How long can you take creatine? Creatine - when to take and how much? Optimal dosage regimen. Coffee compatible

Greetings, my dear readers. Anyone who is seriously involved in sports or who uses it to lose weight needs sports nutrition. In addition to its quality, its proper use plays a significant role. Today I want to talk about taking creatine. What kind of supplement is this, but I will repeat myself a little in this article.

Creatine (also called carboxylic acid or nitrogen amine) increases endurance and affects muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to study intensively, for a long time and effectively, you need it. Especially if the goal is not just to get rid of extra pounds, but also to pump up.

The most effective form today is creatine monohydrate. It is produced in different forms: capsules, tablets, powder. Liquid forms even appeared. Their manufacturers claim that liquid creatine is better absorbed. This is true because the powder supplement dissolves less well in the stomach. But the manufacturer is silent that liquid creatine has very low effectiveness.

There are many sports nutrition regimens. If you work with a trainer, he can develop an individual program for you. I will provide a diagram that is suitable for supplements from most creatine manufacturers.

Reception without loading

According to this scheme, carboxylic acid should be taken 5-6 g daily. You are probably interested in 5 grams of creatine - how many spoons is that?

This is an ordinary teaspoon. On training days, monohydrate is consumed after training for 1 hour. It is better if you drink the powder along with a protein shake, 5 grams of amino acids or simple carbohydrates.

When you have a break between workouts, it is better to drink the powder between meals. Combining the intake with protein, juice, gainer or amino acids. According to this scheme, you can use sports nutrition for at least 8 weeks. Then you need to take a break for 1 month.

Reception with loading

Creatine loading involves consuming large doses of the powder in the first week. It is important to break them down into several steps. The first week - a teaspoon of powder 4 times a day. You should drink it between meals. And on training days, drink one serving immediately after training. The powder or capsule can be washed down with a protein shake, gainer, or juice. It is also drunk with amino acids.

After a week, the dose is reduced to 2-3 g (half a teaspoon). Drink capsules or powder once a day immediately after training. On rest days, it is better to take the supplement between meals. This course lasts 4 weeks, then you should take a break for 3-4 weeks. You need to take the monohydrate with 1 glass of liquid. If you dilute the powder in water, its volume should be at least 1 cup.

When to take creatine

One of the important parameters of the effectiveness of sports nutrition is the time of administration. It is selected in such a way that the supplement is well absorbed. So, is it better to take it before or after a workout? Research has shown that the best time to absorb the supplement is after a workout. It is at this time that metabolism increases and blood flow improves. All this contributes to maximum absorption.

But using this sports nutrition before training is not the best solution. Because the water balance may be disturbed. The exception is when taken during pre-workout preparation. This scheme is suitable for improving strength performance. And also for increasing muscles.

Unlike protein, it is not advisable to take nitrogen amine during exercise. Moreover, studies have shown that it is difficult to exercise after taking creatine. This is due to the development of temporary dehydration (dehydration).

On rest days, most experts advise drinking monohydrate in the morning. This is no coincidence. It is in the morning that our body has a high concentration of growth hormone. It improves the transport of nutrients to organs and systems. This means that carboxylic acid will go directly into the muscles.

Before or after meals

There is no consensus on whether to take the supplement before or after meals. Many scientists advise drinking creatine before meals. The argument is the fact that food impairs the absorption of carboxylic acid. Because of this, the powder or tablet lingers in the stomach. Although recent studies have proven that the acidic contents of the stomach do not significantly destroy the monohydrate. Therefore, there is no huge difference in consuming sports nutrition after or before meals.

8 years ago, Deldicque L conducted a study that confirmed the almost complete absorption of monohydrate. Regardless of whether it was drunk on an empty stomach or on a full one.

Many experts agree that it is better to use nitrogen amine simultaneously with “transport systems”. These can be fast carbohydrates, protein shakes, amino acids, etc. Therefore, another good option is to add it to protein shakes, which are consumed as a snack.

Optimal dosages of creatine

The dosage of this sports nutrition depends on the dosage regimen. For the loading phase - one dosage, for the maintenance phase - another.

Not long ago, the most common way to consume carboxylic acid was to take varying doses. Even now, many athletes train using the loading system. For 5-9 days, take one tsp 4 times a day. creatine (5 g) with a glass of juice. Afterwards, during the maintenance phase, the dose is reduced to only 2 g per day.

Taking more than 30 grams of a supplement per day does not make it more effective. A muscle can hold 0.35 -0.4 g of creatine per kilogram of weight. Anything more simply will not be absorbed by the body.

But Swedish scientists have proven that using the loading phase technique is inappropriate. For testing, they divided the athletes into two groups. The first group of subjects took monohydrate according to the above-mentioned standard regimen. About 20 g per day for one week. Then we switched to taking 2 g per day for another four weeks.

The second group took 3 g of this sports nutrition daily for a whole month. As a result, it was found that in the muscles the level of the substance in the subjects of both groups increased by the same 20 percent. Even though the second group received much less of it. The conclusion is simple, it is enough to increase the daily dose of nitrogen amine to 3 g, then the loading phase is not needed. This option turns out to be even cost-effective :)

As a result of the studies, the following creatine intake is adequate:

  • for the first 15 days do not exceed the dose of 5 grams per day - the muscles will be fully loaded;
  • then switch to the maintenance regimen - half a teaspoon (2-3 g) daily or only on training days.

This reception system is the most appropriate. There is no point in overloading yourself with more volume if the body will not accept it.

What can you take it with?

It’s clear how to take nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid in tablets and capsules. You just need to drink it with water. How to take creatine monohydrate powder? There is nothing complicated here either. The powder is added to water. It tastes bitter, so you can add sugar or honey to the water.

Better yet, take the supplement with juice. Since the absorption of nitrogen amine with carbohydrates is better. True, not every juice is suitable. Preferably grape, apple (sweet varieties), cherry. Orange or grapefruit are not suitable. Increased acidity has a bad effect on the structure of the monohydrate.

Never add powder to hot drinks. This will spoil the monohydrate and it will have no effect. Also, do not drink it with milk. It contains slow protein - casein. It impairs the absorption of nitrogen amine. Caffeine has a completely detrimental effect on the absorption of creatine.

The most successful transport systems are considered to be fast carbohydrates and fast proteins (whey protein isolate or amino acids). These substances have a very good effect on the absorption of carboxylic acid. Therefore, it is effective to mix creatine with a gainer that already contains proteins and carbohydrates.

Manufacturers often combine creatine and carbohydrates, amino acids, protein, flavorings in one bottle... and many other things. But it’s better to buy the formulations separately so as not to overpay for extra additives. And only then decide for yourself how much and what to mix with.

Taking monohydrate when drying

Separately, I would like to say about the use of powder during drying. Experts advise not to consume carboxylic acid during this period. Due to water retention in the body, an athlete may increase body weight. Which he doesn’t need during the drying period. Water is retained only in muscle tissue. Other organs may experience a lack of it. And then dehydration begins. Which can cause significant harm to health.

Nevertheless, many athletes still use this sports nutrition during drying. And they note only positive effects. Since nitrogen amine increases their endurance. It also improves strength and speeds up recovery. The difficult drying period is easier and more productive. Take the supplement 5 g per day. Together with fat burners, protein and pre-workout shakes.

Here's another good video I found about taking creatine:

Perhaps you have experience using monohydrate and your own regimens. Let's discuss all the pros and cons. And of course, subscribe to updates and join me on social networks. I'm always glad to have new readers. Until next time.

Creatine has become one of the most popular sports nutrition supplements. Many studies have been conducted to determine safety, effectiveness and dosage for athletes, adults, children and older adults. And in this article we will look at how to take creatine correctly for maximum results.

The International Society of Sports Nutrition reports:

“(…) The most effective ergogenic nutritional supplements are currently available for athletes who increase their exercise intensity and want to build muscle mass. (…) Creatine monohydrate has been extensively studied and is considered a clinically effective form of creatine as a dietary supplement for building muscle mass and increasing the ability to handle intense exercise.”

Something needs to be cleared up. The most studied type of creatine is monohydrate. There are newer forms with improved properties. However, there is virtually no evidence that any of the new forms of creatine are more effective or safe than creatine monohydrate. This applies both when taken alone and in combination with other supplements. It is worth taking into account that the safety, effectiveness and regulatory status of monohydrate have been proven by numerous studies and personal experience of individual athletes. Other forms of creatine are less known and not as well studied.

Are you taking creatine? If you're into strength training, it should be part of your fitness supplement kit. The following are some reasons why:

  • Good stimulant, increases strength, endurance and mobility. Helps withstand heavy loads and also prevents loss of strength during exercise.
  • Improves the recovery process. Evidence shows that this supplement may reduce muscle damage and inflammation.
  • Prevents damage. Some studies report that creatine supplements may reduce muscle damage, dehydration, and muscle cramps.
  • Completes the rehabilitation process. Helps athletes and anyone else who takes this supplement when recovering from injuries.

There is a certain dosage, phases of use and interaction with organs, food and diseases. Therefore, we will first examine the basic concepts and then move on to dosages and administration schedule.

What is creatine?

It is a chemical compound formed by amino acids (the little building blocks that form protein). Located in muscle cells (95%) and brain (5%). Muscles use it as an energy resource. A certain amount of creatine accumulates in muscle tissue, which differs from person to person.

About 1-2% of creatine is excreted from the body in urine. To replenish and maintain creatine levels at normal levels, the body requires 1-3 g daily, depending on muscle mass. About half of the daily requirement can be obtained through a certain diet (red meat and seafood). The remaining amount is synthesized in the liver and kidneys. With a normal diet, which provides 1-2 g of creatine per day, the reserves of this substance in muscle tissue are about 60-80%.

The role of creatine

During training, the body uses creatine as an available energy resource. To maintain and increase the effectiveness of exercise, the maximum amount of creatine reserves is required. Nutritional supplements help replenish the required amount.

When fully stored, muscles receive an immediate source of energy, resulting in increased strength, endurance and activity.

Post-workout creatine helps reduce inflammation, cramps, and prevent muscle tissue damage.

Because it retains water in the cells, muscles appear fuller. This has nothing to do with strength, but with water conservation. Please be careful. Strength requires training. Creatine is not a solution and will not help you get stronger without exercise.

When is the best time to take creatine?

There are two stages to taking creatine:

Loading phase

At this stage (during the loading phase), creatine reserves in muscle tissue increase. The most effective way is to consume approximately 0.3 - 0.8 g per kg of body weight, 4 times a day, for 5-7 days.

For example:

If you weigh 70 kg, you need to consume at least 0.3 g per day.

70 x 0.3 = 21.

The daily norm is 21 g. This amount must be divided by four.

21 / 4 = 5,25.

Must be consumed at one time 5,25 gr.

The amount per kg depends on the intensity of the workout, muscle mass and other factors. If your workout is intense, you will need 0.8 g per kg for the desired results.

Maintenance phase

It's about preserving supplies. Once the saturation phase is completed, you need to maintain the amount of creatine in the body by taking 3-5 g per day. Some studies suggest that heavier athletes should take 5-10 g/day.

The combination of these phases is the fastest method of increasing the amount of creatine in the body.

Creatine supplements allow you to gain weight quickly by retaining fluid in muscle cells. After this, you can train harder and more effectively.

Reception on rest days

Creatine intake after the loading phase remains the same (3 g per day), regardless of whether you train or not for 4-6 weeks. Next, you will have to take a break of at least 2 weeks so as not to have a negative impact on the body’s own production of creatine.

For people who do not play sports

Some researchers note that taking the supplement helps in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Depression.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Diabetes.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (the reason why Stephen Hawking is in a wheelchair).
  • Skin aging.

What should you take with the supplement?

It is very important to choose the right time to take creatine and what you take it with. Eating a large amount of carbohydrates (about 70-100 g) with each meal increases the effect of creatine due to the stimulating effect of insulin. It is best to take supplements with a meal or with a carbohydrate-rich snack. In addition, this substance is useful to use not only during training, but also on rest days.

When to take on training day?

You can drink an additional serving 30-60 minutes before training. This will increase your creatine levels during your workout, increasing your activity and providing energy for your workout.

After training: Immediately after training to begin the recovery phase and replace lost creatine. This will help you recover, reduce inflammation and maintain energy for the next day.

Are there any side effects?

The only known side effect of taking the product in healthy people is weight gain due to water retention in the body. This provides numerous health benefits.

If you take supplemental creatine powder, a certain amount will be excreted from the body.

“What happens if you stop taking creatine?”

Nothing. You will simply stop receiving the beneficial substances available thanks to creatine.

Once the required amount of this substance has accumulated in the body, it will take about 4-6 weeks to return to the baseline state. After this, the body will be able to function without creatine as before. You will likely lose weight as the water that was previously held in your cells by creatine will be lost.

Important: when should you not take creatine supplements?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: At the moment, there is no reliable information about how safe it is for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to take creatine.

Kidney and liver diseases: People with kidney or liver disease (such as kidney failure and hepatitis) should not use this dietary supplement as creatine may worsen the condition.

Caffeine may reduce the beneficial effects of creatine.


Combine creatine with carbohydrates. This will increase the potential of the nutritional supplement.

For quite a long time, creatine has been popular among nutritional supplements, which is talked about literally on every corner - it is a favorite type of sports nutrition for many athletes. This substance is of natural origin and is found in large quantities in meat and fish.

In addition, it is also present in the human body - it is produced in small quantities by the liver, kidneys and some endocrine glands. But the main reserves of creatine in humans are found in skeletal muscles, or more precisely, in their fibers. Those that are responsible for muscle strength contain the largest amount of this substance. The fibers responsible for endurance contain significantly less creatine, but its level is restored several times faster.

In the body, creatine plays the role of a kind of catalyst for metabolic processes and is directly involved in the process of energy exchange, which cannot occur without creatine in principle.

In addition, creatine is involved in the creation of ATP, the only source of energy for the functioning of the muscular system.

Creatine is also an integral component of such supplements as gainer, protein and others, but in its pure form it differs from them in that it has a complex effect on the body, developing both strength qualities and muscle mass at the same time.

There are many myths and unverified data about him, which appear more and more often and sometimes take very bizarre forms, but we will talk about this a little later.

How to use?

With loading

We should also talk about such a scheme as “loading”. The essence of this regimen is to take 20 g of creatine daily in four doses over 4-6 days. That is, in the first week, consume 5 grams of the substance 4 times a day between meals along with protein shakes, gainers or sweet juices.

If it's a training day, take one serving immediately after training. After a week, take 2-3 grams once a day after training or in the morning if you have a rest day. Continue the course for a month. The break between courses is a month.

No download

Another plan is to take 5 grams of creatine every day for two weeks, then allow the body to recover for 7 days without taking this supplement. Or you can take it for 2 months, and then take a break for 30 calendar days.

On training days, take creatine after your workout. It is advisable to combine it with protein shakes, gainers or sweet juices.

Which scheme is more effective?

At the same time, scientists came to the conclusion that both regimens for taking creatine are, in principle, identical in effect. However, there are a number of features that differ between these schemes and may influence your choice.

The loading scheme has a stronger evidence base and faster results than the non-loading scheme. But, in the first case, there is a greater consumption of the substance and a higher risk of side effects.

Tip: drink or stir the supplement with a glass of sweet liquid (more is better).

Research has shown that the optimal time to take creatine is before or after active sports. This is due to the fact that blood flow and metabolism accelerate during and after exercise.

If you don't exercise today, drink creatine in the morning! In the morning, the body has a high concentration of testosterone, which allows for faster absorption of creatine.

Taking in smaller doses

Swedish researchers conducted a comparative analysis of two subgroups taking creatine: one of them according to the classical scheme (20 g/2 g) with loading, the second received 3 g daily. After a month of testing, it turned out that the degree of muscle saturation with nitrogen amine increased by 20% in both subgroups, despite the fact that the second received a significantly smaller amount of the supplement. The need for loading will disappear if you increase the daily dose from 2 g to three.

The experiments have proven that muscles are able to retain a strictly limited amount of nitrogen amine; its excess supply is not absorbed by the body. When using a no-load regimen, it is advisable to use it in courses of 9 weeks with 4-6 week periods of rest from the drug.

Researchers claim that full muscle saturation during loading does not require daily use of the drug. A comparative analysis of daily intake of the supplement and its use only on the day of training showed equal effectiveness: in the maintenance phase it is enough to use it 3-4 times a week.

Back in 2010, Nutrition magazine published the results of an experience using creatine in 20 healthy women and men in low dosages (less than 2 g per day). The study found that small doses of creatine did not have a noticeable effect: after 6 weeks, the test subjects' explosive strength, percentage of body fat and lean muscle mass remained at the same levels.

Possible consequences and features of use at different ages

Although the European Food Safety Authority has classified regular intake of creatine, up to a daily dose of three grams, as having a “minimal risk of adverse health effects”, the drug may have a negative effect on some groups of people:

  • pregnant women - bearing a child is an absolute contraindication;
  • people with kidney or liver diseases - consultation with a doctor is required;
  • those suffering from diabetes – under blood sugar control and doctor’s supervision.

With caution - bronchial asthma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension - the decision to take a creatine supplement and the selection of dosage should be made after consulting a specialist.

Children and teenagers

Special studies of the effect of creatine on the children's body have not yet been carried out and no long-term consequences have been identified. Coaches of children's national teams should remember this when deciding whether to recommend taking the drug.

The child's organs and systems are not yet formed. During growth spurts, muscles, lagging behind bones in growth rate, are in a tense, tense state. The use of creatine, which increases muscle strength, can provoke the development of deformities of the musculoskeletal system. It is wiser to wait until after puberty. Also because if delayed negative consequences are identified, the young body will be more susceptible to them than an adult.

If a teenager is intensely involved in sports, it is permissible to take the supplement from 12 to 14 years of age, halving the doses recommended for adults. The child and his parents should be well informed about the proper use of the supplement. Training for young athletes should only take place under the supervision of a coach.


In the human body, the reserves of nitrogen amine are limited, and after puberty, creatine supplements can be used more actively. It is recommended for people under 45 years of age and over 60 years of age:

  • if there is insufficient body weight to build muscles with essential strength loads - a two-month course of 5 g per day;
  • Those who adhere to strict vegetarianism - in a dosage of 5g per week.

During intense physical activity, the metabolite reserve in the body is consumed, the energy reserve of the muscles is depleted, and additional creatine intake is needed to improve personal performance. Creatine supplements are useful for running, fitness, cycling, bodybuilding, etc.: both professionals and lovers of active movement.

The result of taking the drug in adults depends on the type of training: aerobic exercise increases muscle fatigue, even exercise with low intensity strengthens muscles, and continuous heavy exercise increases their volume.

Aged people

The aging processes of the body are accompanied by a decrease in creatine synthesis, a decrease in muscle mass, its strength and energy supply. Taking a creatine supplement along with feasible physical exercise increases muscle energy and prevents muscles from becoming decrepit.

With age, organs and systems are already stressed, and there is a risk of illnesses. Creatine has proven itself well in the complex treatment of certain diseases.

For chronic heart failure, the drug strengthens the heart muscle. After operations on the heart and valves, in two thirds of cases it helps to overcome arrhythmic syndrome.

Prevention of atherosclerosis lies in its ability to lower cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood. Nitrogen amine is able to reduce local swelling and pain during inflammatory processes in the joints.

The effect of the natural metabolite on the central nervous system is manifested in smoothing the consequences of its oxygen starvation, protection against Parkinson’s disease, and increasing the ability to learn.

The effect of creatine on the body is significantly reduced in people over 70 years of age. The problem can be successfully solved by an active lifestyle and regular feasible physical exercise.

Natural replacement

Creatine is found in foods and enters the body with food:

Is it possible to saturate muscles with it by eating food containing creatine? Maybe. It's just extremely unhealthy.

From the table it follows: to get 5 g of nitrogen amine from food, you will need to eat either 700 g of herring, or 1 kg of meat, or one and a half kg of chicken or cod every day. It must be taken into account that heat treatment of the product destroys a significant part of the creatine. This means that the given figures should be doubled.

Excessive consumption of meat and fish has a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys and leads to hypovitaminosis of vitamin C, which is actively involved in the absorption of proteins. Residual unsplit protein, acidifying the body, causes osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, swelling, joint diseases, allergies and gout.

A vegetarian will have to consume more than 200 kg of plant food every day, and this is not realistic.

Myths and misconceptions

Creatine is surrounded by myths and legends - you can’t do this, you need it, don’t go there, don’t stand here... Let’s debunk some popular myths about taking the supplement:

Loading phase is required

Not at all! Taking creatine is effective without loading. The main thing is to follow the correct regimen for taking it.

Creatine can harm your kidneys and liver

If you have contraindications, then yes, it can do harm. If not, then everything should be normal. A doctor in a white coat will save you from such fortune-telling; you need to go to him regularly, get examined and follow all his recommendations.

Liquid supplement is better than powder

It's just a myth. The form of a substance is just a form.

Creatine is completely safe to use

No! Before taking the supplement, you must (!) consult your doctor! You may have some diseases, some characteristics for which you should not take it, you may get confused with the dosage. Remember, you should visit your doctor when taking any sports supplements.!

Cheap and expensive creatine are the same

Why then such a difference in price? Not the same. Expensive ones are cleaner and more efficient, cheap ones are of lower quality and contain more impurities. This is still a market, and its laws have not been repealed.

The drug may cause cramps

Clinical studies have not confirmed this information.

The sports supplement can be obtained from food

Of course you can! If you eat beef, salmon, herring, cod all day long in unlimited quantities and raw! Good luck!

Creatine is suitable for all athletes

Not everyone. It should not be used in sports that do not require high physical strength and endurance.

If you take it cyclically, the effect will be greater

This has not been scientifically proven.

The drug should be taken with grape juice

Why exactly with grape? Nonsense! The main thing is that the dosage is related to 100 g of juice per 5 g of creatine. And so – the juice can be anything! The only caveat may be that sugar stimulates the production of insulin, which will carry creatine into the muscles. Choose sweet juices.


As you can see, taking creatine is completely justified - it allows you to improve the quality of your workouts and achieve better results in building muscle mass. The dosages in the article are given on average; you will be given more detailed advice by your doctor, whom you should definitely see before taking it. Work on yourself and everything will work out!

The following table provides an example of how you can combine creatine consumption with other sports nutrition:

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

Or other sports in which it is necessary to build muscle mass, a supplement such as creatine is well known. It is also often used by vegetarians who have excluded fish and meat from their diet - foods rich in creatine.

At the same time, knowing about the indispensability of this substance, not everyone, unfortunately, fully understands how to take creatine correctly, what it is needed for, and what effect it has on the body. All this is worth understanding.

Creatine - what is it?

Creatine is methyl guanidoacetic acid found in muscle tissue. It is truly indispensable for human health and for his sports activities, since it plays a vital role in energy metabolism.

Approximately 40% of creatine in the body is so-called free creatine, while the remaining 60% of the substance is presented in the form of creatine phosphate. An ordinary person consumes about 2 grams of it during the day, but for professional athletes these figures are much higher. The loss can be replenished with food, through the natural production of the substance by the body and with the help of special supplements.

Creatine is extremely necessary for athletes, since the human body produces it in rather small quantities, sufficient only to ensure normal life activities. However, those who are engaged in active sports activities need this substance in much larger quantities, since its levels in the muscles have a direct effect on the endurance and strength of the body, filling it with energy. This gives a general idea of ​​what sports creatine is for. But it’s still worth talking about everything in more detail.

Creatine was discovered in 1835 by a French chemist. He discovered this component in meat juice, which is why he gave it the name “creatine,” which means “meat” in Greek. Since then, many scientists have devoted their time to researching this substance and its functions. This made it possible to establish how much of it should be in the body of a healthy person, as well as to better understand when it is necessary to take it, and what side effects may occur.

Main Functions of Creatine

So, creatine: what is it for? First of all, this substance improves the following important characteristics and processes:

  • indirectly stimulates the fat burning process;
  • helps increase muscle mass;
  • significantly enhances energy and physical capabilities;
  • stimulates good growth of strength indicators.

Having decided that the body needs creatine, when to take it and for what purpose, you need to completely understand. After all, there is a widespread misconception that this substance is directly involved in muscle building. Although this statement is close to reality, it is still incorrect. After all, creatine does not play the same role for muscle mass as, for example, amino acids or protein. It is indeed involved in important metabolic processes, but primarily improves the body’s strength indicators, and does not directly increase muscle mass.

For this reason, after a couple of weeks of taking the supplement, the athlete feels that previous training and loads are much easier for him, and such a terrible enemy as rapid fatigue recedes. Creatine helps by increasing energy and increasing strength. By understanding this, it becomes clear what the golden rule of strength sports means: “The volume of muscles is directly proportional to their strength.”

When subjected to physical activity, a muscle first uses its own energy reserve, and when it runs out, it begins, turning on acidification processes, to consume energy from other cells of the body. For this reason, it cannot be forced to be under physical activity constantly, but it is very possible to use creatine to increase the total amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) in the body, thereby providing the muscles with new energy reserves.

To better understand this, you can imagine that the muscles initially have 10 units of energy. With creatine, this figure can increase to 12 or even 15 units, and this, in turn, has a direct impact on the intensity of training and the body’s endurance. It's no surprise that taking creatine pre-workout is mandatory for all athletes involved in strenuous sports.

How to use this product correctly?

If you decide to take creatine, when to take it and how to take it is very important to know. After all, you cannot use this additive, like any others, thoughtlessly. Thorough research on this substance has helped to develop two main and most suitable regimens for its administration. Having examined their main features, we can identify mistakes often made by inexperienced athletes.

Scheme No. 1

The first regimen for taking creatine consists mainly of an initial creatine load, which significantly increases the amount of this substance in the muscles. This period often lasts about 5-7 days, during which the concentration of creatine in the body increases by about 3-4 times. After this, the drug must be used daily only in maintenance doses.

Scheme No. 2

The second option, in capsules, in the form of a powder or liquid solution, is somewhat simpler. There is no loading phase in it, and the daily dose of the drug is unchanged. At first, it may seem that this approach is in many ways inferior to the first, but after a couple of weeks both schemes are completely equal in their effectiveness.

How to calculate the required dose of creatine?

It is clear that for athletes, as well as for vegetarians, a supplement such as creatine is necessary. When to take it is not all you need to know. Naturally, it is equally important to understand what the correct daily dosage of this supplement is.

The standard portion during the loading period is twenty grams per day. During the maintenance period, the daily dose is reduced by four times - to five grams.

An individual approach to taking creatine involves determining the dose of the drug based on lean (fat-free) lean body mass. In this case, you can use the following scientific formula: 0.3 grams per 1 kilogram during the loading period and 0.03 grams per 1 kilogram during the maintenance period.

Thus, for a person weighing 90 kilograms, of which 10% is fat, the amount of creatine is calculated as follows: 81 kilograms (dry mass) multiplied by 0.3 or 0.03. In this case, the daily dose of the drug during the loading period is 24.3, and during the maintenance period - 2.43 grams. At the same time, for correct calculations, it is very important to exclude the amount of fat from the total mass, since creatine is concentrated specifically in bone and muscle tissue, but not in fat. It is also necessary to take into account that it is important to break a large dose of creatine during loading into four to five doses of approximately 5 grams each during the day.

Forms of Creatine Supplement

As mentioned, there are several forms that creatine supplements come in: capsules, powder, and liquid solution.

The most convenient way to take it is creatine in capsules, since it can be simply washed down with the required amount of water. Creatine powder can be mixed not only in water, but also in any other drink. When consuming creatine with fast carbohydrates, it gives a more effective result, so it is best to dissolve the drug in grape or apple juice, or in a glass of water with a spoon of honey.

Which creatine supplement is best?

In fact, most of the world's creatine producers have almost the same quality, so one of the decisive factors in choosing a particular drug is, of course, its price. Numerous studies have convincingly proven that the most effective of these supplements is still And the list of the most worthy brands that produce high-quality creatine includes the following: Optimum Nutrition, Gaspari Nutrition, BSN, Ultimate Nutrition and Dymatize.

Can creatine be harmful?

This supplement has a natural base, and therefore there are no contraindications to its use. Also, since creatine is found in some foods, you can do without supplements if you consume, for example, at least a kilogram of meat per day.

An additive that promotes anaerobic performance. Let's look at the features of its reception more carefully.

Description and release forms

The substance is an organic acid that was formed as a result of the interaction three amino acids: glycine, and arginine. This additive is of nature and mostly accumulates in the skeletal system. Tissues and glands contain phosphocreatine, the benefits of which are also difficult to overestimate.

There is still no consensus on the issue of combining creatine with consumption. Some experts advise using the supplement before meals, since, in their opinion, it impairs absorption and retains the powder or capsule in the stomach, while others say there is no fundamental difference, arguing their position with the results of recent scientific studies that have proven that the acidic environment of the stomach does not have a significant effect influence on monohydrate.

Dosage regimens

Depending on your daily routine, there are different regimens for taking creatine monohydrate: the best option, for loading, with breaks, and also using low dosages. Let's talk about each option in more detail.


With this scheme, without loading, the product is used in an amount 6 g every day. There is no point in increasing this value, since our body absorbs only 50 mg/kg, and the remaining amount is excreted from the body along with urine. On days of intense training, it is better to use the supplement after the complex, adding gainer, amino acids, etc. True, in their absence, regular sweet juice would be a good alternative.

On rest days, the supplement (together with the listed components) should be taken in the morning, continuing the course for no longer than two months. This should be followed by a month's break.

If you plan to heavily load your body, then in the first week you should take 5 g of creatine 4 times a day, and one of the doses must coincide with the end of the workout (as soon as it ends, according to the indicated dosage, the powder must be diluted in 1 liter). If desired, you can add protein shakes, gainers or other similar drugs.

Important! The dosage does not depend on the form in which you purchased the supplement: powder, solution or capsules.

After six days of taking creatine according to the indicated regimen, you need to reduce the dosage to 2 g 1 time per day, continuing to use it for another month. This is followed by a month-long break.


Loading the body with creatine involves consuming the supplement in amounts up to 20 g per day. The most optimal option for taking it would be to split the schedule into 4 times, 5 g at a time, observing this regimen for 6 days. During this time, the muscle cells will be completely saturated with creatine, after which it will be possible to reduce the amount of product used to 3 g (“maintenance dose”).

It has been proven that with this regimen, the level of the substance in the body does not decrease for 12 weeks (with maintenance use of the supplement), which in itself is an excellent indicator. However, such a regimen is not necessary; similar results can be achieved by consuming creatine 5 g 1 time per day, as described above.

Therefore, if you decide to take a supplement to quickly gain muscle mass, be prepared that in addition to quick results, the load is characterized by a high likelihood of side effects and increased consumption.

Without using loading, you risk your health to a lesser extent, but the evidence base will be weaker and maximum results will appear only after a month. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth the risk and throwing away money or whether it’s better to stick to the optimal creatine supplement regimen described above.


Cycling of creatine became widespread thanks to an article by Paul Krieb, who argued that a traditional loading phase would necessarily overload the blood with keratin, causing serious effects on the muscles with its high concentration.

In this case, additive transport will be less able to penetrate cell membranes. It will take a long time for their performance to return to normal. Moreover, such a return can only occur when the concentration of the substance outside the cells themselves decreases.

According to the cyclic scheme, you should consume creatine in powder or capsules for three days (the supplement is consumed in the same amount as in the previous version: 5 g 4 times a day), and then you need to take a break for another three days. The fact is that regular use of creatine reduces its concentration within 30 days after the start of the course. Presumably this occurs due to suppression of the transporter gene.

Did you know?In some cases, supplements are prescribed to speed up the body’s recovery after injuries, serious illnesses, or as recommended by nutritionists. Of course, in each individual situation such additives will be different.

Low dosages

In 2010, the journal Nutrition published the results of one very interesting study. It involved studying the effect of low doses of creatine on the human body, for which 20 healthy people received a supplement of 0.03 g per 1 kg of their weight (an average of 2 g per day).
6 weeks after the start of the experiment, it turned out that the subjects’ dry muscle mass, maximum percentage and fluid volume in the body did not change. Supplement Doses no need to reduce, otherwise the use of the drug will not bring any result, or it will be minimal.

Important! When purchasing creatine in capsule form, you should pay special attention to the dosage issue, since manufacturers very often reduce it.

How long to take creatine?

Based on many studies, it follows that creatine can be taken continuously. However, there is certain information that refutes this decision. For example, downregulation of cellular transporters indicates that over time (after about 2 months of regular use) muscle sensitivity to this supplement may decrease.

After completing a course of treatment lasting 1.5-2 months, a break of 3-4 weeks. This will be quite enough to restore your body’s sensitivity to the components of the supplement.

Is there any harm?

If you believe research by scientists and reviews from consumers themselves, creatine practically does not cause any negative consequences of its use. Everyone agrees that it is high quality and almost completely harmless.

In rare cases, after taking the substance, gastrointestinal distress (diarrhea, nausea, etc.) may be observed due to the period of adaptation of the body to the artificial addition of creatine and its slightly increased dose. The crystals of the supplement slowly dissolve in the stomach, which leads to problems with, although this is more typical for creatine citrate and creatine malate, monohydrate does not have this disadvantage.

Combination with other additives

Creatine supplements combine well with other options, which means you can easily consume whey, gainer (gained popularity largely due to the presence of sugar), and most amino acids.

Additionally, you can combine creatine with sugar or sweetened water. The main condition for its use is the use of a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 1 large glass), no matter: to dissolve the powder or wash down the capsule. This will facilitate faster absorption of the supplement.

Is there liquid creatine?

While some are interested in how to take creatine in powder or capsules, others are puzzled by the appearance on the market of so-called “liquid creatine,” which is a solution of monohydrate or phosphate.

Manufacturers of this form of the supplement assure customers that in this form it is much better absorbed by the body, due to which growth is accelerated and they get more. That is, it turns out that the liquid additive is superior to its powder counterpart in all respects.

In fact, everything is not so simple, because as a result of superficial studies, scientists have discovered a large amount of creatinine - the remnants of the breakdown of creatine.

Moreover, the content of the latter is very often underestimated and differs from the value indicated on the packaging. Therefore, you should not give in to the persuasion of marketers and buy low-effective liquid creatine.

Overall, if you are a regular and committed, then creatine monohydrate is exactly what you need.

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