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Taurus birth dates: 21.04 - 20.05

Ruling planet of Taurus: Venus.

Element of Taurus: Earth.

Taurus symbols: winged bull and cow, Taurus.

Happy days for Taurus: Monday Friday.

Unlucky Taurus day: Tuesday.

Metal Taurus: copper.

Taurus Gemstone: emerald.

Taurus plant: spinach.

Numerology of Taurus: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Taurus: pink.

Opposite sign of Taurus: Scorpion

In the upcoming 2015 Wood Goat, Taurus will experience significant changes that will affect a variety of areas of life. However, you should prepare for special changes in matters of career and love. For representatives of this sign, the determining factor is work. Taurus are in fact tireless workers, they constantly work, set new goals for themselves, achieve them and again begin to solve the problems of themselves and all their relatives. For Taurus, working under someone else’s direction is the best option; they love it and with this feature they resemble the mistress of the coming year - the Goat. The stars promise Taurus in 2015 various work in areas of life that are interesting to him, which will help him reveal a new, unexpected side.

For Taurus, the Year of the Goat will be the time when modernization will begin in everything, including in relationships with the opposite sex and with business partners. Old relationships will be broken, giving way to something new and interesting. You shouldn’t wait for your partners to arrange everything the way they need it. An excellent period to safely “change weapons” is the spring and summer of 2015. The separation will not always go without a hitch; some Taurus may even face a nervous breakdown; in some cases, the matter may go to court. But all this will need to be experienced so that all the shocks and troubles are replaced by the long-awaited calm.

In the year of the Wood Goat, Taurus risks falling in love without looking back, becoming imbued with a new philosophy, this will allow people born under this sign to liberate themselves and begin to act more decisively. And those Taurus who will experience difficulties and failures in the year of the Goat, both on the personal front and in relationships with family, run the risk of not only not changing their lives for the better and in a more positive direction, but also of suffering serious losses during the year .

Work and business for Taurus in 2015

Taurus, expect serious changes in business, they are already visible on the horizon, along with new people who will offer good ideas for further development. This is possible already at the very beginning of the year. Along with the emergence of new people and new ideas, relationships with partners with whom they have been doing business for a long time will be at a dead end. It is possible that Taurus will face protracted litigation and a break in relationships. All these troubles will take a significant amount of effort and time, against this background difficulties of the material plane are expected. Businessmen can expect endless checks and inspections, which will make their work much more difficult.

Employees of representatives of this sign may experience significant changes; they will have to re-adapt to new circumstances or look for a new job. Personnel changes are expected, and they will affect both ordinary employees and representatives of management positions. Situations may arise where it will be very difficult to navigate what is happening. The manager will no longer understand the creative approach to business, and dismissal is possible. In order to stay afloat, you should carefully consider all documents and papers. You shouldn’t loudly declare your plans and tell everyone about your ideas, they might simply get stolen. Because of such an unfortunate oversight, Taurus can, as they say, get caught up. Misunderstanding in the team will reach such a peak that many of the Taurus will prefer to quit, this is not worth doing, soon the management will understand what’s what.

Taurus may experience difficulties with how to behave correctly in a given situation; it will be difficult to choose the right reference point. There is no need to panic, but rather consider alternative options that will help you get out of the situation. In June, July and September, tempting promising offers may appear.

Financial horoscope Taurus 2015

The stars promise Taurus big profits in 2015. Representatives of this sign can always be trusted with large sums of money; they will be able to receive a large sum from the mistress of the year - the Goat, as a reward for his work and patience. It is the Goat that will help Taurus make the right decision in many financial matters. The New Year for Taurus will be marked by new acquaintances with significant and important people who will not let them get lost in the financial ocean. You should not expect that the money will flow into your hands; even by the end of the year there may be difficulties with paying taxes and other supervisory agencies, but the profit received for a whole year of work will please Taurus.

It is worth paying close attention to documents that involve financial transactions, so that you do not have to restore your reputation and good name later.

Some Taurus will spend more in a year than they earn, but it's worth it. There is a possibility that a lot of money will be spent on helping close relatives for various reasons.

The Wooden Goat, the symbol of 2015, will require a lot of hard work and a lot of worries from Taurus. Even if it is not possible to reach new heights and achieve all the intended goals, representatives of the sign will be able to accomplish many important things. The stars say that 2015 for Taurus is the time when purchasing real estate and major renovations can become a profitable investment.

The most favorable time for resolving money issues will be April and May; be careful with money in August, there is a high risk that the money will be wasted. June and December may also threaten the loss of funds; it is quite possible that Taurus will be deceived, so you should refrain from dubious transactions and do not lend money.

Love horoscope Taurus 2015

2015 will bring many problems to those representatives of the sign whose relationships have already outlived their usefulness. Old relationships will only cause feelings of negativity, fatigue and irritation. New romances will begin and develop at tremendous speed, leaving no time to “think.” A change of environment is an uncomfortable event; few will be able to get away from problems without clarifying the relationship. If such a trend continues to develop, then you should first carefully analyze the prospects for a new relationship and only then leave the old one. For some Taurus, divorce is inevitable, which will not only involve mutual reproaches; they will have to divide property. The situation will change only towards the end of the year, when Taurus, tired after quarrels and showdowns, will begin to look for a compromise. Those Taurus who are on the verge of marriage must be prepared for difficulties, which will largely be associated with their parents and their influence. Despite the fact that not all marriages will succeed, there is a good prognosis - many Taurus will have children in the year of the Goat.

The beginning of January will bring Taurus fresh, creative ideas about what to do in the coming year. The 2015 horoscope for Taurus encourages you to be prepared for the fact that the first week of the coming year will be marked by a lot of communication with friends and acquaintances. The light mood will last until January 17th. Love and personal life at this time will delight you with new acquaintances or the development of existing relationships. If you are already married, get ready for an active holiday with your significant other.

February 2015 will strengthen your position at work, although you will be actively planning changes. The first half of the month is suitable for returning to projects that are important to you and bringing them to perfection. Management will appreciate your work enthusiasm, but there is a danger of burning out at work. To prevent this from happening, try to alternate business with relaxation, find time to meet with old friends.

In March, be prepared for a renewal of feelings, the birth of new likes and affections. Venus will increase your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex this month. During this period, visits to beauty salons will be especially successful. Get a new haircut or experiment with hair styling - changes in appearance will benefit you. Those Taurus who were born in the first half of May are likely to have new romances.

The April influence of the stars will shift the focus of your attention to material issues. This month you can apply for a loan, mortgage, buy a car or save money for education. Think about expanding your sources of income - it is possible that your hobbies can be a good help for your budget.

In May 2015, Taurus is entering a crucial period - be attentive to new proposals, especially those coming from colleagues from other organizations. Don’t rush to give up what promises profit and career growth. The May holidays may be spent thinking about the choice of the future path. Mercury will return optimism to you, delighting you with good news on May 15th. In the second half of the month, you may feel determined to change something in your career. This time is great for moving to a new job.

June will not seem the easiest for you. Horoscope for 2015 Taurus claims that some things will progress slowly for reasons beyond your control. At this time, it is important to keep everything in order, and at the same time not lose sight of the people on whom financial prospects depend. New acquaintances during this period are mostly unpromising. If you are already in a relationship, then use this month to achieve greater understanding with the one you love.

In July, expect a successful combination of circumstances. It is likely that you will be in the right place at the right time. Listen to your intuition. On July 7, single representatives of your sign will have a bright acquaintance; the birth of love at first sight is quite likely.

The beginning of August will bring news and long-awaited changes in both business and personal life. New people who enter your life can stay in it for a long time - as friends or lovers. If you are in a relationship, the accumulated dissatisfaction with your partner can result in a frank conversation that will dot the i's and bring relief.

The beginning of September will return you to a working spirit and the desire to achieve your goal as soon as possible. But in the first half of the month, you shouldn’t rush - do the work thoughtfully and carefully, and the harmonious influence of Mercury on your sign will help you complete the job. In October, be attentive to what your intuition tells you. At this time, old business alliances collapse and new projects are born. You may change jobs, receive a long-awaited promotion, or expect an increase in salary. Non-standardism and a creative approach will be your absolute trump cards in a dialogue with management. There is a temporary lull in love, which can be used to analyze past love victories and defeats.

November will add charm and attractiveness to you. The Taurus horoscope for 2015 shows that at this time many non-family representatives of your sign will decide to get married, and married people will once again be convinced of the correctness of their choice. In difficult situations, you can turn to your loved ones for support, they will not refuse you.

The first half of December will bring a feeling of being busy at work. Don’t rush to quit or be indignant at the exorbitant amount of work - management will certainly reward you as a valuable employee. The second half of the month will bring pleasant surprises in the form of a promotion or salary increase.

Taurus health horoscope for 2015

The first half of the year will have a beneficial effect on your health. The favorable location of the planets will provide opportunities for getting rid of chronic diseases and restoring the body's defenses. Full recovery will be associated with the use of modern medical equipment and new drugs in diagnosis and treatment: Uranus, responsible for the use of innovations, will be strongly influenced by Pluto during the first half of the year, which triggers healing processes in the body.

From January 1 to January 14, Taurus may experience worsening chronic diseases due to hypothermia. But already on January 11, favorable aspects of the planets will give you vitality and strengthen the body’s protective reserves. January 29 is suitable both for routine examinations in medical institutions and for starting treatment for chronic diseases. Throughout February, you will have a good chance of quickly healing your respiratory system if you start therapy on February 7th. From February 15 to 19, a favorable aspect will arise between the planets associated with vital energy in the body. If you are having surgery, schedule it during this period.

In March, the horoscope for 2015 for Taurus recommends taking serious care of your appearance. From March 6 and throughout the month, visiting hairdressers, beauty salons and massage therapists will be important for you. Hardware cosmetology will have the desired effect if you start the procedures on March 18. On April 14, Mercury, associated with the respiratory system, will have a strong influence on your sign. Treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases started at this time will give a good and lasting effect. On April 22-23, water procedures aimed at improving the health of the body will be especially useful - hardening, hydromassage, swimming, etc.

The first half of May is perfect for undergoing a medical examination, clarifying the diagnosis and starting treatment. The organs of the musculoskeletal system will respond especially well to treatment during this period. Recovery will be faster if you use new treatment regimens and combine them with physical therapy.

On June 6, it is worth scheduling the start of treatment for neurological disorders, depression, and anxiety. From June 25 to 28, it is not recommended to start physical therapy; also be careful when working with electrical appliances and open flame sources. On July 7, many representatives of your sign will want to change their image, get an original hairstyle, and bold makeup.

The first ten days of August will be strongly influenced by Mercury and Uranus, which are responsible for the processes occurring in the nervous system. Treatment of the corresponding disorders will be especially effective if it begins on August 8-9. The use of physiotherapeutic methods at this time will increase the chances of a speedy recovery. The last ten days of August are favorable for cosmetic procedures, minor plastic surgeries, such as lip correction using hyaluronic acid injections. The strong influence of the planets on your sign on August 25 will prompt some Taurus to decide on radical, including surgical, measures to change their image.

The passage of the Sun through the sign of Virgo in the first 2 decades of September will help you create a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, and introduce a proper diet. On September 25, it is good to start treating diseases of the liver, pancreas, and gastrointestinal tract. From October 3 to October 5, your resistance to viruses and infections will increase. During this period, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, toughen up, and begin performing breathing exercises.

November is the month when it is necessary to start preventing colds. Physical activity and sports will keep your body in good shape if you start them on November 13th. This is due to the strong influence of Mars on your sign, which is responsible for energy and mobility. On November 27, a period will come again that is favorable for rejuvenation and correction of appearance.

On December 5th you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. Exercising will have a healing effect on your body. In the last ten days of the month, treatment of inflammatory diseases will be successful. On December 21, operations related to vision correction will give good and lasting results.

Leisure and travel horoscope for 2015 for Taurus

The January holiday spirit will spread to everything related to hobbies and entertainment. At this time, you will be especially concerned about the topic of travel, and it is very likely that this year you will decide to devote more time to traveling and getting to know places you have never been to. In February, many work issues will require urgent resolution, and your hobbies will You don't have much time left. During this period, communication with friends will be significant.

In March, pay attention to long-forgotten hobbies, especially if they involve painstaking manual work - embroidery, knitting, weaving or modeling will help restore peace of mind and distract you from problems at work. It is also recommended to improve your knowledge of foreign languages. April will be calm, and you will be able to devote enough time to what excites and interests you. At this time, successful finds can await you in bookstores, used bookstores and libraries. The second half of the month will bring a desire to immerse yourself in the study of modern trends in art.

In May, especially in the first half of the month, trips abroad will be successful. At this time, southern and southwestern directions are especially favorable, and any routes are suitable for domestic tourism. Foreign cuisine and exotic dishes will arouse your interest, but be in moderation, as there is a risk of gaining excess weight.

June will bring back relevance to previously started activities, including those related to your hobbies or hobbies. If you've put off knitting, sewing or unfinished embroidery indefinitely in the past, now is the time to pull it out and finish it. In July, issues of repairs, gardening and summer cottage work will become relevant. This month you need to be in nature as often as possible. Fishing, hiking and picnics in the fresh air will help improve your overall tone. In August, you will feel a craving for beauty; you will want to visit museums, exhibitions, go to the theater or a classical music concert. Be sure to satisfy this desire, and in return you will receive a state of inner harmony and a lot of pleasant impressions.

In September, trips in the northwest direction will be successful. The gastronomic delights of foreign cuisine at this time will not leave you indifferent. There is practically no risk of gaining excess weight at this moment, but you should still avoid overeating and too exotic food. In October, issues of home improvement, order and comfort will come to your attention. In your free time, you will prefer to communicate only with your closest friends and family members.

November will continue the trend of hobbies related to home interiors. You can use scrap materials to create original and cute things that will decorate your home and bring comfort to it. In December, you may feel a strong need for passive, secluded relaxation. An interesting book or favorite music at this time will help you relax and gain strength. The second half of the month is favorable for travel; it is better to give preference to the northwestern direction.

© Horoscope for 2015 Taurus compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova specifically for the site

The astrological forecast for 2015 is intended for people born between April 21 and May 21.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus: joy and luck

Jupiter will begin 2015 in the sign of Leo, in the 4th House of Taurus (this House is associated with family, home and the foundations of our personality).

According to the horoscope, the Fourth House is the House of our feelings, it relates to family, our roots, origins, the foundations of our personality, our home, the refuge where we find help and support, it represents our personal (private) life, genetic and emotional inheritance , behavioral tendencies coming from childhood. This house represents our home country, traditions, our past (personal history), it represents our childhood and the process of education (training) by our parents, relationship with our mother. How we behave at home, what our behavior is in private life, what we will be like in old age and how we finish our affairs, our memories - both positive and negative: all this is the Fourth House.

Jupiter tends to enhance things, so transit through the Fourth House of Taurus will provide them with a sea of ​​opportunities and good luck in everything related to the Fourth House (see above): family, home, relationship with mother, personal life... For Taurus, 2015 may be a great time to buy a house or move (including abroad), Taurus may come up with the idea of ​​changing their house to a larger one (the current one may seem too small), or may want to renovate the existing one. If Taurus is engaged in a real estate business, then in 2015 he may also encounter very good opportunities.

The 2015 horoscope promises that during this transit, Taurus will likely become interested in learning more about the history and traditions of their family and country. Taurus will want to understand their past, their childhood, and they may also come up with the idea of ​​focusing their attention and energy on their own personal safety. Most likely, Jupiter will enhance this emotional comfort, and Taurus will feel widespread support from their family and, especially, their mother.

Most likely, relationships within the family will develop well and the atmosphere in the house will be favorable. Unresolved family issues (or other issues related to the Fourth House) will most likely find their solution.

The Taurus family will be inclined to expand and grow. Literally! It is possible that Taurus is expecting a new addition to their family: a child may appear, or maybe someone from the family circle will decide to get married.

To summarize, until August 2015, luck will be in the hands of Taurus and their family, it will accompany all endeavors in their home, their place of birth and affecting their security. First of all, during this period, Taurus should try to lay a solid foundation for the future and secure their roots.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus: difficulties and trials

Until September 17, 2015, Saturn will be in the 8th House of Taurus, the House dealing with issues related to death and rebirth, sexuality, taxes and inheritance, debt and credit, shared resources, power, change and transformation. Horoscope 2015 predicts for Taurus that the transit of Saturn through the sign of Scorpio may make you pay for any wrong decision made in one of these areas of life, for lack of responsibility and maturity.

Wise Saturn wants to teach Taurus to rely solely on their own capabilities, so that they stop relying on the financial capabilities of others (whether it be a husband, wife, lover or business partner). It will not be easy for Taurus to gain access to the wealth of others, and some painful problems for Taurus may come to the surface, some things that Taurus avoided meeting and which were buried deep in their subconscious. But their emergence may, as a result, bring emotional stability to Taurus and force Taurus to build a stronger foundation for their sense of inner security in 2015. There is a possibility that Taurus will be perceived by others as imposing special emotional and financial responsibility. Or it may happen that some people in their lives turn into a hostile force, putting pressure on Taurus, making them feel that their personal safety is at risk.

It should also be noted that Taurus in 2015 will not be among the favorites in legal matters and a possible divorce could end up costing them quite a lot. It is likely that the transit of Saturn through Scorpio will seem very difficult for Taurus, but by the time it ends, they will feel more aware of their inner strength, the horoscope for 2015 predicts that Taurus will have to face and deal with their negative emotions, fears and other aspects of life , which should be gotten rid of because they interfere with moving forward.

Taurus horoscope for 2015: surprises and surprises

In the horoscope of Taurus in 2015, Uranus will be in the 12th House, which represents the collective unconscious, spirituality, sacrifice, and hidden enemies. Home represents how we hurt ourselves without noticing it, and what is really us, although we try to hide it from the eyes of others, as well as serious health problems, our fears and even how we destroy themselves.

The transit of planets through this area is usually unpleasant for most people, as it is associated with our subconscious and what is hidden in it. According to the horoscope, this House symbolizes those facts about us that we ourselves do not know, those things that we prefer to hide, primarily from ourselves. This transit can, at least at the beginning, make Taurus feel confused, not understanding what is happening to them. And Uranus, located in the 12th House, can bring what was hidden in the subconscious of Taurus to the surface, sometimes in a rather sharp, unpleasant form and, perhaps, even in some way shocking for Taurus.

The goal of Uranus is to free Taurus in 2015 from what is holding them back, and also to remind them that they need to be who they really are and be proud of their uniqueness. Uranus in Aries will allow Taurus to face their fears, will show how Taurus, without noticing this, hurt themselves, will demonstrate what habits lead to self-destruction and what beliefs limit their lives. Suddenly, unexpectedly, Taurus will begin to understand how they are rejecting themselves and making their own lives more difficult.

The presence of Aries in the House of Secrets leads to the fact that Taurus does not notice their own selfishness and aggressiveness, behind which lies the fear of losing their own independence. According to the horoscope in 2015, Uranus will force Taurus to be honest with themselves, allowing them to behave sincerely with their own fears. This may reveal to Taurus some secrets that they have been hiding from themselves (secrets that are not currently available to them), and perhaps Uranus will reveal some of Taurus’s secrets to others. There is a possibility that everything that was hidden by Taurus will come to the surface at the most inconvenient moments, when Taurus least expect it.

The 12th House is also associated with secret enemies, those that we are not aware of, and there is a chance that Taurus will see some of the people around them in a new light over the next few years. Taurus will have shocking discoveries about some people in which they have always been confident, but in 2015 the time of disappointment will come. The 2015 horoscope foretells that Taurus’s own selfish behavior will attract hidden enemies to them, ready to betray, attack from behind and hit in the most vulnerable place. Taurus should take a positive side by focusing on their weaknesses and trying to strengthen them. It is worth paying special attention to the potential temptations to use alcohol or drugs in order to rebel and show others what a rebel Taurus really is, that he cannot be curbed and will always do only what he wants.

Although this transit may initially seem unpleasant, over time Taurus will realize that, in fact, they have an opportunity to challenge themselves, take control of the dark side of their personality and free themselves from their own hidden problems, which will ultimately lead to greater inner freedom.

Taurus horoscope for 2015: mysterious and spiritual

According to the horoscope, in 2015 Neptune will be in the 11th House of Taurus (House of protectors, friends, supporters, popularity, membership in groups and societies, future projects). Neptune is transiting the 11th House of Taurus, which means their ideas, hopes and goals will become the focus of their attention. In 2015, Taurus' friends can be the key to making their dreams come true. And Neptune, in an almost magical and positive way, will also help turn dreams into reality.

Taurus in 2015 may feel that they belong to social groups that share their point of view and ideals regarding compassion, empathy and unconditional love on a psychological level. Taurus will find it easy to identify with people experiencing suffering, which as a result will allow them to become more sensitive to the problems of society or in relation to the problems of their friends. In 2015, Taurus may engage in humanitarian, political or charitable activities, taking part in situations where a large amount of compassion, empathy and altruism is needed. There is also a possibility that some of Taurus’ friends will move more towards spirituality, become more compassionate and generous, and maybe Taurus will make new friends with high spiritual aspirations, friends who can protect Taurus and guide them on the right path to achieve your goals, dreams and hopes. Taurus' ability to integrate into communities or organizations will be extremely high, to the point of potentially losing their own personality.

Among the negative aspects, it is worth highlighting Neptune's ability to ultimately confuse Taurus regarding their friends, groups and organizations, upcoming projects and future goals. The planet Neptune is also associated with deception, so Taurus will find it helpful to keep their dreams in the real world. Taurus will have to carefully consider the choice of new friends who will appear in their lives, as well as any contacts with various organizations. Otherwise, Taurus will face a lot of disappointments, a chaotic social life, and even betrayal from people who initially pretended to be friends, which can ultimately cause Taurus a lot of inconvenience and loss. This does not mean that Taurus' friends will necessarily betray them, but in the coming years Taurus will tend to see their surroundings as they really are, rather than as Taurus previously wanted them to be.

Taurus horoscope: major changes in 2015

According to the 2015 horoscope for Taurus, in 2015 Pluto will be in the 9th House (House of higher education, universities, religion, philosophy of life, relations with foreign countries, travel abroad and foreign languages).

In 2015, Taurus' vision of the world, their concepts, philosophy of life, understanding of the world around them and their place in it, and even religious views - all this may undergo significant changes. We can say that in 2015, Pluto will turn to Taurus with the question: “What are your beliefs about life?”, “Which of your beliefs are limiting your life?”, “Are your beliefs and theories really useful and helpful in your life?” , “Have your views found practical application in life?”, “What are you striving for?”, “What is the meaning of your life?”, “Are you responsible and serious enough about education?”, “Are you ready to get an education , if you know that it will help you progress and develop in your life?", "Are you persistent and consistent enough in your higher education" or even "Are you putting enough effort into your work to develop and improve your intellectual capabilities?".

The horoscope predicts that in 2015 Pluto will enter the life of Taurus to show others the depth of their inner world and the morality and ethics according to which Taurus lead their lives. The next 10 years could be favorable for Taurus considering completing their higher education and what happens in 2015 could have a profound impact on Taurus' future and change their lives. In 2024, when Pluto enters the constellation of Aquarius, the lessons learned now can be of great help and help Taurus get the desired career growth.

Pluto in 2015 invites Taurus to understand the meaning of life, strengthen their beliefs and life philosophy. Taurus may feel that their past beliefs and views are no longer valid, supportive or suitable for their lives... If Taurus feels dissatisfied with their religion, then 2015 is a good chance to discover a new religion, which will give him strength, and if until now Taurus has not been inclined to faith, then this year he has a good opportunity to turn to God.

According to the interpretation of the horoscope for 2015, experiences experienced abroad, during trips abroad (or to places far from home) can have an impact on changing Taurus’s outlook on life. Taurus people can change with the help of new information they encounter that can influence their point of view and philosophy of life. The outcome of some life events can also make Taurus want to analyze their beliefs and principles. In extreme cases, Taurus' philosophical system and beliefs can be completely destroyed, depriving them of the ability and strength to do anything. Then, there is a chance that Taurus will feel like nothing matters and the world will look empty... but after that, Taurus will be reborn like a Phoenix from the ashes, with a philosophical and spiritual concept even more genuine and more beautiful than before.

However, there are also negative sides: Taurus in 2015 may become overly fanatical about their beliefs, will feel threatened by other points of view and may try to control all other beliefs of others. Taurus needs to remember that everyone has the right to their own views and should refrain from imposing their vision of life on others.

A year full of changes and new discoveries awaits people born under the sign of Taurus. The horoscope promises them significant changes in life in almost all areas - Taurus will be able to realize themselves in work, perhaps even completely changing their type of activity, in addition, compared to the previous year, the sphere of love and family relationships will become important for Taurus. Most likely, 2015 will be the period when Taurus will completely change their position in life - a grandiose revaluation of values ​​awaits them.

This year will be quite productive for the Taurus woman - new opportunities await her, new horizons will open up for her abilities. It is quite possible that management will note her success in the workplace and assign her an important project, for which she will have to travel a lot. There is a chance that the Taurus woman’s loved one will not be too happy about this prospect - however, he will quickly understand that this is important for his other half and will not resist. The Taurus woman should also show understanding and talk openly about this - a confidential conversation, during which it will be indicated that family is most important to her, will do its job.

However, the stars categorically do not advise a Taurus woman to follow the lead of her partner - this is fraught with the fact that he will feel his power, and then it will be very difficult to get rid of his pressure. A gentle but decisive defense of your rights is the best thing you can do if your loved one tries to impose his will on a Taurus woman.

The stars strongly advise the Taurus woman in 2015 to significantly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, or better yet, give it up altogether. In addition, it is worth undergoing an examination to identify untreated and chronic diseases - in the year of the Goat, they can worsen at the most inopportune moment and significantly complicate life.

In the year of the Goat, the Taurus man does not have to worry that he will remain lonely - if he has not yet started a family, 2015 will definitely take care of him. A new strong feeling awaits him, which will change his whole life and inspire him to new achievements - it is quite possible that, having found his chosen one in early spring, by the fall he will already want to marry her. A family Taurus man also has nothing to worry about - the person he once chose will not disappoint him, but will do everything to make his feelings even brighter and stronger.

In terms of career and finance, the Taurus man will finally be able to realize himself at work. For a long time he was haunted by failures and disappointments, but in 2015 he will find his place. The most active Taurus will open their own business and throw themselves into work, which will soon begin to pay off. The main thing is that at this moment there is external support - family and friends will try to do everything to help the Taurus man in his choice.

The Taurus man, who cannot give up his bad habits, must still gather his strength and give up smoking and alcohol - these are his weak points, and the stars advise the Taurus man not to delay this. The transition to a healthy lifestyle will not be so simple, however, an improvement in well-being will quickly inspire Taurus to further exploits.

Minor everyday worries will fade and disappear against the background of emotional and amorous passions. Get all the possible pleasure from the holiday given to you by fate.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus Woman

You will be largely driven by curiosity, a thirst for fresh experiences and the need to conquer heights. Pluto will give energy, inner determination and allow you to rise to a qualitatively new level. Plan your January trip carefully - it will energize you for the whole year. Some uncertainty in solving everyday problems from January to March will require help and advice from the older generation. Do not take out the difficult emotional state that will bother you until the end of May on your family members, especially since both they and your friends will try to surround you with love and care. Dedicate the first half of the year to systematically taking care of your appearance and health, and in the second, actively pursue your career.

From mid-January to mid-April, you may have to defend in your family the right to personal space and the opportunity to be yourself. You will succeed if you can control your emotions. Decide what you really want and easily allow yourself to do it. Long trips are favorable. Relationships with foreigners are very promising, both in the business and intimate spheres.

  • Born from May 2 to May 11

February-March can be a busy period for your professional activities and the implementation of new plans. However, outside support will come in time, and everything will work out in the best possible way. In March, social work, contacts and demonstrated altruism will give you many unexpected and useful opportunities. In personal relationships, you should determine priorities and free yourself from the burden of accumulated grievances.

  • Born from May 12 to May 20

“Myopia” manifested in April-July may cost you a delay in realizing your main life goals. Try to show maximum attention and objectivity to others. In May-June and autumn, expect unusually interesting events and successful coincidences with far-reaching consequences. April-June will add courage to you and help take your romantic relationship to the next level.

Horoscope for 2015 Taurus man

The retrograde motion of Mars in the first quarter can turn your loved one into a capricious child. You will need to surround him with care, understanding and endless patience. This will inspire him, and the result will be vigorous activity to improve your home in April - August. Since July, his relationships with friends may worsen - help him to discern deception and dishonesty on their part in time. In September, your wise advice will guide your loved one on how best to behave in work relationships. In the fall, the movement of Venus can create situations when it begins to seem to him that no one understands him, and he will take any changes in your mood personally. From October 8 to November 18 is the best time to win back the lost love of a Taurus.

  • Born from April 21 to May 1

In February he will feel very depressed. therefore, you should not burden him with any problems and responsibilities - this will not lead to anything good. It will be difficult for your hard worker Taurus for some time to get used to the fact that he will be relieved of a whole series of routine and time-consuming duties at work. Help him make good use of his free time. In December, many of his and your efforts will be rewarded handsomely.

  • Born from May 2 to May 11

The first half of the year may be full of business trips abroad. Difficult relationships with business partners threaten to affect his mood. At the end of June and beginning of July, you should plan to visit romantic places: your chosen one will be filled with love passion. In the second half of July, Venus will give him generosity and scope in choosing gifts for you. You can prepare your wish list in advance.

  • Born from May 12 to May 20

April-June will delight you with solid profits, promising ideas and favorable coincidences. In May-July, he expertly organizes for you not just joint entertainment, but real holidays of the soul. A misunderstanding may arise with friends, which, due to his childish reluctance to give in, by the second half of July may develop into a conflict. The second half of August is a great period for a vacation.

Love horoscope for 2015 Taurus

The beginning of the year will be marked by vivid love experiences. At the end of February you can expect a marriage proposal. In June, passion will quickly burst into your life, and by July it will strengthen its position with ever-increasing affection. Do not try to take on the functions of commander-in-chief - this will reduce your charm and introduce dissonance into relationships. Let your loved one take responsibility for all developing events, then he will have an incentive to please and surprise you with surprises and gifts. In August, passion will literally ignite you, but being busy at work may prevent you from realizing all your romantic impulses. Friendly advice does not always help in family life, so in October it is better to ignore it. Late autumn is a period of complete peace, mutual harmony and unity with your loved one

Taurus family 2015

In the first half of the year, you will need all your endurance and perseverance to stabilize and harmonize the atmosphere at home. Family problems that you have been putting off can cause quarrels and emotional outbursts. Therefore, it will become especially important for you to consider and understand the needs and feelings of other family members. By June you will have mastered it. March-May will be favorable in the construction or major renovation of a home, and June-July - in interior design. It is better to plan a family vacation for the velvet season.

Friendship Taurus 2015

Starting from May, you will actively participate in the lives of your friends - meet constantly, help each other. New relationships will begin. This will happen especially intensely in March, when intellectuals, people with refined manners, and extraordinary personalities appear on your horizon. However, from April to September, both new acquaintances and old friendships will go through a number of tests. Since July, the likelihood of being deceived by a person who pretends to be your well-wisher increases. In August, your willingness to help your friends will be tested. Throughout the year, there is a high chance that you will fall madly in love with someone in your circle of friends.

Health horoscope for 2015 Taurus

A naturally strong body will still require systematic attention this year. The position of Saturn symbolizes the exacerbation of chronic diseases: the upper respiratory tract, and especially the throat and ears, should be protected from hypothermia and infections. The likelihood of ailments associated with metabolism and salt deposition increases. It is very important for Taurus to stop the development of the disease in the early stages and localize it at the first symptoms. In August-October, you shouldn’t test your strength; it’s better to eat a balanced diet. It is appropriate to reduce the amount of fat in food and enrich it with seafood, lean beef and pork, cereals, herbs and dairy products. Healthy sleep and a harmonious atmosphere at home and in the office will, without exaggeration, have a therapeutic effect.

Career and finance 2015 Taurus

The corrosiveness of your bosses will annoy you until mid-July, but with the help of friends and influential people you will be able to survive this not the most pleasant period of life. Your hard work will, as always, be in demand, but not sufficiently supported financially. From April to mid-July you will be able to catch your breath. In order to achieve financial stability in April-June, you must take a number of decisive steps. During the same period, as well as in December, financial investments should be made in children's education. From mid-June you can expect small but stable additional income. After your vacation, you will have strength and favorable opportunities to move up the career ladder. External help will significantly speed up this process, so you should not reject it. Try not to take risks and not make large investments in late autumn, especially since tensions will arise in relations with influential assistants.

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