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The Leo love horoscope predicts a lot of fuss and anxiety for representatives of this sign in 2014, caused by their constant desire to be first in everything. Their behavior and actions will sometimes shock those around them, so extraordinary and unpredictable will Leos be next year.

Already at the beginning of the year, the stars warn them against rash actions that can lead to the most unexpected consequences. Of course, such behavior will allow representatives of this sign to always be in the center of attention, easily win hearts and achieve any, even the most immodest, desires.

In the spring months, Leos will be quite categorical. It is likely that they will decide to break off the relationship that has long burdened them, even if they have lived together for quite a long time. At the same time, they will actively look for a new partner, not paying attention to whether the person is single or in a relationship. Leos should be careful in their relationships, as there is a high probability of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, which will bring a lot of unpleasant emotions.

Summer will be a time of carefree and fun for Leos. At this time, they will travel a lot, visit entertainment venues, and participate in various public events. Many will fall under their charm, so it is not surprising that attempts to win their favor will increase significantly. True, none of them will be successful, because representatives of this sign do not at all strive for serious and long-term relationships.

At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, Leo's love horoscope prepares a surprise for him in the form of a meeting with a person who can seriously and for a long time captivate him, occupying all his thoughts, depriving him of peace and sleep. During this period, Leo’s activity will decrease, but partners will become significantly more active, which will give positive results. It is possible that many representatives of this sign will decide to register a marriage or have a child. At the same time, this will be a thoughtful and balanced decision.

The end of the year for Leo will be a time devoted to their children and solving their problems, so no global changes are expected on the personal front. Representatives of this sign will sometimes be too demanding of the child, which will be perceived negatively and will lead to the most common rebellion. To avoid serious scandals, Leos need to be more tolerant and allow children to be more independent and free.

Love horoscope for a Leo woman for 2014

Throughout the year, the Leo woman will bathe in the love and care of her beloved. He will be able to turn the indomitable predator into a cute domestic cat that will be admired and fascinated by his partner.

The beginning of the year should be devoted entirely to caring for children. They need mother's love and care now more than ever. At the same time, it would be nice for the Lioness to learn from her own children such qualities as patience, restraint and optimism. Because those around her believe that it is precisely these qualities that the representative of this sign really lacks.

In the second half of the year, Lionesses will need care and affection more than ever, so they will begin to look for a partner who can give tenderness and attention. For married Lionesses, this will be a period when they will need support and help from their partner, since not the best times will come for him.

Free Lionesses will begin an affair with a person who will not be accepted by their relatives, and as a result, minor disputes and friction will arise. But towards the end of the year, representatives of this sign can expect a marriage proposal from their partner, and right now the time of calm and boundless happiness comes for them.

Love horoscope for a Leo man for 2014

In 2014, the stars advise the king of beasts to be more careful when choosing a partner and not to rush headlong into a relationship. You should not arrange checks - this can only do harm, you just need to wait, look at actions and actions and draw some conclusions based on the results of observations.

For married Leos, this will be a period of disagreements and omissions with their partner. It will seem to them that the wrong person is next to them, but they will not be able to understand the true reason for such a perception of reality. In any case, it is better not to make hasty decisions and break off relations. It’s worth waiting and weighing everything carefully. It is likely that the problem will resolve itself. And Leo the man will be satisfied with the result.

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In 2014, Leos will need to take stock of the work done previously, enjoy the fruits of their labors, and set new goals. The most active and ambitious Leos, despite the opposition of the planets in the horoscope, can try to implement new tasks, but astrologers recommend postponing them.

Despite the not very favorable picture in the field of work and career, the wind of change will bring revitalization to all areas of life of people born under this fire sign. In 2014, Leos will be able to show their innate leadership qualities and play a decisive role in any situation.

In 2014, Leo will also have Fortuna on her side, the goddess of good fortune and luck. In the year of the Horse, Leos can try their luck even in gambling - winning will be quite likely. But astrologers do not advise joking with financial transactions on the verge of legality - such attempts to make money will end in deception and even dishonor for Leo.

The most successful month for Leo in 2014 promises to be May. In the last month of spring, new influential acquaintances may appear who will play an important role in your life. This period is a good time to make new plans.

September will also be favorable. This month, Lviv will experience career growth, a salary increase, or an offer of a new, more profitable job. In the fall, you can quickly resolve any paperwork issue. If you have unresolved problems in the field of taxes, insurance or inheritance, take care of them in the third decade of the first autumn month.

And the main thing in the year of the Horse is for Leos not to oppose themselves, personal ambitions and dreams to their family. In the first half of the year, you simply need to find happiness in love, succeed in raising children and the ability to find a common language with people. In the second half of the year, you will be able to unleash your creative potential, which will help you fulfill your old dreams. Believe that you will succeed, the main thing is to start!

Leo love horoscope for 2014

From January to the end of June you will have good luck in love. Perhaps friendships will develop into something more, but try to weigh the pros and cons first. Most likely, you will meet your prince at a corporate party, in public organizations, in hobby clubs.

In the second half of the year, Leos will want romance and tenderness in their relationships. During this period, you will be attracted to men who are primarily looking for kinship of souls. If you have been together for a long time, get ready for a period of testing: your spouse will face troubles, he will need your support and care.

From the beginning of June, a secret romance or relationship with an unfree person may begin. In June, be careful not to give in to temptation. Most likely, your gentleman will not belong to your relatives, so there may be some friction on this matter. It will be easier for your loved one to muster up the courage and propose at the beginning of February or July, at the end of March or May, and also in mid-October.

Leo work and career horoscope for 2014

The work will pleasantly please you with good working conditions and comfort. However, open confrontation with one of the business partners is possible. In 2014, it will not be difficult for you to find a good job. Advanced training courses are highly desirable. Particularly favorable are working from home, opening your own company, resolving paperwork issues, and renting office space.

January-March 2014 may bring unexpected material losses, you may even have to take out loans, but be careful. From the beginning of February to mid-April, your business sense will increase, and successful investments can bring large sums as compensation for recent losses. The first half of March, mid-April and November are the right time to organize a large business and resolve issues with banking and inspection structures. From the end of July to the beginning of December, good part-time jobs are periodically possible.

Leo health horoscope for 2014

Throughout the year, your body will be grateful to you for your health-improving activities. It is especially important to follow a reasonable regimen, lead a healthy lifestyle, and strengthen the immune system. Sedentary work will require compensation with active rest. It is necessary to introduce more calcium into the diet to prevent osteoporosis.

In January 2014, you may be bothered by two different illnesses at the same time, but you will quickly overcome it if you put in at least a minimum of effort. The second half of the year may bring melancholic states, attacks of suspiciousness and fear of loneliness or, conversely, crowded places. It is important not to retreat into your shell, but to work intensively on yourself. Meditation and spiritual practices, dousing with cold water, creativity, more frequent communication with small children, nature and music are suitable.

Leo man horoscope for 2014

Taking care of the health of all family members will become an integral part of life, but you will do it with pleasure. Most likely, the time has come for a major overhaul, for which you have been preparing for a long time.

In 2014, the Leo man should more carefully resolve issues with fiscal authorities, carefully double-check everything so that problems do not arise later. But at work you will find a good patron.

Men born under the sign of Leo need to gradually accustom their adult children to the idea of ​​earning money on their own, at least for pocket expenses. In addition, this will force them to spend money more economically. In the first half of the year they will have to learn not to succumb to the bad influence of their companions, and in the second they will tend to look for unnecessary adventures.

Leo woman horoscope for 2014

In the year of the Horse, you will finally be able to completely surrender yourself into the hands of your loved one. At the beginning of the year, he will show his strength and courage, after which even the most demanding Lionesses will melt at one touch.

At the beginning of 2014, the Leo woman’s horoscope recommends focusing on raising her children. By the way, it would not hurt you to learn from the kids their calmness, optimism and spontaneity. Many people around you think that you are at times very lacking in these qualities

In 2014, astrologers advise the weak half of the zodiac sign Leo not to set very ambitious and difficult to achieve goals. Try to focus on specific plans that can be implemented in the foreseeable time, otherwise you risk your good mood for the whole year.

At work and in business, the Leo woman's energy and business acumen will help strengthen your financial status. True, the Leo 2014 horoscope warns that money problems may still arise at the beginning of the year. Try not to lend money to anyone during this period, especially for large amounts for you. The likelihood that they will be returned in time is minimal.

Leo horoscope 2014 by year of birth

Leo - Rat

(born 1936, 1948,1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Traveling in the first half of 2014 Horses Getting acquainted will broaden your horizons and change your understanding of the world. In the second half of the year, the stars will test their ability to be a responsible and efficient worker and complete tasks on time.

Leo - Ox

(born 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Perhaps your bosses will decide to make you their successor, or there will be a need to change your professional preferences. Your talents may well come to fruition.

Leo - Tiger

(born 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

Events in the life of society will excite you so much that you decide to change everything. The world will send such an opportunity. Feel free to live by the principle “do what you must and let what will be.”

Leo - Cat

(born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987,1999)

At times you will be difficult for others to understand. Your sign has time in 2014 to work on itself in order to gain internal self-discipline. Learn to selflessly help people.

Leo - Dragon

(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Selfishness and pride at the beginning of 2014 will push you into conflicts. But this is fraught with losses both materially and morally. Humanity and the ability to communicate are the key to harmony.

Leo - Snake

(born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

At the beginning of the Year of the Horse, surprises may await you at home. Be prepared for anything: from forced repairs to the arrival of relatives or treasure in the wall. The second half of 2014 promises love for Leos born in the year of the Snake.

Leo - Horse

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978,1990,2002)

The ardor and impetuosity of your nature in 2014 will be valuable in themselves. Your innate talent for fitting into any environment can bring unexpected benefits to your family and work.

Leo - Goat

(born 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991,2003)

Your attitude towards money will show how you treat people. To avoid getting into unpleasant situations, you should not judge a person by the thickness of his wallet, because you will find out for yourself what it is like.

Leo - Monkey

(born 1944,1956,1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

In the first half of 2014 there will be time for relaxation, entertainment, and love. This will give you strength and help you cope with possible friction in the workplace in the second half of the year.

Leo - Rooster

(born 1945,1957,1969,1981, 1993, 2005)

Can you adapt? If not, try this in the first six months, the result will surprise and even shock you. Harmony in everything - in relationships with your loved one, in the family, at work.

Leo - Dog

(born 1946,1958,1970,1982, 1994, 2006)

Leo - Pig

(born 1947,1959,1971,1983, 1995, 2007)

In the first half of 2014, everything will work out by itself. Your wise advice will be listened to. Cooperation with a foreign company will help you realize your ambitious dreams.

© Horoscope Leo for 2014 was compiled specifically for the site

2014 for Leo will be a year of implementation of plans and vigorous activity. A lot of work awaits you, you may not have time to cope with everything, and those around you can only add problems instead of support and help. Therefore, be sure to plan, and try to forgive friends or family. The Year of the Horse will be favorable to you, but will require a lot of dedication and strong employment. If you keep up the pace, the reward will exceed any dreams! Believe in yourself, be stubborn, learn to carefully see and hear others. All this will help you achieve your goal.


Drive away worries and depression, your energy and activity will help you avoid illness in the first half of 2014. The second half of the year will also not cause you any special problems if you follow your diet and food choices.


In 2014, you will be able to do any job! But Leos are the kings of beasts, they strive to rule and subjugate. The Year of the Horse will provide you with the opportunity to achieve a leadership position and fulfill your dreams. The first half of the year will require you to take great responsibility and the ability to make the right decisions. Business owners are awaiting inspection, so they should take care of paperwork and compliance with all legal requirements. Many Leos will be drawn to start their own business - this action will be supported by the planets, although some temporary difficulties will still not be avoided.

The second half of the year will bring big changes and changes. However, luck will not turn away from you. Conflicts with partners are possible, which will lead to a reshaping of spheres of influence.

Leo scientists may make an important discovery in 2014.


2014 will bring Leos a huge number of new acquaintances. Romances at work, dates with foreigners, many adventures and unforgettable flirting are likely. The stars advise single Leos not to reveal their souls to a new passion right away, but to give time the opportunity to dot all the i’s and show you the true face of your new acquaintance.

If you already have a loved one, then 2014 will bring doubts about whether this is the one you need.

The second half of the year will bring quarrels and discord in love relationships. Possible separation. Try not to make rash decisions and think things through carefully.


The first half of 2014 may bring problems and quarrels with your family. You are especially at risk if you work with your significant other at the same job. Your loved ones will always expect something from you, and it will happen that you will not be able to guess their expectations or fulfill their desires. This will cause scandals and reproaches. Also, the first half of the year will be marked by problems and misunderstandings in relationships with children.

The second half of the year will exacerbate unresolved problems, but in general the period is more favorable for relationships with family.


The financial horoscope for Leo for 2014 promises an even, gradual influx of money, but you should not forget about planning and avoid large unexpected expenses that can cause lack of money. Profits are expected in the fall. In general, the financial situation will be such that you can open your own business if you wish. However, the royal nature of Leo may well waste all available capital on whims, which, of course, should be avoided. The stars say that you should restrain yourself when it comes to purchases, so as not to break loose and spend more than you can afford.

In the middle of the year, a new project is possible that will require you to invest funds. Before investing money, weigh all the risks. You may have to take out a loan for this project.

The second group of surprises will most likely appear in April and again in early May. But these potential problems will be related to the purely technical side of the issue, not in the sphere of work, but in the sphere of personal life. In other words, Leo’s car may unexpectedly break down when they decide to go out into nature with their “other half” over the weekend. Or your computer may fail when you really need it. In any case, it will not be possible to prepare for these problems; you can only quickly and clearly, without panic and unnecessary actions, react to what is happening. To do this, Leos are advised to be on guard, but at the same time remember that if you constantly strain your nerves and attention, you can end up with serious overexertion, with all the ensuing consequences.

The second stage of 2014 for Lviv will begin at the end of May and will last until September. Unfortunately, from a professional point of view, this will be a negative time. Of course, thanks to the general situation among the celestial bodies of the solar system, the position of the representatives of this zodiac constellation will not be so terrible, however, this does not mean at all that Leos can completely rely on someone and forget about responsibility for their own lives. On the contrary, you need to put all your efforts into coping with the problems that have arisen. To do this, you need to bring cold calculations to your side and completely suppress feelings. But not all. Which emotional moments can be left will be determined by Leos themselves. For this you will have everything you need, for the rest the stars will really help. In other words, Leos at this stage will have to pull themselves together, subordinate their desires to their capabilities and slowly but surely achieve their goal. Fortunately, Leo will also have support in the form of friends and relatives, and on the “love front” everything will work out well.

The third stage will take place at the end of September and will last until the end of 2014. And just at this time the favor of the stars towards Leo will be maximum. There will be no cruel and stupid leaders who set unthinkable, senseless and simply impossible tasks. There will be no envious colleagues who are just waiting for an opportunity to simply “sit on” their fellow worker. There will be no business partners who cancel deals and terminate profitable contracts at the last minutes. All this will be replaced by a sober and favorable situation on all fronts. This means that Leos will finally be able to use their full potential to implement the largest and most risky projects, without fear of losing. Just don’t forget that luck favors those who have done their best for themselves. In other words, the stars will provide Leos with the missing thirty percent of success, expressed in a successful combination of circumstances, only under one condition: if Leos organize the remaining seventy percent for themselves. At a minimum, no one will disturb Leos: neither people nor the environment. Therefore, any desire can be fulfilled in the best possible way.

The entire forecast for Lviv for 2014 can be divided into three main stages.

First stage: from January to early May

In January and February, Leos should not actively implement their plans. It’s better to calmly wait for fate itself to put everything in its place. Closer to mid-spring, representatives of the sign can begin vigorous activity. At this time, Leos will succeed in everything exactly as they planned, and maybe even better. The only rule that should be followed during this period is constant planning of actions. By following this strategy, Leos will achieve great success and will be able to avoid mistakes.

You should not risk your accumulated capital in the first two months of the year. From March, Leos can plan large investments to increase the size of their assets.

At the beginning of March, Leos need to take care of their health. Many chronic diseases can worsen. Pay attention to the prevention of colds, get examined by doctors. If you give up on your own health during this period, problems with it will hinder you in the future. The beginning of May is another dangerous period threatening diseases.

April - early May will be marked by a series of technical problems. Your car, computer, phone, etc. may suddenly break down. It will be impossible to predict such turns; you just need to react quickly in the event of a breakdown. Treat surprises of this kind philosophically and do not get upset, otherwise you will get nervous strain.

Second phase

From the end of May to September, Leo should pay special attention to the professional sphere of life. In general, the situation does not promise any special ups and downs, but you better monitor the atmosphere in the workplace. You shouldn’t rely too much on your colleagues, focusing only on other areas of your life. People around you may be plotting an intrigue. Otherwise, life will more than satisfy you.

Friends and family will support you in any situation, your personal life is on top, as is your health and financial areas.

Third stage

The period from the end of September to the end of December will be a real fairy tale for Leo. At work, everything will calm down, colleagues will not set up any intrigues, even the bosses, who constantly set impossible tasks, will seem to “fall asleep.” It's time to take action and take risks.

Fate gives you a chance to achieve all the goals that you have set for yourself all the previous time. But at the same time, Leos are not recommended to sit still and wait for everything to come true. This is a period when you will have to work a lot on yourself, but the result will exceed all expectations.

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