Sun application for an insured event. Car insurance at VSK company Vehicle insurance at VSK company

The OSAGO policy is mandatory for every motorist; it is designed to insure motor third party liability. The document protects property interests, compensates for the harm caused to health and life to third parties in an accident on the territory of the Russian Federation. The VSK company offers favorable conditions for registration of the OSAGO policy.

Features of auto insurance in VSK

A military insurance company or VSK provides civil liability auto insurance services by issuing an OSAGO policy. She is in the TOP-5 of the best SC of the Russian Federation. The activity of the organization began in 1993. She was the first to propose issuing policies using special terminals.

The main features of OSAGO from VSK:

  1. Round the clock information support. The company has its own call-center, which operates 24 hours a day, without holidays and weekends. Its employees are ready to provide a variety of detailed information about insurance services.
  2. RSA member. VSK is a member of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. This means that already five days after the accident, the organization can make payments.
  3. Ability to contact any office in the country. Wherever a traffic accident occurs, the driver can contact any office of the company. There is no binding to the place of conclusion of the contract.
  4. Wide range of insurance options. The driver can conclude an insurance contract on special conditions, as a result, the amount of compensation in case of an accident can reach 3 billion rubles.

What you need to know about insurance in VSK

Cooperation with the VSK company when purchasing an OSAGO policy is in many ways similar to the general requirements in the insurance market. Absolutely every driver must purchase this document.

VSK auto insurance carried out for a period of 12 months. However, the period of use of the contract can be in the range from three to twelve months. For example, if the car will be used exclusively in the summer, then you can purchase a policy for three months. The application time for personal measures may be extended. VSK will allow you to sign a special contract with the designation of the insurance year and period of operation. You need to pay for the policy at the terminal.

Reissuance or renewal of the OSAGO policy should be done in advance. These procedures should not be delayed until the last. It is better to do this a few weeks before the end of the term of the insurance contract.

Payments to VSK

VSK strives to keep the brand and almost always makes payments without any delay. For different categories of vehicles and drivers, the insurance company establishes different sums insured under contracts.

The following amounts are currently in effect:

  • Property damage compensation. No more than 400 thousand rubles.
  • Loss of a breadwinner. Participants in an accident receive 475,000 rubles each.
  • Compensation for harm to life. Payment in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles for each victim.
  • Burial of the victims. Payments are made in the amount of up to 25 thousand rubles.

The procedure for the driver in an accident

In the event of a traffic accident, the driver must stop and not move the car. After that, you need to turn on the alarm and set the appropriate sign.

If there are victims, you should take care of providing them with first aid, call an ambulance. If it becomes necessary to move the car (for example, to deliver the victim to the hospital or other important purposes), it is necessary to find witnesses to the incident and fix the original position of the vehicle. The next step is to notify the traffic police. In the absence of victims, drivers can themselves come to the traffic police station.

To receive insurance compensation, you will need a number of documents, some of which can be obtained from the police. However, you can issue them yourself, using the notification form. You can do this in the following cases:

  1. Each participant in the accident has an OSAGO policy
  2. The parties have no disagreement

It must be remembered that in this case the amount of payment cannot exceed 50 thousand rubles.

You can call an insurance agent to the scene of an accident, but this requirement is not mandatory. However, a specialist can conduct a detailed examination and report on the preliminary amount of compensation. He can appoint an independent examination, but in practice this rarely happens, except in cases where the parties cannot reach an agreement.

After a traffic accident, all documents should be sent to the UK within two weeks. A notice is sent to the insured at the specified address. In addition to it, you should provide a certificate of the accident (for cases when the traffic police made registration), as well as copies of the protocol describing the offense.

If property was damaged during an accident, then a document confirming the right to drive a vehicle, an agreement with the UK, an opinion of an independent expert, a receipt for payment for his services and storage of property (if necessary) should be prepared.

When the breadwinner died in an accident, you should draw up a statement that lists all family members, submit a certificate from the place of study (if the deceased studied), if there are children, certificates of their birth, honey. conclusion and certificate from the social security authorities.

For the person who reimburses funeral expenses, a copy of the death certificate and documentation that confirms the expenses incurred must be provided.

In case of harm to health without a fatal outcome, the following documentation should be prepared:

  • checks confirming the cost of treatment;
  • an extract from the medical history;
  • honey. conclusion;
  • documents confirming the purchase of additional medicines.

The amount of payments under the OSAGO policy

  • Damage caused to one vehicle: up to 400 thousand rubles
  • Damage was caused to two or more vehicles: up to 400 thousand rubles each
  • Damage to health: up to 160 thousand rubles for each victim (the culprit of the accident is not included in their number)

The cost of the policy is influenced by various factors, among them the type of vehicle, the period of operation, the power of the power unit, the territory of operation of the car, and much more.

Company VSK offers car insurance online. This service allows you to significantly save time and effort of the client. On the official site VSK cost of electronic car insurance you can pre-determine your costs. To do this, go to the calculator page and fill in all the main fields. After a few moments, the service will issue a response

OSAGO benefits for persons with disabilities

VSK provides persons with disabilities who own a vehicle with special insurance conditions. The organization compensates half of the insurance premium paid by them under the OSAGO policy.

These rules apply if the vehicle will be operated by a disabled person and no more than 2 drivers. Compensation of insurance premiums under policies act as an expense obligation of the Russian Federation. The state authorizes state bodies. the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to pay them to disabled people under compulsory insurance contracts.

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that preferential categories of policyholders pay the insurance premium in full under a compulsory insurance contract. After that, through the state bodies of the social. guardianship, they are compensated for half of the amount paid.

How many drivers can be included in the OSAGO policy

VSK Company and the legislation of the Russian Federation do not set limits on the number of people allowed to drive a vehicle. However, in the OSAGO policy, only 4 lines are provided for entering them. There is space on the back of the document. Drivers can also be included there. You can also order an insurance program that does not limit the number of drivers driving a car.

Is it possible to add more drivers to OSAGO?

This possibility is provided. To do this, send an application to the representative office of the insurance company.

Taking into account the age and experience of the motorist who will be added to driving the vehicle, the cost of the contract may be changed.

Green Card insurance and product features

The Green Card certificate is issued when the car will stay abroad. The product features are:

  • The insured may not be the owner of the vehicle
  • The certificate must indicate the person who concludes the insurance contract
  • The policy must be issued at least 30 days before the trip
  • The contract will be valid only for those drivers who are allowed to drive the vehicle and have legal grounds for this.

A feature of the "Green Card" is that only the insurer fits into it. There are no restrictions on car drivers. Moreover, this does not affect the price of the policy in any way. Tariffs are affected by the type of vehicle, the territory of the policy and the term of insurance.

Service from VSK car insurance online allows you to profitably and without problems get a policy right at home. The company is one of the best in Russia, which confirms that its presence in the TOP-5 UK of the country is not accidental. You can buy an OSAGO policy for a period of 3 months to 1 year. Reliability, no problems with payments, impeccable reputation - these are just some of the advantages of VSK, which Russian motorists have managed to appreciate!

  • stop immediately, turn on the hazard warning lights, put up an emergency stop sign (in the city - at least 15 m, outside the settlement - at least 30 m). Do not move the vehicle from its place, and do not move objects related to the accident
  • call the traffic police to the scene of the accident, if necessary, call the rescue service
  • report the occurrence of an insured event to the VSK dispatch service by calling (495) 727-44-44 for Moscow and 8 (800) 775-775-1, 8 (800) 100-00-50 for calls within Russia (toll free) and provide the following information:
    - insurance policy number
    — Full name of the policyholder, make, model, state registration plate of the insured car
    - address and description of the incident
  • VSK consultant will give all the necessary instructions for your further actions
  • take all possible measures to preserve traces and objects related to the incident and organize a detour of the scene
  • write down the names, phone numbers and addresses of witnesses.
  • together with another participant in the accident, fill out the OSAGO notice (blue form) and sign it. Pay attention to the accuracy of the information provided by another participant in the accident (insurance policy number, name of the insurance company, make, model and state number of the car). Give a copy of the accident notice to another participant in the accident
  • when drawing up the scheme of an accident and the protocol, demand that they reflect information that, in your opinion, is not taken into account. If you do not agree with the traffic police protocol, be sure to indicate: “I don’t consider myself a violator” or "I don't agree with...". Under no circumstances refuse to sign the protocol. Do not sign any other documents the meaning of which is not clear to you or with which you do not agree.

Documents required in case of an accident

  • Written application for damages from the Insured, Beneficiary, Owner, Insured or their heirs or their representatives, completed in the form established by the Insurer;
  • Identity documents the Policyholder (the Beneficiary) or a person who is the representative of the Policyholder ( Citizen's passport or driver's license).
  • If the Insured is a legal entity - when submitting an application, its representative must have a properly executed power of attorney to conduct business with the Insurer on behalf of the Policyholder.
  • Vehicle registration certificate and/or Vehicle Passport.
  • In the event that the Policyholder is not the owner of the vehicle - the current civil contract or notarized power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle, confirming the interest of the Insured in the preservation of the insured property.
  • Waybill(for legal entities).
  • Driver's license the person driving the vehicle at the time of the event.
  • Insurance policy.
  • Additional agreements to the policy (if any).
  • If possible, a document confirming the fact of payment of the policy (insurance premiums).
  • A notarized power of attorney when transferring funds in favor of an applicant who is not a Beneficiary.
  • Order letter of the Beneficiary, certificate of inheritance, bank details of the recipient of insurance compensation (if necessary).
  • When registering an accident by traffic police officers:
    A certificate of a traffic accident and / or other document issued by the traffic police, which contain (each or in combination) information about the place, time and participants in the accident, the list and nature of damage to the vehicles of the participants in the accident, information about the violation or absence of violations of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation by each of participants in the accident, information about the direction of the participants in the accident for a medical examination, the name of the OSAGO Insurers of the participants in the accident and the numbers of the OSAGO agreements.
  • Protocol on an administrative offense (except when administrative liability for violation of clauses of traffic rules is not provided) OGIBDD.
  • Decision on the case of an administrative offense or Determination in the case of an administrative offense or Resolution-receipt in the case of an administrative offense issued by the traffic police.
  • The act of medical examination of the driver who drove the vehicle (if the driver was sent for a medical examination).
  • Decision to initiate a criminal case or Decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case(if the accident had signs of a crime).
  • Decision to terminate the criminal case issued by the Department of Internal Affairs (if a criminal case was initiated).
  • Documents confirming the actual costs associated with the evacuation of the damaged vehicle:
    • For cash payments - Receipt-agreement on the form BO-3;
    • For non-cash payments - Contract for the provision of services, Certificate of completion, copy of payment order.

Just in case

  • upon the occurrence of an event, immediately report the incident to the competent authorities:
    • From a landline:
      • 01 - Ministry of Emergency Situations, Fire protection
      • 02 - traffic police, police department
      • 03 - Ambulance Service
    • From a mobile phone:
      • 112 - for MTS subscribers
      • 112, 911 - for Beeline subscribers
      • 112, 020 - for Megafon subscribers
      • (495) 937-99-11 - through the rescue service
  • contact the VSK dispatch service at (495) 727-44-44 for Moscow and 8(800)775-775-1, 8(800)100-00-50 for calls within Russia (toll free) to register the event and receive consultations on the necessary set of documents and further actions
  • do not make promises or make offers of voluntary compensation for harm caused to third parties
  • when receiving documents from the competent authorities, make sure that they contain:
    • information about the vehicle (make, model, state registration number)
    • date and place of the event
    • list of damages received
    • information about the causes of the event and / or the perpetrators
  • before the VSK representative inspects the damaged car, do not take measures to eliminate the damage and restore the car.

Where to go

It is advisable to submit a written application within 3 working days from the moment of the occurrence of the insured event at any VSK settlement office convenient for you.

If you have a service card, you can apply by calling the emergency commissioner.

Most of us want to believe that everything will always be in order with personal transport, that nothing bad will happen. However, it is necessary to provide as much as possible. At the same time, many come to the decision to issue a CASCO policy. And then one day it becomes clear that insurance is very useful. Because the very event that is called an insured event comes. Let's not forget: Casco is issued not only for car insurance, but also for any transport. However, for simplicity, we will still consider cars as the most common objects. Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right.

Casco insured events

Only after it can the calculation of insurance compensation be made. Since 2017, new rules for insurance payments have been in effect.

According to them, the main method of insurance compensation is repair work. Since the summer of this year, it is possible to receive monetary compensation under newly concluded insurance contracts only under special circumstances:

  • harm to human health;
  • a disabled person was involved in the accident;
  • the insurance company cannot, for some reason, make high-quality and timely repairs of the vehicle;
  • the amount of damage exceeds the maximum limit stipulated by the insurance contract;
  • mutual agreement between the insured and the insurer and other cases.

What to do if the car is damaged by intruders The above instruction is suitable for all insured events.

But in the event of an accident without an accident, there are some features regarding the design.

Casco insurance in Sun


In this case, it is enough to drive up to your company to inspect the vehicle and the damage is fixed on the spot. Sometimes, if the company's expert decides, damage to the paintwork may be included in the list of minor damage.

As a rule, if there are no obvious consequences of a collision with another vehicle. In other cases, it is necessary to call the emergency commissioner.
Acts of vandalism or theft against a car must be recorded by the police. Actions of the holder of the CASCO policy in case of an accident and other insured events What to do when an insured event occurs under the CASCO is a legitimate question for the policyholder.

The algorithm is fairly standard. But the insurer does not always describe it in detail when issuing a CASCO policy. Therefore, here is a list of necessary actions in case of an insured event:

  • Call an inspector or an emergency commissioner to fix the incident.

    Do not rush to call the commissioner if you do not admit guilt.

What should I do to get a refund on this basis? Provide a certificate from the meteorological service.

  • Fire, burning, spontaneous combustion.
  • Involuntary impact on auto animals.
  • Falling on the car of various objects. It can be stones, icicles, snow.
  • An explosion, regardless of the cause.
  • In all these situations, the insured is entitled to compensation.

    The insurance company is not entitled to refuse to cover the damage if the car owner acted in accordance with the following procedure during the registration of the insured event. How to file an insured event Not all policyholders know what to do when an insured event occurs.

    But the probability of receiving a CASCO payment depends on how clearly and reasonably the driver acts.

What is included in the Casco insurance event

Application Structure of the application:

  • cap (the addressee of the application, the applicant is indicated);
  • document's name;
  • main text (describes the incident, sets out the request for compensation);
  • date and signature.

Sample application for payment of insurance compensation. Registration And now we will find out how to act in the event of an insurance accident. First, re-read the contract, understand your rights, calculate the amount that can be paid.

After all, many insurance companies are looking for ways to avoid paying compensation. Then you can follow this order:

  1. Call a representative of the traffic police or an emergency commissioner.
    They fix the accident.

Magic policy. What to do if an insured event occurs under Casco?

These are the cases:

Insured event vsk how is Casco issued

It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • Information about the company
  • Regional activities
  • Programs
  • Compact
  • Classic
  • Compact plus
  • Confident
  • Rules of insurance in this insurance company
  • If an insured event occurs

Information about the VSK company - or more precisely, the VSK Insurance House is an insurer that appeared on the Russian market in 1992. This company is now holding on to leadership positions, its activities have been awarded state titles for their contribution to the insurance business, and since 2001 it has been awarded the highest reliability class A +++ (an exceptionally high level of reliability). The company confirms this class annually. It is also worth noting a wide range of services provided, and a fairly transparent financial activity of the company.

All about the hull policy in sk vsk: insurance programs and rules for concluding a contract

CASCO payment will be available in a month. General Guidelines for Reimbursement There are several important rules that, if not followed, may affect the decision to receive compensation. If an insured event occurs, follow these tips:

  • Do not evacuate the car without the consent of the UK.
  • Make copies of all documents submitted to the authorities.
  • Do not make repairs before receiving payment.
  • Provide a car for examination in a timely manner, without delay.
  • Require that the registration number be put on the application.
  • In the event of a case without an accident, check with the IC in advance for a list of required documents.
  • Do not rush to accept payments for repairs if they are less than the amount required to restore the vehicle.

With CASCO liability insurance, the range of situations in the event of which the car owner can receive compensation is significantly expanded.

How to apply for a Casco insurance event


  • Order letter of the Beneficiary, certificate of inheritance, bank details of the recipient of insurance compensation (if necessary).
  • When registering an accident by traffic police officers: A certificate of a traffic accident and / or other document issued by the traffic police, which contain (each or in combination) information about the place, time and participants in the accident, the list and nature of damage to the vehicles of participants in the accident, information about the violation or the absence of violations of traffic rules of the Russian Federation by each of the participants in the accident, information about the direction of the participants in the accident for a medical examination, the name of the OSAGO Insurers of the participants in the accident and the numbers of the OSAGO agreements.
  • Protocol on an administrative offense (except for cases when administrative liability for violation of clause

Casco insured event: definition, examples, execution

They are divided into two groups:

  • damage is manifested in the risk of damage, complete destruction of the car as a result of an emergency situation on the roads, leading to an accident. These include a collision of vehicles, their collision with each other, their overturning, falling into a ditch, ravines, collision with another vehicle when it is parked;
  • theft occurs in the case of theft, robbery, illegal possession, without the intent to steal.

The insurance company individually determines the risks, from what types of risks it is ready to protect its customers. However, as practice shows, the set of risks is standard. It depends on the package purchased by the client, which can be either extended or reduced.

The insurance policy of the car that hit me: Series: BBB No: 0178090195.

June 30, 2012 in Murmansk, following with his family in the wake of the car ahead
stopped at a traffic light sign and got hit hard from behind by a car.
They called DPS. Made up all the paperwork. OSAGO of the owner of the hit car in IC "VSK".
My Lada Priore station wagon is 1.5 MONTHS! (by the way, on the previous car, Lada-2111,
7 years departure without a single scratch).
I turned to the Monchegorsk branch of IC "VSK", where I handed over all the documents. From there, they sent an auto expert for inspection.

From the inspection report (damage section). Verbatim:
1. Tailgate (trunk lid) - the lower part is deformed on the square. 20%. Door frame damaged. Replacement, painting.
2. The rear bumper is damaged with the formation of dents, hoods, kinks, ruptures. Replacement, painting.
3. The back panel is deformed on the square. fifty%. Replacement, painting.
From myself (non-specialist) I will add: the door is bent from below and did not close. The bottom of the body (metal) went up, the bumper folded in half, jumped out on the right and hung. On the right was a bent spar.

20 days have passed.
During this time, I traveled around in search of where I would do the repair of my Marya 3 technical salon at off-dealers of VAZ
(Olimp Auto, Murmanskavtoservis, Avtotekhservis-Monchegorsk), because My car is under warranty and I don't want to lose it.
In all THREE! salons, having examined the car, the receivers announced the amount of repair 45 - 50 THOUSAND RUBLES.
Do-it-yourselfers in garages called 30 tyrs without material.

Today I called VSK-Murmansk and asked how I was doing. They said that the amount was calculated (ABOUT 12 THOUSAND RUB.!!!), but they have not yet transferred it, because according to the regulations have a time of up to 1 month.
Exactly a FOURTH of the amount, it turned out, is worth the repair in the opinion of respected professionals in VSK!!!
Can they tell me where to treat her for that kind of money?
And this despite the fact that I have traveled over 200 km several times. to the capital of the Arctic and Monchegorsk (I live in the region - Lovozero) on all these matters. And on weekdays.

Here also draw conclusions, where to be insured.

Now I have a dilemma. I'll wait for the transfer of the specified amount and:
1. Court. I collected all the docks, including coupons for gasoline (the agent immediately told me - you will definitely sue - they will count a little).
2. Or impose on the balance of the amount. I will not get poorer (apparently, the POLICY of the IC "VSK" is aimed at this).
But so that other potential buyers of insurance in IC "VSK" know, on my ward portals (as a sys.admin and author) I will clearly lay out information and index articles about this disgrace. With dock scans and phone records. conversations. No conclusions. Let the visitors make their own.

What is the point of this insurance, if the hitter left with a shuffling leg, and you have crap for more than one month, minus one loss, including TCB. Judging by the messages above and below, CASCO is not a panacea.
I will post the result online. Thank you.

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