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The summer season for the Aries woman will be the brightest in 2014. A storm of joyful emotions at interesting meetings awaits those born under this sign. There will be enough time for the rest of the fair sex. Wisdom in decisions and actions will accompany the horoscope for the Aries woman in 2014.

Unusual acquaintances with men can become life-changing. Much will depend on the personal relationship of Aries-woman. Her charm will attract many different men. Aries woman will single out from them an absolutely self-confident man who will be much stronger than herself. Light fleeting novels should not be taken into account, they will by no means lead to a serious relationship.

The Aries woman conforms more to masculine traits and is not very sentimental in public. She hides her feelings deeply, but in this way she seduces her partner. The representative of the weaker sex is waiting in her life for the only man who will become her support and will be stronger than her character.

Aries woman in the Year of the Horse, thanks to diligence, will achieve fruitful success, especially a creative person, as well as a scientist. A business woman should be especially careful in her activities, showing flexibility and timely response to various situations.

In acquiring expensive purchases, you should wait a bit - postpone until better times. Saving is a good trait that will only increase your financial resources.

The “Fire Element” must be kept under control, evaluating your communication with colleagues and work partners with a cool head. The sharp tongue and strong character of an Aries woman can interfere with work, so you need to learn how to deal with this. Only all things must be brought to the end, then success is guaranteed.

You need to prepare yourself for the autumn-winter period, when infectious diseases and colds will lie in wait for the representatives of this sign. Take care of your health. It is advisable to raise your immunity and choose a relaxing holiday in a sanatorium or boarding house. Injury and poor health are possible, so take these warnings seriously - contact your doctors in a timely manner.

Avoid too cheerful companies, the best vacation for family women is the circle of close family members. A family Aries woman needs to rest together with her soulmate - this will be a completely new harmonious relationship between spouses.

Aries 21.03 - 20.04 All horoscopes:

Horoscope for 2014 for all zodiac signs:


ARIES - year 2014

In 2014, you can’t count on easy successes - this is a year of hard work and correction of mistakes that were made earlier. You will have to spend a lot of time analyzing your behavior, and not all the conclusions you come to will be pleasant. What is good in 2014 is that you will have enough energy to implement your plans; no matter how events unfold, you will not give up and give up, and therefore you will certainly succeed sooner or later.

Business horoscope for Aries for 2014

January is unfortunate and may be associated with large losses. The financial situation is unfavorable, we have to look for additional sources of income. In relations with colleagues, more and more difficulties arise; mid-February is the most difficult, crisis time, when you feel that you are left alone with your problems, and you have no one to rely on. March and April are the months when successes will alternate with failures. This hectic time, oddly enough, will be to your liking, because you will have the opportunity to show your best side. The period from May to July is hardly marked by great victories. At this time, you can calmly work, solve financial problems. August, September and October 2014 will be very difficult: this time is associated with the wrong setting of goals, wasting energy on getting what you really do not need. It is not surprising that in the last months of the year you will feel literally squeezed out, exhausted. But then the stars will take your side and delight you with new opportunities and unconditional success.

Love horoscope for Aries for 2014

If you are married, dedicate a year to strengthening your relationship. Solve problems slowly and consistently, do not act "swoop": the stars give you the opportunity to really understand the situation, get rid of everything that prevents you from enjoying harmony with your loved one.

2014 is a favorable year for starting a romantic relationship, but only if you are ready to tie yourself up in a serious relationship. If you are frivolous, striving only for the fulfillment of your own desires, then you make those who are not indifferent to you suffer - later this will somehow turn against you.

Health Horoscope for Aries for 2014

The main medical problem of the year is that you stubbornly put off a visit to the doctor, even if you understand that it is necessary. Take care of your health more responsibly - this will help you avoid long-term illnesses and complications. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the lungs.


Work and finance

In January, the stars favor any undertakings of Aries. All the things that the representatives of this sign will do at the beginning of the year promise to be successful. In addition, Aries is waiting for a calm and measured work on those projects that were launched at the end of December.

Despite the fact that Aries will feel a breakdown at the beginning of the year, career issues will be resolved quickly and easily. Everyone born under this sign will have good luck in the professional field in January, but in everything related to public relations, communication, spiritual development, Aries will feel a lack of energy. They will have to make an effort to maintain contacts at the right level.

Love and family

Aries relationships with close people themselves can take an unusual and even extravagant form. In the love sphere of Aries, incredible, but in general, favorable changes await. The search for new sensations will determine the course of the relationship that has become familiar. New trends and currents will diversify long-established alliances. Thanks to this, Aries will be able to renew relationships with partners.

Lonely Aries in January can meet partners with whom they will have incredible love adventures based on a mutual outburst of passion. Storms of feelings, sizzling emotions, violent quarrels and tender reconciliations - this is what awaits Aries at the very beginning of the Year of the Horse. You should not count on quiet and cozy family everyday life. Even for years, existing unions will experience the power of newly awakened passion.

The stars require Aries to awaken the fire of true feelings and bring life to ordinary and boring relationships. Even people who have long been accustomed to each other will be able to look at a partner in a new way and find in him previously unnoticed. In January, the stars favor any undertakings of Aries. All the things that the representatives of this sign will do at the beginning of the year promise to be successful. In addition, Aries is waiting for a calm and measured work on those projects that were launched at the end of December.


Work and finance

In February, Aries will have to learn how to make decisions together with a team of like-minded people. A single battle for survival no longer brings results, the time has come to expand, which means that you will have to solve many tasks for interaction.

February can be called a fateful month for Aries. Right now, they are waiting for nothing less than the choice of the main direction that they will have to follow in the next few years. In this regard, relationships in the family, with friends and colleagues will be completely revised and rebuilt. As a result, changes will cover all life. The Aries personality will also undergo a makeover. It will be impossible to stop this process, higher powers lead Aries along the path to the unknown. Now the representatives of the sign can only relax and surrender to the will of the waves. Reason and deeply hidden true movements of the soul will direct your actions in the right direction. By the end of the month, the changes will be so dramatic that many acquaintances risk not recognizing Aries.

In the professional sphere, everyone born under this sign is waiting for a lot of projects that will be very useful for their careers. Perhaps Aries will have to master new areas of activity, but given the energy boost that they will experience in the second month of the year, this will not be difficult for them. The most favorable days of February from a professional point of view are 1, 2, 25 and 26.

Love and family

In family life, Aries will have to go through a real upheaval. All values ​​and habits will be subject to revision. Close people will not give Aries peace until obsolete relationships move to a new level. At first, the representatives of the sign may not like the changes, but later they will be grateful to their relatives for the “wind of change”. Very soon, Aries realize that their feelings for the closest people have become brighter, and trust and respect have appeared in relationships.


Work and finance

Love and family

Spring will begin with an update in the field of personal relationships. Aries will feel the onset of the pores of love. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will have the opportunity to start a new relationship. Those representatives of the sign who have already started a family will feel the need to bring something fresh into the relationship. In general, Aries will embrace the desire to remake and reorganize outdated connections. These good intentions may scare loved ones a little, so it will be premature to expect unequivocal support from them.

At the beginning of the month, until March 9, there is likely to be an aggravation of relations. Fortunately, the conflicts will be temporary, and in the second half of the month the long-awaited peace will come in the house. At the beginning of the month, Aries need to be on the alert and prepare for the unexpected. It is likely that close and beloved people will present the representatives of the sign with a surprise, which can be both pleasant and not very pleasant. Just in case, Aries are advised not to lose their heads and keep their cool in all situations.


Work and finance

In April, the personal charm of Aries will reach its maximum, due to which the actions of the inner circle will fully meet their interests. This is the best time to assert your positions and get everything from life that the representatives of the sign have been going for so long. This state of affairs will affect, first of all, the professional sphere. However, mindless straightforwardness should be avoided, as it can lead not at all to where it was planned.

It is best to show flexibility and cunning during this period, to plan your actions in advance, taking into account the advantages that are at your disposal. Also, we must not forget about the need to keep abreast and control everything that happens. In this case, Aries will be able to unleash their talents without interference, which will pave the way for future victories. As for finance, no significant changes are expected in this area.

Love and family

In April, positive changes will enter the life of Aries, which will not be global, but will turn out to be very pleasant. Everything that happens in family life this month will be preparation for the fundamental restructuring that is expected in the distant future. In the meantime, Aries will feel that they are moving in the right direction. They are waiting for romantic trips, as well as just a pleasant pastime next to their loved ones and loved ones.

The charm of Aries cannot but be reflected in the sphere of love relationships, and representatives of the sign will be literally spoiled this month by the attention of the opposite sex. Conflict situations are transferred to the future, and now Aries can just relax and enjoy what fate has given them. April will not be a month of major changes in life, but many events will serve as their harbingers.


Work and finance

In May, the financial sector in the life of Aries will come out on top. Much attention will be paid to the issues of safety of personal property and capital increase. Everything will start from the first week of May, when Aries will receive a significant increase in salary or conclude a lucrative contract. Entrepreneurs can see a sharp increase in profits. In order not to lose the gained positions, it is important to maintain good relations with partners, colleagues and management. Conflicts can hinder further growth and development.

As for other aspects of professional activity, Aries will not experience difficulties with the implementation of new projects or with the completion of old ones. Everyday affairs will not cause them concern, no particularly striking events, except for financial receipts at the beginning of the month, will occur.

Love and family

Aries in May will be able to fully realize their dormant abilities for seduction. No one can resist their charm, and right now there is a chance to win the object of their passion. In addition, single Aries will be able to make new acquaintances and, perhaps, finally find a person with whom you can not only have a good time, but also connect your future life.

Family Aries should be aware that May is not the best time to go “left”. The thing is that right now the probability of exposure is very high. Even if you are not used to being faithful to your partner, it is better to postpone romantic adventures. Instead of indulging in passion, it is recommended to do more constructive things, for example, pay attention to work or improve a house that clearly needs it. And the best option is to look at your soulmate and try to fan the fading flame of your mutual love.


Work and finance

The first month of summer will be lively, joyful and full of events for Aries. Sometimes representatives of the sign will doubt their own abilities and the favor of fate. But the planetary influence in June will completely dispel all doubts. Never before have Aries been so efficient and active. Starting each working day with the performance of their usual duties, by the evening Aries will be able to note in amazement that they have fulfilled almost a weekly norm. Success may well turn their heads, so the representatives of the sign need to return themselves from heaven to earth from time to time.

In the first and second decade of Aries, successful negotiations and business trips await. You definitely won't be bored. Representatives of the sign will brilliantly conduct business meetings, achieving simply fantastic results. The third decade will be a preparation for the upcoming vacation, so business activity will fade a little.

Love and family

The time from the first to the seventh of June is best used to resolve all sorts of family issues. A pleasant surprise for Aries will be the fact that the partner will stop arguing for any reason and will support their undertakings. The disputes and demands that Aries have already become accustomed to over the past month will temporarily (and maybe permanently) stop. The representatives of the sign will finally be able to get what they want without entering into lengthy verbal battles with the closest person.


Work and finance

The hot month of July, contrary to expectations, will not bring Aries the opportunity to take a break from worries. On the contrary, at a time when most colleagues will go to the resort to bask in the warm sun, Aries will have to take on other people's duties. In this hot summer month, representatives of the sign will not be able to relax. They will need maximum composure and determination. After all, it may happen that the fate of important projects will depend on the actions of Aries.

There is also a positive side to the current situation. Aries will finally be able to show what they are capable of. It's time to show your best qualities. Of course, there is a certain amount of risk in everything that happens, but if Aries carefully consider their actions, they can significantly strengthen their position. In July, representatives of the sign will be able to direct events the way they want. They will feel just fine and start making plans for the rest of their lives.

Aries will need the utmost composure and energy in the second decade of July. At this time, they will face difficulties, overcoming which they will be able to show their best qualities and earn the respect of the leadership and patrons. After the first successes, it is important not to relax, at least until July 25th. At the end of the month, Aries will receive confirmation that their efforts have not been in vain.

Love and family

Despite a hectic professional life, Aries' attention this month will be focused on family relationships. The new moon, which will occur on the second day, will redirect the interests of the representatives of the sign to the sphere of family values, which will be very useful. After all, household chores and issues of relationships with loved ones have long required the participation of representatives of the sign. The result of this period will be the renewal of relations in the family and the achievement of a compromise with loved ones on many important issues.

As for romantic relationships, no important events are expected this month. The best thing a single Aries can do is to plunge headlong into solving professional issues, thereby creating a reserve for the future. If you have already found love, then in July it is not recommended to aggravate relations. Aries need to avoid sharp corners so as not to provoke a quarrel.

Pleasant rest and entertainment together - this is what awaits the family representatives of the sign. And single Aries will get a lot of opportunities to start a long-term relationship. Those who are not yet ready to tie the knot of legal marriage will be the luckiest of all, they are waiting for passionate romantic meetings, as well as pleasant easy communication.


Work and finance

August for Aries will begin with a series of events that will affect the fate of the representatives of this sign. With a high probability, what is happening will relate to the professional activities of Aries and will determine their success in this field until the end of the year.

Right now, Aries is given the opportunity to start a new life, having successfully completed all the old plans. Thanks to the incredible spiritual uplift, the representatives of the sign will be able to complete the amount of work this month, which they could not cope with even in three. Thus, the representatives of the sign will lay the foundation for the success that awaits them towards the end of the year.

However, even given such a benevolent set of circumstances, you should not relax. Aries can experience difficulties with money throughout the month. That is why you need to avoid risky financial investments, and on August 5-6 and 17 you need to be especially vigilant, as unexpected losses of large sums are possible.

Love and family

In August, in the sphere of personal relationships, Aries will find a real paradise. Lonely representatives of the sign will be able to plunge into the ocean of romantic relationships, experience real passion. Family Aries will bathe in tenderness, and all representatives of the sign, without exception, will know love in its various manifestations, whether it be passionate feelings for a partner or affection for children and other family members.

This month, Aries will have a rare luck: they will be able to feel the balance between the requirements of loved ones and their own desires. This does not happen often, and you need to try not to spoil the situation and make the most of it. If you are planning a family celebration or any other important event in August, it is best to plan it for the 19th, since it is at this time that the location of the planets in your horoscope will be most favorable.


Work and finance

The second week of September will bring many new opportunities for all those born under the sign of Aries. There will be a chance to make good money, take the next step up the career ladder. In addition, Aries will finally wait for news about important projects that have been in limbo lately.

If during all the summer months Aries systematically invested their knowledge, strength and money in new projects, now it's time to reap the benefits. In the first decade, events in the professional field will develop rapidly, which will enable Aries to get closer to their intended goal.

September marks the start of a new school year. This time this event directly concerns Aries, who by all means need to engage in self-education and updating their knowledge. This is a prerequisite for a successful start to 2015.

Love and family

Building relationships with loved ones is the main thing that interests Aries in September. Representatives of the sign are encouraged to indulge the desires of a partner, try to smooth out sharp corners in communication and learn patience and compromise. It is best if the representatives of the sign can devote most of their time to relatives and loved ones.

The Aries family now, more than ever, needs attention and support. If you do not take care of family matters now, this can lead to difficulties and problems in the future. And vice versa, if you do not spare the time and effort to care for loved ones, this can become the basis for strengthening relationships in the future.

The same applies to those Aries who are just starting a new relationship. Your partner's trust in you will be strengthened if you can sacrifice your own interests for the sake of your present and future happiness and well-being.


Work and finance

The life of Aries in October will be focused on the financial difficulties that will haunt the representatives of the sign throughout the month. A nervous situation at work awaits those Aries whose professional activities are related to investing or involve other contact with financial flows.

At the same time, the attention of the representatives of the sign will be absorbed by new projects, in the development of which they will plunge with their characteristic passion. Despite the fact that almost all the time will be devoted to the affairs of Aries, it will not be possible to achieve any tangible results. Unfortunately, the financial situation will remain difficult until the end of the month. However, this will not cool the ardor of the representatives of the sign, they will continue to strive for new achievements in the hope of a quick change in the situation. Indeed, the development prospects for them are quite good, and in the next month the situation is expected to change for the better. If Aries does not leave efforts on the way to victory, they will definitely achieve their goal.

Love and family

The situation with personal relationships also develops not in the best way at the beginning of the month. However, by the end of the first decade, relations with a partner, with a certain effort on both sides, will move to a new stage. The patience and perseverance of Aries will be rewarded by the fact that they will gain the ability to understand their soulmate almost without words and will be able to count on the fact that the partner will answer them the same. During this period, Aries will bathe in love and attention, experiencing a long-forgotten feeling of happiness from the presence of a loved one nearby.

As for the single representatives of the sign, at the end of the month a wave of new promising acquaintances awaits them. It is possible that, despite the chilly weather, the fire of true love will flare up in their hearts. And the family representatives of the sign during this period should be careful, as many temptations will lie in wait for them.


Work and finance

For Aries, November will begin with uncertainty in the professional field. Probably, in the team where the representatives of the sign work, there is a struggle for power, in connection with which the work processes go by the wayside. The situation will change only by the end of the month. Aries are encouraged to stay neutral, not fighting on either side. Now representatives of the sign are advised to save their strength so that at the moment when the situation clears up, they are ready to advance their own career interests.

A similar situation is expected in the financial sector. There will be no large expenses, but small and frequent expenses simply exhaust Aries, as a result they will feel a constant lack of funds. Fortunately, this situation will change after the 28th.

In general, the last week of the period under review will be unusually fruitful and important for the representatives of the sign. It is at this time that an increase in business activity is expected, as well as a change in the financial situation in the right direction. As for the first and second decades, they also cannot be considered completely dropped out of life. If Aries can wisely manage the respite provided to them, this difficult period can be very beneficial. For example, representatives of the sign can devote their free time to study or go on a trip.

Love and family

As for personal life, no difficulties are foreseen here. Moreover, Aries will be surrounded by attention and care, the partner will strive to satisfy their every whim. Representatives of the sign may get the impression that their loved one has learned to read their thoughts. In order not to destroy this idyll, Aries is recommended to bypass controversial points, show patience and understanding. You need to be especially careful at the end of the month, as this time is not favorable for an emotional showdown.

In addition, November will be marked by another reassessment of one's own aspirations and desires. Aries will have to make a choice: live the way they are used to, or take a chance and open the door to the unknown. What the representatives of the sign choose depends on their personal qualities, personal maturity and life experience.


Work and finance

The bustle and routine of the autumn months will end with the onset of winter. December will be fruitful not only for everyday affairs, but also for achieving long-term goals and relationships with loved ones. Representatives of this sign are waiting for the approval of undertakings from colleagues. In addition, their creativity will be expressed, inspired by the praise of others. Aries will not miss the numerous moments for relaxation, entertainment, recuperation and energy.

The professional life of Aries in December is sharply activated, which will allow them to carry out their work plans. They will receive the means and opportunities to show themselves and their potential, to start a new long-desired business. Driven by the desire to get away from the daily routine, they will achieve significant success in career and professional terms. In the last month of the year, Aries will be actively busy expanding their circle of acquaintances and their sphere of influence, and will open up new horizons. But representatives of this sign should not be too self-confident and categorical. Sometimes it will be necessary to make concessions and compromises, otherwise excessive stubbornness can cost them their status. It is rather difficult to say what the situation will be, because everything depends on individual qualities and the direct choice of a person. We can only say for sure that in December it will be difficult for Aries to keep their plans and not consult with colleagues. On the one hand, this will show them as kind and trusting people, and on the other hand, such a step will be an open manifestation of weakness.

Love and family

Love in December 2014 Aries should be looked for in places not related to their daily routine and duties. If they are single, then this is the best time to go out more often, attend various events and look for new hobbies. It is in one of the new places that the opportunity to meet your soul mate is great.

It will be difficult for family people to develop relationships this month, so it is advisable to devote time to the family in order to maintain the warmth of relations, give relatives indulgence and forgive some inadvertently committed error. The most favorable time to build relationships on the love front will be at the beginning of the month, until December 7th. And in the last days it is worth putting more work into work, and then the first results and successes will not keep you waiting.

In 2014, the main task of Aries will be thrift, prudence, and even to some extent frugality. The symbol of 2014, the Wood Horse, is not well disposed towards this zodiac sign. Your grand gestures and unjustified spending can create a serious gap in the budget. So learn how to correctly calculate your opportunities - and then, perhaps, 2014 will help you not only save your savings, but also increase them.

Previously, Aries were required to be firm and decisive in making important decisions, which could cause them some discomfort. But in the new 2014, representatives of this sign will have a pleasant surprise - life will give you the opportunity to relax. The Aries horoscope for 2014 promises that if you do not resist current events, then the river of life will surely bring you to the shore of good luck, prosperity and success.

But the Aries horoscope 2014 recommends paying close attention to your own health. It is possible that in the past you had to go through a lot of stressful situations and now, when the body is relaxed, your immunity will be weakened and you will be prone to various kinds of diseases. Astrologers advise Aries in 2014 to get rid of bad habits (if you have not done so until now), regularly visit the gym, spend as much free time in the fresh air as possible. Solitude and peace - that's what your body will need now.

Aries business horoscope 2014

If earlier you have achieved great success in your career or business, then 2014 is the time to consolidate on conquered heights. Pay attention to your surroundings - competitors are not asleep and are just waiting for the right moment to bring you down to earth.

The most favorable period for Aries in 2014 will be the end of spring. It is from the second half of April until the end of May that the most fruitful period is expected both in a career and in personal life. But the end of summer and the beginning of autumn can bring unpleasant surprises - the conflict of the planets responsible for the financial sector will become a catalyst for problems in business and not at work. But, fortunately, by the beginning of October, everything promises to get better and the time for new achievements will begin.

The personal life of Aries this year is developing brightly and rapidly. Lonely Aries in February will have a fateful meeting. Caution in romantic valleys should be observed at the end of June and mid-August - there will be many unnecessary meetings, tempting, but useless. Later you will realize that it was a waste of time and effort. At the end of September, a delightful, but fleeting romance is likely. If you have already met your fate last fall, then spring 2014 is a great time for marriage, which promises to be strong, long-term, and, most importantly, profitable.

Aries love horoscope for 2014

On the love front of Aries in 2014, complete order is expected. A new bright and impetuous romance will begin in mid-February, and by the end of March it will reach its climax. Further, each of the Aries will have to decide for himself whether he is ready for a serious relationship, or is it better to leave, until the flared passion has decayed to the end.

For family Aries, the love horoscope for 2014 promises a measured and calm period in relationships. But if your partner also belongs to one of the fire signs, be careful - he may get bored with a quiet family life and your marriage will be in jeopardy.

Some caution in love affairs should be shown in the middle of summer - a holiday romance or casual acquaintance can turn the head of even the most faithful Aries, but such a relationship will not lead to anything good. You risk losing stability in an already established relationship and not getting anything in return. If you met your soul mate last year, then 2014 will be a great year for a marriage that is strong, long lasting, and most importantly profitable. Just hold a wedding ceremony in some exotic corner of the planet with a minimum of relatives and friends - this will save you from envious people and ill-wishers around you.

Horoscope for Aries Men for 2014

From Aries men, the family in 2014, the Horse will require maximum dedication. This period is not the most optimal time for the implementation of personal plans. By the end of autumn, cash receipts will increase and you will finally be able to say goodbye to all debts and loans.

In the summer of 2014, hobbies on the side can be considered a serious danger to family well-being, be careful. From the second decade of October, entrepreneurial activity will be especially successful, but at the beginning of 2014, the Aries horoscope recommends that you spare no expense and insure all your property.

The end of 2014 for Aries is an important period for professional growth. Wise decisions, the realization of oratorical talent, bold financial transactions - and Aries men in the very near future may turn out to be with a large profit. You may even be able to combine work with family affairs. In the middle of the year, the unfavorable aspects of the Black Moon can negatively affect your relationships with others. You will become angry, short-tempered, irritable. Control your emotions and soon everything will return to normal.

Aries woman's horoscope for 2014

At the beginning of the year, Aries women should be ready for major changes. The horoscope for 2014 for the Aries woman advises to reconsider your attitude to those things that do not allow you to develop harmoniously morally and spiritually. If you don’t do it yourself, circumstances or other people will do it for you. At the beginning of 2014 of the Horse, you have every chance to find complete understanding with your family and friends. In the middle of the year, some Aries women should protect their loved ones from themselves and from their pride and self-aggrandizement.

For some women born under the sign of Aries, 2014 will be the year that divides your life into "before" and "after". You will discover unusual talents and abilities in yourself, completely new character traits and tastes, dare to do something that you would not even have thought about before. The Lady of 2014, the Wood Horse, will present you with an unexpected surprise - an insatiable thirst for freedom will wake up in you and you will have a chance to radically change your whole life. If at first you still doubt whether it is worth changing everything so drastically, then by the end of the year all your doubts will be completely dispelled.

Aries horoscope 2014 by year of birth

Aries - Rat

(1936, 1948,1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 years of birth)

For those who want to learn something new, the symbol of the year, the Horse begins to provide all the opportunities: help with admission to higher educational institutions, patronage and support of influential people. But if you can enter the chosen university solely by acquaintance, it will be a waste of money and time.

Aries - Ox

(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 years of birth)

In the winter of 2014, pay attention to dreams. The active middle of the year will not satisfy the need for solitude. Autumn is a wonderful time to discover amazing abilities in yourself.

Aries - Tiger

(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 years of birth)

Extreme situations will make you believe in the existence of higher powers. To make decisions, look for clues to within yourself. In the middle of 2014, you will have to give up a lot.

Aries - Cat

(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 years of birth)

The feeling of leaving the soil from under your feet will occur by the end of winter. Take everything for granted and do not succumb to off-season depression. Life will put you in a certain financial framework, but your well-being is not far off. Show patience and endurance.

Aries - Dragon

(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 years of birth)

At the beginning of the year, Aries-Dragon Horses can do stupid things or simply rash acts: radically change their appearance, get involved in a risky event. If you decide on new goals in time, the obstacles will be removed by themselves. At the end of 2014, beware of enemies who want to become friends with you.

Aries - Snake

(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 years of birth)

In the spring of 2014 Horse you will be tested by money. Be prepared to sacrifice a lot - get to know yourself from the other side. In autumn, help and support in a difficult situation can be expected from others.

Aries - Horse

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978,1990,2002)

In their own year of Aries, those born under the sign of the Horse can be dangerous to themselves. The thirst for adventure will send you to foreign countries, where you should be careful not to get involved in adventures. The end of 2014 can completely change your outlook and attitude towards life.

Aries - Goat

(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 years of birth)

In the first half of the year, it will be easier for Aries to understand children and people of art. If your infantilism annoys someone, calm them down: by the end of the summer you will return to reality again.

Aries - Monkey

(1944,1956,1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 years of birth)

You must not forget that luck favors the purposeful. Do not be overburdened with the problems of loved ones who abuse your energy. Spend a vacation with them in August or September.

Aries - Rooster

(1945,1957,1969,1981, 1993, 2005 years of birth)

In 2014, a lot for you will depend on chance. If you use all the opportunities not only for yourself, but also help others, you are guaranteed success. The main thing is to mind your own business.

Aries - Dog

(1946,1958,1970,1982, 1994, 2006 years of birth)

The success and good luck of the beginning of the year can greatly relax you. But from the summer on, turn on your composure and vigilance to be in the right place at the right time. Be attentive to the little things.

In 2014, the main task of Aries will be thrift, prudence, and even to some extent frugality. The symbol of 2014, the Wood Horse, is not well disposed towards this zodiac sign. Your grand gestures and unjustified spending can create a serious gap in the budget. So learn how to correctly calculate your opportunities - and then, perhaps, 2014 will help you not only save your savings, but also increase them.

Previously, Aries were required to be firm and decisive in making important decisions, which could cause them some discomfort. But in the new year 2014, representatives of this sign will have a pleasant surprise - life will give you the opportunity to relax. The Aries horoscope for 2014 promises that if you do not resist current events, then the river of life will surely bring you to the shore of good luck, prosperity and success.

But the Aries horoscope 2014 recommends paying close attention to your own health. It is possible that in the past you had to go through a lot of stressful situations and now, when the body is relaxed, your immunity will be weakened and you will be prone to various kinds of diseases. Astrologers advise Aries in 2014 to get rid of bad habits (if you have not done so until now), regularly visit the gym, spend as much free time in the fresh air as possible. Solitude and peace - that's what your body will need now.

Aries business horoscope 2014

If earlier you have achieved great success in your career or business, then 2014 is the time to consolidate on conquered heights. Pay attention to your surroundings - competitors are not asleep and are only waiting for the right moment to bring you down to earth.

The most favorable period for Aries in 2014 will be the end of spring. It is from the second half of April until the end of May that the most fruitful period is expected both in a career and in personal life. But the end of summer and the beginning of autumn can bring unpleasant surprises - the conflict of the planets responsible for the financial sector will become a catalyst for problems in business and not at work. But, fortunately, by the beginning of October, everything promises to get better and the time for new achievements will begin.

The personal life of Aries this year is developing brightly and rapidly. Lonely Aries in February will have a fateful meeting. Caution in romantic valleys should be observed at the end of June and mid-August - there will be many unnecessary meetings, tempting, but useless. Later you will realize that it was a waste of time and effort. At the end of September, a delightful, but fleeting romance is likely. If you have already met your fate last fall, then spring 2014 is a great time for marriage, which promises to be strong, long-term, and, most importantly, profitable.

Aries love horoscope for 2014

On the love front of Aries in 2014, complete order is expected. A new bright and impetuous romance will begin in mid-February, and by the end of March it will reach its climax. Further, each of the Aries will have to decide for himself whether he is ready for a serious relationship, or is it better to leave, until the flared passion has decayed to the end.

For family Aries, the love horoscope for 2014 promises a measured and calm period in relationships. But if your partner also belongs to one of the fire signs, be careful - he may get bored with a quiet family life and your marriage will be in jeopardy.

Some caution in love affairs should be shown in the middle of summer - a holiday romance or casual acquaintance can turn the head of even the most faithful Aries, but such a relationship will not lead to anything good. You risk losing stability in an already established relationship and not getting anything in return. If you met your soul mate last year, then 2014 will be a great year for a marriage that is strong, long lasting, and most importantly profitable. Just hold a wedding ceremony in some exotic corner of the planet with a minimum of relatives and friends - this will save you from envious people and ill-wishers around you.

Horoscope for Aries Men for 2014

From Aries men, the family in 2014, the Horse will require maximum dedication. This period is not the most optimal time for the implementation of personal plans. By the end of autumn, cash receipts will increase and you will finally be able to say goodbye to all debts and loans.

In the summer of 2014, hobbies on the side can be considered a serious danger to family well-being, be careful. From the second decade of October, entrepreneurial activity will be especially successful, but at the beginning of 2014, the Aries horoscope recommends that you spare no expense and insure all your property.

The end of 2014 for Aries is an important period for professional growth. Wise decisions, the realization of oratorical talent, bold financial transactions - and Aries men in the very near future may turn out to be with a large profit. You may even be able to combine work with family affairs. In the middle of the year, the unfavorable aspects of the Black Moon can negatively affect your relationships with others. You will become angry, short-tempered, irritable. Control your emotions and soon everything will return to normal.

Aries woman's horoscope for 2014

At the beginning of the year, Aries women should be ready for major changes. The horoscope for 2014 for the Aries woman advises to reconsider your attitude to those things that do not allow you to develop harmoniously morally and spiritually. If you don’t do it yourself, circumstances or other people will do it for you. At the beginning of 2014 of the Horse, you have every chance to find complete understanding with your family and friends. In the middle of the year, some Aries women should protect their loved ones from themselves and from their pride and self-aggrandizement.

For some women born under the sign of Aries, 2014 will be the year that divides your life into "before" and "after". You will discover unusual talents and abilities in yourself, completely new character traits and tastes, dare to do something that you would not even have thought about before. The ruler of 2014, the Wood Horse, will present you with an unexpected surprise - an insatiable thirst for freedom will wake up in you and you will have a chance to radically change your whole life. If at first you still doubt whether it is worth changing everything so drastically, then by the end of the year all your doubts will be completely dispelled.

Aries horoscope 2014 by year of birth

Aries - Rat

(1936, 1948,1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 years of birth)

For those who want to learn something new, the symbol of the year, the Horse begins to provide all the opportunities: help with admission to higher educational institutions, patronage and support of influential people. But if you can enter the chosen university solely by acquaintance, it will be a waste of money and time.

Aries - Ox

(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 years of birth)

In the winter of 2014, pay attention to dreams. The active middle of the year will not satisfy the need for solitude. Autumn is a wonderful time to discover amazing abilities in yourself.

Aries - Tiger

(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 years of birth)

Extreme situations will make you believe in the existence of higher powers. To make decisions, look for clues to within yourself. In the middle of 2014, you will have to give up a lot.

Aries - Cat

(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 years of birth)

The feeling of leaving the soil from under your feet will occur by the end of winter. Take everything for granted and do not succumb to off-season depression. Life will put you in a certain financial framework, but your well-being is not far off. Show patience and endurance.

Aries - Dragon

(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 years of birth)

At the beginning of the year, Aries-Dragon Horses can do stupid things or simply rash acts: radically change their appearance, get involved in a risky event. If you decide on new goals in time, the obstacles will be removed by themselves. At the end of 2014, beware of enemies who want to become friends with you.

Aries - Snake

(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 years of birth)

In the spring of 2014 Horse you will be tested by money. Be prepared to sacrifice a lot - get to know yourself from the other side. In autumn, help and support in a difficult situation can be expected from others.

Aries - Horse

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978,1990,2002)

In their own year of Aries, those born under the sign of the Horse can be dangerous to themselves. The thirst for adventure will send you to foreign countries, where you should be careful not to get involved in adventures. The end of 2014 can completely change your outlook and attitude to life.

Aries - Goat

(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 years of birth)

In the first half of the year, it will be easier for Aries to understand children and people of art. If your infantilism annoys someone, calm them down: by the end of the summer you will return to reality again.

Aries - Monkey

(1944,1956,1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 years of birth)

You must not forget that luck favors the purposeful. Do not be overburdened with the problems of loved ones who abuse your energy. Spend a vacation with them in August or September.

Aries - Rooster

(1945,1957,1969,1981, 1993, 2005 years of birth)

In 2014, a lot for you will depend on chance. If you use all the opportunities not only for yourself, but also help others, you are guaranteed success. The main thing is to mind your own business.

Aries - Dog

(1946,1958,1970,1982, 1994, 2006 years of birth)

The success and good luck of the beginning of the year can greatly relax you. But from the summer on, turn on your composure and vigilance to be in the right place at the right time. Be attentive to the little things.

Aries - Pig

(1947,1959,1971,1983, 1995, 2007 years of birth)

Good luck in 2014 will accompany the confident and purposeful. Do not be overburdened with the problems of loved ones who abuse your energy. Be sure to take a vacation in the month of July - this month will be unsuccessful for your career.

The coming year 2014 brings grandiose changes in the fate of Aries. At the beginning of the year, breaks in stable partnerships are possible. Until the first decade of March, it is not recommended to take on new cases that require great effort, it is better to direct your efforts to the development of what was started in the previous year.

In 2014, Aries will have to make many decisions, the correctness of which will depend on the fate of the coming years. Success in a career will not be bypassed, but only if you manage to choose the right goal. Small difficulties with money may arise in the second half of the year. To maintain financial stability, Aries are not recommended to borrow and lend.

In the personal life of single men and women, pleasant changes await. But doubting people can easily miss their happiness by changing their mind at the last moment. And funny, funny and unique congratulations-horoscopes for Aries - you can find on this page of the site Congratulations.

Events are rushing towards you with speed,
They will burst into your life with horns.
Aries is cute, make an effort
So as not to fall from impotence.

Are you mentally and physically ready?
Overcome virtually all problems.
Trials that fate has prepared
I want you to go all the way.

The year will not be easy, but do not be sad,
And try to break the difficulties.
Don't complain, and don't moan, and don't mumble,
And resting on your hooves, go ahead.

Then you will receive wide recognition,
Happiness will open for you far away.
You will succeed in political life,
And you can practically become a hero.

Learn to present yourself correctly
So that everyone suddenly turns their eyes to you.
And they were amazed, what a glorious Aries,
It's right here on New Year's Eve.

Skillfully develop personal self-esteem,
Feel the line between success and failure.
We wish you a bright New Year,
And may you, our dear Aries, be lucky.


You, as an Aries, must remember:
To bring success to life
And fulfill your dreams
You need to apply force.

You have to sweat a little
But we know you are strong
And you succeed
A real champion!


The year will be a bit difficult
And for you to be successful,
Sometimes you have to shed sweat
It might not be funny.

But you are physically strong
You are even stronger mentally
And you are not afraid of problems,
Like any test!

all congratulations: 3

For Aries, 2014 will be quite meaningful and eventful. Among them there can be both bad and good events, there will be disappointments and joys. The Aries horoscope for 2014 promises a difficult spring and the beginning of summer, after which relief will come in all areas of your life, luck and success, however, well-deserved by you.

Aries horoscope - career

This year, Aries will have some business issues related to large property, real estate and business division. Your business partners, on whom you are dependent for one reason or another, will not always show an adequate and fair approach to business. Perhaps they will not always be reasonable in their demands, which will cause serious controversy. Until May, these disputes will only gain momentum, which may even lead to litigation. However, after the end of this difficult period, you will finally be able to find a compromise that is in the interests of all parties.
Aries employees need to be on the alert: they are waiting for competition, conflict with management, and the need to leave this job is not even ruled out.
The difficult period will last until June, after which the business sphere will finally please you with good news.

Horoscope Aries - finance

Aries will start stable earnings only from September - until then, unfortunately, there will be a difficult period when earnings will be small and irregular, and there will be a lot of mandatory expenses. From time to time you can count on the help of friends and relatives, but this will not significantly improve your financial situation. Additional difficulties may be created by the need to pay debts. The family will also require considerable expenses for Aries this year.

Horoscope Aries - love

Bad news can overtake Aries in the personal sphere. Your loved one may change their attitude towards you for the worse, or decide to break up. If this does not happen, then some tension between you will still be felt. Omissions and reticences are possible, which will cause mistrust and doubts in each other. Therefore, it is recommended, if possible, to say to a loved one everything that you think. To prove your devotion, you will probably need to show diplomacy and cunning: calculating the steps ahead, persistently lead the line towards reconciliation and strengthening of relations. Then, perhaps, the gap can be avoided.
Lonely Aries will meet a person with whom they may start a romance or just a strong friendship. The level of relationship in this case depends solely on you.

Horoscope Aries - health

In the winter-spring period of 2014, Aries will feel some apathy and, perhaps, even fall into a depressive state. Aries who tend to be overweight will notice an increase in weight during this time. To dispel the dark clouds in the soul a little, clarify perception and return to normal, lead a more active lifestyle. Do not neglect sports, or at least do exercises - it is very invigorating in the morning. This will also have a positive effect on weight.
With the beginning of summer, Aries will again become cheerful and active, radiating contentment and delighting those around them with a smile.

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