Tell me your blood type and I'll tell you who you are. Tell me your blood group and I'll tell you who you are

Character by blood type: 10 advantages and 3 disadvantages of each of the representatives + health tips.

Our society pays a lot of attention to the signs of the zodiac, year, day and time of birth.

We read horoscopes, predictions, carefully select a costume and make a menu in order to “correctly” celebrate the Chinese New Year, which for the Chinese themselves comes much later.

But we practically do not pay attention to human blood.

And absolutely in vain! After all personality by blood group can be determined with greater accuracy than, for example, by the sign of the zodiac.

In modern Japan, this has become a real cult. It is quite possible that Japanese fashion will soon come to us.

Character by blood type is not a new doctrine

Do you know your blood type and its Rh factor? Then you are well done, because not everyone can boast of such information content.

Why is this happening?

Yes, because we know too little about how blood and its group affect the human character, our habits, taste preferences, abilities, and so on.

But it's so interesting!

Studies of the influence of blood type on a person's character

It seems incredible that even at the end of the 19th century, neither scientists nor doctors had the slightest idea that there are people with different blood, more precisely, with different groups.

The first complete studies were carried out by Karl Landsteiner at the beginning of the 20th century. He managed to distinguish three groups.

His research was continued by many scientists - the most famous of which is the Czech Jan Jansky, who discovered the fourth group.

Thanks to these studies, we have received a modern classification:

But if the first studies were carried out precisely in a scientific manner, in order to help doctors save people, then the subsequent ones have already begun to give off some kind of scientific racism.

The first hypotheses that the blood group affects the character of a person were put forward by the Japanese. Hirano, Yashima, Furkawa and others in the late 1920s argued that some people are more intelligent, honest, calm, reliable (in general, good in all respects) precisely because they have the blood of the “correct” group.

Then their teachings were branded as anti-scientific.

Later, the Nazis, with their treatises on "Aryan blood" and "master race", finally drove such research underground until the 1970s.

It was in 1971 that the Japanese journalist Nomi (who, by the way, does not have a medical education) wrote the book “You are what your blood type is”.

The book became megapopular in Japan, although scientists tried to appeal to the minds of readers, speaking about the unscientific nature of the publication, no one listened to them.

Japan was seized by a maniacal desire to find out exactly how blood affects a person’s character. They retained interest in this topic almost half a century later.

Why do the Japanese believe that blood type and character are inseparable?

This is not to say that the Japanese are so wrong in their beliefs that blood and character have much in common.

Many scientists agree that dividing people into races is not very correct, and such a division is relatively young, compared with the fact that blood flowed in the first person, but the division into races and nationalities arose much later.

Blood affects not only the character of a person, but also its gastronomic features, health status, tendency to allergies and much more.

For example, an African with the first group and a positive Rh factor has much more in common with a European, which also has I +, than with his countryman, whose blood group, for example, III-.

This is what the Japanese insist on, paying so much attention to blood types (Jap. 血液型 Katsuekigata) and their influence on the human character.

Japanese women, entrepreneurs, looking for a partner, employers, forming a team, are not interested in who you are by zodiac sign, in what year and under the influence of which planet you were born, but in what type of blood you have and how it affects your character.

Huge articles are devoted to this not only in glossy magazines, but also in scientific collections. And let the rest of the world (and many Japanese scientists, by the way) be somewhat skeptical about this mania of the Japanese, they stand their ground.

Blood type and character: how does it work?

The modern classification is 4 blood groups that affect a lot of things, including the human character.

4 blood groups
What are the carriers called?

Number of carriers in % ratio

Which group is best compatible with

Who better to be
I(0)Hunters40–50% They are compatible with everyone, but ideally - with the second or thirdBanker, top manager, lawyer, event organizer
II(A)farmer30–40% With all but the fourthA teacher, doctor, scientist, salesperson, or other service provider
III(B)Nomad10–20% From the first and fourth
IV (AB)Philosopher5% From the fourth and firstInventor, archivist, diplomat, librarian

The influence of the I blood group on the human character.

People who have the first group are usually called hunters for a reason, but because they have a whole set of qualities and features that distinguish them from others.

People who have I blood type are distinguished by their character traits:

  1. They know how to control themselves even in stressful situations.
  2. They are not afraid to take the initiative in difficult situations and try on the yellow jersey of the leader.
  3. They strive towards their goal, not paying much attention to obstacles.
  4. Energetic in life and often manage to do more than others.
  5. They do not give in to the enemy, but boldly rush at him.
  6. They are ambitious enough, therefore they strive to make a career and achieve great success in life.
  7. They quickly learn something new, so they easily change one job for another - both study and professional activity are relatively easy for them.
  8. They do not like monotony, so they travel a lot.
  9. They like to tickle their nerves, so they often go in for extreme sports.
  10. They are sociable, easily meet new people, have many friends.

The disadvantages of first-graders include:

  • excessive harshness, irascibility, straightforwardness and authoritarianism;
  • the desire to do everything at once, from which the quality suffers;
  • unwillingness to bring many things started to the end.

If you have the first group, then most of all, you are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and allergies.

II blood group and the nature of its owners.

The second most popular blood type is II. Its carriers are usually called farmers (sometimes the name is used - a business executive).

People with the second blood group are distinguished by such character traits:

  1. Calm, restrained and can not stand to participate in quarrels and fights.
  2. They lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not like changes in their being too much.
  3. Patiently perform even the most tedious work.
  4. They easily find a common language even with unpleasant personalities - brawlers, whiners, etc.
  5. Conscientious attitude to the implementation of even the most insignificant task.
  6. Maintain order in the house and at their workplace, always clean and tidy.
  7. Friendly to everyone without exception.
  8. They are demanding of themselves, but they also expect full returns from others.
  9. Always ready to help, do not dismiss the problems of loved ones.
  10. They treat money with care, know how to save it, cook well, know how to do a lot with their own hands, so they often say about people with the second group: “A good housewife, a good owner.”


  • stubbornness;
  • inability to rest and relax;
  • heaviness to lift.

The second-graders cannot be called healthy - they get sick quite often. They have a shattered nervous system, quickly catch a cold, can suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular, liver and oncological diseases.

What should the owners of the III blood group know about their character?

If you have the third group, then you have the character of a nomad or wanderer. You:
  1. Easily adapt to new circumstances and are not afraid to move from place to place in search of a better life.
  2. They are quite emotional, sometimes even to their own detriment.
  3. Treat traditions without reverence, but adore everything new.
  4. Endowed with imaginative thinking, good imagination, creative streak, creativity.
  5. Independent in decision-making and do not follow the opinions of others.
  6. Ready to rush into battle, if you see injustice, capable of a feat.
  7. Most likely, you have good manners and know how to pretend to be a reserved person when necessary.
  8. Dedicate yourself with passion to what you love to do.
  9. Do not be afraid to fight enemies and change circumstances for the better.
  10. You are a sensual lover and a reliable friend for your soulmate.


  • inconstancy in character, habits, mood, which brings others into a stupor;
  • attempts to escape into a fantasy world;
  • increased demands on other people.

Usually third-graders are in good health and do not suffer from chronic diseases. The only thing you need to do is eat right, get enough rest and periodically check your blood for sugar.

Features of the character of people with IV blood group.

The fourth group is the youngest when compared with others. The conditional name for its carriers is philosophers.

Group IV combines character traits that are characteristic of the first three:

  1. Good leadership and organizational skills.
  2. The ability to get together in a responsible and difficult moment.
  3. A sufficient level of diplomacy to conduct complex negotiations.
  4. Well-developed intuition and even the presence of extrasensory abilities.
  5. A good balance of rationality and emotionality.
  6. Sociability, which allows you not to experience difficulties in finding friends.
  7. Inner intelligence and tact.
  8. Forgivingness towards those who offended you.
  9. Developed imaginative thinking, which often leads to unexpected, but very useful discoveries.
  10. Multifaceted personality and sharp mind.


  • difficulty in making decisions;
  • constant internal conflict;
  • some stupidity.

If we talk about health, then group IV is people who often suffer from infections and colds, but at the same time cope with them quickly enough.

How does blood type affect a person's character? Watch in the video:

You don't have to believe in what can be defined personality by blood group. But, you see, there is a certain amount of truth in this.

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Blood type and your character! There is an opinion that there is a connection between the blood type and the individual characteristics of a person's character. This opinion is especially held in Japan.

The blood type affects the personality traits of a person. What does this mean?

In 1980, the book of the famous scientists Toshitaka Nomi and Alexander Bescher was published under the title "You are your blood type", in which the authors shared the impressive results of their research. They argued that the type of blood really affects the individual characteristics of a person, they also set out their recommendations for the owners of each group - how to use their characteristics to achieve success, what qualities to develop and what to avoid, and how to choose a life partner.

In addition, there are many works and scientists from other countries devoted to the topic of the influence of blood groups on nutrition and human health. So, from a scientific point of view, it has been proven that men and women with the I-th blood group are more often prone to stomach ulcers, but there are much fewer schizophrenics among them. And the owners of group III are more prone to Parkinson's disease than others, etc. We know that all diseases often have psychological roots, which means that the ability to determine the nature of a person’s blood type looks quite real.

Surprisingly, in Japan, a person's blood type is one of the key points that is considered by a recruiter, almost in the first place! Intrigued?

Let's look at what the main characteristics and features of a person correspond to a certain blood type, according to Japanese scientists. Who knows, maybe you will find something about yourself here: you will find out your character, or you will be able to understand yourself deeper and discover new opportunities.

I blood group (group 0)

This is the most common blood type that has arisen before anyone else. We know that in those days people led the lifestyle of hunters, therefore the owners of this blood type are called "Hunters". As you know, in order to survive, in ancient times, quite certain qualities were important, which, in fact, reflected the character of the representatives of this group.

By nature, the owners of the 1st group are active and courageous, resolute and optimistic. They strive for conquest and leadership. These are strong, self-confident individuals who never sit idly by, moving forward towards new and new achievements.

Due to their pronounced leadership qualities, entrepreneurial spirit, energy and enthusiasm, "hunters" often occupy leadership positions. It is only natural that they feel uncomfortable being subservient and do not tolerate criticism and failure. Their motto is: "Fight and seek, find and never give up." Excessively mobile, unbalanced and excitable. Painfully tolerate any, even the most fair criticism. They want others to understand them perfectly and instantly carry out their orders.

MEN very skilled in love. Most of all they are excited by inaccessible women.

WOMEN They are greedy for sex, but very jealous.

Adviсe: Try to get rid of narcissism and arrogance: this can seriously interfere with the achievement of goals. Stop fussing and rushing things. Remember that a person who strives to achieve what he has planned at any cost, indomitably striving for power, dooms himself to loneliness.

The prominent representatives of this group include such famous personalities as Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Al Capone, Elvis Presley, Queen Elizabeth II, her son Charles, David and Victoria Beckham.

And this means that, most likely, the Japanese are right in paying such close attention to human blood types as key information about their character. After all, these famous personalities are indeed the embodiment of the characters described above, both men and women.

II blood group (group A)

Representatives of this blood type, which arose after the first, are called "Farmers", which corresponds to the way of life of our ancestors in those days. It was then that the ancient people began to use various tools and devices for cultivating the land, which greatly facilitated their lives and diversified their diet, and they no longer had to risk their lives daily, hunting for prey. They also began to develop the ability to interact with other people. Certain hormonal processes led to changes in the cerebral cortex, which caused the subsequent changes in the blood.

The main characteristic of people with the II blood group is patience. "Farmers" have incredible perseverance, diligence, practicality and caution. They carefully think through their every step, endowed with an analytical mind and common sense. The nature of these people is calm, thanks to which they get along well with people and can adapt to different conditions.

It is not surprising that it is the II-th blood type that is very much appreciated by the Japanese when selecting a candidate for work. After all, you can rely on such people, they are reliable, organized, disciplined. The character traits of such a person are a real treasure for the employer! In love, "farmers" show their romantic and caring character.

People with blood group II are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of residence or job are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

MEN are shy. Romantics in the soul, they express their love with a look. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore they often choose women older than themselves.

WOMEN also shy. They make excellent wives - loving and devoted.

ADVIСE: Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will be overcome by addiction. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

Famous people in this group: Adolf Hitler, George W. Bush, Soseki Natsume, Ringo Star, Britney Spears.

III blood type (group B)

The III blood group arose after the II one as a result of several important factors: climate change, and the desire to strive for something new, because by that time people could already provide themselves with everything necessary for living, and an inquisitive mind required new experiences . So there was a need to explore new lands. Representatives of this group are called accordingly - "Nomads". There are significantly fewer people with this blood group than with the I-st ​​and II-th.

"Nomads" are very inquisitive and creative natures. They strive for variety, feeling the need for interesting experiences. They quickly get bored if the elements of novelty and variety disappear. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives.

If they take up something, they do it easily and beautifully, not without interest and inspiration. Can't stand routine. The nature of such people is creative, independent and unpredictable. Men and women of the III blood group are often reformers and representatives of progressive movements.

Nomads love to have fun and experiment. They have the ability to demonstrate themselves from the best side, to charm and charm. These people are open and optimistic. Ascetics by nature. They prefer not to depend on anyone. Owners of the III blood group do not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work.

MEN- true don Juan: they know how to beautifully look after women and seduce.

WOMEN very extravagant. They can quickly win a man's heart, but they are afraid to marry them, not believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude to the family hearth. And absolutely in vain! Over time, they become good housewives and faithful wives.

ADVIСE: Think about it: maybe your weakness lies in individualism? If there are no people close to you in spirit around you, then this is the result of your independence. Behind the reputation of a "womanizer" or "libertine" only the fear of love is masked. The wives of such people have to get used to cheating, because otherwise they are good family men.

Among the famous personalities with the III blood type are: Akira Kurosawa, Paul McCartney, Mia Farrow, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson.

IV blood group (group AB)

Group IV appeared relatively recently. And, according to many scientists, this happened as a result of the mixing of the Indo-European and Mongoloid races. Another version of the emergence of this group is the desire to know beauty. After all, the person was already full, smart enough, but something like that was missing for the soul. Then people began to express themselves in creativity. Therefore, the owners of the IVth began to be called Bohemia or the Riddle.

The dominant feature of the character of people with the IVth blood group is a developed emotionality. They are very subtle and sensitive natures. They have increased intuition, rich mental organization, developed imagination and love for everything beautiful. They are very talented, have good taste and subtly perceive reality.

The main character traits: kindness, compassion for loved ones, honesty, justice, friendliness. As a result, they have many friends.

People of this type like to boast that the blood of the AB group was in Jesus Christ. The proof, they say, is a blood test found on the Shroud of Turin. Whether this is so has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They have a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized natures and multifaceted personalities.

MEN attract with their intelligence and eccentricity. Very sexy. But their desire to make love day and night does not mean at all that they are filled with deep feelings.

WOMEN also have sexual appeal, but they are very demanding in choosing men. And her chosen one will not be easy, because she requires a lot of attention.

ADVIСE: You have a significant flaw: you are very indecisive. Maybe this is partly the reason for your lack of conflict: you are afraid to ruin your relationship with someone. But you are in constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem suffers greatly from this.

It is quite natural that it is the owners of this rare blood that are often artists. One of the famous representatives of Bohemia is the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Also IV blood type in Jackie Chan, Mick Jagger, Alain Prost.
These are the character traits of each blood type of people, I think you found something close to yourself here and accepted what you read with a smile!

Blood type is an important genetic trait of a person. It is laid at the gene level by parents at conception.

The blood type and Rh factor largely determine the character of a person and his individual characteristics. A person with each blood group has a certain predisposition to diseases, to a particular type of activity, lifestyle, etc.

We will talk about the characteristics of carriers of the second positive blood group in this article.

In 1900, the Austrian immunologist Landsteiner conducted a study, as a result of which he found that the blood of different people differs in the composition of antigens and antibodies to it.

The scientist came to the conclusion that the same blood never contains both antigens and antibodies of the same name. This discovery became a new step in the development of medicine, and Landsteiner was awarded the Nobel Prize for it.

According to the AB0 classification, the blood group is named according to which antigen is present in it: antigen A is present in the 2nd blood group, therefore its designation according to this classification is A (II).

For reference. The second blood type is possessed by 30-40% of the world population.

Transfusion compatibility

Blood transfusion is a procedure used by modern medicine, during which the patient is injected with the blood (or its individual components) of another person.

When transfusing blood, its group and Rh affiliation play a paramount role.

A person who donates his blood for a transfusion is called a donor. The person who receives blood during a transfusion is called a recipient.

Owners of the second positive blood type can become ideal donors only for owners of the same group and Rh factor.

In case of urgent need, the blood of the second positive group can be infused into the owners of the fourth blood group (the so-called universal recipients) with a positive Rh factor. However, nowadays in medicine they try to avoid such a practice.

If a person with a second positive blood group needs a blood transfusion, then, in addition to his own, blood of the first group (because its owners are universal donors) with a positive Rh factor will suit him.

With the infusion of blood that is incompatible in group or Rh factor, the red blood cells begin to stick together, lumps are formed that clog the capillaries. Then the lumps of red blood cells are destroyed, and the harmful decay products poison the blood. This process is very dangerous for humans and can be fatal.

Predisposition to diseases

Over the years, all blood groups have been studied. As a result, it was possible to find out that the owners of each group are prone to certain diseases. This information allows you to study the list of ailments to which the body is predisposed, and to focus on their prevention.

Owners of the second positive blood group are predisposed to such diseases:

  1. The digestive system. People with this blood type are prone to gastritis and pancreatitis with low acidity. Even in this type of people, stones often form in the ducts of the gallbladder, and its inflammation (cholecystitis) develops.
  2. The cardiovascular system. As for the heart, there is a tendency to coronary disease, heart disease. Of vascular diseases, people with the second blood group are prone to atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  3. Circulatory system. There is a predisposition to one of the most terrible blood diseases - acute leukemia.
  4. excretory and urinary system. Carriers of the second blood group are prone to the development of urolithiasis.
  5. Thyroid. Often there are pathologies in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Infectious diseases. There is a predisposition to smallpox and foodborne infections.
  7. Teeth. People in this group are prone to caries and other dental diseases.
  8. Oncological diseases. There is a predisposition to cancer of the stomach and blood.

People with the second positive blood type are prone to obesity.


People with a second positive blood group need to adhere to certain dietary rules that will favorably affect the state of the body. It is important to get a maximum of vitamins and minerals from foods for the normal functioning of all organ systems.

It should be remembered that there are foods that are contraindicated for carriers of the second blood group because of their tendency to disease (for example, too fatty foods can provoke gastritis or obesity).

Let's take a closer look at useful and harmful products.

Healthy foods

People with the second positive blood group are genetically predisposed to vegetarianism. The basis of their diet should be vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, an excellent source of fiber and organic acids. It must be remembered that during heat treatment, vegetables lose some of their beneficial properties, so it is advisable to eat them fresh. However, eating only raw vegetables is also not recommended, as this can adversely affect bowel function.

The most useful vegetables for owners of the second positive blood group are cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, beets, broccoli. In moderation, you can eat tomatoes, potatoes, white cabbage and eggplant.

Almost all fruits are useful, except for those that are too acidic - apples, peaches, apricots, kiwi, grapes, strawberries, cherries, currants, etc.

If you cannot completely exclude meat from the diet, it is recommended to use its dietary types - chicken, turkey, rabbit. The meat is preferably boiled, steamed or baked.

Fish for owners of the second blood group will be useful, but again - with the exception of fatty varieties.

An excellent source of protein will be legumes - beans, lentils, soybeans.

Vegetable oils will benefit - linseed, olive, pumpkin, sesame.

From drinks, preference should be given to natural fruit juices, tea and coffee.

harmful products

Since the organs of the gastrointestinal tract in people with a second positive blood group do not cope well with the digestion of meat products, any fatty meats - pork, lamb, etc. are categorically contraindicated.

It is also worth excluding fatty fish varieties - cod, halibut, herring, mackerel, etc.

Due to the low acidity of the stomach, it is undesirable to include acidic foods in large quantities in the diet. All citrus fruits are contraindicated - lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits.

It is undesirable to consume dairy products, as they slow down the metabolism and can contribute to the development of obesity. In very small quantities, you can use hard cheese, low-fat cottage cheese and natural yogurt.

You should also exclude all confectionery products - cakes, pastries, buns, sweets.

It is advisable to completely abandon the use of alcohol, as it can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Compatibility when conceiving a child

Pregnancy is considered the safest when the parents of the unborn child have the same blood groups and Rh factors. In this case, the embryo in most cases receives the same blood type as the parents, develops safely and is born healthy.

However, there are cases when parents with the same group affiliation have a child with a different blood type. This often gives rise to thoughts of treason in the minds of men and becomes a cause of contention in the family. Such situations occur due to ignorance of the basics of genetics. The fact is that every person at birth receives genetic information from two parents - mother and father. Each of these signs a person can subsequently pass on to his child, so it is likely that a child will be born with a group affiliation different from his parents.

Inheritance of blood group from parents

Parents' blood groupsThe child's blood type and the probability of obtaining it in%
First, firstFirst (100%)
Second, secondFirst (25%), second (75%)
Third, thirdFirst (25%), third (75%)
Fourth, fourthSecond (25%), third (25%), fourth (50%)
First, secondFirst (50%), second (50%)
First, thirdFirst (50%), Third (50%)
First, fourthSecond (50%), Third (50%)
Second, thirdFirst (25%), second (25%), third (25%), fourth (25%)
Second, fourthSecond (50%), third (25%), IV (25%)
Third, fourthSecond (25%), third (50%), IV (25%)

As can be seen from the table, if both parents have the second blood group, then in one fourth of the cases they have a child with the first blood group. And if one parent has the second group, and the other parent has the third, the child can get absolutely any blood type with an equal degree of probability.

If the father and mother have different blood types, the child most often inherits the mother's. If it happens that the child receives a blood type different from the mother's, then an immunological conflict develops. In this case, there is a possibility of miscarriage or the birth of a premature baby.

The same situation occurs with the Rh factor. If the parents have the same, the child gets the same, and the pregnancy proceeds safely. If the mother's Rh factor is negative and the father's is Rh positive, and the child inherits a positive Rh factor, maternal and fetal incompatibility occurs.

In this case, the woman's body considers the fetus a foreign object and begins to fight it. Antibodies from the mother's circulatory system cross the placenta and begin to attack the embryo. The unformed organs of the child work hard to protect themselves from danger, and the erythrocytes of the fetus die.

Attention! An immunological conflict when a Rh-negative mother carries a Rh-positive fetus can provoke various diseases of the heart, stomach and other organs in a child and even death.

Video - What is the difference between blood types

Modern medicine makes it possible to prevent the negative consequences of incompatibility of blood groups, so it is important to start controlling pregnancy at a very early stage. In especially severe cases, when it is impossible to prevent the dangerous consequences of an immunological conflict in any other way, an intrauterine blood transfusion is performed from a donor to the fetus. The child is injected with his own group or (if it cannot be established) the first, but with a negative Rh factor. Thus, it is possible to stop the Rh conflict between mother and child and save his life.

The second positive blood type is one of the most common. Its owners have certain character traits - calmness, poise, perseverance.


As everyone knows, there are four types of blood groups that have a huge impact on health, on character traits and on various types of relationships, and, in general, for a person’s whole life.

Therefore, for those who are interested in knowing what their blood type gives them, what qualities they endow, what they contribute to or with whom they unite, read below, and you will discover a lot of new, informative and interesting things for yourself.

The first blood type and human character

So, people with the first blood group are endowed with good health, courage, strength, will, love of life.

They always strive for victory, are confident in themselves and their own abilities, initiative, straightforward, active and energetic. They know how to soberly look at life and the things around them.

They are perfectly able to control themselves in any situation, are lovers of adrenaline and, accordingly, prefer variety of extreme sports. They give their preference to speed and speed, new knowledge and diversity, they easily converge with new people, as they are very sociable.

The owners of the I blood group are very purposeful, by nature they are excellent organizers and true leaders, who ideally fit the motto of Julius Caesar himself: “I have come. Saw. Won!"

Of course, people with the first blood group have not only positive, but also negative qualities that prevent them from being ideal, therefore, they need to overcome them within themselves, or at least restrain them. For example:

  1. Short temper.
  2. Impulsiveness.
  3. Impulsiveness.
  4. Outbursts of aggression.
  5. Rigidity.

People with any blood type are compatible with people of the first blood group, however, people with a second or third blood type are ideal for them.

The second blood group and the character of a person

The owners of the second blood group, as a rule, are balanced, patient, peaceful and calm, they always compromise and really dislike conflicts.

They strive for a comfortable, prosperous life, have a business streak, are distinguished by frugality and thrift, as a result of which they are good housewives or a master.

They love comfort and peace, but they do not know how to relax and rest, they show warmth and a lot of care towards their relatives and close friends. As a result, often, all other people's problems and troubles are taken to heart, worried and nervous, which often causes diseases.

The negative qualities of people with the second blood group are:

  • Over-loyalty.
  • Stubbornness or stubbornness.
  • Stealth.
  • Conservatism.
  • Internal selfishness.

People of the second blood group converge perfectly and are well compatible with people of all groups except the fourth.

The third blood type and human character

Blood group III can be safely attributed to people who are creative, inquisitive, comprehensively developed, sociable, but at the same time with a very changeable mood.

They do not tolerate monotony and routine, their principle is the following saying: “Water does not flow under a lying stone”

People with the third blood group are perfectly able to adapt to different living conditions, but at the same time they are independent and freedom-loving, emotional and sensual. Their life flows the way they want, which is why they often have problems in relationships with many people.

Negative qualities of people with the third blood group:

  1. Susceptibility to rapid mood swings.
  2. Impermanence in all areas.
  3. Too romantic and dreamy.
  4. Variability.

Representatives of the third blood group find a common language well and are perfectly compatible with people whose blood types are the first and fourth.

The fourth blood type and human character

People with the fourth blood group have combined almost all the qualities that people of I, II and III blood groups possess.

Therefore, they can be good tacticians and leaders, excellent organizers and diplomats. They are sociable and emotional, confident and sensitive, contradictory and extraordinary.

They constantly go on, as it were, a struggle between the mind and the heart, which, however, does not prevent them from living a good life.

Speaking in general, the representatives of the fourth blood group are, as it were, a new generation of people with excellent intuition and very real extrasensory abilities, with many other qualities, which, moreover, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, contradict each other.

Their distinctive disadvantage is doubt and indecision due to the difficulty in making the right decisions. But not because of slow-wittedness, but, as already mentioned above, because of the struggle of the mind and heart. The owners of the fourth blood group are well compatible only with two groups - their IV and representatives of the first blood group.

Summing up

Scientists and many people have long known that the blood type is directly related to the characters, different qualities of people. In this regard, I believe that this article will become not only interesting for many, but also useful, it will help to take a fresh look at themselves and their surroundings.

In contact with

Even in ancient times, scientists and philosophers were engaged in considering the relationship between the physiological characteristics of a person and his personal characteristics, in particular, they found out how the character and blood type are related. But only today, the ideas proposed earlier and offered today can be confirmed experimentally, with the help of high-tech devices.

As an example of personality typologies based on the idea of ​​the relationship between physiology and psychology, we can recall the world-famous classification of temperament types proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. According to his teachings, a person's temperament depends on the ratio of four fluids in his body - blood, bile, black bile and mucus. Another example: the classification of the German psychiatrist and psychologist E. Kretschmer, based on the idea of ​​​​the ratio of a person's physique and his character.

These two theories, as well as many other speculative rather than scientific concepts, have been re-examined in modern times. Modern scholars have no doubt that relationship between physiology and psychology and it has a significant impact on human life.

Increasingly, one can hear conclusions that one or another feature of the body forms mental features, as if it includes some ancient biological program that helps a person to realize himself in a certain way. Physiological features are not meaningless, on the contrary, each of them realizes some goal.

Blood type- another physiological characteristic, based on which the Japanese scientist P. Nomi and American naturopathic physician P. D'Adamo developed a classification of character types.

P. D´Adamo conducted studies that revealed relationship between blood groups and:

  • response to stress
  • accumulation of stress factor,
  • ability to cope with stressful situations.

It turns out that the gene in the chromosome that determines the blood type (9q34) is adjacent to the genome that determines stress resistance. But not only the reaction to stress is associated with blood type.

In Japan, as in no other country, special attention is paid to a person's blood group. In particular, it is taken into account when applying for a job, making a medical diagnosis and determining the compatibility of a couple in marriage.

Four blood types - four personalities

To date, science knows four blood groups:

  1. The first blood type - 0 (I). The oldest group itself appeared about forty thousand years ago, when people were mainly engaged in hunting and gathering. From 40 to 50% all people have this kind of blood.
  2. The second blood type is A (II). Appeared approximately between the twenty-fifth and fifteenth millennia BC, when people began to cultivate the land and cost the city. She is found at 30-40% the population of the earth.
  3. The third blood group - B (III). It appeared just over ten thousand years ago, when people began to move, develop new lands and adapt to different climatic conditions. It is possessed 10-20% population.
  4. The fourth blood group is AB (IV). The youngest, little-studied and rare blood group. Appeared about two thousand years ago. People with this blood type make up only 2-5% population. Interestingly, it was precisely this type of blood that was discovered during the analysis of the Shroud of Turin, from which its researchers concluded that Jesus Christ had a fourth blood group.

So, what character traits do people with different blood types differ from each other?

The first blood type - "Hunters"

These people are strong in every sense of the word:

  • impulsive,
  • open,
  • active,
  • domineering,
  • bold,
  • resolute,
  • self-confident.

They are leaders, enthusiasts, optimists by nature and purposefulness they do not hold. Like their distant ancestors, ancient hunters, they, noticing the target, no longer see obstacles.

The first blood type predetermines business orientation personality. Such people are not afraid of responsibility, power, they are not afraid of risks, and they cannot stand monotony, boredom and monotony.

Since people with the first blood group are more instinctive, sex often comes first for them. Men- "males" like to "hunt" for a woman, they do not like easy accessibility and humility. Women with the first blood group are also sexually active, but very jealous.

Among shortcomings people with the first blood type stand out as follows: excessive mobility, imbalance, excitability, aggressiveness, arrogance, painful perception of criticism. People with the first blood type love to abuse "dangerous" joys: alcohol, drugs, games, shopping, extreme sports and more.

The second blood group - "Farmers"

When the ancient people learned not only to hunt and collect fruits, but also to cultivate the land, they could not help but change internally. The new way of life assumed the ability to negotiate, cooperate and live in a community.

People with the second blood group:

  • calm,
  • reasonable,
  • organized,
  • industrious,
  • conscientious,
  • responsible,
  • patient
  • peaceful.

"Farmers" loving harmony, tranquility, order and stability in everything. In work pay attention to small things and details, diligent and accurate. They do not strive for career heights, they are excellent performers, they do not feel discomfort in the role of subordinates.

In love men those with the second blood group are the most romantic, they are shy, modest, sensitive, appreciate care and comfort. Never become the initiators of the conflict. Their feelings can often only be detected by looking eye to eye. Often choose women older than themselves in age. Women with the second blood group, they are also shy, flexible and faithful.

Among negative qualities people with the second blood group are: secrecy (they often go into themselves, hide both anxiety and anxiety, and joy and happiness), stubbornness, irritability, excessive caution, inability to relax. They may abuse alcohol and have a tendency to overeat.

The third blood type - "Nomads"

These are people who survive by the ability to adapt to new conditions. For them, it is not a problem to change their place of residence, work, life partner. They are always sure that the best is ahead.

People with the third blood type:

  • optimistic,
  • funny,
  • original,
  • creative,
  • sociable,
  • open,
  • independent,
  • freedom-loving.

Comfort is not the main thing for "nomads", they are ready to easily exchange it for new sensations and impressions, they love changes. Such people prefer travel and adventure to a calm and measured life. They are very courteous in communication, love to talk, tell, joke, flatter.

Job"Nomads" will be satisfied when there is a frequent change of activities, business trips and sufficient time for rest. They have flexible and innovative thinking. Easily and quickly dismissed at the first quarrel with the authorities.

Men with the third blood group, to put it mildly, are fickle in love, they are "Don Juan" or simply "womanizer". Seductive, they know how to speak beautifully, bewitch and fall in love with women. Their partners have to make a choice: endure numerous betrayals or end the relationship. Women with the third blood type are charming, attractive, extraordinary and often fickle, but they, unlike men, eventually become good housewives and devoted wives.

Flaws: inconstancy, impatience, unpredictability, superficiality, egocentrism, deceit, frivolity, excessive gambling.

The fourth blood group - "Mystery"

There is an assumption that this group appeared as a result of a mixture of Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids, which determines the integrity, versatility of personality and similarity with other blood groups (most of all with the second group).

The man-"mystery" is distinguished by the following character traits:

  • kindness,
  • meekness,
  • compassion,
  • equilibrium,
  • justice,
  • sensitivity,
  • intuition,
  • non-conflict,
  • originality.

People with the fourth blood group have a special, extraordinary worldview, they are distinguished by spirituality and the ability to please people.

People-"mysteries" have a mild disposition, they are smart, diplomatic, always ready to listen and come to the rescue. They fit any helping profession and scientific activity. They are good organizers, imaginative and imaginative.

Men-"riddles" love sex and know how to turn it into art. They generally prefer the company of women to the company of men. Such men have a special magnetism and charisma, attracting women to them. They do not know how to restrain passion and do not tolerate rejection, but at the same time they are reasonable enough, so they will never marry “because of sex.” As husbands, they are restrained and moral.

Woman- "riddle" the owner of a very strong libido, but at the same time strict and demanding. She does not feel loved if she is not given enough attention, and she demands it again and again. With a chosen man, a woman with the fourth blood group is very sensual and sexy, knows how to adapt to him and becomes a “sex doctor”, healing his body and soul with her energy.

Flaws people with the fourth blood group: suspiciousness, indecision, fear of everything new, inability to stand up for themselves, low self-esteem.

Character traits due to blood type are described by the authors of the classification as permanent. Indeed, the character is very difficult to change, but the shortcomings that already exist in it can be corrected or learned to compensate.

More and more psychologists come to the conclusion that a person with limited physical abilities can expand his potential by developing awareness, because consciousness has no boundaries.

  1. Olga Ivushkina “4 blood types - 4 lifestyles”
  2. Natalia Bogdanova “Blood Types: Individual Life Program”
  3. Joseph Christiano "Blood Types, Body Types and You"
  4. Elena Zhadko “Character and blood type. Psychology by hemocodes”
  5. Alexander Dobrov “Four blood types: The nature of a person, his illnesses and nutrition”

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