What is vitamin d3. Useful properties and features of the use of vitamin D3 (D3). Interaction with other drugs

The content of the article:

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble compound of group D, which is important for the normal functioning of the body, especially necessary for the health and development of bone tissue. This element is produced by the body, or rather the skin, under the influence of sunlight. In view of this fact, residents of the northern regions are often deficient in D3 and must regularly consume foods that contain it, thus receiving it from the outside. Often, vitamin supplementation is prescribed in the form of medications.

What is vitamin D3 for?

The “sunshine” vitamin takes part in many processes in the body, but is most important for the normal functioning of the following systems:

  • Bone. Helps absorb minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which is very important for the normal formation of bone and dental tissue, as well as its strengthening.
  • Immune. The bone marrow and its normal functioning are also directly dependent on D3, because it is responsible for the production of immune cells.
  • Nervous. The element helps maintain the required concentration of calcium in the blood, which is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. In addition, the vitamin restores the protective membranes of the nerves, and therefore is often used in the treatment of severe diseases of the central nervous system, in particular multiple sclerosis.
It is also important to note the enormous importance of the vitamin for cell growth and renewal, as well as in the prevention of the formation of abnormal molecular bonds, the development of oncological processes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. There is scientific evidence of the effectiveness of D3 in slowing the growth of breast tumors and preventing atherosclerosis.

And finally, we need to talk about the importance of vitamin for endocrine glands. It stabilizes insulin synthesis and, as a result, normalizes blood glucose levels. This makes the element especially important for people with a predisposition to diabetes.

Benefits of Liquid Vitamin D3

A long-term deficiency of vitamin D3, which almost every Russian experiences due to the long cold period, can lead to very sad consequences. Of course, you can hope to replenish its reserves through food, but it is better to buy a liquid vitamin at the pharmacy and take it daily according to the prescribed dosage. Taking the element is especially important for children and women, but for males its deficiency is also extremely undesirable. Let's take a closer look at why vitamin D3 is needed for each population group.

Vitamin D3 for women

Vitamin D3 for women cannot be replaced by any other compounds, and therefore if you don’t spend much time in the sun, you should definitely take it additionally!

Vitamin D3 is often called the “women’s health hormone.” And that's why:

  1. During menstruation, a large amount of calcium is washed out of the body, and therefore its proper absorption, which is facilitated by the element in question, becomes of great importance. Not only does it keep your bones strong and healthy, but it also strengthens your hair and nails.
  2. During pregnancy, D3 is also of particular importance for women, as it helps the proper formation of healthy bones in the fetus. During the lactation period, the mother, again, should not forget about taking additional vitamins, so as not to provoke its deficiency for herself.
  3. In addition, the vitamin is extremely necessary during menopause, since at this time the likelihood of developing osteoporosis - bone fragility - increases, while D3 will significantly reduce the likelihood of developing this disease.
  4. This mineral also helps maintain a healthy metabolic rate through adequate phosphorus absorption. In turn, proper metabolism, that is, the effective absorption of beneficial elements and the rapid elimination of harmful toxins, helps a woman remain slim and beautiful, because the condition of the intestines is always reflected in the skin.
  5. The beneficial effect on the nervous system is also an important beneficial effect of vitamin D3 for women, because the fair half of humanity is less emotionally stable than men.

Vitamin D3 for men

And in the male body, vitamin D3 plays a very important role. With its long-term deficiency, a man will simply cease to be a man, his muscles will become sluggish, his strength and tone will disappear, as well as his libido.

Now let’s figure out why the strong half of humanity needs vitamin D3:

  • Firstly, of course, to maintain endurance. Healthy strong bones equal healthy strong muscles, which most men, of course, want to have.
  • Secondly, the element has a huge impact on testosterone levels. The fact is that with insufficient consumption or improper absorption of calcium, testosterone takes on the “maintenance responsibilities” of bone tissue. D3 frees testosterone from this work, so that it can fulfill its direct hormonal role. As a result, sexual desire is stimulated and the likelihood of developing diseases of the genitourinary system and impotence is reduced.
  • Thirdly, the vitamin is involved in the processes of transformation into less active forms of estrogen. This is a female hormone, which, however, is also produced in the male body. Its excessive accumulation and activity leads to decreased libido and obesity.

Note! For the stronger half of humanity, the ability of the vitamin to reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system is especially important, since the mortality rate for men from heart attacks is significantly higher than that for women.

Vitamin D3 for children

Finally, let's look at the importance of liquid vitamin D3 for children. It is worth saying right away that today this particular element is assigned to the baby almost from birth. Its daily intake should be especially strictly observed if the child was born in the cold season.

What is the reason for prescribing D3 even to newborn babies? Let's figure it out:

  1. As we have repeatedly said above, vitamin D3 is responsible for a healthy skeletal system, as well as its development. That is why this element is extremely important at the time of growth. A newborn does not have reserves of this element, so it is really necessary to give the vitamin from the first days of life, otherwise by the third month the first signs of rickets will be observed.
  2. It is worth remembering the importance of the element for the development of the immune system, which is not fully developed in the baby. Thus, by giving your child a vitamin, you not only help his bones grow, but also protect him from infections and viruses.
  3. The baby’s nervous system is also not mature, and D3 helps its proper development.
As you can see, the presence of vitamin in a child’s diet is especially important, since it is responsible for the normal development of key systems and the skeletal system. So its appointment from the first days of life is quite justified.

Harm of vitamin D3

And, nevertheless, with such extensive beneficial properties of the element, when taking it, it is very important to take into account many subtleties so that the benefit does not turn into harm.

The first subtlety is that D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it does not dissolve in water, and therefore its excess cannot be excreted by the kidneys and this situation poses a serious danger to the body, which can lead to irreparable consequences in the case of children.

The initial symptoms of hypervitaminosis are loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, then general weakness is noted, weight loss begins, and developmental delays are observed. Calcium accumulates in excess and begins to be deposited on internal organs; this situation can provoke atherosclerosis (with a lack of magnesium, the likelihood of developing the disease increases many times). Agree, it’s simply amazing that moderate doses of the vitamin protect against atherosclerosis, while excess doses, on the contrary, provoke it.

Thus, the correct use of vitamin D3 in preparations is of decisive importance. In the correct dosage, it cannot cause harm to the body, but if you take it more than required, hypervitaminosis will occur, the harm of which is enormous.

Unfortunately, the doctor cannot always determine the correct dosage, since each organism is individual - this is, firstly. And, secondly, the doctor cannot know how much time you will spend in the sun, how much vitamin your body synthesizes on its own, or what food you will eat. Of course, there are indications collected statistically, but statistics are sometimes wrong, so if you notice a deterioration in your or your child’s health after prescribing vitamin D3, consult your doctor immediately.

Note! Prerequisites for hypervitaminosis can be: protein starvation, excess vitamins A and C, genetic predisposition to hypersensitivity to vitamin D.

It is also noteworthy that children with rickets are especially sensitive to an excess of vitamin D3, and since the treatment of this disease necessarily involves taking this element, tests for its content in the body must be performed regularly.

What foods contain vitamin D3?

If in winter taking additional vitamin D3 is a good practice, then in summer (not without prior consultation with your doctor, of course) you can refuse it. However, you should not forget about products in which the element is contained in large quantities.

And here vegans will be disappointed, since all the record-breaking vitamin content products are of animal origin:

  • Red caviar. A tablespoon contains 0.02 mg of this vitamin.
  • Eggs. A much more budget-friendly remote sensing provider. The highest concentration is in the yolk; just one contains 0.042 mg of the vitamin. However, do not forget that eggs are high in cholesterol, so do not go overboard with this product.
  • Beef liver. A ready-made 100-gram serving contains 0.053 mg of vitamin, and although the product is not for everyone, it is worth eating it at least occasionally, because it also contains a lot of protein, iron and vitamin A. But, again, like eggs, it contains cholesterol , so don't overdo it.
  • Acne. Do you like rolls? Good news - 100 grams of eel contains almost 5 mg of D3! This is really a lot, so you shouldn’t overuse this product either, otherwise hypervitaminosis may develop. But it’s still nice to think that a portion of your favorite sushi on weekends is not an unforgivable weakness, but a therapeutic procedure.
  • Sardines. This fish is also rich in D3, 0.5 mg per 100 grams. By the way, it also contains useful Omega-3, calcium, potassium, iron and many other vitamins, macro- and microelements.
In addition, vitamin D3 is found in sufficient quantities in dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, butter.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that the plant world also has its own champions for D3 content - these are shiitake mushrooms (0.3 mg per 100 grams) and soy milk (0.12 mg in one glass). In addition, it is present in potatoes, oatmeal and various greens.

How to take vitamin D3

Finally, let’s look at effective D3 preparations and statistical doses of vitamin intake, but remember, this is in no way a guide to action, but only introductory information, which will also be present in any D3 instructions. By the way, medications are produced in various forms - drops, pills, capsules.

TOP 5 most popular vitamin D3 preparations:

  • Aquadetrim. Natural vitamin DZ. The drug is suitable for people of all ages, but is aimed at young children. It is he who is most often prescribed by pediatricians. Available in the form of drops, one drop contains a daily pediatric dose of 500 IU.
  • Vigantol. The drug is available in the form of an oil solution, each drop, again, containing a dose of 500 IU. Just like Aquadentrim, it can be taken in pure form, or can be dissolved in water or milk. The active ingredient is the same - natural D3. This drug is most often prescribed to children.
  • Alpha D3-Teva. Vitamin D3 in capsules with oil solution. The dose of one capsule is 0.5 mcg. The active component of the drug is alfacalcidol, a synthetic analogue of D3. The drug is prescribed to restore calcium balance, improve its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce the activity of the so-called PGT hormone, which inhibits the formation of bone tissue.
  • Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3. A complex drug, available in tablets. One tablet contains 1.25 g of calcium carbonate and 200 IU of vitamin D3. It is prescribed for preventive purposes; for better absorption it is recommended to drink it with an sour drink. The most perfect analogue of the drug only in the form of chewable tablets Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte. These complexes are especially recommended for women.
  • Vitrum Osteomag. Another complex drug contains 200 IU of vitamin D3, 600 mg of calcium, as well as magnesium (40 mg), zinc (7.5 mg), boron (250 mcg), copper (1 mg), manganese (1.8 mg) . Usually prescribed to men.

Please note that vitamin D3 preparations are best combined with vitamin A, group B and ascorbic acid. It is advisable for children under 2 years of age not to take vitamins without calcium.

We present the statistical doses of vitamin D3 intake in the table:

Your doctor will determine the individual dosage for you:

  1. For prevention, children from 3 weeks of age are prescribed 500 IU every day or 1000 IU every other day from October to April inclusive.
  2. For the treatment of rickets, children are prescribed 2000-5000 IU daily for a month and a half. At the same time, a test for the absence of hypervitaminosis is regularly taken.
  3. For the treatment of other diseases in children and adults (the vitamin is prescribed as additional therapy for tuberculosis, lupus, injuries of one kind or another, etc.), the dose is determined purely individually.
  4. Preventive intake for adults is 300-500 IU per day in the autumn-winter period.

Important! When taking laxatives, the absorption of vitamin D3 is impaired!

Why do you need vitamin D3 - watch the video:

Vitamin D3 is a very important element for our body. Its sufficient content is important for women, men, and children. However, the dose of vitamin D3 is the cornerstone between the harm and benefit of the compound. Its excess, as well as its deficiency, can cause serious problems. That is why the use of such drugs must be coordinated with a doctor and the individual dose must be carefully selected.

The increased need of the female body for vitamins is associated with physiological characteristics. Blood loss during menstruation, stress that is more difficult for a woman than for a man, is associated with a large consumption of vitamins and nutrients. Their consumption increases many times during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. One of the “women’s health vitamins” is vitamin D3, without which bones weaken, skin ages faster, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. The nature of the stress on the body changes at different periods of life, which also affects the need for this substance.

  1. D2 (ergocalciferol). This vitamin is not found in the human body. Yeast and other fungi, as well as some plants (for example, parsley) contain the so-called provitamin D2 (ergosterol). Once in the human body with plant foods, it turns into vitamin D2.
  2. D3 (cholecalciferol). The body receives it in two ways. Firstly, it is formed in human skin from cholesterol when illuminated by ultraviolet rays. Secondly, it enters the body with food of animal origin. This component is not contained in plant products.

The action of the substances in the body is the same.

Importance for the body

The peculiarity of vitamin D3 is that it plays a dual role in the body:

  1. Regulates the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which is necessary to maintain normal bone tissue. Accelerates the metabolic process, promotes the absorption of compounds of these chemical elements in the intestines.
  2. Acts as a hormone, regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Effect on various body systems

Musculoskeletal system. Without this substance, it is impossible to absorb calcium, which is part of bones, ligaments, dental tissue, muscles, and blood. Its deficiency leads to the leaching of calcium from bone tissue, resulting in its weakening and change in structure. This causes osteoporosis. The risk of the disease increases especially during menopause, when the absorption of nutrients and the production of vitamin D3 significantly deteriorate.

It is called an "antirachite" substance. During pregnancy, it is needed for the formation of healthy bones in the fetus, as well as protecting the expectant mother’s body from calcium deficiency and its consequences.

Nervous system. The substance ensures the growth and regeneration of nerve cells. The functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the ability of muscles to contract depend on the state of the neurons that transmit signals from the brain to the muscles.

Musculoskeletal system. During adolescence, the musculoskeletal system develops rapidly, which improves coordination of movements. During this period, the girl’s gait develops and her movements become more complicated. There is an increased intake of vitamin D3. Therefore, good nutrition and exposure to sunlight on the skin are especially important.

The immune system. D3 is necessary for the creation of immune cells. The body's ability to fight infection depends on their content in the blood. Infection leads to the occurrence of female inflammatory diseases, which cause menstrual irregularities and infertility. During pregnancy, infectious diseases lead to abnormal development of the fetus, miscarriage and other complications.

With a weakened immune system, the risk of breast cancer, intestinal cancer, skin diseases (psoriasis), and multiple sclerosis increases.

Endocrine system. This substance is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in the liver, increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, thereby regulating blood glucose levels. Increased insulin sensitivity causes the ovaries to produce excess estrogen. This leads to ovulation disorders and can cause infertility and early menopause. The ability to regulate blood sugar levels and increase tissue sensitivity to insulin helps reduce the risk of diabetes.

Vitamin D3 is very necessary for women to improve metabolism, burn fat, lose weight, and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Taking this drug is necessary for diseases of the thyroid gland, as this sharply reduces the content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

Video: The norm of vitamin D, the value of analyzing its content in the body

Daily requirement for women

When the need increases

Vitamin D3 deficiency is usually observed in people living in areas with long winters, few sunny days, and a predominance of clouds, rain and fog. Air dust (climatic or industrial) also makes it difficult for the skin to produce this substance. The need increases in adolescence and old age, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Increased doses are prescribed for the treatment of bone fractures, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, endocrine, and immune systems.

Note: Vitamin D3 is not produced in the skin if it is covered with clothing or sunscreen. Visiting a solarium can enhance its production, but strong ultraviolet radiation contributes to the development of skin cancer.

The causes of vitamin deficiency can be diseases of the stomach and intestines, which impede its absorption, as well as vegetarian diets, liver diseases, and endocrine system organs.

Signs of Deficiency

With a lack of vitamin D3, a woman experiences increased fatigue, insomnia, and bone fractures. Pregnant women may experience leg cramps, drowsiness, joint pain, and deterioration of the condition of tooth enamel, skin, hair, and nails.

What is the danger of an overdose of vitamin D3?

This substance can accumulate in adipose tissue and is gradually consumed as needed. Before scheduling an appointment, its content in the blood is examined. With excess, excess calcium is formed, which in the form of calcifications (accumulation of salts) is deposited in the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and lungs. They can clog arteries and damage tissue.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis:

  • disruption of the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, fever;
  • scanty urine output, inflammation of the kidneys, traces of blood in the urine, as well as the presence of protein and leukocytes;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • the appearance of a bluish tint to the skin;
  • rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia;
  • hypertension;
  • liver enlargement.

An increased calcium content and a decreased phosphorus concentration are found in the blood.

Video: The role of vitamin D in the body, sources of its replenishment

Sources of vitamin D3 entering the body from the outside

The substance enters the body with food or in the form of vitamin preparations.

Vitamin D content in foods

Preparations with vitamin D3

Minisan. The drug is available in tablets (1 tablet contains 10 mcg of the substance), as well as in drops (5 drops = 12.5 mcg of vitamin).

Aquadetrim (1 drop of the drug contains 12.5 mcg of vitamin).

Vigantol (1 drop = 16.5 mcg of vitamin).

Natekal d3. Chewable and lozenge tablets (1 tablet contains 10 mcg of vitamin D3).

Regardless of diet, our skin produces vitamin D(from cholesterol, by the way), after being exposed to sunlight - this means direct action. Sitting in front of a closed window is of little use because the glass blocks ultraviolet rays, which activate the process of cholecalciferol synthesis.

On the other hand, ergocalciferol can only enter the human body through food.

Do you have dental problems or bone problems? There is a good chance that you are suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.

What is it useful for?

Molecules vitamin D (calciferol) perform the main task in the body - assimilation calcium and the use of its salts to form bones and teeth. Thus, calciferol Maintains skeletal strength and stability. Because women lose bone mass during menopause, they must pay special attention to ensuring that their bodies receive enough of this important substance. .

Interaction between calcium and vitamin D

Help for doctors

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) is the most important representative of the group of substances related to vitamin D. Role vitamin D usually associated only with providing the body calcium and phosphorus and skeletal formation. However, its physiological functions are much broader.

Vitamin D functions in the form of active forms - 25-hydroxycalciferol, 1,25-dihydroxycalciferol and 24,25-dihydroxycalciferol, which are hormones for which specific receptors have been found on the cells of many organs and tissues: osteocytes, chondrocytes, enterocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, activated T- and B-lymphocytes, etc. Therefore, he vitamin D is considered as a prohormone, hydroxylated derivatives are considered as hormones formed with the participation of cytochrome P-450 in the kidneys as an endocrine organ.

Products of hormonal forms calciferol controls parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone). From the above it follows that vitamin D plays an important role in the processes:

  • bone mineralization,
  • differentiation and maturation of cartilage tissue,
  • collagen maturation,
  • activates reparative processes in the epithelium.

Important role established vitamin D in the functioning of muscle tissue and stimulation of protein synthesis and ATP production in it.

Recently it has also been discovered immunomodulatory function vitamin D: it normalizes the ratio between T-helpers and T-suppressors, thereby controlling autoimmune processes. This is related to its effectiveness in psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Regulatory influence of active forms calciferol on the proliferation and differentiation of cells, including altered ones, underlies their inhibitory effect on tumor growth and helps prevent the occurrence of oncopathology, which was confirmed by the presence of an inverse correlation between the incidence of colorectal cancer and consumption vitamin D(and calcium).

In addition to the above, vitamin D used for:

  • prevention and treatment of rickets,
  • for osteoporosis,
  • hair loss,
  • weeping eczema,
  • for healing wounds and ulcers.

Lack of vitamins C, B2, K and E reduces therapeutic effectiveness vitamin D. In the human body, it can be synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight from its precursor D-7-dihydrocholesterol.


Vitamin D dissolves in fat and therefore can accumulate in the body.

As with any hormone, there is a certain optimal level calciferol. If it is exceeded, problems may arise. According to RNP dose cholecalciferol are 400 IU, or 10 mcg, per day for normal healthy adult men and women and about 7.5 mcg per day for normal healthy children.

Once it is known that vitamin D3 increases calcium levels in the blood, it is logical to expect that too much of it will lead to excessive calcium concentration, hypercalcemia. In such a case, the mineral would begin to penetrate the walls of blood vessels and other soft tissues (kidneys, heart, lungs), which could accelerate the formation of plaques that clog the arteries.

The consequence of this can be atherosclerosis and this is one way to sow the seeds of cardiovascular disease, especially if the body does not have enough magnesium. Plaques can begin to accumulate in the arteries even during childhood.

But instead of being afraid vitamin D, should be corrected - a more common threat to health, and therefore the root cause of various nutrition-related diseases.

High dose treatment vitamin D Not recommended. Although some sources put the “toxic” dose at 158,000 IU, other studies have found the dose to be as low as 10 times the dose of RNP (about 4,000 IU) vitamin D3, may cause loss of appetite, vomiting, thirst, diarrhea, muscle weakness and general pain. But under any circumstances you will rarely need to take a large dose cholecalciferol than 800-1200 IU per day.

Since a large cluster calciferol in the blood can have a toxic effect, nature has invented protection against this danger. Otherwise, people living in the south, near the equator, would become victims of the vitamin produced in their own skin. Therefore, nature decided to protect people from too hot sun by changing the color of their skin. The dark pigment melanin, composed of the amino acid tyrosine, blocks ultraviolet rays and reduces production vitamin D3.

However, in the process of acquiring a beautiful tan, we make vitamin D two-thirds more than when we avoid sunlight. In addition, with our constant exposure to the sun, cholesterol in the skin forms instead vitamin D inactive substances such as lumisterine to reduce harmful effects.

The more time we spend in the sun, the less it is synthesized in the skin. vitamin D.

This is noticeable because the first days spent in the sun strengthen our strength and give us a boost of energy, but staying in the sun for several weeks often leads us to fatigue, lethargy and nervousness.

Sun or milk – what to choose?

Contrary to popular belief, milk is by no means the best choice of an alternative source to daylight vitamin D.

First, different types of milk tend to contain too much monosaccharide, which can cause your blood sugar levels to skyrocket.

Secondly, milk does not always live up to its reputation as a source vitamin D(according to one test, approximately 20% of dairy products claimed to contain calciferol, in reality it was not contained).

Finally, milk is very rich phosphorus which interferes with metabolism vitamin D And calcium. Undoubtedly, cola and similar soft drinks carry an even greater risk related to phosphorus metabolic disorders vitamin D.

Brittle bones and dental problems are associated with impaired absorption of calcium and phosphorus or their lack in the body. Active metabolites of calciferol or vitamin D3, which is obtained from food, can help solve the problem - pediatricians especially insist on using the latter. How does it affect the condition of bone tissue and what drugs containing it make sense to take?

Why does the body need vitamin D3?

The official name of this substance is cholecalciferol. It belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and is produced by the body exclusively under the influence of ultraviolet rays, so in winter adults and children often experience a lack of it. Synthesis occurs in the skin. Vitamin D3 has the following pharmacological properties:

  • It takes part in phosphorus metabolism and increases the absorption of this mineral in the intestines.
  • It is important for the absorption of calcium, as it increases the permeability of mitochondria in the cells that make up the intestinal epithelium.

Proper reabsorption and normal metabolism of calcium, which are observed only with a normal amount of this vitamin D3 in the body, help increase the strength of the bones of newborns and form their skeleton, improve the condition of the teeth, and are necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, rickets and a number of other diseases associated with structural disorders bone tissue.

However, the symptoms of cholecalciferol deficiency can be noticed not only by the deterioration of the teeth/bones:

  • performance decreases;
  • general fatigue increases;
  • the initial stage of multiple sclerosis is observed.

What products contain

The natural deficiency of cholecalciferol, which occurs in winter and in residents of northern regions, is partially compensated by its receipt from food: the body can receive vitamin D3 from some foods and absorb it almost completely. Useful in this matter:

  • fish fat;
  • parsley;
  • milk (controversial, since the absorption of calcium is inhibited by the phosphorus present here);
  • egg yolks (raw);
  • tuna, mackerel;
  • halibut liver;
  • butter;
  • oatmeal.

Indications for use

Pregnant and breastfeeding women mostly experience calcium deficiency, so vitamin D (doctors combine D2 and D3 here) is recommended in the form of tablets or injections during this period. Given the sensitivity of newborns and the transfer of all nutrients through breast milk if they are breastfed, it is more important that the mother does not experience a deficiency. In older children, the use of a medicinal form of vitamin D3 is necessary for:

  • prevention and treatment of rickets;
  • treatment of osteoporosis;
  • strengthening the bone skeleton in preschool and old age;
  • treatment of hypoparathyroidism;
  • treatment of osteomalacia;
  • preventing deficiency of this vitamin in liver diseases, vegetarianism, after gastric resection.

Directions for use and dosage

If cholecalciferol is used unreasonably, the patient may develop a chronic overdose, so doctors insist on carefully reading the instructions and studying the concentration of the key vitamin in the composition. There are daily standards for cholecalciferol: up to 500 IU in adults, 200 IU in children. If some factors have led to vitamin D3 deficiency, doctors prescribe medications based on the following facts:

  • calcium concentration reaches normal when taking 200 thousand IU for six months;
  • for osteoporosis, the same 200 thousand IU are needed, but for 2 weeks;
  • for rickets, up to 400 thousand IU are prescribed for six months.

Vitamin D3 capsules

Among the dosage forms of cholecalciferol available in pharmacies, the capsular one wins: it is produced by several pharmaceutical companies, but vitamin D3 is mainly produced for adults, since the dosages of the main substance are very high - from 600 IU. Among such drugs, Solgar deserves attention - a product from an American manufacturer, it is a dietary supplement and cannot be used during pregnancy or in children. Dosage – 1 capsule per day with food.


Aquadetrim vitamin D3 has a concentration of 15000 IU/ml, which is equal to 30 drops. This amount is needed during pregnancy, if the doctor has already diagnosed a lack of vitamins D, or for other reasons for a serious deficiency of cholecalciferol - you should not buy Aquadetrim water for prevention. Among the key disadvantages of the drug is the difficulty of selecting the dosage - this should be done with a doctor, because:

  • 1 drop is equivalent to 500 IU of this vitamin, which covers the daily requirement of an adult;
  • In a child, prophylactic use of the drug can lead to hypervitaminosis D3.

The official instructions for the treatment of cholecalciferol deficiency advise adhering to the following doses:

  • Infants over 4 months – up to 3 drops per day.
  • During pregnancy - 1 drop daily from the 1st trimester until childbirth, or 2 drops, but from the 28th week.
  • After menopause, 2 drops per day.
  • For rickets, you can drink up to 10 drops per day, the course is 1.5 months. The exact dosage depends on the severity of the disease and urine tests.

Vitamin D3 tablets

The most famous pharmaceutical drug of this type is the mineral complex Calcium-D3 Nycomed, which is well tolerated by people of all ages, since even a prophylactic dose is easy to select. 1 tablet is 200 IU of vitamin D3, which is half the norm for a child and 1/3 of the adult norm. There is also a “Forte” option, with a double dosage of the vitamin.

According to the instructions, the tablets are taken primarily for prevention according to the following rules:

  • Children over 12 years old and adults 1 pc. in the morning and in the evening.
  • Children over 5 years old – 1 tablet. At a younger age, the dosage is determined by the doctor.
  • Tablets are allowed to be sucked or chewed.

Oil solution

Doctors call toxicity a disadvantage of this form of vitamin D3, so pediatricians prescribe it to children only when absolutely necessary, preferably recommending aqueous solutions or tablets. However, oil solutions also have advantages: vitamin D3 requires fat for dissolution and absorption, which water is not. Symptoms of overdose, if you drink Vitamin D3 oil solution, also appear less frequently. The most used by doctors is Vigantol, which has a simple composition, but like Aquadetrim, it cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription.

Vitamin D3 for children

Mostly doctors prescribe cholecalciferol to premature babies, since they do not have a natural supply of this element. However, it can put a lot of stress on the kidneys, so you need to entrust the choice of drug and dosage to your doctor. A separate point is that it is inadmissible to take such drugs in the summer (only from October to March), and the child himself must be breastfed.

How to take vitamin D3 for infants

In children over two weeks of age, doctors advise carrying out a procedure to strengthen bone tissue only if there are obvious symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency, if they do not receive it through breast milk, or due to congenital pathologies they have poor calcium absorption. Mostly experts recommend oil drops that need to be diluted with warm water. Instructions for use are as follows:

  • A baby born at term is prevented from rickets from the 2nd week of life by giving 1 drop of an oily vitamin solution daily. Water - 2 times a week in the same dosage.
  • If the child is premature, the dose is increased by 2 times.

Side effects

With normal sensitivity and full compliance with the instructions, no negative reactions are observed. Rarely happen:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • kidney dysfunction.


In children, long-term use of large doses of vitamin D3 can lead to impaired calcium metabolism, which is noticeable in a blood test, especially if thiazide drugs are used. In case of high sensitivity of the body, the following may develop:

  • anorexia;
  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • loss of body weight;
  • dehydration;
  • nausea;
  • soft tissue calcification.


Doctors do not recommend taking additional cholecalciferol medications if there are no symptoms of deficiency of this element or if it is elevated. You should not carry out therapy with their help if you have:

  • increased sensitivity of the body;
  • nephrourolytase;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas in acute form;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hypothyroidism.

Terms of sale and storage

All preparations based on vitamin D3 are not medicines - they are provitamins, so they are available without a prescription. The duration of storage is determined by the form: for oil drops it is 2 years, for an aqueous solution - 3 years (necessarily in the refrigerator), for capsules - 2 years.

Vitamin D3 price

The cost of cholecalciferol preparations is determined by the dosage form, country of origin and composition. The solutions used for treatment can be called budget - their price is in the range of 180-240 rubles. Capsules and tablets are more expensive, especially from American manufacturers: their cost starts from 300 rubles. and depends on the number of tablets in the package. The situation with the vitamin D3 preparations described above is as follows:


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