Reproductive health and disease. Reproductive health - what is it? Factors influencing human reproductive health. Impact of working conditions


Of particular importance in preserving and strengthening the reproductive health of young women under the age of 40 belongs to preventive measures. The preventive principle, recognized as a priority in the first half of the twentieth century, is necessary to improve the quality of public health in order to overcome problems in population reproduction. It is necessary to preserve the three-stage organizational structure of the reproductive health system for young women under the age of 40: identify risk groups for reproductive system disorders during preventive examinations among girls; examination and treatment of young women with reproductive disorders in a hospital or clinic, dynamic observation, counseling on family planning; conducting examination and treatment in a hospital setting, correcting the tactics of managing patients in adolescent gynecology offices, organizational and methodological work. High somatic and gynecological morbidity, the prevalence of STIs, and menstrual-ovarian cycle disorders are a combination of factors that allow young women under the age of 40 to be classified as a group of high reproductive risk, which requires urgent organizational and comprehensive measures to improve preventive work and medical examination.

young women


reproductive health


1. Konovalov O.E. Priority directions for the prevention of reproductive health disorders // Problems of social hygiene and history of medicine. – 1998. – No. 4. – P. 9–13.

2. Sukhanova L.P. Dynamics and structure of reproductive losses in Russia / L.P. Sukhanova, I.S. Tsibulskaya // Materials of the VI Russian Forum “Mother and Child”. – M., 2004. – P. 640–641.

3. Frolova O.G. Abortion: medical, social and clinical aspects / O.G. Frolova, I.A. Volnova, I.M. Astakhova and others - M.: Triada-X, 2003. - 160 p.

4. Frolova O.G. Obstetric and gynecological care: a guide for doctors / O.G. Frolova, L.V. Gavrilova, E.I. Nikolaeva and others; edited by IN AND. Kulakova. – M.: MEDpress, 2000. – 507 p.

5. Ulumbekova G.E. Healthcare of Russia. What needs to be done: scientific justification for the “Strategy for the development of healthcare in the Russian Federation until 2020.” – M.: Geotar-Media, 2010. – P. 592.

Prevention of reproductive health disorders, according to many authors, should be aimed at early identification and elimination of causes and negatively influencing factors.

O.E. Konovalov (1998) distinguishes three types of prevention of reproductive health disorders: primary (social), secondary (socio-medical), tertiary (medical).

Primary (social) prevention consists in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, in the education of reproductive, sexual and marital behavior of young people.

Secondary (social and medical) prevention includes medical and social counseling aimed at solving family planning issues. This work needs to be carried out by family planning and reproduction centers.

Tertiary (medical) includes early detection, treatment and rehabilitation of girls and women with reproductive disorders.

In this regard, before developing preventive measures to preserve the reproductive health of women under the age of 40, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of their health problems.

Research results and discussion

To conduct research to study the state of reproductive health of young women under 40 years of age in order to identify medical-biological and medical-social factors, a cohort of women who were surveyed was examined.

The study was conducted in conditions favorable for the survey, using the method of anonymous questioning (during a visit to the gynecologist in the antenatal clinic) with a preliminary explanation to the respondents of the medical and social significance of the purpose and especially the results of the work. At the same time, in order to achieve high reliability of the survey results, only those respondents who gave voluntary consent were subject to examination, having received appropriate guarantees of complete confidentiality.

Of the 920 women surveyed, 25 ± 1.2% of young women (299 people) answered positively to the question about the presence of any gynecological diseases. The absence of any disturbances in reproductive function was noted by 75 ± 1.2% of respondents (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Distribution of examined women depending on the presence of disorders in the reproductive sphere (as a percentage of the total)

It should be noted that among women who believe that they do not have any gynecological diseases, 25 ± 1.4% are sexually active irregularly. At the same time, it follows from the questionnaires that sexually inactive women generally do not visit a gynecologist regularly, and only 32 ± 2.8% of sexually inactive women indicated regular visits to a gynecologist. Therefore, data on the presence or absence of gynecological diseases in young women who have irregular sexual activity should be taken critically.

According to the results of an anonymous survey, in the structure of gynecological diseases (Table 1) among sexually active women, the largest share belongs to sexually transmitted infections (30%), almost the same number of female students (29%) have menstrual disorders. When comparing the structure of diseases of the reproductive system in sexually inactive women, the first place is taken by menstrual cycle disorders (77%), and the second place is occupied by inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs (13%).

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that 11 (4%) of those examined had already faced the problem of infertility before the study. Such significant data regarding sexually transmitted diseases in sexually active girls is most likely due to non-use or ineffective use of personal protective equipment during sexual intercourse. And this is among young women who have a fairly high level of medical knowledge and, it would seem, sanitary culture, who have sufficient understanding of STIs and their consequences.

As a result, another paradoxical situation arises when there is a high incidence of STIs in young women who are sufficiently educated, including in the field of health care.

The results of this stage of work showed that every fourth woman has reproductive disorders. And such a high prevalence of gynecological pathology among young women under the age of 40 not only confirms the need for this study, but also indicates the need to develop preventive measures.

For a more detailed study of the state of reproductive health of respondents, the results of examinations by a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic were studied. Based on the results of registration of preventive examinations, it was found that 75 ± 1.4% of women were considered healthy, and 25 ± 1.4% were diagnosed with certain diseases of the reproductive system.

Table 1

Frequency and structure of gynecological morbidity in women, taking into account their sexual activity

Nosological diseases

Number of identified diseases

In absolute numbers

Per 100 women

Sexually active

Not sexually active

Sexually active

Not sexually active

Sexually active

Not sexually active

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and external genitalia

Menstrual irregularities


Benign neoplasms of the pelvic organs

Benign diseases of the cervix

It turns out that the data obtained as a result of copying from outpatient cards in the antenatal clinic and the data from the survey results on the presence of diseases of the reproductive system of the respondents coincide. This indicates the representativeness of the results of the anonymous survey.

In the structure of gynecological diseases identified during a gynecological examination, the first place belongs to inflammatory diseases (37% of cases), the second place belongs to benign diseases of the cervix (21% of cases), the third place goes to menstrual disorders (18% of cases), infectious diseases of the reproductive system were diagnosed in 13% of those examined, and in 11% of girls benign diseases of the reproductive system were detected.

The realization of reproductive potential, of course, is determined primarily by the state of the reproductive system, the presence or absence of disorders in it to varying degrees of severity, as well as the general level of somatic health.

According to the results of our survey, only 47 ± 1.4% (564 students) of women believe that they do not have any extragenital diseases.

Among those examined, diseases of the digestive organs predominated in the structure of all diseases (45%). Among the reasons for such high rates of gastrointestinal disorders, it should be taken into account that in conditions of intense work, accompanied by enormous emotional stress and lack of time, an irrational diet is observed. The most common disease of the digestive tract among women was gastritis, the presence of which was indicated by 66 ± 2.7% of all those with digestive system disorders (Fig. 2).

Somewhat different data were obtained when working with women’s outpatient records. Based on the results of their analysis, it was found that somatic diseases were diagnosed in only 27% of those examined. Such a significant difference, which is significant (t ≥ 3), in the number of women with the absence of extragenital pathology according to the questionnaire and according to data copied from outpatient records (47 ± 1.4% and 73 ± 1.4%, respectively), is apparently , can be explained by the formal approach to medical examination (lack of time for a detailed medical history by the doctor conducting a therapeutic examination of large contingents, or his lack of interest in identifying diseases) and, to some extent, also by the difference in the age of the subjects. During the questionnaire, the average age was 33.5 ± 0.2 years, and when copying data from outpatient records, the average age of women was 31.4 ± 0.17 years.

In both scientific and practical contexts, the above is a reason for certain assumptions and, possibly, subsequent conclusions. And among these assumptions, the question arises about the formality of medical examination not only in terms of diagnosing diseases, but also in terms of subsequent health improvement, since this is precisely the strategic task of medical examination as a method of preserving and improving health.

Rice. 2. Structure of extragenital pathology among examined women under the age of 40 (% of the total)

It should be taken into account that during the period of study at the university and the subsequent first years of work, there is a significant increase in the incidence of young women, which confirms the results of our research (Table 2).

table 2

Morbidity rates for young women under 40 years of age (per 100 examined)

These studies show that during their studies at the university and in the first years of work, young women experience a significant deterioration in their health, judging by the number and structure of extragenital pathology:

a) the range of diseases identified during medical examination is expanding (vision is decreasing, the number of patients with disorders in the nervous system, cardiovascular pathology, etc. is increasing);

b) changes occur in the structure of general somatic morbidity:

Diseases of the digestive system move to second place;

The leading place is occupied by eye diseases (most often myopia);

Urinary tract diseases, occupying third place in the structure, remain just as common;

Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy fourth place in the structure.

These data indicate that the work being done to protect their health is insufficient.

Thus, it is necessary to maintain the three-stage organizational structure of the reproductive health care system for young women under the age of 40. The first stage was to identify risk groups for reproductive system disorders during preventive examinations among girls. The second stage includes examination and treatment of young women with reproductive disorders in a hospital or clinic, dynamic observation, and counseling on family planning issues. The third stage is necessary for examination and treatment in a hospital setting, correction of patient management tactics in adolescent gynecology offices, organizational and methodological work.

High somatic and gynecological morbidity, the prevalence of STIs, and menstrual-ovarian cycle disorders are a combination of factors that allow young women under the age of 40 to be classified as a group of high reproductive risk, which requires urgent organizational and comprehensive measures to improve preventive work and medical examination.


Proshchaev K.I., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the ANO “Research Medical Center “GERONTOLOGY”, Moscow;

Ilnitsky A.N., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of the Polotsk State University, Chairman of the Belarusian Republican Public Gerontological Association, Novopolotsk.

The work was received by the editor on March 6, 2014.

Bibliographic link

Sergeiko I.V., Lyutsko V.V., Lyutsko V.V. PREVENTION OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH DISORDERS IN WOMEN UNDER 40 YEARS OF AGE // Fundamental Research. – 2014. – No. 4-2. – P. 350-354;
URL: (access date: 01/30/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"


The demographic situation in Russia has deteriorated significantly in recent years due to the state of reproductive health of the population, the lifestyle of the younger generation, the environment and quality of life. The state is making attempts to prevent the decline in the birth rate, but the problem remains. Childbirth is not only a medical issue, but also a national situation.

The meaning of the concept of “reproductive health”

According to the World Health Organization, reproductive health of the population is the psychological, social and physiological readiness of a person to start a family and continue the family line. This term includes sexual health, the absence of sexually transmitted diseases and other factors that can negatively affect conception, gestation, mental and physical health of the child. In recent years, the younger generation has been leading an unhealthy lifestyle, which has a negative impact on reproductive health.


The main indicator of reproductive health is a successful pregnancy and childbirth. The following criteria for assessing reproductive health exist:

  • the state of the mother’s body, the presence of pathologies of various natures, general immunity;
  • father’s health (50% of a successful outcome depends on the condition of the male body and the chronic pathologies he has);
  • hereditary diseases;
  • STIs (sexually transmitted infections);
  • HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome);
  • low abortion and infant mortality rates;
  • declining rates of infertility;
  • number of women using contraceptives.

Impact of risk factors on reproductive health

In recent years, research has been actively conducted to study the influence of causes of various natures on women’s reproductive health. These risk factors include the following groups:

  • Socio-psychological - consist of a tense economic situation (material well-being), include the presence of stress, anxiety and fear.
  • Occupational – exposure to harmful or dangerous substances, work conditions that can affect the normal functioning of organs should be eliminated even before pregnancy.
  • Genetic reasons.
  • Environmental factors.


The quality of consumed products directly affects health, including reproductive health. It is important to avoid fatty, fried, smoked foods and large amounts of sweets.. The daily diet should be divided into several (4-6 times) meals. It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Overeating or undereating negatively affects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole. Nutrition should be balanced, rich in the required amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.


The environmental situation in Russia and other countries around the world leaves much to be desired, especially in recent years. The latest technologies can significantly make human life easier, help fight serious diseases, but at the same time contribute to the emergence of new ones. The destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere leads to an increase in the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface of the planet, which negatively affects the general immunity of the population.

In addition, the so-called global warming gradually leads to shifts in temperature regimes on the planet, which, along with electromagnetic radiation, negatively affects human reproductive health. The pace of life in modern society and the level of urbanization, especially in large cities, lead to increased stress in everyday life, nervous overload, and depression. In addition, over the past decades, cases of car accidents have increased significantly, which often leads to injuries that directly affect a person’s reproductive health.

Impact of working conditions

Exposure to high or low temperatures and night shifts can significantly reduce the body's protective properties. There are many working and professional conditions that cause serious pathologies that negatively affect a woman’s reproductive health. The most common include:

  • prolapse and prolapse of the female genital organs (usually when performing heavy physical work);
  • tumor formations of the mammary glands and genital organs of a malignant nature (under the influence of carcinogenic factors and ionizing radiation);
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (for example, when working in the cold);
  • menstrual dysfunction;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • psycho-emotional stress during work.

Bad habits

An unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of any bad habits among parents (drug and alcohol addiction, smoking) negatively affect the reproductive health of both the mother and the father of the future offspring. Such toxicological factors can affect not only the maturing fetus during pregnancy, but also genetic information, causing various types of mutations at the cellular level. In addition, drinking alcohol and smoking lead to the birth of seriously ill children or miscarriage.


There are a number of medications (anticonvulsants, antidepressants, corticosteroids, tranquilizers, antipsychotics) that can negatively affect reproductive health due to hormonal disorders. In addition, there are a number of pathologies that affect the state of reproductive health, male and female. Such diseases include the following deviations:

  • The increased spread of sexually transmitted infections often leads to irreversible disorders of the genitourinary system.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies affect the general condition of the body, limiting physiological capabilities.
  • Some infectious diseases (eg, chicken pox, mumps) are causes of infertility, especially in boys.
  • Diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney pathologies can lead to hormonal imbalances.
  • Congenital diseases in most cases are initially the causes of problems with reproductive function.

Reproductive health

The concept of reproductive health care includes various activities, services, and techniques aimed at maintaining reproductive function at the proper level, even in unfavorable environmental conditions. The following preventive measures exist:

  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • prevention of serious pathologies that affect the sexual sphere;
  • educating adults and adolescents about issues relevant to a particular generation;
  • preventive measures to prevent abortions (especially at an early age).

Infertility treatment

A serious disease such as infertility is diagnosed if pregnancy does not occur in the family within one year of regular sexual activity. There is absolute and relative infertility. In the first case, a woman cannot conceive a child due to the anatomical features of the body (absence of the uterus, ovaries), in the second, a number of factors may be the cause. In addition, there is primary infertility, in which the patient does not have a first pregnancy, and secondary.

According to statistics, 10-15% of families in Russia are deprived of the opportunity to have their own children. It is believed that in 40% of cases this occurs due to men’s health, in 60% due to problems of the female body. Treatment of infertility includes conservative (drug) therapy and surgery. Common reproductive technologies:

  • in vitro fertilization (IVF), in which the egg and sperm “merge” into one cell, which is then implanted in the uterus of the expectant mother;
  • surrogacy – a fertilized egg is implanted in the surrogate mother’s uterus;
  • artificial insemination, in which sperm are introduced into a woman's uterus for fertilization.

Fetal development

An important characteristic of childbearing ability is monitoring the development of the fetus during pregnancy. To do this, three ultrasound procedures are performed during 9 months of gestation: at 12-14 weeks, 22-24 and 32-34 to assess several parameters of the fetus. If malformations are identified during the event, it is possible to eliminate them immediately after childbirth, but in our country such operations are performed only in rare cases. Therefore, parents face a difficult choice: carry a sick child or have an abortion for medical reasons.

How to maintain reproductive health

Childbearing function largely depends on a person’s lifestyle, the socio-economic situation in the country and family, and the patient’s attitude towards his health. The most important points for maintaining reproductive function:

  • careful adherence to personal hygiene;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, developing a proper diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • physical activity;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • protection against STIs;
  • timely treatment of existing pathologies (including general somatic ones).


For women's health, it is important to give up smoking, alcohol, and enrich the food consumed with the necessary set of vitamins and minerals. The first priority is to visit a gynecologist twice a year, timely and high-quality treatment of diseases. There are several useful substances that play an important role when planning pregnancy: for example, folic acid is needed for the proper development of the fetus, a lack of vitamin E can lead to miscarriage, vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, and iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.


A man’s reproductive health depends on existing chronic pathologies and high-quality personal hygiene. In addition, vitamins play an important role for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system: for example, vitamin A affects the quality of sperm, vitamin C can relieve the patient from certain types of infertility, and a lack of vitamin E leads to insufficient production of seminal fluid.


Prevention of violations

Expectant parents have a serious responsibility when planning a pregnancy. There are a number of preventive rules that must be followed to prevent reproductive dysfunction:

  • educating the younger generation about abortion, infections, early sexual activity;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases (hormonal disorders, sexual function disorders, STDs);
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits;
  • treatment of psychological disorders of reproductive function;
  • proper family planning;
  • assistance to young families;
  • measures aimed at combating maternal and infant mortality.


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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the need for which experts say, is the basic principle of maintaining reproductive health. First of all, we are talking about proper nutrition. Men should remember that there are no miracle products that will immediately make them “reproductive giants.” This leads to the common myth that eating oysters, spinach and nuts instantly improves men's health. Only regular proper nutrition can cope with this task. The right combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can ensure the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.

Doctors emphasize that men, in particular, should not limit their fat intake too much. Because testosterone, the main male hormone, is formed from cholesterol. There are studies showing that when the amount of fat in the diet is reduced, testosterone levels also decrease. And this can lead to reproductive disorders.

Experts also emphasize that eating cruciferous plants - these include, in particular, cauliflower and broccoli - can help prevent prostate diseases. In addition, lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, is also beneficial for men's health, according to several studies.

During pregnancy planning, doctors insist on reducing the level of alcohol consumption or completely abstaining from it - this point applies to both women and men. Research suggesting that drinking small amounts of dry wine does not have a negative effect on the body is not a generally accepted fact. Alcoholic drinks, smoking, drugs and eating so-called “junk” food have a direct toxic effect on spermatogenic tissues and cells. Smoking, in particular, constricts blood vessels in all tissues and reduces blood flow to the male genitals. Cigarettes contain a huge amount of harmful substances that have a negative impact on men's health.

Specialists pay special attention to sexually transmitted infections when it comes to preventing diseases of the reproductive system. They can affect both conception and pregnancy. A couple planning to have a child should contact a specialist who will conduct all the necessary studies and tests in order to exclude infections. And if symptoms of infection are detected in at least one of the partners, a visit to specialists should be carried out immediately.

And finally, doctors have debunked several more myths about male reproductive health. There is an opinion that tight swimming trunks negatively affect fertility. According to experts, there is no scientific evidence for this. They insist that briefs are no more harmful to men's health than other types of underwear.

Experts also emphasized that the claim that hormonal contraceptives protect against sexually transmitted infections has no scientific basis. They can only protect against unwanted pregnancy; additional methods of contraception, such as condoms, are needed to protect against infections.

WHO defines reproductive health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, enabling a safe and effective sexual life, coupled with the ability to reproduce healthy offspring in the timing and quantity determined by the individual.”

The frequency of infertile marriages in Russia exceeds 15% of all marriages. According to WHO, this figure has reached a critical level. The rate of female infertility has increased by 14% over the past 5 years. The role of the male factor in an infertile marriage approaches 50%. The threat to the reproductive function of the male body is associated with impaired potency and spermatogenesis. Moreover, every third pregnancy turns out to be unplanned - untimely or unwanted, 90% of unplanned pregnancies end in induced abortion. Maternal, infant and perinatal mortality data are also indicators of women's reproductive health problems (Table 3.6).

The main reason for reproductive health disorders is a low population health index, which is formed in adolescence and is caused by the following processes:

Lack of skills to lead a healthy lifestyle, widespread bad habits;

Early onset of sexual activity, ignoring the rules of hygiene and physiology of the reproductive system and contraception;

Widespread somatic diseases;

Frequent pregnancies with a short intergenetic interval;

Frequent medical abortions;

Anthropogenic pollution of the external environment with electromagnetic radiation in connection with the development of various radio communication systems, television, computer equipment, household and industrial electronics;

Contamination of soil, water and food products with household chemical products, chemical production waste;

Occupational intoxication (mercury, phosphorus, lead, etc.);

Infectious processes, various disorders of the somatic and reproductive health of women.

Table 3.6. Reproductive health indicators

Index Characteristic Data for the Russian Federation for 2013 Global data
Maternal mortality All cases of death of women caused by pregnancy, regardless of its duration and location, occurring during pregnancy or within 42 days after its completion, from a condition associated with pregnancy, aggravated by it or its management, except for accidents or random circumstances 11.5 cases per 100 thousand live births In regions with highly developed economies, an average of 14 cases per 100 thousand women
Perinatal mortality All cases of death of a fetus or newborn during the period from 22 weeks of pregnancy to 7 days after birth (perinatal period) 9.75 cases per 1000 live and stillbirths 30 cases per 1000; in developed countries - an average of 5 cases per 1000 live and stillbirths
Infant mortality Death of newborns from birth to one year of age 8.6 cases per 1000 live births 41 cases per 1000 live births; in developed countries - an average of 5 cases or less

Table 3.7. Lifestyle-related reproductive health disorders

Continuation of the table. 3.7

Risk factors Manifestations of adverse effects on the body
female Male
Increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortions, impaired growth and development of the fetus, premature birth, and stillbirths
Alcohol abuse Menstrual irregularities. Problems in the formation of eggs and their movement through the fallopian tubes. Alcohol consumption in early adolescence leads to inhibition of puberty, the extreme manifestation of which can be complete infertility and uterine atrophy Decreased libido. Reducing the level of inhibitions that provoke the risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Dilation of blood vessels reduces erection, leading to erectile dysfunction or impotence. Decreased ability to experience orgasm. In the long term - a decrease in the level of male sex hormones
Eating disorder: obesity low body weight Anovulatory infertility, early pregnancy losses. Menstrual disorders Decreased spermatogenesis, development of impotence
Non-ionizing (electromagnetic) radiation Decreased spermatogenesis
Pesticides Increased complications during pregnancy and childbirth Feminizing effect in prenatal ontogenesis. Demasculinizing effect during puberty. During puberty - pathology of spermatogenesis

End of table. 3.7

In recent years, the frequency of gynecological diseases among teenage girls has increased: inflammatory diseases - 3 times, menstrual dysfunction and diseases of the genitourinary system - 1.5 times. In sexually active adolescents, the incidence of gynecological pathology is 3 times higher than in their peers who have not had sexual intercourse.

The solution to many demographic problems is based on the formula for women's reproductive health: healthy adolescents - healthy women of the reproductive period - healthy mothers - healthy women of mature age. Problems related to reproductive health are addressed by antenatal clinics and perinatal centers.

Perinatal center- a medical organization that provides all types of qualified, high-tech and expensive medical inpatient care in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology and neonatal surgery, as well as outpatient, consultative, diagnostic and medical rehabilitation care for women and young children.

Organization of prevention of decline in male reproductive health should also be based on the formula: healthy adolescents - healthy men of the reproductive period - healthy fathers - healthy mature men.

Related information.


To avoid abortions, it is necessary to promptly explain to the younger generation what is meant by the term sexual life and how to lead it correctly. Such education helps to avoid rash actions on the part of young people, protect the sexual sphere from pathologies, and eliminate fatal events for one’s future.

What is reproduction

The Ministry of Health, in order to reduce the number of abortions performed and the risk of early, unwanted pregnancy, has introduced certain standards that have been spreading among the masses for decades. Reproduction is the ability to reproduce, to continue the human race. To maintain the health of the reproductive system, every person must know the existing methods of contraception and take a responsible approach to the issue of family planning and procreation.

Human reproductive health

The biggest threat to a person is diagnosed infertility. This disease develops equally in female and male bodies and prevents procreation. More often it is an acquired condition and is considered a consequence of previous abortions, pathologies and immoral sexual life. Everyone perceives human reproductive health in their own way, however, according to WHO standards, this is the mental, physiological, social readiness of an individual to begin sexual activity for the purpose of procreation.

Women's reproductive health

The upbringing of girls influences their worldview even as adults. If parents instill modesty, decency and selective attitude towards members of the opposite sex from early childhood, a woman’s reproductive health is not a concern. If children are not aware, then unplanned pregnancy is not the only difficulty that comes their way. Infections and sexually transmitted diseases that are diagnosed in modern youth cannot be ruled out. Statistics show that the consequences can be the most tragic for a woman and her family.

Men's reproductive health

Male factor infertility is no less common in modern medicine. If a woman does not become pregnant within six months after stopping all methods of contraception, there is a serious health problem. A man’s reproductive health is determined by two factors – spermatogenesis and potency. The cause of the pathological process is stress, chronic fatigue, deficiency of vitamins in the body, poor lifestyle, bad habits, and internal diseases.

Adolescent reproductive health

During adolescence, it is important to ensure the reproductive health of adolescents in order to protect them from reckless actions in the future. This important period begins with the advent of menstruation in girls and wet dreams in boys, but these are not the only changes in the reproductive system of the younger generation. Since teenagers do not adhere to body hygiene, enter into early marriages, and choose drug addiction, smoking, and alcohol in their lives, their reproductive function decreases. The problem in modern society is acquiring global proportions.

Reproductive health of the population

In conditions of insufficient ecology, the reproductive health of the population noticeably suffers. This worldwide problem is being addressed at the state level to protect today's youth. A number of social programs have been developed, the main goal of which is to explain to the population and all its social classes what health is at the reproductive level. In addition, tell about preventive measures aimed at ensuring the impeccable condition of the human genital area. The organization of such a process guarantees physical and moral well-being among the population.

Factors influencing reproductive health

This concept arises even during the pregnancy of a woman, who, even while bearing the fetus, must ensure its health at the level of reproduction. For this purpose, modern gynecology has such a definition as pregnancy planning. It is necessary to examine the future parents - a woman and a man, to exclude congenital diseases and genetic pathologies. If diseases are identified, they need to be treated in a timely manner to prevent complications for the intrauterine development of the fetus. Factors influencing reproductive health are separately studied by modern medicine.

Factors that destroy reproductive health

The first sign that something is not right in a woman’s condition is an irregular menstrual cycle. As a consequence, the absence of stable ovulation and the inability to successfully conceive a child. Sexual activity decreases, and the problem needs to be solved at the gynecological level. Other factors that destroy reproductive health can be divided into several categories:

  1. External causes: stress and chronic fatigue, bad habits and harmful production, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, medication and psychosexual factors.
  2. Internal causes: infections, iodine deficiency and endocrine system dysfunction, hormonal imbalance and androgen deficiency, exhaustion of the body and immune imbalance, androgen deficiency and testosterone deficiency, folic acid deficiency.

Prevention of reproductive health disorders

To avoid an extremely undesirable deterioration in sexual function at any age of the patient, it is necessary to approach publicly available preventive measures with special responsibility. You need to know about them from the beginning of puberty, adhere to them for the rest of your life, and convey them to the consciousness of your own offspring. So, effective and reliable prevention of reproductive health focuses on the following social and psychological complexes for each person:

  • development of measures for productive treatment of the genital area from viral and infectious diseases;
  • treatment of psychological diseases, sexual dysfunction;
  • planning pregnancy, beginning of first sexual relations;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • development of measures aimed at combating infant and maternal mortality;
  • treatment of androgen deficiency, hormonal imbalance;
  • conducting lectures and seminars on the topic of early sexual life;
  • explaining to the population the rights to receive assistance to young families;
  • conducting lectures on the topic of early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and their symptoms.

Reproductive health

To exclude androgen deficiency and other problems of the sexual sphere, it is necessary to take care of the reproductive system and more. The first step is to avoid a large number of sexual partners, eliminate unprotected sex with strangers from your daily life, promptly treat diseases of the reproductive system, and eliminate the risk of unplanned pregnancy. Other reproductive health interventions that apply equally to women and men include:

  • maintaining the reproductive health of both sexual partners with the help of vitamin therapy;
  • consumption of folic acid during pregnancy;
  • providing favorable environmental factors for planning and nursing a pregnancy;
  • prevention of abortions at an early age;
  • study of social and everyday issues of family planning.

Video: Women's reproductive health

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Reproductive health of men, women and adolescents. Factors influencing and preventing reproductive health

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You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, keep practicing...
The most common of these ailments is laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx). With this disease you will feel...
Hyperdontia is the presence of supernumerary teeth, or, in simple terms, extra teeth. In most cases, this harms the aesthetics of the face...
A woman, when planning her future pregnancy, is sensitive to any sensation or deviation in her condition. One of these...