How to cook puffball mushroom with potatoes. What kind of mushroom is a puffball - edible or not and how it is useful. Raincoat under sour cream

Forest trophies

Forest areas attract visitors not only for their picturesque nature. Who doesn't love picking mushrooms or, as they say, doing quiet hunting? When going for natural trophies, hunters are not only well armed with baskets and knives. First of all, they are armed with knowledge about mushrooms, without which it is better not to venture into the forest. Many types of edible mushrooms will end up in the baskets of hunters for natural gifts. These are, first of all, porcini and boletus mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms and honey mushrooms. While searching forest clearings, mushroom pickers more than once came across mushrooms that, like explosive packages, when damaged, threw out yellowish dust. For this, they were popularly called flutterers or dusters. They are often passed over, not knowing that they are edible puffball mushrooms. Young mushrooms can be collected and used to prepare various dishes.


Dishes with forest products are quite popular. The puffball mushroom can be classified as edible, belonging to the fourth group. Its peculiarity is that it is suitable for culinary processing only at a young age. When ripe, if the core of the fruiting body begins to turn yellow, the puffball mushroom becomes inedible. Its snow-white pulp is suitable for all types of culinary processing. One head can feed the whole family. There are many recipes for all kinds of dishes that use the puffball mushroom. Preparing such dishes is a very simple process. Raincoats are suitable for first courses - soups. As second courses, you can use stewed or fried, as well as boiled raincoats. The collected mushrooms are immediately used for cooking. They cannot be stored.

Fried puffball recipe

To prepare the dish, young mushrooms must be cleaned and rinsed well. Large raincoats are cut into cubes. Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan for thirty minutes. During this time, mushroom juice is released, and the pulp is well stewed in it. The onions are sautéed separately and added to the mushrooms at the end of stewing. After mixing the mixture well, add salt, pepper to taste and continue to fry for another twenty minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add a spoonful of sour cream.

Raincoat schnitzel

To prepare mushroom food you will need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of puffball mushrooms;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 80 grams of flour;
  • egg;
  • 0.2 kg butter;
  • salt.


First you need to prepare the dough in which the mushroom schnitzels are fried. To do this, stir the egg, flour and salt into the milk. The consistency should resemble sour cream. Mushrooms are cut into slices shaped like schnitzels. Lightly salt them, dip them into the prepared dough and fry in oil or fat until golden brown.

Raincoat Soup Recipe



To prepare the dish you will need 1.5 liters of water. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed and cut into cubes. Place them in a pan of water and boil them for 20 minutes. During cooking, remove the resulting foam. The puffball mushroom will add a persistent mushroom flavor to the broth. Spices and salt are added to it to taste. The mushroom broth continues to simmer over low heat. At this time, vegetables are prepared. Peeled potatoes are cut into small cubes and poured into boiling broth. Peeled onions and carrots are finely chopped and fried in oil. The finished sauté is added to the soup. Its readiness is determined by the softness of the potatoes. At the end of cooking the soup, add finely chopped herbs. When serving the dish, add sour cream to the plate.

Good day to you! Have you ever tried mushroom nuggets? And almost free too! Hardly!
In our country (unlike the Italians), few people know about mushrooms such as puffball, and especially whether they are edible or not. Moreover, few people know how to prepare a raincoat. By the way, this mushroom belongs to the champignon order, it is prepared almost in the same way as well-known champignons and at the same time very, very tasty.
So, today I want to bring to your attention one of the simple and quick (and most importantly, very low-cost) ways to cook these wonderful mushrooms.
And to prepare such a wonderful and beautiful (and most importantly very tasty and, importantly, healthy) dish, which I call “mushroom nuggets”, because they are incredibly close and exactly similar to those same chicken nuggets that are sold at McDonald’s

We will need these mushrooms called “raincoat”, which I collected in parallel with the saffron milk caps.

1. Preparing them for frying is not very difficult, since they are not wormy (I have never come across wormy ones). You just need to lightly trim the stems from any remaining soil and remove the top old and therefore slightly darkened layer of large and old raincoats, under which the white flesh of the mushroom will appear.

2. Since this mushroom is a member of the champignon family, it is completely edible. And since he loves water very much and absorbs it strongly (which makes him look like a rag), you need to wet him with water as little as possible. Immediately cut the sufficiently peeled mushrooms into slices (small ones in half, and large ones into circles)
3. Sprinkle the puffball mushrooms on both sides with spices and salt to your taste and following your preferences.

4. Roll the mushrooms in breadcrumbs. The thinner the breading, the tastier it will be. It’s better, of course, to buy crackers like “Moscow” or similar ones in the store and grind them using a meat grinder. Or you can use homemade crackers, which we make when there is bread or loaf left. True, the texture of this breading will be coarser, but this will not make the nuggets any less tasty.

5. Fry each portion of prepared mushrooms in a heated frying pan with a spoonful of vegetable oil and a spoonful of butter to give a more aromatic taste, on both sides until a golden brown crust forms from the breading.
6. Place the prepared “mushroom nuggets” on a plate, sprinkle them with herbs, onion slices and preferably sprinkle them with lemon juice. You can, of course, not sprinkle with lemon juice; the mushrooms will still be incredibly tasty, but lemon juice will add additional pleasant flavor notes to them. So, the money to prepare such a wonderful dish was only spent on a slice of lemon, a pinch of salt and a spoonful of vegetable oil, and at the end we got such an excellent, appetizing, nutritious, but at the same time low-calorie and healthy dish.

And I, as always, wish you bon appetit and creative culinary success!

Cooking time: PT00H20M 20 min.

Almost every lover of quiet hunting has encountered a puffball mushroom on their way. Many mushroom pickers consider it poisonous and pass by or knock it down. In fact, it contains a huge number of beneficial properties and is used as a basis for medicines and a variety of culinary dishes.

Despite the fact that the puffball is a close relative of the well-known champignons (they belong to the same genus), in terms of appearance there is not much in common between them. There are several subspecies of this mushroom (all of them are shown in the photo):

  • Spiky. It is most often found in fields and meadows; it can be identified by the characteristic hill at the very top of the cap. The entire white surface is covered with small spines, which give it its name. They fall off easily when touched.
  • Golovach. A round mushroom up to 10-15 centimeters high. Initially it also has a white color, which fades and turns yellow over time, eventually turning brown.
  • Giant. You can recognize them by their round or ovoid shape, as well as by their large size - some can reach a weight of up to 10 kilograms. The color is white or yellowish-gray; some may collect old shell, which makes the appearance not very pleasant.
  • Oblong. The shape is club-shaped, with a thickening at the top.

Many people are interested in the question: is this mushroom edible or not?

Entirely and completely, but you should choose only the youngest mushrooms. Its pulp should be completely white, without shades, dense, elastic structure, with a uniform consistency. There should be no signs of spores inside, and the structure of the puffball should not have pronounced legs and caps with plates - this is very important, because otherwise it can be confused with a young fly agaric, which is often confused with a false puffball.

Without a refrigerator, a raincoat can last up to a week, but only if the collection was carried out during dry times. These mushrooms are great for cooking; there are many recipes associated with them, but more on that below.

Collection rules

Raincoats grow in a wide variety of places. They can be found in forests, fields and meadows. They are quite unpretentious and can grow in any soil. If you know what this mushroom looks like, it is almost impossible to confuse it with others; its appearance is very unique.

They try to collect the youngest specimens, but there is a very important nuance here. Raincoats, like no one else, collect harmful substances, so you definitely shouldn’t look for them, for example, along roads.

Medicinal properties

Few people know, but the puffball mushroom has many medicinal properties (as, for example, and). They are due to the presence of calvacin in the pulp, which has powerful anticancer and antibiotic properties.

Preparations prepared from this mushroom help remove heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins, and toxic compounds of fluorine and chlorine from the body. Thanks to this, raincoats are actively used in folk and traditional medicine.

Young mushrooms are used for anemia, venous congestion, skin eczema and digestive disorders; shoots can be used on wounds to stop bleeding - just apply a piece or sprinkle with spores.

Wounds treated in this way do not fester and heal much faster. It can also serve as an antitumor agent, and also when used cosmetically, the raincoat makes the skin more elastic and firm.

It is important to know how to properly prepare a raincoat. There are three most popular options here:

1. Infusion.

  • 5 tablespoons of spores are placed in an enamel bowl along with 1 tablespoon of calamus roots, after which they are filled with warm (about 40-50 degrees) water. You need to leave overnight, after which the calamus roots are ground through a meat grinder, a tablespoon of calendula flowers is added, and then the original composition is poured again. This is followed by two days of infusion and straining through gauze. Should be taken before and after meals in a volume of 250 milliliters.

2. Setting:

  • To prepare it, take fresh mushrooms, which are filled with vodka diluted with water. It should be infused for two weeks in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Should be taken before meals three times a day diluted with water.

3. Skin lotion(it will be especially good for those who wish):

  • Mix 100 grams of water and vodka, pour into a liter jar completely filled with mushroom. Infuse in a dark place for two weeks, after which it is filtered. Add 10 drops of tea tree oil and lavender to the composition.

Attention: These medications should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Even if you know how to properly prepare the mentioned remedies, self-medication should only be done under the supervision of medical professionals. It is also possible that you have contraindications before use, which you personally might not be aware of.

In cooking

Like their mushroom cousins, puffballs are used in a variety of culinary recipes. Here I will tell you how you can prepare some of them.

  • Raincoat soup. One of the simplest and most accessible recipes. To prepare it, you need to set the potatoes to boil, and at the same time lightly fry the washed and chopped mushrooms in a frying pan along with the onions. At the same time, you should make the choux pastry for dumplings: add water with a pinch of salt and a piece of butter, add eggs and flour, stirring constantly. Next, add mushrooms to the soup and spoon out the dough. Towards the end of cooking it would be a good idea to add some herbs.
  • Stewed puffballs. No less interesting recipe. First you need to clean and thoroughly wash the mushrooms. Then we cut it and put it in a frying pan, where we fry it a little with the addition of pepper and salt. After some time, you need to add the onion, and then pour in the cream. If you wish, you can add sauce. You can use a wide variety of them - there is a wide scope for experimentation.
  • Raincoats with sour cream. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into pieces, and then send them to boil for a while in salted water. At this time, we clean the mushrooms and also rinse them. Place them in a frying pan and fry for 20 minutes. Add the chopped hand, stir, salt and pepper, continue to fry for another 15 minutes. Just before finishing, add sour cream and leave to simmer. By about the same time, the potatoes should be cooked.

As you can see, the puffball turns out to be an incredibly versatile mushroom - it is widely used both in medicine due to its components and in cooking. I hope that now, when you meet him on a quiet hunt, you will no longer neglect his amazing natural qualities.

All white puffballs are edible and will enrich your table in the early summer season, before mushroom abundance sets in. They can be boiled, baked, dried and frozen - according to the proverb: “Everything is useful that fits into your mouth.” You will find recipes for making puffball mushrooms below.

Mushroom Raincoat - recipes

How to prepare puffball mushrooms as mushroom powder

The young white bodies of puffballs along with the pulp are cut crosswise into 1 cm slices and dried on a net in low heat. Then carefully remove and grind into powder. Mushrooms crumble and grind easily.

Grilled puffball mushroom recipe

The most delicious puffballs are made by grilling them on a grill or grill over the coals of a fire. You can fry the mushroom slices in a large cast iron skillet that has been lightly oiled. The mushrooms are placed in one row and browned on both sides. You can fry onion slices and serve with mushrooms.

Recipe for gyuvech with puffball mushrooms

Fry pieces of puffball mushrooms, slices of onion, tomato, bell pepper and zucchini in a frying pan. Mix everything in one saucepan with a thick bottom, add salt, add herbs and add boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes and serve hot. All vegetables and mushrooms are taken in equal proportions.

How to cook pilaf with raincoats mushrooms

Fry puffball mushrooms, onion slices and shredded carrots in a frying pan. Combine everything, add vegetable oil and a little water and simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt and mix with boiled rice, add diluted tomato paste or boiled tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Add pepper and favorite spices. Eat it hot. For a frying pan of fried raincoats you need 2 onions, 1 carrot, boiled rice from 1 cup of dry cereal and 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste (or 4 tomatoes), salt and spices to taste.

Mushroom soup with raincoats - recipe

Boil the puffballs for 40 minutes, add raw potato cubes, sautéed onions and carrots, add salt and cook until tender. Rinse the pearl barley and cook it for 20 minutes, then drain and rinse with cold water. 5 minutes before the end of cooking the soup, add cereal, herbs and bay leaf. Serve hot with sour cream. For 2 liters of water take a bowl of puffball mushrooms, 3 potatoes, boil half a glass of pearl barley, 1 onion, carrots, 2 tbsp vegetable oil. l.

Recipe for mushroom stew with puffballs

Fry the puffball pieces in a high-rimmed frying pan. Add boiled potatoes cut into pieces and butter to the prepared mushrooms, mix everything and fry for another 5 minutes. Pour in sour cream and heat for 2-3 minutes under the lid. Sprinkle with dill and serve immediately.

Recipe for chicken giblets with puffball mushrooms

Place chicken livers, hearts, neck and wings in a clay pot, add salt and add pieces of raincoats. Add a layer of raw diced potatoes and mix everything. Add a little water, add sour cream and simmer for about an hour in a hot stove (oven). The lid of the pot or cast iron should fit tightly to the neck of the dish. You will need 3-4 livers, 5-6 hearts, 3 necks and 3 wings, 4 potatoes, 10 raincoats, a glass of sour cream.

How to make mushroom broth with puffball mushrooms

Boil beef brisket (or a good marrow bone with meat) for 1.5 hours. Add onion and carrots, cut into large pieces, to the broth. When ready, remove vegetables from broth and discard. Add the noodles and the mushroom powder from the puffballs previously diluted in the broth. Boil everything for 10 minutes, stirring, add bay leaf and let stand covered for 5 minutes. Serve with chopped pieces of meat and herbs, which are added directly to each plate. Brisket 1 kg, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 100 g noodles and 3 tbsp. l. mushroom powder.

How to cook puffball mushrooms - processing and preparation methods

In Russia, the puffball mushroom is treated lightly, condescendingly and disrespectfully. Few people eat them, considering them, if not poisonous, then certainly inedible. Their only vocation is as a toy for children who slam old rotten balls with their feet and release “smoke” from them.

However, puffballs are famous all over the world for their excellent taste, and in Italy they are one of the favorite delicacies. When collecting and preparing raincoats, it is still advisable to exercise some caution.

Only the youngest, snow-white mushrooms are edible. Raincoats are absolutely not intended for storage - they should be used literally within the next few hours after collection. Before cooking, remove the tough skin from the fruit.

Soups are made from raincoats, they are fried, stewed, and also dried. The easiest way to dry fruits is to place small whole balls in the sun, in an oven or over a stove and dry until ready. Mushrooms do not lose their shape even when dried at high temperatures.

How to distinguish an ordinary raincoat from false ones

Common puffballs grow on almost all continents in places with suitable climate and soil. In appearance, they resemble white leathery balls, smoothly flowing into a small stalk. Their general appearance resembles a light bulb, decorated with small “spikes” at the top.

In size - small or medium, 4-8 cm in height and 2-4 in width. The flesh of these mushrooms is white, soft, with a pleasant “mushroom” smell. Over time, as the mushroom ages, it turns yellow, becomes porous and cottony, and then completely turns into dust. In the first stage, while the mushroom is still young and white, it is edible.

Photo: Appearance of the false puffball warty

Puffballs should be distinguished from warty false puffballs and common puffballs, which are inedible, have a gray or yellow shell and a pronounced “potato” smell. They are found from May to October in coniferous and deciduous forests, meadows and clearings, dung heaps, and rotten stumps.

Photo: Appearance of common puffball

To distinguish the puffball from the unopened poisonous toadstool, the mushroom is cut lengthwise. An ordinary raincoat has no cap plates.

Due to its ability to turn into dust, the raincoat has acquired many different names among the people, for example:

  • fluffer;
  • dust duster;
  • grandfather's tobacco;
  • wolf tobacco;
  • tobacco mushroom;
  • bee sponge;
  • fawn;
  • gypsy powder;
  • damn snuffbox.

The Raincoat mushroom, the recipes for which we gave above, is not the easiest mushroom to prepare. However, if you know how to assemble, process and cook the raincoat, you will get a very tasty dish!

Video: Recipes using puffball mushrooms

Puffballs are round-shaped porcini mushrooms that appear in nature and in parks at the end of summer. They are loved by children, because if you hit the ball with a stick or kick it, a brown cloud will fly out of the middle. But raincoats are notable not only as a fun toy: they taste good and have medicinal properties.

What does the puffball mushroom look like and where does it grow?

In biology, “Dozhdevikov” is understood as an entire genus that is part of the Champignon family, although more recently it was separated into a separate family of Dozhdevikov. These are gasteromycete fungi, in which the formation of spores responsible for reproduction occurs inside the fruiting body. When it matures, a hole opens at the top to allow the spores to escape into the environment.

All representatives of the genus are characterized by a round or pear-shaped structure of the fruiting body. Unlike most, they do not have a strictly defined cap. But there is a false leg, smoothly turning into a round part.

The pulp (gleba) is elastic and fleshy. This is the part that is eaten. The color of the gleba directly depends on the age of the mushroom and serves as a kind of indicator of suitability: only young white specimens have a pleasant taste. When it darkens and the flesh turns olive-like, the puffball loses its culinary value and is considered inedible.

Description of edible species of puffball

Types of raincoats differ in appearance and place of growth. But they are united by fruiting from the second half of summer until October and the fact that they are all edible as long as the flesh remains white.

Meadow raincoat

It has a small fruiting body, the diameter of which is 2–4 cm. It is round, gradually tapering towards the base. The pulp of a young mushroom is snow-white, over time it becomes yellow and then brown or olive in color. It grows mainly in fields and along roads.

It has a spherical fruiting body growing on a thick stalk. Its surface is dotted with thin needles that fall off when touched. The height of the mushroom reaches up to 10 cm. You can find it on the edges or in a light forest.

Raincoat brown (umber)

It sits tightly on the soil because the leg is almost invisible. It has a small fruiting body (only up to 5 cm in diameter) of brown color, dotted with dark needles. They can form patterns that resemble stars.


The giant raincoat is different from all its relatives, often reaching the size of a soccer ball. True, this is a rare mushroom, and in the middle zone it is rarely found. Giant puffball growing in old pastures, fields or meadows; less often - in deciduous forests.

Collecting giant puffballs (video)

Medicinal properties of puffball mushroom

Raincoats are successfully used in alternative medicine. Their pulp contains useful substances that have a positive effect on health.

The healing properties of a raincoat:

  • cleansing – the mushroom is an excellent absorbent and removes harmful compounds from the human body;
  • taking folk remedies based on it is used to cleanse the liver and intestines;
  • it leads to normal blood composition;
  • It must be said separately that it, like a sponge, absorbs radionuclides and removes them from the body.
  • the pulp stops bleeding and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Traditional healers have known about such possibilities for many centuries, who use these gifts of nature in their practice.

The use of raincoats in folk medicine

The use of a raincoat is varied:

  1. For skin injuries. Many mushroom pickers know that if you cut yourself or get burned in the forest, you need to look for a raincoat. It should simply be folded in half and applied to the injured area.
  2. Local use of folk remedies from this mushroom will also help with skin diseases, relieving inflammation and accelerating tissue regeneration. For example, with hives or boils.
  3. The decoction is used in the treatment of diseases and respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis). According to healers, this remedy is not inferior in value to chicken broth.
  4. The giant species is used to prevent and stop the growth of tumors, because it contains calvacin.

A raincoat is also used for preventive purposes if you want to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. After this, the person feels better and filled with vitality.

False types of puffballs and their toxicity

Their relatives, the false ones, are similar in appearance to raincoats. According to scientific classification, they belong to the Sclerodermataceae family. In Russia and neighboring countries, the common and warty puffball are more common. Both are apparently unsuitable for consumption and are even called mildly poisonous.

When consuming them, a person feels slightly unwell, and if you eat mushrooms in large quantities, a classic picture of poisoning appears. Sometimes false raincoats cause an allergic reaction in the form of conjunctivitis and runny nose. Although there is no direct threat to life, mushrooms should be avoided.

The species is found in Eastern Europe, the northern Caucasus and the Far East. Prefers to grow in well-lit coniferous and deciduous forests, meadows and along paths, choosing dry places. Fruiting time is from July to October.

It has an inconspicuous yellowish fruiting body, not exceeding 12 cm in height. Brown scales, warty formations and cracks are located on its surface. There is no false leg.

False puffball warty

The mushroom has a tuberous or kidney-shaped shape. It differs from the common false puffball by the presence of a false stalk about 1.5 cm high, although there are specimens with a stalk 5–7 cm. The color of the fruiting body can be from gray-white to brown. There are warts on its surfaces.

This is a cosmopolitan species, growing in both hemispheres, including the tropical zone. Fruiting time is August–October. You can find it in forests with hard trees (for example, oak), on the edges, in gardens, along roads

Where do raincoats grow and how to collect them (video)

Recipes with puffball mushroom

When prepared correctly, puffballs are an excellent ingredient for many dishes. But only young mushrooms with white flesh have high taste properties. When it turns brown and brown, hardness appears, and the pleasant taste and smell disappear. The mushroom picker should also know that finds cannot be stored for a long time: they are prepared immediately after collection.

Raincoats in a frying pan with sour cream.

To prepare you will need:

  • raincoats;
  • rast. oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • spoon of sour cream.

Mushrooms are cleaned and washed, and large specimens are cut into cubes; after which the raincoats are fried in oil for about 30 minutes. At this time, an intensive release of mushroom juice with a delicious aroma occurs, in which the pulp is additionally stewed. Onion half rings are fried in another frying pan. They need to be added after cooking the roast along with salt and pepper, leaving the dish on the fire for another 20 minutes. After this time, all that remains is to add sour cream.

Rain soup

To prepare a rich soup with a pleasant smell you need:

  • 5 raincoats;
  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • to taste – salt and ground black pepper.

The mushrooms are processed, cut into cubes and immersed in a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water. First boiling time: 20 minutes. Add salt and spices to the broth and add chopped potatoes for another 20–30 minutes. At the same time, sauté the onions and carrots, which are added to the soup 5 minutes before readiness. The dish is served with fresh herbs and sour cream.

How to make raincoats (video)

Raincoat schnitzels

The pulp of the puffball is suitable for making unusual mushroom cutlets. You will need:

  • 500 g of fresh raincoats;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

First prepare the batter by mixing flour with egg and salt. It should be like sour cream of medium thickness. Mushrooms are cut into thick slices and fried in oil, first dipped in batter.

Puffballs are interesting and useful mushrooms. Unfortunately, many people pass by them, not knowing about the beneficial properties and excellent qualities of these white balls. By preparing them according to all the rules, you can taste a delicious dish that will benefit the body.

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