Download the presentation on the topic of Singaporean politics. Presentation on the topic Singapore. Fragments from the presentation

Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of area (43.4 million sq.m.). The population of Asia is about 4 billion people. There are more than 40 countries in Asia, such countries as: Jordan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Bangladesh, Syria, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, China, North and South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Mongolia, most of Russia and others

The territory of Asia is located mainly in the eastern hemisphere, north of the equator. The border between Asia and Europe is usually drawn along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains. Asia is connected to Africa by the Isthmus of Suez; it is separated from North America by the narrow Bering Strait. Asia is washed by the Arctic, Pacific and Indian oceans, their marginal seas, as well as the inland seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Main mountain systems: Himalayas, Karakorum, Pamir, Tien Shan, Greater Caucasus, Altai, Sayan Mountains.

Sights of Asia The Great Wall of China is one of the most grandiose structures of all time, a symbol of China. This is the largest creation of human hands in the entire world history and the only structure of this scale in the whole world. The length of all lines of the wall is 6350 km. This is the only creation of human hands visible from space with the naked eye. FUJI (FUJISAN, FUJIYAMA) is the highest mountain peak (3776 m) in Japan, a volcano on the Japanese island of Honshu. It has an ideal conical shape and serves as an object of cult for the Japanese.

SINGAPORE - city-state-ISLAND! Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia, consisting of a main island and more than 50 smaller islands. The total area is just sq. km. Singapore is a prosperous state in Asia. Population -4.7 million people. Date of foundation: August 9, 1965. Climate: equatorial, Wed. temperature gr.C

Sights of Singapore Singapore Zoo is considered one of the best zoos in the world. The peculiarity and pride of this zoo is that all the animals here are kept in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat. More than 2,500 species of animals live here, including endangered species. Singapore is the most beautiful and richest state-city, island on the planet!

The area is very small, and the city is expanding with artificial islands. Singapore's business district, with all its skyscrapers, is built entirely on an artificial embankment. In general, they try to save space here, for example, a football field lies on the water.

Presentation on the topic "Singapore" on geography in powerpoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren consists of 18 slides, which describe the economic and geographical location and population, natural conditions and ecology, international relations and the territorial structure of Singapore. Author of the presentation: Pankiv Anna.

Fragments from the presentation

Singapore: information about the country

  • The Republic of Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia and part of the Commonwealth.
  • The head of state is the president, the legislative body is the unicameral parliament.
  • The country's territory includes the small island of Singapore (42 km long and 23 km wide), as well as several connected islets located off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula.
  • Total area - 648 sq. km
  • Singapore is separated from Malaysia to the north by the Strait of Johor, and from Indonesia to the south by the Singapore Strait.
  • Economic-geographical location
  • The economic and geographical position of Singapore has had a strong influence on the economic development of the city, the basis of which has long been a variety of foreign trade operations, mostly re-exports.
  • Singapore has become a major market for natural rubber, coconut products, timber, spices, fruits, coffee, tin, and petroleum.
  • After the 1960s Among foreign trade goods, along with traditional ones, products of new industries appeared
  • In terms of cargo turnover, the port of Singapore is one of the largest in the world, a center for bunkering ships.
  • Singapore has become a financial center

Population of Singapore

  • Total number: 4 million 183 thousand people.
  • Population density 4884 people per 1 sq. km. Thanks to the government's family planning program, the high birth rate has been reduced. Almost the entire population lives in the country's capital, Singapore.
  • The indigenous inhabitants of the island are Malays.

Natural conditions

  • Relatively constant temperatures throughout the year: 26 – 28 ºC.
  • An equatorial monsoon climate prevails.
  • High humidity and constant rain: about 2400 mm of precipitation per year. The rainy season occurs in November – February, and in “winter” cloudiness reduces the air temperature.


  • Only about 20% of the territory is cultivated; 8% of the island’s territory is under forests.
  • Small plantations of rubber, coconut palms, spices, tobacco, garden and fruit (pineapples) crops.
  • Pig and poultry farming.
  • Fishing mainly in coastal waters

Non-production sphere

  • The Singapore Stock Exchange is home to much of the personal wealth accumulated in Southeast Asia.
  • Singapore is a major center of foreign tourism.
  • Financial center and source of technical and commercial information for neighboring countries.
  • Almost all investments and business initiatives come from abroad.

Territorial structure

  • The city is located in the south of the island on the shores of the Singapore Strait.
  • Together with the suburbs, the city occupies ¼ of the entire territory.
  • The remaining settlements are typical industrial parks.

International relationships

  • Singapore is a member of the British Commonwealth, the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN);
  • Declares its commitment to the ideas of non-alignment, but is bound by military agreements with the United States, Malaysia and Great Britain;
  • It has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation (established with the USSR in 1968).


  • Thanks to an active environmental policy, the construction of treatment facilities, and very strict measures to maintain cleanliness, Singapore has become the most environmentally friendly state in foreign Asia.
  • This is one of the few places in the equatorial and tropical zones where you can drink raw water directly from the tap.

Railway transport has a significant impact on ecosystems. Gryaznov Sergei Kalinin Sergei Yankov Roman Students of grade 11 “b”. CONVERSATION WITH A SPECIALIST We talked with specialists from the DS Art. In practice, land reclamation is carried out on less than 50% of land. What impact does the construction of railway lines have on ecosystems? How does railway transport affect ecosystems? Progress of the study. Will the ecosystem change under the influence of railway transport? RECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct afforestation along the railway.

“Schools in Germany” - Duration of study at the gymnasium is 9 years, from 5th to 13th grade. Education system in Germany. Every German citizen has the opportunity to receive general, higher and vocational education throughout his life. Fachoberschulreife - issued after completing 10 grades of a real school, sufficient for admission to a technical school or special vocational school. After graduating from school, the graduate is faced with various ways to continue his education, in a technical school, vocational school, special vocational school or university.

"Cities of Europe" - Vienna. Copenhagen. BUCHAREST, capital of Romania. Berlin. Population approx. 2.1 million inhabitants (1997). Area 496 sq. km, population approx. 1.24 million inhabitants (1997). OK. 1.1 million inhabitants (1997, with suburbs). Sofia. Area 882.4 sq. km, population 3.5 million people. (1992). Millionaire cities of foreign Europe. WARSAW, capital of Poland. Belgrade. DUBLIN, capital of Ireland.

“The State of Singapore” - Singapore is a young man. Armenian Church. GNP per capita is one of the highest in the world. Density 6,814 people/km?. moving date in January-February Chinese New Year. Some crimes lead to punishment with canings. Church of St. Teresa. August 9 Independence Day, 1965.

“Venice” - Built in 1791 on the site of a collapsed belfry. Masks were also used in everyday life to hide the face. Attractions. The buildings were turned into barracks and changed beyond recognition. Ca" d'Oro) is a palace in Venice, on the Grand Canal in the Cannaregio district. Santa Maria della Salute. One of the most popular Venetian masks. Since 1927, Ca' d'Oro has been open to the public.

"Japan 11th grade" - Writing. . MOU - Ivanovskaya secondary school, Bagansky district, Novosibirsk region. Completed by 11th grade student Daria Yatsenko Supervisor: geography teacher Katsendorn V.Yu. Garden of stones. National clothing is kimono. Plan: Architecture of Japan. Kimono. Martial arts. There were no flowering plants in such gardens - only trees and shrubs. Kendo – sword fencing. A popular method of non-thermal cooking of fish is soaking in vinegar (marinade). It is not customary to fry fish and other seafood. Eating utensils. Karate.

Head: Chernukhina Tatyana Grigorievna

Slide 2

  • General information about the country
  • Natural conditions and resources
  • Population and labor resources
  • Economy and specialization
  • Territorial structure
  • International relationships
  • Ecology
  • Slide 3

    SINGAPORE: country information

    • The Republic of Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia and part of the Commonwealth.
    • The head of state is the president, the legislative body is the unicameral parliament.
    • The country's territory includes the small island of Singapore (42 km long and 23 km wide), as well as several connected islets located off the southern tip of the Malacca Peninsula.
    • Total area - 648 sq. km
    • Singapore is separated from Malaysia to the north by the Strait of Johor, and from Indonesia to the south by the Singapore Strait.
  • Slide 4

    Economic-geographical location

    • The economic and geographical position of Singapore has had a strong influence on the economic development of the city, the basis of which has long been a variety of foreign trade operations, mostly re-exports.
    • Singapore has become a major market for natural rubber, coconut products, timber, spices, fruits, coffee, tin, and petroleum.
  • Slide 5

    • After the 1960s Among foreign trade goods, along with traditional ones, products of new industries appeared
    • In terms of cargo turnover, the port of Singapore is one of the largest in the world, a center for bunkering ships.
    • Singapore has become a financial center
  • Slide 6

    Natural conditions

    • Relatively constant temperatures throughout the year: 26 – 28º C.
    • An equatorial monsoon climate prevails.
    • High humidity and constant rain: about 2400 mm of precipitation per year. The rainy season occurs in November – February; in “winter” cloudiness reduces the air temperature
  • Slide 7

    Population of Singapore

    • Total number: 4 million 183 thousand people.
    • Population density 4884 people per 1 sq. km. Thanks to the government's family planning program, the high birth rate has been reduced. Almost the entire population lives in the country's capital, Singapore.
    • The indigenous inhabitants of the island are Malays.
  • Slide 8

    National composition:

    • 77.3% - Chinese
    • 14.1% - Malays
    • 7.3% - Indians
    • 1.3% - Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and others.
    • Religiously
    • 32% are Buddhists
    • 22% are adherents of Taoism
    • 15% are Muslims
    • 13% are Christians
    • 3% are Hindus.
  • Slide 9


  • Slide 10

    Slide 11

    Slide 12

    Slide 13


    • Only about 20% of the territory is cultivated; 8% of the island’s territory is under forests.
    • Small plantations of rubber, coconut palms, spices, tobacco, garden and fruit (pineapples) crops.
    • Pig and poultry farming.
    • Fishing mainly in coastal waters
  • Slide 14

    Non-production sphere

    • The Singapore Stock Exchange is home to much of the personal wealth accumulated in Southeast Asia.
    • Singapore is a major center of foreign tourism.
    • Financial center and source of technical and commercial information for neighboring countries.
    • Almost all investments and business initiatives come from abroad.
  • Slide 15

    Territorial structure

    • The city is located in the south of the island on the shores of the Singapore Strait.
    • Together with the suburbs, the city occupies ¼ of the entire territory.
    • The remaining settlements are typical industrial parks.
  • Slide 16

    International relationships

    • Singapore is a member of the British Commonwealth, the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
    • Declares its commitment to the ideas of non-alignment, but is bound by military agreements with the United States, Malaysia and Great Britain.
    • It has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation (established with the USSR in 1968).
  • Slide 17


    • Thanks to an active environmental policy, the construction of treatment facilities, and very strict measures to maintain cleanliness, Singapore has become the most environmentally friendly state in foreign Asia.
    • This is one of the few places in the equatorial and tropical zones where you can drink raw water directly from the tap.
  • Slide 18

    Information sources

    V.P. Maksakovsky “Economic and social geography of the world, grade 10”, “Enlightenment” 2000.

    View all slides

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