We are building in the Kremlin. Presidential Regiment of Russia Presidential Regiment

Arriving in Moscow, tourists from the most different countries of the world tend to see the Kremlin first of all - an ancient fortress, which is not only historical monument but also the official residence of the head of state. The enormous significance for the country of this complex complex of buildings, surrounded by high battlements, is additionally emphasized by a special ritual - the changing of the guard of honor at Post No. 1. The main participants of the solemn ceremony - soldiers in beautiful full dress, marching with impeccable marching steps, serve in the Presidential Regiment, the most unusual and most prestigious military unit in the country. Many conscripts would like to get there, however, it is very difficult. In the most elite division of Russia, there are very strict criteria for the selection of each candidate - this is one of the traditions developed over many decades.

The history of the creation of the Presidential Regiment

In the Russian Empire, troops that simultaneously performed "security" and ceremonial functions were called the Life Guards. Basically, these were quite combat units that took part in almost all major wars, nevertheless, a significant part of their service was parades.

Pavel I, a well-known admirer of the "Prussian school", paid special attention to these events. It was he who introduced that drill step, which is still used today. In addition, on the special instructions of the emperor, a detailed ceremonial for changing the guard of honor was developed, which has survived to this day.

When the Romanov dynasty was overthrown from the throne, the Life Guards were disbanded. After the Bolsheviks came to power, it might seem that the "ceremonial" troops were forever in the past. But in any case, the Council of People's Commissars needed security, which at first was used by a consolidated company of Latvian riflemen, who moved in 1918 from Petrograd to Moscow along with the Soviet government. This small unit did not last long in the Kremlin, as experienced fighters were needed at the front.

Starting from the last months of 1918, the protection of the Council of People's Commissars was entrusted to soldiers who were trained at the 1st Moscow machine gun courses. They carried guard duty on the territory of the Kremlin until 1935. This period is interesting, first of all, by the appearance of Post No. 1, which was located near the Lenin Mausoleum shortly after the death of the first head of the Soviet state.

In October 1935, it was decided to use a special unit of the NKVD, known as "bosNaz" (special purpose battalion), to protect the Kremlin. The fighters of the Moscow machine-gun courses were relocated from the center of the capital to Lefortovo. Almost immediately it became clear that one battalion was not enough to solve all the problems, and in April 1936, "bosNaz" was reorganized into "pSpN" (special purpose regiment). It is from this moment that the “official” part of the history of the Presidential Regiment begins.

Like the imperial guard, the new unit was used in combat. This happened for the first time in 1939, when some PSPN fighters were sent to the Soviet-Finnish War.

During the Great Patriotic War, the regiment was mainly engaged in the direct protection of the Kremlin. Air surveillance posts and machine-gun crews were set up on the fortress walls, whose duties included not only protecting against bombardment, but also suppressing landing attempts - such a threat was considered quite serious. The command post of the regiment was moved to the belfry of the bell tower of Ivan the Great. For defensive purposes, even the Tsar Bell was used, inside which communication equipment was placed.

Service in the Kremlin regiment became especially tense in October 1941, when Moscow went into a state of siege and there was a danger of enemy troops appearing directly on the streets of the capital.

Starting in the autumn of 1942, part of the regiment's fighters underwent special sniper training in the Novaya Kupavna camp and were sent to the front. "Kremlin" snipers managed to destroy over 1,200 Nazis within two years, but they themselves also came under fire. In total, during the war, the regiment irretrievably lost 97 people, many of whom died not at the front, but while repelling air raids.

In 1943, due to a change in the structure of the NKVD, "pSpN" came under the control of the NKGB (later the MGB). The entire further fate of the unit is connected with the state security agencies, with the exception of a short period of 1953-54, when the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security were a single department.

A special date in the history of the regiment was April 20, 1955: on that day, the government decided on free admission to the Kremlin. From that moment on, the tasks of guarding became much more complex.

The official name "Kremlin Regiment" appeared only in 1973. Soon the badge of the same name was established, which was awarded to the best fighters. The full name in those years sounded like this: "Separate Kremlin Regiment of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR."

Decay Soviet Union led to the dissolution of the KGB. The structures that replaced this powerful department changed their name several times. The Kremlin Regiment was also repeatedly renamed, which, starting in 1993, became the Presidential Regiment.

Currently official name units - Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment Services of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin FSO Russian Federation.

The main structure of the regiment

Most tourists only see the guards of honor standing at Post #1 near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, however, their number is rather small - one company is enough to perform this ritual.

In total, there are about three thousand fighters in the Presidential Regiment who serve in the following units:

  1. Battalion No. 1. It consists of the 3rd, 4th and 5th companies of the regiment;
  2. Battalion No. 2 (motorized rifle). Includes the 7th, 8th and 9th companies;
  3. Battalion No. 3. Consists of the first and eleventh companies of the special guard, as well as an auxiliary automobile unit;
  4. Cavalry honorary escort. Exists since 2002. Includes cavalry squadron, security squad, 10th company and support company;
  5. Operational Reserve Battalion. Special Immediate Combat Response Unit. Consists of two companies - operational reserve and protection.

As you might guess, only a part of the servicemen are permanently located directly in the Kremlin. The exact strength of the entire regiment and its units is a state secret. At the same time, it is known that more than 50% of all personnel serve not on conscription, but on a contract basis.

Place of deployment and main tasks

Each of the units of the Presidential Regiment must perform its own functions. This can be ensured provided right choice points of permanent deployment.

There are five such places today:

  1. Tver region, the territory of the government complex "Zavidovo". Battalion No. 1 is located here, the main task of which is to protect this object;
  2. Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Kalchuga village. This is the deployment point of battalion No. 2 (motorized rifle). The unit is the main striking force of the regiment and is intended to strengthen the protection of the Kremlin in case of a threat of its assault;
  3. Urban-type settlement Kalininets. It houses the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment, whose main task is to perform ceremonial functions. The unit is staffed mainly by "contract". The place of deployment was chosen taking into account the need to care for horses;
  4. Moscow region, city of Noginsk. The battalion of the operational reserve is based here, which includes military personnel who have undergone special training. The unit is designed for rapid force response to various emergencies. That is why the battalion is located close to the training ground - for each of the fighters, daily shooting exercises are mandatory;
  5. Moscow, Kremlin, Arsenal premises. This is the location of Battalion No. 3, the most prestigious unit. The main tasks are the protection of the territory and government buildings, as well as the performance of ceremonial functions.

The Kremlin also houses the headquarters and command of the regiment. We should separately mention the model of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which is located in the Moscow region, near the Kupavna station. This facility is used for training and training of personnel.

Battle flag of the Presidential Regiment

As you know, after the collapse of the USSR, the state symbols were completely updated. The changes did not bypass the Presidential Regiment of Russia. On May 7, 2006, Vladimir Putin presented this military unit with a new battle flag. Despite the fact that in the speech that followed, the head of state made several references to historical continuity, appearance the current symbol of the "Kremlin" does not remind of the "Soviet period", which is rather strange.

On each of the sides of the new battle banner, a cross with four expanding ends is depicted, located on a white main background. The color of the cross is light blue, with a golden border around the edges. In the center of the panel is the so-called medallion (simply a circle), bordered by a laurel wreath, in the lower part of which you can see a ribbon. The same elements, but somewhat smaller, are located on a white background, between the ends of the cross. The emblem of the FSO is additionally placed in these small medallions.

Both sides of the banner are generally identical, with the exception of the image placed in the central medallion. On the front side - the state emblem of Russia - a double-headed eagle crowned with three crowns, and on the back - the emblem of the Presidential Regiment. The banner is additionally equipped with a cover, sashes and a pantalère (a special baldric).

Uniform of the Presidential Regiment

Special requirements are imposed on the appearance of soldiers and officers serving in the most prestigious military unit in Russia. First of all, this applies to the personnel of the special guard companies.

Everyday uniform

When the soldiers of the Presidential Regiment are not at Post No. 1 and not involved in any ceremonial activities, they use the most ordinary uniforms provided for all military units. The summer set consists of a camouflage uniform and berets, and the winter set additionally includes special underwear, insulated trousers, a pea jacket and a sheepskin hat with earflaps.

Dress uniform

Soldiers of the first, second and reserve battalions of the Presidential Regiment do not participate in ceremonial events. For this reason, their full dress uniform is no different from the "all-army". At the same time, for the personnel of the 1st and 11th companies of the special guard, starting from the "Soviet" times, a special set of clothes was developed.

The so-called special dress uniform of the Presidential Regiment has a number of differences:

  1. The shirt is not protective, but white (for a summer set);
  2. White gloves;
  3. Akselbant;
  4. Ceremonial belt (worn instead of a belt).

All these details are easy to notice on the fighters standing at Post No. 1.

Ceremonial uniform

When holding state protocol events in the Kremlin, the soldiers of the Presidential Regiment are dressed in "historical costumes". They are sometimes referred to as "ceremonial uniforms". It was introduced at the initiative of the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.

The basis for the creation of "historical costumes" was the full dress uniform of the Life Guard units of the sample of 1907-1913.

The most obvious external differences of the ceremonial form are the following details:

  1. A shako is a headdress traditionally associated with the historical period of the Napoleonic wars. Modern examples weigh about 700 grams;
  2. Epaulettes (only for officers);
  3. Gorget is a special neck badge. Worn by officers to indicate their status.

The cut of the ceremonial uniform as a whole is so different from the usual front dress that it is impossible to confuse these two types of clothing.

Selection criteria for the Presidential Regiment

Standing in the guard of honor at Post No. 1 or participating in protocol events, being in close proximity to the head of state, is the dream of many conscripts. But not every one of them can apply for a place in the Presidential Regiment.

In order to have at least a minimal chance of this, several conditions must be met:

  1. Height not less than 175 and not more than 190 centimeters;
  2. Vision is not worse than 0.7 in each eye;
  3. Normal weight and good physique;
  4. The absence of scars, tattoos and large moles on open areas of the body.

Unofficial, but often mentioned terms are "Slavic" appearance and permanent residence outside of Moscow.

The final decision on who is taken to the Presidential Regiment is made by the FSO, which means that each candidate will literally be studied under a microscope. The presence of a criminal record or some dubious details of the biography of the conscript himself and his relatives will be the basis for refusal. But even if everything is in order, the candidacy may be rejected - there are too many applicants.

The daily routine in the presidential troops of Russia

Soldier service, as you know, is strictly regulated. The presidential regiment in this respect is almost no different from other military units. The rise here takes place at 6.00, followed by charging. The fighters of battalion No. 3 are engaged exercise directly on the territory of the Kremlin, running at least two kilometers every morning. After completing the exercises, the soldiers in an organized manner, in formation, go to breakfast. After they finish their meal, they get to work. The main direction for the 1st and 11th companies is drill training, but military theory is also being studied, as well as the charter.

After a lunch break, classes continue until 18:00, after which the soldiers are given free time, which they use mainly to take care of their dress uniforms, especially shoes. End - at 22:00.

Weekends - Saturday and Sunday. On these days, soldiers can go on leave or visit a club where films are shown or concerts are held. For the fighters of the third battalion, another "club" day is provided - Thursday.

The modern Presidential Regiment, in its basic traditions, bears little resemblance to the pre-revolutionary Life Guards. His "worker-peasant" origin cannot be hidden under a ceremonial shako. But there is nothing wrong with this: the soldiers of the guard of honor, as before, adequately represent Russia, demonstrating to people with their whole appearance that the country remains under reliable protection. There can be no doubt that the prestige of the Presidential Regiment will remain at the same height for the foreseeable future.

What else do you know about the Presidential Regiment? Share in the comments.

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The Presidential Regiment of the FSO is the "facade" unit of the Kremlin troops in Moscow. This is the "face" of the army for both Russians and foreigners.

The Kremlin company lodges directly in the Kremlin, carrying an honor guard, participating in protocol events and guarding the Kremlin, a part (for example, cavalry) is trained in the Moscow region and participates in ceremonies and parades.

Due to the special status, the regiment has the status of a special service and is not in the Ministry of Defense, but in the Federal Security Service (FSO of the Russian Federation). It is commanded by a general (for 2018 - Major General Oleg Galkin), who reports directly to the president.

The purpose of the division

Before you understand what a presidential regiment or Kremlin troops are, you need to talk about a number of tasks that are assigned to the unit.

  • ensure the security of the Kremlin and its inhabitants. Six FSO security companies plus a special forces battalion of the presidential regiment in the Moscow region are a good help to the special services;
  • ensure the preservation of the Kremlin values. Although the Guard of Honor does not have real weapons, it successfully repels both impudent tourists and inadequate fellow citizens;
  • participation in all solemn ceremonies. Spectacular drilled fighters in full dress create a solemn atmosphere and form a respectful attitude towards the Russian army;
  • participation in international competitions and reviews (military bands in Bezel, the annual musical Spasskaya Tower, etc.). Russia's calling card puts it in a favorable light in the eyes of other states.

Presidential regiment - the opportunity to be a step away from the president

Composition, deployment and tasks of the Kremlin company

5 battalions include not only the guard of honor and cavalry, which are always in sight and participate in all the most interesting events. Is there some more:

  • Special Forces;
  • chemists;
  • signalmen;
  • rear;
  • drivers, etc.

No, perhaps, sappers and scientific companies.

Expectation is reality

The presidential troops are not limited only to the Guard of Honor - but they do not exclude it either.

Military units are located not only in the Kremlin, but also in the Moscow region:

Dislocation Subdivisions Service features
Kremlin, Arsenal (Zeughaus) Headquarters Separate entrance from the Nicholas Tower
2 special guard companies
  • best for domestic conditions;
  • enhanced combat training
2 security battalions (6 companies) weapon possession. When there is nothing to guard, they are busy with outfits - in the kitchen, table setting, laundry, etc.
New Kupavna,

near Noginsk

Training camp for a special guard company model of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (and the test is taken in the Alexander Garden itself, at night)
Operational Reserve Battalion SWAT, daily training at the shooting range
authorota Large fleet of vehicles: Urals, Kamaz, KRAZs, GAZs, Volga, Gazelles, PAZs, etc. They train for category D (passenger transport). Weapons are seen much less. No armored vehicles

village Kalininets

Cavalry Escort of Honor
  • Horse riding, veterinary medicine;
  • 100+ horses;
  • breeds: trakeninskaya, Russian riding;
  • they don’t work with weapons - only with checkers;
  • many contract soldiers are permanent riders for horses.
  • Special Guard- this is the face of the country, these are the guys in uniform against which tourists (and not only foreigners) like to be photographed.
  • Honorary Cavalry- decorates ceremonial events.
  • authorota provides safe escort of VIPs to and from the Kremlin.
  • Guard companies- the standard garrison of the Kremlin, with which it is much calmer to work with the first persons of the state.
  • Operational reserve company- this is special forces that will rush to the rescue in a critical situation, as well as narrow specialists like chemists and signalmen.

Whatever unit you get into, you will still learn a lot of new skills and gain experience that you will not get anywhere else.

How to get into the presidential regiment of Russia

To serve in the presidential troops in Moscow and be closest to the head of state or spectacular ceremonies, you need to work hard.

  1. At all stages of the selection, as often and as specifically as possible, declare your desire to pass military service in PP - there are vacancies there every year!
  2. Meet the criteria for service in the Presidential Regiment (in the table below).
  3. Pass a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office (persistently ask for the Presidential Regiment) and get the cherished suitability of A.
  4. Collect certificates of a criminal record for yourself and relatives and submit them to the military registration and enlistment office.
  5. Write an application for admission to the 3rd form of secrecy.
  6. Pass the district medical examination - more stringent, already directly to the Presidential Regiment.
  7. Pass a full-time psychologist (do not succumb to provocations, do not break loose, calmly stand your ground).
  8. Pass an interview with an officer from the Kremlin (show your desire to serve).

Selection criteria

Parameter official requirements Practical implementation
Floor Male, extremely rare - female Contract service in the presidential regiment for girls takes place as: riding instructors, librarians, cooks, tailors, psychologists, cleaners.
Occasionally - in cavalry troops, but in combat units - never, such a tradition
Appearance Slavic, without scars, piercings and tattoos in prominent places There are exceptions
Health Expiration date A They especially love those who have a good stretch (who did martial arts, for example, or in a circus)
Education from 11 classes (complete secondary),

higher welcome

professions like a blacksmith or a horse breeder - an almost ready-made pass to the PP
Growth 175-190 cm There are exceptions
Reputation Ideal - should not be registered with the police, neuropsychiatric, narcological, dermatological and venereal dispensaries, should not have a criminal record. The next of kin should not have a criminal record either.
Family Complete, well.

Very willing to take twins.

There are precedents from families with one parent or only grandparents
Bad habits Only smoking is not prohibited. Alcohol is strictly prohibited - there is a medical service to identify suspicious cases

Really strict selection in appearance is carried out only in the companies of the special guard. For the whole year, soldiers are selected partners who are similar in face and height. Keep in mind that you must meet all the requirements even before you get into the presidential troops.

Occupations and Requirements

  • stretching - twine without exception (and in the shortest possible time);
  • drill and exercises - around the clock;
  • stand for hours in the guard of honor - motionless (in all seriousness, you can’t move);
  • appearance - with a needle, even in ordinary camouflage;
  • boots are cleaned to a mirror shine in seven stages.

To get into other parts, it is more important to have practical skills - horse breeding, veterinary medicine, a diploma from the Olympiad in chemistry or physics, a driver's license, etc.

How is the service in the presidential regiment?

AT different parts the daily routine varies, and the content of training courses and practices, and the skills to be instilled, but it is still possible to single out the generalized conditions of service in the Kremlin regiment, and they look like this.

Officially Unofficially
Term 12 months, a contract is possible, the first - for 3 years (trial period - 3 months)
Wage From 700 to 2400 rubles The salary is lower than in other parts due to the high cost of full dress
Vacation only in exceptional cases
Layoffs Yes, from 10.00 to 18.00. once a week on weekends
Visiting parents depending on the military

on holidays and weekends

twice a year - at ceremonial oaths

It is better to agree in advance, otherwise they may be sent to the guard - and it will not work to meet
Nutrition Three times, additional rations during large physical activity and competitions. Only domestic products Somewhere large portions (“elephants” - cutlets the size of a palm), somewhere rare muck (such as “sikels” - meat from special warehouses of the 50s) and monotony
Living conditions Trainers, showers, hot water, separate bedrooms for each platoon Best of all in the Kremlin, and in the suburbs there are toilets of the toilet type, and washing cold water, and other gaps in living conditions
hazing No, as the junior and senior conscription live separately There is a male upbringing, this is the army
Smoking Allowed in specially equipped places;

There is a practice of dispensing sugar and caramels instead of cigarettes

Regular cigarettes are disgusting
Mobile phones at certain hours

without video, photo and internet

Somewhere you can sit in parts social networks, somewhere they let you call only once a week
For believers There is no full-time priest, there are visiting priests



  • summer - camouflage (700 rubles), high low shoes with laces;
  • winter - pea jacket and earflaps made of natural sheepskin;
  • front - dark blue or dark green uniforms, caps, in winter - overcoats;
  • historical (for the Special Guard Company) - costumes of the 1907-1913 model of the Life Guards units (60-80 thousand rubles).

Details of the ceremonial uniform

Contract service

The assault exercises of the "Kremlin" are much worse than the control ones in the lyceum

The daily routine in the presidential troops of Russia

Time/duration Occupation
6.30 (10 minutes) climb
half an hour running and charging
1 hour Personal hygiene, internal order
half an hour breakfast
half an hour Free time
4 hours combat training, theoretical classes, armament maintenance
half an hour Free time
Half an hour dinner
half an hour Free time
4 hours physical preparation, classes
40 minutes free time, collar hemming
half an hour dinner
40 minutes Free time
1 hour evening walk (sometimes also in formation), preparation for lights out, physical examination
22.00 lights out

Housing of the Presidential Regiment in Alabino. classic square pillows

Free time in total - almost three hours a day.

  • 3 times a week - a club (cinema, concerts, meetings with veterans and famous people);
  • on weekends, classes only until lunch, after - free time. In the evening - informing and discussing the news;
  • every evening - news on TV, the newspaper "Red Star" about the Armed Forces.

If in the outfit (the longest - 2 days for 1 day off), morning procedures are carried out according to an accelerated program, and at 8.00 you already step into the daily outfit - at the bedside table at the entrance to the barracks, 6 times for 2 hours. You can move.

You can’t move in the guard of honor: at the Eternal Flame (4 times a day for 1 hour, from 8.00 to 20.00), the Mausoleum, at celebrations, parades, etc.

For 82 years, the Presidential Regiment of the Army has been saving all the most precious things - and doing it beautifully


  • you cannot travel abroad in the first 7 years due to a non-disclosure agreement;
  • service in the Kremlin strictly according to the Charter - constant "training", everything according to the rules, the strictest standards of behavior and appearance in public.


  • the ability to carry out both military service and ceremonial;
  • the opportunity to live on the territory of the Kremlin for almost a year;
  • the ability to travel throughout the country;
  • the opportunity to participate in festivals and parades in Europe;
  • the opportunity to attend rare meetings with exceptional people;

Employment after PP is simple: veteran organizations and trustees care about the future of elite warriors:

  • non-competitive admission to a state university (guaranteed - to Moscow State University and Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk));
  • contract service in the Presidential Regiment of the Russian Army;
  • to the state structure (FSB, FSIN, FSKN);
  • to the police;
  • mayors, deputies.

History of the Presidential Regiment

day of the presidential regiment

The protection of the Kremlin (after the government moved from Petrograd to Moscow in 1918) was first entrusted to small special detachments, and only grew to the size of a regiment in 1936, which is considered his official year of birth. After a series of reassignments and renamings, the regiment in 1993 came to the rank of "Presidential". Regiment Day is celebrated annually on May 7th.

The main milestones in the history of the Presidential Regiment are summarized in the following table:

Banner of the Presidential Regiment

Modern exposition of the Diamond Fund

the date Event Details
March-September 1918 The Kremlin is guarded by Latvian riflemen (from Vitebsk, Courland and Livonia provinces) They proved themselves at the front and supported the Bolsheviks during the revolution
Since autumn 1918 The Kremlin is guarded by cadets of the 1st Moscow Revolutionary Machine-Gun School (later became the united military school of the Red Army named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee) Latvians were sent to Latvia to establish Soviet power.

Cadets began to be called "Kremlin"

January 26, 1924 The guard of honor of the mausoleum of Lenin was installed (it is carried, among other things, by the 1st Soviet United Military School) and its special ceremonial The mausoleum is still wooden, and the guard of honor is already real
1935 The guard of honor of the mausoleum was transferred completely to the department of the "Kremlin cadets" 30-50 people in the state;

A wooden model was specially created for training.

October 1935 The Kremlin is guarded by the Special Purpose Battalion (it was in the structure of the Kremlin Commandant's Office, subordinate to the NKVD) And the 1st military school of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was transferred to Lefortovo
April 8, 1936 Official date of birth, the battalion expanded to a regiment - Special Purpose Regiment of the NKVD of the USSR Soon the regiment was unofficially nicknamed "Kremlin"
1937 The battalion system was introduced.

They guard government and party sessions, parades and demonstrations.

Educated fighters are recruited from industrial regions.

2 battalions:
  • the commanders of the Kremlin guards and the Red Army guards of the Kremlin;
  • technical company,
  • orchestral and service;
  • special forces squad.
December 1939 Reorganization of the state, increase in the number 3 rifle battalions: 2 x 4 companies of 119 fighters each, 1 of 3 companies;

Platoons: air defense, chemical, communications, armored platoon;

household team

1939-1940 Soviet-Finnish war 161 people were sent to the front as part of the Red Army.
1941 The urgent task is the protection and defense of the Kremlin, included in the active internal troops NKVD round-the-clock duty of combat crews on the wall, protection from enemy aircraft, camouflage of the Grand Kremlin Palace and temples with mock-ups, false bridges and cunning coloring, evacuation of state valuables
1942-1943 4 groups of snipers went to the front (Western and Volkhovsky) destroyed 1.2 thousand soldiers and officers, lost 97 people in their ranks
1943 Renamed due to reassignment to the newly created Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD Special Purpose Regiment of the NKGB (People's Committee of State Security) of the USSR
August 1943 New staff: submachine gunners unit added.
  • 2 rifle battalions of 4 companies of 120 fighters each,
  • 1 battalion for 3 companies (2 - submachine gunners of 118 fighters each, 1 - anti-tank rifles of 106 fighters),
  • special forces (band, communications company, chemical platoon, air defense platoon, armored platoon),
  • support company, agricultural platoon of 30 fighters
February 23, 1944 The regiment was awarded the Battle Red Banner Banner of the Presidential Regiment
June 24, 1945 Three parade battalions participated in the historic Victory Parade on Red Square The soldiers received a total of 174 orders and medals and 9 copies of military weapons
1946 The number has decreased by 800+ people. Renamed in connection with the transformation of people's commissariats into ministries Special Purpose Regiment of the MGB (Ministry of State Security) of the USSR
September 19, 1952 renamed the Separate Special Purpose Regiment of the MGB of the USSR
  • 3 out of 5 platoons remained (2 platoons of the regimental school and a communications platoon disappeared);
  • The supply regiments became their respective services;
  • A special forces company has been brought in.
1954 New weapons: Makarov pistol, Simonov carbine, Kalashnikov assault rifle.
1953-1954 was part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
1954 joined the KGB
January 21, 1956 a separate motorcycle platoon was created in the spetsnaz regiment ( independent division) to protect important people on the way to the Kremlin
1960 Established "Book of Honor"
1961 eliminated the battalion system 13 companies reorganized into 9, subordination immediately to the regiment commander
1962 The 11th separate cavalry regiment appeared For filming in films (for example, "War and Peace", "White Sun of the Desert", "Say a Word About the Poor Hussar", "The Barber of Siberia"), at the initiative of Sergei Bondarchuk, until the 1990s he was kept on the money of Mosfilm
May 7, 1965 (20th anniversary of the Victory) The regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. It is called the Separate Red Banner Special Purpose Regiment of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR
September 21, 1965 A memorial plaque appeared on the building of the Arsenal in memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War
May 8, 1967 The regiment participates in the opening of the monument to the Unknown Soldier Objects of protection: Battle Banner of the unit, the Kremlin, Lenin's mausoleum, a military camp in Novaya Kupavna, a sector of the Ministry of Civil Aviation
November 1, 1967 A new task is to protect the recently opened exhibition of the USSR Diamond Fund Modern exposition of the Diamond Fund
July 24, 1973 the official status of the "Kremlin" was secured by the order of the Chairman of the KGB name "Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR"
March 25, 1975 The regiment receives its badge of distinction - "Kremlin Regiment" 977 distinguished soldiers and officers received it in the first year
July 1976 established Special Guard Company (1st) Task: holding protocol events on highest level
February 1977 Replacing the dilapidated Battle Red Banner
July 5, 1978 new name: Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment of the KGB of the USSR The KGB has become the central body of state administration
July 25 - August 5, 1985 Protection of the World Festival of Youth and Students Motorcycle platoon - new motorcycles and helmets
May 5, 1986 (50th anniversary) awarded the Order of the October Revolution Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
1991 Renamed in connection with the reorganization of the KGB Separate Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Kremlin Regiment of the Security Directorate under the Office of the President of the USSR
1992 Renamed due to reassignment Separate Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Kremlin Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Security Directorate of the Russian Federation
March 20, 1993 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation the name "Presidential Regiment" was fixed Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation
October 6, 1993 Removed Post No. 1 at Lenin's Mausoleum by decree of the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin
May 1994 A motorized rifle battalion appeared, which also included artillery and anti-aircraft units, an armored service
May 1995 For units based in the Kremlin, a uniform insignia has been introduced
May 6, 1996, 60th anniversary of the regiment Representation of the Regiment to B.N. Yeltsin, parade, awarding the badge "60 years of the Presidential Regiment".
June 12, 1996 The regiment was presented with the icon of St. George the Victorious
December 12, 1997 New Post #1 appeared at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Daily from 8:00 to 22:00, shift = 1 hour for 3 hours of rest, a day after three
May 7, 2000 For the first time - the ceremonial entry of the President (V.V. Putin) into office, the introduction of symbols of presidential power To bear these inaugural regalia is a great honor for the Presidential Regiment
September 2, 2002 Cavalry Escort of Honor formed from the 11th separate cavalry regiment, transferred to the maintenance of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Culture
2003 Departure to St. Petersburg for the ceremony of celebrating the 300th anniversary of the city and for the international summit of heads of state
2004 The first divorce ceremony of foot and horse guards Since then it has become a weekly
2005 developed a modern ceremonial changing of the guard of honor Developers:
  • Heraldic Council of the Russian Federation;
  • Protocol of the President of Russia
May 9, 2016 was awarded the Diploma of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief armed forces RF

The motto of the Presidential Regiment is “Loyalty. Honour. Duty, and for almost a century of existence, these maxims have not yet been violated.

The Presidential (Kremlin) Regiment is a military unit for solving specific combat missions related to the protection of the Moscow Kremlin and other important state facilities. The regiment participates in holding events at the highest level, organizing guards of honor, carrying out honorable service at the Eternal Flame, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Day of the Presidential Regiment is celebrated every year on the same date - May 7th.

history of the holiday

The history of the Presidential Regiment is long and interesting. The first similarity of the unit began to take shape after the October Revolution, when members of the Soviet government moved to the capital. Then they were guarded by a special group of shooters from Latvia. This team was famous for its high professionalism and excellent military skills. A little later, on the basis of the Moscow military, a regiment of famous Kremlin cadets was formed. The convoy received the status of a special unit on April 8, 1936. This date is considered the birthday of the regiment. He turns 81 in 2017.

During the Great Patriotic War, the regiment worked in an enhanced mode, guarding not only the Kremlin, but also many strategically important objects. May 7, 1965 for the promotion of patriotic sentiment, for excellent combat training and for the courage shown during the Second World War, the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. This day was considered the holiday of the special forces.

The barracks of the Presidential Regiment is located in the historical building of the Arsenal (Tseikhgauz). The order to erect it in 1701 was given by Emperor Peter I. Zeikhgauz, in the opinion of the then head of state, was to become both a repository of weapons and a museum of the country's military glory. Currently, the parade ground and the gym of the famous regiment are located in the courtyard of the Arsenal.

The Presidential Regiment (Officially - the Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Security Directorate of the Russian Federation, unofficially - the Kremlin) - a formation (military unit), currently part of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO of Russia).

From March to September 1918, the protection of the Moscow Kremlin, which became the seat of the Soviet government, was carried out by Latvian riflemen. Then this task was carried out by the 1st Moscow Machine Gun Courses of the Red Army, later reorganized into the 1st Soviet Joint Military School of the Red Army named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

In October 1935, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee school was transferred from the Kremlin to Lefortovo. The tasks of protecting the Kremlin were transferred to the Special Purpose Battalion (bosnaz). The battalion was part of the Kremlin commandant's office, which, in accordance with a government decree, was removed from the subordination of the People's Commissariat of Defense and transferred to the subordination of the NKVD.
On April 8, 1936, in accordance with Order No. 122 for the Kremlin garrison, the Special Purpose Battalion was reorganized into the Special Purpose Regiment (SPPN).

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the Kremlin regiment defended the Kremlin from German air raids. On June 25, 1941, by order of the commandant, the regiment switched to enhanced security and defense of facilities. On the Kremlin wall, round-the-clock duty of combat crews was established.
In 1942 - 1943. 4 groups of snipers from the Kremlin regiment were sent to the Western and Volkhov fronts, who destroyed over 1,200 enemy soldiers and officers. During the Great Patriotic War, the loss of the regiment amounted to 97 people.

In 1952, the Special Purpose Regiment was transformed into a Separate Special Purpose Regiment (opSpN). On May 7, 1965, for military merit during the Great Patriotic War and high performance in combat and political training, the Separate Special Purpose Regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In 1973, by order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the regiment was renamed the Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 1993, the Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment was transformed into the Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Security Directorate of the Russian Federation.

On September 2, 2002, on the basis of the 11th Separate Cavalry Regiment, the Cavalry Honorary Escort was formed as part of the Presidential Regiment.

Reports directly to the President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces.
The barracks of the Presidential Regiment is located in the historical building of the Arsenal (Tseuchhaus). In the closed perimeter of the yard of the Arsenal there is a parade ground and a sports hall (gym) of the regiment. Separate units of the regiment are also deployed in other administrative units of the Moscow region.

History, rituals and uniforms of military personnel in 1991-2007.


By the time of the collapse of the USSR, a separate Kremlin regiment was in the structure of the Security Directorate under the Office of the President of the USSR. After the formation of the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation (GUO RF), on February 18, 1992, the regiment became part of the commandant's office of the Moscow Kremlin of the GUO RF.

March 20, 1993, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 375, a separate Kremlin regiment was transformed into the Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Directorate of Defense of the Russian Federation.
At this time, the regiment consisted of three rifle battalions and a regimental school.

After the tragic events that took place in Moscow in September-October 1993, a decision was made to strengthen the Presidential Regiment. In accordance with this decision, by order of the head of the Main Directorate of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 042 dated May 27, 1994, a motorized rifle battalion was additionally introduced into the unit, and an armored service was created in the staff of the regiment to ensure its comprehensive support.

In 1995, a company was introduced into the unit, which was previously part of one of the units of the Ministry of Defense and carried out tasks to protect the main country residence of the Prime Minister.

The following year, a battalion was introduced into the Presidential Regiment, transferred from the 1st Separate Rifle Order of the Red Star of the Security Brigade of the Ministry of Defense, where since 1981 it had been performing tasks of protecting and maintaining the territory of the Zavidovsky State Scientific and Experimental Reserve and government facilities located there . Now these functions have been assigned
to the Presidential Regiment. Also in 1996, after another reorganization, the 3rd battalion of the regiment began to consist of the 11th and 12th companies, an automobile company and a logistics company.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2002, the Honorary Cavalry Escort was introduced into the Presidential Regiment, formed on the basis of two squadrons of the disbanded 11th separate Cossack cavalry regiment of the RF Ministry of Defense.

In the same year, in order to improve the training of junior commanders and drivers, the regimental school was transformed into a training battalion.

In 2005, another reorganization took place, as a result of which the logistics company was abolished. At the same time, with the 11th company being given the status of the operational reserve of the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the staff of this company was expanded to five platoons. Besides, significant changes touched on the company's combat training program. Thus, the number of hours for classes in physical and special training, including the suppression of riots, has sharply increased, and special funds have been received to equip the company (rubber sticks PR-73, shields, etc.).

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 428 of April 25, 2006 approved the provision on the new Battle Banner of the unit and its description, and on May 7, 2006, on the day of the 70th anniversary of the regiment, President Putin in a solemn ceremony handed the Battle Banner to the command of the unit.


Now the Presidential Regiment is part of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (SKMK FSO RF). He solves the tasks of ensuring the protection and defense of the objects of the Moscow Kremlin, participating in state protocol events, assigning guards of honor and serving at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall. In addition, the military personnel of the regiment as part of parade chains, military reserves and operational groups are involved in ensuring the security of events on Red Square.

The regiment consists of a headquarters, several battalions, a motorized rifle battalion and an honorary cavalry escort.
Part of the rifle battalions is stationed on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin in the building of the Arsenal. They are the main subdivisions of the regiment and are designed to directly carry out the tasks of protecting the objects of the Moscow Kremlin, the exhibition of the Diamond Fund of the Russian Federation and government aircraft of the state transport company"Russia" at the airport "Vnukovo-2". The 1st battalion has a special guard company (1st company), whose main task is to provide protocol events and serve in guards of honor, including at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The personnel of these rifle battalions are armed with AK-74 assault rifles, RPK-74 light machine guns, PK company machine guns, SVD sniper rifles and grenade launchers; SKS carbines are standard weapons of a special guard company.
Another battalion of the Presidential Regiment is deployed on the territory of the Zavidovo state complex in the Tver region and is designed to protect and maintain its facilities. The motorized rifle battalion is deployed in the settlement. Kalchuga of the Moscow Region and is intended to reinforce the regiment's units in solving tasks for the defense of the Moscow Kremlin. This battalion consists of a headquarters, two motorized rifle companies, a fire team and a support company.
The motorized rifle companies are armed with BTR-80A and BTR-80K armored personnel carriers, as well as BTR-80PBKM command and staff vehicles. As part of the fire group in 1994-2002. there were 15 120-mm 2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled guns, as well as ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns. AT
2002, the presence of self-propelled guns in the battalion was deemed inappropriate, and all "Nonas" were transferred to the 55th division marines Pacific Fleet.

The training battalion is stationed in the settlement. New Kupavna, Moscow Region.
The battalion is entrusted with the task of training sergeants and drivers for the units of the regiment.

Honorary cavalry escort, located in N. p. Kalininets of the Moscow region, used in various protocol events at the state level.

In addition, a group of servicemen of the Presidential Regiment, in accordance with the plans of the ornithological unit of the SKMK FSO of the Russian Federation, is keeping specially trained birds of prey (falcons) used to combat urban birds that damage the appearance of buildings and monuments of the Moscow Kremlin.

The staffing of the regiment with privates and sergeants is carried out at the expense of conscripts.

Strict selection criteria are applied to conscripts: they must be fit for health reasons to military service without restrictions, have regular facial features and be at least 175 cm tall; in addition, they must be free of defects and damage to visible parts of the body. Candidates for the Presidential Regiment must have a completed secondary education; they should not be registered with the internal affairs bodies, have relatives living abroad or convicted of serious crimes.

The selection of a special guard company is even stricter, in particular, the height of conscripts must be at least 185 cm. Very often, twins are called into the company, whose complete external resemblance plays a role in ceremonial events. In contrast to the Soviet period, when only Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Latvian nationalities were recruited into this unit, now there are no official requirements for the national composition. But the specifics of the combat training of the company remained: the main attention and most of the time is given to drill training and methods of handling weapons.


As a result of the August events of 1991 and the collapse of the USSR that followed them, the communist ideology that had prevailed for 70 years collapsed in Russia, and with it all the corresponding paraphernalia.
It is quite natural that in this situation the question arose about the future fate of the Mausoleum V.I. Lenin. The new political leadership of Russia and personally President Yeltsin were supporters of the burial of Lenin's body, however, in conditions of political instability, to decide
it was difficult for them to put this "explosive" idea into practice.

In September-October 1993, the confrontation between the President and the Congress of People's Deputies resulted in riots in Moscow. Since in many respects the actions of the president's opponents took place under communist slogans, President Yeltsin considered it inappropriate to carry a guard of honor at the Mausoleum, and on October 6, 1993, Post No. 1 was abolished. Further than this, however, things did not go. Lenin's body is preserved in the Mausoleum to this day, although it is no longer an object of worship for any significant number of Russians.

In general, until the mid-1990s. the state protocol was in some decline, since protocol events were held only in connection with international contacts of the country's leadership. The presidential regiment was involved at that time only in protocol events within the framework of state visits of heads of foreign states, ceremonies of presentation of credentials by foreign ambassadors, etc.

Nevertheless, despite the ideological differences existing in society, there was one theme that united everyone: victory in the Great Patriotic War. It was around this event that they began in the mid-1990s. gradually develop new rituals.

On May 9, 1995, after a five-year break during which no parades were held at all, a parade of the Moscow garrison troops and veterans was held on Red Square to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. To ensure his safety, as before, the personnel of the Presidential Regiment was involved. Since then, the parade on Victory Day has become traditional, as well as the participation in it, although not in the parade crew, of the regiment's military personnel.

A significant event for the regiment was the signing by the President of the Russian Federation of Decree No. 1277 "On the establishment of a permanent guard of honor post in Moscow at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier." It should be noted that in previous years, on public holidays, a temporary guard of honor at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier was carried by servicemen of a separate company (battalion) of the guard of honor of the 154th separate commandant's regiment.

December 12, 1997 (Constitution Day of the Russian Federation) at 8.00 am, the first shift of the special guard company of the Presidential Regiment entered the post at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Fasting Ritual #1 has finally been revived.

By the end of the 1990s. The presidential regiment participated in almost all rituals that existed in one form or another, only the tradition of laying wreaths at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin. But the search for new forms of protocol events did not stop. Since 2000, the solemn ceremony of the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation began to be held in the Kremlin, and the Presidential Regiment plays the most prominent role in it. As part of the ceremony, a special guard company provides a ritual of bringing state attributes and symbols of presidential power into the Andreevsky Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace: the state flag of the Russian Federation, the standard of the President of the Russian Federation, a special copy of the constitution of the Russian Federation and the sign of the President of the Russian Federation
Federation. In addition, along the main staircase leading from the lobby to the entrance hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, exhibited
guard of honor of the 1st company of the Presidential Regiment. The inauguration ceremony ends with the presentation of the Presidential Regiment to the incoming President.

On September 17, 2004, units of the regiment, consisting of cavalrymen of the Honorary Cavalry Escort and servicemen of the Special Guard Company, with the participation of the brass band of the Presidential Orchestra, for the first time held the ceremony of dismounting the horse and foot guards of the Presidential Regiment on Cathedral Square of the Kremlin. Since then, this ceremony has been held every Saturday during the summer and attracts a significant number of visitors to the Moscow Kremlin.

The regiment's servicemen also participate in episodic protocol events.
So, in September 2006, a group of officers from a special guard company provided the ritual of reburial in Russia of the ashes of the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna (Danish Princess Dagmara). And on April 24-25, 2007, servicemen of the special guard company participated in mourning events held in connection with the death of the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.


In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1277, the guard of honor is changed daily every hour from 8.00 to 20.00, and in exceptional cases at other times.

15 minutes before the onset of the new hour, the guard lines up the guards, inspects their appearance and reports to the head of the guard of honor. After that, the chief gives out weapons, checks the appearance of the guards and the guard. Then the shift leaves the guardroom of the 24th building of the Kremlin and spends several minutes training to perform the ritual, then the breeder stops the training and takes the shift to starting position. Here follow the commands: "Join the bayonet!", "On the shoulder!" and “Step - march!”, Upon completion of which the movement begins with a marching step. At the same time, the leader should be to the left of the guards, and the head of the guard of honor - even more to the left and 10 meters ahead of them. Then, during the change of sentries, the head of the guard of honor is at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Not reaching two steps to the middle of the main ensemble of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the leader gives the command “Change!”, And then, under the left leg, “Stop!”. The stopped shift takes the carbines to the “to the foot” position and, at the same time, makes a turn to the right. After
pauses lasting a few seconds are followed by the commands of the breeder “Change!” and "Step - march!". The guards with raised carbines turn: the first - to the left, the second - to the right, take 8 steps, after which, in motion, they turn right and left, respectively, take 6 more steps and stop on the right (left) side of the sentries standing at the post. Then, according to the new command of the breeder, “Step march!” the guards make a turn around (the first - over the right shoulder), then step to the side and take their place at the post. Sentinels, simultaneously with them, begin to move forward.

After the sentries approach the guard, they stop and, at the command of the guard, “Circle!”, Turn right (left) in the direction opposite to the Eternal Flame. At the same time, the breeder himself performs a circle turn. Then, following the commands of the breeder: “To the left!”, “On the shoulder!” and “Step - march!”, the change of drill moves in the opposite direction, and the head of the guard of honor follows it at a distance of 10 m.

It should be noted that all ceremonial movements have their own characteristics. So, when moving with a drill step and performing techniques with weapons, a pace of movement of 70-80 steps per minute is observed with a leg lift of 25-30 cm, and the feet are placed in one line. In inclement weather, the shift moves at a marching pace with a leg lift of 15-20 cm, and the feet are placed without impact to prevent the formation of splashes.

To be continued...

Today I learned about the existence of an interesting urban tradition. It turns out that every year on May 7, former soldiers of the Presidential Regiment gather near the Eternal Flame on Manezhnaya Square and celebrate the day of the regiment.

I found out about this quite by accident... First shots of champagne, then screams, then someone hits someone in the face, the police arrive... In general, it's fun. Good tradition.

The Presidential Regiment (full and proud name - the Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) is a unique military unit that solves special tasks to ensure the protection of the Moscow Kremlin facilities. The residence of the President of Russia, holding protocol events at the highest level, the allocation of guards of honor, serving at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - everything is under the protection and control of these guys.

As the official site says: "They are all different, but at the same time they are all united by an ardent love for the Motherland, the desire to fulfill the assigned tasks with high quality, to honestly and conscientiously fulfill their military duty."

These are not just elegant uniforms and changing of the guard of honor to the delight of tourists. This regiment is a real combat unit of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Everyone is equal, as in the selection - this is about the Presidential Regiment. These guys are carefully selected for their moral and physical qualities. Height, weight, vision and hearing - everything should be not just within the normal range, but at the highest level.

Today is President's Regiment Day! The tradition has been going on since 1965, when the Separate Special Forces Regiment, which since October 1935 had been guarding the Kremlin, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. It was then that May 7 became the annual holiday of the Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment. March 20, 1993 The President of the Russian Federation issued a decree renaming the Separate Red Banner into the Presidential Regiment. The 79th birthday is celebrated by his soldiers on a grand scale.

All meet near the Eternal Flame. Then everything is very reminiscent of the day of the Airborne Forces. Former colleagues look for each other, hug, drink, take pictures, sing songs. Someone opens champagne, someone marches.

At some point, a conflict broke out between the vacationers. Conversations began to be conducted on raised tones. Passers-by started calling the police.

There is some strange history with the police. She was not in the Alexander Garden and on Manezhnaya Square at all. Considering the approaching holiday, this is very strange. After about 10 minutes, two policemen came up and asked the arguing young people not to hit each other. The young people hugged the policemen and asked them not to interfere. Everything was very cultural, the police called for help on the radio.

04. Another 10 minutes later, a police car rolled up to the Eternal Flame with a quack. Four policemen got out of it and immediately ran to grab the former soldiers closest to the car. But it all ended with hugs again. The arriving police officers were told that people had a cultural rest and that they should not be disturbed. The police called the riot police.

But they filled the Eternal Flame with champagne! They were screaming here! - the policeman who called for help at the beginning of the conflict was indignant.
- Come on, the guys are resting, this is their holiday, better go chase the beggars!

The eternal flame is empty. Soon, nothing reminded of the stormy meeting of former colleagues, except for splashes of champagne on red granite.

The presidential regiment went to the fountains.

Later, the participants of the Victory Parade, walking nearby, joined the vacationers.

Former and current soldiers quickly found mutual language and the fun continued.

What do I think about this? Good holiday. The guys are resting, everything is cultural (almost), peaceful (almost) and positive.

Happy Holidays, Presidential Regiment!

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