What is found in the Gorodnya River. Enclosed in a sewer: The history of the Gorodnya River. Examples of the use of the word gorodnya in literature

After the plague in the mid-17th century, when only a few people remained alive, a new village was rebuilt. It was located on a high hill (Brateevsky Hill), where people were given food by fertile soils on which fruit trees were grown. Here there were fertile lands, vegetable gardens, and healing springs burst out of the ground next to the Borisov ponds (from here - Klyuchevaya Street). Residents were engaged in agriculture, crafts, and fishing; at that time, in the Moscow and Gorodnya rivers, between which the region is located, there was an abundance of fish of different varieties. The rivers were inhabited by pike, roach, bream, and burbot. The brothers brought the caught fish to Moscow for sale. The Gorodnya River is a right tributary of the Moscow River. It begins its flow near the Bitsevsky Park metro station, crossing the Bitsevsky Forest Park through an underground pipe, flows to the Pokrovskaya station, then openly flows in the Chertanovo Yuzhnoye area. In the Tsaritsino area it forms the Borisov and Tsaritsin ponds. It crosses Brateevo and enters the Moscow River near the Moscow Ring Road. The length of Gorodnya is 16 kilometers. In the 20th centuries it was a deep river, navigable, full of fish. On the banks of the river there were villages such as Biryulyovo, Pokrovskoye, Shipilovo, Borisovo, Brateevo. The left bank of the river in the Brateevo area has been landscaped. There is a park and recreation areas there. The floodplain of the Gorodnya River is considered a favorite vacation spot for the Brateevites. Currently, the Gorodnya River is heavily polluted, shallowed, and poisoned. Every month, waste from the oil refinery enters the floodplain of the river from settling tanks. The entire Brateevskaya floodplain is an area of ​​heavy pollution. But by 2010 the situation should improve; the Brateevo district administration plans to improve the river floodplain. The floodplain of the Gorodnya River will be strengthened and cleaned. First of all, they will clean the river bottom and water area from household waste and wood debris. Silt sediments will be replaced with river sand. They will carry out sanitary cleaning and cutting down dead trees. Restore vegetation and grass cover. In addition, they promise to build a bridge for the convenience of residents. The floodplain of the Gorodnya River, in the Brateevo microdistrict, from the street. Brateevskaya to the Moscow River is a specially protected natural monument. In this place, the natural banks of the river, low floodplain, and river valley have been preserved. Near the banks of the river there are species of algae, strawberries, butterflies and dragonflies listed in the Red Book, about 10 species in total. There are also ducks and muskrats in Gorodnya.

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Only 2 editions, the last one was made 6 years ago anonymous No. 4256929 from Moscow

According to Gorodnya.

The Small River Gorodnya... Not even a river, but rather a stream, which in some places has already gone underground, with a littered bed and banks. It is difficult to imagine that it was once a deep, navigable river full of fish, on the banks of which there were many villages. And what villages!

The lands in the vicinity of Gorodnya have been inhabited for a long time. The first reliably known settlers were the Vyatichi Slavs. Their mounds, dated by archaeologists from the 12th-13th centuries, could be found throughout the 20th century along its entire length: near Biryulev, Pokrovsky, Shipilov, Borisov, Brateev. Below the mounds, closer to the river, were the villages of the Vyatichi. Perhaps what remains of one of them is the so-called Brateevsky settlement on the left bank of Gorodnya (in 1992, together with the Brateevsky Kurgans, it was placed under state protection, but it is difficult to say whether there is anything left of it today). The very name “Gorodnya”, or, as it was called in the 16th-19th centuries, “Gorodenka”, comes from the Old Russian “fence” - “to fence off, to build a dam” (there is a version that the name for the river was brought in the 13th century. immigrants from their native places from the outskirts of Kolomna). The dams on Gorodnya were built for fishing purposes and, according to archaeologists, for navigation. In those distant times, when farming was fraught with significant difficulties, fishing was one of the main branches of the economy, and due to the surrounding dense forests and impassable snow, rivers were then the main routes of communication. Gorodnya is still the main, longest (as much as 16 km) water artery of the Southern District. Let's take a short historical journey along it.

Gorodnya began on the territory of the current Bitsevsky forest park. Further, through the residential area, it now flows underground, emerging to the surface only in the form of a chain of small ponds. Here its current, apparently, was still small and not strong, since back in the 17th century. this area was called Sukha (i.e. shallow) Gorodenka. On the right bank of the river, in the area of ​​​​the current Warsaw Highway, there was the village of Biryulyovo (not to be confused with the village of Biryulyovo, which was on the territory of the modern districts of Western and Eastern Biryulyovo), which belonged in the 17th-18th centuries. to the ancient family of the Pleshcheevs, and then to the princes Obolensky. Here was their estate, about which little is known so far. Only near the former village of Pokrovskoye Gorodnya comes out of the ground.

The village of Pokrovskoye until the middle of the 18th century. was the patrimony of the Novos-Passsky monastery. To distinguish it from the other numerous Pokrovskoe villages in Russia, it bore the double name Pokrovskoe-Gorodnya after the river on which it stood. Its inhabitants, like all the inhabitants of the villages through whose lands Gorodnya flowed, were engaged in the 19th-20th centuries. gardening. The remains of the gardens are still preserved here on its banks. Already in the 16th century. There was a wooden Church of the Intercession in the village. At the beginning of the 18th century. it was rebuilt in stone; the aisles and bell tower date back to 1878. After many years of destruction and use as a factory, the temple, re-opened in 1990 and now called: the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on Gorodnya, is being restored, services are held in it.

Further, before the confluence with its tributary Yazvenka, Gorodnya flows openly, only crossing once the line of the Kursk Railway (near this place its other tributary, Kotlyakovka, flows into the river). On the high bank, at the confluence with Yazvenka, the uncle of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Semyon Lukyanovich Streshnev (and perhaps his father) established the village of Chernaya Gryaz at the end of the 18th century. which became under the hands of the great Russian architects V.I. Ba-zhenova and M.F. Kazakov's world-famous Tsaritsyno estate. Seltso changed its location several times and ended up in its current location at the end of the 17th century, under the Golitsyn princes. Next to them was a wooden church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Life-Giving Spring, rebuilt on a stone foundation in 1722 by another owner - Prince Dmitry Cantemir and then created entirely from stone through the efforts of his son Matvey in 1765 (the current bell tower and refectory - 1885) . There was also a difficult period in its history, but now the church is functioning, almost restored, one of the largest in the Southern District.

However, let's go back to earlier times. With his wife S.L. Stresh-neva Marya Alekseevna built a dam with a mill and a pond on Gorodnya. Under the Golitsyns, this pond was expanded, expanding the channel of the Yazvenka, and in the 19th century. its Gorodensky sleeve has dried up. Now this pond is called Verkhne-Tsaritsynsky. The currently existing Tsaritsyn Dam, standing on the old site, was built at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. (now it is in disrepair, collapsing).

Immediately behind the dam stretches the wide expanse of the Nizhne-Tsaritsynsky pond (in the 17th and early 20th centuries it was called Shipilovsky and Razvilovaty). On its right bank, behind the palace buildings and buildings beyond the ravine of the estate, where the Administration of the Tsaritsyn palace volost, the Tsaritsyn cemetery (on which proudly stands a monument to the fighters for Soviet power in the village of Tsaritsyno, which later became Lenino) and the clergy houses of the Tsaritsyn church , which is why the whole place received the name Popovaya Gorka, the wooden houses of the former village of Tsaritsyno are visible. The village was founded between 1635-1646 by the father of S.L. Streshnev, the royal father-in-law Lukyan Stepanovich Streshnev and was called the village of Kiselevo (after the name of the previous owner of this land). From the beginning of the 18th century. it began to consider the estate as a single settlement - the village of Chernaya Gryaz, which was renamed Tsaritsyno under Catherine II.

The left bank of the pond is occupied by the territory of the former village of Tsaritsyno, formed in the second half of the 19th century. around the railway station of the same name. Next come the lands of the village of Khokhlovka, which was part of the Chernogryaz estate. The village was founded by S.L. Streshnev in the late 50s. XVII century and is inhabited by the “Lithuanian population” - those captured during the Polish War, in which Streshnev took an active part, Belarusians and, possibly, Ukrainians (“Khokhols”). It stood on a tributary of Gorodnya, which flowed in the Shubinsky ravine, and had a direct connection with the village of Chernaya Gryaz, since the Kashirskaya, or Kolomenskaya, road passed through them. Subsequently, this message was interrupted by the pond device.

The pond was formed in the 70s. XVII century the construction of a dam, called Shipilovskaya, at the confluence of another of its tributaries, the Chertanovka, into the Gorodnya. Due to its characteristic shape (it has two branches - Gorodensky and Chertanovsky) the pond was called Razvilovaty. Under the Golitsyns, it was expanded and acquired outlines close to modern ones, while Khokhlovka ended up on the shore of a pond, and the Kashirskaya road went along the Shipilovskaya dam. The current dam was built in the 18th century. architect K.I. Blank (and, perhaps, M.F. Kazakov himself), under her, he also designed a mill (now this architectural monument has been lost).

Behind the dam begins the largest pond of the cascade, and indeed of all of Moscow - Borisovsky (or, as it was called in the 18th-early 20th centuries, Tsareborisovsky). Its area is 86 hectares, its width is more than 200 m.

On the right bank of this pond was the village of Shipilovo, one of those happy villages whose name was reflected in the new Moscow toponymy (Shipilovskaya Street, Shipilovsky Proezd). The village has been known since 1589. For most of its history, it was part of the Kolomna palace volost.

At the very mouth of the pond there was another famous village - the village of Borisovo, traditionally associated with Boris Godunov. Near the village there is the Borisovskaya (Tsarebo-risovskaya) dam, which forms a pond, according to legend, built in 1600 by this king “on the occasion of a famine year to feed the people.” Since then, this dam, like the other two, has been repaired several times (by the way, all three dams in the cascade of ponds are white stone). There was a mill next to it, in the middle of the 19th century. transformed by the tenant merchant Yakov Gamson into a paper-spinning (cotton) factory (he also rented a mill at the Shipilovskaya dam).

The village itself was the richest and most populous in the entire district. It was also included from the middle of the 17th century. to the Kolomenskaya palace volost, where it was one of the main settlements. Near the village there was the sovereign's orchard. In the pond, fish of valuable species (sturgeon, pike, etc.) were bred for the royal “use”, which was monitored by special pond watchmen (fish farming was also carried out in two other ponds, and according to strict rules, even after the abolition of serfdom, peasants were prohibited fish here).

The bell tower of the Trinity Church proudly rises above the shore of the pond. The first wooden church was built in the village at the beginning of the 17th century. At the beginning of the 18th century. it was replaced by a stone one. Since the church was located on the very shore of the pond, due to constant flooding as a result of rising water levels by the middle of the 19th century. it fell into a dilapidated, disrepair state. Through the efforts of the local priest N. Smirnov, a new, now existing church was built by 1878. It was placed next to the old one, since the Old Believers, who made up the majority of the village residents, opposed its construction in any other place. Soon the old church, despite protests from the Moscow Archaeological Society, was reduced to such a state that it had to be destroyed, and this wonderful monument of ancient church architecture was lost. At the beginning of the 20th century. An Old Believer church also appeared in the village, but, unfortunately, it is now lost.

Now going around the Borisov dam and almost immediately accepting the Smolka tributary, Gorodnya then flows openly until it flows into the Moscow River. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. There were two more palace mills on this stretch. There are no more villages here anymore. Gorodnya enters the floodplain area of ​​the Moscow River, occupied by the richest water meadows: Podshepelevsky, which belonged to the village of Chernaya Gryazi (Tsaritsyno) with its villages, Borisovsky-Gorodnya, which was part of the estate of the village of Ostrov, Brateevsky, where the peasants of all the villages cut hay the palace Kolomenskaya volost (as far as Gorodnya, however, he obviously did not reach), the palace Oshcherinsky (Ashcherinsky). Here, on the left bank of Gorodnya, there were meadows of Borisov and, possibly, Brateevsky peasants (the Statutory Charter of 1864 mentions a watering hole for cattle that belonged to them on Gorodnya) from the end of the 19th century. plowed by them for vegetable gardens, and by right - the meadows of the peasants of the villages of Oshcherino (Ashcherino) and Besed with attached villages, including the village of Zyablikovo, to which at the beginning of the 20th century. they left entirely.

Not far from its confluence with the Moscow River, Gorodnya receives the last major tributary - the Khmelevka River (Shmelevka). The lands around the mouth of Gorodnya belonged to the village of Borisov. In the 17th century the confluence of the Gorodnya and the Moscow River was located to the south, near the village of Besedy, but, obviously, as a result of one of the Moscow floods, the Gorodnya channel was interrupted in this area, and already on maps of the 18th century. the mouth of Gorodnya is shown approximately at its current location.

So our short journey along the Gorodnya river, rich in history, has ended. Unfortunately, some witnesses to this story have already been lost, others are in a threatening state (for example, the Borisov Dam requires urgent repairs), others are destroyed by merciless time, indifferent and business people. The river itself is essentially ownerless, has become shallow, and is constantly littered and poisoned. Construction is advancing on it from all sides, and the hour is not far off when the river will simply disappear in its main sections, just as Chertanovka has already disappeared. Pushkin was right when he wrote about the wonderfully close feelings of love for our native ashes and fatherly tombs. Only then do we begin to love our past, when only coffins and ashes remain.

Chusov Sergey Yurievich

Note: the article was written before the reconstruction of Tsaritsyno in the mid-2000s, when the dams on the ponds were put in order.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


city ​​(since 1957) in Ukraine, Chernigov region. Railroad station. 15.4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Flax processing, butter, and feed mills. Known since ser. 16th century


city ​​(since 1957), center of the Gorodnyansky district of the Chernigov region of the Ukrainian SSR, 4 km from the Gorodnya railway station (on the Gomel ≈ Bakhmach line). Creamery, convoy, flax processing plants.


Gorodnya (Gorodnyansky district)

Gorodnya- a city in the Chernigov region of Ukraine, the administrative center of the Gorodnyansky district, located on the Chibrizh River.

Gorodnya (tributary of Moscow)

Gorodnya (Gorodyanka) - a river in Moscow, the second in length and water flow after Setun, the right tributary of the Moscow River within the city.

Starts at the intersection of Solovyino proezd and st. Rokotova (according to other sources - next to the Novoyasenevskaya metro station), crosses the Bitsevsky forest park, then flows in an open channel in the northern part of the Chertanovo Yuzhnoye district, then flows through an underground pipe to the Pokrovskaya station in the Kursk direction.

On the territory of the Tsaritsyno district, it is mostly dammed, forming the Tsaritsyn and Borisov ponds, crosses the Zyablikovo, Brateevo districts and flows into the Moscow River at the Besedinsky bridges across the Moscow Ring Road.

Gorodnya (disambiguation)


The word also became widespread in ancient Russian and modern East Slavic toponomics.

Gorodnya (lower tributary of the Lama)

Gorodnya(sometimes also Horodenka) - a small river in the Lotoshinsky district of the Moscow region of Russia, the left tributary of the Lama. The source is near the village of Vorobyovo, flows into the Lama near the village of Uzorovo.

It is noteworthy that Lama also has an upper tributary with the same name.

Gorodnya (tributary of the Vihra)

Gorodnya- a river in the Smolensk region of Russia and the Mogilev region of Belarus, the right tributary of the Vihra.

The length of the river is 45 km, the area of ​​its drainage basin is 291 km². The source is east of the village of Nikolenka, Mogilev region. The direction of the current is southeast. The mouth near the village of Tatarsk, Monastyrshchinsky district.

Tributaries: Rzhavka(she has an influx Oyster mushroom) - left, Ryazanka- on the left, Lynya - on the right, Frolovka(it has tributaries Danube And Gorodchanka) - left, Bekhlya- on the left and others unnamed.

Gorodnya (Batetsky district)

Gorodnya- a village in the Batetsky municipal district of the Novgorod region, belongs to the Batetsky rural settlement.

Gorodnya (tributary of the Boldonikha)

Gorodnya- a river in Russia, flows in the Starorussky district of the Novgorod region. The river bed is winding, the main direction of flow is to the north. The mouth of the river is located 7 km along the left bank of the Boldonikha River. The length of the river is 12 km.

Of the settlements on the river, only the non-residential village of Chirikovshchina is located.

Gorodnya (Konakovsky district)

Gorodnya (Gorodnya on the Volga, ancient Russian city Vertyazin) - a village in the Konakovsky district of the Tver region, the administrative center of the municipal formation Gorodenskoye rural settlement, located 35 km southeast of Tver, on the right bank of the Volga, on the highway.

In the 14th century - a fortress on the border of the Tver and Moscow principalities. The remains of earthen fortifications, the Traveling Palace of the 18th century, and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin of the 14th century - the oldest in the Tver region - have been preserved.

Gorodnya (Kholm-Zhirkovsky district)

" Gorodnya"- a village in the Smolensk region of Russia, in the Kholm-Zhirkovsky district. Located in the northern part of the region, 10 km southeast of Kholm-Zhirkovsky, near the Kholm-Zhirkovsky - Vyazma highway, on the right bank of Vyazma. Population - 16 inhabitants (2007 year).It is part of the Steshinsky rural settlement.

Gorodnya (Novoduginsky district)

Gorodnya- a village in the Novoduginsky district of the Smolensk region of Russia. It is part of the Izvekovsky rural settlement. Population - 35 inhabitants (2007).

It is located in the northeastern part of the region, 9 km west of Novodugin, 6 km west of the Smolensk - Dorogobuzh - Vyazma - Zubtsov highway, on the banks of the Gorodinka River. 11 km east of the village is the Novodugino railway station on the Vyazma - Rzhev line.

Gorodnya (tributary of the Msta)

Gorodnya- a river in Russia, flows in the Lyubytinsky district of the Novgorod region. The mouth of the river is located 230 km along the right bank of the Msta River. The length of the river is 23 km.

The river flows through the Lyubytinskoye rural settlement. On the bank of the river stands the village of Komarovo and, at the mouth, the village of Srednie Svetitsy.

Gorodnya (Ichnyansky district)

Gorodnya- village, Gorodnyansky village council, Ichnyansky district, Chernihiv region, Ukraine.

KOATUU code is 7421783201. The population according to the 2001 census was 448 people.

It is the administrative center of the Gorodnya Village Council, which does not include other settlements.

Gorodnya (tributary of the Lama)

  1. redirection Gorodnya #Rivers

Gorodnya (right tributary of the Lama)

  1. redirection Gorodnya

Gorodnya (Borovsky district)

Gorodnya- a village in the rural settlement “Village Krivskoye” of the Borovsky district of the Kaluga region of Russia.

Gorodnya (upper tributary of the Lama)

Gorodnya- a river in the Volokolamsk district of the Moscow region of Russia, the right tributary of the Lama.

Length - 12 km. It originates near the village of Trekhmarino, then flows within the city of Volokolamsk and beyond its northwestern outskirts it flows into the Lama near the village of Ivanovskoye.
It is noteworthy that Lama also has a lower tributary with the same name.

Gorodnya (tributary of the Drezna)

Gorodnya- a river in the Tver region of Russia, the right tributary of the Drezna.

Length - 45 km, drainage basin area - 248 km². The source is 2.5 km southeast of the village of the same name in the Bezhetsk region. It flows into the Drezna 1.2 km from its mouth, north of the village of Novoe, which belongs to the rural settlement of Kiverichi.

Gorodnya (Pskov district)

Gorodnya- a village in the Pskov district of the Pskov region. It is part of the Seredkinskaya volost.

It is located on the coast of the Chernaya River, 54 km north of Pskov and 11 km northeast of the village of Seredka.

The population of the village as of 2000 was 3 people.

Gorodnya (tributary of the Sozh)

Gorodnya- a river in the Smolensk region, the right tributary of the Sozh. Length 13 kilometers. The catchment area is 45 km².

It starts near the village of Bolshie Khutora, Khislavichsky district. Then it flows in a general direction to the southeast through a sparsely wooded area.

It flows through the villages of Kolesniki, Gorodok, Klyukino and flows into the Sozh opposite the village of Suzdalevka.

Several nameless streams flow into Gorodnya.


Gorodnya- a wooden-earth structure, part of a fortification structure. Usually it consisted of a separate, closed log house, most often filled with soil. Sometimes the internal volume of the town could be used for premises for various purposes.

A common element of defensive structures on the Russian lands of the early Middle Ages. The towers of wooden castles were connected by gorodnyas. On weak, especially bulk, soils, preference in construction was given to towns, which were not so sensitive to subsidence.

Gorodnya was also called:

  • Spinning a wooden wall.
  • Log house located underground.
  • Part of a wooden bridge between the bulls.

Gorodnya (Stupinsky district)

Gorodnya- a village in the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region as part of the Aksininsky rural settlement (until 2006 it was part of the Meshcherinsky rural district). The name of the village is derived from the name of the Gorodenka River flowing nearby (the right tributary of the Severka River). In Gorodnya as of 2015, the 1st street is Voskresenskaya. In Gorodnya in the 16th century there was the estate of boyar Zlobin, which later belonged to the Sheremetevs and Odoevskys, from which only the Church of the Resurrection of the Word (first mentioned in 1578) with a bell tower built in 1896 by the architect Bogolepov, an architectural monument of federal significance, has survived.

Examples of the use of the word gorodnya in literature.

And the desolation was offensive; most of all, the military gorodnya and the princely court, as if they had already forgotten about the princes in this forested Vyatichi side!

In Pereyaslavl the burned churches, the prince's tower, gorodnya and the chambers of the boyars.

And they were already preparing to repair the forest gorodni, they were already transporting resinous logs to the new princely tower, yesterday's local scoffers and arrogance were already fussing and looking into the eyes.

He again looked at the piles of roofs more and more clearly sculpted in the brightening sky, the even edge gorodni and, as it were, the plank roofs of fires hanging over it, under which sleepless watchmen stood or walked.

In the distance, over the edge of the forest, visible a little from behind gorodni, a column of light fire, unshaken by the wind, rose, stood there, flaring up more and more brightly, like a luminous sword raised into the sky, and finally the red-hot golden edge of the bright morning sun came out from behind the hill.

And such wooden toys in front of this hostile force gorodni Moscow, and his Kremnik is so small, like a lamp light in the darkness.

Tobolin, flew to the site in Mostki, northeast Gorodni, to throw 1,200 kilograms of ammunition to the partisans of Poludrenko’s detachment.

They walked around Gorodnya, noting rotten logs, a rickety picket fence, chipped roof overhangs over fires.

Send us, nine-year-old tomboys, to Novgorod-Seversk or to Gorodnya, where there were gymnasiums, my mother and grandmother did not dare.

Above city the tops of the new mansion and the tops of two churches were visible, also bright.

Night fell on the city, on the cathedral, which withstood the Tatar devastation, on the log cells, the abbot’s mansion, the standing Gorodnya, the night hid the rows of carts, only the horses under the pole canopy, invisible in the darkness, shifted and chewed the meager hay.

Kolomna villages Proskurnikovskie and Vvedenskie, on Gorodne village, in Moscow beyond Pokhroi, the Razsudovsky villages - Zverevskoye and Biranovskoye, in Vladimir, the Simizinsky villages, Lazarskoye, Kotyazino, near Vladimir, the Evnutevskoye village, on Kostroma, on the Volga, Nizhnyaya Sloboda, Bazeevskoye, Manuilovskoye, in Vologda Turandaevskoye, Ponizovnoye, Kovylinsky villages, Gorka , on the Shoma village and near Moscow the village of Sharapovo, Loshakovo, a meadow on the Moscow River near Krutitsya, in Berendeyev the village of Rostovtsovskoye, in Kinel Surovtsovo, Timofeevskoye, Mikulskoye, a courtyard inside the city of Moscow and courtyards in the suburbs.

Only then did Mishuk sigh, wipe his brow, straighten his hat, and look one last time at Kremnik on the mountain, at the brown-gray gorodni, dusted with snow, on the sharp tops of the bonfires of the city wall and the heads of the new stone churches of Moscow, barely visible from behind the archers, he burned the horse with a whip and, taking it from its place to a support, set out to catch up with the head sleigh.

Gorodnya River (Gorodyanka, Gorodnyanka, Gorodenka, Gorodenka) The Gorodnya River in Moscow, the second in length and water flow after Setun, is the right tributary of the Moscow River within the city. Starts at the intersection of Solovyino proezd and st. Rokotova (according to other sources, near the Novoyasenevskaya metro station), crosses the Bitsevsky forest park, then flows through an underground pipe to the Pokrovskaya station in the Kursk direction. Further in the open channel it flows in the northern part of the Chertanovo Yuzhnoye region. On the territory of the Tsaritsyno district, it is mostly dammed, forming the Tsaritsyn and Borisov ponds, crosses Brateevo and flows into the Moscow River at the Besedinsky Bridge of the Moscow Ring Road. The length is 16 kilometers, of which 13.5 kilometers Gorodnya flows in an open channel (including ponds). In the lower reaches the river is heavily polluted. Tributaries: on the right are Yazvenka and Shmelevka, Boyakov, Popov, Teplyakovsky and Senkovsky ravines; on the left are Kotlyakovka, Belyaeva ravine and Chertanovka. The valley is deeply incised along almost its entire length, picturesque, but greatly changed and retains its natural appearance only within the Bitsevsky forest; in 1991, five of its sections were declared a natural monument. The valley of the Gorodnya River before its intersection with the Proletarsky Bridge. View of the river from the Proletarsky Bridge. Gasoline stains on the water and a sunken log are clearly visible. So vigorously Gorodnya flows out of the Borisov Ponds......and to the east of them it forms a series of picturesque ponds around which a park stretches.

Obviously, Gorodnya got its name from the name of the village of Pokrovskoye - Gorodnya, where Gorodnya is a common name for settlements (cf. city, town, etc.). A variant of the hydronym Gorodenka is derived from Gorodnya, after which the street is named. Gorodenka. EAT. Pospelov (1999) offers an explanation for the name of the river. Gorodnya: from the word Gorodnya “fence, fence in the river”, etc., also indicating the possibility of comparison with the Baltic hydronyms lit. Gardena, Latvian. Gardienes and others, according to the interpretation of V.N. Toporov: “The name comes from the word Gorodnya - “fence, fence in the river”; “slaughter, interruption, fish stopper with a gate into which a purse is inserted, or blind; a simple fence for a fish den" (see Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language)". Swimming pool Gorodnya. The numbers indicate: Gorodnya, Kotlyakovka, Senkovsky ravine, Teplyakovsky ravine, Popov ravine, Boyakov ravine, Yazvenka.

Fuel oil was dumped into the capital's Gorodnya River. Wednesday, September 15, :06 The city authorities decided to improve and clear the Gorodnya River bed from debris. More than 100 million rubles will be allocated for work to improve the river bed.

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After the plague in the mid-17th century, when only a few people remained alive, a new village was rebuilt. It is located on a high hill...
MOSCOW, December 5 - RIA Novosti. Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko took part in the opening ceremony of the Memorial...
On August 26, 1812, the Battle of Borodino took place. Barclay de Tolly took part in the most dramatic episodes of this battle. Under him...
Perhaps few houses in Moscow have undergone so many reconstructions and such a radical change in appearance as this one, once luxurious, and then...