How to appease the brownie in the apartment, how to feed him? How to find out if there is an otherworldly entity in the house? Brownie in the apartment: how to make friends with him Brownies and how to make friends with them

How to appease a brownie? According to ancient beliefs, brownies are found in any housing (apartment or private house). Friendship with the keepers of the hearth will help to live happily in comfort and tranquility.

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How to appease the brownie and why it is needed

Brownies, like banniks and otherworldly creatures corresponding to other premises of the residential courtyard, are an integral part of the beliefs of the ancestors. Each nation has its own name for the brownie, but the meaning is unchanged. The brownie was respected, considered practically a part of the family, and when they changed their place of residence, they were sure to be taken away. , described in the corresponding article on the site.

To understand how to appease the brownie, you need to figure out why the action is needed.

In the old days, they tried to maintain even friendly relations with the otherworldly resident of the house. If a housekeeper has antipathy for a family member or for all household members at once, intrigues and dirty tricks should be expected. The creature gets rid of unwanted brownie guests and family members, gradually surviving from the house.

If you treat the essence well, respect, show attention, the house elf will reciprocate. There are frequent cases when there is a thing in the house that disappeared several years ago, mice and cockroaches leave, indoor flowers grow better.

From time immemorial, brownies have kept order, they could warn the owners about a fire, help find lost things, wake them up if the alarm clock did not go off. It is believed that domoviks are able to evoke good thoughts and memories in moments of sadness. In a house with a good spirit that will help, live comfortably, so they are friends with brownies.

Spirits are not to be feared. The brownie announces itself or harms when there is a reason: the creature shows dissatisfaction with the situation or home environment. Knowing what the guards of the hearth do not like, it is easier to understand how to make friends with the brownie.

How to make friends with a brownie - what keepers don't like

Domovoi do not like attempts to drive them out of their homes. Sometimes good and useful creatures are mistaken for manifestations of presence, which they try to get rid of by consecrating the dwelling and sprinkling the premises with holy water. Domovoy manipulations will not harm, but they can offend. If strange things are noticed in the apartment, they first try to make friends with the brownie.

Entities are good, homely hosts. Domoviki responsibly treat the order in the living room: they do not tolerate dust, dirt and mess. If a person rarely cleans, the household spirit may make noise or begin to harm, for example, choke, showing disapproval of what is happening.

If there is no concept of “every thing has its place”, the situation suits brownies no more than dirty floors and dust. Spirits can harm, taking things lying anywhere. If objects disappear, but you can’t find them by going around the whole house, these are pranks of a brownie who is dissatisfied with the mess.

Entities do not like to settle in dysfunctional families. They are repelled not by small wealth, but by the negative impact of quarrels, scandals, obscenities, loud screams and alcohol abuse. The brownie, forced to live in a negative atmosphere, will not be well disposed towards the residents. Smoking is not approved, except for a specially equipped place, for example, on a balcony or near a powerful hood that will not leave smells after a smoked cigarette. It is believed that you should not whistle indoors.

If you try to expel a disgruntled spirit, considering it an evil spirit, or ignore the discontent of the brownie, the essence may leave the house. It is impossible to bring the house elf to the exit: in Russia they believed that the brownie is the soul of the house, part of everyday magic, the building will not stand without a prankster. A family that has achieved the care of a brownie will not live happily. It happens that the otherworldly creature has an evil and quarrelsome character, it is impossible to make friends with the brownie. In such a situation, getting rid of the "tenant" is justified.

Sometimes brownies treat pets badly. There are houses where dogs or cats do not stay long: they run away, they die. The essence does not allow a pet that the brownie did not like to sleep peacefully, eat and drink, and move around. There are rites of presenting a pet to a brownie so that he accepts the pet into the family and begins to take care of the dog in the same way as the household.

Sharp objects lying in open spaces prevent the domestic spirit from fighting evil that can look into housing. The rule applies to salt and hot spices. You should put sharp things in lockers or cover salt and pepper shakers with lids so as not to interfere with the brownie and not irritate him.

How to appease a brownie in a private house or apartment

Brownies love warm places, so they lived in the homes of their ancestors behind the stove, sometimes in attics, under the threshold. Over time, housing has undergone changes: wood-burning stoves are irrelevant, modern spirits of home comfort prefer fireplaces, heaters and radiators. In the past, convenient places were made for house dwellers - small sheaves or brooms. They were placed in the place where the brownie lived, or hung on the wall.

The spirit can move around the house, looking and controlling what is happening in each room. He likes to hide, sleep and just relax in the place he likes.

They treat the entity that keeps the house from disorder and evil spirits with respect. Brownies really have something to respect - spirits help literally in any business, if you are friends with them.

To appease the brownie, they try to maintain cleanliness and order. They do not allow the accumulation of dust and dirt, they are conscientious about cleaning and make family members do the same. Looking for a place for each item. The essence will definitely appreciate the efforts. In a house where the owners maintain order, the brownie helps.

The energy of an apartment or house should be clean: quarrels, scandals and other negative emotions should not be allowed. Brownies approve of the magical cleansing of the home.

If the owner has done something that the patron of the apartment does not like, they ask for forgiveness aloud. You can combine an apology with a treat with sweets, but you will have to correct the oversight.

Brownies love to be spoken to and respected. You can do this mentally (although they believe that creatures cannot read minds). Do not forget to thank the brownie if a thing was found, dust was gone, or other pleasant things happened. You can greet the brownie, wish good morning or good night. If the help of the keeper is needed, they promise a treat in exchange for a useful deed, but do not forget about the promises, otherwise the domovik will be offended.

If the brownie is dirty, for example, he stole something, they say:

Brownie, brownie, play and give.

Another variant:

Father, brownie, give me a hint where to find mine (name of thing)!

If the entity took the thing for fun, it will give it back, but it can put it in the most unpredictable place where the person definitely did not put it.

If the request does not help, they try to scold:

Grandfather is already old, grown up, but everything is playing around! Oh no no no!

The brownie will be ashamed and give up the loss.

How to contact the housewife? They say: “Grandfather”, “Grandfather-housekeeper” or “House-father”. You can come up with an appeal yourself.

Entities love to play with small shiny objects. They buy or make their own small chest, where they put buttons, beads and shiny coins. Old beads and other unnecessary jewelry will be to your taste. The chest is placed in a secluded place, saying who the toys are intended for. After that, small things usually stop disappearing in the house, because the spirit now has something to dispel boredom.

Brownies love to be left with treats: milk, porridge, honey, sweets, sweet pastries and bread. The spirit does not like meat and eggs, but prefers wooden spoons. They do not need food to satisfy their physical needs, but this is a sign of care and respect. Sometimes food disappears from the plates left for the brownie. Be sure to say words of gratitude and to whom the treat is intended.

Porridges are given every six months. Milk can be treated more often, for example, every two to three months. Sweets - every first day of the month. If there are animals in the house, you should not allow the cat or dog to get the treat. Place an offering, for example, on the refrigerator. The place should be quite secluded, hidden from prying eyes. The most suitable option in a city apartment is under the battery, if there are no animals that will steal food.

Brownies celebrate name days and wish the owners of the house to congratulate them. Be sure to put a treat on the night of February 10-11, otherwise the house elf will be offended by the family for a whole year. If there is a holiday in the house, treats are also left for the brownie.

The question arises: how long to keep the treat delivered to the brownie in the house? Porridge and milk are taken away the next day, and sweets should always be kept where they were put until the beginning of the next month. Sweet should be thrown away only at the end of the term.

In order for the home spirit to quickly get used to the new pet, they bring him into the house in a sheepskin coat, which is laid with a sheepskin up. Be sure to say, turning to the housekeeper, that this is a pet that will live in the apartment, and they ask you to accept it and take care of the animal.

How to appease a brownie in a new or rented apartment

There are no brownies in new buildings: creatures live where people have lived for a long time. Usually, when moving, they take them with them, offering to continue their friendship and life together.

If a person leaves to live separately from his parents in a newly built house where no one lived, this is not done. You need to think not only how to appease the brownie in a new apartment, but also how to invite him there.

There are special ones. After the magical essence comes, they try to make friends with the keeper of the hearth.

Sometimes entities come to houses without an invitation. It will be pleasant to be in the apartment, the atmosphere will change for the better - the first sign that a patron has appeared in the house. By themselves, brownies do not come immediately, it is better to call the keeper.

How to invite a brownie to a new building

For the first method, you need to move the pectoral cross to the back: brownies are not considered evil spirits, but they are called the siblings of devils. Relations between the church and the brownies are not always positive.

Placed on the table at midnight dishes with milk and a piece of bread. Say three times:

Brownie, be with me, live here, walk here. Father-grandfather, eat bread and salt in my house, drink milk, and give us happiness and joy every day. Amen.

The offering is left on the table and not removed for three days. Noticing the appearance of a brownie, they thank him, put a treat and do not forget about goodies in the future.

The second way to call the brownie is done on the new moon. Having laid the table for dinner, they take two more saucers. Milk is poured into one and placed near the stove (under the battery, near the gas stove, etc.) with the words:

Eat, drink, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me.

In the second, they put a little of everything from what is on the table. Do not treat the brownie with meat or eggs. They put a saucer next to the first and say:

Eat, eat, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me.

You need to speak sincerely, then a good spirit will hear and come to live.

There is another way that they do when they first dine in a new house. One of the pieces of bread that is cut off from a loaf during lunch is put as a treat for a brownie with words.

Many people know the phrase “Chur me!”, Which is pronounced to scare away all the bad things. Chur is an ancient pagan god who protected the dwellings of the Slavs, watched livestock and pastures, warned people about danger, drove away predators and enemies. But when people began to create cities, Chur went to distant forests and began to help only hermits far from civilization. And since then, his distant relative, the brownie, has been living with people.

In housing, the brownie keeps order, repairs minor malfunctions, extinguishes fires, looks after animals, looks after children. If you piss him off, he starts to do minor dirty tricks, make noise, hide things and even the owners. Most often, the brownie is invisible, but sometimes he moves into a cat. Only babies or drunks can see him in the form of a deceased ancestor or a small old man. In the old days, it was believed that the poor man's brownie was naked, and the rich man's was covered with hair.

How to make friends with brownies

To bring the brownie into a good mood, you need to follow certain rules. This otherworldly creature does not like quarrels and scandals, disorder in the house, dirt. For bad owners, the brownie either becomes angry and stops helping, or leaves the house, which leads to desolation and dilapidation of housing.

Very fond of the home assistant respectable treatment. To appease him, call the brownie, the owner. On the first day of each month, as well as on April 5, when the brownie has a birthday, it is customary to treat him. Boil loose porridge, spread it out to all the household and the brownie. The whole family sit down to have breakfast with the words: “Owner-father, if you please, have a meal with us!”. After breakfast, feed the rest of the porridge to some animals or birds.

Pleasant brownie and requests for help. If you have lost something, politely ask the brownie to find it and return it. Leaving the house, tell your assistant that he remains in charge, ask to keep order.

The following ritual helps to make friends with an angry brownie. Do a general cleaning in the kitchen. 5-10 minutes before midnight, cover the table with a clean tablecloth and put a treat - a glass of Cahors, bread and salt (you can pour a little flour around the treat, then you can see if the brownie came). Then bow to four sides and say: “Brownie, eat your dinner. Help yourself, don’t be offended by people!” Leave and do not enter the kitchen until dawn. If the brownie accepted your offering, you will be able to see his traces on the flour.

Someone believes, but someone does not, that an invisible owner lives in every house - a brownie. He wants to - and there will be order in the house, peace and quiet, but he gets angry - he starts to play pranks, things will disappear and dishes will beat. How to make friends with your brownie?

Since time immemorial, people have believed that the real owner of the house is the brownie. The brownie was respected and tried in every possible way to appease, in many folk traditions there are even Our ancestors believed that if you want happiness and prosperity in the house, you need to make friends with the brownie. It is customary to call the brownie the owner of the house, the grandfather - esotericists say that the age of the brownie can be different, he can be either an old man or not.

If the brownie is friendly with the owners, he will be help in every possible way: make sure that nothing bad happens in the house, warn about important things and bad people, help find missing things. For example, the hostess forgot to turn off the oven and went to bed, and the brownie will wake her up at night or won’t let her fall asleep so that she remembers. Can't find something in the house? Write in a note what you are looking for and put it on the windowsill - soon your loss will be found. If a bad person came to visit, the brownie will definitely warn: a person with bad thoughts will fall out of his hands, then tea will spill.And if you get angry with the household, you can’t avoid trouble, things can disappear, a flood or a fire happens, equipment goes out of order, electricity turns on and off by itself. How to make friends with brownies?

First of all, the brownie loves to have order in the house, cleanliness, everything was in its place. If the owners are not too clean, they rarely clean, often leave dirty dishes, scatter things around the house, the brownie can play pranks - punish in his own way. For example, a large pot with a flower falls from the windowsill and breaks, and the earth scatters throughout the room or the water tap breaks - involuntarily, you will have to do a general cleaning in the apartment. It is better not to bring it to this, but to maintain cleanliness.

The brownie loves treats. Choose a separate place for the brownie and put treats there every month - according to signs, this should be done on the first or last day of each month. Cookies, sweets, sweet porridge - a little. It is clear that your treat will remain lying, because the brownie is powered by energy, and not by the sweets themselves. For him, attention and respect for his own person is important. Such treats need to be changed, but not thrown into the bin and not eaten by ourselves - taken to abandoned places, wastelands, thrown under a bush in the forest - so that the animals get it.

Respect and love home in which you live, because the brownie is the main keeper of the energy of the house. In this case, the brownie will and health for all family members, protect from negative energy.

What does the brownie not like and can get angry: tobacco smoke, whistling, knives and forks left on the table at night.

Be sure to find out

There is a home in almost every home. If you live where your grandparents lived, and before them - great-grandmother and great-grandfather, there is no doubt in the presence of a brownie, in his good disposition - too. But what if the apartment is rented? We'll have to check if the spirit lives in it, and try to make friends with it.

How to determine if there is a brownie in the house

It is not difficult to determine the presence of a brownie in a house or apartment, you just need to listen to your feelings. You can often hear footsteps at night even if you don't have pets in your house. In addition, other sounds may be present - rustling, creaking, crackling. Most likely it is the spirit of the house. There is no need to be afraid of him, he just checks if everything is fine and performs his duties around the house.

You can also watch your pets. Cats and dogs see spirits and even play with them. If your dog looks into the void, and the cat purrs and plays with someone invisible, but does not show fear or aggression - be calm, your house is guarded by a good spirit.

Very often the guardian looks after small children, especially infants. Notice if your child is looking at the empty space or reaching out for it. It is believed that children under three years old can also feel the presence of spirits and perceive them as family members.

Brownies are very fond of dishes, so if dishes ring in a deserted kitchen, you should know that your brownie is playing with it. In addition, the spirit can steal candy and other sweets, as well as scatter children's toys.

If you are comfortable in the house, there is no fear of sleeping in the dark, this means that subconsciously you feel that someone is protecting the house and its residents from danger. If you are friends with the brownie, he can send prophetic dreams and drive away nightmares, and also make you wake up if you overslept. Often the keeper of the house suggests that guests will soon come or a family member will return home. Do you ever go to the front door before the bell rings? Know that this brownie is telling you.

It is pleasant to be in a house that is protected by a good spirit, a warm and friendly atmosphere reigns there, quarrels flare up extremely rarely and end quickly.

You need to be friends with a good brownie, you should treat him with sweets and leave toys (buttons, beads, ribbons), thank him for his protection and help.

To check if there is a keeper in your apartment, try leaving some unwrapped sweets in a secluded place in the evening. In the morning you will find that the sweets lie differently or are completely gone.

Also, as a treat for the house spirit, you can leave milk, cookies, sweet porridge or a little honey. If the number of sweets has decreased by morning, this is a good sign, the brownie has accepted the treats and will help you.

How to appease a brownie

To appease the brownie, use one of the methods below.

  1. The mysterious neighbor likes it when he is treated with great respect, as the head of the house, and is called the father or the owner, they address him as “housekeeper” or “grandfather”.
  2. Although by nature the brownies are very silent, sometimes they can make noise, warning of upcoming events. Although uncommunicative, the "master" likes it when tenants turn to him for advice, talk about incidents, or simply say a greeting every morning or after returning home.
  3. To make the brownie comfortable, you should take care of the place of his sleep. It has long been believed that the brownie sleeps behind the stove. To make a cozy bed for the “father”, choose a corner hidden from the eyes, put a small basket or box there, fold bright shreds of fabric on the bottom so that grandfather sleeps well. Do not forget about a blanket, so that the keeper of the hearth does not freeze on cold winter nights.
  4. The keeper of the house does not like quarrels, scandals and screams, so try not to swear, do not utter swear words and do not smoke in the house - the brownie does not tolerate tobacco smoke.
  5. The Spirit loves when people take care of the house, which he so diligently protects from evil forces. Show signs of respect: sometimes stroke the walls, you can pat on the bed, or rather clean the apartment more often so that dust and debris do not accumulate.
  6. If things start to disappear, try asking what the brownie wants, maybe he will give you a hint. In any case, you can prepare a gift for "grandfather" - put beads, ribbons, balls of thread, coins in a box and put it in a secluded place. Just be sure to tell the spirit that this is a gift for him, otherwise he may not accept your gifts.

As you can see, it takes only a little diligence and kindness to make friends with the keeper of the hearth. The most important thing is to respect the spirit of the house and your own home. Having made friends with the brownie, you acquire in his person a faithful ally who will help with the housework and warn of future changes.

Our ancestors were sure that if you appease the Brownie, happiness, health, prosperity and comfort will reign in the house. You, too, can make contact with him, show him that you know about his existence and show a desire to make friends.

Start by periodically (ideally once a week, but do not get carried away so as not to attract unwanted insects into the house!) You will leave treats for the Brownie in a secluded place. It can be milk, porridge, sweets, cookies, or whatever you like very much. At the same time, you can mentally or aurally address the spirit of your house with the following words: “Grandfather is a housewife, eat porridge and keep our apartment (hut).”

You can also ask in your own words. The main thing is to come from the heart. It is necessary to put a treat for the Brownie so that children or pets do not reach them. We leave the treat for 2-3 days, and then we take it out into the street and give it to animals or birds. What does not spoil immediately can be left longer and again taken out into the street. It’s just that you can’t throw food for the Brownie into the trash.

The next step in building a relationship with Domovoi is that you can make a toy for him with your own hands. If you are a creative person, then you will enjoy coming up with and making such a toy. It can be a doll - a motanka of bright shreds, a box filled with various inexpensive jewelry. Such toys can be left in a secluded corner where the house spirit usually lives.

It was always believed that he lives behind the stove. But since there are no such stoves in modern apartments, now this place is near the gas stove or near the battery. But some brownies may like a completely different place. He will let you know if he sees fit. Usually this manifests itself in such a way that you will constantly find things that you have been looking for in the same place for a long time: in the pantry or in the closet, or somewhere else. Let this space remain the property of the one who chose it. Select a small area there, build a small bed from a basket and put gifts and treats there. You can even make a small patchwork blanket for Brownie to cover up when the house is cold. He will appreciate your care.

It often happens that spoons and forks constantly disappear in the house. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to give the brownie money in exchange for the fact that he will not be so naughty anymore. Be sure to hear or mentally specify the purpose for which you give coins and what you want in return.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that amulets for an apartment, bought or made with your own hands, greatly help the home spirit in its work to protect the house from evil and create a harmonious atmosphere in it. You can make a charm from dough, from tree branches and from any natural materials. When a good message, love and kindness is invested in such things, then the service will be appropriate.

If it happens that you have to change your place of residence, then you can call your Brownie with you. He won't go by himself. This creature loves a respectful attitude towards itself. Therefore, you need to use one of the methods to pick it up with you:

- on the night before the move, it is necessary to put slippers near the threshold of the front door and say something like the following: “Grandfather-homeyushka went with us to a new house to live happily and make good money.” In the morning we take the slippers to a new house or apartment.

- approximately according to this scenario, we leave the bag for the night. And in our own words we invite Domovoy to a new place. In the morning we take the bag with us. We open it in a new place with the words "Housewarming to you, master!"

- Another option is to put a broom in the middle of the room, also inviting the Brownie to move in with you. Carry a broom under your arm to a new house.

- in the old days it was believed that rubbish (garbage) in a hut is a treasure of a brownie. Therefore, when moving, when the last member leaves the apartment or the house, he should sweep the rubbish in the kitchen corners and put it in a linen cloth. In a new place, we put this small bundle, together with a crust of bread, in the place where the brownie will live.

If you decide to call a brownie with you, do not think for a long time which method to choose. There are many more of them than described here. I just briefly listed some of them. They have the same principle. Choose the method you like best.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to establish good relations and make friends with the keeper of the hearth. In his person, you will find a faithful ally and assistant who will be able to warn you of changes and help you establish a harmonious atmosphere in your monastery.

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