Tamoxifen in bodybuilding how to take doses. Tamoxifen and Clomid on a course of steroids. Side effects of Tamoxifen

Tamoxifen contains 15.2; 30.4 or 45.6 mg tamoxifen citrate , which is respectively equivalent to 10, 20 or 30 mg tamoxifen.

Tablets are packaged in blisters, containers or polyethylene bottles of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 100, 120, 150 or 300 pcs.

Release form


pharmachologic effect

It has antiestrogenic and antitumor properties.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Tamoxifen is nonsteroidal antitumor antiestrogenic drug , characterized by the ability to competitively inhibit peripheral estrogen receptors in target organs and tumors arising from them.

As a result, the complex “ tamoxifen receptor-transfer cofactor”, which, translocating into cell nucleus , prevents hypertrophy of estrogen-dependent cells.

Sports Wiki states that the substance was first synthesized in 1971 and became the first antiestrogenic agent among representatives of the class of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SREs).

Renders antigonadotropic effect and suppresses education prostaglandins in tumor tissue , slows down the development of the tumor process, which is stimulated.

After taking a single dose of the drug, the ability to block estrogens persists for several weeks.

Promotes release pituitary gonadotropic hormones , thereby causing ovulation in women in its absence. At oligospermia in men increases serum concentration estrogen , luteotropin And follitropin .

Tamoxifen and some of its metabolites exhibit the properties of powerful inhibitors (oxidases) with mixed functions (monooxygenases) of the liver cytochrome P450 system. However, how clinically significant these effects are is not known.

In some cases, Tamoxifen is effective in estrogen-independent tumors . The substance has a partial estrogen-like effect on the lipid spectrum, and bone tissue .

Absorption of Tamoxifen is high, TCmax is from 4 to 7 hours after oral administration of the tablet. Steady-state plasma concentrations are observed 4 weeks after the start of treatment using a dosage of 40 mg/day.

WITH blood plasma albumin the substance is 99% bound. Metabolization occurs in the liver by demethylation, hydroxylation and conjugation and with the participation of the CYP2C9 isoenzyme.

Metabolites are excreted mainly with the contents intestines and partly kidneys (small amount). Removal is carried out in two stages. The initial half-life of the main metabolite circulating in the systemic circulation ranges from 7 to 14 hours, the final slow half-life is 7 days.

Indications for use

The use of Tamoxifen is advisable for:

  • estrogen-sensitive tumors ;
  • malignant damage to breast tissue (especially during the period in women);
  • breast cancer , including in men after surgical removal of the genital organs;
  • ductal breast cancer (ductal carcinoma in situ);
  • endometrial cancer .

Fareston or Tamoxifen - which is more effective?

Fareston - This antitumor antiestrogenic nonsteroidal drug , the basis of which is the substance. Main features of the medicine:

  • the presence of a chlorine atom in its chemical structure (which makes the drug more stable compared to Tamoxifen);
  • absence oncogenic effect ;
  • ability to induce apoptosis;
  • effectiveness at ER-negative tumors .

According to clinical observations conducted over six months, it was found that when taking Fareston:

  • changes in hormonal homeostasis are an order of magnitude more favorable than when taking Tamoxifen;
  • changes that are less dangerous for the patient in terms of cancer risk develop;
  • Undesirable side effects occur an order of magnitude less often.

The studies also led to the conclusion that, as part of complex treatment, the influence Fareston on tumor process with progressive breast cancer more effective than the effect of its analogue: with its use, patients experienced complete remission much more often, and disease progression began 1.2 months later.

Besides, antitumor effect during treatment Fareston was observed in a larger number of patients.

Good afternoon, rockers! Today we will talk about an approved drug that can be bought at a pharmacy without any prescription.

Tamoxifen was originally used to treat breast cancer in women, but times are changing and our brothers have started using it as a drug that lowers estrogen levels. Tamoxifen in bodybuilding began to be used much later, but found great demand in this area.

Considering that almost all steroids undergo aromatization and are converted into estrogen, then there is a risk of various side effects from their use. This is where Tamox will help us. Tamoxifen also has neither androgenic nor anabolic properties.

Pros of Tamox:

  • Increase in strength indicators (if you exercise naturally, without using anabolic steroids)
  • Increased muscle mass.
  • Estrogen suppression, due to this property, tamoxifen is very popular.
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, as well as cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improves liver function.

The anti-estrogen effect is achieved by blocking the receptors; in no case does the level of conversion of testosterone into estrogen decrease, although many believe so. Thanks to blocking the receptors, you can safely cycle, but the drug must be taken on an ongoing basis.

How to take tamoxifen?

Tamoxifen can be taken in several cases:

  • No course.
  • On course.
  • After the course.

No course. Tamoxifen is taken without a course in order to increase the level of your own testosterone. It is worth noting that when taking 20 mg of Tamox per day for 10 days, testosterone levels approximately double.

On course. During the course, this drug can be taken either alone or with inhibitors, for example Proviron. The dose starts from 10 mg per day, 20 mg is optimal, but it all depends on your estrogen level. It is better to get tested; this advice is not recommended to be ignored.

After the course. Upon completion of the course, tamoxifen is continued for a month without reducing the dosage, and in some cases even increasing it. Tamox helps restore testosterone levels faster and protects you from possible gynecomastia. Also, with increased nutrition and consumption of tamoxifen, the rebound after the course will be minimal, which is also quite important.

Side effects.

In case of overdose, baldness, fever, fever, headaches and nausea are observed.

Also in severe cases, partial loss of vision is observed, which is very rare in overdoses.

Recently, the cult of the body has been developing; more and more men want to be strong, have sculpted muscles and look good. Sport is something that will help anyone achieve such a goal. But often, in order for the desired effect to be more noticeable and manifest itself faster, athletes resort to the use of special drugs - steroids.

For them to be beneficial, you need to take into account many factors: create a training schedule, calculate the dose and choose the right funds. Taking a course of steroids alone is not enough. Moreover, it can cause great harm to the body and will not help in achieving the goal.

To prevent this from happening, you need to combine the use of anabolic steroids with antiestrogenic drugs, for example, clomiphene and Tamoxifen. Next, the properties of Tamoxifen will be discussed.

What is Tamoxifen

Tamoxifen is a medicine in the form of tablets, according to the instructions primarily intended for for the prevention and treatment of cancer mammary gland. The product is sold at a very affordable price from 50 to 250 rubles, is included in the group of sex hormones, and is taken orally. Based on this medicine, Nolvadex, Zitazonium and Tamoximed are also produced.

Pharmacies usually stock drugs of Austrian, Indian, Russian and Ukrainian origin. But, according to reviews, it is better to find Tamoxifen produced in Finland, since it has the greatest effect.

Recently, Tamoxifen is increasingly being used not by women, but by male bodybuilders. To accelerate muscle growth they use special drugs steroid profile. This has a bad effect on men's health, since such drugs lead to an increase in the level of female hormones (estrogens).

As a result, a man’s body can begin to develop according to the female type: the fat layer in the waist area increases, the mammary glands begin to grow (gynecomastia), and the male reproductive system is inhibited. The use of antiestrogenic drugs that destroy the connection of female hormone receptors with steroids will help block this process. This leads to a rise in testosterone, which suppresses estrogen.

Reviews often highlight the following functions of Tamoxifen that are useful for bodybuilding:

  • weight loss;
  • stimulation of muscle mass gain;
  • prevention of side effects from taking steroids.

How to use Tamoxifen

Usually, before taking any medicine, you should read the instructions that come with it. In the case of bodybuilders using tamoskiphen, this rule does not work, since by default the drug is intended for the prevention and treatment of cancer in women. This does not mean that Tamoxifen is harmless and can be used in any dosage. It is usually recommended to start taking anabolic steroids and start using Tamoxifen only after 7 days. This is due to the fact that only after this period the amount of female sex hormones will increase.

According to reviews from bodybuilders, it should be taken daily in the amount of 10 mg. If no negative consequences are observed from taking it, sometimes this dosage is increased to 30 or even 40 mg, but this should be done with caution to avoid side effects.

To do this, you must remember that the reception algorithm is individual for each case and depends on many parameters(height, physique, what steroid drugs were taken, etc.) You can find out how to take Tamoxifen for bodybuilding so that this drug helps achieve the desired effective effect by consulting with a good specialist.


As mentioned above, Tamoxifen was developed as an anti-cancer drug. But since this article describes the use of the drug for bodybuilding, in this direction we can highlight two main properties Tamoxifen is a limitation of the growth of estrogen in the body while taking steroids and post-cycle therapy after taking them. Let's look at both of these uses.

Fighting estrogen while taking steroids

It is most effective to use Tamoxifen while taking anabolic steroids, and not after the course has already been completed. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from athletes. This drug prevents testosterone from being converted into estrogen, causing in the human body a high level of male hormone and low level of female hormone is maintained. This is useful for athletes. But to achieve the best results, you must remember to take the drug daily.

Post cycle therapy

Post-cycle therapy is necessary in any case, no matter what dosage the drugs are taken. It is carried out in order to:

  • the body produces testosterone (this is achieved due to the release of gonadotropins into the blood);
  • continued progress in gaining muscle mass;
  • changes in the female type have not begun;
  • the testicles did not shrink due to a lack of the male hormone testosterone;
  • There were no side effects from the drugs.

Often, taking Tamoxifen alone is not enough to achieve an effect in the fight against estrogen. The latter occurs in the body during aromatization of steroids, and the drug described here does not suppress this process, but only blocks the work of the female hormone present in the body. Thus, termination of course intake leads to a sharp increase in the amount of estrogen in the blood. To prevent this process, you should take an anti-estrogenic agent in combination with a drug that suppresses the aromatization of steroids. The greatest effect is achieved by combining Tamoxifen with Proviron.

When using Tamoxifen and Proviron as post-cycle therapy, take 10–20 mg daily for several weeks. A month after completing the course of steroids, it is advisable to take another course of Tamoxifen.

Side effects

If the drug was taken in the correct dosages according to the instructions of a specialist, there will be no negative consequences for the body. Tamoxifen is considered mild by effect on the body and has minimal side effects. However, if taken incorrectly, according to reviews, the following phenomena may be observed:

  • elevated temperature;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased sperm production by the body;
  • hair loss;
  • skin rash and dermatitis;
  • weakness and fatigue.


Tamoxifen is not a universal remedy. It should never be taken after a course of steroids such as Trenbolone or Nandrolone. Besides, before you start taking any medications, you should definitely consult a specialist. Tamoxifen should absolutely not be taken if a person has:

  • individual intolerance, hypersensitivity or allergy to tamoxifen citrate or other components of the drug, for example, lactose;
  • pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis and any other kidney diseases;
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • hypercoagulation (increased blood clotting);
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalances.

It is worth remembering that without a medical examination it is impossible to say for sure whether a person is completely healthy or has some kind of disease. Often the disease occurs in a latent form for some time. This leads to an erroneous opinion that the body is completely healthy. If in this case you start taking such completely harmless drugs as tamoxifen, this can lead to a significant deterioration in health. There will be no benefit from taking such drugs, and the damage will be enormous.

Also, the drug is not recommended for women involved in bodybuilding. According to reviews, Tamoxifen led to hormonal disruptions, accompanied by an increase in body weight due to the accumulation of fat, and disruption of menstruation. In particularly advanced cases, taking Tamokifen can lead to infertility.

Positive aspects of taking the drug

Despite all the contraindications and side effects of Tamoxifen described above, with the right approach to taking it, it can bring noticeable benefits athletes. If before use, all the necessary health examinations have been carried out and the correct dosage has been selected by a specialist, taking the drug will lead to the following achievements:

Thus, Tamoxifen not only blocks the action of female hormones in men, but also has a number of properties that are a nice bonus for athletes. In addition, of the entire existing line of antiestrogenic drugs, Tamoxifen is considered the safest.

Disadvantages of the drug

In addition to the positive effects on the athlete’s body, Tamoxifen also has negative properties. Thus, its use reduces the production of insulin-like protein by the liver. In addition, the drug acts extremely slowly. When you start taking it, the effect is generally unnoticeable; it only appears after some time.

Also, the drug is very weak if used for post-cycle therapy. Moreover, he may cause to gaining excess weight. Its action has to be supported by accompanying means, since it cannot cope alone. This is not very convenient, since there are drugs that are much more effective in this sense.

Tamoxifen in bodybuilding

So, a man has both testosterone and estrogen in his body. They are, respectively, the main male and female sex hormones. But the most important thing is that they balance each other. That is, the more estrogen, the less testosterone and vice versa.

Tamoxifen is aimed precisely at reducing estrogen levels, which is why the concentration of testosterone actively increases. And not by 5-10 mg, but by 10-20 times! True, the drug does not act quickly. Its nominal concentration in the body is achieved only after 3-5 days of administration, and the recommended course is only 2 weeks (after which a short break is taken and the program is repeated again).

How does the drug work?

When it enters the blood, it binds to estradiol, thereby preventing estrogen receptors from being activated when estrogen influences them. Simply put, the body stops responding to the female sex hormone.

At the same time, the pituitary gland automatically increases testosterone production. It, in turn, accelerates metabolism, including the breakdown of fat mass, and is also responsible for the absorption of proteins, which contributes to a sharp increase in muscle mass.

What advantages does it have?

The main advantage of Tamoxifen is its relatively low cost and effectiveness. It also prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer of the reproductive system (testes, prostate).

In what cases should this remedy be taken? In the event that neither diet nor active physical activity helps speed up fat loss and muscle gain. Before this, it is still recommended to take a blood test to determine testosterone concentration.

Tamoxifen should be taken only in cases where it is underestimated (that is, to increase indicators). If testosterone is at a nominal level, then it is better to abandon the drug. We should not forget that it is conditionally a steroid and does not stimulate testosterone production.

Disadvantages and possible side effects

Taking Tamoxifen is a direct intervention in the functioning of the endocrine system. And this is precisely what all of its shortcomings are connected with. Possible side effects from taking the drug include:

  • slight increase in body temperature (on average, up to 38.2 degrees);
  • slower hair growth, local alopecia (baldness);
  • rash;
  • excessive dry mouth;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased libido;
  • deterioration of erection and its duration.

It is worth understanding that The male body also needs estrogen. It is produced by the adrenal cortex. Scientists have not yet established its exact functions, but it definitely takes part in metabolism and in the production of sperm. Accordingly, its main effect will be on the digestive system and sexual health.

It should also be noted that after stopping the use of Tamoxifen muscle mass will be partially lost. Why? Because during the course the concentration of testosterone was approximately 10 times higher. Without an estrogen inhibitor, your levels will drop very sharply. Accordingly, after stopping the course of treatment, you will have to work closely on restoring your physical shape and increasing the presence of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet.

What is Tamoxifen used for in bodybuilding? For the fastest possible results in building muscle mass, as well as burning fat. Experts say that if you use it, then only at the very beginning of your “sports journey”; later it is better to completely abandon it.

Dosage and course of administration

  1. Take Tamoxifen with a minimum dosage of 10 mg per day.
  2. In the second week, the dosage is increased to 20 mg per day.
  3. After another week, a break is taken for 10-14 days.

It is advisable to take Tamoxifen together with an aromatase inhibitor - this will enhance the effect of the first. An excellent option is Proviron. It is possible to take it without it, but in this case the effect of Tamoxifen will be noticeable after 1-1.5 weeks, not earlier.

What effect should you expect?

After only 3-4 days of taking the drug (with Proviron), fat mass will actively decrease. If you follow a diet with an increase in the amount of digestible proteins, muscle mass will also increase, even without physical training (but they are highly recommended, as they help speed up metabolism, in which testosterone is involved).

How can I supplement a course of Tamoxifen? Saturating the body with minerals and vitamins. In particular, you should pay attention to: zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, selenium, acetylcysteine. These are exactly the components that will help a bodybuilder quickly achieve an attractive figure shape.


In summary, Tamoxifen is a drug that increases testosterone to normal levels. The effect is achieved by inhibiting the body's response to estrogen. The recommended course is 2 weeks with a break of 10-14 days.

Side effects are rare, but quite unpleasant. And the main disadvantage of Tamoxifen is that after its withdrawal, muscle mass is lost. But the burned fat does not return (subject to a sports diet, of course).

One of the drugs that is widely used to treat oncological processes is Tamoxifen. The instructions for use inform you that this is not its only therapeutic effect.

What kind of drug is this

Tamoxifen is a drug from the group of selective estrogen receptor inhibitors. Its active ingredient is tamoxifen citrate, which has quite powerful antitumor activity. For the first time such a drug was obtained in the laboratory in 1971.

How does the medicine work?

This drug has various effects. After absorption, it spreads throughout the body and, acting on estrogen receptors, has a rather weak estrogenic effect. In this case, the targets are “closed” for interaction with natural estrogen, which is produced in the ovaries. This leads to the fact that the active effect of the hormone on the tumor does not occur, and the growth of cancer stops. In clinical studies, it was noted that Tamoxifen has bipolar properties: estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects. It also helps reduce prolactin levels in the blood. But in any case, the antitumor effect of the drug Tamoxifen is noted. The instructions for use indicate that this is its main effect on hormone-dependent tumors. In this case, a pronounced clinical remission is observed when using the drug for 3-5 years. This suggests that the drug Tamoxifen helps to establish hormonal balance and homeostatic balance. In addition, there is no evidence that the drug has a cytostatic effect, that is, it directly stops tumor growth by direct action on cells.

In addition, tamoxifen citrate inhibits the formation of prostaglandins by tumor cells, which also stops further progression of the tumor process. Another important indirect positive effect of the drug: by acting on the pituitary gland, it enhances the production of gonadotropic hormones, which leads to a decrease in the production of its own estrogen and the resumption of ovulation in its absence.

Treatment of oncological processes

Breast cancer is the main use of the drug Tamoxifen. The instructions for use advise using it as an independent method of treatment, as well as as one of the components of complex therapy after mastectomy together with chemotherapy. This drug is also indicated for the prevention of carcinoma if there is a hereditary predisposition, since the drug blocks estrogen receptors and healthy cells. In some cases, the medication is also used to treat hormone-independent ovarian and endometrial cancer. For men, the drug is used to treat breast, kidney, and prostate cancer. Melanoma or soft tissue sarcoma are tumors that are hormone-dependent, and the effect of this anti-estrogen on them stops the further spread of the pathological process. In some cases, without this drug it is impossible to stabilize or stop the growth of the tumor.

Another useful property

The instructions for use attached to the drug “Tamoxifen” inform about another property. For men who are involved in bodybuilding and weightlifting, the medication can be very useful. The drug is classified as a sex hormone, and not an anabolic or androgen, which bodybuilders and powerlifters like to take. But taking anabolic substances is impossible without Tamoxifen, since anabolics, namely their aromatizing components, provoke the accumulation of large amounts of estrogens in the blood, which leads to an increase in fat cells in the subcutaneous fat, growth of the mammary glands and swelling of all organs and tissues. Tamoxifen does not kill estrogens or reduce their amount in the blood, but it blocks estrogen receptors, which leads to positive effects:

  • burning fat masses;
  • removing excess fluid from the body;
  • increasing the density of muscle tissue.

Men with oligospermia are also prescribed this drug, as it helps to increase the amount of estrogens, testosterone and pituitary hormones in the blood, which leads to improved sperm quality and an increase in the percentage of live sperm.

Contraindications for use

Patients who have individual intolerance should not use Tamoxifen for treatment. The instructions for use also advise not to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But most often the medicine is prescribed during menopause, when the likelihood of pregnancy is zero. The drug is contraindicated in patients with thrombocytopenia, hyperlipidemia, and leukopenia. The drug is not prescribed without first donating blood for biochemical and clinical testing. Tamoxifen is prescribed with caution, under the supervision of blood test results, if there are concomitant diseases: thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic disease, various eye diseases, especially cataracts, severe liver diseases.

Side effect

Tamoxifen was well tolerated. The instructions for use inform that there are many side effects: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, breast tenderness, skin rashes, vaginal bleeding, hot flashes, thinning and hair loss, slight weight gain and symptoms of hypercalcemia:

  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • psychosis;
  • hypertension;
  • bradycardia;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephrocalcinosis;
  • polyuria;
  • metastatic calcification.

But these symptoms appear only in case of an overdose of the drug or with prolonged use. Treatment with Tamoxifen is discontinued if all these symptoms are not eliminated by reducing the dose or increasing the intervals between doses.

Release forms and methods of application

The drug is available in tablet form. Tamoxifen tablets contain 10, 20, 30, 40 mg of the active substance. Instructions for use, reviews indicate that the most suitable regimen is to gradually increase the number of tablets taken. The increase should occur every week under the control of general health and blood test results. The first week - 1 tablet 10 mg 2 times a day, the second week - 1.5 tablets, the third week - 2 tablets 2 times a day and so on. Gradually, the dose can be increased to 60 mg per day in 3 doses. You should never do this yourself; only your doctor can prescribe the dosage for you and monitor the therapeutic effect and side effects.

When studying the description of the drug, many people have a question about how to take Tamoxifen. Do the instructions for use recommend drinking it before or after meals? The tablets are taken 15 minutes after meals. You need to drink at least 100 grams of water. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, then a break, then continued according to this scheme for up to 2-3 years, and in some cases up to 5 years.

Analogue drugs. Their price

The drug is manufactured by pharmacological companies in Russia, Ukraine, India, Finland, as well as Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, England and others. In Russia, the most commonly prescribed drugs are Tamoxifen Hexal and Vero Tamoxifen. The instructions for use indicate that these tablets are absolutely identical in composition, even the excipients are the same. Therefore, the effectiveness of the antitumor effect does not differ from the effects of conventional Tamoxifen.

And if the cost of Tamoxifen produced in Finland is 80-90 Russian rubles, then Vero Tamoxifen, which is produced by the Russian company Veropharm, has a lower price: 30 tablets of 10 mg can be bought for 60 Russian rubles.

The German company Salutas produces Tamoxifen Hexal. The instructions for use inform that the medicine is taken in the same regimen as Tamoxifen. The cost of the drug is 80-90 Russian rubles.

Analogues of Tamoxifen are Bilem, Cemid, Nolvadex, Onkotam, Cytosonium, Moxifen, etc. All these drugs have the same active ingredient as Tamoxifen. Instructions for use (analogs of the drug have the same) informs that the quality does not depend on the name, and the use of the drugs is the same. Accordingly, both the dosage and duration of administration do not change.

Compatibility with other drugs

If birth control pills are used together with Tamoxifen, their effectiveness is reduced, so it is necessary to use other methods of protection.

When used together with cytostatics, the risk of thrombosis increases.

The antimetabolite Tegafur, which is used to treat stomach cancer, together with Tamoxifen can cause cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis. Bromocriptine increases the concentration of tamoxifen in the blood.

Thiazide diuretics, which reduce calcium excretion, together with tamoxifen can cause hypercalcemia.

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