Horoscope for August from Alexander Zaraev. Horoscope for August from Alexander Zaraev Astrological calendar of Zaraev for August

The more alarming the times we live in, the more carefully we read the predictions left behind.

Recently, the British media rediscovered the prophecies of a Bulgarian clairvoyant Wangi. They massively replicate her words that in 2016 Muslim extremists will seize Europe and start a big war, that by the end of 2016 the Old World will cease to exist in the form we are accustomed to and will turn into a “land of desolation.” At some point, the Islamists will even use chemical weapons, and it will all end with the creation of a caliphate in 2043. Rome will become its center (it is possible that Vanga did not even mean Rome, but the Vatican).

“Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same,” one newspaper quotes the words of the clairvoyant. In addition, British (and after them American) journalists remembered something else from her prophecies: the United States will have a black president, and he will be the last president of this country.

It is worth noting that Vanga had many different prophecies and not all of them came true. So, for 2003 she “predicted” the end of the world: “The Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out.” In 2008, humanity, in her opinion, had to get rid of cancer forever by inventing a medicine containing a lot of iron. And in 2010, the Bulgarian seer predicted the beginning of the third world war, and it was supposed to end in October 2014. During this grandiose cataclysm, the use of nuclear and then chemical weapons was expected.

“I must say thank you for the fact that even such clairvoyants as Vanga sometimes make mistakes,” he smiles Valery Sary-Guzel, candidate of psychological sciences.- Yes, in troubling times people really begin to become interested in prophecies - they want to calm themselves down in this way. After all, if the prophecy is bad, then we can say: everything was predetermined, nothing depends on me, I cannot influence the situation. And if the forecast promises an improvement in the situation, then your mood will improve! One more thing: if a prediction comes true, everyone talks about it loudly. And no one remembers the unfulfilled ones.”

What to expect from a monkey?

“I think that a lot of Vanga’s prophecies are thought out by the journalists themselves. In this case, they took several of her forecasts for different years and combined them into one prediction, says astrologer Alexander Zaraev.- But the essence is conveyed correctly. Vanga noted that 2016 will be unusual. There will be a struggle between the Muslim world and the Western world. A Edgar Cayce, an American clairvoyant, said that he sees, instead of a united Europe, some disparate islands of culture. Astrology confirms these predictions. But they concern not only 2016. This period began in March 2011, when Uranus entered the sign of Aries, and will end in 2018.”

Alexander Zaraev himself, back in 1989, made a forecast about the fate of Russia for the next 15 years. He said that perestroika consists of seven cycles (about 2 years each) and it will last until 2002. Moreover, in August 1999 the last cycle will begin, which will change the highest power in the country. "Just at that time Yeltsin named Putin his successor,” the astrologer recalls.

A transition period followed, which ended in 2012 with street protests and the formation of a new opposition. It was something of a milestone. And then, according to Zaraev’s forecast, Russia should develop intensively. The rise is designed for 12 years - by 2024, our country will enter the renewal cycle that was laid out at the very beginning of perestroika. And 2016 should be a turning point in this process. What can we expect from him?

“This will be the year of the Fire Monkey, and it should become very dynamic,” says Zaraev. - The Year of the Monkey always gives impetus to changing traditions and attitudes. And the element of fire adds revolutionary sentiment. For example, the previous year of the Fire Monkey was 1956. It was marked by anti-communist protests in Hungary and Poland, which forced the USSR to pursue a more flexible policy in the countries of the socialist camp. And in 1957, a festival of youth and students was held in Moscow. The “thaw” has begun.

From mid-August to early October 2016, some progress will be possible in Russia. The conflict in Ukraine may flare up with renewed vigor. This will be a test of strength for the authorities. The third quarter will mark the very bottom of the crisis and economic recession. It is important for us to survive this difficult period so that it does not turn into social upheaval. But then, from October-November, economic growth will begin. Oil prices will also go up.

But Europe faces more serious challenges. The process of disintegration of the European Union began in September of this year: then Saturn entered the sign of Sagittarius, and Jupiter entered the sign of Virgo. This means a conflict between state policies and public life. As a result, changes in constitutions and borders, changes in presidents and governments that do not meet the needs of society are possible. I think that in 2016 some European leaders will lose their authority. A number of nationalist movements will emerge that will force society, if not to perk up, then to look for new ways of development. Here is another parallel with the past. 1932 was also the year of the Monkey. Then Europe overlooked the danger, and in 1933 he came to power Hitler».

Thus, the coming year cannot be called calm. It will shake ethnic groups and entire countries. This means that we all need to stock up not only with patience, but also with common sense.

Astrological forecasts have been popular almost ever since they were first announced. No wonder, because people’s natural curiosity leads them to be interested in everything unknown - especially their future. Star predictions are considered one of the most accurate, as they have a scientific basis. Astrologers all over the world are respected scientists and their opinions are listened to by ordinary people, stars and politicians. There are several well-known futurologists on the territory of the former Soviet Union who make predictions. One of the most interesting is Alexander Zaraev’s horoscope for 2017.

Alexander Zaraev gained fame back in the Soviet Union, thanks to the fact that he discovered a new way of interpreting star predictions. His method makes it possible to predict future events with incredible accuracy. There are several true predictions about him: the collapse of the union, the coming to power in 1999 of a new strong leader who will remain at the helm for quite a long time, and even the fact that the perestroika started by Gorbachev will actually end by 2002. Thanks to these events, predicted by Zaraev long before their implementation, the name and forecasts of Alexander Zaraev carry weight.

Horoscope from Zaraev for 2017 for the world

Astrologer Zaraev, characterizing the coming 2017, pays special attention to the fact that the year will be dominated by the Fire Rooster. That is, not only is the Rooster himself an energetic and sometimes arrogant bird, his element – ​​Fire – will only fuel the already complex and conflict-sensitive situation in the world. He forecasts a deepening of the conflict between East and West and predicts that the main reason for further deterioration may be the pressing religious issue and the activation of the Muslim world.

It is already becoming clear that the difference in the culture of Muslim and Christian countries is not erased, but only intensifies over time. And the further it goes, the more difficult it will be for representatives of different faiths to coexist within the same country. So, according to the horoscope for 2017 from Zaraev, even the beginning of the Third World War is predicted, the cause of which will be an internal conflict in one of the.

Regarding the European Union itself, the astrologer makes the assumption that after a number of changes within individual countries, amendments will be made to the statute of the organization itself and this will be the beginning of the collapse of the association. There will be a change in political leaders, which will lead to economic growth, but only after the end of the election period, when the measures taken at the very beginning will have an effect.

Economically, 2017 will not be the best year. Despite the fact that both the element and the totem of the year presuppose activity and enterprise throughout the entire period, one cannot count on quickly achieving the desired results. As you begin to make improvements, difficulties and obstacles will constantly arise caused by mistakes made in previous years. However, the Year of the Rooster is well suited for forming the basis of a new economy: at this time it is good to take measures to revive enterprises, invest and introduce new technologies. The results will only be seen next year, but we need to start now. Therefore, those countries that will be able to adapt to new conditions in time will be the first to emerge from the protracted crisis.

Horoscope for 2017 from Zaraev for Russia

Zaraev predicted many events that would happen long before the prerequisites for them appeared. So, back in 2011, he said that in 2015-2016. Russia will be drawn into several militarized conflicts. The forecast for next year is also disappointing: it will not be possible to resolve conflicts, nor will it be possible to limit participation in them.

In general, the year will be difficult both from an economic and social point of view. Of course, the average person himself will say that the horoscope for 2017 from Zaraev cannot be rosy and promise quick improvements - there is simply nowhere to expect them. Sanctions imposed by European countries, constant fluctuations in exchange rates and falling fuel prices (oil and petroleum products in particular) will have a very negative impact on the country's economy in 2017. However, the futurist predicts that innovations and complex unpopular decisions made this year will lead the country out of the crisis in the next few years. While neighboring states will continue to experience the consequences of the economic Depression for a long time - this is what this period in history will be called according to Zaraev.

The astrologer states that now the future of the country depends on the location of the stars, namely the position of Mars, which has an aggressive influence. The country's foreign policy will cause sharply negative criticism from the world community and citizens of the Russian Federation. This will cause a series of protests and marches against the existing government and political system, but all of them will be suppressed in the bud. Zaraev says that the main reason for such sentiment among the people will be a number of decisions that will greatly reduce funding for the social sphere, directing funds to increase production capacity.

Zaraev, drawing up a horoscope for 2017 for Russia, noted that back in 2012 a new period began for the country, which will last for the next 12 years and that 2017 will be a turning point for the entire country as a whole. The country is expecting a new round of development, which should end by 2024 with a new rise in all areas.

Religious conflicts will not bypass Russia either: differences in beliefs may become another cause of popular unrest and serious clashes. A change in the country’s course and a number of laws will help avoid this and unite citizens.

The events of the previous year will also have a great influence on 2017: Alexander Zaraev talks about a lunar eclipse, which will affect the decisions of politicians and those in power in the country. He also claims that the year will be very difficult for the president. He predicts his loss of authority among citizens and the complete end of his political career. However, it is precisely this part of the prediction for 2017 that raises a lot of questions among political scientists and skeptics.

Aries (21.03 - 20.04)


For many Aries, 2019 may turn out to be quite favorable, especially in educational and spiritual terms. They will be able to expand the boundaries of their worldview, go on exciting trips, find partners or work abroad. Many Aries will set global goals for themselves and, with their characteristic ardor and ambition, strive for the heights of success. And this year they will have opportunities to succeed in their careers, social or political activities. And influential patrons will be able to instill in them confidence in success. However, to do this, they will have to work hard, show organization and responsibility, go beyond limitations, and also enter into conflicts and confrontations with management and colleagues. And in this regard, already at the beginning of the year, Aries will feel bound by obligations, which may limit their creative freedom. But in February their business pressure and activity will increase, they will be able to find successful areas to apply their efforts and benefit. And for this they will be willing to take risks and not be afraid to put everything on the line. In March, there may be progress in business and Aries will have to show enterprise and efficiency in order not to miss a good chance. In April, renewed energy will push them towards change, so they will try their hand at a new business and find more profitable projects. And this is a suitable period for expanding the boundaries of your capabilities, for searching for new areas of activity abroad, as well as for travel, new acquaintances and impressions. May for Aries is a period of strengthening their financial situation, success in entrepreneurship, financial transactions, and also a suitable time for large purchases and investments. There may be good chances for advancement and expansion of business connections in their business and career. But June and July are a period of some calm in business, unfulfilled hopes and promises, as well as disappointments in personal life. Aries will have to pay more attention to their loved ones and solve business problems, so at this time it is better to retire and go on vacation. August can be very dynamic and hectic, and excessive demands can result in criticism and alienation from loved ones or colleagues. The most unfavorable months will be September and October, when Aries may be faced with a large number of tasks and responsibilities, and they will also have to endure financial losses and conflicts with others. But the end of the year promises to be very positive; some of Aries’ expectations may come true, and past losses and failures will be compensated.


For the health of Aries, 2019 may turn out to be quite difficult, since throughout the entire period they may feel a lack of strength, which is why they will get tired faster and return to their untreated chronic diseases. Therefore, it is important for them not to succumb to the blues, to take more care of themselves, their health, and sports. However, it is advisable not to overdo it in this area, since there is a high probability of injuries and sprains, especially of the legs. In addition, throughout the year it is advisable for them not to become overcooled, since many diseases can be associated with this. Thus, after January 7, a weakening of life potential can make them more susceptible to various infectious diseases and seasonal viruses. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to beware of hypothermia, especially for those who are prone to joint diseases. Due to impaired heat exchange in the body, Aries will freeze, experience emotional discomfort, and digestive disorders, so it is necessary to eat food only warm, as well as hot drinks with the addition of herbal balms and spices. February is a completely favorable period when Aries will be quite active, sociable, and thanks to their ebullient energy and enthusiasm they will actively influence their partners and current events. This is a very suitable period to recharge your body, give up bad habits, and get in good physical shape. In March, Aries will be able to continue their health practices, and the last month of their annual cycle will be very favorable, which will allow them to maintain a high level of energy before the next difficult period, which will be April. At this time, unfavorable cosmic energies will negatively affect the functioning of the digestive and skeletal systems of Aries, so it is important to support your body with vitamins. In May, many of them will perk up, and the spring mood will be conducive to romantic adventures. But June and the first half of July are the most difficult period of the year, when it is important to take care of your health, especially the digestive system, support your immunity and psycho-emotional state, and prevent breakdowns. Harmonious August is very favorable for relaxation, travel, and communication with different people. In September and October, Aries is expected to experience a new cycle of unstable physical condition, when emotional stress can lead to disruption of life cycles: in the digestive system, surges in blood pressure, headaches, and insomnia. But November and December are very favorable periods. And, if in November Aries experience mood swings and lack of strength, then in December they will be able to fully recover. They will feel a spiritual and creative uplift, an increase in enthusiasm, so their body will be able to withstand increased stress and an active social life without much damage.

Astro forecast for August 2019

August for Aries is a very dynamic and favorable period, as they will be filled with new ideas and plans, as well as feel increased enthusiasm and a surge of strength (curve A). This is a favorable time to compensate for past losses and recover from the troubles and losses suffered. In addition, in the period from the 4th to the 14th, they will have good luck, they will become more popular, successful, and therefore will be able to enjoy life and their position. However, this can intensify dissatisfaction on the part of less successful friends and colleagues. Therefore, Aries may encounter envy and gossip, which can undermine their authority and affect their work results, especially at the beginning of the month.
Increased energy can lead to excessive haste, and, without waiting for a harmonious situation to develop, many of them will prefer to go ahead, risking more to lose than to gain, especially in material terms. That is why Aries needs to slow down in time and have time to carefully think through all the details and nuances of the matter. They will only benefit from this, since their desire for creation and creativity will be quite strong, and good organizational skills, the ability to inspire with their ideas, ardor, and thirst for self-expression will allow them to creatively use past connections, karmic relationships and significantly improve their financial situation (curve G ).
During this very active period for Aries, their charm and passion can infect those around them who are ready to stand under their banner. This is also an interesting romantic period and many will be open to love and creativity (Curve B). Aries will be able to use their charm and charisma in a very versatile way, and be popular not only among people of the opposite sex, but also achieve the support of patrons and sponsors.
During the period from August 14 to 18, Aries need to be more attentive, not to rush things and restrain their emotional impulses, since the desire to assert themselves and excessive pride can nullify their efforts and complicate relationships with people older in age or position (curve B) .
Aries expects the next active period in the third decade, when business prospects, new proposals and projects that promise a good income will appear. Aries can get carried away by this and lose interest in old affairs, which threatens to ruin relationships with management and long-time partners.

Of all the existing methods that allow you to predict the future, astrological forecasts are considered one of the most accurate and truthful. The main thing in this matter is to be able to correctly interpret the predictions of the heavenly bodies. Alexander Zaraev is one of the leading astrologers of our time, who has developed a new concept in the science of astroforecasting. The accuracy and consistency of forecasts have provided it with well-deserved popularity not only in Russia, but also in many CIS countries.

Zaraev's predictions contained information about the collapse of the Union, the change of power in 1999 and the arrival of a new president who would remain in power for a very long time. Five years ago, Zaraev said that in 2016 the influence of warlike Uranus would bring instability and conflict to the world, exacerbating the struggle between West and East. It is quite natural that many are interested in the question of further developments in Russia and the world in 2017. Let's figure out what Alexander Zaraev says about this.

Zaraev predicted many stages in the development of the Russian Federation

Zaraev's prediction for the world

According to Zaraev, 2017, passing under the sign, will be characterized by extreme dynamism and speed of development of events. Fire is a very aggressive natural element, therefore it fuels the revolutionary spirit existing in the world, pushes into conflicts, contributes to the emergence of disputes and sharp fluctuations in economic indicators, and significantly deepens.

The action of negative cosmic energy awakens negative emotions in people and pushes them to impulsive actions. However, this element is conducive to action, so the year can provide a serious impetus for changes for the better. The astrologer says that the way out of the crisis will be protracted, and it will be called a new Depression. At the same time, in 2017 we can try to lay the foundation for future economic growth, if the heads of world states can come to a constructive dialogue.

Zaraev suggests that back in September 2015, when Saturn entered the constellation Sagittarius and Virgo moved to Jupiter, the foundations were laid for the beginning of the collapse of the European Union. The next period in the life of the European Community will be characterized by an intensification of the confrontation between two spheres - the political component and the social system.

The astrologer predicts the beginning of a difficult period for the EU

The astrologer says that Europe and the United States will face a change in government leaders due to the worsening problem with the Muslim world. In addition, the EU will undergo constitutional changes, a revision of the borders and rules of functioning of the association of countries itself. The conflict in Ukraine may enter a new phase at the beginning of the year, and the authorities will not survive another test of strength. However, at the end of the year, a final resolution of this problem is possible, which will lead to an economic recovery.

Forecast for Russia

Frankly speaking, the 2017 astrological forecast from Zaraev differs little from the forecasts of other specialists in the field of astrology. Almost every one of them predicts a rather difficult year for the country. This is not surprising, because even the average person understands that the unstable economy, the impact of Western sanctions, and falling oil prices mean that the people cannot count on a serene future in 2017.

From the point of view of astrological science, it is necessary to take into account the influence of aggressive Mars, so life in the country will be hectic, and foreign policy will be characterized by tension. However, the astrologer believes that since 2012, the Russian Federation has entered a new era lasting twelve years. This path will be difficult, but it will lead the state to a new stage of development. By 2024, Russia must complete renewal and restructuring in order to enter a new cycle with an intensively developing economy.

According to the forecaster, 2017 will be a turning point for Russia

And it is 2017 that will become a turning point, changing traditions, attitudes and the general mood. Alexander Zaraev also believes that we should expect an aggravation of religious and social conflicts, which will only worsen due to the influence of aggressive cosmic energy. The astrologer is careful to say that this could lead to the country being drawn into a conflict on religious grounds. A difficult year, according to Zaraev, awaits the president of the country.

In 2016 there will be a lunar eclipse, which will take place in the sign of Libra. This event will have an impact on the next few years and will lead to radical changes. It is quite possible that the people will lose faith in the current government, and Vladimir Putin will end his presidential career. It is worth noting that this forecast causes skepticism on the part of Russian political scientists, who consider such a development of events absolutely impossible.

Horoscope for 2016 according to zodiac signs from Alexander Zaraev - he is one of the best astrologers in Russia and, even more so, in the world. The people's academician and professor laid the foundation for a completely new method of determining a person's fate by aura, which opened up new, hitherto unseen, horizons for more accurate prediction of fate.

Karmic astrology has provided new opportunities for all astrologers in the world and for all those eager to look into their future. Zaraev's forecasts are highly accurate and have a high percentage of coincidences. At the same time, Alexander never makes forecasts more than three years in advance, because the future can be ruled not only by the stars and planets, but also by the simplest people.

Zaraev only once made, back in 1989, an astrological forecast for the Russian Federation, determining its fate for fifteen years in advance. Alexander foresaw perestroika to go through seven cycles, which would end in 2002. In August 1999, the astrologer foresaw a change in the ruling power (it was then that Putin came to power, replacing Yeltsin).

Astrological forecast for Russia and the world

In general, the astrologer promised a transition period until 2012, and sees 2016 as a turning point not only for Russia, but for the whole world. The main problem of 2016 will be the struggle of faith - Muslims and Western faiths.

The coming year will be very dynamic, like the Monkey itself, it will change everything - traditions, worldview, and the Fire element will fuel a revolutionary spirit, a certain belligerence and hostility.

The crisis in Russia will reach its bottom in the third quarter of the year, after which the economy should begin to grow, as should the price of oil, significantly strengthening the ruble. The war with Ukraine will also worsen. The authorities are facing a test of strength.

The European Union should be prepared for dramatic changes and even the collapse of the community. We can expect a redrawing of the borders of Europe, a change of leaders and constitutions. This year does not promise to be calm in terms of world politics; the Monkey will make entire nations and states worry.

Despite the twentieth century, a high-tech century, astrological forecasts still remain very popular among all peoples of our planet. Indeed, with the help of the luminaries in our sky, one can quite accurately understand and predict the formation of the destinies and events of different civilizations.

More and more astrologers in the world are using Zaraev’s technique to predict the future, because it is his technique that is distinguished by a high degree of accuracy. The astrologer made his predictions based on calculations of the energetic influence of the planets of the Solar System located in different zones.

Numerous long-term observations are also used. The accuracy of Alexander Zaraev’s Predictions, based on the experience of his past predictions, is about eighty-five percent. So, let's see what 2016, the year of the Fire Monkey, has in store for us.

The monkey is a very sociable and active creature, of course not distinguished by sincerity, but always cheerful and you certainly won’t get bored with this animal!

This year is the year of networking, new acquaintances, new connections. Updates of everything in general and everyone’s life in particular. For single people looking for their soulmate, this year provides a great chance to meet them! In general, the year of the Fire Monkey is favorable to thoughtful adventurers.

That is, take risks, don’t be afraid to dream, start a new business, new relationship, change your place of residence, etc., but first think carefully about whether it’s worth it. And if yes, then take a risk and the Monkey will turn fortune on your side. But whether it’s a rash and spontaneous decision, you shouldn’t then blame fate, blame yourself.

For people in relationships, the year will be very busy. Someone will take their relationship to a new level of development, someone will take a long-awaited step towards meeting in a relationship, someone will finally say something they haven’t said for a long time. But, most importantly, do not overdo it, because the Monkey is very impulsive and, sometimes, will persuade you to make rash decisions.

This year should not be afraid to be yourself, this year honors and rewards naturalness. Don't be afraid to be yourself! A little pathos, in certain circumstances, will not hurt, but the main thing is not to overdo it!

In business, the horoscope for 2016 from Zaraev promises growth and the conquest of new business heights, despite any difficulties and circumstances. Patience and perseverance are the main qualities for this year, and if you do not possess them, you should develop them in yourself, otherwise this year will be very difficult for you. Both on the personal front and in business, the Monkey will be especially supportive of people who are adventurous, who think outside the box, and who think creatively.

People who can come up with some new, untouched cell of the business will receive a hundredfold return and success. It is worth showing cunning and ingenuity, forgetting about whims and selfishness. And, even when experimenting, do not forget about the limits and thoughtfulness.

Alexander Zaraev’s horoscope for 2016, compiled for each of the 12 zodiac signs:


Aries will discover themselves in a new area of ​​business, optimism and faith in the best will become their most faithful helpers, thanks to which Aries will easily pass all the tests prepared by the stars.

Single representatives of this sign can expect numerous romantic relationships.

And Aries who are in a relationship should be warned about humbling their ardor, because their excessive jealousy can greatly ruin their relationship with their loved ones.

In general, the year will be very stormy and rich in adventures.


Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to find themselves in business and apply their talents.

But you should beware of scammers and dubious business partners, rely only on yourself and your intuition, otherwise you may find yourself in a very unpleasant situation or even have problems with the law.

In terms of love relationships, no changes are expected; lonely Taurus are unlikely to be able to find their soul mate. People in relationships can think about making it official, this will only strengthen the connection.

But for Taurus who are already married, any changes will bypass them and the relationship will simply be measured and calm.


2016 will be a year of testing Gemini's resourcefulness. The ability to “spin” and flexibility will be very useful.

And the oratorical and manipulative abilities inherent in this sign will add points in your endeavors and achievement of goals.

Most representatives of the Gemini sign are very loving, which this year may turn against you, but restraint and thoughtfulness can become your “trump card”.

Romantic relationships may deteriorate due to this behavior.


Zaraev's horoscope for 2016 for Cancers promises an increase in capital, career or business growth. Rely on yourself, do not pay attention to intrigues - the Monkey will reward you with unprecedented success in money matters.

But there is a fly in the ointment - Cancer’s relatives will bother you this year, they will need help.

In love affairs, Fortune is on the side of Cancer. For singles, the stars promise to find their destiny, those already married or in a relationship - a new round of growth in them and the best prospects, it is quite likely that a new addition to the family or a wedding will take place, for Cancers who have not officially formalized the relationship.


This year will bring many prospects for representatives of this sign, but if you fail to take advantage of them, you will face failure. Leos should not waste money; on the contrary, this year it will be difficult for you and you will have to save on almost everything; unstable times await you.

People of art and science, however, should not worry about this - your work this year will be in demand, appreciated and highly paid. Leos who do not have romantic relationships are unlikely to find their soulmate due to numerous novels.

But Leos who are already in a relationship or marriage should remain wise and not “go too far” in order to maintain harmony in the relationship.


To provide for themselves, Virgos will have to seriously think about their type of activity, their professional preferences, and engage in self-education.

You need to be wary of dubious companies and people - because of their illegal actions, Virgos may have problems with the law.

In family life, the astrologer foretells happy times, a possible addition to the family.

In the first half of the year there is a very big chance for single Virgos to find their soulmate and start a serious and long-term relationship. A very good year for you.


It will not be an easy year for Libra; a change of residence or job is possible, and the existing business may require new knowledge, skills or equipment. In general, changes await, but if Libra can adapt to the new demands of life, they will reach a new financial and career level.

There can be no place for doubts in the Year of the Monkey; because of them, you may miss out on good luck. But don’t get carried away with adventurism, test your partners for “strength”, trust only time-tested people or institutions. In love, this year will be very favorable to Libra.

For those connected by marriage, the year will bring new sensations, joy and happiness, and perhaps an addition to the family. For Libras who are not in a relationship, the stars promise a couple of dizzying novels, one of which may well become the main and last one in your life, smoothly flowing into marriage.


Fortune will be very favorable to Scorpios; the main thing for them is not to miss their luck, to react in time to all the opportunities given by fate.

Any of your endeavors will be doomed to success! Financial difficulties are possible in the summer, but even these will be associated with very pleasant expenses - buying real estate, or a business, or a car, etc.

Scorpios who are not in a love relationship will experience unprecedented and dizzying romances this year, but representatives of this sign who are already married will need some rest from their partner, after which even a break in the relationship is possible. You need to realize what and who is really important to you in this life.


Representatives of the Sagittarius sign will have to quickly learn to adapt to new living conditions so as not to worsen their financial situation. In winter, you can expect big changes at work, a change of place of work or type of activity. It is likely that during unemployment your source of income will be a hobby or passion.

In your personal life, you will be surrounded by fans you have known for a long time; in general, a large abundance of suitors will not make you feel lonely or sad.

It is likely that one of your romances this year will end in marriage. But family Sagittarius should be careful with fans and admirers, because there is a great danger for you of destroying your family through your stupidity. Be reasonable!


For Capricorns, 2016 promises an increase in capital and all existing benefits. Thanks to your natural patience and the experience you have acquired, you will be able to achieve great heights this year.

But still, summer is not the most favorable period in terms of money; you should go on vacation or engage in self-education, attend various kinds of clubs or courses.

Relationship-free Capricorns are waiting for a new, serious relationship with a person you have known for a long time, but this year this relationship will not lead you to the doors of the registry office. Capricorns connected by marriage will provide coziness and comfort in the family, and will diligently build their “nest”.


The Year of the Fire Monkey will be very active for Aquarius. In a career, this active change in the chances given by fate will give an impetus for growth and material rewards.

This year will change your usual way of life, perhaps even turn it upside down, but if you are smart, it is thanks to these changes that you can achieve a lot. You can count on improved living conditions; this will allow you to achieve both career growth and increasing prosperity, as well as with personal relationships.

In the second half of this year, special attention should be paid to health, not only physical, but also emotional, because fatigue can also end up in the hospital. You should take a vacation and pay attention to yourself - do what you love, a hobby, just get some sleep, pay attention to your appearance... Rest will give Aquarius new strength for even greater achievements in his life.


This year will be very favorable for Pisces, happy and serene. In all areas of your life, inevitable success awaits you, but man himself is the architect of his own happiness.

And you should pay special attention to your behavior and statements, rethink them, so as not to make mistakes in relationships with people, and not accidentally, out of stupidity, offend your loved one.

Be courteous and attentive to others - and you will be at your best! You should also pay attention to immunity and health in general; prevention is your best friend this year! In one area of ​​life, the stars promise Pisces grandiose changes - either in love affairs, or in a career, or in family relationships. Be prepared to meet them.

It cannot be said that the horoscope for 2016 from Alexander Zaraev is good or bad, it is the same as the Monkey itself - very dynamic and unpredictable. And in order to pass it with dignity and benefit, we need to be more dexterous and resourceful, thoughtful and cunning than ever.

Yes, this year will undoubtedly agitate society, even pitting entire countries and religions against each other. But, perhaps, only so that we remember the price of it all and understand what is priceless for us, and what we should have gotten rid of a long time ago. 2016 will give many zodiac signs stormy romances or a long-awaited meeting with their soulmate. Will dot the “i”s in all areas of our lives. A year that provides many opportunities to realize your wildest dreams and desires, you just have to not be afraid and take risks.

But the monkey, like a distant relative of Homo sapiens, does not forgive stupidity and thoughtlessness, so in 2016 you need to be a strategist and calculate and think through the consequences, benefits and losses possible by taking this step every next time. The stars are so inclined towards us this year, but we have the power to control our own destiny and we can correct the course of fate destined by the luminaries, we just need to show the power of perseverance and patience.

Fate loves the brave and determined. And trials are sent to us from above only to strengthen our spirit and strengthen our desires and connections. May the Monkey be lenient towards you this year and give us all wonderful changes and many pleasant events! And don’t forget to believe in miracles, because they sometimes happen to us too!

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