What are Riboxin used for by athletes? Riboxin in bodybuilding - instructions for use. Treatment of the digestive system

Hi all. Let's continue our discussion of drugs used during weight training. Today we will talk about riboxin.

Riboxin (inosine) is a metabolic agent that stimulates biochemical processes in various tissues of the body, including muscle tissue. It is able to strengthen the body's defenses and also increase endurance. Thanks to these effects, Riboxin is so widely used in bodybuilding.

Let’s not delve into the wilds of the biochemical action of riboxin, we have no need for that. Let’s just touch on the pharmacological action a little to understand all the positive qualities of this drug. Inosine is a precursor to ATP. From the school chemistry course we remember that ATP is the most important source of energy in the human body, without which muscle work is impossible.

Entering the body, riboxin has metabolic (accelerates metabolic processes in tissues), antihypoxic (increases tissue resistance to low oxygen levels in the blood), normalizes tissue respiration processes (improves oxygen absorption in tissues), increases the energy balance of muscle tissue, including cardiac muscles, has a positive effect on the contractile function of the myocardium, promotes more complete relaxation of the heart in between contractions, which is very important during heavy physical exertion.

In medical practice, this drug is mainly used for various diseases of the heart, liver, stomach and duodenum. I will not write in detail about diseases here. I hope you are spared all these terrible diseases.

Available in capsules, tablets and solution for intravenous administration. We will not consider the solution, since it is unlikely that each of us has a personal nurse at home who will give you IVs every day. Tablets are available in packs of 50 pieces, the dosage of one tablet is 0.2 g.

How to take Riboxin

We will not consider methods of use and doses for the treatment of various diseases. We are interested in the use of inosine in bodybuilding. The tablets must be taken orally immediately before meals. The daily dose during heavy physical activity can reach 1.5-2.4 g. (7-12 tablets). It is necessary to start taking the drug with a minimum dose: 0.8 g - 1 tablet 4 times a day. Then, if well tolerated, the dose is gradually increased to 2.4 g. a day in four doses. You need to take Riboxin in courses of 1-3 months, then take a break of one or two months.

As a rule, Riboxin is well tolerated by the body. In rare cases, allergic reactions, itching, redness of the skin, and rapid heartbeat are possible. When the dose is reduced, these effects usually disappear quickly.

"Riboxin" is a drug that can have a positive effect on the energy supply of body tissues and metabolism.

It normalizes heart rate and coronary circulation, and also increases the energy balance of the myocardium. By participating in glucose metabolism, Riboxin stimulates metabolic processes in the absence of ATP. Because of the drug’s ability to reduce tissue hypoxia, women are often prescribed Riboxin during pregnancy, reviews after taking it indicate its high effectiveness.

Taking this drug promotes active tissue regeneration, which is especially important for the myocardium and gastrointestinal mucosa. "Riboxin" also reduces platelet aggregation, which is an indicator that determines blood clotting.

"Riboxin" is poorly soluble in alcohol and absolutely insoluble in water. In its pure form it is an odorless, white, slightly yellowish powder.

Indications for use

The drug is taken in various dosages to treat many diseases. As part of complex therapy for coronary heart disease, the drug "Riboxin" is prescribed, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness at absolutely any stage of this disease. In addition, the drug is indicated in the recovery period after a myocardial infarction suffered by the patient.

Riboxin also comes to the rescue in the treatment of cardiomyopathies and myocarditis. Instructions for use, reviews from doctors and patients indicate that the drug does an excellent job of normalizing heart rhythm. Moreover, in the treatment of arrhythmia, which was caused by an overdose of other drugs, the greatest effect is achieved.

The medicine has found another application in the treatment of patients with uroporphyria, a disorder of metabolic processes in the body.

"Riboxin" can also be part of complex therapy for a number of liver diseases, which include cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty degeneration. In addition, the drug is prescribed to patients with toxic damage to liver cells caused by exposure to various factors on the body associated with professional activities or taking certain medications.

Often, cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy are prescribed Riboxin. Feedback from patients after taking the drug confirms its effect, which is to reduce adverse reactions during radiation therapy.

The drug is part of the complex therapy of diseases of the visual organs, in particular open-angle glaucoma.

For excessive physical activity, the drug "Riboxin" is also indicated, reviews of which, and only positive ones, were left by a considerable number of athletes.


First of all, you should understand that, even if you know your diagnosis for sure, self-medication with this drug is not recommended. Prescription of "Riboxin" should be carried out only by a qualified doctor and on an individual basis.

The main contraindication to taking the drug is individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the active ingredients that are included in the composition.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with metabolic disorders of purine bases and uric acid, as well as in patients with gout. The fact is that the drug can provoke an attack of gout, as well as cause various adverse reactions during treatment with chemotherapy drugs. Therefore, the use of the drug by patients undergoing chemotherapy should be under the strict supervision of the attending physician, and the amount of uric acid in the patient’s blood should be regularly checked.

Adverse reactions

The most common side reaction of the body to treatment with Riboxin is an allergic reaction, which is manifested by slight itching and redness of the skin. After stopping the use of the product, the allergy goes away immediately.

With a long course of treatment with Riboxin, as mentioned earlier, patients with impaired uric acid metabolism and kidney disease may develop gout. In this case, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and carry out therapy to combat inflammatory processes in the joints.

Currently, research questions the benefit of long-term use of the drug. However, patients and doctors do not agree with this: experience shows the effectiveness of long-term use.

Any medication must be taken strictly according to the instructions and only after it has been prescribed by a doctor. Riboxin is no exception. Reviews from doctors and patients indicate that an overdose of the drug may result in the appearance of a rash, redness and itching, as well as increased heartbeat, heaviness in the chest and other unpleasant sensations. But all these symptoms are not dangerous and disappear immediately with a decrease in the concentration of the drug “Riboxin” in the blood. Indications for use, reviews of the drug and a serious attitude towards treatment will only lead to a positive effect.

Directions for use and dosage

"Riboxin" tablets should be taken before eating. The daily dose in the first days of treatment is 0.6-0.8 g (1 tablet 3-4 times a day). In the following days, if there are no negative reactions from the body, the daily dose can be increased to 2.4 g. The duration of the course of treatment should be determined by the attending physician, sometimes the duration of treatment is up to 3 months, depending on the disease. For example, patients with uroporphyria should take Riboxin 800 mg daily for 4-12 weeks.

The product is available not only in tablets, but also in the form of a 2% injection solution, which is administered intravenously. The solution can be administered either by stream (very slowly) or by drip (50-60 drops per minute). On the first day of treatment, a solution of 10 ml must be administered only once. Further, the dosage can be increased to 20 ml several times a day if no negative side reactions have been identified and the patient feels well.

In order to administer the required dose of “Riboxin” by drip, it must be dissolved in glucose or 5% sodium chloride (volume - up to 250 ml). The duration of treatment is 1.5-2 weeks.

Indications for use during pregnancy

Being an antioxidant, antihypoxant and a good tool for improving metabolic processes in tissues, “Riboxin” is especially important during gestation.

The drug can be prescribed to support cardiac activity during periods of increased stress. Often, the Riboxin solution is administered to women directly during childbirth, since it is at this moment that the load on the heart is greatest. It is indicated for use in pregnant women with liver disease and gastritis. Moreover, the drug can reduce unpleasant symptoms and normalize gastric secretion.

If fetal hypoxia is detected, Riboxin can also be prescribed during pregnancy. Reviews about a decrease in the degree of oxygen starvation of the fetus after taking the drug confirm its effectiveness in this regard.

In the absence of any adverse reactions, pregnant women are prescribed 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for one month.

Contraindications during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women are prescribed the drug "Riboxin", reviews of which indicate the advisability of taking it during this period. However, some are confused by the fact that in the instructions for the drug you can often find information that it is contraindicated during pregnancy. But you shouldn’t be upset or scared, because the contraindications are based only on the lack of clinical research in this area. In addition, today there is a lot of evidence of the successful use of Riboxin during pregnancy. The drug has no pathological effect on either the mother or the fetus, therefore, there is no reason to be concerned. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. But, despite the harmlessness of "Riboxin", we should not forget that only a doctor can prescribe the drug.

"Riboxin" in bodybuilding

The drug is used not only for the purpose of treatment for various diseases. Riboxin is used as a dietary supplement for athletes in bodybuilding. Reviews about the harmlessness of the drug and its positive effect on the body allow it to be used by supporters of doping-free sports.

Being a precursor of ATP, it activates reduction and oxidative processes, due to which metabolism and energy supply to tissues are activated. In addition, oxygen saturation of tissues improves.

Bodybuilders use Riboxin to gain weight. Reviews from other athletes indicate that by using the drug, it is possible not only to build muscle mass, but also to maintain it.

The effect of the drug on the body of athletes

When using "Riboxin" the athlete's body has a complex effect:

  • Energy processes in the body and metabolism improve.
  • The risk of hypoxia of organs and tissues is significantly reduced.
  • At the cellular level, the ability to regenerate tissue increases.
  • Tissue respiration and blood flow improves.
  • The work of the heart muscle is significantly improved, thereby reducing the risk of myocardial ischemia.

Dosage of the drug during sports

Thanks to the use of the drug, heavy physical activity is much easier for the athlete, in addition, he becomes stronger and more resilient. However, it is important to take the dosage of a medicine such as Riboxin responsibly. The instructions and reviews from doctors say that an athlete should start taking the drug with small doses, thereby checking the reaction of his body to this medicine. The first few days you need to take up to four tablets during the day before meals. If there are no adverse reactions within three days, the daily dose can be gradually increased to 14 tablets. The duration of the course should not exceed three months, after which it is not recommended to take the drug for several months to give the body a rest.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of Riboxin and cardiac glycosides can prevent the occurrence of disruptions in the heart, as well as enhance the inotropic effect.

Use with Heparin enhances the effectiveness and duration of the latter's effects.

When using the drug in the form of injections, you should remember that it is incompatible with alkaloids: as a result of their mixing, insoluble compounds are formed. It is not recommended to combine the injection solution with other medications: undesirable chemical interaction of the components with each other may occur.

The drug is also incompatible with vitamin B6: simultaneous use deactivates both compounds.

Riboxin(one of the names is inosine) is a drug that stimulates biochemical processes. This medication is a precursor to adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). Thanks to it, there is an improvement in metabolic processes in the myocardium, as well as coronary circulation. An antihypoxic effect is also observed. Riboxin is able to increase the human body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency. The drug is prescribed by the attending physician for arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease, myocardial dystrophy, myocarditis, cirrhosis, cardiomyopathy, hepatitis, stomach ulcer, etc.

Riboxin in bodybuilding is used in various forms: both tablet and injectable. Combines well with potassium orotate and.

Effects of Riboxin

  • This medication can be classified as a group of substances that stimulate metabolic processes in the body, so it is used by athletes very often.
  • The drug is made from purine, which is obtained from adenosine triphosphoric acid. She is the most valuable source of energy..
  • Since the active substance is a nucleoside, it can penetrate into the cell and help increase the level of energy balance of the myocardium.
  • Riboxin promotes nucleotide stimulation. Its use leads to an increase in individual enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
  • Increasing the human body's resistance to oxygen deficiency.
  • Improving coronary blood supply and metabolic processes in the myocardium.

History of application

Inosine has been actively used in elite sports since the late 60s. Doctors believed that it could improve the performance of athletes. But later studies showed that its use is not justified, since it does NOT increase muscle mass, strength, and, as a means, the results of athletes.

Riboxin is used during the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis
  • Myocardial dystrophy during heavy physical exertion
  • Arrhythmia
  • Various liver diseases
  • Prevention of metabolic damage to the myocardium during severe physical activity

How to take Riboxin for bodybuilding?

The drug is taken orally before meals. Usually take 1.5-2.5 grams per day. At the beginning, the dosage is 0.5-0.8 grams 3-4 times a day. If it is observed that a person tolerates the dosage well, then it can be increased to 2.5 grams. The period of taking Riboxin is from four to twelve weeks.


Riboxin should not be taken if you have severe renal failure, gout, or high sensitivity to Riboxin. Since purine is a precursor of riboxin, if you have hypersensitivity to it and its derivatives, you should stop taking it.

Side effects

On average, good tolerability is diagnosed. Sometimes itching is diagnosed, sometimes skin hyperemia or bradycardia. If you have an allergy, stop taking inosine. There is a possibility of an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood. With prolonged use of the drug, coupled with the use of impressive dosages, an exacerbation of gout is observed.

Nature of work

Glucose metabolism does not occur without the participation of riboxin. It helps metabolism with a lack of oxygen and a lack of adenosine triphosphoric acid. Riboxin can help improve oxidative and reduction processes in the body. Inosine is able to intensify the metabolism of pyruvic acid and can also stabilize the process of tissue respiration. Can improve coronary blood supply. Thanks to inosine, the heart muscle will contract with greater force. By binding calcium ions, riboxin helps to relax the myocardium in diastole. As a result, stroke volume will increase and tissue blood supply will increase. Riboxin in bodybuilding helps reduce platelet aggregation and activate tissue repair. The drug is well absorbed. The kidneys excrete the drug in small quantities.


  1. L.A. Gridin and others, “Methods of research and pharmacological correction of human physical performance,” Medicine, 400 p. , 2007
  2. Kulenkov O.S. Pharmacological assistance to an athlete: correction of factors limiting sports performance, 350 pages
  3. Dalton B. “Inosine supplementation has no effect on aerobic or anaerobic cycling performance.” International Journal of Sports Nutrition 9, 300 pp.

This article will discuss such a bodybuilding drug as Riboxin. Another name for this drug is also found - inosine. This remedy is used to stimulate metabolism and metabolic processes in organ tissues, including muscle tissues. In addition, riboxin increases endurance and strengthens the body's defenses. It is precisely this wide range of pharmacological actions that has become the reason for the enormous popularity of Riboxin in bodybuilding.

In order to understand the basic properties of this drug at the everyday level, you do not need to delve into the jungle of the chemical composition of the product and its biochemical effects. It is enough to consider the main pharmacological indications to understand why inosine is such a wonderful remedy. Inosine is a kind of precursor to ATP. Perhaps not everyone remembers, but ATP is the most important source of energy for the human body. Without ATP, in principle, the functioning of the muscular system is generally impossible.

Let's see what happens in the body when a person starts taking Riboxin:

  • metabolic effects, as mentioned above, accelerate the process of metabolism of useful substances in tissues;
  • antihypoxic effects affect tissue resistance to low oxygen levels in the blood;
  • Inosine normalizes tissue respiration processes, i.e. significantly improves the absorption of oxygen in tissues;
  • increases the energy balance of muscle tissue, including the heart, resulting in more complete relaxation of the heart in between contractions, and this fact also has a positive effect on myocardial function. The above circumstances are extremely important during heavy physical exertion.

This drug is also widely used in medicine. For example, treatment with Riboxin occurs for diseases such as heart disease, liver disease, duodenal disease, and stomach disease.

Release form

Riboxin (inosine) is usually available in the form of capsules, tablets or solution for intravenous use. We do not consider the last option. Not everyone can afford to have a nurse who will give you IVs every day. Tablets are available in packs of 50 pieces, with a dosage of 0.2 grams.

Instructions for use of the drug “Riboxin”

Based on the specifics of our topic and the fact that those people who are now reading this article are not interested in Riboxin for medical purposes, we will not touch on dosages and methods of administration for the treatment of diseases. We are interested in the methods of use and dosage of taking Riboxin specifically in bodybuilding. The first rule regarding taking Riboxin is that it must be taken immediately before meals. It is impossible to determine the exact daily dose of inosine. The main factor here is the degree of physical stress on the body. During particularly active activities, the daily dose can reach from 1.5 to 2.4 grams, which is 7-12 tablets of the drug. The minimum dose to start is 0.8 grams – one tablet four times a day. Then, if you tolerate inosine well, gradually increase the daily dose to a maximum of 2.4 grams per day in four doses. The course of taking the drug should not exceed 3 months. After a course of taking Riboxin, you need to take a break of one or two months.

Side effects

Side effects are rare and are rather the exception to the rule. The main side effects are as follows:

  • skin itching;
  • skin redness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • cardiopalmus.

If such effects are observed for the first time, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug. As a rule, this allows you to get rid of side effects.

Let's sum it up

Riboxin (inosine) deserves the title of the main source of pharmacological support for athletes and bodybuilders. Along with this drug are potassium orotate and LIV 52. The main advantage of Ribsin is its ability to quickly restore the body’s performance under heavy loads. Include it in your diet and the results will not take long to arrive. Good luck and success in conquering the Olympic heights of athletics.

Not so long ago, athletes quite often used a medication such as Riboxin. Today, the popularity of this drug has not diminished; it is also loved by many athletes.

It is added to a course of steroids, which is why it is considered one of the main non-steroidal anabolic steroids. Riboxin is a nucleic acid that can be found in offal and brewer's yeast.

Riboxin and its properties

This drug has many positive qualities:

  • It helps increase hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Positively affects and takes part in metabolism;
  • Increases the digestibility of carbohydrates in the heart due to the production of insulin;
  • Helps dilate blood vessels;
  • Helps increase endurance and training efficiency, which is why athletes love this drug;
  • Improves immunity and helps recovery processes in the body and muscle tissue, respectively.

The medication can give full energy to the muscles. When this drug works, metabolic processes become better, the tissue breathes better. It has a very good effect on the condition of the heart, which is appreciated during heavy loads.

When is the drug used?

In medicine, the drug is used in the treatment of:

  • Liver after alcohol intoxication
  • Stomach
  • Duodenum
  • Hearts

It will be of great benefit after using anabolic steroids, and can also be taken together with steroids. Used in the treatment of glaucoma, which improves vision function. In bodybuilding, the drug will help with sprains and is well suited for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

There is even an opinion, which not many people agree with, that Riboxin can be called one of the best anabolic drugs. But if we consider all the drugs that are non-hormonal and non-steroidal, then it is among the first drugs for bodybuilding.

Back in Soviet times, weightlifters used this medicine very effectively, but later they abandoned this drug, since studies did not prove the need for this medication in sports. For visible results, it is best to add B vitamins, orotate and glycerophosphate to Riboxin. Moreover, this scheme is suitable for “chemists” and those who prefer everything natural.

It can also be considered an excellent creatine substitute, at a lower price. Side effects include only personal intolerance, otherwise it is considered completely safe. If you are personally intolerant, an allergic rash may appear. The main thing is to maintain the correct proportions and not to overuse quantities.

How to take Riboxin for bodybuilding

The release form of this medication is in tablets, which are taken before meals. The course begins with one tablet, which is taken daily for four days. This time will help identify intolerance; if everything is fine and the medication is suitable for the athlete, then the dose is increased to 2.5 g. per day, which will need to be divided into several doses.

  1. To prevent heart damage associated with metabolic processes when loads approach extremes.
  2. When heart dystrophy occurs after heavy exercise.
  3. Heart rhythm is disturbed.
  4. For stress-induced cardiomyopathy.
  5. When the liver is damaged by drug intoxication.
  6. Hepatitis in acute and chronic form, as well as all other liver diseases.
  7. Ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

Use with potassium orotate

Very often, to improve the effect, potassium orotate is used with Riboxin. Potassium orotate is also harmless. Take two tablets daily; this medication will help improve the athlete’s tone, improve his mood, give him a feeling of strength and endurance, and increase his performance. You can also add the required vitamins, asparkam, to the course.

In combination with asparkam

Asparkam in bodybuilding is very often used during the drying period in order to lose accumulated kilograms. This remedy can be considered comprehensive. This drug contains the following ingredients:

  • Magnesium aspartate helps transport energy in the body and is involved in protein metabolism.
  • Potassium aspartate plays an important role in cellular metabolic processes.

When an athlete trains, asparkam works very effectively for the benefit of the body. This drug makes fatigue much less noticeable, so training becomes more complete and brings more benefits to the athlete. Maximum performance has a positive effect on muscle growth and improved relief. To prevent fluid from retaining in the body, asparkam can be taken in combination with diuretics. This combination will help the body retain all beneficial substances.

This drug is properly taken one or two tablets a few minutes before meals three times daily. The bodybuilder decides how much to take this drug based on his state of health and the results of tests that should be done periodically.


Taking this drug is interesting not only for bodybuilders who strive to gain muscle, but also for those who are simply trying to lose weight or improve their body contour. This drug can help in the process of getting rid of excess fat deposits. Therefore, there are a lot of reviews from those who were in the process of losing weight. The drug itself does not provide an obvious weight loss effect, but it helps very well in this process.

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