Teachers' remuneration system. Teacher remuneration system Attitude to teacher remuneration

Teachers are government employees in the public education system. They represent one of the largest professional groups and have the right to insurance and pensions. Today, teaching work in Russia is one of the lowest paid.

Teacher salary calculation

On September 1, 2013, a new system for calculating teachers' salaries was introduced. Until this time, compensation and incentive payments along with salary were included in the calculations. At the same time, teachers’ salaries varied and depended directly on their experience and qualifications. Now the salaries of all teachers are equal and the teacher category is excluded from them. It turns out that teachers with significant experience and the highest category were equated with novice specialists.

Additional payments to teachers now depend on the accrual of bonuses from a special fund. To do this, a general picture of the rating is formed from various indicators:

  • Participation in regional, school-wide, interregional educational and social projects. This means participation in olympiads, competitions, educational projects and excursions.
  • Student performance and achievement.
  • Interaction with parents.
  • Working with children from disadvantaged families.
  • Office decoration.

Based on the assessment of the above indicators, points and, accordingly, bonuses will be awarded. Also, the number of students, number of hours, grade and regional coefficient have a direct impact on wages.

The average salary today varies by region (for comparison):

  • In Moscow and surrounding regions it ranges from 35-37 thousand rubles.
  • In Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region, wages are about 18 thousand
  • In Kaliningrad, this figure fluctuates at 16 thousand rubles.
  • In Rostov-on-Don, the average salary does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.
  • In the Republic of Sakha Yakutia, the average is 32 thousand rubles.
  • In the Tyumen region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the average salary is 50 - 54 thousand rubles.

Of course, all the given data are averaged and do not have clear boundaries, since they depend on various factors. The above indicators only lift the edge of the “curtain”. It must be said that the last indexation of wages for workers in the education sector was indexed several years ago. Considering rising prices and the level of inflation, we can safely say that all increases in teacher salaries are being depreciated.

Teachers' salaries in different countries

A country Minimum teacher salary per month, rub.
USA 143200
Great Britain 132500
Canada 206700
Belgium 147800
France 100160
Sweden 278700
Germany 148500
Poland 34900

If we compare global salary indicators, the highest salary for a teacher is in Luxembourg (). It is 4182 euros for a beginning teacher monthly, and the maximum payment is 7377 euros.

If we do not take into account the salary indicators of Russian teachers, the lowest wages are in Poland and Slovakia. For a beginner specialist it is 611 euros monthly, and for an experienced teacher - 1015 euros.

Salaries of Russian teachers in numbers

on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, by the end of 2013, teachers’ salaries must be increased to the average in the economy. It is believed that this will be facilitated by the new methodology for calculating wages, which we discussed above.

The maximum accrual of points is set by local governments in each region separately. And it’s difficult to talk about how much teachers’ salaries will be increased, since in 34 regions there simply are not enough funds for these purposes, and therefore they are forced to take out loans.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the increase in the level of remuneration for teachers amounted to approximately 18.5% in Russia. The average teacher's salary is now about 25 thousand rubles. At the same time, the average teacher’s salary should be 26 thousand rubles throughout the country, and local authorities must find funds for payments on their own.

Of course, over the past decade, the wages of educators have increased, but taking into account rare indexations, it is difficult to judge the level of their actual increase.

Average salary per month
2003 3133 rub.
2004 3842 rub.
2005 year 4876 rub.
2006 6061 rub.
2007 7748 rub.
2008 8743 rub.
year 2009 12800 rub.
2010 17436 rub.
2011 20532 rub.
year 2012 21200 rub.
year 2013 25100 rub.

In Russia, teachers receive the highest salaries in Moscow, the Tyumen region and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (42,300 rubles, 38,200 rubles and 36,800 rubles, respectively), the lowest wages are in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - 11,400 rubles.

Today we will find out what the salaries of teachers throughout Russia are. To be honest, this question interests a lot of people. Especially students who are studying to become teachers. It is always important to understand what kind of income your profession will bring you. True, you shouldn’t be particularly happy about the numbers you see. Let's try to find out what the average teacher salary is in different cities of Russia. Be prepared to be shocked by the numbers.

By number of students

In general, a teacher’s salary at a school is often determined individually. That is, no one can know exactly what to expect. This is especially true for personnel who work in primary schools. As a rule, teachers' salaries in Russia are based on the number of children taught. The more there are, the better.

On average, at the moment there are about 25-30 people in 1st grade. And for each lesson, the teacher is paid 20 rubles per child. The result is about 600 rubles per class. With all this, the monthly salary of teachers according to such calculations should vary between 50-60 thousand. But only practice shows the opposite. For each child you will receive about 5-10 rubles. So look at what earnings you get at the end of the month. Not very big, right? Nevertheless, the salary of a teacher in Moscow, calculated according to this scheme (without deception), can please you. It will really be about 60,000. But in other regions such techniques are not used. Or employees are simply deceived during calculations.

By class

The next option that can be assumed is the average teacher’s salary, which is based on how many classes the employee teaches. This practice is far from uncommon at the moment. On average, in Moscow, for 1 class per month, a teacher will receive about 30,000 rubles.

In other regions this figure is much lower. Especially when it comes to small towns. Sometimes a teacher’s salary at a school, calculated by class, is about 6,000. With all this, an employee of this kind must provide knowledge to about 5 classes. So calculate how much you get for one “group”.

As you can see, the numbers are disappointing. True, sometimes schools may use a methodology for calculating salaries with bonuses. According to this principle, earnings are higher. Which one? Let's look into this.

By salary

The salary of a teacher in Moscow, which consists of a fixed salary, is about 10-15 thousand. It's difficult to live on that kind of money. And many teachers simply refuse such offers. But why does this happen?

For example, due to the fact that the salary will not depend on your workload. That is, the indicated figures can be indicated on the payslip both because you teach 2 times a day to grades 3-4, and for being at your workplace around the clock. By the way, the last option is the most common.

The salary of teachers in Russia, if they were offered a fixed salary, as a rule, also ranges from 6 to 10 thousand rubles. True, as already mentioned, not everyone is to the taste of this kind of proposal. And even if you are guaranteed a high salary, think several times whether it’s worth agreeing to it? Most likely, at a salary of 20,000 you will be given a huge workload, which in reality should be rewarded in a very different way.


To be honest, teachers’ salaries also depend on the prestige of the educational institution. The higher it is, the greater the salary and earnings you can get. But on average in Russia, a teacher at a fairly good school can earn about 30,000 rubles.

In principle, this is normal. True, it is difficult for an ordinary person to get a job in this kind of place.

In an ordinary average school, a teacher’s salary will be 11,000 rubles. This is the average that is obtained in practice. But according to all the documents, of course, teachers do not have such small numbers at all. So, when checked, it turns out that in reality a teacher’s salary at a school, without any special differences, will be about 25,000. These are the tricks the management uses.

Part time job

Well, teachers' salaries do not consist only of net salary, carried out according to different models. As practice shows, in order to earn additional income, teachers often agree to part-time jobs and private lessons directly within the educational institution.

And in this regard, earnings will depend not only on the prestige of the school. The professional skills of a particular teacher are also taken into account. However, for an individual lesson, on average, they ask 500 rubles per person. This is for 1 academic hour. And the average number of additional classes provided is about 20.

In total, if you try hard, you will notice that the salary of teachers in Russia may depend on the teacher himself. You cannot rely on the salary offered by the educational institution alone. You can increase your earnings by 2-3 times. But for this you will have to be a professional in some kind of science. With part-time jobs and additional classes, the average salary of a teacher is 20,000 rubles.


True, this is not all that can be hoped for in order to receive good payment from the school. Often, the salary of a primary school teacher is formed not only from salary and additional classes. Also, staff are offered small bonuses for running various clubs and accompanying summer camps.

As strange as it may sound, primary school teachers often earn more income from their work than teachers at the secondary and senior levels. All this is official and without additional individual lessons. But what salary do teachers get per month when signing an agreement, according to which a person will have to, for example, conduct after-school activities for children every day, as well as accompany their summer camp?

As practice shows, in this case you can hope for 25-30 thousand rubles in net earnings. But, unfortunately, not all primary school teachers (and senior teachers too) are offered such conditions. You will have to show your best side in order to be asked for help. The director does not need to independently propose such conditions. Otherwise, you will remain with a salary of 11,000 rubles, and they will also “hang” clubs, after-school programs and children’s camps on you.

Private schools

The situation with wages is much better in private schools. Here, to be honest, the staff really earn a lot. But the demands placed on them are enormous. Moreover, professionalism in a private educational institution will be judged not so much by your management as by the parents themselves.

Thus, the salary of a primary school teacher, for example, consists of the salary paid for 1 lesson with 1 child. Each group has 15-20 people. And one lesson will cost a parent 500 rubles. For one class, the school will receive 10,000, and the teacher who taught there is entitled to 50%. The result is 5,000 from one primary school class. This is already encouraging. In the senior levels there are more children - 25-30 people each, but the amount of payment does not change.

And what happens in the end? The salary of teachers in private schools will be 70-80 thousand rubles. As you can see, this is already a really good income. But, as practice shows, there are not so many private educational institutions. And their staff turnover is zero. This means you can’t count on such income.

Harsh reality

Well, now it’s time to sum up our conversation today. As you can see, it is impossible to say exactly how much a teacher earns in Russia. To do this, many factors must be taken into account. But on average, as practice shows, the average teacher earns 12-13 thousand.

These are not at all the numbers that the government demonstrates for statistics. According to checks, the average salary of a Russian teacher is 80,000 rubles. The difference is huge. So you shouldn't trust official numbers. It is better to ask teachers at your chosen educational institution about the average salary before applying for a job. They will definitely tell you the real numbers. Only then can you make a decision about employment.

Employee remuneration systems are determined by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations developed in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts. At the same time, local acts establishing remuneration systems are adopted by the employer taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. Remuneration for employees of institutions is established on the basis of official salary and compensation and incentive payments. In the article we will present information on the remuneration system for teaching staff (with the exception of positions of higher and additional professional education), and we will also understand what types of compensation and other additional payments they are entitled to.

According to Part 1 of Art. 129 and part 1 of Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages are established by an employment contract in accordance with the employer’s current remuneration systems, depending on the employee’s qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work he performs.

Employment contracts with teaching staff, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Resolution No. 583, must provide for such mandatory conditions of remuneration as:

- the amount of salary (official salary), wage rate, specifically established for the performance by an employee of labor (official) duties of a certain complexity (qualification) for a calendar month or for an established standard of labor (norm of hours of teaching work per week (per year) for the wage rate );

— the amount of compensation payments (when performing work with severe harmful and (or) dangerous, other special conditions, in conditions deviating from normal, etc.);

- the amount of incentive payments or the conditions for their establishment with reference to the local regulatory act regulating the procedure for making incentive payments, if their size depends on the indicators and criteria established in the organization.

Paragraph 2 of Resolution No. 583 stipulates that when introducing remuneration systems, the following should be taken into account:

— Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers;

— Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter referred to as the UKS);

— state guarantees for wages (Article 130 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

— a list of types of compensation payments in federal budgetary institutions, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development;

— a list of types of incentive payments in federal budgetary institutions, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development;

— approximate provisions on remuneration of employees of institutions by type of economic activity, approved by federal government bodies and institutions - the main managers of federal budget funds;

— the opinion of the representative body of workers.

Salary and rate

Remuneration for teaching staff consists of the official salary or wage rate, which is a fixed amount of remuneration for the performance of official duties for a calendar month or for the standard hours of teaching work per week (per year) per wage rate, excluding compensation and incentive payments.

At the same time, fixed amounts of remuneration for teaching staff whose working hours are 30 or 36 hours a week should be understood as the size of official salaries established for the performance of official duties of a certain complexity per calendar month, without taking into account compensation and incentive payments.

By fixed wages for teaching staff, for which it is not the duration of working hours, but the norm of hours of teaching work per week (per year) per wage rate, we mean the wage rates for a calendar month provided for by position for the norm of hours of teaching work ( the standardized part of teaching work), amounting to 18, 24 hours per week or 720 hours per year, respectively, or the standard hours of teaching work, amounting to 20, 24, 25, 30, 36 hours per week.

Official salaries of teaching staff of educational institutions are established taking into account the requirements for professional training and the availability of the qualification category necessary for the relevant professional activity, as well as on the basis of the assignment of positions to a professional qualification group.

For your information. Professional qualification groups of positions for education workers are approved by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 216n and N 217n.

The wage rate is determined taking into account the working hours approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2010 N 2075 (standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of the teaching worker, depending on what position he occupies and what are the characteristics of work in this position.

That is, salaries (official salaries), rates for qualification levels are calculated based on the differentiation of positions included in the staffing schedules of institutions. Differentiation is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the complexity of labor functions, the implementation of which is provided for when occupying the corresponding position, profession or specialty.

Note: it is necessary that the positions meet the statutory goals of the institutions and are contained in section. "Qualification characteristics of positions of education workers" EKS.

Note! According to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2008 N 120n “On the introduction of new systems of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, by type of economic activity “Education”, paragraph 10 of Resolution N 583, the staffing table of the institution is approved by its head and includes all positions of employees of the institution.

Here you should pay attention to the main difference between remuneration based on rates and remuneration based on salary. The fact is that when teaching work is performed with the consent of the employee in excess of the established norm, payment for his work is made in proportion to the number of hours of work and the rate established for him in a single amount. If a teacher’s salary is set for a certain length of working time, then engaging him to work beyond this duration should be considered as overtime work and payment should be made according to the appropriate rules.

The Ministry of Education and Science in the Letter dated November 22, 2011 N AF-538/18 indicated that according to the note on the duration of working hours (norm hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of teaching workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2010 N 2075, salary growth by increasing teaching load in excess of the established standard hours for the wage rate is possible only with the consent of teaching staff. Teachers of general education institutions must be notified of a reduction in the teaching load during the academic year and of additional teaching work no later than two months in advance. In addition, it was noted that increasing the average salary of teachers in general education institutions by increasing the teaching load is unacceptable.

Increasing factor

The regulations on the remuneration of employees of an institution may provide for the establishment of an increasing coefficient to the salary (official salary), the rate of employees who have an academic degree (candidate, doctor of science), academic title (associate professor, professor), as well as a personal increasing coefficient. The decision to establish increasing coefficients and their amounts is made by the head of the institution in relation to a specific employee, taking into account the provision of these payments with financial resources.

A personal increasing coefficient to the recommended salaries (official salaries), rates is established for the employee taking into account the level of his professional training, complexity, importance of the work performed, the degree of independence and responsibility in performing assigned tasks and other factors. Such a coefficient can only be set for a certain period of time.

Compensation payments

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Resolution No. 583, compensation payments are established for teaching staff for the relevant professional qualification groups as a percentage of salaries (official salaries), rates or in absolute amounts, unless otherwise established by federal laws or decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

For your information. Compensation payments are not taken into account when calculating other incentive or compensation payments established as a percentage of the salary.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 822 approved a list of compensation payments and explanations on the procedure for their establishment. Compensatory payments include:

1) payments to persons engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions (Article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, it is necessary to carry out certification of workplaces according to working conditions in the manner approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2011 N 342n. Let us recall that the minimum increase in wages for work in such conditions based on the results of workplace certification is determined by Resolution No. 870 - no less than 4% of the tariff rate (salary) established for various types of work with normal working conditions;

2) payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions (Articles 146, 148 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 N 4520-1 “On state guarantees and compensation for persons working and living in areas of the Far North and equivalent to them localities"). Peculiarities of remuneration in such areas and localities are regulated by Art. 313-317 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

3) payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions), overtime work, working at night, weekends and non-working holidays and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal) ( Article 149-154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 554 “On the minimum amount of increase in wages for work at night”). Payments for work in conditions deviating from normal conditions, along with those listed above, may include payments for additional labor costs directly related to ensuring the fulfillment of basic job responsibilities, in particular, class management, checking written work, managing departments, branches, educational and consulting points, offices, departments, training workshops, laboratories, educational and experimental sites, management of subject, cycle and methodological commissions and other types of work not included in the official duties of workers (Letter of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2008 N 216 "On the introduction of new systems of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary educational institutions").

Let us recall that according to clause 66 of the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 196, a teaching worker of a general education institution, with his consent, by order of the institution, may be assigned the functions of a class teacher in organizing and coordinating educational work with students in the classroom. For the performance of these functions, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 850 established a monthly remuneration of 1,000 rubles.

The subsidy is provided to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the rate of payment to the teacher of 1,000 rubles. per month for classroom management in a class with a capacity not less than that established for institutions by the relevant standard regulations or in a class with a capacity of at least 14 people. For classes whose occupancy is less than the established one, the amount of funding (subsidy) is reduced in proportion to the number of students.

Let us remind you that remuneration for performing the functions of a class teacher is included in payments taken into account when calculating average earnings (clause “l”, paragraph 2 of the Regulations on the specifics of the procedure for calculating the average salary, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 922).

Regulatory acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation may establish increased premiums. For example, according to the Decree of the administration of the Krasnogorsk municipal district of the Moscow Region dated 09/05/2012 N 2021/9 “On approval of the Regulations on remuneration of workers in public sector sectors of the Krasnogorsk municipal district” at the expense of funds provided for additional payments of a compensatory nature for performing additional work related to educational process and not included in the scope of the employee’s main duties, additional payments are established in educational institutions subordinate to the education department:

1) for great leadership:

a) teachers of grades 1-4 - 15%;

b) teachers of grades 5-11 - 20%.

The additional payment is set as a percentage of the official salary, taking into account its increase;

2) for checking notebooks:

a) teachers of grades 1-4 - 10%;

b) teachers of grades 5-11 for checking written work:

— in Russian language and literature — 15%;

— in mathematics and foreign language — 10%;

- in history, chemistry, physics, biology, geography, drawing - 5%.

By the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District of the Moscow Region dated December 26, 2011 N 461/32 “On establishing a system of remuneration for employees of municipal educational institutions of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District”, additional payments and allowances were established in the amount of 15% of the wage fund for teaching staff, including :

- for checking notebooks;

- for managing the office;

- for great leadership;

- for managing workshops;

- for extracurricular work in physical education;

— for each working computer;

- for managing the school site;

- other payments established by the local act of the institution.

Compensation payments also include bonuses for working with information constituting state secrets (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 573 “On the provision of social guarantees to citizens admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis, and employees of structural units for the protection of state secrets”), but they are not paid to teaching staff.

In addition, you should know that in addition to compensation payments provided for by federal laws and regulations, employers within the above list have the right to establish other types of compensation payments in collective agreements, agreements, and local regulations (clause 6 of Explanations No. 822). At the same time, the amounts and conditions for making such payments must be specified in the employees’ employment contracts.

Incentive payments

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Resolution No. 583, the amounts and conditions for making incentive payments are established by collective agreements, agreements, and local regulations, taking into account the indicators and criteria for assessing the labor efficiency of employees developed in the institution. At the same time, incentive payments are introduced to ensure the solution of problems related to improving human resources, increasing the efficiency of teaching work and the quality of education. Such payments are made within the incentive portion of the wage fund.

— for intensity and high results of work;

- for the quality of work performed;

- for continuous work experience, length of service;

- bonuses based on work results.

An incentive bonus for the intensity and high results of work is established for teaching staff, in particular, for the achievement of high results by students in comparison with the previous period, stability and growth in the quality of education; training winners of Olympiads and competitions at various levels; delivering high quality lessons; participation of the teacher in methodological work (conferences, seminars, methodological associations); reduction (absence) of students missing lessons without a good reason; high level of executive discipline (preparing reports, filling out logs, maintaining personal files); absence of disciplinary or administrative sanctions.

An incentive bonus for the quality of work performance can be established for employees for having an honorary title. Such an allowance is established for employees of institutions for their main position, provided that the honorary title corresponds to the profile of the institution or the employee’s teaching activity and is paid for the time actually worked. If an employee has two honorary titles, the incentive payment is established on only one basis.

Bonuses are paid to employees of the institution within the limits of funds provided for wages for the overall results of labor based on the results of work for a specified period. The frequency of payment (month, quarter, half-year, year) is established by a collective agreement or other local regulatory act of the institution.

When paying bonuses, as a general rule, the employee’s successful and conscientious performance of his job duties in the relevant period (lack of comments from the manager) are taken into account; achieving and exceeding planned and standard performance indicators; initiative, creativity and application of modern forms and methods of labor organization in work; timeliness and completeness of reporting. A specific list of criteria for assessing the performance of employees is established by a collective agreement or a local regulatory act of the institution.

Incentive payments are made by decision of the head of the educational institution within the limits of budget allocations for remuneration of employees, as well as within the limits of funds from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities allocated by the institution to remunerate employees.

Material aid

Employees of educational institutions may also be provided with financial assistance. The conditions for its payment must be established by local regulations of such institutions. At the same time, the decision to provide financial assistance to an employee and its specific amount is made by the heads of educational institutions based on a written application from the employee.

Occupations in the field of education have never been characterized by high wages, and the Russian government has set itself the task of increasing teachers’ salaries in 2019.

In the meantime, statistics continue to show that people avoid working in schools precisely because of low pay.

Even an incentive in the form of additional payments does not affect the performance, since the additional payments are scanty, and the performance criteria are far from reality.

Let us remind you that in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08. In 2008, the remuneration of public sector employees was restructured. This resolution mentions the term “incentive payments”. Let's study it in more detail.

What is this state support?

Incentive payments are additional payments of a material nature that are assigned to some employees as a reward for success and achievements in the work field. The list of achievements is stipulated by the employment contract or legislation.

For example, let's note next payments:

All types of surcharges are prescribed in employment contracts or in orders, which is approved by the manager. The privilege is exercised without prejudice to the rights of the employee. The bonus or additional payment is not deducted from the salary.

This type of motivation has long been used in private enterprises as bonuses, but civil servants have received incentives recently. Now teachers of kindergartens, sanatoriums, and teachers of educational institutions will be able to enjoy this privilege.

Legislative basis

Based on Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the Government Decree “On the introduction of new wage systems...” dated 05.08.2008 No. 583, teachers' salaries from December 1, 2008 it will be formed from the following parts:

  • base rate;
  • compensation payments;
  • incentive payments.

The concept of “base rate” includes the calculation of labor, which depends on several factors: qualifications and working the required number of hours. Compensation is paid based on working conditions. The criteria and scope of incentives are clearly formulated in the business papers of a separate institution (kindergarten, school, gymnasium, lyceum).

Incentive payments are formed in accordance with a similar list, based on the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 No. 818 “On approval of the list of types of incentive payments...”:

Basic payment criteria are established and prescribed by each educational institution separately, but when working on the document you must follow the terms of the law. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 26, 2013 No. 167n recommends establishing requirements individually for each teacher in the employment document. The list for teachers is specified in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2013 No. AP-1073/02.

Conditions of receipt

We have already mentioned that the list of conditions is developed by management, based on the requirements of the Labor Code.

Main criteria, which are regulated by the state in relation to to teachers :

Incentive payments are calculated a little differently preschool teachers and preparatory and primary school teachers . Their financing is carried out from funds allocated from the fund of the educational institution: 60% goes to payments to qualified personnel, the remaining 40% to the rest of the staff.

Regarding the criteria, they take into account the effectiveness of electives and club activities, their number, the development and implementation of educational programs and upbringing, effective interaction with students.

Librarians They also did not deprive us of attention and prescribed a couple of conditions:

  • active formation of the library collection;
  • development and preservation of the fund;
  • reference and bibliographic work;
  • increasing professionalism;
  • constant work with readers.

Awards and academic degrees are also taken into account.

Unfortunately, some cases show that the criteria require improvement. For example, such items as conscientious fulfillment of obligations and quality of work can be interpreted by employees differently, so it is advisable to provide more clarity and specificity.

It also happens that the parameters are clearly indicated, but it is not possible to adequately evaluate the result.

Are there any additional payments for managers?

What about the heads of educational institutions? The state took care of them too. There are more requirements and are regulated by proposals from the Ministry of Education and Science.

At awarding bonuses to heads of schools and preschool educational institutions evaluate the following parameters:

Score sheet - how it works

A score sheet is a document that clearly outlines the above tasks for calculating motivation to work using a point system.

The deadline for completing these tasks is also set in the assessment sheet, for example, per week, month, year.

The score sheet looks like list of criteria with the designation of general provisions, the procedure for stimulating and evaluating the results of employees of the educational institution. In addition, there is a place for assigning points received in the process of work. Points are given for completing a certain item, respectively, failure to complete it will remove additional marks.

In other words, this document serves as the basis for calculating allowances and contains the summary of the teacher’s work.

Accrual and calculation procedure

We have already talked about what a score sheet is. This document is the basis for calculating additional payments.

To determine the amount of motivation, a point system is used. Each criterion is assessed by the number of points and recorded on the score sheet already known to us. The more points are met, the more points the teacher will receive.

Cash awards are adjusted by each institution based on its budget. The difference is that at school A the reward can be 900 rubles, but at school B only 400 rubles will be awarded for the same criteria.

Distributed incentive payment in several ways:

This commission is provided with an assessment sheet, which is subjected to a detailed analysis for objectivity, after which the data is summarized to propose additional payments to employees.

  1. The points earned by each teacher are summed up.
  2. Calculate the cost of one point. To do this, the total budget allocated for these purposes is divided by the number of points scored by all employees of the establishment.
  3. What follows is simple math: the cost of one point is multiplied by the total number of points scored by the teacher.

After agreeing on all the points, the decision is approved and the director of the educational institution signs order for appropriate payments.

The frequency of additional payments depends on the employer and can be set for each month, quarter, semester, or year.

How to do without the inspiration characteristic of a theater artist, without the inquisitive mindset of a scientist, without the ability to negotiate with different people, like a diplomat, without knowledge of the subject being taught and its cultural foundations, without knowledge of psychology and pedagogy. Those people who were able to accumulate all this in themselves go to school. However, these people live in the same socio-economic conditions as all other citizens. With such multi-component and responsible work that teachers perform, it cannot be allowed that, when they go to the board, they think not about the topic of the lesson and the results of the students, but about how to support their family, how to make sure that their salary is enough for food, medicine, clothes, left to pay utilities. Moscow schools today have all the resources to pay decent wages to employees, especially if the work is productive. The city pays grants and incentives.

“Using the wide possibilities of the Moscow education system, we try to teach children well, involve them in creative activities, and increase interest in the subject. Participation in projects, the use of modern educational technologies, high-quality and conscientious work - all this has allowed my income to grow significantly in recent years. By honestly doing my job, I provide myself with a decent standard of living,” notes mathematics teacher at school No. 1468 Olga Novikova.

The salary of a teacher in Moscow now depends not on the will of the administration, but on the formulas and activity of the teacher. A clear and fair system of incentive payments has been created. Participation in competitions, olympiads, significant city events, additional education projects, classroom management, and the development of the Moscow Electronic School are encouraged.

“A primary school teacher is a special, multifaceted profession. My goal is to see, to discern, not to miss in a child all the best that is in him, and to give impetus to self-improvement through the development of creativity coming from the depths of his soul. I know the children’s manners, their habits, and I try to find common interests. One of the incentives in my work was the attentive attitude of the Moscow authorities to the teaching profession, which includes not only modern material and technical equipment of the school where I work, but also decent wages. You just need to skillfully take advantage of the opportunities provided. In addition to the salary directly for teaching 19 lessons a week and class management, I also receive a city bonus for active participation in the development of the Moscow Electronic School (10 thousand rubles), incentive payments based on the results of teaching activities (almost 27 thousand rubles), for teaching classes in additional education associations (almost 10 thousand rubles). In total about 102 thousand rubles. I think it’s not bad!” - says primary school teacher at school No. 2065 Evgenia Terbova.

Today, working at a Moscow school opens up new opportunities and prospects for professional growth, allowing you to be a self-sufficient citizen with a stable source of financial income.

“At our school, students attend clubs and sports sections with great interest, take part in olympiads, project activities and competitions. In the afternoon, there is a developmental activity group and an additional education block for the children. This gives every teacher the opportunity to increase their salary. Personally, I have 19 hours of workload and great management. I’m happy with the salary, I think 97,000 rubles is a good number. And for me it is important not only that this is not the limit, but that the salary depends on myself, my professional activity,” notes primary school teacher at school No. 1950 Olga Arkova.

If you want to make decent money at a Moscow school, you don’t need to do anything special for this. You just need to work. The city provides such an opportunity, if there is a desire.

“I try to pass on my fire to my students, and today I am not worried about financial issues, I am not looking for money on the side and I devote myself completely to school. Unbeknownst to me, I began to feel financial freedom that I didn’t have before. Now I understand that my work and efforts will be noticed and noted. I found time to attend courses on robotics, courses on distance learning support systems... And then I really got excited. I got carried away myself and began to captivate my students. And thanks to the feeling of financial freedom, I can afford hobbies related to school and my lessons. I now have my own website, sets of microcontrollers, a 3D printer, a remote course support system, materials for lessons and much more that I use every day in my lessons. The flight of my imagination probably cannot be stopped, and every time it brings tangible pedagogical results,” says computer science teacher at school No. 2107 Alexey Chetverov.

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