Various types of transport for children: list, description and features. Types of special vehicles. Emergency phone numbers What applies to underground transport

The movement of people and goods is an absolute necessity of society. For their implementation there are special means - transport. Even a child knows what he is. However, it is a complex system that requires absolute understanding.


From the point of view of an integrated approach, this concept can be considered as follows:

  1. The set of all existing methods of movement.
  2. Branch of economy and production.
  3. Systematic integration of all modes of transportation and associated infrastructure.

In a generalized sense, transport is:

  • a connecting link between cities, countries and continents;
  • the main component of any production;
  • a means of moving people, as well as providing them with vital goods.

As a branch of production, it consists of:

  • from the subject of labor - transportation itself;
  • means of labor - rolling stock;
  • the work being carried out - managing them.


Given the absolute need for it, transport has entered all spheres of life. It has many functions:

  1. Economic. Acts in the extraction and provision of the state with minerals: oil, gas, coal, ore, precious metals. Makes possible and accessible the specialization of production simultaneously with their cooperation. It is the main link in domestic and international trade of any country.
  2. Social. It manifests itself in providing opportunities to live, work and relax in different areas of a locality, country, continent, planet and simplifying human work.
  3. Cultural significance lies in the opportunities to exchange experiences and values, visit any culturally rich places, and add new works of art.
  4. The political role is to establish international and trade relations.
  5. Military - in providing the army with opportunities for peaceful and armed movements, medical care and food.

Thus, regardless of the type and characteristics, transport is an integral part of the state and society.


All existing methods of movement can be divided into two main groups: the environment for carrying out the main activity and the service area.

Depending on the environment, the following groups and types are distinguished:

  1. Ground: rail, wheeled.
  2. Underground (metro).
  3. Air (aviation).
  4. Space.
  5. Water and underwater.
  6. Pipeline.

According to the type of service sector, there are:

  1. Public transport.
  2. Special purpose means.
  3. Transport for personal use.

Types of public transport are represented by a set for the movement of goods and passengers aimed at performing their characteristic economic, social, cultural, and sometimes political functions.

The most important types of public transportation options include rail, road, water, air, and what each of the groups is, we will consider further.

Horse-drawn and pack transport

Horse-drawn transport can be considered the prototype of all land vehicles. From antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century, it performed all the functions corresponding to the current transport industry. At the same time, it served as an incentive to search for more technologically advanced and productive ways to move goods and passengers.

Depending on the territorial characteristics, horses, donkeys, bulls, elephants, deer, dogs, and camels were exploited. Animals were used for riding or harnessed to transport carts, carts, and carriages.

Pack transport was used for off-road conditions (mountains, deserts, taiga) - animals with packs on their backs were led by leashes.

With the development of railway and road communications, it gradually fell out of public use, turning into rare private use.

Water transport

Water sea transport also has ancient roots dating back to the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e., and was the only way to implement international trade and conquest of overseas countries.

Today it is divided into sea and river. Its advantages include:

  • lower energy costs than railway and road transport;
  • no need to build communication routes;
  • the ability to transport bulk non-urgent cargo over long distances, as well as where bridge construction is complicated or too expensive.


  1. Dependence on weather conditions.
  2. Low movement speed.
  3. High cost of building ports and docks.
  4. The capabilities of the river are limited by the passability of the rivers.

An important feature of loading and unloading operations is the need to use several modes of transport within one port facility, namely road and rail.

Railway transport

It is a freight and passenger transport, the operation of which is based on the movement of rolling stock along specially equipped tracks - rails. Its advantages:

  1. Versatility, independence from weather conditions, reliability.
  2. High cargo and passenger capacity, which allows the movement of large flows in short time intervals.
  3. Possibility of direct deliveries from the manufacturer, subject to the availability of appropriate access roads.
  4. Good speed.
  5. Comfort of passenger travel.

If we consider the types of freight transport, then the railway occupies a leading position in the transportation of non-valuable, bulky goods, including timber, grains, coal, building materials, and oil refining products. If necessary, containerization is used.


  1. Capital intensity and engineering difficulties in constructing communication routes and rolling stock.
  2. Limited railway directions, maneuvers and simultaneous movement of several trains.
  3. Almost always requires previous or subsequent use of automobile means, which is reflected in the total costs.
  4. Difficulties in loading and unloading operations.
  5. International transport is often hampered by differences in gauge.

Freight turnover averages 40-50% in the Russian Federation and 15-20% on the world market. The corresponding passenger turnover in Russia is 30% and 10% in the world. Thus, it is a productive and reliable transport.

Our ancestors knew what a steam locomotive was. Today its future lies in the electrification of railway lines. Modernization of communications and rolling stock, along with the comprehensive introduction of high-speed technologies, is a stable prospect for increasing the profitability of the industry.


Types of public transport are represented by the automobile industry - the most mobile, technologically advanced and exploited. At the same time, it represents personal, special and departmental vehicles and their infrastructure. The share of Russian road freight traffic is only 4-6%, global - 8-10%. Automobile passenger transportation in the Russian Federation accounts for 30-40% of all transportation, while in the world it is 70-75%.


  1. Mobility, the possibility of direct deliveries without the use of intermediate types of movement.
  2. Advantage in transporting valuable, breakable and perishable goods, including small volumes.
  3. A method of delivering food, including to hard-to-reach regions.
  4. A variety of vehicles by load capacity and body type.
  5. Good speed, low cost and ease of passenger travel.
  6. Simplicity of paths.


  1. Energy intensity, negative impact on the environment.
  2. High cost.
  3. Low load capacity compared to the capabilities of other types.
  4. Minimum degree of passenger comfort.
  5. Significant degree of wear and tear on rolling stock.
  6. Dependence on compliance with traffic safety. The presence of risks, associated downtime and additional capital losses.

Almost half of passenger transport is represented by automobiles. It remains the leader among travel options within a locality and country. For international, and especially intercontinental, transport, rail, water or air are used.


Airplanes and helicopters are the highest achievement of man, literally and figuratively, greatly simplifying the solution of extremely complex tasks, which include: moving vast distances at high speed, delivering medicine or humanitarian aid to areas of natural disasters and catastrophes, carrying out complex actions in construction, fire fighting, evacuation, agriculture, etc.


  1. High speed.
  2. Decent level of passenger comfort.
  3. Possibility of transporting valuable and perishable goods.
  4. They do not require the construction of communication routes.


  1. Low security.
  2. The need for the highest qualifications of pilots and controllers.
  3. Meteor dependence.
  4. Significant capital intensity and cost.
  5. Limited cargo transportation.

Along with significant risks and high costs, it accounts for about 20% of global passenger traffic.


The set of pipe-shaped paths for moving liquid and gaseous “goods” over significant distances represents pipeline transport. With its help, interregional, international and intercontinental supplies of oil and gas are ensured. The work is carried out using the pressure difference in the system and their regulation; accordingly, transport workers are represented by dispatchers and point controllers.

The advantages include manufacturability, high performance and availability in any conditions. Disadvantages include high safety and compliance requirements, continuous monitoring and a narrow focus of the system.

It is absolutely necessary to ensure a comfortable life for the population, since the possibility of convenient cooking and the level of heat in homes during the cold season depends on its functioning.

The most important system of any society is transport. What is a state without territory and population, without industry, cultural heritage and mobility? It is the bloodstream of any country and the world as a whole. It is an environmental disaster, but also, quite possibly, the salvation of humanity.

types of transport, types of transport of substances through membranes
Transport is a set of all types of communication routes, vehicles, technical devices and structures on communication routes that ensure the process of moving people and goods for various purposes from one place to another.

All transport can be divided into a number of groups ( Types of transport) according to certain characteristics.

  • 1 According to the moving environment
    • 1.1 Water
    • 1.2 Air transport
      • 1.2.1 Aviation
      • 1.2.2 Aeronautics
    • 1.3 Space transport
    • 1.4 Ground transport
      • 1.4.1 By number of wheels
      • 1.4.2 Railway
      • 1.4.3 Automotive
        • Intended use
      • 1.4.4 Bicycle
      • 1.4.5 Transport driven by animals
        • Horse-drawn
        • Pack
        • Horse
      • 1.4.6 Pipeline
        • Pneumatic
      • 1.4.7 Other types of ground transport
        • Elevator
        • Escalator
        • Elevator
        • Funicular
        • Cable car
  • 2 By purpose
    • 2.1 Public transport
      • 2.1.1 Public transport
    • 2.2 Special use vehicles
    • 2.3 Individual transport
  • 3 By energy used
    • 3.1 Self-propelled vehicles
    • 3.2 Wind driven
    • 3.3 Driven by muscular force
      • 3.3.1 Human-powered transport
      • 3.3.2 Transport driven by animals
  • 4 Promising modes of transport
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Links

By moving environment

Depending on the environment in which transport performs its functions, it can be: water, including underwater, land, including underground, air and space. It is possible to combine environments - amphibians, flying boats, ekranoplanes, hovercraft, etc.


Main article: Water transport Cargo river ship Ship lift

Water transport is the most ancient form of transport. At least until the advent of transcontinental railways (the second half of the 19th century), it remained the most important mode of transport. Even the most primitive sailing ship covered four to five times the distance per day than a caravan. The cargo transported was large, operating costs were lower.

Water transport still retains an important role. Due to its advantages (water transport is the cheapest after pipeline transport), water transport now covers 60-67% of the total global cargo turnover. Inland waterways transport mainly bulk cargo - construction materials, coal, ore - the transportation of which does not require high speed (this is affected by competition with faster road and rail transport). In transportation across seas and oceans, water transport has no competitors (air transportation is very expensive, and their total share in cargo transportation is low), so sea vessels transport a variety of types of goods, but most of the cargo consists of oil and oil products, liquefied gas, coal, and ore.

Cruise ship

The role of water transport in passenger transportation has decreased significantly, which is due to its low speeds. Exceptions are high-speed hydrofoils (sometimes taking on the function of intercity express buses) and hovercraft. The role of ferries and cruise ships is also great.

  • Vehicles: ships
  • Communication routes: above/under the surface of seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, canals, locks
  • Signaling and control: lighthouses, buoys
  • Transport hubs: sea and river ports and stations

Air Transport

Main article: Air Transport


Main article: Aviation Boeing 737-8K5(WL) G-FDZT (8542035433)

Air transport is the fastest and at the same time the most expensive mode of transport. The main area of ​​application of air transport is passenger transportation over distances of over a thousand kilometers. Freight transport is also carried out, but their share is very low. Mostly perishable products and especially valuable cargo, as well as mail, are transported by air. In many hard-to-reach areas (in the mountains, regions of the Far North), there are no alternatives to air transport. In such cases, when there is no airfield at the landing site (for example, the delivery of scientific groups to hard-to-reach areas), helicopters, which do not need a landing strip, are used rather than airplanes. A big problem with modern airplanes is the noise they make during takeoff, which significantly worsens the quality of life for residents of areas located near airports.

  • Vehicles: airplanes and helicopters
  • Communication routes: air corridors
  • Signaling and control: aircraft beacons, dispatch service
  • Transport hubs: airports


Main article: Aeronautics Airship B-6 "Osoaviakhim" 30s, USSR Modern semi-rigid airship "Zeppelin NT", Germany. Airships of this type have been produced since the 1990s by the German company Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH (ZLT) in Friedrichshafen. These are airships with a volume of 8225 m³ and 75 m in length. They are significantly smaller than the old Zeppelins, which reached a maximum volume of 200,000 m³. In addition, they are filled exclusively with non-flammable helium.

Currently, the concepts of aviation and air transport have actually become synonymous, since air transportation is carried out exclusively by heavier-than-air aircraft. However, the first aircraft were lighter than air. In 1709 the first hot air balloon was launched. However, the balloons were uncontrollable.

Airship- a controlled aircraft that is lighter than air. On November 13, 1899, French aeronaut A. Santos-Dumont made the first successful flight of an airship, flying around the Eiffel Tower in Paris at a speed of 22-25 km/h. Between the world wars, airships were widely used for military, civil, scientific, and sporting purposes. Passenger airships even made regular flights between Europe and America.

At the end of the 20th century, interest in airships was renewed: now, instead of explosive hydrogen or expensive inert helium, a mixture of them is used. Airships, although much slower than airplanes, are much more economical. However, their scope of application still remains marginal: advertising and pleasure flights, traffic monitoring. Airships are also proposed as a climate-friendly alternative to airplanes.

  • Vehicles: balloons and airships

Space transport

Main article: Cosmonautics

Ground transportation

It could also be underground. It is divided into different types of transport according to a number of characteristics. According to the types of communication routes, it is divided into rail (railway) and trackless. By type of propulsion: wheeled, tracked, using animals and others. The main types of ground transport are listed here without strict classification.

By number of wheels

Unicycle Cargo tricycle

Based on the number of wheels, wheeled trackless transport is divided into:

  • Monocycles(from Latin mono one, united and other Greek kýklos circle, wheel) - 1-wheeled vehicles (due to the high requirements for the ability to maintain balance, at the moment the main area of ​​application of unicycles is circus art),
  • Bicycles(from Latin bi two and other Greek kýklos circle, wheel) - 2-wheeled vehicles - bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles, etc.,
  • Tricycles(from three and other Greek kýklos circle, wheel) - 3-wheeled vehicles - some bicycles, motorcycles (trikes), cars, etc.,
  • ATVs(from Italian quattro four and other Greek kýklos circle, wheel) - 4-wheeled vehicles. In the post-Soviet space, ATVs are most often understood as all-terrain vehicles, and in the USA - 4-wheeled bicycles. But by definition, they include any 4-wheeled vehicle, including most passenger cars.


Main article: Railway transport Freight train in Russia

Rail transport is a type of land transport in which the transportation of goods and passengers is carried out by wheeled vehicles along rail tracks. Railway tracks usually consist of iron rails mounted on sleepers and ballast, on which rolling stock, usually equipped with metal wheels, moves. Railroad rolling stock typically has less frictional resistance than automobiles, and passenger and freight cars can be coupled together to form longer trains. Trains are driven by locomotives. Rail transport is a relatively safe mode of transport.

Originating at the beginning of the 19th century (the first steam locomotive was built in 1804), by the middle of that century it had become the most important transport of industrial countries of that time. By the end of the 19th century, the total length of railways exceeded a million kilometers. Railroads connected inland industrial areas with seaports. New industrial cities grew along the railways. However, after World War II, railways began to lose their importance. Railways have many advantages - high load capacity, reliability, and relatively high speed. Nowadays, a variety of cargoes are transported by rail, but mostly bulk cargo, such as raw materials and agricultural products. The introduction of containers, which facilitate transshipment, has also increased the competitiveness of railways.

High speed train ICE3, Germany

First in Japan, and now in Europe, a system of high-speed railways was created, allowing movement at speeds of up to three hundred kilometers per hour. Such railways have become a serious competitor to airlines over short distances. The role of suburban railways and subways remains high. Electrified railways (and by now most high-traffic railways are electrified) are much more environmentally friendly than road transport. The most electrified railways are in Switzerland (up to 95%), while in Russia this figure reaches 47%.

Due to the use of rails that have little adhesion, railway trains are extremely susceptible to collisions, since they usually travel at speeds that do not allow stopping quickly enough or the braking distance is longer than the distance visible to the driver. Most forms of train control consist of movement instructions transmitted from those responsible for a section of the railway network to the train crew.

  • Vehicles: locomotives and carriages
  • Communication routes: Railway track, bridges, tunnels, overpasses
  • Signaling and control: railway signaling
  • Transport hubs: railway stations and train stations
  • Energy supply: contact network and traction substations (on electrified railways), refueling and equipment points for locomotives

A tram is a type of street and partially street rail public transport for transporting passengers along given routes (usually electric), used primarily in cities.


Metropolitan (from French métropolitain, abbreviated from chemin de fer métropolitain - “metropolitan railway”), metro (métro), English. underground, amer. English subway - in the traditional sense, a city railway with route trains running along it to transport passengers, engineering separated from any other transport and pedestrian traffic (off-street). In general, a metro is any off-street urban passenger transport system with route trains running along it. That is, the metro in the traditional sense or, for example, city monorails are examples of types of metro. Train traffic in the metro is regular, according to the schedule. The metro is characterized by high route speed (up to 80 km/h) and carrying capacity (up to 60 thousand passengers per hour in one direction). Subway lines can be laid underground (in tunnels), on the surface and on overpasses (this is especially typical for urban monorails).


Monorail- a transport system in which cars with passengers or trolleys with cargo move along a beam installed on an overpass or separate supports - a monorail. There are mounted monorails - the cars rest on a bogie located above the track beam, and suspended monorails - the cars are suspended from the bogie and move under the monorail.

Light rail transport

Light rail transport (also “light rail transport”, LRT, from the English Light Rail) is an urban railway public transport, characterized by lower speed and capacity than the metro and railway, and higher than that of a conventional street tram.

A type of light rail transport is high-speed trams, including underground trams and urban railways). At the same time, the differences between such light rail systems from the metro and city railways (S-Bahn) are unclear, which often causes terminological errors. In general, this term is usually used to designate high-speed electrified railway systems (for example, trams), isolated from other traffic flows throughout most of the network, but allowing within the system both single-level intersections and even street traffic (including tram-pedestrian zones). Unlike the light metro, which is closer to the regular metro, light rail is closer to the tram.

Overpass transport

Elevated railways (abbreviated in the USA: el) - urban rail high-speed off-street separate system or part of the system of urban railways (S-Bahn), subways, light rail transport (depending on the design, number of cars and mass) overall parameters of rolling stock), laid above the ground on an overpass.


A car (from auto... and lat. mobilis - moving) is a means of trackless transport with its own engine. Automobile transport is now the most common type of transport. Road transport is younger than rail and water transport; the first cars appeared at the very end of the 19th century. The advantages of road transport are maneuverability, flexibility, speed.

Flaws. At all stages of production, operation and disposal of cars, fuel, oils, tires, construction of roads and other automotive infrastructure, significant environmental damage is caused. In particular, nitrogen and sulfur oxides released into the atmosphere when gasoline is burned cause acid rain.

Passenger cars are the most wasteful transport compared to other modes of transport in terms of the costs required to move one passenger.

Road transport requires good roads. Now in developed countries there is a network of highways - multi-lane roads without intersections, allowing speeds of over one hundred kilometers per hour.

  • Vehicles: various types of cars - cars, buses, trolleybuses, trucks;
  • Communication routes: highways, bridges, tunnels, overpasses, overpasses;
  • Signaling and control: traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs, vehicle inspections;
  • Transport hubs: bus stations, bus stations, parking lots, intersections;
  • Energy supply: automobile gas stations, contact network;
  • Technical support: vehicle service station (STS), parks (bus, trolleybus), road services
By purpose

According to their purpose, cars are divided into transport, special And racing. Transport vehicles are used to transport goods and passengers. Special vehicles have permanently mounted equipment or installations and are used for various purposes (firefighting and utility vehicles, auto benches, truck cranes, etc.). Racing cars are intended for sports competitions, including setting speed records (record racing cars). Transport vehicles, in turn, are divided into cars, trucks And buses. Trolleybus- bus with electric drive. Passenger cars have a capacity from 2 to 8 people.

Trucks Today they transport almost all types of cargo, but even over long distances (up to 5 thousand or more thousand km) road trains (truck-tractor and trailer or semi-trailer) successfully compete with the railway when transporting valuable cargo for which delivery speed is critical, for example, perishable goods products.

Cars(personal use cars) - the vast majority of currently existing cars. They are usually used for trips over distances of up to two hundred kilometers.

Public road transport For operation in cities and suburbs, mainly low-floor city buses are now used, and for intercity and international scheduled and tourist transportation, intercity and tourist liners are used. The latter differ from urban models in their layout with a raised floor level (to accommodate luggage compartments underneath), a comfortable interior with only seats, and the presence of additional amenities (kitchen, wardrobe, toilet). Due to the increase in the comfort of tourist buses at the end of the 20th century, they quite successfully compete with railways in the field of transporting tourists.


A bicycle (from Latin velox - fast and pes - leg) is a two- or (less commonly) three-wheeled vehicle for transportation, driven by 2 pedals through a chain drive.

A velomobile is a vehicle with a muscular drive of legs, arms, or even all possible muscles.

Transport driven by animals

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The use of animals to transport people and goods has been known since ancient times. People can ride some animals on horseback or harness them individually or in groups into carts (carts, wagons) or sleighs for transporting goods or passengers, or load them.

Guzhevoy Main article: Horse-drawn transport

Horse-drawn transport is a type of trackless transport in which the power of animals (horses, oxen, elephants, donkeys, camels, deer, llamas, dogs, etc.) is used as traction. For many centuries, horse-drawn transport was the main form of land transport. With the development of the railway network (from the 2nd quarter of the 19th century), it is losing its importance for long-distance transportation, with the exception of mountainous regions and deserts and regions of the Far North. In the 20th century, the use of horse-drawn transport was limited to areas that did not have railways; the importance of horse-drawn transport for agricultural production and for intra-city and local transportation still remained important; for transportation to and from railway stations and ports. But with the development of motor transport and the tractor fleet, the importance of horse-drawn transport has sharply decreased in these areas.

Pack Main article: Pack transport Pack transport

A means of transporting goods in mountains, deserts, wooded, swampy and taiga areas using pack animals. It is used where, due to off-road conditions, the nature of the terrain or weather conditions, it is impossible to use horse-drawn transport, automobile transport or helicopters. To secure and hold loads on the animal's back, packs or pack saddles are used.



Pipeline transport is quite unusual: it does not have vehicles, or rather, the infrastructure itself “part-time” is a vehicle. Pipeline transport is cheaper than rail and even water transport. It does not require a large number of personnel. The main type of cargo is liquid (oil, petroleum products) or gaseous. Oil and gas pipelines transport these products over long distances in a short line with minimal losses. Pipes are laid on the ground or underground, as well as on overpasses. The movement of cargo is carried out by pumping or compressor stations. The most common type of pipeline transport is water supply and sewerage. There are experimental pipelines in which solid bulk cargoes are transported mixed with water. Other examples of pipelines for solid cargo are pneumatic mail and garbage chutes.


Pneumatic transport- “a set of installations and systems used to move bulk and piece goods using air or gas.”


  • for loading bins and controlled release of materials from them.
  • movement of materials between warehouses and workshops.
  • backfilling of mined-out spaces in mines with rock.
  • removal of production waste, such as ash, shavings, dust.
  • Pneumatic mail is used to move piece goods. Closed passive capsules (containers) move under the influence of compressed or, conversely, rarefied air through a pipeline system, carrying light loads and documents inside them. This type of transport, as a rule, was used to deliver mail, letters, documents, hence its name. Pneumatic mail was used in the 19th and 20th centuries and is still used today, for example, to deliver paper bills in supermarkets without removing the cashier from his workplace.

Pneumatic mail- a type of transport, a system for moving piece goods under the influence of compressed or, conversely, rarefied air. Closed passive capsules (containers) move through a pipeline system, carrying light loads and documents inside. This type of transport, as a rule, was used to deliver mail, letters, documents, hence its name. Pneumatic mail was used in the 19th and 20th centuries and is still used today, for example, to deliver paper bills in supermarkets without removing the cashier from his workplace.

Other types of ground transport


An elevator (from the English lift - to lift), a stationary lift, usually of intermittent action, with vertical movement of the cabin or platform along rigid guides installed in the shaft. Designed to move people and cargo, usually vertically, within the same building or structure.


Escalator (English escalator; original source: Latin scala - ladder), an inclined plate conveyor with a moving stepped belt, used for raising and lowering passengers at metro stations, in public buildings, at street crossings and in other places with significant passenger flows.


Elevator (Latin elevator, literally - lifting, from elevo - I lift), a continuous machine that transports loads in vertical or inclined directions. There are E. bucket, shelf, cradle. Bucket lifts are designed for vertical lifting or steep inclination (more than 60°) of bulk cargo (pulverized, granular, lumpy), shelf and cradle lifts are for vertical lifting of piece cargo (parts, bags, boxes, etc.) with intermediate loading and unloading.


Funicular (French funiculaire, from Latin funiculus - rope, rope), a lifting and transport structure with a rope traction, designed to move passengers and cargo along a steep climb over a short distance. It is used in cities and resort centers, as well as in mountainous areas. A funicular is a lift in which the movement of people and goods is carried out in cars moving along inclined rail tracks between the upper and lower stations using a rope connected to the cars and a drive winch. The drive winch is usually located at the top station. According to their purpose, funiculars are divided into passenger, freight and cargo-passenger. Funiculars have a limited distribution due to the intermittent nature of their work, the long time it takes for passengers to enter and exit or load and unload, low speeds (less than 3 m/sec), and the impossibility of moving along complex routes.

Cable car

Ropeway is a type of transport for moving passengers and goods, in which a traction or load-bearing traction rope (cable) is used to move cars, trolleys, cabins or chairs, stretched between the supports in such a way that the cars (gondola cabins, chairs, trolleys) don't touch the ground.

By purpose

According to the area served, all transport is divided into three categories: public transport, serving the sphere of circulation and the population, non-public transport (intra-production movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, etc.), as well as transport for personal use.

Public transport

Public transport should not be confused with public transport (public transport is a subcategory of public transport). Public transport serves trade (transports goods) and the population (passenger transportation).

Public transport

Main article: Public transport

Public transport is passenger transport that is accessible and in demand for use by a wide segment of the population. Public transport services are usually provided for a fee. According to a narrow interpretation of public transport, vehicles classified as public transport are designed to transport a sufficiently large number of passengers at a time and run along specific routes (in accordance with a schedule or in response to demand). A broader interpretation also includes taxis, rickshaws and similar types of transport, as well as some specialized transport systems.

Intracity passenger transportation is carried out by buses, urban electric transport (trolleybuses, trams), taxis, as well as water and rail transport; in large cities - by metro. Suburban transport is dominated by railway and bus transport, long-distance transport is dominated by railway and air transport, and intercontinental transport is dominated by air and sea transport.

Special purpose transport

  • Technological transport
  • Military transport

Individual transport

By energy used

Vehicles with own engine

  • Transport by staple motors
  • Electric transport
  • Hybrid transport

Driven by wind power

Main article: Sailing vessel

Driven by muscular force

Human-powered transport

  • Bike
  • A velomobile is a muscle-powered vehicle that combines the simplicity, efficiency and environmental friendliness of a bicycle with the stability and convenience of a car.
  • Vessels - rowing - using oars, and using a pole.

Transport driven by animals

Promising types of transport

There are many projects for new modes of transport. Here we talk about some of those that had at least an experimental implementation.

  • Magnetic levitation train or Maglev(from the English magnetic levitation - “magnetic levitation”) is a train held above the road surface, driven and controlled by the force of an electromagnetic field. Such a train, unlike traditional trains, does not touch the rail surface during movement. Since there is a gap between the train and the surface of the track, friction between them is eliminated, and the only braking force is aerodynamic drag. Refers to monorail transport (although instead of a magnetic rail, a channel between magnets can be installed - as on the JR-Maglev). The speed achieved by a magnetic levitation train is comparable to the speed of an airplane and allows it to compete with air transport on short- and medium-haul routes (up to 1000 km). Although the idea of ​​such transport is not new, economic and technical limitations have prevented it from being fully developed: the technology has only been implemented for public use a few times. At present, maglev cannot use the existing transport infrastructure, although there are projects with the location of magnetic elements between the rails of a conventional railway or under the road surface.
  • Personal automatic transport is a type of urban and suburban transport that automatically (without a driver) transports passengers in taxi mode, using a network of dedicated tracks. Currently, there is only one system of Personal Automatic Transport in operation in the world. This is the ULTra network at London Heathrow Airport. The system was opened to passengers in 2010. There is also the Morgantown Personal Rapid Transit system, which differs from the classic PRT concept in its larger car size.
  • String transport- a project of a transport system based on a planetary vehicle, combining the features of road and rail transport, developed since 1977 by A. E. Yunitsky - “string transport” - currently has not gone beyond the experimental framework. In 2001, an experimental section of the UST cargo transport system was built in the city of Ozyory, Moscow region. One of the main components of a string transport system is a string rail (rail-string), or a string beam (beam-string), or a string truss (truss-string) of a special design. A rail (beam, truss), as a rule, is a hollow steel (in the future - composite) box, inside of which there is a package of tensioned wire-strings (or tapes, threads, rods and other extended power elements). The internal space of the box, not occupied by strings, is filled with mineral or polymer compositions.

see also

  • Types of bicycles


  1. The word “transport” in the Dictionary of Emergency Situations on
  2. Airship - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries
  3. Aeronautics - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries
  4. Tram - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 28, 2013. Archived from the original on March 9, 2013.
  5. Monorail: TSB Encyclopedia - Retrieved February 28, 2013. Archived from the original on March 9, 2013.
  6. Buslov A.S. "Prospects for the development of light rail transport in Voronezh." - No. Collection of abstracts of the international scientific conference "Strategies and resources for the development of large cities in the center of Russia", VSU, 2008.
  7. Baklanov V.V. "The introduction of light rail transport is one of the ways to improve the quality of transport services for the population of Moscow." - No. International practical conference "Trends in the development of light rail transport in Moscow" October 16, 2008.
  8. 1 2 Car - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 24, 2013. Archived from the original on March 13, 2013.
  9. BIKE. Retrieved February 24, 2013. Archived from the original on March 13, 2013.
  10. 1 2 3 Vvedensky B. A. Small Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1959. - T. 3. - P. 222.
  11. Pack transport - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 18, 2013. Archived from the original on March 13, 2013.
  12. 1 2 Pneumatic transport - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Archived from the original on June 18, 2013.
  13. Lift - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 16, 2013. Archived from the original on March 9, 2013.
  14. Escalator - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 16, 2013. Archived from the original on March 9, 2013.
  15. Elevator (mechanical) - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 16, 2013. Archived from the original on March 9, 2013.
  16. Funicular - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 28, 2013. Archived from the original on March 13, 2013.
  17. TRANSPORT. Retrieved February 18, 2013. Archived from the original on February 25, 2013.
  18. Passenger transportation - TSB - Yandex.Dictionaries. Retrieved February 28, 2013. Archived from the original on March 13, 2013.
  19. The Search Engine that Does at
  20. Innovative projects


Smotritsiky E. Yu. Transport: experience of philosophical reflection

types of transport, types of transport of substances through membranes, types of transport for children, types of transport pictures, types of transport in English, types of transport presentation, types of transport pictures, types of transport in Russian

Types of transport Information About

Universal(railway, automobile, water, air):

Wide range of products;

Two-way correspondence of transported goods;

High concentration of traffic;

Reducing social labor costs;

Use of predominantly large-scale production;

Special(conveyor, rope-suspended, pipeline, hydraulic, pneumatic):

Station character;

Narrow specialization of vehicles;

One-way flow direction;

Low transportation costs;

The need for other modes of transport;

2. Classification of special types of industrial transport.

1.According to the method of action:

Periodic (cyclic) action;

Continuous action;

2.According to the method of moving the cargo:

Sliding along the supporting surface;

Movement by a load-carrying body (stationary supports, rollers, wheels, air cushion, hydraulic flow, pneumatic flow);

3. By design features:

With traction body;

Without traction body;

4.By type (type) of cargo movement:


In the horizontal plane


In space

6.For intended purpose at the production site:



3.Performance of transport vehicles.

In units of mass (t/h)

In volumetric units (m 3 / h)

1.Theoretical Q T (determined by the design capabilities of the machines)

2.Technical Q technical – taken into account:

Physico-mechanical properties affecting load capacity and capacity.

Technological breaks.

3. Operational – for a longer period of time (days/month/year), taking into account:


Acceptance and handover of shifts


For cyclic machines. Q T depends on:

Capacity of the load-carrying body V k (m 3)

Rated load capacity q(g)

Operating cycle duration T r (h)

Q c.t = V k /T r

Q c.t = q/T r

For continuous machines:

Q n.t = 3600*F 0 *V(m 3 /h); Q n.t = 3600*F 0 * γ R * V(t/h)

V is the capacity of the load-carrying body per unit length and linear speed of its movement.

F 0 – capacity per unit length, expressed by the cross-sectional area of ​​the material on the load-carrying body.

For continuous transport where the cargo is moved in separate vessels:


Bucket elevators

Q n.t = 3600*V/α

V - movement speed

.α is the distance between individual vessels.

For cyclic transport:

Q c.t = V k *K v /T r; Q c.t = q*K q /T r

4. Characteristics of transport cargo.

Main types of bulk bulk cargo transported by industrial transport.

Iron ore

Sand and sand-gravel mixture, etc.

Their characteristics:

1. Bulk mass of a material - mass of material per unit volume in freshly poured form.

K r =γ /γ r >1; K p - loosening coefficient.

Bulk mass< удельной массы на K р.

Loosening coefficient K r:

Coal, ore, rocks (1.3.....1.6)

Loose weather(1.1....1.3)

γ p - bulk mass.

γ is the mass of the material in its dense form.

2. Angle of repose - the angle formed by the side surface of a freely poured stack of bulk material with the horizon.

(Figure) When moving, φ changes in calculations f≈0.7

3. Lumpiness - quantitative distribution of cargo particles according to their size.

4. Degree of uniformity of particle sizes of bulk cargo.

It is characterized by the coefficient:

K 0 =α max /α min; α min and α max are the sizes of the largest and smallest particles.

sorted - cargo - ordinary

α av =α max +α min /2 or α max or α min of which particles≥10%

– this is the distribution of various cars into groups, classes and categories. Depending on the type of design, parameters of the power unit, purpose or features that certain vehicles have, the classification provides for several such categories.

Classification by purpose

Vehicles vary in their purpose. Passenger and trucks, as well as special-purpose vehicles can be distinguished.

If everything is very clear with passenger and cargo cars, then special vehicles are not intended for transporting people and goods. Such vehicles transport equipment that is attached to them. Thus, such means include fire trucks, aerial platforms, truck cranes, mobile benches and other vehicles equipped with one or another equipment.

If a passenger car can accommodate up to 8 people without a driver, then it is classified as a passenger car. If the vehicle capacity is more than 8 people, then this type of vehicle is a bus.

The transporter can be used for general purpose or for transporting special cargo. General purpose vehicles have a body with sides without a tipping device. They can also be equipped with an awning and arches for installation.

Special-purpose trucks have various technical capabilities in their design for transporting certain goods. For example, the panel carrier is optimized for convenient transportation of panels and building slabs. The dump truck is used for mainly bulk cargo. The fuel tanker is designed for light petroleum products.

Trailers, semi-trailers, spreader trailers

Any vehicle can be used with additional equipment. These can be trailers, semi-trailers or dissolutions.

A trailer is one of the types of vehicles used without a driver. Its movement is carried out by means of a car using towing.

A semi-trailer is a towed vehicle without driver participation. Part of its mass is given to the towing vehicle.

The spreader trailer is designed for transporting long loads. The design includes a drawbar, the length of which may change during operation.

The vehicle doing the towing is called a tractor. This car is equipped with a special device that allows you to couple the car and any trailer. In another way, this design is called a saddle, and the tractor is called a truck tractor. However, the tractor unit is in a separate category of vehicles.

Indexing and types

Previously, in the USSR, each vehicle model had its own index. It designated the plant where the car was produced.

In 1966, the so-called industry standard OH 025270-66 “Classification and designation system for automotive rolling stock, as well as its units and components” was adopted. This document not only made it possible to classify types of vehicles. Based on this provision, trailers and other equipment were also classified.

According to this system, all vehicles whose classification was described in this document had four, five or six digits in their index. Using them, it was possible to determine vehicle categories.

Decoding digital indices

By the second digit one could find out the type of vehicle. 1 – passenger vehicle, 2 – bus, 3 – general purpose truck, 4 – truck tractor, 5 – dump truck, 6 – tank, 7 – van, 9 – special purpose vehicle.

As for the first digit, it indicated the vehicle class. For example, passenger vehicles, classified by engine size. Trucks are divided into classes based on weight. Buses were differentiated by length.

Classification of passenger vehicles

According to the industry standard, passenger wheeled vehicles were classified as follows.

  • 1 – especially small class, engine volume was up to 1.2 liters;
  • 2 – small class, volume from 1.3 to 1.8 l;
  • 3 – middle class cars, engine capacity from 1.9 to 3.5 liters;
  • 4 – large class with a volume above 3.5 l;
  • 5 – the highest class of passenger vehicles.

Today, the industry standard is no longer mandatory, and many factories do not adhere to it. However, domestic auto manufacturers still use this indexation.

Sometimes you can find vehicles whose classification does not fit the first digit in the model. This means that the index was assigned to the model at the development stage, and then something changed in the design, but the number remained.

Foreign cars and their classification system

The indices of foreign cars that were imported into our country were not included in the list of vehicles according to the accepted norm. Therefore, the Certification System for Motor Vehicles was introduced in 1992, and its modified version has been in effect since October 1, 1998.

For all types of vehicles that came into circulation in our country, it was necessary to draw up a special document called “Vehicle Type Approval.” It followed from the document that each vehicle must have its own separate brand.

To simplify the certification procedure in the Russian Federation, they use the so-called International Classification System. In accordance with it, any road vehicle can be classified into one of the groups - L, M, N, O. There are no other designations.

Categories of vehicles according to the international system

Group L includes any vehicles with fewer than four wheels, as well as ATVs:

  • L1 is a moped or vehicle with two wheels that can reach a maximum speed of 50 km/h. If the vehicle has an internal combustion engine, its volume should not exceed 50 cm³. If an electric motor is used as a power unit, then the power ratings must be less than 4 kW;
  • L2 – three-wheeled moped, as well as any vehicle with three wheels, the speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, and the engine capacity is 50 cm³;
  • L3 is a motorcycle with a volume of more than 50 cm³. Its maximum speed is higher than 50 km/h;
  • L4 – a motorcycle equipped with a sidecar for carrying a passenger;
  • L5 – tricycles whose speed exceeds 50 km/h;
  • The L6 is a lightweight quad bike. The weight of the equipped vehicle must not exceed 350 kg; Maximum speed no more than 50 km/h;
  • L7 is a full-fledged quad bike with a weight of up to 400 kg.

  • M1 is a vehicle for transporting passengers with no more than 8 seats;
  • M2 – vehicle with more than eight seats for passengers;
  • M3 – vehicle with more than 8 seats and weighing up to 5 tons;
  • M4 is a vehicle with more than eight seats and a weight of over 5 tons.
  • N1 – trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • N2 – vehicles weighing from 3.5 to 12 tons;
  • N3 – vehicles weighing more than 12 tons.

Classification of vehicles according to the European Convention

In 1968, the Convention on Road Traffic was adopted in Austria. The classification provided in this document is used to designate different categories of transport.

Types of vehicles under the Convention

It includes several categories:

  • A – these are motorcycles and other two-wheeled motorized equipment;
  • B – cars with a weight of up to 3500 kg and a number of seats of no more than eight;
  • C – all vehicles, except those belonging to category D. Weight must be more than 3500 kg;
  • D – passenger transport with more than 8 seats;
  • E - freight transport, tractors.

Category E allows drivers to drive road trains that consist of a tractor. You can also include here any vehicles of classification B, C, D. These vehicles can operate as part of a road train. This category is assigned to drivers along with other categories, and it is added when registering the car in the vehicle certificate.

Unofficial European classification

In addition to the official classification, there is also an unofficial one, which is used quite widely. It is quite popular among vehicle owners. Here we can distinguish categories depending on the design of vehicles: A, B, C, D, E, F. This classification is mainly used in reviews by automotive journalists for comparison and evaluation.

Class A contains small vehicles of low cost. F – these are the most expensive, very powerful and prestigious car brands. In between are classes of other types of machines. There are no clear boundaries here. This is a wide variety of passenger cars.

With the development of the auto industry, new cars are constantly being produced, which subsequently occupy their niches. With new developments, the classification is constantly expanding. It often happens that different models can occupy the boundaries of several classes, thereby forming a new class.

A striking example of this phenomenon is a parquet SUV. It is designed for paved roads.

VIN codes

In essence, this is a unique vehicle number. This code encrypts all information about the origin, manufacturer and technical characteristics of a particular model. Numbers can be found on many integral components and assemblies of machines. They are mainly located on the body, chassis elements or special nameplates.

Those who developed and implemented these numbers have introduced the simplest and most reliable method, which greatly simplifies the process of classifying cars. This number allows you to at least slightly protect cars from theft.

The code itself is not a jumble of letters and numbers. Each sign carries certain information. The cipher set is not very large; each code has 17 characters. These are mainly letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. This cipher provides a position for a special check number, which is calculated based on the code itself.

The process of calculating the control number is a fairly powerful means of protection against interrupted numbers. It is not difficult to destroy numbers. But making a number so that it falls under the control number is a separate and quite complex task.

In conclusion, I would like to add that all self-respecting automakers use general rules for calculating the check digit. However, manufacturers from Russia, Japan and Korea do not adhere to such protection methods. By the way, using this code it is easy to find original spare parts for a particular model.

So, we found out what types of vehicles there are and looked at their detailed classification.

Svetlana Slizhevskaya
Lesson summary “Types of transport”

Target. Continue to improve knowledge about various types transport: air, water, ground. Continue to get acquainted with the road transport and its types: passenger, cargo, passenger, special purpose. Fix the rules for pedestrians crossing the roadway, know and clearly state what each traffic light signal means.

Progress of the lesson.

Illustrations with three views are exhibited transport: Water, land, air.

You are asked to solve riddles.

The palace floats on the waves,

People are lucky on themselves.


What is this? What type transport refers?

Children choose illustrations with a water view transport.

Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far.


Where is the car moving? What type transport it applies?

Illustrations with ground are selected transport.

Who can tell me what kind of bird it is?

In the sky, like the wind, rushes,

White draws behind himself

A trace in azure blue?

And the pilot is driving it! –

What is this? - … (Airplane!

The plane is an aerial type transport. Children find illustrations with this species and name transport, depicted on them.

Air transport– the fastest type transport.

And today we will continue our acquaintance with the ground transport.

Children are invited to the road exhibition transport.

Stands with terrestrial views have been designed transport

1 stand: Passenger type transport

Why is it called a passenger car?

Designed to transport a small number of people and small cargo.

stand 2: Freight

What kind transport is called freight?

- Transport which transports goods.

The truck has a body for carrying cargo.

There are trucks for open transportation of cargo (consider KAMAZ), for example, bricks, logs, crushed stone.

There are trucks with a closed body - a van for transporting food, furniture, household appliances; with a tank for transporting liquids.

stand 3: Passenger.

Bus, tram, trolleybus - why this type transport called passenger? When do we become passengers?

What rules must passengers follow?

stand 4: Transport special appointments: police, ambulance, fire truck.

A police car is designed to quickly reach places where an incident, accident or disturbance of public order has occurred.

Give the police call number. 02

Car "Ambulance" intended for emergency care of sick people. It is usually white with a red cross. Called by number... 03

A fire truck is a red vehicle, equipped to extinguish fire, and you can call it by dialing the number... 01

These cars have an advantage on the road when the flashing lights and sound signals are on.

At the end of the conversation, the children go to the model of the road.

Where can I cross the road?

What's happened "zebra"? What does the sign mean "Crosswalk"?

What is a traffic light and what is it for?

The layout identifies and shows places where you can safely cross the road.

Outdoor Game "Traffic light" to consolidate knowledge about traffic lights

In conclusion, a didactic game is held to reinforce the material. classes

"What a view transport moving on the highway

Children are invited to take any toy transport from the road layout and name it.

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