Black and white magic, black magic spells, black magic love spells and spells, practical black magic. Black and white magic

She attracts many. They talk about it, engage in it, and are exposed to it.

Magic can be cursed and exalted. They either revere her or tremble with fear. Now the expressions “Magic of Sound”, “Magic of Form”, “Magic of Relationships”, etc. have become very popular. What is behind all this? What do these concepts mean?

The average person will say: “Magic is some kind of incomprehensible invisible effect on others, something from the realm of miracles.” And who among us doesn’t like miracles? But what is wonderful about miracles, and what is not so wonderful? What can be useful and what can be dangerous? What affirms life, making it more beautiful and joyful, and what destroys and disfigures? Let's talk in more detail.

E. Blavatsky wrote: “White magic is Divine magic, free from selfishness, lust for power, ambition or self-interest and aimed entirely at creating good for the world in general and one’s neighbor in particular. The slightest attempt to use your paranormal abilities to satisfy your “I” turns these abilities into ".

At one time, it seemed wonderful, tempting, very mysterious to the dead () in order to find out the future and communicate with those who have passed on to another world. It seemed very wonderful to use spells, whispering, immersion in trance and unusual imaginary states, meditation to improve health. Quite attractive were hypnosis, dianetics, calling various energies to oneself for transfer to another or healing oneself. For example, the Reiki method. It was attractive to press a photo or image of a certain healer to a sore spot and thereby improve your health without any effort on your part.

Some people have mysterious visions that predict the future. And someone hears voices inside or outside themselves, although there is no one nearby. Some people like to immerse themselves in an imaginary computer world, different TV shows, or the rhythms of rock-pop music. “Break away” from reality. Yes, nowadays we see many strange cases happening to people. However, is everything so wonderful about them? Let's look at a few examples from life.

A young woman came to see the doctor. She was tormented by various fears. The most painful of them is the fear of going outside. she was forced to quit her job and stop communicating with friends. There were many difficulties raising my son. This kind of phenomenon arose after visiting one of the newly-minted healers who treated using the Reiki method, i.e. bringing to life certain energies unknown to itself, but considered “divine” and “cosmic”. She no longer remembers the illness for which the woman came to the healer. She wants to return to her former cheerful and sociable disposition, start working and not burden her family with various fears.

Tamara from Yalta reports: Her daughter’s husband was injured at work, and his life was in the balance; doctors considered him completely hopeless. The family of a man near death turned for help, so to speak, to a clairvoyant and healer. They were amazed by the latter's actions. She warned that someone would have to die in return. Father died. The young man survived, although he became disabled. Of course, the actions of the pseudo-healer are nothing more than witchcraft.

“The consequences of even involuntary witchcraft can entail heavy retribution.” Witchcraft is any evil influence directed at another person, when the latter experiences suffering as a result, or, obeying this influence, causes others to suffer. Each generated cause entails an inevitable consequence - this is fair.

About energies that we do not see: A sixteen-year-old boy had a feeling of the unreality of existing life. Some strange images began to appear before my eyes, at times snatches of phrases or entire sentences began to reach my ears, even though no one was nearby, various fears appeared. The young man became withdrawn and began to be rude to his parents and teachers. I lost interest in studying and it became difficult to communicate with peers. He didn’t tell anyone about what was happening to him. I was afraid that I would be considered crazy. Luckily, he had an adult friend whom he trusted and with whom he shared his secrets.

As it turned out, troubles began unnoticed, gradually, it would seem, even from a useful and encouraged activity - a passion for computers. The computer world called and beckoned so strongly that it was impossible to resist. I started developing my own programs. Where some balls, squares, triangles replaced each other and led far, far away from pressing problems and reality. The computer has ceased to be an assistant and turned into a drug.

All of the above speaks of the existence of an unknown, mysterious world that has a huge impact on the lives and destinies of people. But it says nothing about the laws of this world.

And any person, group of people or society using invisible forces in their actions can be called magicians. Because Magic is the conscious use of invisible forces to produce visible results.

Every person has an invisible power that gives him the opportunity to live and act in the three worlds. It is called psychic energy, modern scientists call it a torsion field, and religion calls it the holy spirit. Each person’s psychic energy differs in quantity and quality.

The subtle plan of life can be called the plan of personal desires aimed at satisfying the person himself. And here the basis of everything is self-interest. “Let everything serve and belong to me: money, fame, opinions, information, beauty, love, etc.” There is no constancy here: now there is joy, now there are tears; now love, now hate; now wastefulness, now stinginess, and so on in everything. If you are loved at the soul level, then expect hatred, and then love again and vice versa. And so on ad infinitum. If they shared something with you from the heart, they will soon take it back just as generously “from the heart.” Here, the basis is always one kind of self-interest or another. This is the law. And payment for what is received from the subtle plane is inevitable!

It must be remembered: for physical actions, payment is made in physical means, be it money, things, products. On a subtle level, the payment is subtle. A person who comes to see a healer and pays money for services is deeply mistaken in believing that the settlement has been completed. Physical means are not suitable here, no matter how large they are. And as a rule, a person does not know what he is paying with, and he often has nothing to pay with. It turns out that in the Subtle World self-interest rules to one degree or another. And if a magician (modern healer, sorcerer, psychic, hypnotist, whispering grandmother, etc.) uses the powers of the Subtle World, he also invariably pays with his well-being, joy and happiness.

Who will take misfortune and tears as payment? Those who receive from modern magicians pay the same amount, sometimes without even noticing that they become more indifferent, stupider, more joyless, creativity and initiative become scarcer, the world loses its colors and becomes gray. Often only food and amenities remain important. Increased care for muscles, skin, digestion, etc. Emotional states are unstable. There are mood swings, inappropriateness of actions, fussiness, control of one’s behavior weakens or is completely absent. Or perhaps a general “dullness” is simply developing. The animal part takes over a person.

We read from Paracelsus: “A worm can grow inside a nut, although its shell is intact and there is not a single hole in it into which the worm could crawl. Likewise, they can enter a person and cause illness without making holes in his body. This happens if a person’s mind is weak and his soul is not protected.”

True magical power lies in true faith, but true faith is based on knowledge, and without knowledge there can be no faith. If I know that divine wisdom can perform a certain act, I have true faith; if I only believe or try to convince myself that I believe in such a possibility, this is not knowledge and it does not grant faith. No one can have true faith in what is true, for such “faith” will only be a belief or judgment based on ignorance of the truth.”

But, nevertheless, what lies at the basis that determines a person’s energy, the quality of his mental energy, his torsion field?

What directs a person to the fiery world of spirit or the subtle world of the soul?

The basis of everything that exists is one, the source material from which everything around is built is one. And in itself, any energy is neither bad nor good - it is neutral. Light or dark, bringing good or destruction, it is the person himself who makes it.

The position of man is exceptional: he, being a microcosm, combines in himself all levels of the organization of existence: from the Divine to the physical. By absorbing everything, he can become anyone, he is free as the creator of himself. Man is the result of his own efforts. In addition, no one other than a person can purposefully influence the world and change it. Only man is the connecting link between the Higher and lower planes of Existence, and only he is capable of transmitting Divine love, because man is the bearer of Divine love, the exponent of man’s love for God.

Man, according to the Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt, is the third God after the single omnipresent energy (Absolute) and Cosmic Mind.

But the manifestation of the Highest divine energy in a person, human development is possible only with a tireless desire to improve oneself for the benefit of others and the whole world. This is the law of evolution. And the stronger this aspiration, the more courage and determination to follow the chosen path, the higher and purer the quality of a person’s vibrations, his energy. And only such a person as a result is able to become a true healer, bringing good to everyone who comes into contact with him.

But a person is also capable of developing along the wrong path, guided by selfish motives for improvement, for example, in the pursuit of strength for the sake of strength or for the sake of power. He also accumulates psychic energy and sometimes its quality is enormous. But the quality of vibrations is of a low order, obscured by egoism. And the power of such a person, even seemingly aimed for good, will sooner or later bring destruction both to the owner of such energy and to the people who come into contact with him. She, this force, is anti-evolutionary and does not rise to the heights of sacrificial, selfless Love, which lies at the basis of all things.

– In the process of professional activity, bioenergy therapists gradually change the hierarchy of personal values. If earlier his desire was to help people get rid of suffering, then over time the idea of ​​his own greatness, destiny, and chosenness comes to the fore. Commercialism and a purely consumerist attitude towards their patients appears.

However, if a person creates his own life, what determines his choice to follow one or another path of development and accumulation of energy? What determines the legality or illegality of an invisible influence. Legal influence is when a person, through his tireless work, search for Truth, constant transformation of his own animal nature, has learned to control his desires and passions, carefully studied the laws governing the universe and directed all his actions to transform life and help his neighbor in accordance with the studied laws, in accordance with their Nature.

And an illegal action when someone, through volitional efforts, without taking into account cosmic laws, without possessing knowledge, directs his efforts to invisible influences. This is always based on personal interest.

Theophrastus Paracelsus wrote: “But if anyone follows only his own understanding, he will lead not only himself into great sin, but also all others who have accepted this opinion, and will lead them to damage.”

Today, many so-called magicians: healers, psychics, hypnotists, astrologers, bioenergy therapists accept their judgments as the Highest Wisdom. “Hypocrisy is not holiness, vanity is not strength, cunning is not wisdom.” They study at various courses, receive different diplomas and titles, and invent certain legends about themselves.

Thought is the main tool for choosing the direction of development, self-change and developing the necessary qualities, because a person is the way he thinks of himself. Everything is very simple, if the basis of actions is the thought of selfishness, one’s own well-being and pleasure in any form, it colors the energy it receives from space in tones of low, dark quality and its consequences are harmful.

When the thought is about loved ones, the well-being of the world, it raises a person’s vibrations to a high, bright level, bringing health and life. And the broader a person thinks, the richer the range of his thinking, the higher the quality of his energy. Think beautifully, brightly, joyfully for the benefit of all things. Remember, this is the most powerful, most universal cosmic energy. A thought can lead a person either to God or to the devil; it can both cure and kill. Anyone who wants to change his nature must change his way of thinking.

It is the purity of thinking and the power of love that determine the quality of psychic energy and the direction of human development, his aspiration to the Subtle World. It is the purity of thinking that makes a person a White or Black magician.

He who believes in his own strength will fail and be a victim of his own vanity "he who expects salvation from others will be disappointed." There is no god, saint or person in whom we could believe, except for the power of the One primordial Divine energy operating within ourselves.

White magic rituals to get rid of problems

In this article:

The world is ruled by a variety of forces. You have probably felt their influence on yourself many times. Magic is divided into three huge segments: black, white, gray. Each of them deserves your attention, because these are ancient traditions and interesting rituals. Each of them has its own dangers and advantages. What to choose? Only your soul can decide. Each of us has a penchant for one kind of magic or another, do not forget about it.

Many people think that black magic is stronger than white magic, because it knows no boundaries of what is permitted. It is not always so. The most powerful conspiracies are fueled by your love, pure feelings, and desire to help. White magic protects from the influence of evil forces, helps lovers, and brings wealth to those who truly deserve it. Money can spoil a person, so white magic works selectively. It cannot be used to cheat or steal. Try it, maybe this is what you need to develop your strengths and abilities. The best conspiracies and rituals of white magic from ancient times are now available to those who are looking for their path.

Magic white, black and gray

Three directions, three types of energy. Of course, for those who practice, special assistants are allocated. They carry your desires and help you realize your plans. But, not everything is so simple. You must be sure that they serve you, and not that you serve their ideas and desires.

White magic

The purest magic of our lives. This is love for everything living, inanimate, plants, souls, people. White magic combines a huge number of directions. Her followers draw their powers from the four elements.

This kind of magic involves you asking for help, rather than forcing the Universe to give you a result. If a person needs love, then it does not choose a specific person to force him into a relationship. The white sorcerer calls on the forces of Justice, which lead him on the path. It may be tortuous, but it will lead to happiness.

If a person is in need, does not have enough money for the necessary things for his family, children, then white magic will give him a chance to get the necessary funds. Sometimes he finds money on the street or gets help from loving friends. Often this is a lottery win or a surprise gift. Or simply the opportunity to find the right job for your soul and pocket.

Getting money dishonestly, stealing from someone else is not a method of white magic. For such desires and requests, the forces of Justice will only severely punish you. You need to ask for exactly as much as you need. Whether you get more or not depends on your life.

White magicians are helped by Angels, Spirits of Light, and the Energy of the elements of nature. These are the forces of light that will come to your defense, help you carry out the necessary rituals, and give you strength.

White magic is not always good, just as dark practices are not necessarily harmful.

Black magic

The power of black magic is great, but the price for it is also huge. Yes, you gain power that you could only dream of. You don’t need to look for love, you can bewitch and dry a person. What will happen to him after is not up to you to decide, but he will be with you. This is not always the love that a person dreamed of, but you will be together.

The thoughtless use of black witchcraft leads a person to dire consequences. There may be illnesses, terrible losses, even a fatal end. You need to know the theory of how to protect yourself from your own actions. Black magicians use protective spells, runes, amulets and stones that absorb negative information.

Of course, it is easy to get money and power this way, but you will have to pay for it with something expensive. This is called “sacrifice on the altar of divination.” The sorcerer knows that there is a price to pay for any action. You are forcibly changing your fate, which means you will have to somehow compensate for this loss.

Helpers here are demons, demons, and also entities of the lower world. They are all messengers of hell. You need to be very careful when working with them. An extra word - and you find yourself a slave to their black desires.

Gray magic

Lies on the border between the forces of good and evil. This is a neutral energy that combines both directions. Most often, these are conspiracies for good luck, business and money. Lower spirits and neutral energies will help you in this matter. They dominate this segment, although they are the weakest of all creatures.

Gray magic helps you make a choice, understand where the compass of your soul is pulling you?

Our destiny depends on us

Our choice depends on ourselves. Every person wants to be rich and successful. Everyone dreams of finding love. Remember that not only your fate will depend on your choice of energy, but also the fate of your loved ones, children, and their children.

Life changes every day. It is very important that you live in harmony with yourself and your feelings. Whether you are drawn to white magic or black magic - decide. This will help you find balance with yourself.

The best conspiracies from white sorcerers

If you choose white magic, then try its power for yourself. She is not weak, but on the contrary, very powerful. The stronger your feeling of love and empathy, the more powerful these conspiracies will be.

Spell for maiden beauty

A simple conspiracy for girls and women who want to preserve their beauty for many years. For this you will need water. She very quickly perceives vibrations and messages. If you direct your good desire, the water will become very kind and healing.

Washing with enchanted water is a very common way of working.

Helps get rid of skin problems, scars, scars, removes wrinkles. We need living water, from an underground source. It is cooled in the refrigerator, and then they say three times:

“I, servant of God Alena, will stand, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, into an open field, to the eastern side. There is a river flowing there. I will wash myself with that water, wipe myself with the white dawn, tuck myself in with an asterisk, gird myself with the red moon, and adorn myself with the sun. I, the servant of God Alena, will go into an open field, to a feast and a walk, everyone would seem good, beautiful and kind, and I would be dearer than everyone to my dear one, whom I love. I would be more beautiful and better than everyone else and he would love me more than anyone. My words are strong and molding. Have it my way. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

You will immediately feel your skin changing. If you want, just wash your face with it and pour it into your hair while washing. This will protect them from falling out. Many beauties in ancient times believed that if you doused yourself with such enchanted water from head to toe, you would soon find your love.

Formula of Pope Leo VII

Protects a righteous person from any misfortune of black magic. Saves from black magic, love spells, curses. This is a powerful conspiracy that will require great strength from you. For the next few days, the person who cast the spell will feel weak.

These words need to be written in this order on a strip of white cloth. They turn your head around it while you sleep, if there is a suspicion that they are trying to harm you at night, sending you bad dreams.

If someone sends illnesses or troubles to you, then wear a white ribbon with a spell on your body. It needs to be wrapped twice around the waist at the level of the solar plexus.

Lasgaroth + Aphonidos + Palatia + Urat + Condion + Lamacron Fandon + Fahagon + Alamar + Bourgasis Vemat Serebani

You need to write in red paint on Friday evening. Before you start, you need to pray and fast for 5 days.

White conspiracy against corruption

If you know that someone is causing damage to themselves, then quickly perform this simple ritual. It is done on Wednesday evening, when the moon has already appeared. You can do it for yourself or your loved one: relative, child.

Say to the Moon:

“God bless. An Angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the Khvarin fence, on a steep mountain there is a table, and on the throne stands the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and holds a sword and saber over the sick person (name). He kills with a sword, he cuts with a saber (this phrase twice). Lord, put your heart in its place, strengthen it, close the gates tighter, the keys to the water. Amen, amen, amen. Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, from the stomach, from the shoulders, from the eyes. If you don’t come out good, you will end up bad: Saint Yuri will come and overtake you with a whip, Saint Yegor will come and stab you with a spear, and Saint Michael will cut you with a flog, burn you with fire, and spread your ashes throughout the world. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, seven-arrowed, shoot with your seven-arrows and cut with your four damask knives (here cut the water with a knife three times in the form of a cross) in the servant of God (name) all the pains, all the sorrows, tributaries, capes, clamps, nets, keels, undercuts, pain, weakness, headache, insomnia, lack of sleep, all pain, all sorrow, sadness, melancholy, sadness go away. Mother Most Holy Theotokos with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

Take raw water (not boiled) and wipe the floor throughout the apartment with it. When it becomes completely dark on the streets, you need to collect this water and say this text two more times. Water pours onto the ground over the left shoulder. This way the damage will leave the house.

A strong spell against illness

This is a very strong white conspiracy against diseases. It helps even if a painful curse has been placed on a person. The main condition is that the person must agree to the ritual. You need to take three church candles and holy water.

  • Twist three candles into one and place them firmly in the patient’s head.
  • Candles are lit with matches.
  • While you are reading the plot, wipe the patient with holy water from head to toe, turn him over.
  • Text:

“For deliverance from illnesses, the guardian cross of the servant of God (name), the cross of church beauty, the cross of power for kings, the cross of the scepter of princes, the cross of the servant of God (name), the fence, the cross, drive away from the servant of God (name) every enemy and adversary. Holy Hierarchs Ivan the Forerunner of the Theologian, friend of Christ, Tifinskaya, Kazan and Smolensk Mother of God, in holy baptism Friday Paraskovya, pray to God for deliverance from illnesses to the servant of God (name). Oh, movement of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord, holy Victorious Yegor the Brave, great martyr, take your spear, which is holding on the flattering serpent; Archangel Michael, take your flaming spear and repel from the servant of God (name) the silence and relatives, dreaming, roaring and belching winds and arrows, day and night commotion, and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses from seventy joints, from seventy veins and from all the insides bodies, we will give birth to twelve - to the fathers and to twelve simple-haired wives. Holy archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, heavenly ruler Michael the Archangel, the Ascension of the Lord, the holy prophet of God Elijah, the Great Saint Sophia above the gates of the Tsar - the city, Anastasia and Barbara the Great Martyr, the holy myrrh-bearing women, righteous Ivan the Fool for Fool. Theotokos in Jerusalem, the city of Judea, to which the Lord our God Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came, the venerable fathers Izosim and Savvaty, the Solovetsky wonderworkers, pray to God for deliverance from illnesses to the servant of God (name). How can a tree not reach from the earth to heaven with its top, and how with the true Christ our God there is no silence, no relatives, no sorrows and illnesses from visible and invisible, opposing forces and an enemy excommunicated, from the temple of the expelled evil spirit, the servant of God is renewed (name) from all filth and from violent winds and from the water that came, from all sorrows and illnesses and having become friends with the holy cross. On the throne sits Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, Saint Michael, Gabriel the archangels, Tikhon the Venerable, Macarius of Unzhensky, Demetrius of Rostov - to drive away from the head, ribs and all the insides, body - water, great swamp sorrows - ailments: key, jet, and windy from the winds. And I pray: take away from the servant of God (name) silence, relatives, roaring and belching, head and wind arrows, day and night disturbances, stone diseases, diarrhea, boils, scabies, syphilis, and all sorts of sorrows, diseases of twelve family relatives and twelve To the simple-haired women, here stands Mount Tabor, on the mountain lie the church stacks, the very Most Holy Theotokos, the Lady of Vladimir, Kazan, Spasskaya and the Renewal in Novograd Jerusalem, on the place of execution, and I, the servant of God (name), are renewed, silence and relatives, sharp, roaring, dreamlike, windy, watery, day and night disturbances and all sorts of sorrows, illnesses from the opposite force at the birth of the month, during the full month and during the old month, and at any time of the day and night I will drive away. And I, the servant of God (name), am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on God for help with the cross, I drive away the devil with the cross, I cleanse all sorrows and illnesses with the cross. Lord, have mercy on me, servant of God (name). Amen."

This ritual has elements of meditation

Do not use this spell more than once, it is very powerful. Survives diseases from humans. If you read it several times, you can harm the patient even more.

White search for love

So that love finds you on its own, and happiness comes into your life, try this short plot. You need to mentally call your Angel.
Stand in front of a mirror with a wooden comb. Comb your hair and repeat slowly:

“I am ready to accept love with all my heart! I'm waiting for love! Let the heart of my beloved beat in unison with my heart. My love, I'm waiting for you!

Perform this ritual before bed for 7 days. On the eighth day you will realize that your love is somewhere very close. In a few more days you will understand who we are talking about. Now your happiness is in your hands.

Protection from all troubles (for the baptized)

A baptized person can call on Angels for his protection. To do this, you need to draw a cross in the air in front of you and say:

“Holy guardian angel, my faithful helper.
Save our family from harm, protect us from insults and strife.
So that there is no discord between us,
so that harmony and happiness come.
I beg you for this, I conjure you with all my soul.”

Magic white and black

“Only White magic. Holy Mother Matryona will return her loved one on the day of conversion.
Will make a love spell for you using blood, with a lifetime guarantee. Eliminate your opponent. Will bring luck back into your life. Tel...”
Newspaper ad.

As the title of the article suggests, the conversation will focus on the notorious division of magic into black and white. It seems that so much has been written about this, so much has been said, but still no, no, and again on the forums the question arises whether there is a Black and a White. Even when sending questions and requests, they often ask which witch I am, black or white. This article is the answer to everyone who shares magic and who cares which witch they turn to for help.

According to its direction for good or evil, according to its appeal to light or darkness, magic is divided into black and white. White magic traditionally includes the positive activities of magicians, such as healing, removing evil eyes and damage. Everything that works to destroy and harm people goes to the black. But the line is illusory and difficult to understand.
Take a green apple with a red side and cut it into several parts so that the parts are of different colors. For example, one part will be red, one part will be green, and one part will contain both of these colors. Now give different parts of the apple to your family and ask them to tell you what the apple was like as a whole. And the one who receives the red part has the right to say, “It was a red apple.” And whoever has a green one will say, “Yes, it was a green apple.” But is it really because you cut the apple that its parts taste different? Or maybe they grew on different trees altogether? No, it was originally just a single apple. Only your family didn’t know about it. So it is with magic. It is one, and only you yourself can assign color to it. Only you yourself will call it bad or good, depending on what you want to get.

Let's figure out what White means - it's everything that benefits a person. And what is the benefit if, at the mother’s request, you make a lapel for your son, from your fiancée (she’s such a piece of trash, she’s turning my son against me...). And to return a husband to a hated wife just because they have a child. And it doesn’t matter that in a year he will drink himself to death, the main thing is that he will remain in the family. Is it all White magic to remove damage from a rapist?

Very often magic is divided in order to justify their actions. “I can’t live without him, I’m dying without him. Save! Make a love spell using white magic. After all, there will be no harm from this” or “I beg you, I’ve been waiting for this place for so long, I’ve worked so hard. And she just arrived and kept making eyes at the boss. So he appointed her to this place. I beg you, remove it. This place should be mine. You are a white magician, you work with the help of prayers?! So you can!”

It doesn’t matter how you justify yourself, because if you can’t, but you really want to, then you can, right? You can forgive yourself a small sin, because it is for the good, or to restore justice. Yes, as long as they think so. Magic will be divided into black and white.

If you are afraid of black magic as a sin, then listen to what the priests say: “Any magic is evil, any magic is a sin. There is neither white magic nor black, there is magic that is destructive to your souls. And everything that magicians and psychics tell you is from the evil one.” I’m writing these lines specifically for those who divide magic based on whether they chastise with prayers and ask angels for help, or call on demons and sell their souls to hell?

If you divide magic through light and darkness, how will you know where the light is if there is no darkness? One cannot exist without the other. And in each of us there is light and darkness. Each of us has something that we hide, something that we are afraid of in ourselves. And there is also something that we cherish and cherish. But it is impossible to know what “bad” is if you don’t know what “good” is. And not always, what we cherish in ourselves turns out to be light. In this matter, everyone is their own judge. And everyone will answer for themselves, and not for Vasya. Justifying one's own mistakes, one's own fears, one's own weaknesses is what divides the indivisible. Energy is one, it does not have different smells or colors, it is energy.

Among those who work based on advertisements in newspapers, Black and White are very common. For what? Everything is just my friends, this is for you. You need this so that you immediately understand where to run for help if something happens. So that you can justify yourself. And then on the forums they curse us for what it’s worth. It’s more convenient for you, well, let it be that way for you. After all, you yourself are without sin?

Just remember there is magic and there is quackery. The magic is one. If in the list of services you come across an offer to choose from 10 types of magic, including black and white, then this is probably said to attract clients with the opportunity to do everything without sin, under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church. And if this is exactly what you need, then is it worth racking your brains over the question of whether to share Magic?

Black and white magic is no joke! Magic rituals can have unpredictable consequences and bring disaster to the practitioner and his loved ones!

Secret rituals and occult practices of black and white magic are often used to solve problems.

These are love spells¹ to attract a loved one, and love spells to get rid of rivals, and spells to sell², etc.

What is important to know?

Safety is the most important thing! Black and white magic are no joke. Many, using certain magical practices, do not realize the possible consequences: “If I poke myself with a knife, nothing bad will happen!”

But, believe me, there are things worse than a knife!

From personal experience...

This was somewhere in the mid-90s. I was 15. Somehow we found ourselves in the basement of one of the stone two-story buildings. We furnished it and began to use it for our gatherings. Once we got together again and decided to celebrate someone’s birthday.

A friend reached into the cupboard for pickles and suddenly found a thick old book on one of the shelves. It was the book “Black and White Magic”. It was made of leather, and the name was written as if in blood.

After looking through it, we decided to try to summon the spirit of the deceased (this was a section of black magic, not white magic).

Terrible result!

The time was 00:00, we did what was needed. At first nothing happened. Then I turned my head and looked into the distance of the basement (the basement was long). Red eyes looked at me. I lost consciousness, when I woke up, my friends were around, shaking me and asking what happened.

Everything was in a fog, I couldn’t remember anything. But when he turned his head, he saw the eyes again, and fainted again.

When I woke up again, a scream came from the darkness, so terrible, feminine, like in horror films, and closer and closer to us. As a result, two guys had a heart attack, one went crazy, me and a few others survived.

What happened next?

Over the next couple of years, my remaining friends and I actively used this book for love spells, punishing enemies, and other things. We even took it to a fortune teller, she offered us a new “six” for it, but we never gave it back.

The book “Black and White Magic” disappeared just as it appeared!

My future life turned out like this: my mother and some other relatives died of cancer, I can’t sell the apartments that I inherited, everything seems to be fine, but the buyers say that there is some strange feeling in them.

It’s almost impossible to sleep peacefully, all sorts of scary creatures appear, someone seems to be squeaking their nails on the walls, breathing directly on you when you’re lying down, sometimes even strangling you.

Now I’m 38, and only now do I understand what I’ve done.

Methods of protection when working with black and white magic

Those who still intend to use black and white magic in their lives should take care of their own protection. “Your safety is in your hands!” Experts say that the best protection against magical influences is mantras³, for example, the mantra OM, or prayers.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Love spell is a superstition, a magical effect (love magic) on a person in order to create emotional and physical attraction to another person (Wikipedia)

² Proven plot for sale

³ Mantra is a sacred text, word or syllable in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring accurate reproduction of the sounds that make it up (

The question is: white magician - who is this? and what are his thoughts occupied with? A bright wizard always feels harmony inside. Consciousness connects with the Ego. He perceives only that which is the highest goal, in other words, the divine.

Concentrating and protecting himself as much as possible from external influence, the white wizard strives to reach the boundaries of the mind and expand them.

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Those who decide to improve their new skills become magicians. But those who spend it on unnecessary things fail to fully develop magical skills. And they bring trouble both to themselves and to those around them. To understand who white magicians are, you need to understand at least the basics of magic.

Who is a white magician?

Let's try to figure it out, white magicians - who are they, what is their purpose?

The esoteric direction defines this concept as a person who has the necessary knowledge and skills.

“Magic” comes from the word “I can.” Magician - maybe. He can do whatever he wants - fulfill his desires, make dreams come true, achieve goals, help people solve their problems.

While developing skills, such people do not pursue either material wealth or power with their actions. Their goal is not the political or social sphere.

What really comes first is personal growth, development of the spiritual plane, expansion of the boundaries of consciousness, and development of personal magical power.

Such a person spends all his energy potential only when necessary. He never seeks to change the surrounding reality to the detriment of people - he is only interested in helping his neighbor and confronting dark forces.

Very often these people live in ascetic conditions, like hermits or monks. Such an environment turns them into a free person, not influenced by society.

The goal of the white magician is to direct the energy flows of the Universe into his consciousness. Each of these people tries throughout his life to rise to the level of the Creator, to reach the Universal Mind, to learn the secrets and laws of the Universe.

Black magicians and sorcerers - who are they?

Magicians, who are called black, are the direct opposite of white. And by the sweat of their brows they work to transform the surrounding reality into their own world - into a world that satisfies all their needs at the first call. By accumulating energy and knowledge, they begin to gradually influence society.

It is they - the minions of the dark forces - who teach people how to make magical linings, send damage, curses, and perform cemetery rituals for illness and death.

None of the dark sorcerers strives to develop spiritually - they are absolutely not interested in this side of the issue. The main thing they strive for is consumer power that knows no boundaries. They want to completely adjust the environment to suit themselves. The sorcerer is never sincere - he tries to use every new acquaintance of his to benefit only for himself.

The dark ones deceive people without experiencing the slightest remorse. And they do everything so skillfully that a person begins to depend on them. It begins to seem to him that his whole life will fall into the abyss if the sorcerer’s needs are not met.

The activity of a black magician can be compared to a spider, which creates webs and lures its victims into them.

Who are the gray magicians?

Gray is between black and white. This color uncertainty is due to the fact that gray magicians cannot choose the side to which they belong. Their actions resemble the balancing act of a tightrope walker, at times leaning in one direction or another. No wonder they are called “double-dealers.”

The level of a light wizard is not yet available to them, but they still try not to forget about spiritual development. But they work at the same time, combining both spiritual and social aspects.

Unlike black sorcerers, gray ones try to make positive changes in the world around them. And not only to make them feel good, but also for everyone else. Personal satisfaction of needs does not occupy a leading position among them.

The gray magician tries to bring as many positive aspects into reality as possible. He works for the benefit of society and tries to involve other people in this.

How to become a magician?

A magician is a person who has the most powerful knowledge that has come from the depths of centuries. To become a magician, you need to study a lot and diligently, developing magical skills and constantly practicing.

But in addition to acquired skills, some wizards are born with supernatural abilities. From the first days of life, they have a unique strength.

Article on the topic:

After all, there have been cases when young children showed unusual talents and changed their destinies. If there were wizards in the family, then there is a high probability that magical abilities will also manifest themselves in future generations.

It happens that a person discovers the emergence of inner strength after a stressful situation. For example, after being in a long coma or after experiencing an accident that caused the death of many people.

And over time, supernatural potential begins to manifest itself - gradually, step by step. At first it is very difficult to control the energy, and this causes some fear. But day after day a person gets used to it and begins to learn.

How to become a magician in 5 minutes?

The difference between white and black magic

The rituals of white and black magic cannot always be distinguished from each other - this is especially difficult for those who have never encountered magical rituals. But the most important thing lies deep inside each ritual - this is its intention, its purpose. This is the main thing.

White magic never uses information about a person to harm him. But the black sorcerer does only this, carrying out destructive attacks. The white magician knows perfectly not only the basics of his magic - he also knows black magic.

This is a necessary condition: after all, only knowing the enemy in person can you defeat him. The energy that light magic sends into reality is good. It is closely related to divine power. This is the answer to the question: who are white magicians and what is their difference from sorcerers.

P.S. I am a white magician. Behind me are the Highest Light Forces of the Cosmic Hierarchies. Together we help people solve difficult life problems.

You can contact me for help via.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


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