Application of heat engines. Presentation on the topic "heat engines" Presentation on the physics of the principle of operation of heat engines

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Lesson objectives:

1. Form a concept of the physical principles of operation of heat engines. 2. To acquaint students with the most important areas of application of heat engines in the national economy. 3. Find out the environmental problems associated with the use of heat engines.

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Spin, powerful wheels, Whistle, long belts, Burn from above, truly and obliquely, Above the swinging shafts, lights! Throwing pounds like a handful, in your fatal flight, hasten, furious pistons, to fight dead nature! Valery Bryusov

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What is a heat engine?

A heat engine is a device that converts the internal energy of fuel into mechanical energy.

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Types of heat engines:

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    The history of the creation of a heat engine.

    1690 – steam-atmospheric engine by D. Papen 1705 – steam-atmospheric engine by T. Newcomen for lifting water from the mine 1763-1766 – steam engine by I.I. Polzunov 1784 – steam engine by J. Watt 1865 – internal combustion engine by N. Otto 1871 – refrigeration machine K .Linde 1897 – R.Diesel internal combustion engine (with self-ignition)

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    In April 1763, Polzunov demonstrated the operation of a fire-firing machine “for factory needs”

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    In 1781, James Watt received a patent for the invention of the second model of his machine. In 1782 this remarkable machine, the first universal "double-acting" steam engine, was built.

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    By 1863, the first sample of an atmospheric gas engine with a piston from an aircraft engine and a manual starter running on a mixture of gasoline and air was ready. Internal combustion engine N. Otto

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    1878 – 1888 Rudolf Diesel is working on creating an engine of a fundamentally new design. He came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an absorption engine that ran on ammonia, and the fuel was supposed to be a special powder obtained from coal.

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    Heat engine device

    Three main elements of any heat engine: 1. Heater, which imparts energy to the working fluid. 2. A working fluid (gas or steam) that does work. 3. A refrigerator that absorbs part of the energy from the working fluid.

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    Operating principle of a heat engine

    The operating principle of a heat engine is based on the property of gas or steam to do work when expanding. During the operation of a heat engine, expansion and compression of the gas are periodically repeated. Gas expansion occurs spontaneously, and compression occurs under the influence of an external force.

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    Heater. T₁ Refrigerator. T₂ Working fluid Q₁ Q₂ Q₁ - Q₂= A How does a heat engine work?

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    Heat engine efficiency.

    Heat engine efficiency (efficiency) is the ratio of the work done by the engine per cycle to the amount of heat received from the heater.

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    Heat engine efficiency

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    Carnot Nicolas Leonard Sadi (1796-1832) - French physicist and engineer. He outlined his research in the essay “reflections on the driving force of fire and on machines capable of developing this force.” He proposed an ideal heat engine.

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    The Carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle with maximum efficiency.

    1 – 2 - isothermal expansion. А₁₂ = Q₁ 2 – 3 – adiabatic expansion А ₂₃ = - ∆U₂₃ 3 – 4 – isothermal compression A₃₄= A compress = Q₂ 4 – 1 – adiabatic compression A₄₁= ∆U₄₁

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    "Heat engines in reverse."

    “Heat engines in reverse” are: refrigerator, air conditioner and heat pump. In them, heat transfer occurs from colder to hotter, which requires work to be done. The work is performed by an electric motor connected to a current source.

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    “Heat engines in reverse”, their operating principle.

    Working fluid Q₁ A Q₂=Q₁+A

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    Heat engines in the national economy.

    Heat engines are a necessary attribute of modern civilization. With their help, about 80% of electricity is generated. It is impossible to imagine modern transport without heat engines (DD, ICE). Steam turbine engines are used in water transport. Gas turbines - in aviation. Rocket engines are used in rocket and space technology.

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    Water transport.

    The first practical steamship was built in 1807 by Fulton. (Amer) The first Russian steamship “Elizabeth” was built in 1815 at the factory of entrepreneur K.N. Berd. His first flight was from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt.

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    Railway transport.

    In 1829, engineer J. Stephenson built the best steam locomotive for that time, the Rocket. The first diesel locomotive was built in 1924. Soviet scientist L.M. Takkel. The locomotive is driven by an internal combustion engine

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    Automobile transport.

    The prototype of the modern car is considered to be the self-propelled carriage of the German mechanics G. Daimler and Benz. In 1883, a lightweight internal combustion engine was installed on a regular horse-drawn carriage.

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    Aviation transport.

    On December 17, 1903, American inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright tested the world's first airplane - an airplane (a glider equipped with an internal combustion engine). The flight lasted 12 seconds at a height of 3 meters from the ground.

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    Space transport.

    On August 17, 1933, the first Soviet liquid-propellant rocket, designed by M.K. Tikhomirov, rose into the air to a height of about 400 m. On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched.

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    The impact of heat engines on the environment.

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    ICE and its impact on the environment.

    Diagram of an internal combustion engine. 1.- combustion chamber; 2- piston; 3- crank - connecting rod mechanism; 4 – radiator in the cooling system; 5 – fan 6 – gas exhaust system.

    summary of other presentations

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    “Types of heat engines” - Performs work. Transfers the amount of heat Q1 to the working fluid. How do heat engines work? Then water was poured into the heated part of the barrel. The most widely used in technology is the four-stroke internal combustion engine. The steam, expanding, ejected the core with force and roar. History of the creation of heat engines. Application of heat engines. FAR IN THE PAST... Who invented it and when? The concept of the main parts. Consumes part of the received amount of heat Q2.

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    Heat engines
    Devices that convert the internal energy of fuel into mechanical energy are called heat engines. The theory of heat engines was developed by the French scientist Nicolas Sadi Carnot.

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    The first universal heat engine (steam engine) was created in 1774 by the outstanding English inventor James Watt. This, however, was preceded by the invention of a steam-atmospheric machine in 1765 by the Russian mechanic I. I. Polzunov, but after several months of work his machine was stopped and then completely dismantled, as a result of which Polzunov’s work was consigned to oblivion for decades. Watt's machine became widespread and played a huge role in the transition to machine production. The invention of the steam engine contributed to the creation of steam locomotives, steamships and the first (steam) cars. The first steam locomotives were created in England by R. Trevithick (1803) and J. Stephenson (1814). The American R. Fulton is considered the inventor of the steamship. He conducted his first tests on the Seine River in Paris. However, when in 1804 he turned to Napoleon Bonaparte with a proposal to transfer French ships to the use of steam traction, oddly enough, he was refused. After some time, Fulton returned to his homeland, and in 1807, the steamship Claremont set off on its first voyage along the Hudson River.

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    Energy conversion during the operation of heat engines
    When fuel burns, chemical energy (potential energy of interaction of atoms) is converted into kinetic energy of the chaotic movement of molecules. In this case, a certain mass of gas is heated, which is called the working fluid. The gas (working fluid) expands, doing work (moving the piston). In this case, the gas is cooled, that is, the kinetic energy of the molecules is converted into mechanical energy. The action of a heat engine is cyclical.

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    Basic elements of a heat engine
    The working fluid is usually a gas: Heater is a burned fuel having a temperature T1, in contact with which the amount of heat Q1 is imparted to the working fluid; Refrigerator is an environment having a temperature T2, in contact with which a quantity of heat Q2 is removed from the working fluid

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    Useful operation of a heat engine
    The useful work An is equal to the difference between the amount of heat Q1 received by the working fluid from the heater and the amount of heat Q2 given to the refrigerator. Ap = Q1 – Q2

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    Heat engine operation diagram
    Working fluid
    A p = Q1-Q2

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    Heat engine efficiency
    The ratio of the work done by the engine to the amount of heat received from the heater is called the efficiency of the heat engine. According to Carnot’s theorem, of all conceivable heat engines with a heater temperature T1 and a refrigerator temperature T2, the maximum efficiency will be achieved by such an engine, each operating cycle of which is a closed process, graphically depicted in the figure (Carnot cycle).

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    ηmax= 1-
    Carnot cycle
    1-2 isothermal expansion at temperature T1
    2-3 adiabatic expansion Q=0
    3-4 isothermal compression at temperature T2
    4-1 adiabatic compression Q=0

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    Slide captions:

    Heat engines

    A heat engine is a machine in which the internal energy of fuel is converted into mechanical energy. Steam engine Internal combustion engine Steam and gas turbines Jet engine Types of heat engines Currently, heat engines are also in use that use the heat released in the reactor, where the splitting and transformation of atomic nuclei occurs.

    Refrigerator – T 2 Q 2 Q 1 A ′ = Q 1 -Q 2 Efficiency of a heat engine Efficiency of an ideal heat engine Operating principle of a heat engine Cylinder with a working substance Heater – T 1

    1 - cast iron cylinder in which the piston 2 runs. A steam distribution mechanism is located next to the cylinder. It consists of a spool box connected to the steam boiler. In addition to the boiler, the box communicates through hole 3 with the condenser and with the cylinder through two windows 4 and 5. The box contains a spool 6, driven by a special mechanism through draft 7. Piston steam engine

    2 1 Examples of heat engines 1 - internal combustion engine, 2 - rocket engine During operation, a heat engine receives an amount of heat Q 1 releases Q 2. Work done A′ = Q, - Q 2.

    1 - air intake, 2 - compressor, 3 - combustion chamber, 4 - turbine, 5 - nozzle. 1. Aviation turbojet engine Examples of heat engines

    1 - exhaust gas pipe, 2 - nozzle, 3 - piston, 4 - air filter, 5 - air blower, 6 - cylinder, 7 - connecting rod, 8 - crankshaft. 2. Diesel

    1 - inlet pipe, 2 - turbine impeller, 3 - turbine guide blades, 4 - outlet steam line. 3. Steam turbine

    Diagram of a gasoline internal combustion engine Diagram of equipment of a steam power station Diagram of a Diesel engine

    Turbine (piston machine) Condenser Pressure pump Water cycle diagram for a steam power plant Boiler Suction pump Collection

    Approximate energy balance of a thermal power plant Approximate energy balance of a steam power station with a turbine Efficiency of a steam power station

    Diesel engine

    Slides: 21 Words: 1252 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Thermal phenomena, heat engines, environmental protection. We are surrounded by a world that is far from equilibrium. Phenomena and processes are characterized by regularity and repeatability. Ways to change internal energy. Performing mechanical work. Heat transfer. Radiation. Convection. Thermal conductivity. That which exists objectively, regardless of our consciousness. The form of existence of matter. A measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules. One of the ways to change internal energy. The mode of existence of matter. Type of heat transfer. The transition of a substance from a solid to a liquid state. The transition of a substance from a liquid to a solid state. - Engines.ppt

    Types of engines

    Slides: 25 Words: 1196 Sounds: 0 Effects: 67

    Engines. An energy-power machine that converts any energy into mechanical work. Internal combustion engine. Efficiency of an internal combustion engine. The principle of operation of the internal combustion engine. Types of internal combustion engines. Steam engine. The principle of operation of a steam engine. Steam turbine. A steam locomotive is a type of steam engine. Types of locomotives. Jet engine. Diesel. Gas diesel. Efficiency of diesel engines. Turbojet engine. Electrical engine. Operating principle of an electric motor. Perpetual motion machine. How it was (the discoverers). Kuzminsky Pavel Dmitrievich. Papin Denis. Greenpeace's fight against air pollution. - Types of engines.ppt

    Heat engine

    Slides: 26 Words: 563 Sounds: 2 Effects: 111

    Heat engines. Pros and cons. Plan. What is a heat engine? The history of the creation of a heat engine. Modern heat engines. Modern environmentally friendly engines. Is a heat engine harmful to our health? Solving environmental problems. Used Books. The history of the appearance of heat engines goes back to the distant past. Leonardo Da Vinci. Archimedes. Denis Papin. Heron of Alexandria. Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov. James Watt. Internal combustion rocket gas turbine nuclear. Rocket engine. Gas turbine engine. Unlike a piston engine, in a gas turbine engine processes occur in a flow of moving gas. - Heat engine.ppt

    Heat engine operation

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    Powerful wheels. Heat engines. What is a heat engine? Types of heat engines. The history of the creation of a heat engine. Polzunov demonstrated the operation of a fire-firing machine. James Watt. Internal combustion engine N. Otto. Rudolf Diesel. The device of a heat engine. Operating principle of a heat engine. How does a heat engine work? Heat engine efficiency. Efficiency of heat engines. Carnot Nicola Leonard Sadi. Carnot cycle. Heat engines are the opposite. Operating principle. Heat engines in the national economy. Water transport. Railway transport. - Thermal engine operation.ppt

    Heat engines physics

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    Thermal engine. Content. People and nature The most powerful factor in the destruction of nature. Thermal engines and technology development. Who created heat engines. WHEN OPERATING HEAT ENGINES: the internal energy of the fuel is converted into mechanical energy. The operating principle of a heat engine. Heater. Working fluid. Fridge. Useful work a. The work done by the engine per cycle. Any heat engine operates in a closed cycle. Heat engine efficiency. Efficiency values ​​of heat engines, %. The efficiency is always less than one. Carnot cycle. French engineer Sadi Carnot in 1824 - Heat engines physics.ppt

    "Heat engines" 8th grade

    Slides: 18 Words: 1041 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Heat engines. Gas turbine. Thermal machine. Internal combustion engine. Steam engine. Piston. Jet engine. The principle of operation of a rocket engine. Rotor discs. Engineer Sadi Carnot. Efficiency. - “Heat engines” 8th grade.ppt

    "Heat engines" 10th grade

    Slides: 63 Words: 2113 Sounds: 10 Effects: 264

    Heat engines and environmental protection. Physics as a science involves not only the study of theory. 4 working groups. Heat engines. History of creation. Archimedes. Denis Papin. Thomas Newcomen. Humphrey Potter. Ivan Polzunov. James Watt. Watt's universal machine. Steam turbine. Operating principle. The principle of operation of the turbine is simple. Ecological problems. How to solve a problem. Solving the above problems is vitally important for humans. Steam engines and steam turbines have been and are being used. Team members. Internal combustion engines. Stages of development of internal combustion engines. Three-wheeled stroller invented by Karl Benz. - “Heat engines” 10th grade.ppt

    Modern heat engines

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    Modern heat engines. Internal combustion engine. Piston engines. A mixture of fuel and air. Special diesel fuel. An engine that burns hydrocarbons as fuel. Types of heat engines. English inventor. Steam engine. Gas turbine. Engine. Device. Pallet. - Modern heat engines.pptx

    Use of heat engines

    Slides: 34 Words: 483 Sounds: 0 Effects: 81

    Heat engines. What did you observe? Internal energy of steam. Internal energy reserves. Let us trace the history of the development of heat engines. Engineer Gero. Archimedes. French engineer Cugnot. Russian mechanic Ivan Polzunov. Frenchman Lenoir. German inventor Otto. German engineer Daimler. First car. Gasoline engine project. German engineer Diesel. The beginning of the history of jet engines. Application of heat engines. On the railway. By water transport. In road transport. In agriculture. In aviation. Heat engines play a positive role in life. - Using heat engines.ppt

    Operating principle of a heat engine

    Slides: 8 Words: 255 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

    Operating principle of heat engines. Efficiency of heat engines. Purpose of the lesson: to reveal the physical principles of the operation of heat engines. Thermal engines and technology development. Energy development is one of the most important prerequisites for scientific and technological progress. Heat engines are machines that convert the internal energy of fuel into mechanical energy. Watt D.V.S 1860 - Frenchman Lenoir. 1876 ​​- German N. Otto. Steam turbine. 1889 - Swede K. Laval. Gas turbine. History of the creation of heat engines. Operating principle of T.D. Heater. Fridge. Working fluid. Environment. - Operating principle of a heat engine.ppt

    History of the development of heat engines

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    History of the invention and development of heat engines. The operating principle of heat engines. The heat engine consists of. Technical problem. Classification of heat engines. External combustion engines 1. Steam engine 2. Steam and gas turbine. Internal combustion engines 1 Carburetor, diesel 2 Jet. Steam engines. Steam turbines. Modern turbines. Advantages and disadvantages of heat engines. Ecological problems. Permissible standards for the concentration of harmful substances in the air. Noise pollution scale. Methods for eliminating the harmful effects of heat engines. - History of the development of heat engines.ppt

    Application of heat engines

    Slides: 18 Words: 560 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Engines. Heater. Types of heat engines. Steam engine. Historical curiosity. Internal combustion engine. E. Lenoir. Ball of Heron. I. Newton. Device project. K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The first cosmonaut on the planet. Efficiency of heat engines. Problems of environmental protection. Formulas for calculating efficiency. Main parts of an internal combustion engine. The principle of jet propulsion. - Application of heat engines.ppt

    Heat engines and the environment

    Slides: 30 Words: 590 Sounds: 0 Effects: 120

    Heat engines. Steam and gas turbine. Cardano Gerolamo. Papin Denis. Steam engine Denis Papin. Somerset Edward. Newcomen Thomas. Watt James. Polzunov Ivan Ivanovich. Heat engine efficiency. Carnot Nicola Leonard Sadi. Heat engine diagram. Refrigeration unit. Carnot cycle. Scheme of the working process of a four-stroke diesel engine. The principle of operation of a carburetor engine. Operating principle of an injection engine. Steam turbine. Jet engine. Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich. Environmental problems of using thermal machines. - Heat engines and the environment.ppt

    Heat engines and environmental protection

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    Heat engines and environmental protection. Irreversibility of thermal processes. Classification of vehicles by engine type. Classification of transport by energy source. Ecological map of Moscow. Advantages and disadvantages. Fuel. Ecological research data. How to save your land. Streamlining traffic flow. Thermal ES. Thermal power plants operate on fossil fuels. Oxygen from the atmosphere. Greenhouse effect. Negative consequences. Questionnaire. - Heat engines and environmental protection.ppt

    Types of Heat Engines

    Slides: 11 Words: 986 Sounds: 0 Effects: 116

    Heat engines. Brief history of development. Short story. Types of heat engines. Internal combustion engine. Steam turbine. Rocket engine. The importance of heat engines. Carnot cycle. Harm. Reducing environmental pollution. - Types of heat engines.ppt

    Types of heat engines

    Slides: 12 Words: 1080 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

    Heat engines. A heat engine is a device that converts the internal energy of fuel into mechanical energy. Three main parts of a heat engine. Heater. Transfers the amount of heat Q1 to the working fluid. Working fluid. Does the job. Fridge. Consumes part of the received amount of heat Q2. The concept of the main parts. FAR IN THE PAST... The history of heat engines goes back a long way. Archimedes' cannon. One end of the barrel was heated strongly over a fire. Then water was poured into the heated part of the barrel. The water instantly evaporated and turned into steam. The steam, expanding, ejected the core with force and roar. - Types of heat engines.pptx

    Heat engines and their types

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    Types of heat engines. Thermal machines. Internal energy. Steam turbine. Gas turbine. Internal combustion engine. Diesel. Steam engine. Jet engine. Variety of types of heat engines. - Heat engines and their types.ppt

    Heat engines, types of heat engines

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    Modern heat engines. Modern engines of incomplete volumetric expansion. Otto and Diesel piston engines. Piston internal combustion engines. Rotary-blade internal combustion engine. Wankel rotary piston engine. Gas turbine engines of full non-volumetric expansion. What is possible and impossible in heat engines. Achieving maximum efficiency. Volumetric expansion turbine. Diagram of the heat balance of modern internal combustion engines. - Heat engines, types of heat engines.pptx

    Rocket engines

    Slides: 10 Words: 420 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

    Rocket engines. Rocket engine. Tsiolkovsky K.E. Pioneers of rocket and space technology. Types of engines. Fiery heart. Efficiency Protection of Nature. Danger. Destination. - Rocket engines.ppt

    Jet engine

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    "Jet engine". Two-stage space rocket. The motion of a rocket is based on the law of conservation of momentum. Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich (1853-1881). Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935). The planet is the cradle of reason, but you cannot live in a cradle forever. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1907-1966). The jet engine has the highest (80%) efficiency of all heat engines. - Jet engine.ppt

    Steam engine

    Slides: 9 Words: 1089 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Physics presentation on the topic: History of the invention of steam engines. Definition. Invention and development. Steam escaping tangentially from the nozzles attached to the ball caused the latter to rotate. The first industrial engines. The first use of the Newcomen engine was to pump water from a deep mine. The improvement in the efficiency of Watt's engine led to the use of steam power in industry. Power machines that rarely stop and should not change direction of rotation. Low power engines are used on marine models and in special devices. Steam hammer. - Steam engine.ppt

    Turbine and internal combustion engine

    Slides: 17 Words: 833 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    The heat engine was first invented at the end of the 17th century by James Watt. Steam engine. Jet engine. Internal combustion engine. Steam turbine. The internal combustion engine is a very common type of heat engine. The applications of internal combustion engines are extremely diverse. Powerful internal combustion engines are installed on river and sea vessels. The structure of the internal combustion engine. 1. Inlet valve. 2. Release valve. 3. Piston. 4. Connecting rod. 5. Crankshaft. 6. Candle. ICE cycle. One working cycle in the engine occurs in 4 strokes of the piston. Therefore, such engines are called four-stroke. - Turbine and internal combustion engine.ppt

    Steam turbine

    Slides: 6 Words: 218 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

    Steam turbine. Content. Steam turbine Diagram of a steam turbine History of invention Literature. In modern technology, another type of heat engine is widely used. Such engines are called turbines. The operation diagram of a simple steam turbine is shown in the figure. Steam turbine diagram. The invention of the steam turbine was an event of exceptional importance. In some cases, steam engines reached exorbitant sizes. The idea of ​​creating a steam turbine captivated many Russian inventors. History of invention. - Steam turbine.ppt

    Engine of the future

    Slides: 13 Words: 542 Sounds: 13 Effects: 5

    What is more important: health or comfort? Compare current engines. Research program: Determine the type of engine that least pollutes the environment. Main types of pollutant emissions depending on the type of substance. Main types of engines: 1. Internal combustion engine: gasoline engine, diesel engine. Jet engine Steam engine Electric DC motor. How to protect the atmosphere from pollution from vehicle emissions? Recycle exhaust gases generated by cars. Eco-friendly motor – DC electric motor. - Engine of the future.ppt

    Ideal heat engine

    Slides: 11 Words: 771 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Test on the topic “Ideal heat engines”, group A (first level). No. 1: The efficiency of an ideal heat engine is 20%. What is the ratio of the heater temperature to the refrigerator temperature? Determine the amount of heat transferred to the refrigerator if the engine efficiency is 20%. Heater temperature 450K. No. 5: The efficiency of an ideal Carnot cycle is 25%. The refrigerator temperature remains constant. No. 6: Which of the following statements are not true when increasing the efficiency of a Carnot machine? I. When the heater temperature increases by T. When the heater temperature decreases by the same T. With an increase in the amount of heat given to the refrigerator. - Ideal heat engine.ppt

    Heat engines and machines

    Slides: 28 Words: 990 Sounds: 4 Effects: 29

    Types of heat engines. Heat engines. Thermal machines. Internal energy of heat engines. Greek mathematician. Heron's ball. Steam turbine. Double-casing steam turbine. Gas turbine. Model of an internal combustion engine. Internal combustion engine. General view of the internal combustion engine. Types of internal combustion engines. Scheme of work. Stroke cycles of a two-stroke engine. Stroke cycles of a four-stroke engine. Diesel. Steam engine. Jet engine. Nuclear engine. Environmental problems of using thermal machines. Solving environmental problems. - Heat engines and machines.ppt


    Slides: 14 Words: 601 Sounds: 1 Effects: 13

    Rivers and lakes. Archimedes. Solid. Efficiency Concept of efficiency. The existence of friction. The ratio of useful work to complete work. Assemble the installation. Weight of the bar. Determination of efficiency when lifting a body. Path S. Measure the traction force F. Make calculations. - Efficiency.ppt

    Heat engine efficiency

    Slides: 33 Words: 831 Sounds: 1 Effects: 8

    Heat engines. Efficiency of heat engines. A. Einstein. Lesson objectives: Lesson plan: Updating knowledge. Learning new material. Problem solving. Lesson summary. Homework. What do a bus and a plane, a car and a rocket have in common? Conclusion: Heat engine. The world of "fire machines". History of the invention of steam engines. History of the invention of turbines. Stephenson and Cherepanov steam locomotives. Achievements of science and technology in the construction of steam turbines. Use of solar energy on Earth. The first mechanical engine to find practical application was the steam engine. Steam engine by Denis Papin. - Efficiency of heat engines.ppt

    Physics “Heat Engine Efficiency”

    Slides: 21 Words: 451 Sounds: 0 Effects: 13

    Physics lesson. Efficiency of heat engines. The concept of efficiency. Learning new material. Updating knowledge. Conversion of internal energy of fuel. Setting up the experiment. Scientific progress. ICE. Jet engines. Heat engine efficiency. Efficiency Energy balance. Efficiency of some engines. Negative consequences of using heat engines. Ways and methods of eliminating environmental consequences. New items in the world of engines. Task. What are heat engines called? - Physics “Heat engine efficiency”. ppt

    Heat engines Efficiency of heat engines

    Slides: 34 Words: 930 Sounds: 0 Effects: 156

    Heat engines. Lesson topic: Science is rooted in practice. Objective of the lesson: To study the principle of operation of heat engines. Foster a sense of teamwork when working in groups. Solve calculation and graphical problems using formulas. Know. Be able to. Annoyed. Alarmed. Indifferent. Calm. Joyfully delighted. Surprised. Your mood. Rules of behavior in the classroom. Brevity is the soul of wit. Knowledge is power. A whisper is heard more than a scream. Be careful! Updating knowledge. 1. How are changes in internal energy determined according to the first law of thermodynamics? - Heat engines efficiency of heat engines.ppt

    Boiler room efficiency

    Slides: 14 Words: 499 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Determination of boiler room efficiency. Determine the efficiency of a water heating boiler. Temperatures on the surface of the pipe. Pipe lengths and circumferences. Computing. Saving fuel and energy resources. Research time. The amount of heat transferred. Efficiency of a water heating boiler. The amount of heat given off by cooling water. -

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