Increase in salary for military personnel c. Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Indexation of military pensions

The government introduced a bill to the State Duma that would suspend the indexation of pay for military personnel in 2017.

This news will affect more than 10% of families in the Russian Federation.

What awaits the military and are there any other payments provided in return for the indexation of allowances?

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All additional payments depend on rank and length of service. They are paid monthly, added to the basic salary. The bonus part is formed by special conditions or the secrecy of the position.

A serviceman may receive additional payments for knowledge of a foreign language and physical training. Bonuses can be received for having a diploma of higher education, impeccable completion of military service, and the absence of emergency situations.

The size of wages is influenced by participation in hostilities and achievements in military service.

In addition, the law provides for the payment of bonuses for conscientious service of no more than three salaries per year. Military personnel can receive financial assistance once a year.

Every year the Government indexed the salaries of military personnel. The amount of indexation was approved upon adoption of the budget. Since 2013, the increase has been frozen; every year it is indicated that this is a temporary freeze, but next year the military will not have to wait for an increase in allowance.

According to the project in 2017 There will be no indexation of military pay. The government explains this by the difficult economic situation, in which the size of the federal budget does not allow increasing wages. The same bill contains information that regions can, at their discretion, increase salaries for officials. But the military receives payment only from the federal budget, so this item cannot affect them.

While presenting a draft federal law on suspending the indexation of military salaries, the Deputy Minister of Finance explained that this is a temporary measure. Although in previous years it was also considered this way.

The media actively promote service in the Russian army. Military service is prestigious and well paid. Indeed, social guarantees are provided to the military in full. This includes military mortgages, sanatorium and resort treatment, life and health insurance.

Legislation provides for compensation for military personnel. It is paid to a military personnel when moving to a new place of residence. If he transports his family, the payment increases by 25%.

Upon leaving the army For health reasons, military personnel are entitled to a benefit, the amount of which depends on the length of service. If he has served for less than 20 years, two salaries are due; if he has served for more than 20 years, the allowance is seven salaries.

During contract service, a contract soldier may be provided with service housing. If there is no housing stock, then the employee is compensated for the rental of residential premises. The amount is fixed. For large cities it is 15,000 rubles, in districts 3,600. If a military man lives with his family, then the amount increases by 50% of the payment amount.

All these payments and compensations are retained by military personnel in the future. But you shouldn’t expect a wage increase in 2017. In addition, the Government has put forward a proposal to abolish the mandatory indexation of wages.

The proposal was received negatively by many parties. “A Just Russia” called this measure anti-people and unfair. Suspension of indexation of wages for military personnel will lead to an annual reduction of 10-11 percent. The adoption of such a bill can cause drastic negative social consequences.

Increases in other cash payments for military personnel

During the discussion of the issue of indexing military salaries in 2017, a proposal was made about a possible salary increase in February on the inflation rate. But for now this is only an assumption, which, most likely, will not be implemented, since the economic situation in the country does not allow for an increase in salaries. An annual review can be expected no earlier than November 2017, when the budget for the coming year is approved.

Latest news on the issue of salary allowance

The State Duma Committee on Defense did not support the Government’s refusal to withdraw from its obligations to annually index the allowances of military personnel. The negative conclusion was published on November 1 in the Duma draft legislation database.

The government proposed not only to cancel indexation until 2018, but also to remove the social guarantee for the annual indexation of wages for employees serving in the army. During the entire period of validity of the federal law “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them,” indexation has not been carried out since 2013. This social guarantee has not been implemented for several years.

The Defense Committee draws the attention of State Duma deputies to the important tasks performed by military personnel. And the decline in their social standard of living is unacceptable.

In introducing changes, the Government proposed from 2018 change the approach to increasing wages officials, judges, military personnel, police. The change concerns the clause that established the annual indexation of salaries in cash in the relevant laws on the activities of these structures. Currently, the law states that salaries should be increased in accordance with the percentage of inflation. It is now proposed to annually consider the possibility of indexing after balancing the budget. Currently, the economic situation in the country does not allow indexation.

During the discussion of the bill, the question was raised that the salaries of judges and military personnel cannot be compared. The satisfaction of the former is much higher than that of military personnel. How can combat readiness be increased in the country if wages in the army remain low?

To the question: “Does our country need a strong and professional army?”, everyone will answer – it does. And how will we have it when the morale of the military is reduced to zero due to the lack of an adequate level of pay for service!

For information about the possible negative consequences of refusing indexing behavior, see the following video:

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Indexation of military pensions

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Positive forecasts from experts related to the process of Russia’s recovery from the protracted crisis have given public sector workers hope for an increase in the level of current salaries. This issue is of acute concern to teachers, doctors, and military personnel. Considering that being a military man is becoming more and more prestigious in Russia, many are really concerned about the question of whether there will be an increase in the salaries of active military personnel in the upcoming 2017.

The salary of military personnel is based on several components:

  1. Military salaries directly depend not only on the rank received, but also on the position held.
  2. Awards received for excellent service and high-quality performance of functional duties;
  3. The size of such payments can reach 25% of the salary;
  4. Allowances that are designed to compensate for difficult or dangerous conditions of service for military personnel. Bonuses may also be awarded for special labor merits or awards. Such payments can be about 10-40% of the salary.

According to statistics, today military personnel earn an average of 50 thousand rubles per month. Various bonuses and allowances can cause this figure to increase significantly. A more detailed calculation of a soldier’s salary depending on rank, position and length of service will be helped by a specially designed calculator.

Should we rely on indexing?

Current legislation provides for annual indexation of military salaries by the inflation factor. However, the last crisis year made such an operation impossible. As a result, there was no increase in military salaries, which significantly worsened the situation of military personnel compared to their colleagues in the public sector: teachers and medical workers. The latter have the opportunity to count on compensation from local budget reserves. As for representatives of army structures, the indexation of pay for military personnel is carried out exclusively from federal sources.

Considering the current situation, the country's authorities decided to reassure the military personnel and give them a positive answer to the question of whether there will be a salary increase in the coming year. Compensation will be made in accordance with expected inflation.

Experts say that inflation in the coming year will not be high and will be about 5%. And the wage conversion factor will be 5.5%. According to government officials, such an increase in military income will compensate for the increase in the cost of food products.

Is additional income growth possible?

The current financial situation in the country does not give hope for a rapid additional increase in the income of its citizens. Back in 2012, the president issued a decree on a gradual increase in salaries for public sector employees. It should be carried out through indexation carried out annually. The crisis made its own adjustments to this process, causing an acute shortage of funds in the state treasury.

However, the government of the country is determined to find financial opportunities and index the salaries of military personnel and their colleagues from the public sector in 2017. According to preliminary calculations, by 2018, employee salaries should increase by one and a half times. Whether these plans will be realized, time will tell.

Reducing rows

Measures to optimize the number of employees in the public sector raised many questions among the military. Should they expect their ranks to shrink in the coming year? Recent news suggests otherwise. In recent years, the army has begun to play an increasingly significant role in the life of Russia, providing the country with the image of a power with developed military potential. In this regard, there is no talk of reducing the number of military personnel. It is possible that personnel reform measures may affect the leaders of various military organizations. But even in this case, the total number of military personnel will not decrease by more than 5-10% of the current one.

In addition, in 2017, contract service conditions will be significantly improved. To this end, the authorities plan to increase the salaries of contract employees and make their working conditions more comfortable. It is expected that this approach will lead to an increase in the number of army personnel.

Briefly about what was said

Despite financial difficulties, the Russian authorities are striving to increase the income of military personnel. In addition to annual salary compensation, they are provided with a number of benefits, including housing and food.

After the introduction of sanctions restrictions against Russia by European states, supplying the army with necessary goods was significantly difficult. To date, Russian enterprises have had to take over the production of equipment and equipment that ensure the viability of the troops. Domestic goods are not inferior to imported ones in quality, but significantly increase in cost. Largely due to the difference in purchase prices, the government plans to free up a certain amount of financial resources, which will be used to compensate for the income of military personnel.

The political situation in the world and in the country is becoming more and more complex; the state is spending more and more money on maintaining and improving its military power. military service is now considered extremely prestigious - many young men go to serve under a contract, many university graduates decide on contract service for 2 years instead of doing military service for a period of a year. Also, universities and colleges say that the flow of applicants is not weakening, despite all the growing requirements and strict selection - therefore, officers are being trained. And all these people, as well as military personnel already serving in the RF Armed Forces, are extremely concerned about the “money” side of this issue. Even if a person goes to serve out of patriotism, a sense of duty and pride for the country, he is also interested in the material component. Let's figure out what situation the military is in now, and whether we should expect a wage increase in the near future.

The current state and size of military salaries

In fact, all military personnel, except for soldiers undergoing compulsory service, now serve on a contract basis. Let's figure out how the salary of a soldier serving under a contract is formed.

l Salary, which depends on the military position held in the state and military rank. It often happens that a military man with a higher position, but with a lower rank, receives a higher salary;

l Bonuses are payments that are assigned by the commander of a unit or military unit depending on the success of service and the fulfillment of his military duties. Typically, the size of such bonuses is about 25% of the salary, but in some cases it can be more;

l Additional allowances. As a rule, they are paid to military personnel serving in certain conditions - for example, in units with increased counter-terrorism readiness, high mountain units, and also in the north. The amount of such allowances can be quite high - for example, a conscript serviceman, whose salary in regular units is about 2,000 rubles, in high-mountain units can receive 12,000 rubles;

l Additional payments for professional skills - advanced training, physical training, passing shooting standards, knowledge of foreign languages;

l Allowances for performing combat missions, for example, combat duty.

Obviously, depending on the circumstances, rank, position, etc. the amount of allowance paid to a military personnel can vary within fairly wide limits. Nevertheless, we will announce the average numbers. The average salary of a military personnel is currently about 36-40 thousand rubles, which is a very good income for many regions and professions. What should military personnel expect in 2017?

Should we expect an increase in military salaries in 2017?

As you know, the Russian economy, due to sanctions, as well as the general instability of the world economy, is now going through not the best of times. In this regard, wage indexation was not carried out in 2016. Thanks to this, Russia managed to save almost 300 billion rubles. However, in 2017 it is planned to carry out re-indexation taking into account the increase in prices in 2016, which is quite justified - over the past year, prices have increased significantly, as well as housing and communal services tariffs. It is planned to review both the salaries of military personnel and their bonuses. Monetary compensation for both military personnel (for example, those received during the performance of military duty) and their families (if the serviceman died while on duty) is also subject to review.

It is also worth noting that due to the aggravated situation in the international arena, Russia needs to strengthen its army as much as possible. Because of this, a significant part of the budget money will be directed to increasing the country’s defense capability, which also indirectly implies an increase in monetary allowances. Because of this, the country had to redistribute financial resources and change taxation in such a way that enterprises were able to produce and sell those goods whose import into the country had been stopped. But at the moment, import substitution is beginning to improve, and this makes it possible for the government to index wages for services financed from , in full. It will be possible to judge what the indexation figures will be only in November-December 2016, when the budget for 2017 will be formed. But at the moment there are all the prerequisites for the pay of military personnel to be significantly increased.

The state is in dire need of a strong army. For this reason, today we are actively recruiting contract soldiers. They are capable of successfully replacing conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract employees as possible, it is planned to increase the salaries of military personnel this and next year.

Russia has a huge amount of weapons of mass and local destruction. Against this background, there is a need for specialists capable of providing proper maintenance.

Approximately 1/3 of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces. Part of it is spent on developing the latest weapons. The second part goes to payments to the military.

The total salary of military personnel consists of:

  1. Salary.
  2. Additional payments.
  3. Premium.

What influences

The salaries of Russian military personnel are affected by the following:

  • length of service;
  • personal merits;
  • time of service;
  • rank.

A military man receives a salary depending on his length of service. Persons serving beyond the Arctic Pole receive bonuses.

12 months of service count as 24 months.

Personal merits are understood as accomplished feats. It also matters where the soldier served. Persons serving in hot spots are paid more.

Pros and cons of contract service. Watch the video.

Other allowances

There are also other allowances. They contact:

  • speaking several languages;
  • presence of VO;
  • excellent physical preparation.

The extent to which a person is able to make a decision in a critical situation is also taken into account.


The amount of monthly salary allowances in the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • length of service - 11-39%;
  • high qualifications - 6-29%;
  • secrecy - 66%;
  • specific conditions - 100%;
  • fulfillment of special tasks - 100%;
  • special achievements - 100%.

Gunner's salary

A rifleman means a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the sign.

Squad commander salary

A squad leader is understood to be a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of a squad commander, who is a 2nd class sergeant and has 5 to 10 years of service, looks like this:

Deputy platoon commander salary

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant 1st class with 10 to 15 years of service. The sign shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is understood to be a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The sign shows how much he earns.

How much a sergeant major, a master with 20-25 years of service, earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires higher education. With bonuses, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them, the salary of military personnel with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Battalion commander - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.

They plan to improve the well-being of military personnel in 2017. After all, no changes in payment are expected until next year. Therefore, everyone wants to quickly find out what the military salary increase will be in 2017. We must not forget about the level of state characteristic of a military power. It is impossible to do without a powerful army, but the state needs to maintain it and encourage it from the budget. It is clear that all qualified specialists are paid a salary corresponding to their rank and the number of years spent in service.

And those who serve years in the compulsory army, without having shoulder straps with stars, can only hope for full provision in terms of accommodation, food, and uniforms. And as a monetary incentive, a monthly payment of about two thousand national rubles is awarded.

Responsibility for assigning decent salaries to contract employees rests with the state, which is represented by the chairmen of the government. The increase in military salaries in 2017 depends on them.

Component indicators affecting the amount of allowance for the service

The amount of military income is determined by several criteria. The number of years served along with position and position should be considered in the same way as position by rank. Those who undergo compulsory service in a military unit cannot count on mountains of gold. After all, this is a temporary stay in the army, when all costs of food and provision of basic necessities are borne exclusively by the fatherland. Therefore, the soldier only gets a couple of thousand rubles. Although a couple of years ago this amount did not exceed five hundred rubles. Despite the fact that transportation costs from the place of residence to the service are also covered by the state budget.

However, the rest of the military, who have decided to bear a long-term duty to the Motherland, protecting it and its citizens, should count on slightly different amounts. Anyone who continues to serve will not have to think about increasing their salaries as part of indexation this year. This is all due to the state of crisis that consumed the country's budget not so long ago. Such measures contributed to budget savings totaling about several billion rubles. But due to inflation, there will be no need to delay the suspension of increases. Thus, the latest news in the government provides for an increase in military salaries in 2017 twice.

There will be an increase in military pay in 2017!

At this time, a salary increase has become a necessity. Despite a lot of negative global factors caused by tension in the Far East and neighboring Ukraine, we still have to think about improving financing. After all, without improving the financial situation of military personnel, it is impossible to imagine a strong army ready for anything. But without this, today it is impossible to strengthen Russia’s defense position on the world stage, especially in politics.

Therefore, indexing the salaries of military personnel in 2017 is as necessary as demonstrating one’s capabilities at the next all-Russian training or competition. And according to preliminary forecasts, it should be at least 5.5%, and according to a possible increase in the inflation rate, by 9%. But this is only a possible minimum corresponding to the overall price increase.
The introduction of trade restrictions leads to the search for compromises in the form of domestic industry as a manufacturer independently meeting the needs of the army. As a result, the search for funds to increase military salaries can also be carried out within the budget. The idea of ​​increasing wages is supported at the level of the country's financial management. On Monday morning, Natasha was given the task of organizing a corporate celebration of March 8th in Turkey for the company’s employees. The event manager had already worked with the largest international tour operator Coral Travel, so this time she began to select the necessary tour for the event on the website.

It’s worth finding out what the planned increase in pay for military personnel is in 2017. On average, a serviceman is paid 30 thousand bills a month. According to the authorities, the average military salary should be fifty thousand rubles. Here it is worth making a note in the direction of increasing the specified amount due to all kinds of allowances, material incentives and more. And military commanders are paid an additional five thousand rubles, because the burden of responsibility falls on them.

About military pensions

Not only an increase in salaries for military personnel is expected in 2017. Those citizens who, over many years of service, have given their duty to the Motherland, defending it, being exposed to danger and stress, are entitled to decent provision in the years after service. Payment of a pension starting from the age of five may be the only financial source, or may serve as an increase if a person continues to work.

This is what is worth serving for years faithfully, achieving status and receiving a decent salary. So, the increase in military pensions by two times compared to civilian ones will not come as a surprise to anyone, as will the increase in military salaries in 2017.

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