Diarrhea every day for several years. What to do if loose stools do not go away for a long time? What you can eat with diarrhea and what you can’t eat

Everyone, even healthy people, has experienced diarrhea, or diarrhea. There are a huge number of reasons for its appearance, starting with food products that are incompatible with each other and ending with very severe infections.

In this article, we will not consider severe infections accompanied by painful diarrhea, such as cholera and others. This is a separate topic.

Watery diarrhea

Watery diarrhea occurs when the small intestine is involved in the pathological process. This may be a situation where poisoning has occurred with poor-quality food products or during acute intestinal infections.

Sometimes the number of pathogenic bacteria present in the intestines can be very small. It is not the bacteria themselves that are dangerous, but their metabolic products, the toxins they release.

In the cold season, watery stools sometimes occur due to a number of viruses that are active in winter. These are so-called rotavirus infections, which are very easy to catch.

Why is water diarrhea dangerous?

Diarrhea can be roughly divided into watery stools without pathological impurities, such as blood, and diarrhea streaked with blood. If blood appears in the intestinal discharge, this is a signal to seek medical help, because... The causes of this symptom can be very serious: intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoidal bleeding or a serious bacterial infection. All these conditions can threaten the patient's life. But this also needs to be discussed separately.

So, if water diarrhea occurs in an adult, treatment should be immediate. It should be noted that with watery stools there is a large loss of water, and if this process is also accompanied by vomiting, then we can talk about dehydration, and it can occur very quickly if emergency measures are not taken.

The human body normally contains about 85-90% water. More precisely, the brain, muscles and heart contain approximately 76% fluid, blood - 84%, and only the human skeleton consists of 15-20% water. From this you can understand how important water is for humans. Every cell of our body consists of water, and if there is a lack of fluid, all systems and organs will suffer. In addition, during diarrhea, along with water, a huge amount of minerals that the body needs is released.

For a small child, a loss of 10% of body weight due to watery diarrhea is fatal. If a child weighs 5 kg, then a loss of 500 ml of fluid will be fatal for him. For adults, losing 10% of their body weight in a short period of time is more problematic, because... their weight is much greater, so they have time to make a decision. Dehydration (dehydration) is most dangerous for children and the elderly. Diarrhea in an adult - what to do? Of course, treat.

Diarrhea is not a diagnosis, but a symptom. To choose the right treatment tactics, it is necessary to establish the true cause of loose stools. Even if an adult has loose stools 2-3 times a day, which does not pose a threat to his life, over time (if this lasts for several days), the body will be severely depleted and the water-salt balance will be disrupted. Recovery will take much longer than the duration of the illness. If an adult has water diarrhea, treatment is necessary, especially if an elderly person suffers from this symptom.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea is a kind of defensive reaction to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. In this way, the body itself is protected from the harmful effects of pathogenic microflora and carries out its detoxification. But if this condition does not go away within a few hours, help is needed. Especially if there is a temperature and in this case it is necessary. Hyperthermia (increased temperature) may indicate general intoxication of the body. This condition requires an appropriate attitude. You can't leave everything to chance. Some people believe that diarrhea is not really a disease. Diarrhea still needs to be treated if it lasts more than one day. This way you can save your body from serious consequences.

If the patient complains of diarrhea, abdominal pain, treatment is also necessary. Pain is a serious symptom that may indicate a serious illness such as pancreatitis, hepatitis, gallstones or appendicitis. If you experience pain with diarrhea, you should see a doctor. In some of these situations, surgical treatment is necessary.

There are other causes of diarrhea:

  • dyspeptic - this is the most common cause of diarrhea; it can occur due to insufficient secretion of the stomach, improper functioning of the glands and, as a result, improper digestion of ingested food;
  • infectious - can be caused by dysentery bacillus, various intestinal viruses, amoebas and food toxins;
  • nutritional is an allergic reaction to food;
  • toxic - poisoning with poisons and toxic substances, such as arsenic or mercury;
  • medicinal - caused by side effects of medications, for example, some antibiotics in the intestines kill not only pathogenic flora, but also beneficial ones, thereby causing diarrhea;
  • neurogenic - can be caused by strong emotions or fear; such diarrhea is also called “bear disease”.

Patients experience diarrhea differently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. For example, loose stools 2-3 times a day in some people cause weakness and poor health, while in others diarrhea 5-6 times a day does not cause negative consequences.

If diarrhea lasts a short time, it usually does not cause negative consequences and passes without much harm to health. If diarrhea continues for a long time and is accompanied by bloating, rumbling, false urge to defecate (tenesmus), nausea, vomiting, heartburn and causes severe weakness (depletion of the body), then this condition requires emergency medical care. Often patients with such symptoms are hospitalized.

For any type of diarrhea, it is necessary to drink enough fluid. Compliance with the drinking regime can protect against negative consequences and keep the patient’s body in good shape.

It is better to drink mineral water without gas content, it will help maintain the water-salt balance. If prolonged water diarrhea occurs in an adult, treatment is necessary. If home treatment does not help, and diarrhea does not go away within a few days, this is a serious reason to seek help from a medical facility. If severe diarrhea develops, a doctor will determine the cause and treatment.

Diet for diarrhea

Gentle, regardless of the reasons that caused it, is necessary. Until the condition improves and the symptoms of intoxication disappear, you need to follow a diet.

The following products are allowed:

  • porridge with water;
  • jelly;
  • lean boiled or steamed meat;
  • steam cutlets;
  • boiled or steamed fish.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty foods;
  • fried foods;
  • sweets;
  • spicy dishes;
  • pickled products;
  • any canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee;
  • tea is too strong;
  • any alcohol.

After the diarrhea disappears and the diet improves, you need to stick to it for a few more days, at least for a week. By gradually adding other previously prohibited foods to the diet, the weakened body is prepared for the usual diet. You cannot immediately return to your usual diet. A sudden return of the wrong dish to the menu can upset the fragile and unstable balance after illness.

Diarrhea: causes and treatment

Treatment of diarrhea directly depends on the cause that caused it. What medications for diarrhea are most effective? We'll talk about this in this section.

First of all, any diarrhea should not be treated with antibiotics. This is done only in severe cases, for example, if the cause of the pathological process really poses a serious danger. This applies to diseases such as salmonellosis or cholera. In this case, the patient must be hospitalized, and further treatment will be carried out under the strict supervision of doctors. If water diarrhea is observed in an adult, treatment should be aimed at preventing dehydration and restoring water-salt balance. For these purposes, solutions such as “Regidron” or “Oralit” are suitable; you can also drink mineral water without gas.

Solutions are taken after each stool, half a glass. In addition, you should drink at least 4 glasses of one of these medications within 12 hours.

Medicines for diarrhea

Medicines for diarrhea are not a panacea at all. A range of interventions should be considered when treating diarrhea. The most important of which, as already mentioned, is the fight against Let's look at medications for diarrhea in adults, which are used most often.

All of them are divided into several pharmacological groups:

  • sulfonamide drugs ("Fthalazol");
  • antibiotics (Levomycetin, Tetracycline tablets);
  • nitrofurans (drug "Furazolidone");
  • antimicrobial drugs ("Enterofuril", "Sulgin");
  • antifungal (Intetrix) - used for;
  • enterosorbents (activated carbon);
  • antiviral drugs.

Let's look at the most famous ones among adults. In what case is it advisable to take this or that drug?

Activated charcoal for diarrhea

What to give for diarrhea to an adult? Enterosorbents are a group of drugs that have an adsorbing and enveloping effect. Treatment should begin with activated carbon. Sometimes this is enough. These tablets for diarrhea in adults (and children) are not absorbed in the intestines.

Activated carbon is taken at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of patient weight. So, if the patient weighs 60 kg, then, accordingly, he should take 6 tablets and drink plenty of water.

Activated carbon absorbs all harmful toxins, bacteria and viruses, and also binds water and covers the intestinal wall with a protective layer. After this, it is excreted naturally. It should be noted that after taking tablets of this drug, the stool will be black. There is no need to be afraid of this. If diarrhea occurs due to poor-quality products, then activated carbon in most cases is sufficient for treatment.

The drug "Fthalazol" for diarrhea

This group is most appropriate to take for infectious types of diarrhea (dysentery, enterocolitis and colitis of an infectious nature). Taking the medicine "Fthalazol" for allergic types of diarrhea and ordinary indigestion will be ineffective. Its effect is noticeable only on day 2-3, when the growth of pathogenic microflora under the influence of the drug is stopped.

Imodium for diarrhea

The drug "Imodium" (its other name is "Suprelol", "Lopedium" and "Loperamide") begins to act within the first 40-60 minutes. This drug is effective for diarrhea caused by poor-quality foods, as well as irritable bowel syndrome and in the initial stages of infectious diarrhea. It helps well with frequent vomiting. This drug is convenient to take with you on the road. Diarrhea is a common companion for travelers.

Treatment with Loperamide and Simethicone

This is a new generation drug, it is a combined remedy for diarrhea “Imodium Plus” and includes the so-called antifoam agent - simethicone. This substance eliminates bloating and adsorbs unnecessary intestinal gases. Thanks to it, spastic pain and the feeling of intestinal distension disappear. These are chewable tablets for diarrhea in adults. It is not recommended to give them to children under 12 years of age.

Natural Remedies for Diarrhea

This includes drugs such as Smecta and Kaopectate. These drugs are used for rotavirus infections. It should be noted that the drug "Kaopectate" is contraindicated in childhood.

These drugs belong to the group of enterosorbents; they gradually reduce the frequency of trips to the toilet, and also relieve bloating and rumbling in the abdomen.

Tablets "Linex" for diarrhea

This product contains beneficial microflora and has a positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. It includes 3 types of positive microflora:

  • lactobacilli - have a positive effect on the functioning of the small intestine;
  • enterococci - have a similar effect and help the small intestine function properly;
  • bifidobacteria - actively work in the large intestine.

Folk remedies for diarrhea

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat such ailments as diarrhea. Folk remedies for treating diarrhea have been proven for centuries.

  1. A decoction of pomegranate peels is considered an effective remedy for intestinal disorders. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a well-washed peel of one fruit and pour a glass of cold water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Take this remedy every two hours, 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Traditional treatment for diarrhea involves the use of rice water. Taking this remedy every 20-30 minutes for 3-4 hours will relieve bloating and stop diarrhea.
  3. Wormwood will help cope with diarrhea. But you need to be careful with this product: do not exceed the dosage and do not use it for too long. To prepare the medicine, add 1 teaspoon of dry herb to one glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the medicine 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  4. A very strong folk remedy for diarrhea using an alcoholic infusion of walnut partitions has been known for a long time. It must be taken without exceeding the permissible dose (5-6 drops), otherwise it may provoke a reverse reaction - constipation. As soon as the number of trips to the toilet decreases, you need to reduce the dosage to 2-3 drops. It is clear that alcohol tinctures can only be used internally for treatment by adults. To prepare the drug, take 1 tbsp. spoon of ground walnut partitions and pour one glass of vodka. Leave in darkness for 5-7 days. This product is prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to always have this medicine on hand for those who are prone to frequent intestinal disorders.


For ailments such as diarrhea, folk remedies can be very effective. Whatever the nature of the origin of diarrhea, this fact must be taken seriously. If you cannot cope with an intestinal disorder on your own, and pain or fever also occurs, in this case you need to seek medical help. This is especially true for elderly citizens, because... They become dehydrated much earlier than young people in full bloom.

Loose stools cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, be it an adult or a child. The symptom is unpleasant and negatively affects well-being, health and lifestyle.

During normal functioning of the stomach, bowel movements occur once or twice a day.

If disruption of the gastrointestinal tract occurs over a long period of time, they speak of (not diarrhea). How to determine the cause and begin treatment correctly is a question that requires a serious approach and attention.

Chronic loose stools in an adult indicate health problems. This is not only unpleasant, but also a dangerous phenomenon that can lead the body to dehydration. Together with feces, a large volume of water, useful microelements, minerals, and nutrients are released. They are necessary to maintain water-salt balance and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Signs of dehydration include:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, constant feeling of weakness;
  • Dry skin;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Feeling thirsty, dry mouth;
  • Reducing the number of urinations.

Remember! Long-lasting, loose, smelly stools in an adult should not be ignored. The symptom is dangerous for the body. If you ignore the symptoms, there is a risk of serious harm to your health and serious treatment will be required.

There is a noticeable difference between loose stools and diarrhea. Loose stools differ from diarrhea in that the stool acquires a liquid consistency; it can persist for a long period of time without other symptoms. It appears daily, every other day, or occurs periodically. Diarrhea is frequent and sudden bowel movements. Accompanied by a number of symptoms: acute abdominal pain, high temperature, and health quickly deteriorates.

Causes of prolonged loose stools in adults

If a person is bothered by loose stools at least once a day for a long time, this indicates pathological processes in the body. They can cause serious illness and lead to complications. Difficulties with stool vary in nature.

Factors contributing to indigestion:

  • Problems with bowel movements can be caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The disease represents a functional disorder of the intestines. It is characterized by cramps and pain in the lower abdominal cavity and diarrhea (frequent bowel movements, diarrhea). The urges are sudden and the person cannot control them. IBS also manifests itself as increased flatulence (gas), bloating, severe stomach gurgling, and constipation. It is possible that the symptom will occur without abdominal pain. The disease can be hereditary in nature or appear against the background of constant stressful situations or disturbances in the psycho-emotional state.
  • Sick kidneys. In case of renal failure, digestive disorders are observed.
  • The cause is food consumed over a long period of time. If spoiled, expired products are often found in food, this leads to a disruption of the intestinal microflora, normal metabolism, and the normal functioning of the digestive tract is disrupted. Infected pathogenic microorganisms enter the body with poor-quality food and poisoning occurs. Dirty drinking water negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. After eating, there is discomfort in the stomach and nausea.
  • Individual intolerance to substances (gluten, lactose, milk sugar) included in products or medications taken on a regular basis. In this case, loose stools are accompanied by nausea, increased gas formation. There is diarrhea without pain.
  • Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. In this case, the patient notes acute pain in the left side of the abdominal cavity, weight loss, and prolonged loose stools. Blood clots and mucus appear in the stool. Body temperature rises sharply from time to time.
  • Crohn's disease. Symptoms are similar to ulcerative colitis of the colon. It differs in that all parts of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity are affected. The localization of pain is noted in the right lower abdomen. Crohn's disease can be triggered by pathogens, infections, severe stressful situations, and heredity.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Imbalance of intestinal microflora, in which there is a decrease in lactobacilli. Microorganisms participate in digestion processes. Dysbacteriosis can occur when medications (antibiotics) are taken incorrectly. Medicines have a detrimental effect on both pathogenic bacteria and beneficial microorganisms. The result is prolonged stomach upset, especially in childhood.
  • Infection of the body. Signs observed: nausea, vomiting, loose stools, increased body temperature. There is a deterioration in health, weakness, headaches, and abdominal cramps. With the wrong approach to choosing medications or taking pills to no avail, the symptoms become the cause of the infection becoming chronic. The indicator can persist for six months or several years in case of diseases of the stomach organs.

The list of reasons is incomplete. The main factors that provoke loose stools are given.

When to see a doctor

If a symptom is observed, you should not ignore it, even if nothing hurts. It is recommended to call an ambulance immediately if:

  • Unformed, odorless feces are observed for a long time, daily (month);
  • Severe weight loss has occurred;
  • Feeling of constant nausea, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • After treatment, the symptom does not go away;
  • A foul odor appeared;
  • The man experiences severe shortness of breath and an increased heart rate;
  • The stool is very watery;
  • Blood clots and mucus appeared in the stool. This means complications of the disease have begun.

If stomach difficulties persist for a long time, consult your doctor. An adult must undergo a medical examination, take tests and undergo a course of treatment.

How to cure loose stool for an adult

It is necessary to quickly find out the exact cause, determine the diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  • Taking medications (anti-inflammatory, probiotics, prebiotics, antibacterials, sorbents, etc.).
  • The second tip is to follow a dietary menu (exclude foods that can have a laxative effect or overload a sore stomach).

The treatment method directly depends on the cause of the stomach upset. The diagnosis may be different for each person with this symptom. How and with what to treat is determined by the attending physician. Self-medication is prohibited! If treated incorrectly, there remains a risk of harm to health.

Enterosorbents will help provide first aid in this situation. The substances in the drug absorb and help remove toxic compounds from the body. Harmful substances, together with sorbents, naturally leave the body. The drug is used if there is a case of food poisoning. Sorbents include: Polysorb, Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, etc.

Medicine offers a choice of drugs that restore the stomach. Taking probiotics helps normalize digestion (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform).

It is important to drink more water to replace lost fluids. You can make water with added salt. Rehydration medications are recommended to normalize the water-salt balance.

With the correct diagnosis and compliance with treatment, you can get rid of loose stools in a week.

Diet for loose stools

Proper nutrition will help quickly improve the functioning of the stomach. Strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations regarding diet will shorten the treatment period.

The diet includes:

  • Eating low-fat foods;
  • Lenten broth;
  • Rusks, crackers;
  • Porridge with water (oatmeal, rice porridge);
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Vegetables cooked in a steam bath;
  • Bananas.

If you have loose stools, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, coffee, dairy products, fatty and spicy foods, baked goods, carbonated water, and fruit juices.


It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Preventive measures:

  • Always wash your hands before eating;
  • Choose food carefully;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Undergo an annual preventive examination.

A single, rare loose stool is not dangerous, but if a person has it for no reason and is regular, the symptom requires surgical treatment.

Diarrhea in an adult

Surely every person has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea. If it occurs once or twice a year and goes away without much effort, then do not panic. However, if diarrhea is a symptom of a chronic disease, it will be observed much more often, and its duration will directly depend on the effectiveness of treatment.

Diarrhea itself helps a person cope with various pathogenic microorganisms, viruses or bacteria that have entered his body from the outside. Thus, dangerous infections are washed out along with feces, and the body is cleansed and detoxified. But it should be remembered that in addition to the cleansing function, diarrhea has one rather dangerous side effect - dehydration. Regardless of the number of acts of defecation, the body is more or less depleted. In addition to fluid, diarrhea and severe diarrhea leave the body with mineral salts and other vital substances.

What types of diarrhea do adults have?

According to the classification, diarrhea can be divided into the following types:

1 Infectious diarrhea in an adult, the cause of which is food poisoning, for example, dysentery, amoebiasis, rotavirus and others;

2 Dyspeptic diarrhea - appears as a result of impaired digestion of food due to improper functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas or deficiency of enzymes produced in the large intestine;

3 Alimentary diarrhea and severe diarrhea in an adult - observed with poor nutrition, poor eating habits, and also as a reaction to a food allergen;

4 Toxic diarrhea - occurs due to damage to the intestinal mucosa by various poisons and toxins;

5 Drug-induced diarrhea in an adult - appears as a result of an overdose of drugs;

6 Neurogenic - caused by a disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system. Severe stress and fear can lead to it.

How many times do you need to go to the toilet for it to be considered diarrhea?

The frequency of bowel movements is individual for each individual person. Some people panic if they experience loose bowel movements two or three times a day. Others are completely calm about more frequent bowel movements. Diarrhea, which is not long-lasting, has virtually no effect on the functioning of the patient’s organs and systems. Chronic diarrhea, which is accompanied by painful cramps, bloating, flatulence, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms, can have very serious consequences.

What are the possible causes of diarrhea in an adult?

Whatever the cause of diarrhea, one should not forget about replenishing fluid reserves, because dehydration is a deadly condition. Drinking enough fluid will restore the water-salt balance and reduce the negative effects of dehydration. If diarrhea has been observed in an adult for quite a long time, then most likely it has already entered the chronic stage, which can be dealt with only with medical help. To get rid of diarrhea, it is necessary first of all to carry out all the necessary diagnostic tests to identify the cause that caused it. Only after getting rid of the underlying disease can you count on restoring normal intestinal function.

What are the possible causes of diarrhea in an adult?

Diarrhea is a condition characterized by frequent bowel movements of liquid stool. Diarrhea itself is not an independent disease; it is just an unpleasant symptom of many pathologies of various types. That is why, when choosing a method of treating diarrhea, it is necessary to diagnose the disease that caused this condition. Diarrhea can be acute (if its duration does not exceed 2-3 weeks) and chronic (lasts more than 21 days).

Normally, a healthy adult defecates with formed feces in an amount of 100 to 300 grams. In this case, bowel movements can occur either daily or once every few days, if this does not cause any discomfort. The liquid consistency of stool is achieved due to the excess amount of liquid it contains. When a person has diarrhea, 90% of their stool consists of liquid. The volume of stool helps diagnose the disease that caused diarrhea:

1 unnatural contraction of the intestinal walls does not affect the amount of feces, but only leads to an increase in bowel movements;

2 if diarrhea occurs against the background of a violation of the absorptive function of the intestine, then the daily volume of feces increases significantly due to the amount of undigested food products.

Among the factors contributing to the occurrence of diarrhea are the following:

1 Eating large amounts of food that is difficult for the gastrointestinal tract.

2 Mild food poisoning.

3 The body’s inability to digest certain foods, which leads to allergic reactions, hypolactasia and other unpleasant conditions.

4 Severe stress and increased anxiety lead to a sharp release of hormones, which not only affect the functioning of the nervous system, but can also lead to changes in digestion processes and provoke stool disorders.

5 The body’s reaction to taking certain medications, for example, laxatives, antibacterials, anticoagulants and others.

6 Changes in time zones, climatic conditions and usual food while traveling can also cause diarrhea.

These causes are not dangerous and unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, disappear within a couple of days, allowing the person to return to their normal lifestyle.

Dangerous causes of diarrhea in an adult

There are some causes of diarrhea that should alert you and be a reason to visit a specialist:

1 entry into the body of various pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses), which provokes the development of diseases such as dysentery, salmonellosis, intestinal flu and others;

2 diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature. These include ulcerative lesions of the intestines and duodenum, gastritis, ulcerative colitis and others;

3 congenital or acquired deficiency of certain enzymes;

4 ailments that fall into the category of unclear etiology, for example, Crohn's disease;

5 intoxication of the body with various chemical compounds (mercury, lead and others).

If you suspect one of the following conditions, you should focus all your attention not on fighting diarrhea, but on identifying the root cause of the serious condition and eliminating it. Clinically, diarrhea can manifest itself in different ways, for example, excessive consumption of foods that are heavy for the body can lead to a condition in which the diarrhea is mild, while at the same time the patient may complain of other symptoms of indigestion: flatulence, seething in the stomach and intense pain. In case of poisoning with low-quality food, diarrhea can be combined with nausea, vomiting, chills, and loss of appetite. Similar symptoms also appear in the case of diseases caused by infections or viruses.

The greatest danger of diarrhea is dehydration, so it is necessary to contact a medical facility if the patient’s condition worsens and the following symptoms appear:

1 excessive dryness of the skin and mucous membranes;

2 strong feeling of thirst;

3 lack of urination;

4 dark yellow color of urine;

5 chapped lips;

6 weakness;

7 decreased ability to work.

Dehydration of the body is extremely dangerous; it can lead to convulsive muscle contractions, low blood pressure, weak pulse, loss of consciousness and even death.

What can you eat if you have diarrhea, and what can you not?

But whatever the cause of diarrhea, you should not overload the body with heavy food, which can only aggravate the situation. Try to adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition, give preference to crackers, rice, lean meat, steamed, porridge, jelly, green tea. Forget for a while about fatty, fried, sweet, spicy, spice-rich foods, as well as raw fruits and vegetables and whole grain bread. Avoid carbonated drinks, coffee, milk and dairy products. I would especially like to mention alcoholic drinks - their consumption is irritating to the stomach and can cause many negative consequences. All food consumed should be at a comfortable temperature, never hot or cold.

These dietary principles should be followed for at least seven days after the last loose bowel movement. The introduction of other products should be done gradually and the body's reaction should be monitored. If it is negative, then you need to return to dietary nutrition.

From time immemorial, people have used the gifts of nature to get rid of diarrhea. The most effective of them are:

1 tincture prepared from oak bark;

2 dried and powdered chicken gizzards;

3 black peppercorns;

4 jelly from rice, oats, blueberries or quince;

5 decoction of bird cherry fruits.

Despite their simplicity, such treatment methods in most cases allow you to get rid of diarrhea fairly quickly. If the cause of diarrhea is a viral infection, then it must be treated with antibiotics. However, self-medication in this case is unacceptable; such drugs should only be prescribed by a specialist based on the examination. When using medications for diarrhea, you should pay attention to the speed at which they enter the blood vessels. This affects the removal of toxic substances from the intestines.

In most cases, getting rid of diarrhea in an adult is much faster than in a child. The whole point is that an adult is able to explain to the doctor what exactly is bothering him, and perhaps even the reason for this condition. Be that as it may, there is no point in postponing a visit to a medical facility; timely treatment can get rid of an unpleasant problem in a matter of days with minimal consequences.

How to treat diarrhea, tablets, drugs and medications for diarrhea

Symptomatic remedies for diarrhea can be divided into several groups:

1 Sorbents. This group of medications allows you to cleanse the body of various pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the manifestations of flatulence. They are recommended for use in case of intoxication of the body with low-quality food products or in case of an intestinal infection. However, they should be taken according to all the rules, observing a two-hour interval with taking other medications, otherwise their effectiveness will be significantly reduced. Self-medication with sorbents is not recommended, since there are conditions in which there is severe malabsorption in the intestine, and sorbents can aggravate the general condition of the patient. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of sorbents, including Activated carbon, familiar to everyone since childhood, and preparations developed on the basis of wood (Polifepan, Balignin), and products containing kaolin, calcium salts, bismuth (Smecta, De-nol), and others.

2 Medicines used to reduce the amount of intestinal mucus. This group includes Diclofenac, Indomethacin and other drugs that experts recommend taking from the first day of the disease. When Crohn's disease is diagnosed, therapy is carried out with hormonal drugs, but only after consultation with a doctor.

3 Herbal preparations. They are made from plant materials with astringent properties, for example, oak bark, bird cherry fruits, chamomile and others. You can prepare such decoctions or tinctures at home, but before using them it is advisable to consult a specialist.

4 Enzymes. It is advisable to use these drugs in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, thus replenishing the lack of digestive juices. In addition, if the absorptive function of the intestine is impaired, it is recommended to take the following medications: Creon, Festal, Mezim and others.

5 Drugs to reduce intestinal motility. These medications are prescribed depending on the underlying cause of the disease. Thus, drugs based on Loperamide are prohibited from being taken in the presence of infectious diseases, since some pathogenic microorganisms will remain in the patient’s body. Such medications will successfully cope with the symptoms of Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome. Diagnosis of enteropathy involves the use of hormonal treatment with Somatostatin or Octreotide. It is also possible to reduce intestinal motility with the help of drugs from the antispasmodic group, which include No-shpa and Papaverine.

6 Antibacterial drugs. Self-medication with these medications is not carried out due to incorrect interpretation of your disease, so only a specialist can prescribe antibiotics based on the diagnostic studies performed.

7 Intestinal antiseptics. This group includes antibiotics that fight the pathogen directly in the intestinal lumen, without being absorbed into the bloodstream. They effectively cleanse the patient’s body of staphylococci, salmonella, E. coli and other pathogenic microorganisms, but at the same time maintain healthy microflora.

8 Probiotics and prebiotics. These drugs help restore the balance of intestinal microflora. For this, you can also use complex drugs, for example, Enterol, which fights pathogenic microorganisms, cleanses the patient’s body of their waste products, restores the microflora and increases the body’s defenses.

9 Intestinal immunomodulators. These drugs are the most effective in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. A medicine such as Galavit helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

It should be understood that stool disorder that lasts more than three days is a reason to contact a medical facility. Chronic diarrhea can be a symptom of dangerous diseases, such as cancer.

In addition, symptoms accompanying diarrhea should also alert you:

1 increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above;

2 skin rashes;

3 yellow tint to the skin and mucous membranes;

4 insomnia;

5 dark yellow urine;

6 intense spasmodic pain in the abdomen.

If the stool becomes black or green, repeated vomiting with blood is added, and the patient’s general well-being worsens, then in this case you should immediately call an ambulance, since the person’s life is in danger.

Diet for diarrhea in adults

If you have diarrhea, you need to pay attention to your diet and exclude from it foods that can aggravate stool disorder. These include dishes with a lot of spices, raw vegetables and fruits, dairy products, etc.

1 vegetable puree;

2 oven-dried bread;

3 porridges with water;

4 dietary meat or steamed fish.

You can wash down this food with rice water, sweet tea, jelly or herbal infusions. If the cause of stool disorder is lactose or gluten intolerance, then adherence to the principles of dietary nutrition should form the basis of treatment. The diet consists of excluding from the diet foods that contain milk sugar or gluten. Equally important is compliance with the frequency of meals; it is advisable to eat a small amount of food, but no less than every three hours.

Three days after the onset of the disease, you can introduce other foods with the exception of:

1 salty, spicy, sour and fatty foods;

2 fresh vegetables and fruits;

3 foods that cause flatulence.

Products that are strictly prohibited for diarrhea include:

1 fried meat;

2 fatty broths;

3 fish, excluding lean, steamed fish;

5 bakery products;

6 carbonated drinks;

7 eggs in any form;

8 whole milk;

9 raw vegetables and fruits;

12 canned food;

13 sausages.

As we see, quite a lot of products are banned, so what can be prepared without harming your health?

1 Meat products in the form of steam cutlets, puree or soufflé.

2 Lean fish, steamed or boiled.

3 Porridge on water with the addition of a small amount of butter.

4 Rice pudding.

5 Vegetable puree soups with the addition of lean meat.

6 Pasta.

7 Fermented milk products.

8 Yesterday's bread or crackers.

9 Baked fruits.

11 A large amount of liquid: water, tea, compote.

Diarrhea that lasts for many days is considered a very serious problem and often results in numerous complications. But frivolous patients often ignore such a disturbance in the digestive system, assuming that the diarrhea is about to go away. However, if diarrhea continues for 4 days, it is necessary to begin intensive treatment, without ignoring drug and traditional treatment options.

Causes of multi-day diarrhea

By day 4 of diarrhea, a person usually feels very unwell. In addition to the already familiar pain in the stomach and frequent urge to defecate, headaches, dizziness, and regular nausea occur.

This is due to the fact that beneficial microelements are washed out of the body, water is released in huge quantities, and its balance is rarely replenished. As a result, the body is dehydrated, it lacks the microelements necessary for normal functioning, as a result of which the state of health worsens.

After many days of diarrhea, a person always feels weak, which prevents him from working and doing everyday activities.

Diagnosing diarrhea in an adult is complicated by the fact that there can be many reasons why the problem develops, and here are just the main ones:

In addition to such, one might say, everyday problems, diarrhea is often provoked by serious illnesses. Here are just a few diseases that usually accompany diarrhea:

  • intestinal infection;
  • development of dysentery;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of a serious illness directly related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, ulcerative colitis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Each case reveals its own small, specific signs. For example, with an intestinal infection, mucus is often found in the stool, and with ulcerative colitis, blood clots can often be seen in the discharge.

Of course, your doctor can narrow down potential illnesses by assessing the color and smell of your stool, but this is usually not enough. In order for the diagnosis to be absolutely balanced, one has to turn to special diagnostic techniques.

First aid to the patient

Loose stools in an adult are rare in the first 24 hours
causes some anxiety, since it can be caused by elementary stress or mild indigestion. In this case, the symptoms go away on their own as soon as the stimulating factor disappears.

However, if diarrhea continues for the fourth day and the person does not get better, you need to think about first aid. What should be done to alleviate the patient's suffering?

  • First, you need to drink sorbents that will help the gastrointestinal tract normalize its functioning. Smecta, activated carbon, is ideal (1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight).
  • Next, the person needs to drink a couple of mugs of herbal teas, for example, mint or chamomile. If high temperature is added to the alarming symptoms, you can drink currant or linden tea, as they have antipyretic properties.
  • In principle, it is recommended to drink more water (at least two liters), since the body is at risk of dehydration with such prolonged diarrhea.
  • Doctors recommend enemas because they help get rid of bacteria and toxins that were not eliminated from the body in stool. Both regular enemas with boiled water and the use of chamomile infusions are practiced.

First aid can be provided to the patient at home, but it is better to continue treatment in the hospital. All doctors distinguish 5 types of diarrhea:

  • hologenic, which occurs against the background of problems with the gallbladder;
  • secretory, which worries mainly due to acute intestinal diseases;
  • exudative, which develops as a result of serious gastrointestinal diseases, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis;
  • hyperosmolar, which becomes a consequence of the development of a disease such as chronic pancreatitis or disaccharidase deficiency;
  • hypo- or hyperkinetic diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome.

Each case is dangerous in its own way, and in many of them, first aid with rinsing and herbal tea will not be enough. To effectively combat each type of diarrhea, you need to take appropriate medications.

Diet and diarrhea

4 days of diarrhea never just happen, and using a balanced diet in this case will be the right solution. What advice do doctors give to their patients regarding nutrition?

  1. You should eat liquid food, as it is better absorbed by the body. Mashed puree and a variety of soups are suitable.
  2. The diet should include bananas, baked apples, dried fruits and white bread. These foods are rich in fiber, so they will significantly improve your overall health and cause thickening of the stool.
  3. Meat and fish are also allowed for consumption, but you will have to stick to low-fat varieties, and even boiled ones.
  4. If a person includes porridge in his diet, then it must be slimy. Large grains in the diet can injure the already sensitive intestinal walls.

What, then, is prohibited? Doctors usually call for removing fatty, spicy, and too salty foods from the menu. You should not eat too hot or, conversely, very cold dishes. You will have to give up carbonated drinks, canned foods, a variety of smoked foods and foods fried in oil. Food should be light, it should be easily digestible, so as not to complicate the already problematic work of the stomach.

Treatment with medications

Effective diets, first aid at home - all this is very important, but without appropriate medications it may be useless. Doctors urge their patients not to ignore medications, since they can eliminate pain, improve microflora, eliminate
influence of pathogenic microbes.

What medications are usually used for these purposes? This:

  1. Prebiotics, which are responsible for restoring the balance of microflora (Linex or Bifiform).
  2. Sorbents that help fight pathogenic microflora. Usually activated carbon or Smecta is used.
  3. Doctors can also prescribe Regidron, which is responsible for restoring the ionic balance in the body, which is necessary in case of dehydration.
  4. You can turn to effective anti-diarrhea remedies, such as Imodium.
  5. If the cause of the disease is infectious, antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed.

It is simply impossible to decide on a list of suitable medications yourself, because there is a high risk of choosing the wrong dosage or not the best drug for a particular disease. Typically, drug therapy resolves the problem within a week, eliminating any signs of diarrhea.

Diarrhea that lasts longer than 2–3 days is considered long-term and requires immediate treatment. Without appropriate attention to the problem, there is a high risk that a person’s well-being will continue to deteriorate, and against the background of this, the disease that became the primary source of diarrhea will only get stronger.

Loose stools or diarrhea in adults and children is not an independent disease, but one of the symptoms of various pathological processes in the body. Translated from Greek, “Diarrhea” means “expiring.” This condition is manifested by too frequent (more than 2 times a day) bowel movements, characterized by thin secretions. In colloquial speech you can often hear another name - “Diarrhea”. The greatest danger is diarrhea in children, as they quickly become dehydrated, which carries very serious complications.

The main symptom of diarrhea is loose stools at least 3 times a day. This condition can be acute or chronic. In the first case, a person experiences loose stools for at least a week, and in the second – for more than 3 weeks. The cause of loose stools in adults and children is not only bacterial and viral infections, but also a number of diseases. In this case, the primary pathological process can be localized in the intestines or in other organs, and changes in the nature of stool have their own characteristics.

Causes of loose stools

The human body is an integral system; failure of one of the organs signals health problems. The appearance of loose stools in adults should be alarming, since it is impossible to immediately distinguish a minor eating disorder from a serious illness. Watery stools in adults are not a sign of a serious illness in the following cases:

  • When an adult eats a lot of plant foods (especially foods rich in fiber) and consumes a lot of water (it is important, but its excess dilutes the stool). As soon as a person normalizes his diet, the stool will take on its proper form.
  • With severe dysbacteriosis. For example, after a person has been treated for a long time with antibiotics that kill beneficial intestinal microflora. For treatment, it is necessary to take medications containing the required amount of beneficial bacteria. Such preparations can be distinguished by special marks indicating which active culture they contain.
  • With a sharp change in food preferences. This often happens to tourists who come to a new country and try unfamiliar food. The stomach and intestines are not accustomed to new food and at first react to it by releasing more enzymes, which speeds up peristalsis. Gradually the body gets used to it, and the functioning of the organs returns to normal.
  • Food allergic intolerance. Most often, adults have food intolerance to lactose, so they should not consume dairy products. As a rule, nothing terrible happens when consuming these products; active boiling, heartburn, flatulence, and diarrhea in the form of loose stools simply begin.
  • Anxiety. Many people notice the difference between a state of rest and moments of strong excitement, for example, a person may experience diarrhea in the form of loose stools (as a rule, the nervous type of diarrhea can be distinguished by the fact that the frequency of bowel movements is quite moderate and does not cause severe discomfort).
  • Change of daily routine. Another fairly harmless reason for the appearance of loose stools. If a person suddenly changes his daily routine (for example, he begins to wake up much earlier than his usual time), then in the morning he may experience liquid stool. This type of diarrhea can be distinguished by the fact that liquid bowel movements are one-time and during the day bowel function returns to normal.

With normal indigestion, a person may experience pain in the abdomen, bloating with severe gas and gurgling. If mild food poisoning occurs, weakness and fever may occur. A similar picture is observed in diseases associated with infection by viruses. Diarrhea in adults associated with these causes is not dangerous and goes away within a few days. But there are also more serious reasons for loose stools that make a person think about their health:

  • infection with pathogenic microorganisms (salmonellosis, dysentery, gastrointestinal flu);
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis);
  • deficiency of various enzymes;
  • poisoning associated with toxic damage (lead, mercury).

An alarming symptom is dehydration. This manifests itself in dry skin and mucous membranes, cracked lips, intense thirst, urination occurs very rarely, and the urine becomes dark. Pulse and blood pressure may increase, and sometimes muscle cramps begin. This condition requires clarification of the diagnosis and qualified treatment, possibly in an inpatient setting. Simply stopping the diarrhea will not be enough. Therefore, you should not delay visiting a doctor.

Loose stools with blood

If loose stools are accompanied by blood, this means there is a source of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Basically, these are the walls in the large or small intestine, in which case you may notice scarlet or burgundy blood in clots or streaks in the stool. In this case, there is a suspicion of dysbacteriosis, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

If there is blood in the stool, which is very dark, almost black, this indicates that the bleeding occurred in the upper parts of the digestive tract. This may be the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. In this case, the risk of stomach ulcers and duodenal tumors should not be excluded.

In adults, diarrhea with blood is observed in almost all infectious diseases of the body, such as dysentery and salmonellosis. In this case, along with blood, there may be mucus in the stool, and diarrhea may be very frequent. Also, diarrhea with blood can be an indicator of hemorrhoids and rectal tumors.

In this case, it is worth paying attention to additional symptoms, such as a sensation of pain and burning in the anus, which becomes stronger during the immediate process of emptying. Rotavirus infection in adults, internal hemorrhoids, the body's protective reaction to toxic substances are accompanied by bloody stool, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Loose stools in the morning

Many people perceive diarrhea in the morning as normal. But it's not always so harmless. Diarrhea can be acute or chronic. One-time diarrhea in the morning is not considered dangerous, and you can determine its cause yourself. The reasons may be quite obvious. You just ate or drank something wrong. But not everything is always limited to loose stools: serious poisoning or infection in the intestines is possible.

Don't be surprised by loose stools in the morning if you've been taking laxatives. In this case, no additional treatment is required. Also, one-time loose stools are possible if the day before you experienced a severe nervous shock. Since the factor is psychological in nature, the disorder goes away on its own.

When should you see a doctor?

Loose stools for a long time make you think about eliminating unpleasant symptoms. How to determine that medical intervention is necessary? There are a number of signs that require attention:

  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • heaviness, abdominal pain;
  • increased formation of gases in the intestines;
  • loose yellow stools;
  • blood or black stools;
  • foamy green stool.

White coating on the tongue and severe diarrhea for a long time indicate problems that should be resolved quickly.

It is necessary to call an ambulance or urgently go to the hospital in the following cases:

  1. Long-term persistent diarrhea in a person with a chronic illness, in a child, an elderly person, or a pregnant woman.
  2. When accompanied by diarrhea, visual impairment, difficulty swallowing and speech. These could be symptoms of botulism, a rare form of food poisoning that is usually associated with eating improperly preserved foods.


To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to know when and how the disease occurred, which preceded the increase in bowel movements. Information about the duration of the disease, the characteristics of its course, daily fluctuations (which complaints predominate in the morning, after meals, etc.) is also important. With palpation, it is possible to establish not only the localization of maximum pain, but also the presence of neoplasms.

Blood (general analysis, liver enzymes, antibodies, etc.), urine (OAM) and feces (coprogram, analysis for helminth eggs, occult blood) are subjected to laboratory research methods. The results provide extensive information for differential diagnosis. This method allows us to identify the functional state of organs and systems, the degree of development of pathological changes, their cause and course in dynamics. It is especially important because the arsenal of instrumental diagnostic methods for diarrhea is scarce (endoscopic methods, intestinal X-ray). Ultrasound in this case will provide little information due to swelling of the intestinal loops.

How to restore bowel function

Of course, this will depend primarily on the underlying cause of loose stools. Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of this unpleasant symptom after an examination. Treatment will depend entirely on the diagnosis, for example:

  • Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is complex and includes both drugs that regulate intestinal motility (for example, Loperamide) and drugs that normalize a person’s psycho-emotional state. Only in this case can you achieve results.
  • If you have an intolerance to any product, you can get rid of the unpleasant symptom of diarrhea by eliminating one or another food product from your diet (for example, cereals for celiac disease and cow's milk for hypolactasia).
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease require special attention, and treatment should only be carried out by a competent specialist in this field. The drugs of choice in this case are anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as hormonal drugs, the action of which will also be aimed at reducing the inflammatory response.
  • To reduce the symptoms of dysbiosis, probiotics will be especially effective - preparations containing live beneficial bacteria, which, when colonized in the large intestine, will promote a better digestion process and minimize diarrhea. These include products such as Bifiform, Linex, Primadophilus and much more.
  • If persistent diarrhea was caused by an infectious agent that persists in the body for a long time, then antibiotics will come to the rescue, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, medications that replace fluid loss by the body should be a mandatory component of treatment.

Drink plenty of fluids

Any disease has complications, but loose stools in adults for a long time cause dehydration. Therefore, you need to quickly restore the body’s water balance. The patient is prescribed to drink plenty of clean, boiled liquid or special solutions with added salt. These are Ringer's, Regidron, and Acesol saline solutions. The patient's condition should be carefully monitored. If vomiting begins, drink water often, in small portions.

Drug treatment

Treatment for loose stool in an adult depends on the cause of it. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications that will help get rid of the disease that caused the diarrhea. To restore the thickness of stool, doctors prescribe medications:

  • Enterosorbents are drugs that give feces thickness (bind structure). This group of drugs includes Smecta, Polysorb, Ultra-Adsorb, Activated Carbon, Polyphepan, Filtrum.
  • Prebiotics are drugs for the treatment and prevention of loose stools, but those that arise exclusively against the background of dysbacteriosis. Example: Lactobacterin, Bifidobacterin, Bificol, Hilak forte, Rioflora Balance.
  • Drugs that slow down intestinal motility, that is, reducing its motility. These drugs include Fthalazol, Enterofuril, Enterol, Intetrix, Sulgin, Furazolidone.
  • Herbal preparations that help thicken stool. Prescribed for slight dilution of stool. For example: burnet root, dried blueberries, pomegranate zest.

Treatment of acute diarrhea, which is accompanied by pain, cramps, and vomiting, is carried out with medications to reduce intestinal motility. If the cause of loose stools is malabsorption, medications with bile acids are prescribed during therapy. Each medicine is prescribed by a doctor individually, according to the diagnosis. Independent use of remedies for loose stools can cause complications.

One of the consequences of diarrhea is dysbiosis. The therapist’s task is to restore the microflora of the digestive organs. To do this, after treating loose stools, she uses drugs with beneficial bacteria. Additionally, a course of vitamins is prescribed (in tablets, injections) to avoid vitamin deficiency. The loss of fluid during loose stools is then compensated by drips with glucose and sodium chloride. The drugs quickly restore water balance and have a detoxifying effect.

Gentle diet

To eliminate symptoms and restore proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should review your diet. A gentle diet is based on basic principles:

  • a balanced menu throughout the day to ensure normal life processes;
  • reducing the load on the digestive system;
  • gradual expansion of the diet.

A diet for chronic diarrhea places special demands on preparation technology. Therapists recommend boiling or steaming food. You should forget about smoked or fried foods in order to get rid of loose stools. The framework of therapeutic nutrition provides for the consumption of dishes only in a warm form (exclude hot and cold). The volume of portions is reduced so that the stomach gradually gets used to working correctly.

Chronic diarrhea in adults occurs due to poor diet. When planning your diet, you should pay attention to the expiration dates of food. There are a number of products that are used for chronic diarrhea:

  • stale bread, crackers;
  • broth (meat, vegetable);
  • lean meats and fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese with low fat content (milk, kefir is not allowed);
  • baked apples;
  • natural jelly (without chemicals and dyes);
  • weak tea, coffee.

After restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should gradually expand your diet. When including a new type of product in your menu, carefully monitor your body’s reaction. If there are no negative results in the form of resumption of loose stools, then after a certain period of time introduce a new dish. Do not forget about processing technology, giving preference to steamed or boiled types of food.

Preventive measures

Wash your hands after using the toilet, changing your baby, and before eating. Hands should be washed with warm water and soap. After cooking, especially if you have handled raw meat, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Be careful with food. Unpasteurized dairy products, eggs, poultry and meat can contain bacteria that can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. The meat must undergo complete heat treatment. Wash cutting boards and knives thoroughly. Avoid eating unpasteurized dairy products, especially those of unknown origin. Do not leave cooked foods in a warm place for a long time, as... this can provoke the proliferation of dangerous bacteria.

If you travel, do not drink raw water or any untreated water, especially of unknown origin. It is better to drink water from well-known manufacturers, packaged in bottles or cans. To purify local water, it must be boiled for 15 minutes; you can also add tablets or drops of iodine and chlorine, or use a special filter. When using chlorine and iodine tablets, read the instructions carefully and follow them. Also, under no circumstances should you eat unwashed fruits and vegetables (it is advisable to wash them only in clean water and very thoroughly, or even better, peel them). Avoid fruits such as melons, which are often pumped with water from the inside to increase their weight.

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