the fall, Sagittarius should be more attentive to their acquisitions, since due to the aspect of Saturn and Jupiter, expenses related to relatives may appear, that is, they may need money for treatment, or they will have to urgently pay for education.


Sagittarians rarely get sick, but since they are big fans of tasty food, problems with the liver may arise. Sagittarians must monitor proper nutrition throughout the year. It is advisable to stop eating high-calorie, fatty and spicy foods, or at least reduce their consumption. A very dangerous period in the summer and in December, due to the aspects of Saturn and Mars. Refusal of unhealthy high-calorie foods will lead to normalization of the functioning of other organs and to a toned, beautiful figure. If Sagittarius also takes up going to the pool, or some kind of sport, then at the end of the year he will become much slimmer and healthier.


As follows from all of the above, Sagittarius will live an interesting life in 2015, the mistress of which is the Green Wood Goat. This year you will be overwhelmed by a thirst for change. This applies to all areas of life. Sagittarius will learn to build the right relationships in the family, and those Sagittarius who try to look for a partner for a new relationship will most likely experience disappointment. Sagittarius will learn to create a monetary fund and help relatives who find themselves in difficult situations. They will take care of their health, many will even succeed in this, and will willingly share advice. Sagittarius will learn all the lessons and advice of the Goat, and will live one of the best years of his life.

Attention, the green Goat located on this page describes the general trends characteristic of the zodiac sign Sagittarius in 2015. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2015 for the sign of Sagittarius may not reflect reality. An accurate prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2015. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Calculate accurate personal horoscopes for 2015 Goat for your zodiac sign Sagittarius:

Rare years have been as fair to Sagittarius as the year of the Blue Wood Goat. Indeed, in 20015 they will be able to forget about the injustices of fate, the machinations of secret enemies and other reasons with which we are all, to be honest, accustomed to covering up our failures. Luck will be on the side of Sagittarius... just buy a ticket at last!

Astrological forecast Sagittarius

Therefore, the stars advise them not to take unnecessary risks and not to dramatize any difficulties, but to roll up their sleeves and prepare for new changes. The second half of the year promises to be especially successful for Sagittarius, since during this period Sagittarius will be under the influence of Jupiter, Uranus and Venus, which promises them many good changes and unexpected turns.

Horoscope 2015 Sagittarius man

Sagittarius men need to understand themselves and their prospects for the future. In the end, they will achieve harmony in life and will be able to find time for both family and work. Things will go best for their careers around mid-summer. At this time, it makes sense to concentrate on improving your skills and abilities.

Horoscope for 2015 Sagittarius woman

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Love horoscope Sagittarius 2015

Despite the rather optimistic forecast, Sagittarius may have trouble in matters of the heart. Some of them may commit rash acts, while others, on the contrary, will remain in their characteristic indecision.

Lonely Sagittarius will feel that the time has come to change their lives and will want to find their soul mate. However, they will not dare to take any decisive steps, and at the beginning of the year they will be in thought. In the spring, they may start a non-binding romance, but they will try to avoid serious relationships. Autumn will bring lonely Sagittarius an unexpected meeting, and they will rush into the pool of love without thinking about the consequences.

For family Sagittarius, 2015 will also be difficult. Possible quarrels and showdowns await them. But this will also play a positive role - Sagittarius will finally understand how dear their family home is to them, and will begin to establish a life together. By autumn, harmony will reign in their families again. If Sagittarius wants to have a child, there will be a very favorable period for this.

Horoscope for 2015 Sagittarius: work and rest

In the first half of the year, Sagittarius will experience success in everything related to education and advanced training. Therefore, they should use this time to their advantage. But the time towards the end of the year will be good for moving up the career ladder, career, and finding a new job. The end of the year promises to be especially successful for creative people.

In 2015, some Sagittarius will make attempts to find a higher-paying job. But not all of them will be successful, since autumn will be a difficult period in the life of Sagittarius. Troubles and conflicts at work are possible, so many Sagittarius will want to change jobs. But the horoscope for 2015 advises to be patient, because by the new year everything will work out for them. We recommend reading

Sagittarius birth dates: 23.11 - 21.12

Ruling planet of Sagittarius: Jupiter.

Sagittarius element: Fire.

Sagittarius symbols: centaur archer, stars, wands.

Happy Sagittarius Day: Thursday.

Unlucky Sagittarius day: Wednesday.

Sagittarius Metal: zinc, tin, tin.

Sagittarius Gemstone: turquoise.

Sagittarius plant: birch.

Sagittarius Numerology: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Sagittarius: blue and red.

Opposite sign of Sagittarius: Twins

The horoscope for 2015 says that their path will not be strewn with rose petals. Representatives of the sign can move without any special obstacles, but nothing profitable or useful will come of it. Sagittarians will have to create living conditions for themselves with their own hands. The year will not be boring, Sagittarius will be able to decide for themselves what to do and what to do, the stars will provide them with all the opportunities for this. Representatives of the sign will be consumed by a variety of desires, and will spend a lot of time trying to find ways to satisfy these desires.

He who seeks will find - this expression is suitable for Sagittarius. Representatives of the sign will look for what is actually necessary, and not what is in principle possible to find; if they have enough confidence and strength for this, then the year will be prosperous. Those Sagittarius who are quite happy with their lives and do not want to plunge into changes, but at the same time do not want to sit idly by, may well begin to organize the lives and destinies of their loved ones. In May, representatives of the sign will find the idea of ​​doing something adventurous and exciting very interesting. The stars advise Sagittarius to have time to do a lot before July, because this month will be unfavorable for representatives of the sign.

For many Sagittarius, the year of Wood will be positive. It is quite likely that you will meet new interesting people, you will have a desire to communicate a lot and go on visits. Representatives of the sign, who are known for their sociable and cheerful disposition, will be the center of attention. People will be drawn to them, some will have a significant impact on the future. Relatives and friends will strongly support Sagittarius, who, feeling this support, will be charged with new strength and positivity for a long time. But at the same time, Sagittarius themselves need to be ready to lend a helping hand, because there will be people who will need their support and advice.

In 2015, some representatives of this horoscope house will want to try themselves in some new business, discover new horizons for themselves, and expand the scope of their knowledge. If the matter seems interesting, then you should boldly take on it.

Work for Sagittarius in 2015

In the coming year, Sagittarius can count on the fact that this period will be favorable in terms of professional activities. Some representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to climb the next rung of the career ladder, which will allow them to expand their area of ​​activity, but they also need to be prepared for increased responsibility. Career growth may not bring financial benefits, but you should not discount the opportunities that will present themselves in the future. Therefore, it is worth working on the launch pad, even if it is empty for now.

Some people are attracted by the process of work itself; the majority fall into this category of people. The results of the actions that representatives of the sign will take may be unexpected. Maybe this means that you shouldn’t make money by predicting the future; in this light, playing on the stock exchange is not something that Sagittarius should devote themselves to.

Representatives of the sign will subtly sense the mood of their colleagues and managers, which they will take advantage of. You just need to do it correctly. You can achieve success in your career or professional activity if you do not give in to fleeting emotions and impulses that can be caused by mood changes. Sagittarians, if desired, can navigate well in any work situation and use the chances given to them.

The stars advise you to be careful in everything related to professional activities in September. This period is fraught with the fact that many representatives of the sign may lose their vigilance and make mistakes, so you should not plan anything serious for an unfavorable period.

Financial horoscope Sagittarius 2015

The financial situation in 2015 will also depend on them. If representatives of the sign expect to make a good profit in the coming year, then they need to carefully think through how this can be done, then everything will work out. Despite the fact that Sagittarians will do everything themselves, in many cases they should not neglect the support of business partners and influential people who will help in achieving their goals.

Mistress of the Year - Wooden Goat will help many representatives of the sign get rich. At the beginning of the year, there is a high probability that Sagittarius may win a large sum of money or some material benefits in the lottery. However, whether this unexpected wealth will be used for future use depends only on Sagittarius themselves, who by nature are practical people who are not accustomed to money falling from the sky.

Family Sagittarius may face serious troubles in terms of finances, they will have to pay off old debts, many will not be lucky with a bank loan, those representatives of the sign who directly work with money should be more careful. The stars advise Sagittarius to avoid any debt traps in 2015, even if it will be very difficult with money. They need to believe in luck and make as much effort as possible to save their job and family.

January can be an unfavorable period for any monetary transactions; at this time, financial losses and thefts are possible; you should also not invest in projects that are obviously empty and dubious.

Love horoscope Sagittarius 2015

In 2015, many adventures await you on the love front; it is quite possible that not all of them will be pleasant and positive. For those who value friendship, you shouldn’t tempt fate and bring your significant other close to friends.

All the unpleasant moments that may happen in the year of the Goat will, in most cases, be the work of Sagittarius themselves, so you should not do anything stupid, but show maximum vigilance and prudence. At the beginning of the year, no drastic changes are expected on the love front; there is no need to panic ahead of time, because by the end of February things will begin to improve.

For many Sagittarius, relationships with loved ones will come first in 2015; single people may plunge into new romantic relationships. Love connections will be a source of inspiration, they will warm your soul and help you overcome many difficulties.

The horoscope for 2015 says that those Sagittarius who have not yet found balance on a personal level can begin long-term love relationships this year, get married and have children. The most significant months may be February, all spring months, September and December.

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