Signs of dehydration through vomiting. Dehydration symptoms in adults. Main symptoms of dehydration

Dehydration can happen to anyone, and its causes are varied. This condition must be eliminated as early as possible - the consequences without help for the body are serious.

Dehydration and its types

Up to 75% of human body weight represented by water, it is the main component of every cell. Fluid losses occur regularly - through breathing, sweat, urine, but they are usually replenished by drinking fluids with drinks and food. When dehydrated, the body loses more water than it receives. Dehydration, or dehydration, is not a disease, but it can serve as a symptom of various pathologies and conditions, affecting the functioning of all organs and systems.

Pathology occurs at any age. In adults, to develop dehydration, you need to lose much more water than in children, which is associated with low body weight and faster metabolism in children. The classification includes the following types of this condition according to their effect on the water-salt balance:

  • isotonic– balance of salts and water within normal limits;
  • hypotonic– the amount of salts is reduced;
  • hypertensive– salt concentration is increased.

Also distinguished acute and chronic form of pathology. Chronic is often moderate and does not lead to fatal consequences. Acute dehydration develops rapidly and can be fatal even before medical attention is provided.

There are also the following degrees of dehydration:

Dehydration is characterized by many symptoms and damage to various organs. When water is removed from the cells, the amount of electrolytes (sodium, potassium) decreases, and the cells themselves seem to dry out.

Causes of loss of moisture in the body

At risk for dehydration– newborns and infants who have very low body weight, as well as elderly people, because their body already poorly retains moisture. The presence of chronic diseases and pathologies of metabolism, heart and blood vessels only exacerbates the risk of dehydration.

The most common causes of dehydration in childhood are intestinal disorders, poisoning and infections. They are accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, therefore, the body gives away too much fluid and minerals. ARVI, influenza, bacterial infections In young children, increased sweating can also cause dehydration.

The higher the body temperature during febrile conditions, the more moisture a person loses.

Children should not be exposed to the heat for a long time - they can lose a lot of moisture through sweat. Other “children’s” causes of pathology include cystic fibrosis, malabsorption syndrome, poisoning with household chemicals, and insufficient drinking regimen.

The most common causes of dehydration in adults are:

  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • undiagnosed diabetes mellitus;
  • intense physical activity;
  • heavy periods in women;
  • bleeding;
  • drug poisoning;
  • renal failure;
  • working in the heat;
  • various extreme situations;

Dehydration of the body can be provoked by the abuse of diuretics, which a person takes for high blood pressure and a number of other diseases.

How does the pathology manifest itself?

Isolated extreme thirst- not always a sign of dehydration. There are other symptoms that are characteristic of this condition. In a child, signs of pathology of moderate severity are expressed by dry skin, mucous membranes, drowsiness, and moodiness. The main symptom is a change in the color of urine. Urine becomes darker and has an unpleasant odor. The intervals between acts of urination increase to 3-6 hours. In severe cases, the fontanel may become sunken in infants.

If there is dehydration, symptoms in adults and older children are as follows:

In severe dehydration, pre-syncope, fainting, poor coordination of movements, convulsions, and a drop in blood pressure appear.

How dangerous is dehydration?

If measures are not taken to treat dehydration in time, it progresses quickly. Late stage symptoms even more serious - the eyes become sunken, a state of delirium appears, and even hallucinations are possible. Breathing is shallow - this is how the body tries to save moisture, but due to a lack of oxygen, dangerous complications develop.

The consequences for the body from dehydration can be not only current, but also long-term, so this condition should not be allowed.

Complications of dehydration can include severe electrolyte imbalance, acute renal failure, impaired blood supply to the brain, blood clotting, and massive thrombosis.

Loss of more than 10% water by the body leads to a malfunction of all major systems, the person falls into a coma, or death occurs. In the future, people who have suffered pathology may develop Alzheimer's disease, bronchial asthma, scleroderma, and immune pathologies.

What to do if your body is dehydrated?

An ambulance should be called for a child or an adult if the symptoms described above occur, which are quite pronounced, and the person’s general condition is disturbed. Before doctors arrive, the victim should be given clean water in small portions. Sweet drinks are prohibited. In severe situations, a person with dehydration is placed in a hospital; blood and urine tests are prescribed to check the balance of electrolytes.

With mild pathology in children and moderate in adults, it is quite possible to restore health at home. To do this, you need to follow these tips:

  1. Start drinking water as early as possible. You can replace it with sugar-free sports drinks.
  2. Remove excess clothing. This is necessary to cool the body.
  3. Open window, turn on the fan, take a cool shower, dry yourself with a wet towel, turn on the humidifier.
  4. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, laxatives and diuretics, give up sports and physical work for a while.

In the coming days, you should not forget to drink up to 3 liters of water per day, which is necessary to normalize the functioning of your organs.

Treatment of dehydration

The problem should be taken especially seriously in children under 2 years old. In newborns and infants, any manifestations of dehydration are treated only in a hospital.

Early initiation of therapy will help stop the progression of the pathology, but it is important to simultaneously treat the underlying disease (intestinal infection, diabetes, etc.).

The main method of treatment is rehydration - replenishing the balance of water and salts.

If the child can drink, give liquid in a volume of 130 ml per kilogram of weight/day in small portions (for adults – 30-50 ml). In addition to water, saline solutions (Oralit, Pedilight, Regidron) or 5% glucose solution are used. During the first 6 hours, babies should be given up to 80 ml of solution per kilogram of weight.

Rehydration solution can be made at home– per liter of water add 4 teaspoons of sugar, half a teaspoon each of salt, soda, potassium chloride.

From the third stage of dehydration, oral rehydration will be ineffective. If urine volume decreases, intravenous rehydration in the hospital is indicated. In the first 2 hours, infusion procedures are carried out in the intensive care unit, then in the general regime ward (if the condition improves). A number of patients with persistent diarrhea undergo parenteral rehydration with a glucose-saline solution.

Prevention of pathology

To prevent dehydration of the body, you need to monitor your physical condition, and if signs of dehydration appear, take action as soon as possible. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water, in hot weather - up to 3 liters (in the absence of contraindications), do not forget to give liquid to the child, because many children themselves do not ask to drink.

Overheating and lack of fluid should not be allowed during trips or travels.

Where excessive sweating is expected due to sports or physical work, it is important to have a bottle of water with you and wear light, breathable clothing. It is strictly prohibited to engage in sports when there is an elevated body temperature or infectious diseases. It is better to avoid drinking alcohol in the heat - it provokes dehydration and dulls sensitivity. An important rule: you must always maintain a balance between


Most often, of course, dehydration occurs during the hot summer period, so doctors especially insist that people drink enough water at this time of year. But the reason may be not only a sudden loss of water from the body, but also as a result of various kinds of diseases.

The abilities of the human body are practically limitless and without water it can survive from three to ten days. It depends on various surrounding circumstances. A sudden loss of fluid increases thirst, but if you suddenly start drinking water in large quantities, this can lead not only to edema, but also to death.

Causes of dehydration

  • excessive sweating (due to hot weather or excessive physical activity);
  • vomiting caused by poisoning;
  • sunstroke;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • burn condition.

In addition, dehydration is classified according to severity from mild to severe, and acute dehydration is distinguished separately.

Symptoms of dehydration

It would seem that the main indicator, a marker of dehydration, could be thirst. Indeed, if you really want to drink, then the body is already suffering from a lack of water, but this is not necessarily dehydration. To determine if you are dehydrated, symptoms can be easily calculated by the color and amount of urine. The main indicator is insufficient quantity and its dark yellow color. This is how you can understand that there is not enough water in the body.

You should also not ignore symptoms such as:

  • General weakness of the body;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Constant desire to sleep;
  • Dark circles under the eyes;
  • Temperature;
  • Viscous salivation or its complete absence;
  • In severe cases - delirium, body spasms, dullness of hearing and vision, as well as involuntary urination.

Signs of dehydration

Among the first signs indicating dehydration are:

  1. Rare urination in small quantities, having a rather pungent odor.
  2. Excessive sweating is unusual for the body. Possibly due to load or temperature.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Overwork.
  5. Children typically experience decreased activity during the day.
  6. Intense thirst.
  7. Diarrhea.

It is also important to know that after 20 years the feeling of thirst becomes dull, but this does not reduce the body’s need for water. You should drink at least a glass of water if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Tiredness ahead of time;
  • Irritability;
  • A rush of blood to the face, as if the face is “burning”;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Restless state;
  • Unreasonable bad sad mood.

With moderate or severe dehydration, not only weakness, but also fainting may occur, and the main criterion is that when a small area of ​​skin is squeezed, it very slowly returns to its normal state, whereas with normal water balance in the body, it returns to its normal state in a fraction of seconds .

Complications caused by dehydration

Among them may be:

  1. Damage to the genitourinary system, in particular the kidneys.
  2. Shock, manifested by pallor, rapid breathing, cold sweat, clammy skin, weak pulse and even loss of consciousness.
  3. In extreme cases, death.

Consequences of dehydration

The initial stages are especially important to identify and prevent the development of symptoms of dehydration.

Metabolism, transportation of vital substances, premature aging are just a few of the things that can happen if symptoms are not prevented in time.

This will lead to increased blood pressure, weakened immunity and the development of various diseases. After all, instead of fighting infections, the body simply does not spend all its remaining resources on providing water for the functioning of its organs and brain function, and there is simply no energy left to fight infections and viruses.

To prevent this, you should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day (at least one and a half liters), regardless of your activity. Once every six months or year, take special medications that enhance immunity and contain electrolytes or restore the amount of fluid in the body.

If you see that you cannot cope with the symptoms yourself or are unable to determine what is happening to you or your child, then immediately call a doctor. If it is dehydration, then the doctor will be able to determine and eliminate its cause. If the severity has already reached the moderate or severe level, then the doctor should provide intravenous fluids.

It's easier to prevent than to treat

Preventive measures for such a dangerous disease can save the life and health of you and your loved ones.

To do this, you just need to constantly replenish your water balance throughout the day, regardless of your activity level and how you feel. This is especially true for young children and older people, especially if alarming symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or a sharp increase in body temperature are observed. During illness, you should drink 1.5-2 times more than your daily water intake.

The culture of the drinking regime is no less important than the diet during the day. And it is important to fill your body with clean drinking water. After all, our favorite tea or coffee, and even more so carbonated drinks, can, on the contrary, contribute to rapid dehydration due to dyes and phosphoric acid, which is only absent in clean water.

It is important to know that dehydration is deadly in both hot and cold weather.

It is also useful to know your body’s individual need for water. To do this, you need to multiply your weight by 20, and if you are actively involved in sports or your study/work is related to a dynamic lifestyle, then you should multiply by 30, that is, for each kilogram of weight you should receive 20 or 30, respectively, milliliters of clean water in day. For example, your weight is 75 kg. This means your norm is 1.5 or 2.25 liters, respectively.

Treatment of dehydration

Of course, treating the body for dehydration is to gradually restore the body's water balance to the required level. In severe cases, this is only possible with the help of artificial fluid administration, since the normal circulation of the body is disrupted.

Healing mild and moderate forms of water deficiency is aimed at restoring the lost volume of water and blood and in most cases can be done at home.

To prevent dehydration

  • The normal drinking regime in conditions of average activity and heat is one and a half to two liters of water, not counting drinks.
  • It is especially important to drink plenty of fluids if you have diarrhea, high fever, or nausea.
  • Two hundred milliliters in half an hour is the norm for an active child during a walk.
  • One liter of water in one hour is the norm for a fully grown person when playing sports or doing physical work.

Dehydration (dehydration) occurs when there is an imbalance when the body loses more fluid than it takes in (for example, during vomiting or diarrhea).

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is a lack of water and minerals in the body that are necessary for the body to function properly.

Certain groups of people are more at risk of dehydration than others:

  • Infants: body is 75-80% water;
  • Elderly people: not very sensitive to the feeling of thirst;
  • People with chronic diseases (eg diabetes).


  • Vomiting, (diarrhea) as a result;
  • Certain diseases (diabetes, gastroenteritis, cholera, bulimia, Addison's disease);
  • Excessive use of diuretics or laxatives;
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol;
  • Heavy sweating (hot climate, prolonged exposure to the sun, especially in a child or an elderly person);
  • Insufficient consumption of water and mineral salts.

Symptoms and signs

The first signs of dehydration:

  • Thirst;
  • Dry lips;
  • Fatigue;
  • Weakness;
  • Weight loss (less than 5% of body weight).

In older people, the feeling of thirst is delayed, so you should pay attention to other signs:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Unusual fatigue;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Fever.

In young children and infants, water loss is very rapid, which can lead to weight loss of 10 or even 15%. Therefore, it is important to know the signs of dehydration in your child and consult a doctor immediately if your child:

  • Sleeps too long;
  • Has difficulty waking up, is capricious;
  • Didn't go to the toilet for 6 hours;
  • Urine is dark yellow in color and has an unpleasant odor;
  • Little active, not energetic;
  • Dryness and stickiness of mucous membranes: mouth, lips;
  • When crying there are no tears;
  • Pale, sunken eyes.

If appropriate measures are not taken, the condition will quickly worsen.

Signs of severe dehydration:

  • Extreme thirst, dry mouth;
  • Dull look, sunken eyes;
  • Loss of skin elasticity: when you pinch an area of ​​skin with your fingers, it slowly restores its original appearance;
  • Dry, cold and pale skin;
  • Decreased urination;
  • Headache, disorientation, dizziness;
  • Change in behavior (excitement, indifference, weakness).

First aid for dehydration

What to do if an adult is dehydrated

  1. Lay the patient down.
  2. Loosen any tight clothing (collar, tie, belt).
  3. Place wet wipes on your face and neck.
  4. Give plenty of fluids containing enough sugar and mineral salts (such as Regidron).

What to do if children are dehydrated

  1. The first step is to compensate for the water loss with water or a special oral rehydration solution. These solutions are sold in soluble powder form in pharmacies.
  2. Weigh the child to confirm weight loss.
  3. Measure his temperature regularly.
  4. Count the number of times your child has gone to the toilet.
  5. Observe his behavior.
  6. Monitor him closely as his condition may worsen quickly.
  7. If there is no improvement, consult your doctor immediately.

As you know, without food the body can live more or less safely for two weeks, but without adequate fluid supply a person cannot survive even a day. In this case, sometimes the count is not in hours, but in minutes. That is why a lack of water in our body is very dangerous for human health, and in some cases, no matter how sad it may sound, it can lead to biological death.

What do you think is the cause of dehydration? The answer is quite simple. Most people simply have no idea that water consumption should become some kind of vital necessity, like, for example, eating or defecating. In our article we will try to understand what dehydration is. The symptoms of this dangerous pathology, as well as its causes and treatment, will all be discussed further.


Before understanding the symptoms of this pathology, let’s consider the definition of dehydration.

Dehydration (dehydration) is a lack of fluid, which is necessary for the chemical and metabolic processes occurring in our body. They are carried out continuously throughout human life. As you know, water is the second substance necessary for life after oxygen, and its deficiency leads to serious consequences, for example, hormonal balance is disrupted and the acidity of the body increases.

As a result of the occurrence of such processes, oncological, endocrine, heart and mental diseases appear, and in rare cases, cells of the spinal cord and brain are destroyed. These are the serious consequences that dehydration can lead to.

In this case, you need to learn to recognize the symptoms quickly (especially if it concerns a child) in order to avoid more serious problems. Therefore, below we will talk about this in detail.

Symptoms of dehydration

Of course, a feeling of thirst is a primary sign that warns that the body does not have enough fluid, but this process cannot be called a normal means of determining dehydration. A more correct indicator would be the amount and color of urine. If it is dark in color and its quantity is small, this indicates that there is a lack of fluid in the body, so it should be replenished urgently.

More severe symptoms include rapid weight loss. In just a few days, a person can lose up to 10% of their total body weight. In this case, the chemical balance of the body is disrupted, which can lead to kidney failure, and less often, death. This is already a difficult stage, which, if emergency assistance is not provided, can lead to dehydration.

The symptoms of this disease are quite difficult to distinguish from other pathologies, but in general you can try. So, the main signs of dehydration:

Intense thirst;

Viscous saliva;

Slight dizziness;

Decreased number of urinations;

Apathy, weakness, malaise;

Temperature increase;

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Dangerous signs of dehydration:

Confused consciousness;


Sunken eyes;

When pressing on the skin, it very slowly returns to its original position.

If these signs occur, call an ambulance immediately.

Factors that cause dehydration

The reasons in this case are obvious. The most common is insufficient fluid intake. But there are other factors that cause dehydration:

Profuse sweating during intense physical activity;

Every day our body naturally loses different amounts of fluid. This process depends on many factors, for example, air temperature, relative humidity in the room, the level of physical activity, and the state of human health. Therefore, it is very important to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid during the day. Compliance with this condition will eliminate the possibility of dehydration.

The symptoms of this pathology, as mentioned earlier, must be learned to understand. After all, decreased activity, constant fatigue, severe thirst, malaise, overwork - this is nothing more than a request from our body to provide it with help, and if it is not provided in time, then our cells will not be properly saturated with moisture, therefore, the body will lose moisture very quickly. there will be an imbalance. Ulcers, diabetes, constipation, asthma, allergies, obesity, varicose veins, arthritis - this is a small part of what dehydration can lead to. The consequences in this case may be irreversible. There will be memory loss, pain in the joints and spine, problems with the cardiovascular system, and in rare cases, even the manifestation of dementia.

Dehydration in children

As is known, children are more prone to this disease than adults. The most common causes of dehydration in children are fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

Symptoms of dehydration in children

  1. No urination for more than 6 hours.
  2. Urine has a pungent odor and dark color.
  3. Dry mouth and lips.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. Poor appetite.
  6. Lack of tears when crying.

Symptoms of dehydration in moderate to severe stages

  1. Sunken eyes.
  2. Drowsiness, apathy of the child to what is happening.
  3. Dry skin.
  4. Dry tongue.
  5. Dry mucous membranes.
  6. Sunken fontanel in infants.

If you notice such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately, because dehydration in children is a very dangerous condition that requires urgent medical attention. The doctor, in turn, will prescribe appropriate treatment. The child may need intravenous fluids.

How to treat dehydration?

Treatment depends on the severity of the pathology. In most cases, with a mild stage of the disease, it is urgent to restore the missing fluid level. Place the patient on a hard surface, if possible in a cool, well-ventilated, damp room, and keep him at rest. Water should be supplied in small portions and at a temperature that corresponds to the patient’s body temperature, so that the liquid is absorbed into the blood faster.

If the cause of dehydration is vomiting or diarrhea, in this case the patient should be given a solution for oral dehydration (the drug "Regidron"). If you don't have one on hand, prepare it yourself. For this, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 2 tbsp. l. Dilute sugar in one liter of boiled water. This solution can also be given to children as much as the child can drink, but in small portions, because the reserves of salt and water in the body of children are especially small, so it is for them that all kinds of intestinal infections are the most dangerous.

Prevention of dehydration

The consequences of dehydration can be very dangerous and cost a person his health or even his life. Therefore, in order not to subject your body to such torture, try to prevent dehydration as often as possible at the initial stage. To prevent fluid deficiency, follow these recommendations:

In hot and dry weather with active physical activity, elevated body temperature, or a long trip, always keep a bottle of non-carbonated mineral water with you;

It is better to generally refrain from physical activity in such weather;

Make sure that your child and elderly parents drink enough fluids;

In summer, try to stay in the shade or in air-conditioned rooms;

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages in hot and dry weather.

Obviously, everyone knows that the benefits of water for our body are invaluable, but few people realize what consequences can arise from its lack, because all vital processes within us depend on the amount of liquid we consume. Don't forget that drinking water regularly should become a habit, otherwise dehydration cannot be avoided.

When the human body does not receive enough fluid or loses it due to various factors (diarrhea, vomiting, overheating of the body, etc.), dehydration occurs (dehydration). As this pathological condition progresses, it can lead to irreparable health consequences and even death. We will consider further what complications dehydration leads to, and what measures should be taken if symptoms of dehydration occur.

Consequences of dehydration

As dehydration progresses, first the volume of intracellular fluid in the body decreases, then intercellular fluid, and then water is removed from the blood.

Dehydration leads to disruption of all functions of food processing, its synthesis, delivery of vital substances, and removal of toxins. Dehydration especially affects the cells of the immune system, as a result of disruption of which immunodeficiency diseases develop (asthma, bronchitis, lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, infertility).

Other adverse results of dehydration include:

  • digestive disorders;
  • narrowing of the airways;
  • failure of acid-base balance;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, bladder;
  • increased abrasion of cartilage;
  • premature aging, etc.

What to do if you are dehydrated?

The main measures for treating dehydration of the body are related to the rapid replenishment of fluid losses and the normalization of water and electrolyte balance. This takes into account the factors due to which dehydration developed, as well as the severity of the pathological condition.

In most cases, mild dehydration in adults resolves after drinking enough water.

The required amount of water per day is 1.5 - 2 liters. It is best to drink non-carbonated mineral water, as well as compotes and fruit drinks in small portions.

For moderate dehydration, oral rehydration therapy is used - taking saline rehydration solutions. They are a balanced mixture of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium citrate and glucose (Regidron, Hydrovit).

In addition, for dehydration of the body, similar medications You can cook it yourself using the following recipes:

  1. Dissolve 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of table salt, 2 - 4 tablespoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water.
  2. Add 0.5 teaspoon of table salt and a teaspoon of soda to a glass of orange juice, bring the volume of the solution to 1 liter.

Severe dehydration requires intravenous infusion of rehydration solutions in a hospital setting. The disease causing dehydration is also treated.

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