Ace of Pentacles reversed tarot meaning in relationships. The meaning of the Ace of Denarii card in the upright position. Interaction with other arcana


Venus in the second house is a chance to achieve happiness and wealth in your inner or outer world.

Straight position:

The Ace of Pentacles means acquired skills, new sources of income, new opportunities for growth; perfection, fertility, happiness, career, new prospects.

Reverse position:

A reversed card means: impossibility of growth, lack of sources of income, wealth without happiness, encountering something false.

Ace of Pentacles

Card Name: Root of the Earth's Powers

Correspondences – fire of the earth, letter Yod, sephira Crown (Kether)

Explanation (general meaning): A great gift, a supply, a resource (even the greatest and most disinterested good has a shadow side: albeit in the long term, you will have to pay one way or another).

Event: Prospect of receiving money; soil from which you can push off; good start. A handicap given by nature or due to circumstances.

1. Large starting capital, long-term loan, interest-free loan. Acquisition of property, real estate, or other major purchase that gives pleasure and prestige to the owner. Successful and timely investment of money; possible major investments in your business and serious support.

In work: promotion, title, bonus, good salary.

2. Excellent health. There may be a tendency to leg diseases, salt deposits, gout, varicose veins, but these are not painful conditions. The interpretation of the card in this position must be approached very carefully, because at the same time, it can mean a tumor that quickly develops into cancer.

3. Balanced relationships, perceived as valuable, as a gift. Relationships worth valuing. Promising, durable, favorable. Maturity of feelings. If it appears in the position “thoughts”, “motives”, etc., it means calculation in relationships.

4. A person who loves fundamentals, expensive well-known brands of goods. Tends to be overweight, burly. Impressive, authoritative, “noticeable”. May be creatively gifted and talented.

5. Advice: take advantage of the luck that comes your way. Pay attention to what is happening.

Warning: trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.

6. The answer is yes. Happiness. You can stop fortune telling.

Flipped over

Explanation (general meaning): –

Event: a gift or help that obliges gratitude. Receiving a gift that you don’t know what to do with and feel awkward. The gift is not a joy.

1. Bad time to invest money. Intrusive investments to gain business influence. Loans and credits with high interest rates. The need to bribe. Getting involved in unfavorable relationships. An achievement that costs too much.

2. Health or beauty sold for money: athletes, models, donors.

3. Exclusive settlement by mutual agreement; money to money.

4. Heavy, oppressive character; forces himself to listen, imposes his opinion. Heavy appearance.

5. Advice: remember that you have to pay for everything.

Warning: some serious obligations will appear.

You have to weigh what “this” might cost later.

6. The period is prosperous, but carries obligations.

General value:

The Ace of Pentacles, like other aces, shows the chances hidden within ourselves. This ace encourages us to look inside ourselves, to look around in order to find untapped opportunities to get out of the current situation, prosperous and successful in the sense of the element of earth, which this ace represents, that is, in the sense of not only material, but, above all, spiritual wealth. Along with the Ace of Cups, this is one of the best cards among the Minor Arcana. However, the luck it symbolizes does not fall from the sky; it must be found. And it is quite possible that this search will require a lot of work, like searching for treasure in a vineyard. However, the result will not only meet all our hopes, but will also add to us a feeling of deep happiness.


Here this card means that we have a great chance to reach the top in our profession. For some, this may mean high incomes and a stable financial situation, for others - honor, respect, fame, and for others, simply internal satisfaction and awareness of our independence from recognition or non-recognition by others, because the cause for which we We serve is the meaning of our lives. In any case, this card means excellent growth prospects and the opportunity to achieve your goal.


The Ace of Pentacles here also means the chance that opens up for us on the path of knowledge, the opportunity to obtain important and truly necessary information. It could be an idea that allows us to solve a seemingly intractable problem, or a thought that suddenly illuminates the path to success, or a lesson learned on one level that allows us to understand a lot on another; growth of self-awareness or a kind of “discovery of America” in oneself, a new step on the path of knowing oneself.

Personal relationships:

A chance to create a strong, deeply spiritual union. Often this Ace appears as a harbinger of a new, incomparable acquaintance. But he sometimes points out that new opportunities open up for us in the old, familiar union, which can now become a real benefit for both partners.

Ace of Pentacles in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card there are problems with finances.

With the “Mag” card, money starts working.

With the “High Priestess” card - passive capital; stash.

With the Empress card - financial profit.

With the “Emperor” card - the capital of the family, business.

With the “Hierophant” card - a financial donation.

With the “Lovers” card - a joint budget.

With the Chariot card, the chances of making a profit are very ambiguous.

With the “Strength” card there is a real chance to pull yourself together.

With the Hermit card - think about something worthwhile.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - financial instability.

With the “Justice” card - get something you deserve.

With the Hanged Man card - sacrifice money.

With the “Death” card - a project that has not been developed.

With the “Moderation” card - saving money and resources.

With the “Devil” card - “dirty” money.

With the “Tower” card - a collapsed project; financial losses.

With the “Star” card there is hope to make a profit or gain something valuable.

With the Moon card - deception in a financial matter; dubious project.

With the “Sun” card - financial well-being; excellent health; conception.

With the “Court” card - making a profit for efforts in the past.

With the Mir card - financial reward.

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The Ace of Pentacles does not show the person. It depicts a hand from a cloud pointing at something that seems to come out of nowhere. The cloud represents change and new opportunities. The radiance around the hand is the grace of God. A coin with a pentagram in hand symbolizes the increase of wealth and complete protection.

Below there is a rich garden, which speaks of well-being and prosperity. The path is straight, which means only a few obstacles are expected in moving forward. This results in an arch of flowers and plants signifying balance and harmony. The mountain in the distance symbolizes learning and growth in the future if the right path is chosen.

Basic values:

  • a new financial beginning;
  • new job;
  • new business;
  • money;
  • investments;
  • saving;
  • prosperity;
  • security, stability;
  • abundance;
  • means to achieve goals;
  • conscientiousness;
  • common sense;
  • solid foundation.

In general interpretation it represents a new beginning and prosperity. Positive changes in life are coming. You should feel very optimistic when this minor arcana appears as it brings inspiration and energy to your life.

Ace of Denariev is a sign of security and stability in all areas of life.

Indicates a person’s willingness to make dreams come true. This is nothing more than a fundamental sign. It means you have the foundation to create great things, because any strong structure needs a strong base. Now is the time for you to demonstrate skills, reach your full potential, and ultimately achieve your goals. You will be motivated and ready for any challenge.

Since the interpretation of the card also speaks of luck, you can count on it. It will most likely not be about hard work, but simply about winning. If you play the lottery, there is a chance that you will win it.

Love and relationships

In love, the Ace of Pentacles card brings positive emotions. If you are single, then a new acquaintance is expected, potentially through work or business. A relationship with this person will provide a sense of security and stability and will have a strong impact on your life.

The meaning in the relationship is positive. If you already have a partner, then the period of offering is definitely coming. You should feel very blessed and secure at this time. This security will allow your couple to be independent, prosper in life and have confidence in the strength of their partner. In some cases, Tarot readers talk about an engagement ring.

As for friendship, everything is going well here too.

Don't expect any quarrels or gossip. Now is a good time to chat with your friends, especially if they are close, and you have been putting off meeting for a long time due to heavy workload.

Money and career

In matters of career, since this lasso represents a new beginning, it takes the form of a new job or business opportunity. You shouldn’t rule out career advancement and an influx of energy to withstand all new situations.

Whatever the situation is now, only good news is expected, which should bring with it the prospect of large monetary rewards. Now is the time to consider investing to secure your future. You may receive an unexpected windfall or repayment of old debts. Your friends and family will initially buy things to support your business. However, in the end, this charity will run out quickly, so try to find something more sustainable.

Make sure you set aside some of your income for a rainy day, as now is the perfect time to create a long-term financial security plan.


The Ace of Pentacles in a health reading is considered a positive omen. If you have or still have health problems, then it’s time to think about it. This is a call to lead a healthy lifestyle that will bring benefits for many years to come. Play sports, keep a food diary, walk more and don’t forget about your mental state. Get more rest and relaxation.


For issues of spirituality, the card indicates an influx of strength and spiritual energy.

Continue to develop spiritual endeavors and practices.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different practices, even if they were previously difficult or generally unknown. This Minor Arcana brings with it a feeling of motivation and inspiration for spiritual pursuits. Think also about your friends and loved ones. You may have what it takes to help others achieve life balance and harmony.

Inverted position

Basic values:

  • lack of money;
  • poor control;
  • lack of opportunity;
  • financial delays;
  • excessive expenses;
  • lack, shortage;
  • instability, uncertainty;
  • improper planning;
  • greed;
  • stinginess.

General meaning and interpretation

In general, this inverted Arcanum means missed opportunities or their complete absence. Make sure that you plan your life effectively and do quality work, because the interpretation says otherwise. Poor control will lead to failure to achieve goals or delays in payments.

The Ace of Tarot Coins in reverse signifies scarcity, lack, uncertainty or instability. It indicates that you are afraid of a lack of resources, which influences behavior and causes you to act stingily and greedily. On the other hand, it represents a lack of forethought and excessive expenditure. If you have more resources than necessary, you need to spend them extremely carefully.

Love and relationships

The meaning of the inverted Ace of Pentacles for love warns single people about the impossibility of a love affair in the near future. If previous intimacy ended due to a loss of security and confidence in your partner, then this makes you vulnerable and anxious. If you are currently dating, make sure you have enough time to get to know the person, as a new contact requires time and attention to progress.

If you are in a serious relationship, then during this period uncertainty and instability appear.

You may feel that love is on shaky ground due to greed, selfishness, or jealousy.

It also means that you or your partner cannot devote enough time and attention to each other, because you invest all your energy in career or material matters. Financial problems can put pressure on relationships.

Money and career

The career meaning of the cards represents delays in moving up the career ladder or the deprivation of promotions that you have been waiting for. In the worst case, it means the loss of a job or an offer where the prospects for good pay are intolerable or non-existent. Poor planning or lack of action can cause you to miss out on great advancements in your career and result in deals and business practices that are ineffective and dodgy.

In financial terms, the meaning of the card is the exit of money. This isn't always a positive card, as it means loans are hard to pay off, money is lost, mortgages are rising, and investment returns are poor. You haven't paid enough attention to financial planning, which now manifests itself in the inability to save money for a rainy day and retirement.

However, on the positive side, if you have been saving money to make a big purchase, such as a house or car, this Arcanum is a sign that it is time to empty your wallet, make an acquisition and see what it brings in the future.


For health, the Ace of Pentacles Tarot card can unfortunately represent setbacks in recovery if you are currently ill or unwell. You did not take care of your well-being, and therefore now you feel a loss of strength and energy. If you were unable to create a healthy lifestyle plan or did not follow it, this is a hint to return to the regime. Don't give up on fitness classes that help restore your body.


For the Ace of Pentacles Tarot, the spiritual meaning in the reversed position indicates that you lack opportunities for spiritual growth or that focusing on material things is delaying spiritual development. Try to stay on the right spiritual path and find your true self without paying attention to material wealth. True happiness comes from within. Don’t forget about your loved ones, empathize and support them spiritually, they need it.

Meaning in past, present and future situational scenarios

  • Past

The past card says that time has been well spent and you will eventually achieve the success you desire. The projects you have started will definitely pay off.

  • The present

Encouraging news will come to you. This will help you realize that you are on the right path and will soon receive the recognition and material rewards that you deserve. Don't panic or worry if something bad does happen, look at it as a life experience.

  • Future

A big win awaits you. Finally, the expected material goal will be achieved, be it a new house or car. Imagine that you are climbing a mountain, there are obstacles, but if you keep going up, you can reach the reward. You only fail when you give up. Show persistence, which is the key factor in any business.


The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles in the upright position

Ace of Pentacles Tarot - a card of great achievement, a new enterprise is doomed to prosperity. Huge profits, all your investments will pay off a hundredfold. Major and guaranteed success, luck, happiness, triumph in everything. Love, strong family.

  • satisfaction, happiness, gold
  • financial success, recognition, emotional stability
  • symbolizes material wealth, prosperity, fulfillment of all desires

All aces signify new opportunities, and the Ace of Pentacles tarot card also speaks of the beginning of an extremely fruitful period in life. The client will benefit financially through a windfall or as a reward for a job well done. Along with achieving material well-being, emotional stability and smooth relationships with others give the Client a feeling of deep internal and externally manifested satisfaction.

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card symbolizes the beginning of a new venture that is guaranteed success. Contentment, acquisition, wealth, great happiness, triumph.

Meaning of the Ace of Pentacles in reversed position

Also a very good card, you will get almost everything you expected. But this gain relates only to the material side; you will not experience spiritual joy from your victory. Your success may be too late. Or the people you counted on will turn away from you. Maybe this achievement will not be enough or meaningful for you, deep down you wanted more.

In any case, success awaits you, but it will not evoke joyful emotions in you; the situation will be quite alarming and ambiguous. In personal relationships, success awaits you, but you will have to sacrifice something, give up something. The puzzle will be missing some piece that would give you a complete feeling of harmony and happiness.

  • commercialism, egocentrism, anxiety
  • exaggeration of the role of money and the importance of position in society
  • the desire for comfort, which turns into boredom and routine
  • treasure, wealth, luxury

The reversed Ace of Pentacles Tarot warns against excessive enthusiasm for the acquisition of material values. The card indicates greed, possessiveness and lack of spiritual development. These qualities will inevitably cause the Client to feel dissatisfied, anxious and insecure.

The reversed tarot card Ace of Pentacles is the same achievements and prosperity, but with pain or, at least, without peace of mind. Wealth and achievements will not bring you joy. Your success will be overshadowed by some losses.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Ace of Pentacles Tarot is a card of achievement. The new venture you have started or will soon begin is doomed to success; this success will most likely be measured by some kind of material gain (money, status, fame, or some combination of these).

This card predicts success for a new venture, no matter what the surrounding cards say, but on one condition: if the surrounding cards are unfavorable, your success will bring with it unhappiness and jealousy, the bad sides of wealth and prosperity. One way or another, the Ace of Pentacles tarot card predicts prosperity and material gain.

Ace of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

Astrologically, the Ace of Pentacles corresponds to Capricorn and Taurus. The Sun and Jupiter are in the II or X house. Also, Venus is present here in the 2nd house. It symbolizes good chances for obtaining wealth and achieving happiness, both in the material and spiritual world.

Other names for the Ace of Pentacles: Ace of Denarii, Ace of Money, Ace of Spears, Ace of Coins, Root of Earth Forces, Material Strength.

Brief description of the Ace of Pentacles: Good material well-being, Prosperity, Success, New beginning, Prosperity, Financial and Spiritual Happiness.

Description of the Ace of Pentacles

The classic Arcana depicts a hand emerging from the clouds. She holds a huge coin with a clear image of a five-pointed star. The coin is clearly gold and of very high denomination. It looks like a gift from heaven because we do not see the giver himself, but only his hand.

The map also shows a beautiful landscape around a flat, wide road leading to the gate. Behind them one can see very rich nature. This gate opens up a new world for man.

On the Ace of Pentacles Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, the coin is depicted in the form of the Sun with its bright rays. It illuminates the entire sky and brightens the landscape below. A bird descends from her, like a messenger of something new.

Sacred meaning

Despite the exclusively material signs on the Arcana - a huge golden denarius, the Ace of Pentacles at a deep level indicates the absolute harmony of spiritual and material states. This is all created as a result of previously gained experience, awareness and essential perception of existence as such.

In fact, the well-being indicated by the Ace of Pentacles is a completely natural position of a person who correctly assesses the relationship between the spiritual and the material. Contrary to the common belief that financial status hinders the development of spirituality (this was partly facilitated by the biblical statement that it is more difficult for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a coal), successful well-being helps to express spirituality and show one's creative potential.

The Ace of Pentacles teaches a person to open up to any form of enrichment of his life, not to limit himself to any benefits, and not to curtail his desires.

The Arcana depicts gates that have great esoteric meaning: they indicate new opportunities that are opening up, which can be realized, including thanks to your financial situation.

Mythological correspondence to the Ace of Pentacles

In mythological terms, the Ace of Pentacles reveals stories about the country of Eldorado, stories about alchemists and the alchemical gold they received. This Arcanum also characterizes the story of the Elixir of Life.

The meaning of the direct Ace of Pentacles in the layout

The Ace of Pentacles can rightfully be called one of the most favorable and desirable cards of the Minor Arcana. When it appears in a reading, it means that a person will have a happy time, prosperity and the favor of fortune. This Arcanum always points to some specific benefits.

And, nevertheless, the Ace of Pentacles, as well as any Ace, suggests that a person will gain new experience, and the experience in this case will be in the sphere of material reality. He will receive it through wealth, abundant income, unlimited resources and prosperity. Along with material goods, a person will definitely acquire something valuable in the spiritual sense, and this will help him learn to benefit from everything.

The Ace of Pentacles, regardless of the issue considered by the layout, always speaks of a favorable outcome. This is a card for success in everything. There is a legend that the ancient Egyptian oracles, after the Ace of Pentacles fell out in the layout, completely stopped fortune telling, because they believed that this card speaks of a completely blissful state and all other cards are secondary against its background.

The Ace of Pentacles has one more feature in layouts: it neutralizes the negative influence of any Arcana that falls next to it. Even the “bad” Major Arcana.

The meaning of the reversed Ace of Pentacles in the reading

When reversed, the Ace of Pentacles does not have a completely negative connotation. He retains his positivity, albeit weaker. This is partly because the Denarius is round.

At the same time, the inverted Ace of Pentacles suggests that a person is overly interested in his financial situation, is actually fixated on it and even dependent on it. He treats the world as a consumer, and a good financial situation does not make him happy. The card can also indicate inappropriate use of one's financial capabilities or power. It may indicate waste.

Oddly enough, with the Ace of Pentacles reversed, it is recommended to moderate your expenses and start saving. Even despite a fairly confident financial situation, since this card may promise a period of problems or the fact that you will have to pay a much larger amount for your own success.

Tarologists believe that in any state the Ace of Pentacles speaks of big money, but its inversion indicates that this big money for a person will be associated with some problems, difficulties in obtaining and unforeseen delays. And yet, with such a card one should be wary of counterfeit money, counterfeit transactions and counterfeit benefits.

The card promises success in any case, but with the Ace of Pentacles reversed, this success will be obtained with great effort and at a high price. It will not bring the expected happiness. Everything will look glossy on the outside, but empty inside.

Direction of self-development

The Ace of Pentacles teaches a person to make the most of material wealth to gain rich spiritual experience. He must prove to himself that material well-being is not at all an obstacle to spiritual development. A person must understand what happiness is, feel security, realize the stability of his own position.

He must learn to give, acquiring in return material goods and sensual emotions. Now his life looks like a blooming garden, but this garden requires proper care.

In an inverted position, Arcan indicates that at the moment a person is overly focused on material things and neglects spirituality. This attitude towards the world will make him stingy, greedy, and, ultimately, unhappy.

To avoid these negative manifestations for self-development, it is necessary to reverse the Arcanum - get rid of commercialism and be calm about your own well-being.


From a professional point of view, the Ace of Pentacles is the most ideal card. She says that a person has enormous opportunities to achieve the greatest heights in his activities. Moreover, success will be accompanied not only by emotional joy, but also by an enviable financial position. With such a card, we can say that a person will receive fame, honor and respect. In fact, he will receive full recognition of his professionalism.

The card suggests that at present any goal set is achievable. If we are talking about some new business, then it is impeccably planned and will definitely bring good luck. A person can always count on good benefits, a climb up the career ladder, or a significant increase in salary.

The card is good for potential investors. She talks about a very successful investment that will bring unexpectedly large profits. The lasso shows a large influx of cash and successful financial transactions.

For a person looking for a job, the direct Ace of Pentacles promises a very profitable place with a good income and the opportunity to demonstrate their professionalism to the maximum. This card speaks of the beginning of a stage of prosperity in a person’s life.

The reversed Ace of Pentacles indicates that the person will be able to achieve his professional goals, but will have to face some obstacles or delays. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when receiving a large profit, a person may be forced to pay some specific payments that will “eat up” a considerable share of this profit.

The card indicates adventurous transactions, risky ventures, some speculative issues and even scams. In this case, profit will be made, but the risks that a person will bear may overshadow the overall result.

For a person looking for a job, the reversed Ace of Pentacles suggests that there will be a very profitable offer financially, but the work will either not be entirely legal or will require enormous effort.

Personal relationships

For a union, this card indicates that its basis is strong, sincere relationships. At the same time, like any Ace, the Ace of Pentacles tells about some kind of novelty in a relationship. Most likely, a new period will come that will revive passion, romanticism, and old feelings. We can say that the union will receive a second wind, filled with the most vivid emotions. The partners in this union are not burdened financially, everyday life does not interfere with their relationship, nothing prevents them from enjoying each other’s company.

This card can also indicate a new alliance that looks very promising. She talks about a happy honeymoon now and a strong, stable relationship in the future.

The Ace of Pentacles entirely describes carnal love and, as befits the Ace, it speaks of very high sexuality. In fact, we are talking about the most powerful energy that connects people together. The card indicates physical attraction and possession of each other, bringing happiness.

For a person who is searching, the card promises the arrival of a new relationship, which will most likely end in marriage.

Inverted, the Ace of Pentacles also speaks of changes, but does not indicate bad ones. But, with such a map, it should be said that the union is built purely on material relations.

The couple strives for comfort, but in the process of achieving all this, their life becomes boring and turns into a routine. Outwardly, such relationships look happy, but, for the most part, this is a game of partners in the name of a certain position in society. Although this game does not bother them.

For a person looking for a couple, the card promises a hasty choice, which may later bring disappointment. Alternatively, a girl can end up in a golden cage, where, despite having complete wealth, she will feel unhappy.

Personality characteristics

Of course, the Ace of Pentacles describes a self-sufficient, financially secure person who is not alien to anything spiritual. Money comes to such a person quite easily; he never overestimates it, realizing that this is not a goal, but only a means to achieve his goals.

This person quite often does charity work, helps friends and acquaintances, willingly lends money and does not very persistently demand repayment of loans. He is a hard worker, sometimes even a workaholic. He is not stopped by health problems; work will always be in the foreground for him.

The card shows a respected person in society, a successful politician or financier, endowed with a logical mind, but not devoid of sensuality. Such a person will always look back at those around him and will never go to success through some dubious adventures. He is financially stable, reliable and extremely patient.

They say about such people: he is completely satisfied with his life.

Inverted, the Ace of Pentacles denotes a greedy person who evaluates the world only from material positions. He is ready to go to any adventures or scams for the sake of money, does not regard dishonesty as a negative quality, and believes that all methods are good to achieve goals.

Such a person chooses his friends solely based on financial capabilities and always considers them from the point of view of their usefulness to themselves. This is a person who seeks benefit in everything, but does not always receive it. Such people are often said to be cynical and emotionally unstable.

Responsibility to others is not their strong point: they, as a rule, do not keep promises and do not live up to expectations. These are pure materialists who are stingy with emotions. To understand this card, the image of Uncle Scrooge is ideal.


The Ace of Pentacles directly speaks of good physical health and impeccable immunity. Since the denarius depicts a pentagram, which was taken as the basis of a perfect person, we can say that with such a card there is harmony of Spirit and body.

An inverted Arcana also does not mean poor health, but even a physically strong person sometimes needs support. These could be vitamins and preventive measures. The inverted Ace of Pentacles advises a person to devote more time to his physical condition and not to neglect classes in the gym.

Layout for the situation

Situational scenarios with such a map always have a positive prognosis. Arkan indicates that no matter how the situation develops, its outcome will be the most favorable for the person. In addition to the expected result, the situation will bring a person new experience, which he can subsequently use for his own benefit.

The Ace of Pentacles indicates the acquisition of new strength to resolve the situation, the acquisition of additional information, as well as the opening of new financial opportunities. All this may be accompanied by unexpected luck, which previously could not be calculated.

In any case, it indicates a new phase in the development of the situation, which, without a doubt, will be better than the previous one. With such a card, one can talk about an inheritance, a gift for real estate, receiving a material bonus or a long-awaited grandee.

In negative scenarios, the Ace of Pentacles reduces the negative value of the Arcana that fall nearby, generally making the layout more positive.

An inverted card also indicates a favorable development of the situation, but it warns that there will be difficulties and unforeseen circumstances. A person will have to struggle with some problems and be careful when making decisions, since haste may lead to a lack of complete satisfaction with the result.

The card says that in order to resolve the situation, a person will have to spend some unplanned amount, which, by the way, he will have. The card also shows losses, most often financial, reckless behavior, obsession with one's own desires and excessive haste.

Card of the day

This Arcanum says that today will be perhaps the best day of the whole year. They need to make the most of it. If you are planning to start a project, then it is better to start on this day. Today you can resolve any financial issues, they will all be resolved positively. You can count on unexpected profits and even risk playing the lottery.

An inverted card indicates making a profit in a very dubious way. On this day, there is a high probability of getting into some kind of adventurous story and even committing a scam. It can bring success, but the risk is quite high. Is it worth wasting your nerves on illusory profits?

Card of the Year

No one doubts that this year will be a new stage in life. It will be the beginning of financial recovery, career growth and professional success. Any undertaking this year will bring magnificent results. Moreover, in any area, be it marriage or work.

An inverted Arcanum speaks of difficulties in obtaining material wealth. The result will be good for the pocket, but questionable for the soul. During the year, you need to be careful about your financial matters. Possible losses, squandering, empty beginnings. All this will ultimately lead to dissatisfaction with yourself and others. You should protect yourself from greed and stinginess.

Arcana Council

The card recommends taking a deep breath and enjoying life in all its manifestations. Now there is no need to worry about material well-being. It is stable and reliable. It is better to transform the material into the spiritual. For example, travel, explore something new for yourself, improve your cultural level.

Happy omen. Fortune's smile. Darling of fate. Auspicious moment. Financial receipts. Patronage and patronage. A profitable investment. The beginning of prosperity. Successful enterprises. Productive work. Personal achievements. Strong wealthy family.

Use this chance to enrich your experience - and make good money.

Don't look for material gain alone.

Card of the day
Seize the moment of luck. Good luck can happen to you anywhere - in a store, at a travel agency, at the stock exchange. Choose something that can be useful in implementing long-term plans, especially in the areas of work and investment. Today you can lay the foundation for your new long-term project, something you have been dreaming about for so long.

Reversed card
A missed opportunity. Bad start to the project. Controversial transactions. Danger of large financial losses. Lack of source of income. Illegal income. Wealth without happiness.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The pentacle - a symbol of the material world - rests in the hand that emerged from the clouds. One of the main lessons of growing up is understanding money and the right attitude towards it, be it the money your parents give you or your own earnings. This card says that money is a gift that can provide security, order and pleasure, but only if we do not allow this gift to corrupt us. We must learn to respect money and use it wisely.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Ace of Pentacles
  • Do you know how to handle money?
  • What does “having enough money” mean to you?
  • Have you received any money recently?
  • Do you treat money with respect?
  • Are you succeeding?
Key ideas
The cards promise financial success, but warn of the danger of becoming selfish and that you may see other people only as competitors and become too dependent on security and comfort. In other words, enjoy your well-being, but don't let it control you.
Direct card: Soon a friend will introduce you to someone who will give you the opportunity to earn money.

Reversed: One (or more) of your friends is costing you too much. It’s worth thinking carefully about how exactly you spend time together and where the money goes.

Direct Map: Suddenly it became important to you that your studies relate to the real world around you. Talk to your parents and teachers about this, they will be more than happy to give you valuable advice.

Reversed Card: Do you feel like some items are a waste of your time?

Direct Card: You need a partner who shares your love for the joys of life. If you are already together, you are lucky. If not, look for it.

Reversed card: Love cannot be bought.

Direct Card: Someone in your family has been offered an amazing job opportunity. The prospects excite the imagination.

Reversed card: One of the family members has become greedy and stingy. Don't take it too personally.

Direct Card: A happy time is coming - an abundance of energy, stimulation and determination to work towards personal goals.

Reversed Card: Stop spending money on things you don't need.

Direct Card: Someone has a profound impact on your personal style. By following this man's advice, you will only benefit.

Reversed Card: Copy and imitate, but do not lose your individuality.

Direct card: In the near future you will be offered a part-time job or some kind of financial opportunity. There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance.

Reversed: Taking risks may be profitable, but success will not make you happy.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Sam was worried about his parents - they worked too much. The map showed that the family's life is far from harmony and it would be very good if Sam took the initiative and talked to his parents. When they realize that it is much more important for their son to see them more often than to wear new sneakers or receive expensive gifts for Christmas, a compromise will be found.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The hand emerging from the cloud symbolizes new ventures.

New venture. Financial proposal.

The Suit of Pentacles (also known as Coins or Disks) corresponds to the element of earth. It reflects a person’s social status, his physical well-being and financial security. The Ace of Pentacles predicts an auspicious start to financial transactions and business ventures. Traditionally, this card depicts a hand emerging from a cloud and holding out a pentacle. In the Tarot of Herbs, a garden extends to the hand of the pentacle, symbolizing the reward of one's efforts, and a long road leads to an arch that opens in the distance, indicating the long journey that will need to be taken to realize the full potential of this suit.

The Ace of Pentacles symbolizes success in society and material gain. They can be achieved both through our own efforts and as a result of receiving an inheritance or gift. In any case, we can expect a significant improvement in our financial position. The time has come to show our skills and abilities in concrete matters, so that with their help we can create something positive. This card anticipates the beginning of the project; nothing has actually materialized yet, but we feel confident and ready to start a new endeavor. This may take the form of starting a new business, getting a new job, or starting a family. There is every reason to assume that our endeavors will be successful and will bring us financial profit, prosperity and stability.
If the Ace of Pentacles appears in your reading, you can expect a salary increase, a promotion, or gain universal recognition and respect at work. You are enthusiastic about the task ahead of you and have the necessary persistence and determination to work hard to achieve your ambitions. You sincerely want to put your whole soul into your business, and skill and perseverance will help you use all your resources productively. This card enhances your sense of self-worth and leads to a strengthening of your self-confidence. Your material well-being is improving and you are satisfied with yourself. You are ready to enjoy the gifts of life and satisfy your physical senses. The Ace of Pentacles also often foreshadows love and happiness in family life.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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A large coin means a very favorable outlook and prosperity. This card symbolizes the implementation of ideas that balance each other.
Meaning in fortune telling
Perfection. Achievement. Prosperity. Happiness. Huge wealth. Abundance. Bliss. Ecstasy. Gold. Values. Hidden treasures. The combination of material and spiritual well-being.
Reversed meaning
Well-being without happiness. Wealth misused. Wasted money. Corruption with money. Stinginess. Greed. Fool's gold.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Ace of Coins is a card of achievement; a new venture is doomed to success.

Most decks feature a single large coin in the center of the card, usually with some kind of decorative decoration on the top and bottom. In some decks, the illustration follows the theme of divine revelation: a huge hand rising from a cloud holding a coin in its palm.
Inner meaning
Ace of Coins achievement card. The new venture you have started or will soon begin is doomed to success; this success will most likely be measured by some kind of material gain (money, status, fame, or some combination of these).

This card predicts success for a new venture, no matter what the surrounding cards say, but under one condition: if the surrounding cards are unfavorable, your success will bring with it misfortune and jealousy, the bad sides of wealth and prosperity. One way or another, the Ace of Coins predicts prosperity and material gain.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: starting a new venture that is guaranteed to succeed. Contentment, acquisition, wealth, great happiness, triumph.

Inverted, or negative: the same achievements and prosperity, but with pain or, at least, without peace of mind.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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This ace symbolizes new opportunities for achieving material and physical well-being. This could be a new job, project or promotion. Accepting such an offer entails not only benefits, but also responsibility. The card represents the idea of ​​prosperity, comfort, pleasure and security, accompanied by feelings of joy and satisfaction. The circumstances are so favorable that it would be stupid not to take advantage of them. The Ace of Pentacles is believed to reduce the negative influence of any cards surrounding it. The picture on the card of the Waite-Smith deck suggests that material gain can be used to ensure security: enjoy the beauty and peace of the garden, do not go far from home, now is not the time to rush into the unknown. Nevertheless, in the opening of the arch entwined with greenery, mountains are visible, symbolizing spiritual aspirations and reminding that physical comfort does not allow you to enter the path that leads to the much more difficult and harsh joys of the Spirit. Both paths promise gold in the end, but in different forms. Pentacles are the fruits of your labors, the result of work done in other suits. You reap the harvest, get a medal, and enjoy what your efforts brought you.

This is a card of physical well-being and material abundance. It requires that you respect and value your material resources, including your health, property, and practical skills. Sometimes it indicates an inheritance, gifts, a job offer or other pleasant surprises.

Traditional meanings: complete satisfaction, happiness, bliss. Prosperity. Sudden wealth. Joy, ecstasy, pleasure, contentment. Achievement, acquisition. Alchemical sun. Gold. Talisman of wealth.

Reversed Ace of Pentacles
It is traditionally believed that even an inverted position cannot reduce the benefits that the Ace of Pentacles showers on you. On the contrary, his influence becomes exaggerated - wealth turns into surplus, trinkets into priceless treasures. Everything you touch becomes gold - remember the curse of King Midas. Perhaps you are now too focused on material gain, perceiving everything in terms of ownership and ownership, measuring what is happening solely by price and value.

You are so afraid of deprivation that you avoid doing favors for others, do not want to share, and become increasingly greedy. You are afraid of losses and are reducing the range of your capabilities. Constant containment leads to misuse of resources and shortages of funds. On the physical plane, you lose flexibility and mobility, and therefore are forced to pay more attention to the body and material concerns. This is exactly what the inverted Ace of Pentacles can warn about.

The Pentacle is like a wheel, and like it, you can get stuck. You turn down an opportunity because it's "too good to be true" or out of fear that it will impose unwanted obligations on you.

There are also likely delays, delays and problems associated with various types of payments, work or delivery of material assets. You may be paid illegally or without anyone knowing. On the other hand, the reversed Ace of Pentacles may advise you to take things more lightly and avoid attachments, because it is “just money.”

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this image is very rich in meaning. Silence, preservation and concentration of magical energy are associated with pentacles.

The pentacle in the picture seems to have grown to the hand, which involuntarily brings to mind the fairy tale about a resin effigy to which an angry or greedy hero is glued.

The energy centers located on the palms can be used to radiate energy. Shamans widely use this type of magnetism in their healing practices. And finally, let's not forget about alchemical gold - the spirit hidden in matter.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: finding a treasure. Wealth. Gold, money. Profit. Abundance, excess. Prosperity that does not bring happiness. Priceless. Grand total. Leader, head, chief. Capital. A waste of something. Greed, stinginess, baseness. Materialism. Wealth that spoils a person. "Fool's Gold"

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
I know that success will be achieved because all actions are based on the right beginning.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
In most cases, this card is illustrated by an image of a hand holding a large coin. Usually it is surrounded by various decorative elements: flowers or ears of wheat.

The Ace of Pentacles is a card of achievement and success, even taking into account the meanings of other cards in the layout. True, under one condition: if the neighboring cards are unfavorable, then the success achieved will be accompanied by envy, jealousy, and misfortune. But one way or another, this Arcanum predicts material benefits for the Questioner, which can be measured not only by money, but also by fame, respect, and position in society.

Like all aces, the Ace of Coins symbolizes the beginning of the journey. It indicates great opportunities, enterprise, interest in the practical side of life, and even patronage.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - A, number - 2,
Ruled by the planet - the Sun, there is no zodiac sign,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 19th hexagram (“Visitation”),
Weather conditions - clear and sunny,
The corresponding color is white,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the sephira Kether.
Card meaning
Straight position
In this case, the Ace of Pentacles promises good luck in money matters, speaks of the success of some new enterprise, predicts happiness and triumph, power and glory. The Ace of Coins can symbolize an alliance that is beneficial from a financial point of view.
Inverted position
In an inverted position, this Arcanum suggests that the Questioner’s life is going as it should and everything is still fine. So far so good. But you should be careful - this part of your life’s path may be strewn with thorns. Don't be too naive and gullible - you don't have much life experience yet. Good conditions can be lost by exchanging them for trifles.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Ace of Pentacles - since this suit symbolizes everything material and mundane, do not try to use it to determine the nature of a love relationship, for this there are Cups or, to a lesser extent, Swords. The Ace of Pentacles indicates achieving heights in real, business life. Knowledge and patience will bear worthy fruits. The card symbolizes stability and new acquisitions. There may be a surprise in the form of unexpected receipt of large amounts of money.

Inverted - says that the situation that occupies you is not allowed to become a reality. It promises failure at work and in money matters.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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ACE. Ace - a hand emerging from the cloud, as usual, holding a pentacle.

Straight position:
absolute contentment, happiness, ecstasy; also a nimble mind; gold.

Reverse position:
negative aspects of wealth, bad mind; also very great wealth.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual on Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Venus in the second house is a chance to achieve happiness and wealth in your inner or outer world.
The Ace of Denariev, like other aces, shows the chances hidden within ourselves. This ace encourages us to look inside ourselves, to look around in order to find untapped opportunities to get out of the current situation, prosperous and successful in the sense of the element of earth, which this ace represents, that is, in the sense of not only material, but, above all, spiritual wealth. Along with the Ace of Cups, this is one of the best cards among the Minor Arcana. However, the luck it symbolizes does not fall from the sky; it must be found. And it is quite possible that this search will require a lot of work, like searching for treasure in a vineyard. However, the result will not only meet all our hopes, but will also add to us a feeling of deep happiness.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological equivalents: Capricorn, Aquarius (transition from Capricorn to Aquarius), Saturn, Jupiter, House Ten.
The theme of the Ace of Pentacles rings with triumph. The Ace of Pentacles can mean acquired skills, new sources of income, new acquaintances, new opportunities for growth. However, still belonging to a suit belonging to fairly low centers in the body (material suit), the Ace of Pentacles also symbolizes fertility.
This card shows the influence of Capricorn and Cancer (from peak to abyss), and Capricorn, which is more in line with the spirit of Pentacles, is associated with the tenth House (Midheaven) - a symbol of quest and dissatisfaction with what has been achieved.
The Ace of Pentacles combines both the highest Capricorn (self-denial, refusal in the name of an ideal, the ability to sacrifice) and the low, cold, calculating, merciless to oneself and others, selfish Capricorn.
The trap is fixation on a certain form, certain benefits.

Straight position:
When upright, the Ace of Pentacles symbolizes delight, ecstasy, joy, superiority, perfection, happiness.
The presence of this card in a reading indicates that the subject may be heading straight to the top of the social pyramid.
One way or another, the Ace of Pentacles sets the following situations: career, professional excellence, separation from roots, perhaps a break with people, at the same time, this is the acquisition of new opportunities, including the opportunity to look at everything with a new, fresh look.
For politicians, artists and other people involved in public activities, the Ace of Pentacles will mean issues of their recognition. The Ace of Pentacles can elevate a person, but it can also bring him down. In principle, this map only focuses attention on the above issues.
PENTACLES is a material suit. Therefore, the Ace of Pentacles can mean money, income, recognition associated with wealth, a harmonious combination of material and spiritual.
In principle, the card may indicate the beginning of a situation, a process that in the future, perhaps quite distant, will lead to fame, money, recognition. The Ace of Pentacles can also mean some health-related events. It can be either illness or healing. PENTACLES is a suit that symbolizes the balance of forces, so issues of health (illness) will be based on harmony or the achievement of it.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the Ace of Pentacles can mean the impossibility of growth, infertility, lack of sources of income, wealth without happiness, prosperity of satisfaction, health that is wasted, waste, including money, insatiable thirst, encounters with fakes, counterfeits (most likely material) .

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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The hand coming out of the cloud holds a golden denarius. Below you can see a flowering garden, a gate and a road leading to the mountains. The Ace of Denarii symbolizes the element of earth. The five-pointed star on it is a pentagram that unites the five primary elements: fire, water, earth, air and ether (or, according to Eastern ideas, fire, water, earth, metal and wood). In Kabbalism, it means a tetragram of the name of God (compare with the Wheel of Fortune card), supplemented by the letter “shin” (compare with the Jester card!), which means the name of Jesus (yod-he-shin-vav-he, Yeshua - Jesus).
Having learned the highest meaning of the unity of the primary elements, we leave the Garden of Eden to discover a world full of miracles. Accept everything this world gives you, the card says. Discover the secrets of life.
This card is considered the best of all the Minor Arcana. When it fell out, the ancient Egyptians, according to Eteilla, did not guess further, because it made the whole result of fortune telling favorable.
Having seen this Ace, we do not have to immediately collect the deck and stop fortune telling. You can and even need to open and view the layout to the end. However, it is better for this person not to guess on this deck that same day, “so as not to disturb the secret move of the chips,” and not to frighten off the bird of Happiness.
If a person still has questions, it is better to take another deck. However, for such lucky ones, both the second and third decks are usually thrown out by the same Ace of Denariev.

Its meaning does not change: denarius, it is round.

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