Understand what you are. How to understand that you are on the path of a significant change in life. What does the healthiest option look like?

Incredible Facts

Almost all of us go through karmic relationships during our lives.

Everything starts with strong passion and ends in unspeakable pain.

Such relationships are not meant to last, and they teach us the biggest lesson in love.

Karmic relationships are not easy because their purpose is to change our lives.

Read also:Your karmic task by date of birth

The idea of ​​karma is that you get a kind of lesson for some mistakes in the past.

Their meaning is to enter our lives, change us and leave, opening the way for the one who is designed .

Every action we take has a consequence, and it is important to understand that karmic relationships ultimately help us grow.

There are several signs that you are in a karmic relationship.

Karmic relationship between a man and a woman

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The question of whether love at first sight exists remains open. However, many of us have experienced an instant attraction to a person at some point in our lives.

You thought he was perfect. You felt a strong impulse and pull and, and there was a feeling that you knew him before.

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If you either converge or disagree with your partner, this is one of the main signs of a karmic relationship. The constant occurrence of the same problems in a relationship should also alert you.

In such relationships, the same scenario of events is repeated, and they remain inert. The only way to outgrow them is to let go.

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When you get so attached to a partner that you can't leave, karma comes after you. This is especially true if you have a lot of negative emotions when you are together, but at the same time you feel that you cannot leave. It's like alcoholism, when you know that drinking is bad, but you still reach for the next bottle.

In fact, one or both partners are connected by superficial reasons, for example, appearance, popularity, social or professional status.

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When one of the partners gets used to putting himself first all the time, this leads to selfishness. A person takes the efforts of another for granted and sits on the neck.

These relationships are built on personal gain and satisfy only their own needs. They can be an ideal basis for the formation of abusive and codependent relationships. At the same time, one partner invests all the time in the relationship, while the other is just comfortable.

Karmic relationships: how to find out

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Partners can become obsessed with each other and one or both try to control each other. The other person becomes the center of the universe and the main source of happiness. We put it on a pedestal and are unable to see its flaws.

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It seems to you that you cannot live without this person, and you are destined to be together. You do not understand why your relationship does not work out in any way, and you continue to make attempts to glue them together.

It is very difficult for you to resist feelings, and they continue to drag you down until you understand what you need from them.

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Relationships so absorb you that they begin to occupy all your thoughts. You just can't resist them. There is a mental, physical and emotional dependence on this person.

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They bring to the surface everything that you were so afraid of. Fear of being abandoned, fear of rejection, loss, commitment, emotional attachment, and all those skeletons that hide in your closet.

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Relationships like a mirror reflect all your complexes and vulnerabilities. You stop behaving as usual and you can do things that are not natural for you.

Relationships are complex things. Sometimes they are very difficult to navigate. Sometimes we stay with a partner for too long to understand that something is going wrong. However, when you are in the right relationship, everything is different: the sun shines brighter, you want to smile more often, and small household chores bring only joy. We invite you to consider some of the signs that will indicate that your relationship is right. If you mark most of them, then you can only envy.

You spend time doing things you love together

It's great to do what you love. Especially if you do it with your partner. And it doesn't always come right away. Some partners or spouses take several years to find a common hobby. However, after that, their life is painted with new colors.

You spend time apart doing things you love

When you are in the right relationship, your partner understands that there are some things that you want to do alone. So maybe you like to play computer games or play solitaire. We all need time to do something pleasant on our own. And it's great when our loved one understands this.

You find relationships productively

Every couple fights from time to time. However, everyone does it differently. Someone gives vent to their anger and says a lot of unnecessary things in the heat of the moment. But people who are in the right and mature relationship try to understand what is the reason for the differences that have arisen. After all, having found out this, you can avoid the repetition of unpleasant moments.

You have both your friends and common

Some couples only have friends in common. Some, on the contrary, communicate only with their friends. Harmonious relationships mean finding a balance in communicating with friends.

you remain yourself

You enjoy what you are. Your partner does the same. In addition, you appreciate each other, while remaining yourself. The right relationship implies that one partner does not dissolve into the other.

Your friends and family enjoy being together

One of the most simple ways to know that you are in the right relationship is to pay attention to what your friends and family members think about your couple. If this feedback has a negative connotation, then this is a bad sign. Of course, this is not a reason to leave, but it’s worth thinking about your relationship.

You may disagree on something, but do it respectfully.

It is impossible to have the same opinion about everything. The right relationship implies that even despite the presence of certain disagreements, the partners maintain respect for each other. Even if you fundamentally disagree with your loved one in something, then take it for granted and do not try to put all your strength into trying to convince him.

you make each other better

If you constantly inspire your partner to do something new, and he does the same, then you are surely a happy couple. So, perhaps looking at the joy with which your spouse goes for a run every day, you also decided to take up running. Or your wife is an excellent painter, which prompted you to try your hand at painting.

You share each other's thoughts about a joint future

Have you ever dated a guy who he said wasn't ready to settle down? If such a person is your partner today, then it can hardly be called the right choice. After all, a harmonious relationship implies that the partners are full of enthusiasm when it comes to their joint future. Together they make plans and dream.

You are attracted to your partner in body, mind and spirit

Of course, you find your loved one attractive. But is this feeling caused not only by his appearance? Do you get excited about what's in his head? Are you ready to live a long life next to him and still enjoy his smile on his already wrinkled face?

You keep each other's secrets

Your partner is your best friend. You can trust him with everything in the hope that he will never share your deepest secret with anyone else. If your relationship is like this, then you are on the right track.

You are a great team

In a harmonious relationship, it is very important to be able to properly interact with your partner. If you are a great team, then nothing is impossible in front of you, and together you can overcome all obstacles in life.

You like to do even routine things together

Partners in the right relationship enjoy each other's company, even going to the grocery store for a week or cleaning out the garage, for example. Ask yourself if you are one of those couples. If so, then your relationship can be safely called harmonious.

Are you sexually compatible?

This aspect is very important in life together. Therefore, if you are completely satisfied with your partner in bed, then your relationship has every chance of becoming strong and durable.

Do you have common financial goals?

Finance is very important aspect in any relationship. Harmonious couples, as a rule, completely share each other's financial interests. They make joint plans and share their opinion on what to buy or where to invest the available funds.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you feel emotionally dependent(s)? Do you feel that without this person in your life, you will become mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted (oops)? This feeling may be due to upbringing or previous relationship experiences. Regardless of the reason, such a situation can put a certain strain on the relationship, and it is best to resolve this issue.
    • Find ways to help yourself raise your self-worth and self-confidence.
    • Learn to be comfortable being alone.
    • Find things you enjoy doing on your own, like reading a book or walking.
  • Are you always trying to make the other person happy (oops)? Are you doing this even at the cost of your own happiness? While this may be seen as a selfless act, it can also be quite destructive at the same time. Putting too much effort into trying to make the other person happy can end up hurting your own well-being. You can ask yourself the following questions:
    • Are you getting the same in return?
    • What benefits do you get for yourself when you behave in this way?
  • Are you trying to change the other person? This is a common problem for many people, and the result is almost always not in their favor. If you don't like a person the way they really are, don't expect to be able to change him or her. In some cases, it can be helpful to help someone who has already voiced a desire to change something about themselves. However, you should never force a person to change who does not want to change.
    • Don't try to be a superhero.
    • You have your own problems to work on, let others solve theirs.
  • Do you feel needed (oh), controlled (oh) or loved (oh)? Is this person taking care of you or are you being used? Are you guided in your actions by love, or is the other person trying to keep you on a short leash? Or are you the one who is in a relationship with the person who is experiencing the feelings from step one of this article? This may be difficult to determine. Here are some signs to look out for.
    • Is your partner (partner) absolutely miserable (oops) when you are not around?
    • Does your partner feel left out (oh) if you made plans without including him or her?
    • Does your partner (partner) call you abnormally often?
    • Does such a person get jealous when you want to meet friends, and not spend time with her or him?
  • Are you yourself? Are you behaving the way you think the other person wants you to behave? If your partner (sha) cannot accept you for who you really are, then this is an unhealthy relationship. Think about these questions:
    • Do I need to change completely when I am around my partner(s)?
    • Does my partner (partner) put pressure on me to be (be) what I really am not?
    • Does this person accept me completely: not only with my good features, but also with my shortcomings?
  • Are you overlooking obvious flaws? Are there important character traits in your partner that really upset you? If so, are you trying to ignore the feelings these things make you feel? It's always better to look your problems straight in the face. Tell your partner (partner) about your feelings and about what upsets you. If such a person starts making efforts to change, it may be time to move on.
  • Are you too in love to see the full picture? Don't let yourself be blinded by love. Think sensibly about your relationship problems. The state when you are so blinded by love for someone that you can no longer think logically and understand what is best for you will only create big problems, eventually.
    • Would you forgive another person who might have offended you in the same way that your partner (partner) offended you?
    • Are you constantly making excuses for your partner's actions?
    • Are you constantly waiting for something far away, the opposite of your usual reality?

Discomfort is a signal that can often be quite helpful. Unfortunately, we often confuse it with misfortune, fleeing from which we run away from change. To come to a new understanding, to realize the limits of one's own beliefs, to motivate oneself for real changes, as a rule, a small amount of discomfort is needed.

  1. Feeling like you're reliving your childhood fears. You will find yourself facing challenges in adulthood that you struggled with as a child. And although, at first glance, it looks like you have not learned a lesson from them, in fact it means that you are beginning to realize why you think and feel the way you do. And this is the first step towards change.
  2. Feeling "lost" and aimless. Feeling lost is actually a sign that you have become more present in your own life. You live less in memories and thoughts about the future, and more in the present. Until you get used to it, you will feel as if you have lost your way. But remember that it's actually the other way around.
  3. Cloudiness of the "left hemisphere of the brain". More often using right hemisphere(more relying on intuition and emotions), it may seem to you that the functions of the “left hemisphere” have begun to lose their meaning. Things like concentration, organization, and memory for small details suddenly became difficult.
  4. Random outbursts of irrational anger or sadness that get worse until you stop ignoring them. Emotions begin to erupt when they "decide" to be recognized. And our job is to stop fighting them and resist them. In order to gain power over them, they must instead be recognized.
  5. Sleep disturbance. You will sleep much more or less than usual, You will wake up in the middle of the night because you can't stop thinking about something. You will find yourself full of energy or completely exhausted.
  6. There are events that change the usual course of life. You suddenly have to move, get divorced, lose your job, crash your car, etc.
  7. Strong need to be alone. At some point, you gave up on the idea of ​​spending every weekend with your friends. Other people's problems began to drain you more than they intrigue. Most likely, this indicates that you have passed the "flashing".
  8. Emotional, vivid dreams that you almost always remember in detail. If dreams are how your subconscious communicates with you (or projects an image of your experience), then surely yours is trying to tell you something.
  9. You have fewer friends. You are increasingly uncomfortable in the company of negatively minded friends. The main problem of such people is that they themselves are rarely aware of their pessimism, and it is somehow uncomfortable to tell them about it. Therefore, you gradually begin to ignore old friends.
  10. The feeling that all your dreams are crumbling. You may not realize at the moment that you are moving towards a reality that is better than the one you dreamed of, and which more corresponds to you now, and not to who you once imagined yourself to be.
  11. The feeling that your thoughts are your worst enemy. You begin to realize that your thoughts do indeed shape your experience. But this is often not the case until our patience runs out. After that, we try to start controlling them - and that's when we realize that we have always controlled them.
  12. Uncertainty about who you really are. Your last illusions about who you "should" be have vanished. You feel insecure because of uncertainty! You are in the process of development. When things change for the worse, we don't feel insecure - we get angry and shut down. In other words, if you experience insecurity or uncertainty, it usually leads to something better.
  13. Understanding what a long way you still have to go. You realize this because you can tell where you are going. This means that you finally know where and who you want to be.
  14. "Knowing" things you'd rather not know. Understanding how someone really feels, or that the relationship is over, or that you can no longer be in this job. The reason for the "irrational" anxiety is hidden in the subconscious sensation, which is not yet taken seriously because of its seemingly illogical nature.
  15. Strong desire to speak for oneself. The fact that you start to get angry with yourself for how much you have allowed yourself to remain indifferent, deprived yourself of the word, or how much you have allowed other people's voices to sound in your head is a sign that you are finally ready to stop listening to them, and, First of all, start loving and respecting yourself.
  16. The realization that only you are responsible for your life and your happiness. This kind of emotional autonomy is terrifying, because if you get confused, the responsibility falls on you. At the same time, being aware of this is the only way to be truly free. In this case, the game is worth the candle.

Very often you do not understand what is good relationship, having not been in terrible before. Love is a strange thing: you think you understand perfectly what it is until you experience it for yourself. Love always changes you, it makes you better. When you have a happy relationship with someone you truly love and who loves you with all his heart, the following happens:

1. Everything develops without tension

In the right relationship, everything will always be easy. It will be very easy for you to interact with your partner. Moreover, when you are in such a relationship, loving is something quite natural. You can't even imagine choosing someone else to replace your partner. You feel yourself in an endless stream of tenderness.

2. After a fight, you feel like you've become much closer.

Every couple fights, and probably more often than you might think. The question is, will you stop these fights and move away from each other, or will you try to resolve the situation and be better for each other. A happy relationship implies exactly the latter.

3. You become more confident in everything you do.

You don't just admire each other and have endless passion. In the right relationship, every aspect of your life improves. You become more confident, because there is someone nearby who will always support you.

4. Comfort comes first, not passion.

Of course, a happy relationship requires both. But you can experience passion with almost anyone. Comfort is another matter. This is a feeling of happiness, the ability to enjoy each other every day. This feeling is priceless, it makes your coexistence truly happy.

5. Childhood wounds heal

In the right relationship, you experience a sense of security. Often this results in your "inner child" coming back. Sometimes it looks like a couple of people become too attached to each other, like children. But sometimes people project their deep childhood trauma onto their partner. Regardless of what happens, you begin to work with your deep problems. As a result, you correct and change the relationship with your parents. You also feel less intimidated or insecure.

6. You begin to wonder about the power of time.

When we are young, we rarely think about what will happen next, how and when this or that event will happen. But when we are in a happy relationship, we know for sure that we are on the right path all the time. And that everything that happened to you before did not happen in vain.

7. You rediscover joy

Many people think that finding love is like rediscovering your romantic self. However, the right relationship will make you truly find and feel your inner self. This is one of the most amazing differences between the right relationship, which is happy, and the wrong or toxic one.

8. You feel completely different.

A happy relationship will make you feel like you are changing for the better. To love is not just to have a person with whom you can share eternity. This person becomes your driving and motivational force.

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