Melatonin use. Melatonin - instructions for use, indications, release form, side effects, analogues and price. When should you take melatonin?

A lack of melatonin leads to sleep disturbances, provokes insomnia, and reduces the body's adaptation to time zone changes. The deficiency of this pineal gland hormone can be compensated by taking special medications. They not only normalize sleep, but also have additional positive effects. In order for the product to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the rules of administration, indications for use, and possible side effects.

Melatonin is a hormone responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm of living organisms, that is, wakefulness and sleep. The compound helps get rid of insomnia that occurs due to overwork and irritability from a sudden change in time zone. Due to these features, it is often called the “sleep hormone.” Melatonin is a derivative of serotonin produced by tryptophan.

The latter is an essential amino acid L-tryptophan. The highest concentration of the hormone in the blood occurs at night, namely from midnight to five in the morning. The highest peak is reached at 2 am. During the day, melatonin levels decrease. In other words, when a person is awake, melatonin decreases and increases during sleep.

Characteristic features of the hormone

The production of melatonin is directly determined by the circadian rhythm. In the light, that is, during the day, the production of the hormone decreases sharply. In the dark, its concentration, on the contrary, begins to increase. In summer, when the length of daylight hours increases, melatonin synthesis decreases significantly, and in winter, on the contrary, it increases. Age also plays an important role.

The older a person gets, the less melatonin is produced. This causes deterioration in falling asleep. A person is more often tormented by insomnia, which negatively affects the deep sleep phase. He becomes more irritable. His systems and organs cease to recover properly. Melatonin leads to a decrease in systolic blood pressure.

Why and when is it necessary to take a “sleep hormone”?

People need to take melatonin in the following situations:

  1. The hormone is necessary for those who suffer from insomnia and have difficulty falling asleep due to severe fatigue and prolonged wakefulness. If you increase the concentration of melatonin, sleep problems will decrease to a large extent. This substance has a sedative effect and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  2. The connection is required for every person who experiences increased irritability either due to a change in time zone or work schedule. The hormone is also useful for those who engage in physical activity that leads to muscle fatigue. The substance helps you relax and recover better during sleep.

The substance helps cope with fatigue after training and overwork.

Effects and beneficial properties

The main function of the hormone is to improve sleep quality. The compound takes an active part in normalizing the processes of the endocrine system. Melatonin reduces emotional and physical activity, but only during the period when wakefulness becomes an obstacle to normal biorhythms.

The hormone also has positive side effects. It has anti-stress, antioxidant, immunostimulating, antitumor effects. In addition, it reduces the rate of aging processes. Along with general properties, the compound also has a specific effect, depending on the specific physical activity.

Athletes take melatonin primarily to improve sleep. This effect directly depends on the speed of the body’s recovery processes after sports. The higher the intensity of training, the more irritated the nervous system. This effect negatively affects the condition of the body.

The quality of sleep after strenuous physical activity becomes much worse, and recovery takes much longer. If a person experiences insomnia, it means that the athlete will not have enough strength to perform specific tasks. Sleep allows the muscles to relax and the internal organs and nervous system to recover. The better an athlete sleeps, the faster he recovers, and athletic performance improves significantly.

Effect on libido

A huge amount of research has been conducted on this topic. They showed that there is no direct relationship between melatonin concentration and libido. Taking medications that increase the level of this substance does not have a direct effect on the anabolic hormones that are responsible for male libido.

Effect on testosterone concentration

The level of the male hormone has a positive effect on anabolic processes, sexual desire, and sexual function. Melatonin, as research has shown, directly affects the production and does not suppress the synthesis of testosterone. The female hormone, called prolactin, has a negative effect on the male hormone. Such indirect effects are possible only at certain dosages.

Relationship with prolactin

There are no specific definitive results regarding the relationship between melatonin and prolactin. Some studies have demonstrated the absence of any effect on the female hormone, but no specifications have been made regarding the timing and period of exposure.

Young people who took five milligrams per day for thirty days showed an increase in prolactin levels. The increase in female hormone was recorded daily. An increase in prolactin concentration was observed not during the day, but at night, when the level of melatonin reached its highest concentration.

Effect on growth hormone

Somatotropin (growth hormone) is dependent on melatonin. “Sleep hormone” has a positive effect on GH, the peak concentration of which occurs at night. Both compounds are produced during the rest period. Their concentration decreases with problems with sleep and insomnia, which leads to a decrease in the production of both melatonin and somatotropin.

GH has a positive effect on cell growth not only in children, but also in adults. It has catabolic and anabolic effects, participates in carbohydrate metabolism, and increases the absorption of calcium in bone tissue. Somatotropin is required not only in adolescence, but also for those who are actively involved in sports. The main property of melatonin is that it has a positive effect on sleep quality and recovery. This hormone has a good effect on the production of somatotropin.

Benefits for weight loss

A lot of research has been devoted to how melatonin affects a person’s weight. The hormone stimulates the absorption of glucose and the accumulation of glycogen in muscle tissue. The substance stimulates an increase in the production of creatine phosphate and energy, that is, ATP. This effect allows you to increase energy during physical activity. This helps to increase the duration of the training, which, in turn, promotes greater burning of subcutaneous fat. The fat-burning effect of insulin and glucose levels helps reduce weight.

Indications and contraindications

Those who suffer from diabetes, autoimmune diseases, myeloma, lymphoma, leukemia, and epileptic seizures should not take the drug with melatonin. The hormone is contraindicated for use by children under twelve years of age. For adolescents, medications should only be prescribed by a specialist.

The hormone is intended to be taken in the evening. It is best to take the drug thirty minutes before going to bed. The active substance begins to act after 45-60 minutes. When taking the hormone, you should avoid direct contact with bright light. It suppresses the effect after consuming the drug. Take the tablets with plenty of water.

The instructions and the optimal daily dosage of the drug completely depend on what dietary supplement or pharmaceutical drug is taken. It is necessary to carefully study how much melatonin is contained in one tablet. The daily optimal and safe dose of the active substance is up to three milligrams. In the first days, it is recommended to take one or two milligrams, and then increase the dosage. The maximum dosage is 6 mg. Deterioration in health is a signal that you need to stop taking the supplement.

Course duration

Melatonin is recommended to be taken for a month. A longer course (up to two months) is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Next, be sure to take a break of a week. If the need arises, after a week's break the course is repeated again. From three months to six months, the drug can be prescribed to older people who are undergoing treatment to normalize blood pressure.

In what form is the drug available?

The supplement is sold in the form of white tablets, which are then washed down with water. Some manufacturers produce the drug in the form of chewable pills.

Preparations with melatonin

The hormone is contained in the following supplements:

  1. Vita-melatonin, each tablet contains up to three milligrams of the active substance. Produced in the USA. One package contains 30 tablets.
  2. Melarithm, containing a similar amount of melatonin as the American drug. The Russian supplement is produced in packages of 24 tablets.
  3. Circadin, which is a Swiss drug. One pill contains two milligrams of the hormone.
  4. Melaxen. Another American supplement. Each tablet contains three milligrams of the substance.

People who actively engage in sports are recommended to take dietary supplements rather than pharmaceutical drugs. Sports nutrition manufacturers develop and produce their own supplements that have a positive effect on recovery processes after training during the sleep phase. They have a positive anti-catabolic effect when a person experiences emotional and physical stress. This effect has made these drugs popular among people leading an active lifestyle.

It is recommended to take biologically active sports supplements with melatonin at night (half an hour before going to bed). In addition, they are recommended for use when flying when the time zone changes. You should take the supplement an hour before your flight. You should not take the drug before training. Suppression of physical activity with disorientation leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the activity. It is not recommended to take the drug in the morning and during the day.

The best manufacturers and sports supplements

  • Optimum Nutrition with 100 tablets of 3 mg.
  • NOW Foods with 60 capsules of 3 mg.
  • Ultimate Nutrition with 60 pills of 3 mg.
  • Scitec Nutrition with 90 tablets of 1 mg.
  • Universal Nutrition with 60 pills of 5 mg.

If we compare pharmaceutical drugs and sports supplements with the active substance, the latter are much more profitable. The melatonin content in each individual capsule is the same, but the number of tablets in dietary supplements is larger, but at the same time they have a lower cost.

Most of the substance is contained in rice. The amount of hormone that enters the body with food is quite small. This prevents you from obtaining a sufficient dosage to produce beneficial effects in terms of improving sleep quality. Much greater benefit comes from consuming foods with L-tryptophan, which promotes the production of melatonin. To enhance the results obtained, you need to supplement the hormone intake in the amount of 1-6 milligrams per day. It is simply impossible to obtain such dosages from regular food.

Melatonin during pregnancy

The supplement is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, it is not recommended to use the drug for women who are planning to become pregnant, since the hormone has contraceptive properties.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking the drug with agents that block beta-adrenergic receptors leads to a decrease in the production of the hormone. Melatonin supplements work well with sleep aids, producing a synergistic effect. The hormone increases the effectiveness of tamoxifen, which has an antitumor effect. It enhances the antibacterial effect of isoniazid.

Side effects, risks and harm

Melatonin is generally considered safe to take. Some people may have individual intolerance, expressed in loss of coordination, severe dryness, vomiting, nausea. In the morning, some people may feel more tired and unwell. Some pharmaceutical drugs cause irritability, increased heart rate and excitability, headaches, dizziness, night sweats, loss of concentration, blurred vision, and migraines.

After taking the “sleep hormone” it is not recommended to drive a vehicle. This is due to the fact that melatonin has an effect on reducing attention and concentration. The drug should not be given to children, as there are no studies on how it affects them. It may slow down sexual development. An overdose also has a negative effect on the body if more than 30 milligrams are taken, when disorientation occurs, memory is lost, and sleep duration decreases.

Terms of sale and storage

The drugs are available without a prescription, even in pharmacies. Sports supplements are available for free sale. Products must be stored in purchased packaging, in a place where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, protected from direct sunlight. Typically, the shelf life of the drug is up to three years, but only under the correct storage conditions.

Melatonin analogue

Tryptophan is a dietary supplement, the intake of which in a daily dosage of 500 mg promotes the synthesis of serotonin. At night, this joy hormone is converted into melatonin. In addition, this preparation contains vitamins B5, B6.

Melatonin is a hormonal drug that has an effect on the central nervous system. The drug in tablets is prescribed to patients who find themselves in stressful situations, in cases where the human psyche is not able to independently withstand acute stress. With long-term use of the drug, a slight immunostimulating effect is observed.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Dosage form

Melatonin is produced in the form of tablets and capsules intended for oral use.

Description and composition

The active ingredient of the drug Malatonin is 3 mg and 5 mg of the hormone Melatonin. The list of excipients can be presented as follows:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • anhydrous calcium phosphate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • stearic acid;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

The sleep hormone or melatonin is produced in the human body by the pineal gland. The intensity of production of such an element is influenced by the level of illumination. During the daytime, the intensity of production decreases significantly, while during the night it increases. The hormone has a complex effect on the human body and takes part in many vital processes.

While taking the drug, the following effect can be observed:

  • the amount of serotonin in the midbrain and hypothalamus increases, due to the influence of such a substance a pronounced hypnotic and sedative effect is manifested;
  • the substance is a solid substance that has the ability to break down and absorb fats, preventing obesity;
  • can be classified as an important natural antioxidant that protects body cells from free radicals that accelerate the aging process;
  • the substance penetrates into any cells of the body and prevents the aging process;
  • the component increases the activity of immune system cells;
  • prevents the processes of division of abnormal cells, can stop the development of oncological processes.

Research by scientists has confirmed that this hormone is present in some foods, but among them it is rather poorly absorbed by the human body.

Pharmacological group

Pharmacological companies produce a synthetic analogue of the hormone melatonin in the form of tablets and capsules, which have a diverse effect on the human body. According to its structure, the drug Melatonin belongs to the group of hormones. The substance has the following effects:

  • provides regulation of daily biorhythms, ensures rapid falling asleep, eliminates insomnia;
  • normalizes the natural sleep-wake cycle;
  • increases the immune properties of the human body;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • normalizes LDL and HDL levels in the blood;
  • reduces the intensity of various body reactions to stress.

Some studies confirm the fact that the drug is able to increase the strength of bone tissue when taken systemically. Based on the data described, we can conclude that the substance is necessary for the human body.

Indications for use

As a result of exposure to stress factors on the human body, the process of natural production of the hormone melatonin is disrupted. Therefore, the list of indications for use of the product can be presented as follows:

  • sleep disorders, including those of unknown etiology;
  • the drug can be used as a sedative;
  • often prescribed to patients experiencing climate change, the drug allows the body to adapt faster;
  • against the background of excessive psycho-emotional stress;
  • used to relieve depressive disorders.

Used for prophylactic purposes to prevent the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome. The medicine is often used to eliminate the consequences of prolonged work at night. The main advantage of such a remedy is that such an analog is structurally identical to the natural hormone. In most cases, the drug is well accepted by the human body and is well tolerated; side effects are quite rare.

for adults

The list of indications for use can be presented as follows:

  • insomnia, sleep disorder;
  • prolonged falling asleep, frequent awakenings at night;
  • disturbances in biological rhythms caused by jet lag;
  • decreased immune qualities;
  • can be used to stabilize blood pressure;
  • used for the prevention of tumor processes.

for children

If there are indications for use, it can be used in pediatric practice for children over 12 years of age. Recommended dosages of the drug for use in pediatrics should be determined individually.

The safety of using the product during pregnancy has not been established. The drug can provoke the manifestation of disturbances in the process. If it is necessary to use the product during breastfeeding, a decision is made to transfer the child to an adapted formula.


Despite the fact that the drug is quite well tolerated by the human body, there are some factors that limit the possibility of its consumption. The list of such includes:

  • childhood and adolescence – taking a synthetic hormone can become a provoking factor for serious hormonal imbalance; irreparable harm can occur when taken during puberty;
  • It is forbidden to take the composition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug may affect the course of pregnancy and pass into breast milk;
  • – you should not take such a remedy because the reaction of the pancreas can be unpredictable;
  • It is prohibited to take the drug in patients with renal failure; the synthetic hormone is excreted from the human body along with urine;
  • Patients with various autoimmune disorders should not take this drug;
  • epilepsy;
  • tumor processes of a malignant nature.

Subject to simple rules of caution, the drug can be prescribed to patients prone to allergic reactions.

Applications and dosages

The optimal dosage regimen is determined privately. The patient’s age, his general health condition are taken into account, and the severity of the condition is assessed.

for adults

for children

In pediatric practice, the medicinal composition is prescribed to persons over the age of 12 years if there are strict indications for use. It is not recommended to use for adolescents during puberty, as there is a high probability of side effects. The effect of the composition on the child’s body has not been fully studied; the dose is determined by the doctor after establishing the presence of indications for use.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The drug is not prescribed to nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Side effects

The list of possible adverse reactions can be presented as follows:

  • manifestation of drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • hunger;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased excitability;
  • constant drowsiness, difficulty waking up.

There is a risk of allergy symptoms:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • drying of mucous membranes;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • redness;
  • skin rash accompanied by itching.

If an allergic reaction occurs, appropriate measures must be taken - the patient must take an antihistamine and sorbent.

Interaction with other drugs

Data on drug interactions with other drugs have not been established. If the patient takes any medications on an ongoing basis, consultation with a specialist is required.

special instructions

Subject to the rules of increased caution, the composition is prescribed to patients whose daily activities require increased concentration. This drug has the ability to affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.

In compliance with the rules of increased caution, the drug is used for hormonal disorders and in conditions of hormonal therapy. Should not be prescribed to patients prone to allergic reactions.


Symptoms of an overdose with such a composition appear quite intensely. The patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • confusion;
  • feeling of causeless anxiety;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Often, against the background of violation of the intake norms, the patient develops acute photophobia. Discontinuation of the drug and appropriate therapeutic manipulations will help eliminate such manifestations.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The product is stored out of the reach of children. The shelf life regulated by the manufacturer is 5 years from the date of manufacture of the drug.


Only a doctor can select an adequate analogue for the drug Melatonin. It is worth remembering that drugs with a similar mechanism of action may contain different dosages of the active substance. Only a doctor will be able to work out a dosage regimen taking into account the specifics, in particular, if the drug is one of the components of the drug effect.

A similar remedy has similar indications and contraindications for use. The drug is not recommended for use in pediatric practice. The composition allows you to correct the insufficient level of the hormone in the body. Side effects are quite rare. A distinctive feature is that the product can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug has a fairly short half-life. The main difference between this product and Melatonin is the excipients present in the composition. Patients report that the drug helps stabilize sleep 2-3 days after starting to take the drug.

The drug has similar indications and contraindications for use. The drug is used in pediatric practice; if there are indications for use, the drug can be prescribed to children over 8 years of age. The drug can be prescribed to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The cost of Melatonin ranges from 255 to 3590 rubles.

The modern world is experiencing a real boom in melatonin. This hormone - a natural sleeping pill, antioxidant and immunomodulator - is called the elixir of youth, beauty and health, which can significantly improve a person’s quality of life. Clinical studies of melatonin have also shown its effectiveness in treating a range of conditions, from coronary heart disease to stomach ulcers. What is this mysterious melatonin? What is the reason for such a wide spectrum of its action? What is the mechanism of melatonin? Should it be taken and to whom? Is it safe? We will try to answer all these questions.

Discovery of melatonin

In 1917, English scientists K. McFord and F. Allen fed animal epiphyses to tadpoles, after which they discovered that the skin of the tadpoles was discolored. This scientific fact was recorded, but did not attract attention until 1953, when it came to the attention of Aaron Lerner, a dermatologist at Yale University, who was trying to solve the problem of vitiligo (skin spots) and during a literature search somehow found an article that written by those same experimenters from 1917.

The article reported that crushed epiphyses of cows placed in a jar with tadpoles within 30 minutes cause complete discoloration of the skin, which loses pigment and becomes so transparent that through it one can easily observe the work of their heart and intestines. There have been no other publications about this phenomenon since then.

Lerner began to study this issue and as a result discovered a hormone produced by the pineal gland (epiphysis), which he called melatonin and was the first to describe its calming effect in humans.

After this, the hormone became interested in the scientific community, and in the course of a number of studies, its truly unique effect on the human body was discovered, which made it possible to use melatonin in the treatment of a wide range of diseases and seriously improve the quality of life of patients. Melatonin quickly became legendary, its research continues, and to this day scientists are discovering its new, surprising and sometimes unexpected properties.

What is melatonin?

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland and controls the course of our biological clock, and therefore our entire life. There are only 3 milligrams of this wonderful substance in our body and its level in the blood is not constant - it is low during the day and high at night.

Melatonin lives in the dark. Melatonin production begins to increase at dusk, peaks between midnight and 4:00 a.m., and decreases at dawn. When we fall asleep, melatonin gets to work - it restores, repairs and strengthens all our systems and organs, is the most powerful natural immunomodulator and absorbs free radicals - unstable molecules that destroy our DNA, cells, tissues and contribute to the development of cancer and heart diseases.

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Melatonin protects us from stress and premature aging, promotes sleep and is responsible for our deep, restful and even sleep, which brings natural rest and restoration. As we age, the production of melatonin in the body decreases, and this is what signals to all body systems that it is time to grow old.

Almost every second resident of the metropolis today has problems with sleep. A disrupted day and night routine is a problem for all modern city dwellers. People strive to artificially lengthen their day by going to bed long after midnight, staying up late - some watching TV, some on a laptop, some in a bar with friends, and some at work. There is a huge group of people who consider this normal, calling themselves night owls, and think that this lifestyle suits their constitution and does not cause harm.

However, the nocturnal lifestyle plays a cruel joke on us! The thing is that by spending hours awake producing melatonin, we do not allow it to be produced and do its job - as a result, no matter how much sleep we then take in the late morning or afternoon, such sleep will not bring complete rest and recovery. Even if it seems to us that we got enough sleep, our organs and systems need help - they need melatonin, which we did not allow to be produced at night.

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Numerous studies conducted in different countries of the world have shown that the disrupted rhythm of melatonin formation significantly affects the quality of life, shortens its duration and, over time, causes serious diseases. People who don't sleep at night (it doesn't matter whether they work night shifts or spend time watching TV) are guaranteed to experience a chronic lack of melatonin. All groups of studies showed that those who lead a nocturnal lifestyle are 40-60% more likely than others to develop diabetes, hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. Artificial lengthening of daylight hours, unfortunately, leads to disruption of the functioning of all body systems, with all the ensuing disastrous consequences.

Useful darkness

The production of melatonin is hampered not only by late falling asleep, but also by excess lighting while we sleep. So much so that scientists believe that it is excessive illumination that shortens the lives of residents of large cities - and even coined the special term “light pollution.”

For the full production of melatonin, you need to sleep with curtains tightly drawn to prevent light from entering the window, do not use night lights, and try not to turn on bright lights at night if you suddenly wake up and need to get up for a while. If you work at night and this cannot be avoided, keep the lighting to a minimum.

Treatment with melatonin

Of course, the described mechanism of action and the problem of widespread failure of the biological clock led scientists to the idea that melatonin can and should be taken additionally. Melatonin is not considered a medical drug, it is a biologically active supplement and in small doses today is recommended for use for any disorders of life, sleep and many other deviations.

However, it is incorrect to consider melatonin simply a sleeping pill. “The natural structure of sleep depends on melatonin,” says Walter Pierpaoli, immunologist, author of the bestseller “The Miracle of Melatonin.” “With its participation, sleep moves into the rapid stage, when pictures associated with the emotional experiences of the day scroll through our memory. Perhaps it is thanks to it adults have erotic dreams. It would be wrong to identify melatonin with a sleeping pill: it has a completely different mechanism of action."

Melatonin preparations can not only regulate the quality of sleep, but also compensate for the chronic lack of healthy sleep results - and all the accompanying effects in the form of good health, restoration of organs and systems, and the prevention of many diseases. You could say that melatonin treatment is when you take sleep pills.

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But scientists today are interested not only in the preventive effect of the sleep hormone. “Today there is already convincing data that allows us to recommend melatonin for the treatment of coronary heart disease, hypertension, and peptic ulcers. We introduced melatonin into treatment regimens for hypertensive patients and heart patients, and this made it possible to reduce the usual dose of drugs,” says Semyon Rapoport, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of MMA named after I.M. Sechenov, Chairman of the Commission “Chronobiology and Chronomedicine” of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. “I really hope that this will soon enter into widespread clinical practice.”

Who should take melatonin?

In general, melatonin is beneficial for all people over 35 years of age. It is usually taken in courses of approximately 1-3 mg at night. The frequency of administration per week varies individually. For example, those suffering from insomnia are recommended to take melatonin more than 2-3 times a week.

It also makes sense to keep melatonin capsules on hand if you have a busy schedule and are forced to work late in the day. This way you will get the right amount of the hormone, even if you haven’t slept, and will make it easier to fall asleep later - after all, overwork also causes insomnia.

Melatonin is often also called a traveler's medicine. With a sharp change in time zones, when it is morning on the internal biological clock, and in the city where we have arrived, it is already deep night and time to sleep, this hormone will gently move our hands to a new time.

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The lack of melatonin also explains age-related insomnia in older people, because the activity of the pineal gland decreases over the years. Therefore, it can be recommended to older people as a dietary supplement that will make them sleep better and improve their overall well-being.

“There are no side effects from seasonal use in such small doses. No addiction develops, and the production of your own hormone does not decrease,” says Semyon Rapoport.

However, a small number of people experienced side effects such as headache, depression and stomach discomfort.

Who should not take melatonin?

The drug is contraindicated for diabetics because it does not combine well with antidiabetic medications, pregnant and lactating women, children under 16 years of age, and used with caution for severe depression. Several cases of allergy to melatonin have been reported.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated for epilepsy, children under 12 years of age, patients with autoimmune diseases and leukemia.

The role of melatonin in the fight against cancer is still being studied. There are some results, but the clinical effectiveness of the method has not yet been proven, so one should not exaggerate the properties of the hormone and place unreasonable hopes on a new “cure for cancer,” scientists say.

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Melatonin

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS Code


Characteristics of the substance Melatonin

A synthetic analogue of the pineal gland hormone (epiphysis).


pharmachologic effect- antioxidant, adaptogenic, hypnotic.

Inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins, and to a lesser extent, other hormones of the adenohypophysis - corticotropin, thyrotropin, somatotropin. Normalizes circadian rhythms. Increases the concentration of GABA in the central nervous system and serotonin in the midbrain and hypothalamus, changes the activity of pyridoxal kinase, which is involved in the synthesis of GABA, dopamine and serotonin. Regulates the sleep-wake cycle, daily changes in locomotor activity and body temperature, has a positive effect on the intellectual and mnestic functions of the brain, the emotional and personal sphere. Helps organize biological rhythm and normalize night sleep. Improves sleep quality, reduces the frequency of headaches and dizziness, and improves mood. Accelerates falling asleep, reduces the number of night awakenings, improves well-being after waking up in the morning, and does not cause a feeling of lethargy, weakness and fatigue when waking up. Makes dreams more vivid and emotionally rich. Adapts the body to rapid changes in time zones, reduces stress reactions, and regulates neuroendocrine functions. It has immunostimulating and antioxidant properties, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and neoplasms. It has the most pronounced effect in cases of long-term severe sleep disturbances.

When taken orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed and easily passes through histohematic barriers, including the BBB. It has a short half-life and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Application of the substance Melatonin

Sleep disturbances, fatigue, depressive syndrome, desynchronosis.


Hypersensitivity, chronic renal failure, allergic, autoimmune diseases, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, epilepsy, diabetes, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Side effects of the substance Melatonin

Headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions.


Strengthens the effect (mutually) of drugs that depress the central nervous system and beta-blockers. Incompatible with MAO inhibitors, glucocorticoids, cyclosporine.

Routes of administration


Precautions for the substance Melatonin

Concomitant use with NSAIDs (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen), central nervous system depressants and beta-blockers is not recommended. Should not be used during work by vehicle drivers and people whose profession involves increased concentration of attention. It is necessary to inform women who want to become pregnant that the drug has a weak contraceptive effect.

special instructions

Avoid bright lighting during treatment.

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

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