In my dream I was happy for the woman. Dream interpretation of a woman, why a woman dreams

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1. I dreamed about a woman according to an esoteric dream book:
In dark clothes - help in achievements from the subtle world. In the light - clear your head, the best time for decisions. Friendly, helps, takes part - be afraid of a rival who has gained your trust.
In bed with a woman - to a fight if you dream of a man, to a quarrel if you dream of a woman. With a man - sexual problems in a man, envy and jealousy in a woman. Cleans the floor - in a light room - throw the extra dirt out of your head, wash your brains. In the dark, events will be fateful and bring positive results.

2. Woman according to Tsvetkov:
Black-haired - gossip;
Old woman - squabbles;
Looking at a woman is deception on the part of friends;
Kissing a stranger means money;
Naked is a disease of grief,
Old, ugly - quarrel, trouble.

3. A woman in a dream according to Freud:
For a woman, an unclear female figure most often symbolizes the presence of a sexual competitor or rival. It is possible that this is just a figment of your jealous imagination.
For a man, such a dream symbolizes unclear sexual desires or simply signals the body about the need for sexual release.

1 Online dream book

The image of a woman, as a rule, expresses tenderness, fidelity, open emotions, sensitivity and fragility. Sometimes it symbolizes fate and love in a man’s dream.
If the woman is not familiar to you, you will conduct business related to money.
I dreamed about a pregnant woman - you will find out the news.
Breastfeeding your baby in a dream - you can earn a lot.
If a woman is gloomy, you will live in deprivation and poverty.
For a sick person, such a dream is the development of an illness.
A naked woman, according to the dream book, is a sign that someone’s lies will harm you.
She gets angry in a dream - expect trouble from bad weather.
Hearing a woman’s voice means you will change your place of residence.
Flirts - you will be overcome by devastation.
If a brunette behaves provocatively, someone will get sick, redhead
The women's hands that you dreamed of are a hint that you will fuss.
She is well disposed towards you - your rival is trying to get closer to you.
If you dreamed that you were caressing her, you would experience a serious conflict.
Arguing with a woman - someone will decide to confuse you.
Taking care of someone who is sick, as the dream book says, is a sign that you will get better if you are sick.
Kissing a woman - gossip will upset you.
Lie next to a pregnant woman in a dream - you will be inspired by new hopes.
If you dreamed that you were staring at a woman, your friends might betray you.
Buy jewelry for her - expect success in all areas.
If you dreamed that a woman was in a temple, you would find peace and support.
In your home chambers - you will plan changes in life.
The elderly woman dreamed - you will come to the final point of the trajectory, progress will stop.
The old lady is kind to you - you will be protected.
Dreams in which a woman’s appearance matters
Why do you dream of a beautiful and well-groomed woman? This image is a reflection of good health and self-confidence.
Shabby - you may get sick.
You dreamed of an ugly woman - problems await you.
If she wears jewelry, favorable times will come.
If you dreamed that a woman’s hair was down, you will live a long time.
Her hair is brown - something will start to bother you.
A blue-eyed brunette with a snub nose in a dream - it is better to refuse confrontation, even if you are confident of success.
A brown-eyed woman with a Roman nose - someone will deceive you into a dangerous business.
Blonde, according to the dream book, is a hint that you will have a great time.
Dark skin - you will get sick, but not seriously.
I dreamed about a brunette - you will be the object of gossip.
If a woman is slanted, you can be slandered.
I dreamed about being bald - you might get sick.
Why do you dream of a woman who is dressed in black - death will overtake someone close.
She is wearing a black veil - something will sadden you.
If you dreamed that a woman was washing the floor and wearing light-colored clothes, you will experience tension in relationships and envy.
Dark - important events will lay the foundation for future results.
I dreamed that a woman with long hair appeared - a long journey that will be rich in useful information, new knowledge, experience necessary for you and will serve as relaxation for the soul and body.
There were many women in the dream - the one you love can betray you.
If they were of different ages - a reflection of spiritual progress.
If you dreamed of walking in such a company, the dream promises you a family quarrel.
You saw a lot of women in different outfits - you can’t gather your thoughts.
The ladies are beautiful and laugh - your joys will not last long, you will be disappointed.
You dreamed of being drunk - you are in vain trying to find out what is hidden.
Women are running in panic - soon you will pass through a turning point.
Fight - you will constantly conflict.
Why do you have a dream in which women dance - you will come to harmony in life.
Two women lying next to each other - you might get sick.
For a man, a dream in which he lies between them indicates that things will begin to improve.
A married woman will have to work hard.
Several of them are driven away in a dream - soon you will come to a unity of thoughts and goals.
As the dream book says, for a man to become a woman is a hint that someone will disgrace him.
I dreamed about a bearded woman - you will survive the fright.
If a woman turns to stone in a dream, you are able to rise above your weaknesses.
They stood at a crossroads - you cannot control your emotions.
The fight between women that you saw in a dream means that you will worry about the conflict.
Giving up your seat on public transport means you will fall for the trick.
You saw sex with a woman - you are not happy with your personal life.
I dreamed of an old woman in the form of a young girl and in the mood - everything will happen as you planned.
With a bucket, a woman - you will make a profit.
I dreamed about a woman of easy virtue - you will spend extra money.
Marry her - you will worry about something.
Sleeping with a dead person means something in your life will end.
The woman had a harp in her hands - you can move away from your experiences.
Being alone with a beauty is an omen of success.
For a man to look after an elderly woman who reciprocates - the dream suggests that he will achieve success and be happy in marriage.
Woman in black - you will not be stopped by small problems and obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. You are full of strength and energy, trying not to get upset over trifles.
A beautiful naked woman - you will be shown respect, you will bask in honors, you will become a famous person.
Dreaming of an ugly naked woman means experiencing an awkward feeling in reality; you may have to blush for an act committed not so long ago.
Running away from a woman means a large sum of money, a lucrative deal, or an increase in salary that is no longer expected. There is also the possibility that they will give you money borrowed that you no longer hoped to get back.
A plump woman in a dream means successful financial investments will bring unprecedented income. Well-being and prosperity await you.
An evil woman means bad events. Someone is leading you by the nose, presenting false information as truth.
Gray-haired woman - you will listen to the advice of a wise woman. Minor troubles await with friends.
A woman, a blonde in a dream - emotional gatherings with friends, a home holiday, an atmosphere of peace and serenity.
If you dream of a blind woman, you will have to make a difficult choice: believe in gossip and slander or in the sincerity of a friend.
A bald woman - your spouse will make her claims against you. Try to avoid scandals and pointless swearing.
Old woman - choose a well-trodden path of development, do not now invent something new, or take on dubious enterprises.
Unfamiliar woman - you will have to solve a money issue, which will not be as simple as it seemed at the beginning. However, a serious approach to business, your determination and faith in success will do the trick.
If you dreamed that a woman in white was coming, you would be able to meet a nice and sociable person in the near future.
A woman you know - you should expect significant influence from a person who suddenly appears on your life path. It will influence the future fate of the project you have planned.
A woman with a child is an idyll at home, a sensitive and tender relationship between spouses. There may be good news from afar.
An elderly woman - quarrels and friction with relatives, verbal altercations over everyday trifles. Try to be more restrained.
Many women - sensual and heartfelt relationships between lovers, the return of passion to spouses who have been together for many years.
A drunk woman means the efforts you make to achieve what you want will be in vain. It is unlikely that the end result will please you.
A nursing woman, according to the dream book, means getting married successfully or getting married out of great love.
A fat woman means additional expenses and unnecessary purchases for a man. Cosmetic procedures or childbirth
Red-haired woman - fate will give you a chance to fulfill your desire, do not miss this opportunity.

2 Dream book of symbols

People (man, woman, crowd, queue...). A man or woman in general in a dream represents one or another feeling, sensation, matter, event, type of relationship or character trait (of the dreamer himself). The attitude towards them is often determined by a stereotype of habitual emotional reactions, which can mean relationships with strangers or friends, girlfriends (in reality). A crowd of people, a crowd, is a sign of spontaneity, community (public opinion), the strength of an event, and loss of individuality. A long queue, for example, in a store will refer to delay, waiting, trouble and in reality. An unfamiliar woman, depending on how she looks and what age she is, for a man means the course of his affairs, some undertaking, success or failure. A man for a sleeping person indicates the type of influence. A man in a woman’s dream, depending on his appearance and age, respectively shows expectation, hope, help, good luck or trouble. A woman in a sleeping dream relates more to the problems of jealousy, rivalry, and maternal impulses.
Occasionally in a dream we can act out real relationships (behavior models) with real acquaintances and new acquaintances (this is later confirmed in reality). Or (even less often) generally communicate and exchange specific information between the bodies of other people (at the same time being in the same dream space). Exotic, original male or female types report illusions, erotic aspirations, surprise or unusualness of the situation, as well as affairs and relationships associated with these exotic figures. Mythological and fairy-tale male and female characters in a dream emphasize the meaning or traits that they traditionally represent.

3 ABC of dream interpretation

To dream of seeing a crooked woman in a dream - Illness; lying with a pregnant woman - pleasant hopes; sleeping with the dead - cessation of worries; to see naked is a lie.

4 Dream book for the whole family

Dreaming with a woman means:

If you dreamed of an old woman, expect gossip and grief.
Seeing a beautiful young woman in a dream means joy and new acquisitions, and not only material ones. A pregnant woman seen in a dream means that you need to beware of slander and troubles.
If you see yourself pregnant, this portends good news.
Seeing a woman angry means undeserved insult.
If you dreamed of a quarrel with a woman, this means that your plans will be unraveled and you will be ahead of them in their implementation.
If the woman you dreamed of has dark hair and blue eyes, it foretells your weakness and unwillingness to fight for an already imminent victory: you will retreat from the fight at the moment when the fortress is ready to surrender.
A dream in which you see a blonde means that in the future you will find something you like that will suit your interests and will not take up too much time.

5 English dream book

Woman dream meaning:

For a man, a dream in which he is courting an old woman, and she reciprocates his feelings, is a very favorable sign, foreshadowing success in worldly affairs and marriage to a beautiful young woman; he will have charming children and he will be very happy.

6 Dream Interpretation 2012

A woman not in an erotic dream is a reflection of the Feminine principle.

7 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What a woman might dream about:

Woman – Young, beautiful - joy, pleasure
old, ugly - gossip, sadness
praying - good times
pregnant - joy
in a man's suit - experience moments of passion
meeting of women - chagrin
kiss - earn a lot of money
black-haired - gossip
with long good hair - health
talk to a stranger - make an acquaintance
with a child - family happiness
old woman - squabbles;
ancient, gray - to goodness, wealth
redhead - fragile love
look at a woman - your friends will deceive you
laughing - great joy
under a black or white veil - death
In general, seeing a nice woman means happiness
kissing is joy
take a wife - reasonable home life
meet a woman in a dream - have a good day
Street Woman - Beware of Water

8 Esoteric dream book

A woman in a dream means:

A woman, both familiar and unfamiliar, in dark clothes, helps in accomplishments from the subtle world.
In the light - clear your head, the best time for decisions.
Friendly - helps, takes part, and is afraid of a rival who has gained confidence.
An enemy interferes, spoils a good friend, take her advice.
In bed with a woman - to a fight if you dream of a man, to a quarrel if you dream of a woman.
With a man - sexual problems in a man, envy and jealousy in a woman.
Cleans the floor in light - throw extra rubbish out of your head, wash your brains.
In the dark, events will be fateful and bring positive results.

9 Azar's Dream Book

If a girl dreams of a woman, it means:

hugging a woman is treason
kissing a woman - squabbles and disputes

10 Azar's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a woman:

In dreams - a figure of the opposite sex in relation to the dreamer. It is known that young people first enter the world of love with their own idea of ​​a woman/man, project this dream onto their beloved face and are shocked if their dream differs greatly from a real-life person. This idea is Anima/Animus. The feminine figure in a man and the masculine figure in a woman are called Anima and Animus, respectively; they play many other roles in an individual's life. The assumption of the existence of these formations goes back to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200boriginal bisexuality, or rather hermaphroditism of a person, which is resolved by the dominance of a specific sexual consciousness at the age of about five years. That is, for each person we can talk about the degree of male and female contribution. This contribution can even be quantitatively determined in behavior (style of facial expressions, posture, gesture) and constitution (index of sexual dimorphism). From the point of view of ethology, a whole series of human behavioral elements manifest themselves precisely when communicating with representatives of the opposite sex (flirting behavior), but even individual elements of behavior in men and women have different shades. For example, when stressed, women are more likely to touch their hair and chest, and men show aggressive warning signs of behavior. The male brain differs from the female brain, in particular, in that women have a more developed callous body. Conflicts in the relationship of Anima and Animus with the outside world can lead to both tension between husband and wife, and conflicts between mother and son, etc. In the future, this internal androgynous (ambivalent) potential can either be realized and realized, or ignored with one of the following two results.
In one case, the woman becomes hysterically emotional, and the man becomes strict and restrained.
In another case, lower, that is, opposite for a given sex, functions can take possession of the individual, and then the man becomes similar in his behavior to the woman, he develops sentimentality, capriciousness, instability, while the woman strives for authoritarianism and is guided by intellectual statements or, more simply put, becomes grumpy. The embrace of opposite sexual consciousness is often considered the norm for late age, that is, women often become masculinized in old age, and men become feminized. Meanwhile, families in which these combinations are observed are relatively stable precisely because of the mutual complementarity of opposites.
If we take a closer look at the terms Anima and Animus, we can see that they are sources of understanding of the opposite sex.

That is, a person close to us is often able to understand precisely our opposite essence, and it is for this quality that we value him. This entity may, for example, act in a hobby, which is more interesting for us to talk about than about our work.

11 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Why does a woman dream about a woman:

Woman - gossip, illness; kissing - illness, gossip; kissing a stranger - money; young, beautiful - love, joy, pleasure; with a bucket - to profit; fighting - illness, quarrel, drunkenness, worries; disheveled - not good, illness; angry - storm; many women - betrayal of a loved one; pregnant - to lead; ugly - trouble, quarrel; black-haired - gossip; oblique - lie; naked - lie, illness, grief; without hair - hunger, illness; in black - death; snow woman - love letter.

12 Modern dream book for 365 days by E. Goltsman

Seeing a woman in a dream means:

Woman - To gossip. Disheveled women mean trouble.

13 Psychological interpreter Furtseva

A dream with a woman in the dream book is interpreted as:

A woman comes in a dream very often and, depending on the situation, means a lot. The context of the dream in which you saw the woman is very important for its interpretation. Usually there are three types of this image.

  • The first type of woman is a bewitching, insidious seductress. If you see a lady of this type in a dream, then temptations await you ahead. Business people should be wary of making rash decisions that deceptively promise quick and great success.
  • The second is represented by the image of the mother. Such dreams should be taken as warnings if your mother cries or judges you. Perhaps in reality you are acting unreasonably, rushing things and making mistakes. To symbolize pleasant events in the future, you dream of a friendly conversation with your mother. But if you dreamed of a person who calls herself your mother, but is not her, then in reality you will have to justify yourself for what you did not do.
  • The third image that people often see is that of a lover or wife. If you saw a woman of this type in a dream, then you should pay attention to your state of mind. If you felt anxious, then in reality you may face difficulties in work or family life.

14 Romantic dream book

Dreaming with a woman means:

  • Is the woman pregnant or a young mother? Expect an addition to the family.
  • A young woman who is preparing to get married dreams of a wedding with her loved one in the foreseeable future.
  • Men often have dreams that signify sexual dissatisfaction. This is how dreams are interpreted in which you saw a naked woman or a woman whom you hug and caress. If a girl had a similar dream, she should beware of the appearance of rivals.
  • If there are a lot of noisy ladies in a dream, it foretells a lot of trouble. Men who have seen a lot of ladies should expect that your sexual fantasies will come true in the near future.

15 Slavic dream book

Woman dream meaning:

A woman means illness.

16 Modern dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a woman:

For a man, such a dream symbolizes unclear sexual desires or simply signals the body about the need for sexual release.

41 Newest dream book

A woman means bad luck, especially if she walks with an empty bag, basket, etc.
Unfamiliar - failure of the business you started; with disheveled hair, naked - to illness; being in intimate contact means dissatisfaction with sexual life; very old - you need advice from your grandmother or mother; easy behavior - to waste, material loss; the patient you are caring for - to health (recovery if you are sick); of different ages - dream notification: it is possible to have several diseases at the same time.

42 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

If you see in a dream a kind, affectionate woman who speaks to you, expressing her disposition with her whole appearance, and you feel the light of kindness literally emanating from her - this is the approach of a big deception that will turn your whole life upside down.

43 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Finding yourself alone with a woman in a dream means success in business, and the prettier the woman, the greater the success.
In a dream, you caress a woman - you are about to have a big quarrel.
If you dreamed that you met a naked woman, you will learn news that will bring big changes for the better.
Meeting a disheveled woman means illness.
You dreamed that you met a woman with a beard - soon something will greatly frighten you.
A dream in which you witnessed a woman’s quarrel - soon you will be presented with a pleasant gift.
In a dream, you saw a woman breastfeeding her baby - a solid income awaits you.
If you are a man, but you dreamed that you were a woman, dishonor awaits you.

44 Dream Interpretation Tarot

A woman with a harp is a miracle, a relief from problems and worries.

45 Dream book of health

Why does a woman dream:

Seeing a beautiful woman for a man means sexual dissatisfaction. For a woman - negative emotions associated with a hidden feeling of jealousy.
Seeing a woman with beautiful, long, well-groomed hair is a sign of health; under a black veil - to a serious illness; seeing a pregnant woman or with a child - to positive emotions in family life; a black-haired woman with brown eyes or many women (female team) - to a conflicting stressful situation and negative emotions.

46 Christian dream book

Why do women dream - Intrigue at work. Imagine that every woman is approached by a man, and some are approached by several.

47 Women's dream book

Women - The appearance of women in a dream foreshadows intrigue. If in a dream you were arguing with a woman, someone will outwit you, upsetting your plans.

48 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

An old woman is a symbol meaning decadence, the final point, stopping, regression, dying. This image is undoubtedly negative, symbolizing the implementation of a vampiric takeover to the detriment of the subject.

49 Solomon's Dream Book

Naked woman - quarrel; with disheveled hair - danger.

50 Miller's Dream Book

Seeing women in a dream foretells intrigue.
Arguing with a woman means that you will be outwitted and your plans will be frustrated.
Seeing a brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose speaks quite definitely about your exit from a fight where you had a chance to win.
If a woman has brown eyes and a Roman nose, then flattery can draw you into dangerous speculation, a game on the stock exchange.
If she has golden-brown, dark red or reddish-brown hair and a straight nose, then such a dream portends additional difficulties and anxiety for you.
If she is blonde, then you will only have pleasant activities that suit your inclinations.

51 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Black-haired - gossip;
old woman - squabbles;
looking at a woman is deception on the part of friends;
kissing a stranger means money;
naked is a disease of grief,
old, ugly - quarrel, trouble.

52 Miller's Dream Book

See - intrigue;
argue with her - you will be outwitted and your plans will be frustrated;
brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose - you will come out of a fight where you had a chance to win;
with brown eyes and a Roman nose - you can be lured into dangerous speculation or gambling on the stock exchange by flattery;
with golden brown, dark red or reddish-brown hair and a straight nose - additional difficulties and anxiety;
blonde - pleasant activities that suit your inclinations.
Also see Girl, Virgo, Horse.

53 French dream book

If you dreamed of a woman in a temple, the dream foreshadows you soon with consolation and peace of mind. If she is in the house, rooms, then this dream is an omen of new plans, important changes in fate.

54 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Women fighting among themselves is a disease.

55 Small dream book

If in a dream you argue with a woman, then in real life someone is trying to outsmart or confuse you. Blondes dream of good luck in business and are a symbol of the right path. Brunettes (especially snub noses and blue eyes) mean that you may have to give up your plans when you are halfway to success. Women with brown and red hair predict approaching anxiety. A brown-eyed woman with a Roman nose can mean that you will be involved in a risky venture. form of beauty jewelry

65 Slavic dream book

Black-haired - gossip; looking at a woman is deception on the part of friends; old woman - squabbles; kissing a stranger means money; naked - grief, illness; ugly - trouble, quarrel; lying between two women - improvement of affairs and health (for a man), big troubles (for a married woman); lying with a pregnant woman - pleasant hopes; sleeping with the dead means the end of worries.

66 Family dream book

Women dream of intrigue. It is useless to argue with a woman even in a dream: if you dreamed about it, it means that in reality they will outwit you and upset your plans.
If you saw a brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose in a dream - in real life it is better for you to get out of the fight in time, even if you had every chance of winning.
I dreamed of a woman with brown eyes and a Roman nose - know that you can be drawn into a dangerous adventure by flattery.
The blonde dreams of pleasant activities and experiences.

67 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To see in a dream a very kind woman who is literally ready to help everyone with advice and deeds means the mother’s illness.

68 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The appearance of women in a dream portends intrigue.
If in a dream you were arguing with a woman, someone will outwit you, upsetting your plans.

69 New dream book 1918

Black-haired woman - gossip; looking at a woman is deception on the part of friends; old woman - squabbles; kissing a stranger means money; naked - grief, illness; ugly - trouble, quarrel; lying between two women (for a man) - improvement of affairs and health; for a married woman - big troubles; lying with a pregnant woman - pleasant hopes; sleeping with the dead means the cessation of something there.

A young, beautiful woman - joy and pleasure; old, ugly - gossip, melancholy and sadness.

74 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Lots of women - intrigue at work. Old - you have become a victim of an energy vampire. Naked - your relationship with your superiors will become the subject of gossip. Bare-haired - nervous tension of recent days can cause illness. Pregnant - you trusted false news. Kissing an unfamiliar woman - intrigue will cause losses. Women fighting - a quarrel with the authorities.

Runs away - a wrong decision will entail irreparable consequences. Being at a party with women you know is a betrayal by a person you considered a friend. Hearing a woman's voice means they are trying to force you to leave your position, which for many is a tasty morsel. Arguing with a woman means that in reality someone will outwit you or confuse you. Brunette - the fight for justice will end in failure. Blonde - you have been drawn into dangerous games where you will become a bargaining chip. Redhead - natural disasters will interfere with your life.

Imagine that every woman is approached by a man, and some are approached by several. Women seem to dissolve in a swarm of men. Focus your attention on men. At the same time, women go somewhere. Only the men remain.

75 Dream book of the 20th century

The image of a woman in a dream: - symbolizes the sphere of your feelings and emotions, and the woman’s mood for a man to communicate with friendly, calm women: a sign that his feelings are in harmony and in the near future his affairs promise to go well in a variety of areas.

Any troubles associated with women for a man: is a warning that his emotions and feelings are in disarray, threatening him with a lot of trouble and nervous breakdowns.

For a woman to see unfamiliar women, if they are friendly and sympathetic: it may portend the successful implementation of certain plans.

Indifferent or cold women in women's dreams: a warning about possible intrigue or gossip.

Arguing with a woman for both men and women: foreshadows misunderstandings and frustration of plans.

76 Rommel's Dream Book

For a man to see himself lying between two women is an improvement in health and affairs.

Lying next to a pregnant woman brings pleasant hopes.

For a woman to see herself among other women is a big hassle.

In general, a young, beautiful woman with long hair means health, new opportunities, joy, pleasure.

Old, ugly, crooked or with disheveled hair - to gossip, quarrels, squabbles, melancholy.

A naked woman is a symbol of illness, grief, lies.

Meeting a young stranger is a nuisance for a woman.

For a man it is a temptation.

Kissing a stranger means money.

To be enchanted and look back at some woman means deception from friends.

If any woman stops you, beware of bad luck, this is a warning.

A woman under a veil means death.

There are many women, arguing with them is intrigue and a violation of your plans.

The American tradition even interprets the dependence of the interpretation of dreams on the color of hair, eyes, and the shape of the woman’s nose in a dream: blonde - to pleasant deeds and hobbies.

A brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose is a sign that you have retreated before the vicissitudes of fate.

Brown-haired or red-haired with a straight nose - to difficulties and troubles.

Brown-eyed with a Roman nose - a warning about the dangers of speculation and stock trading.

77 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

To bad luck, especially if she goes with an empty bag, basket, etc.

Unfamiliar - failure of the business you started.

With disheveled hair, naked - to illness.

Being in intimate contact means dissatisfaction with your sex life.

Very old - you need advice from your grandmother or mother.

Easy behavior - to waste, material loss.

The patient you are caring for - to health (recovery if you are sick) of different ages - dream notification: it is possible to have several diseases at the same time.

78 Astrological dream book

To intrigue, betrayal.

For men, it is a symbol of unsatisfied sexual desire.

Seeing an ugly woman is very bad - it means deception and sexually transmitted diseases.

79 Ladies' dream book

Women (two) - conflicting feelings.

80 Ancient Russian dream book

Wife or woman - Seeing a woman in a dream means illness, seeing many women foreshadows remorse;
hearing a woman's voice portends a change of place;
seeing a brunette woman portends a dangerous illness;
if she has long and beautiful hair, then this means benefit, honor and great fame;
seeing a blonde woman foreshadows death for a sick person, and a refutation of any slander and the acquisition of unexpected benefits for a healthy person;
seeing a woman with a white egg portends release to a prisoner, healing to a sick person, and unexpected benefits to a healthy person;
Seeing a woman with a black or dark complexion portends a mild illness for several days;
seeing a pregnant woman marks news;
seeing a woman with a beautiful face is a sign of joy, pleasure and health for a man;
and for a woman a sign of jealousy, quarrels, gossip and gossip;
seeing an unfamiliar woman portends unexpected news;
to see a woman slanting means a harmful lie.

81 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dreamed of a woman, familiar or not, the dream symbolizes a strong sexual desire that you want to satisfy in an unexpected, inappropriate environment or with a person you have not known before.
In addition, this dream may foretell an unexpected insult from a person with whom you are in an intimate relationship.

The image of a woman expresses care, affection, tenderness and love. Dreams in which a woman appears are very difficult to interpret outside the context of each dream, since all the surrounding people are female and male. Therefore, in order to determine such meanings, you need to take into account what the dreaming woman means to you, what she does and what emotions she evokes.

Why do women dream according to Miller’s dream book?

  • If a woman comes to you in a dream, expect intrigue behind your back. If you argued with her about something, your plans will soon be disrupted and people around you may try to outsmart you.
  • If you dreamed of a blue-eyed brunette with a small snub nose, you will soon leave the fight in which you have participated for a long time and had many chances to win.
  • If you saw a brown-eyed girl with a Roman nose, perhaps they will try to involve you in a dangerous game, a risky business, a financial fraud that will not be successful.
  • If the woman you dreamed of has red, brown or brownish-red hair and a straight nose, you will experience sudden anxiety, anxiety, and difficulties in business.
  • If you saw a blonde in a dream, only your favorite pleasant things await you, which will bring joy and good mood.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation – woman

It is difficult to explain the specific meaning of a woman according to Vanga’s dream book; it all depends on the case.

If the woman who appeared in a dream is your mother, then you can read your future by her actions and words. If you dreamed of your mother in the same form as she looks now, it means that you can control your family relationships, and soon no significant changes are imminent. If your mother cries in a dream, you will face disappointments and disagreements in the family, which can lead to divorce. But such a dream makes it possible to fix everything. Mom in tears is only a warning of troubles that you can still avoid.

If a woman gives birth in a dream, and you help her and are nearby, minor changes will soon await you, which will then lead to unexpected and large-scale consequences. If you dreamed that a woman dies during childbirth, this means that you will try to improve the atmosphere in the family, try to make friends with its members, but such a plan will not be successful.

If a woman gives birth quickly and painlessly in a dream, you will soon get rid of complex painful matters that you have been dealing with for a long time.

I dreamed of a woman - interpretation of a dream according to Freud

If girls see the unclear appearance of a woman in a dream, this indicates the presence of a rival, a strong competitor. Most likely, in this case, all your fears are in vain, and jealousy is caused only by the fruits of your imagination.

If a woman comes to a man in a dream, this indicates his unclear desires and fantasies of a sexual nature, perhaps giving a signal to the body about sexual overexcitation and the need for release.

Why does a woman dream according to the interpretation of the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

  • Seeing an unfamiliar woman in a dream means drawing in your imagination a prototype of your aspirations and plans, your vision of happiness and unhappiness. Her appearance shows the state of your soul, her behavior shows your attitude towards your actions. If the woman you dreamed of was not clearly visible, expect minor troubles. If you dreamed of a beauty with an expressive appearance, it means wealth and good luck.
  • If you dreamed about a pregnant woman, changes await you soon. Perhaps you are afraid to change something in your life and are longing for the past.
  • Seeing an ugly, frightened, sad, disheveled woman means quarrels and poverty. If in a dream an unfamiliar woman runs away from you, you are mistaken about some things. A stranger who follows you in a dream means a road into the unknown and darkness.
  • Seeing a woman with a beard means surprises and surprises.
  • A cook seen in a dream means peace, tranquility, obtaining spiritual harmony, a gardener symbolizes hope.

Why does a woman dream - interpretation according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

  • Seeing a dark-haired woman means unfounded gossip behind your back.
  • If in a dream you looked at an attractive woman, expect betrayal from your friends and acquaintances.
  • If in a dream you tightly hugged and kissed a woman you don’t know, an improvement in your financial situation will literally fall out of the sky.
  • Seeing an ugly, old woman means quarreling with your neighbors. It can also be a harbinger of grief.
  • If the woman who appeared to you in a dream has beautiful long hair, you will be healthy. If she was charming or incredibly beautiful, expect new prospects that will bring success in the future.
  • If a woman is wearing a black veil, it means death.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - what does it mean to dream about a woman

  • Seeing a woman praying to God in a dream indicates bright changes. A pregnant woman in a dream is fortunate. A woman wearing a man's suit means that you are experiencing more sexual desire, moments of passion.
  • Kissing a woman in a dream means that you will soon have the opportunity to earn big money, which you should not refuse. A black-haired representative of the fair sex is a sign of gossip.
  • Seeing a woman with a small child in her arms means finding family peace and happiness. A red-haired lady in a dream means deception of a loved one, an unstable relationship.
  • A woman laughing indicates joy and happiness. A young girl in a dream means the risk of committing a number of reckless, crazy actions.
  • Seeing a sweet, beautiful and pleasant woman in a dream means fun in the near future.

Why is another woman dreaming?

If you saw another woman in a dream, there can be many interpretations, they all depend on the specific case. If a girl dreams of another woman, this means trouble in the near future, an unexpected illness or a fight with a loved one. If in a dream such a woman holds something of yours in her hand, perhaps you will soon have a competitor. If you see another woman in a dream with your boyfriend (husband), it is possible that such an individual exists in real life, who is gradually approaching him and wants to win his heart. In this case, take a closer look at your lover; it is possible that he will soon begin to move away from you. This dream is not a symbol of separation; another woman appears to you in a dream in order to prevent trouble that arises in time.

If a man who has a beloved sees in a dream another woman with whom he simply communicates closely, argues and exchanges thoughts, it means that he may soon be slandered and gossip about him spread. If his companion in a dream evokes his sympathy, it means that in real life he lacks affection and love from his chosen one, who devotes most of her time to herself.

Dream Interpretation - a familiar woman

It has long been believed that seeing a familiar person in a dream means doing what you love. To correctly interpret such a dream, you need to pay attention to who this woman is to you. If you see a neighbor, it's time to do some housework, especially cleaning the house.

If you dreamed of a woman you know, but you can’t remember where you know her from, then great success awaits you in your endeavors. If in a dream you unexpectedly meet a sweet young girl whom you have not seen in real life for a long time, expect a pleasant surprise. If you met an elderly woman you know, all interpretations of the dream relate to your past. A friend in a dream means unpleasant gossip and rumors; it can also indicate an imminent important meeting that will radically change your life.

If a woman you know who appeared in your dream is in a coffin, do not be alarmed, this does not indicate the death of this person in reality. Most likely, in reality you will hear the success story of this person.

If you dreamed of a woman you know wearing a white wedding dress, expect unexpected changes.

Seeing a friend who has become pregnant in a dream is an excellent sign, regardless of the woman’s age, as it indicates wealth, the opportunity to earn big money, and an increase in salary.

Seeing a familiar girl means that you will soon be reminded of the events of your past, and by a person who is younger than you.

Much also depends on the atmosphere of sleep. Having seen your sister in a dream, expect a small quarrel; a colleague at work - expect some difficulties, which you can only solve in a non-standard way. If a man hugs an unfamiliar girl in a dream, he is subconsciously ready for a new relationship. If he dreams of his ex-girlfriend, he regrets the breakup or is actively looking for a new companion.

Why do you dream about a black woman?

Seeing a black woman means experiencing deep emotions, excitement, and fear of any troubles. Despite the fact that the image of a black woman is frightening, such a dream does not mean that some kind of trouble is approaching. Most likely, you are overtired and devote a lot of time to one task. After such a dream, you need to devote more time to rest, get a good night's sleep, and walk more in the fresh air.

Seeing a woman in a dark veil that covers her entire face means the death of a person you know.

Why did you dream about a naked woman?

According to expert Elizaveta Danilova, the image of a naked woman in a dream is accompanied by negative emotions that appear due to dissatisfaction, and not sexual, as it might seem at first glance. As a rule, this is financial dissatisfaction. Perhaps you dream of purchasing this or that thing that you currently cannot afford, and therefore you worry, believing that with such a thing your life would become much more comfortable. Men may have such a dream due to material instability, due to an inferiority complex, which is caused by a lack of career advancement or low wages. For example, all your friends and acquaintances can boast of high earnings or interesting work, while you are forced to work from morning to evening, receiving pennies.

If a woman had such a dream, it means that she is very worried about her unfashionable wardrobe. She is embarrassed because she doesn't look pretty. Sometimes I am even forced to deny myself the most necessary things due to lack of money. In this case, the subconscious sends the woman an alarming signal. To stop worrying about this, you need to change your life values, set all your priorities correctly and simply calm yourself down. It is important to understand that life is wonderful, and after such a black streak there will definitely come a white one, which will give a bright future.

Seeing your naked body in a dream has many different interpretations. Often the desire to be naked is characteristic of people during wakefulness who are experiencing neurosis or consider their own body unattractive. For example, such dreams were often seen by Brigitte Bardot during her neurosis, who loved to walk around naked at home.

Why do many women dream about it?

According to the dream book, seeing many women in a dream means the emergence of bright and warm feelings between lovers, a new stage in a relationship that will be characterized by kindness and mutual understanding. If a middle-aged person had such a dream, it means a return to passionate and serene love, which they forgot about so long ago.

Why a familiar woman is dreamed of depends on how she appeared in a night dream, what she was wearing, or even on what kind of relationship the sleeper has with her. Usually seeing her is a wonderful sign, which can only be overshadowed if she was surrounded by certain details or symbols. The general meaning of this dream indicates the internal experiences of the sleeper for other people. A person who sees acquaintances often forgets about himself, spending a lot of money on helping others. Therefore, if such a dream appears, it is recommended to settle your affairs and implement your plans.

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      What kind of appearance did the woman have?

      You should prepare for bad news if your friend looked sick in the dream, and for good news if the woman was happy. A woman who has lost a lot of weight portends making a profit at the expense of other people. A friend in dreams means things that are familiar to a person. The image can also be a reminder from the past.

      • If a woman in a dream is young and beautiful, this promises only pleasure, but if she is old, then sadness and unpleasant surprises will overtake her. Seeing an elderly woman in the image of a young and joyful woman means a quick resolution of a person’s problems.

        Such a strange dream, where a familiar woman had a mustache, speaks of an imminent love adventure. But this applies only to established relationships; for new ones it is a warning about deception. If a friend smokes while sleeping, this indicates deception from other people. Flowers in a woman’s hands promise short joyful moments.

        If the dreamer observed a girl he knew crying, this warns of unpleasant situations, serious quarrels and squabbles. A frozen lady is a good sign, foreshadowing a large profit in the form of an inheritance. The image also symbolizes human secrecy.

        Seeing a drunk woman means trouble and that you will have to solve problems without delay. If she is lying under the fence, such a plot promises a meeting. A naked acquaintance in a dream means illness. An intimate relationship with her means an adventure. A dream about a lady with brown eyes is a warning that the dreamer will not willingly take part in a scam that will end in failure.

        If you dreamed about a pregnant woman

        A pregnant friend dreams of pleasant surprises and making a profit. Seeing a woman giving birth means serious changes in life.

        Lying with a pregnant friend means undying hopes that will end in a pleasant surprise.

        In a dream, you can see how a girl “in pregnancy” warns about revealing a secret. You need to listen to her and be more careful. Seeing a woman you know with a child in her arms is a good sign for family well-being.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

        What actions were taken

        If in a person’s dream he leaves a woman he knows, this is interpreted as a conflict in reality. A quarrel with her, according to the dream book, promises many obstacles on the way to the desired goal; others will deceive the sleeping person, so you can’t trust anyone.

        If a person saw a woman he knew with whom he had a fight on the same day, this is a symbolic dream-tip, interpreted as follows: you need to forget the grievances and make peace with this lady. Meeting a lady who is neither a friend nor even a friend is a sign of unpleasant surprises.

        If the dreamer communicates with a woman for a long time, this is a signal from the subconscious that the person should not talk too much. If you ignore this recommendation, unpleasant situations may arise. If in the sleeper’s dream a friend was raped, the dream suggests that his friends need support and help. A severely beaten woman means quarrels and squabbles.

        Letting a lady you know into the door means provoking intrigue and gossip behind your back. If the sleeper meets a woman, but does not greet her, such a dream suggests that they want to deceive the person.

        Pricking a friend with a needle means that the dreamer will be a gossip or will do someone a favor.

        If the sleeping person passionately hugged his girlfriend, this is a sign of impending betrayal and betrayal. Tender and trusting hugs promise success and prosperity. Feeling joy when meeting someone means brilliant prospects and a prosperous course of affairs.

        What color of clothing was present?

        If the outfit on a friend in a dream was neat and had a new look, a favorable event is expected, but in the case of sloppy and torn clothes, the dream foreshadows unfavorable moments. According to the dream book, a woman in a white dress indicates that a long-awaited meeting awaits the sleeper. Other interpretations depending on the outfit:

        • A wedding dress means changes that will happen in real life.
        • Neat - the changes will be pleasant.
        • A black dress or a dark scarf, a veil is a bad sign, a harbinger of death, serious illness, this is a warning dream.
        • A red dress is recognition in society. But only if the outfit was neat.
        • Green - everything you wished for will come true.
        • Yellow - gossip, blatant lies, intrigue behind your back. You should be more careful and not tell strangers about yourself. What will be told in secret during this period will be known to everyone.
        • Gray is a good time to renovate your apartment. You can do redevelopment, carry out general cleaning.
        • Close - business will decline, the financial situation will worsen.
        • Too long - conviction for some offense.

Dream woman. Why does a woman dream? Interpretation of sleep. Seeing a stranger in a dream is a symbol of your circumstances and plans, your ideas about happiness and unhappiness, the image of your soul: her appearance reflects the state of your soul, her mood is your true attitude towards your own actions and plans. Seeing a woman unclearly in a dream means a little trouble. Pleasant appearance, beauty, neatness of a stranger - joy, happiness, wealth, good luck. Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream means change, readiness for something new, longing for change. A disheveled woman, ugly, dirty - poverty, failure, quarrels, a dejected soul. Drenched in blood - a soul tormented by passions, water (wet) - a soul immersed in a world of sensual fantasies. A stranger is running away from you - you haven’t found yourself, you judge things falsely. Following you is the road into darkness. Kicking out a stranger means an inability to cope with oneself, an urgent need for spiritual help. To see someone torn to pieces, raped - out of false motives to commit violence against oneself, calling for help - hidden from your consciousness, but existing somewhere in the depths of your soul, the pangs of conscience. A hostile, angry, cold stranger is your own soul betrayed by you. Submissive, humble - a small step in spiritual development lies ahead. Insidious, cunning - you take for your self the ideas about him imposed on you by someone. Seeing a woman with a beard in a dream is a surprise. Seeing a cook in a dream means peace. A stranger caring for children - a soul in the prime of its strength. A gardener - hopes, a woman preparing to breastfeed or is nursing - a soul fueled by love for people or a specific person (however: a baby greedily sucking on someone's breast can portend illness). Seeing a woman in a dream is a kind of living doll, Seeing in a dream a woman moving strangely in a dream is an image of a soul in a state of self-deception. Dream interpretation of a black-haired or elderly woman – gossip. A dream of looking back at a woman means deception of friends is possible. Naked woman dream - grief, illness; Dreaming of an old, ugly woman - a quarrel, trouble; Dreaming of a young woman, unknown to a woman, is a nuisance; A dream of a woman for a man is a temptation in business. Find out in more detail how different dream books interpret this dream

Why do women dream, interpretation of sleep

Miller's Dream Book

Women dream of intrigue. with a woman - such a dream means that in reality someone will outwit you and ruin your plans. I dreamed of a snub-nosed brunette with blue hair - you will give up where you had a chance to win. A woman with brown eyes and a Roman nose - using flattery, you will be drawn into dangerous speculation, a game on the stock exchange. The woman in the dream had a golden, dark red or brown with a reddish tint and a straight nose - you will encounter some unforeseen difficulties and will be in anxiety. I dreamed of a blonde - in your life there will be extremely pleasant activities that correspond to your inclinations.

Seeing a Woman in a dream

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A black-haired woman dreams of gossip; an ugly old woman - to discord and misfortune; looking at a woman in a dream means friends will be deceived; a stranger - to receive money; dreams of sorrows and illnesses.

I dreamed about a Woman, what does this mean?

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a woman in dark robes, it means that in your affairs you will receive help from the subtle world. light - the mind will come to an extremely clear state, it’s time to make decisions. Friendly, sympathetic, helpful - beware of a rival who has gained your trust. Unfriendly, gets in the way, ruins everything - take the advice of a good friend. Being in bed with a woman: for a man - to a fight, for a woman - to a quarrel. I dreamed of a woman in bed with a man: for a man this is a dream of sexual problems, for a woman it is a harbinger of envy and jealousy. Soapy: at the same time she was dressed in something light - this is a call to get rid of unnecessary things from your head, to “cleanse” your brains in a way that suits you; in the dark - good events will happen that will become fateful.

A woman in a dream - what is this for?

French Dream Interpretation

Seeing a woman in a dream means that you will live with peace of mind and gain. If you were in the house, new plans will appear, important changes in fate will occur.

Why does a woman dream?

Women's dream book

Women - Dreams in which you saw women predict intrigue.

Arguing with a woman in a dream means that in reality someone will outwit you or confuse you.

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