How to write off old accounts receivable. Can accounts receivable be written off as a loss? Attention! The document is out of date! New version of this document

Accounts receivable appear if counterparties for some reason have not paid the company: for example, the supplier refused to return, the buyer did not pay for purchased goods, etc. The debt can be repaid, but in some cases it is impossible to return the money. A problem arises: how to write off accounts receivable so that the amount does not continue to “hang”, violating the reporting. In this case, you need to focus on the requirements of the Tax Code.

Not all debts are repaid...

Sometimes it is not possible to receive your money. There are several cases where the only reasonable option is to write off:

  1. The debtor organization was liquidated. Usually, during bankruptcy or closure, a certain period is given for the presentation of claims by creditors, and if you do not state your claims, the company loses the opportunity to repay debts. If the company is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities before September 2014, the debt cannot be considered bad, you will have to wait for the statute of limitations to expire.
  2. The statute of limitations has expired. According to Art. 196 of the Civil Code, it will be 3 years from the formation of the debt. If the money has not been returned, further demands are useless.
  3. The enforcement proceedings are completed because the debtor could not be found, or he does not have property that can be used for. The bailiff will return the writ of execution to the applicant, but it can be resubmitted for collection.
  4. Debt collection was declared impossible (Article 416 of the Civil Code). If the obligation cannot be fulfilled and neither party is responsible for it, the debt will be considered bad. Typically, this situation occurs when exposed to force majeure: for example, a fire or natural disaster.

A receivable should not be considered uncollectible if the amount of the debt is used as a way to repay accounts payable to the same person or organization.

Writing off accounts receivable in accounting

To write off accounts receivable, you must provide evidence of the impossibility of repaying the debt.

To recognize a receivable as uncollectible and write it off, you will need a settlement inventory report drawn up in Form N INV-22, as well as an order issued by the manager. The accountant must prepare a certificate of the existence of accounts payable and receivable, all data is verified with counterparties. The existence of obligations must be confirmed by relevant documents.

In order to write off a debtor, and this action was recognized as legal, it is necessary to provide evidence of the impossibility of writing off the debt: this will require a lawsuit against the debtor organization, it must also be accompanied by an act on the impossibility of collecting the amount and a resolution that the enforcement proceedings have been terminated.

To confirm the amount of debt, you must present all contracts with counterparties, invoices, acts of acceptance of the transfer of goods or performance of work, as well as other documents confirming the fact of the formation of the debt and its amount. It is important to remember that the storage period for documents that confirm that the debt has been written off justifiably is at least 5 years for accounting and 4 years for tax accounting.

In this case, the period begins to count not from the moment the debt was created, but from the moment it was written off. In order not to get confused in the documentation, it is better to store these documents until the expiration of the due date separately from other papers. This type of debt must be accounted for in accounts 60, 62, 73, 76 together with VAT. When writing it off as other expenses, VAT accrued on services and goods must also be taken into account.

If the company has created a special reserve for doubtful debts, it is necessary to make the following entries in accounting:

  • Debit account 63 credit account 60, 62, 70, 71, 73, 76. Debt that has already expired is written off. By the same principle, a reserve will allow you to write off a debt that is impossible to collect.
  • Debit account 007. Reflects debt written off due to impossibility of collection.

For account 007, it is necessary to keep separate records for each counterparty that has not fulfilled its requirements. Each debt that was written off at a loss is taken into account separately. There is one more important detail: if one counterparty has both receivables and payables, you must first make mutual settlements.

If, in the end, receivables do not overlap with accounts payable, only in this case can they be classified as losses, this will avoid unnecessary tax risks. If the company has not created a financial reserve for doubtful debts, the debt is posted as a debit to account 91.2 “Other expenses”.

Write-off of accounts receivable in tax accounting

Write-off of accounts receivable: program

According to Art. 266 of the Tax Code, if an organization has a reserve for doubtful debts, it is this that must be used to write off debts that are not possible to collect. However, if the size of this reserve is not enough, then the resulting balance is included in non-operating expenses.

If there is no reserve to cover doubtful debts, then all losses from the written off debt are included in non-operating expenses. In any case, the amount of bad debt plus VAT reduces the profit subject to tax. With proper debt write-off, the company will be able to reduce the tax burden during this period.

These expenses must be recognized and reflected in the reporting precisely in the tax period when the statute of limitations for the statement of claim expired, or enforcement proceedings were terminated, and the debt was declared impossible to collect. If the debtor company was liquidated, its debts are recognized as bad during the period in which it was officially excluded from the Unified Register.

Sample documents for debt write-off

Correct documentary evidence will allow you to avoid claims from the tax authorities, and the debt will be written off without any negative consequences. To get rid of an overdue debt, the manager must issue an order; it is drawn up in the following format:

LLC "Vector"
Order No. 53
on writing off accounts receivable
September 20, 2015 Pavlovo

According to Art. 196 of the Civil Code, on the basis of the act of inventory of settlements with the debtor, dated September 10, 2015 No. 58 and accounting certificate dated September 15, 2015 No. 51, I order:

  • Write off the receivables of Mercury LLC in the amount of 51,000 (fifty one thousand) rubles.
  • The accountant will reflect this operation in tax and accounting.
  • I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Director of Vector LLC ________________________________________ V. I. Petrov
I got acquainted with the order ________________________________________ A. I. Vasin
Chief Accountant

An accounting certificate for debt write-off is drawn up as follows:

During August 2012, Vector LLC sold products worth 51,000 (fifty-one thousand) rubles. The buyer of Mercury LLC did not make timely payment for the goods and subsequently did not take any measures to repay the resulting debt.
Further, Mercury LLC changed its location; it is not possible to find it. No claims were made in court.

Based on the inventory act dated September 10, 2015 No. 58, the accounts receivable must be written off, since the statute of limitations has expired.
Chief Accountant ___________________________________________________ A. I. Vasin

All documents confirming its write-off must be attached to these documents.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

Accounts receivable in business is not a very interesting topic for ordinary citizens who have nothing to do with business or do not work in accounting. In simple words we can say about it like this. These are all the debts that the company’s clients have, i.e. they owe this enterprise. Why should our reader know anything about this? There is such a case.

We are talking about banks. If you took out a loan from a bank and stopped paying it, then the bank increases its accounts receivable by the amount of your debt. This is a negative indicator for assessing the bank's performance. Therefore, it is extremely unprofitable for the bank to increase the amount of receivables. The bank is trying to rectify the situation. If you cannot pay your debts under the terms of the loan agreement, then it is beneficial for the bank to make concessions to you so that your debt does not affect the financial condition of the bank.

Otherwise, the bank will have to sell your debt for pennies to a collection agency. And it’s also beneficial for the agency to quickly convince you to pay. And in this case there is an opportunity to reach an agreement. The above does not guarantee that the situation can develop exactly this way, but it will not hurt to know about it.

Free cheat sheet in the video - how to write off accounts receivable:

The inability of counterparties to fulfill their monetary obligations can become a serious problem in economic activity. Growing accounts receivable affects the turnover of equity capital. It is the increase in overdue debts that leads to a lack of current assets necessary for the smooth operation of the organization.

Definition of bad debt

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, a debt is called bad when the following grounds exist:

  1. The statute of limitations of three years has expired .
  2. Impossible to fulfill duty. This happens if the company goes bankrupt.
  3. Upon entry into force of a normative act .4. The company was liquidated.

There is no description of bad debt as such in accounting. The accounting regulations, among other expenses, highlight debts that are unrealistic to collect. However, the document does not explain what they are. This should be disclosed in the accounting policies for each organization. And so that there are no discrepancies between tax and accounting accounting (and, accordingly, so as not to apply clause 3 18/02 PBU), it is better to use the option when the write-off criteria are the same.

Limitation of actions

Before writing off bad receivables, it is necessary to accurately determine the statute of limitations. Its beginning is considered to be the time when a company or firm has established a violation of its rights. This, for example, may be the day from which the violation of the deadline for payment of funds for goods or services provided in accordance with the concluded agreement began. It should be remembered that it is possible to interrupt the limitation period. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Applying to court with a statement of claim against the debtor.
  2. The debtor performs actions recognizing his debt. This could be receiving a signed reconciliation report from him, partial repayment of the debt or interest on it, or an application for a deferment.

Act of reconciliation

After suspension, a new limitation period is initiated, but the time before the break, for any reason, is not included in it.

Impossibility of fulfillment of obligation and release state act

Sometimes it happens that an obligation cannot be fulfilled. In such cases, none of the parties to the transaction is responsible for the circumstances that arise. This happens, for example, in the event of fires or natural disasters. This also includes the death of the debtor, if the implementation of the debt obligation is firmly connected with his personality.

Another reason for completing obligations is presence of an act state organ. They are served, among other things, by the bailiff's writ of execution. Sometimes it happens that tax authorities do not agree with the legality of writing off such debt, but the Ministry of Finance and the Supreme Arbitration Court usually take sides on this issue taxpayers. A letter from the Ministry of Finance serves as confirmation No. 03 -03 -05 /230 dated 10/22/2010 with reference to the SAC Determination, which specifically states that such debt should be considered bad.

Debtor liquidation and unrealistic debt

The law provides for liquidation:

  1. Due to bankruptcy.
  2. Due to the decision of the founders.
  3. By court verdict in case of violation legislation or failure to submit reporting

The company must have documentary evidence of the liquidation of the debtor. This is an extract from the register, which can be obtained from the registration authority. It is worth noting that information about the liquidation of an organization on the website of the Federal Tax Service is not enough.

There is also such a factor as unrealistic debt, based on the perception of the creditor himself. Of course, this criterion can only be used for accounting purposes, and the write-off of accounts receivable comes at the expense of the enterprise's profit. The use of the method is justified among organizations that have a large number of debtors with small debts. Advising such debtors usually makes no sense, and the costs of legal action exceed the amount of the debt. However, it is worth writing off debts at least in order to get your accounting in order. You must first complete all the documents: justification for the write-off and the manager's order.


To write off overdue debts you must have the following:

  1. Order on the inventory being carried out.
  2. Inventory act and certificate for it.
  3. Director's order to write off debt.
  4. Prepare an accounting certificate.

Sample order to write off accounts receivable

If debtors are identified for expired debts, supporting documents are collected. They are:

  1. Shipping invoices and contracts.
  2. It is possible to provide a reconciliation report.
  3. Claim for recovery.

Regardless of the statute of limitations, you need to collect documentation that will confirm that the debt is unenforceable:

  1. Extract from the Unified Register.
  2. Bailiff's act.

It is better if documents on overdue debts are stored separately from other primary documents. This systematization of documents will allow inspectors to quickly find them at any time. After all, documents that prove the correctness of debt write-off should be kept for five years for accounting and four for tax accounting, counting from the day of write-off.

How to write off accounts receivable

Usually all information is entered into a certificate - calculation. In accounting, when creating a reserve for doubtful debts ( D91 .2 K63), it is formatted like this: D63 K60,62,70,71,73,76. Thus, they reflect a written-off debt that has expired or is unrealistic for collection.

Postings to account 62

However, writing off a debt does not mean canceling it. Therefore, such debt is simultaneously reflected in an off-balance sheet account 007 . It is assumed that the creditor organization will monitor the possibility of collecting the debt if the financial situation of the debtor improves. Analytical accounting is usually kept for each debtor and each debt. Parallel reflection on the account 007 must be done in order to avoid tax and administrative responsibility.

If the creation of a reserve is not specified in the accounting policy or is not sufficient, then the debt is written off immediately to non-operating expenses : D 91.2 “Other expenses” K60., with simultaneous accounting on the account 007 .

There are cases when the same counterparty has both debts - receivables and payables. Then you first need to offset and only after that deal with receivables.

In tax accounting

The formed reserve is used to cover debts. If it is not enough, the amount of the difference is included in non-operating expenses. If the reserve was not created, then the full amount of debt is included in expenses.

It should be noted that such write-off of debt as expenses is recognized for calculating profit only in a certain tax period, namely:

  • upon expiration of the statute of limitations;
  • when an entry has already been made in the Register;
  • if the bailiff's act has already been received.

Write-off of overdue receivables- the obligation of the organization, such debt affects financial performance, for example, when issuing a loan. Therefore, it is necessary to write off unrealistic debt in a timely manner and in accordance with legislation.

Overdue receivables, like any other type of asset, are subject to accounting. If the debt cannot be collected, then it must be written off. Accounts receivable are recorded for accounting and tax purposes.

Write-off of accounts receivable is the recording of obligations that have a high probability of non-payment.

Unpaid receivables promise the entrepreneur a reduction in working capital and a cash shortage. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor the company’s accounts receivable and conduct a timely inventory.

If a company writes off accounts receivable, this does not mean that the debt is forgiven to the debtor.

Over the next 5 years, the debt can be collected and therefore must be reflected in the company's off-balance sheet account.

It is necessary to write off accounts receivable because in fact this amount cannot be used in the production process: financial resources are listed, but it is not possible to receive them “in hand.” This distorts financial statements, which interferes with the management of the enterprise.

In addition, high accounts receivable indicators (and they will be such if they are not regularly inventoried and written off) can affect partners’ decisions on cooperation: if a company lends to a large number of counterparties, then there is a high risk of bankruptcy of the company, because not all of them will be able to pay the bills.

In what order is it carried out? The answer is contained in the link.

Write-off of receivables in connection with the liquidation of the debtor and for other reasons

Accounting legislation does not provide for situations in which it is possible to make a decision about the uncollectibility of receivables.

However, the legislation on tax accounting mentions cases in which it can be assumed that the obligation will not be fulfilled.

According to paragraph 2 of Article 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia (February 6, 2007) number 03-03-07/2 There are the following grounds for writing off accounts receivable:

  • The limitation period for the obligation has expired.
  • The debt cannot be reimbursed due to circumstances involving irresistible nature and independent of the actions of the parties to the contract. Here it is necessary to remember that, in accordance with the rules of business turnover, such a situation must be documented, for example, by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Write-off of receivables in connection with the liquidation of the debtor. An official document of this fact can be an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. However, here you need to know that judicial practice in such situations is ambiguous: sometimes the court recognizes the liquidation of the debtor as a basis for writing off receivables, and sometimes not.

Experience shows that the tax inspectorate, citing the fact that the liquidation of a legal entity can be challenged by the creditor, argues that the debtor’s property should be sold at the lender’s expense, and the funds received from this event should be used to pay receivables.

Write-off of accounts receivable: contents of the posting.

Write-off of accounts receivable: basic transactions

In the first case, the wiring will look like this:

  • D 91.2 K 63 – provisions have been created for doubtful accounts receivable,
  • D 63 K 60 (62, 76) - an obligation for which the statute of limitations has expired, or a debt that is recognized as bad, is written off.

In the 2nd and 3rd cases, the following transactions are performed:

  • D 91.2 K 60 (62, 76) – a debt for which the statute of limitations has expired or a bad liability is written off (including the difference not reimbursed from reserves),
  • D 007 – An obligation recognized as uncollectible has been taken into account.

Tax accounting for writing off accounts receivable

Obligations recognized as uncollectible are written off along with VAT on the corresponding debt. In tax accounting, amounts of liabilities recognized as uncollectible are taken into account as non-operating expenses; in cases where an enterprise has created a reserve for doubtful debts, this category includes the difference between the amount of the liability and the reserve fund (Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Expenses can also include the amount of penalties applied to the debtor, which were previously recorded as income.

Thus, in tax accounting, if a reserve for doubtful debts was created, the uncollectible liability is financed from this reserve. In cases where the amount of the reserve is not enough to reimburse the obligation, then part of the debt is repaid from the reserve, the missing amount is subject to withdrawal from the “Non-operating expenses” account.

In cases where there is no reserve for an obligation, the obligation is repaid entirely at the expense of non-operating expenses (subclause 2, clause 2 of Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). You also need to remember that writing off accounts receivable reduces the tax base for income tax.

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In a situation where a company has an account of 63, but no reserve has been formed for a specific bad liability, then when accounting for debt, it is necessary not to forget about some nuances.

Tax legislation prohibits the repayment of a specific liability through a reserve created for another liability.

Therefore, such a debt will be fully reimbursed from the funds in the “Non-operating expenses” account.

After the debt has been written off, accounting entries have been made, income tax has been reduced, the company is obliged to preserve every document that was used in carrying out these procedures.

In conclusion, it should be noted that writing off accounts receivable reduces the amount of taxable profit.

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When an accounting employee writes off a bad liability, as documents confirming the legality of his actions, he must attach to the management order:

  • business papers that indicate that an obligation actually exists,
  • documents that reflect the process of collecting an obligation from a debtor,
  • and business papers that confirm the fact of the debtor’s insolvency.

How to account for bad accounts receivable? The detailed answer is contained in the following video:

Nothing. even if she hangs out there, she doesn’t bother you)))

If the receivable is unrealistic for collection or its statute of limitations has expired, then it can be written off from the balance sheet, but such actions are fraught with litigation with tax authorities.

There are other requirements for the receivable, if it dangles, the tax authorities will include it in income and add additional fines and penalties, take an inventory at each reporting date, you can write it off either after 3 years without movement, or after the liquidation of the enterprise, the same with the creditor..

Liquidation can be found on TAX. RU

How to correctly write off accounts receivable in this case?

After 36 months you have fulfilled the court decision,
document, "decision to terminate enforcement proceedings"
Congratulations for now, maybe we can continue...

Accumulating receivables is unprofitable not only financially, but also in tax terms. Consequently, it will be possible to write off the debt of a forcibly liquidated company no earlier than in a year.

How to properly write off accounts receivable?

Only upon expiration of the limitation period or if the counterparty is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In what reporting tax period can the receivables of a bankrupt debtor be written off? Tax accounting. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer reduces the income received by the amount of expenses incurred, with the exception of expenses...

A reconciliation report signed by both parties is required. The limitation period begins from the moment the deed is signed.
Postings 91.2 - 62 =10000
007 = 10000

Is it possible to write off accounts receivable using a reconciliation report if the company provides duplicate documents only for a fee?

What buoy is this from? Write it off?
Have you filed a claim? Did they not react? Have you applied to arbitration? Have your claim been denied?
Or write off against profit

The tax authorities allowed the receivables to be written off in full. Accounts receivable can be included in the reserve for doubtful debts in full if there is an account payable to the debtor.

How to write off accounts receivable?

So the employees owe you something? do you just give them money?
There is only one way out - to accrue wages to employees, pay contributions and taxes...
the debt from whom did you want to adjust and on the basis of what documents?

Taxation of receivables written off against financial results. The Bank of Russia, together with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, is making efforts to force banks to publish as much reliable information about themselves as possible.

Write-off of accounts receivable

Then you can't

Is it possible to recognize such debt as bad and write it off as a loss for income tax purposes? The Ministry of Finance of Russia in Letter dated 02/21/2008 N 03-03-06 1,124 explained accounts receivable...

How to write off accounts receivable if we have lost contracts and all the organizations are active?

Make reconciliation reports with these organizations.

Write-off of accounts receivable in 1C Accounting 8. Evgeniy 05/05/2010 Comments are disabled. Most often, enterprises write off accounts receivable due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Correspondence of accounts for the recovery of accounts receivable from previous years

Did you write her off? Write the postings.

If there is no attempt to collect the receivables and there is no court decision, then it can be written off as losses only in the accounting system, and in the accounting account such expenses are not taken into account, i.e., they are subject to income tax.

D-t 62(76) K-t 91.1. If you previously wrote off on D-t 91.2

Write-off of accounts receivable. Tell me, can I write off the debt from account 58.03? A personal loan was issued

You can write it off if the statute of limitations has passed. And according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The statute of limitations for individuals and persons is 3 years. If this period has passed, make a reconciliation report, an order from the chief and write it off.

Under certain conditions, uncollectible accounts receivable can be recognized as uncollectible and written off as part of non-operating expenses for income tax purposes...

What entries need to be made to write off accounts receivable?

We pay VAT upon shipment, so VAT should not appear.

How are accounts receivable written off?

I directly wrote off 91-62. True, I attached all sorts of reconciliation reports, demands, claims, and other various documents... The tax office did not say anything during the inspection. And I carried out this whole procedure in December

If, for example, the statute of limitations on accounts receivable expired in November 2007, then the organization must take into account the written off debt when determining the tax base for income tax for 2007. At the same time, one can argue with the position of the tax authorities...

How can you write off accounts receivable?

Kudrin can do this :-)))

How is information about partners' receivables and payables filled out? In what currency can I produce How to open a list of debt write-off documents? How to select from the list those documents for which the debt of a particular...

Usually after three years, if there is no other way to get the money. Write off to other non-operating income. 91/62

Only after the statute of limitations has expired. In my opinion, in three years.

Accounts receivable arise:
– if the supplier (contractor), who received the advance payment, did not ship the paid goods (work, services) to the seller (customer);
– if the buyer (customer) has not fulfilled his obligations to the supplier (performer) to pay for the goods supplied (work performed, services rendered, transferred property rights);
– if the borrower has not repaid the loan (loan) provided by the organization;
– if the employee has not reported on the amounts issued for reporting;
– if the organization has overpaid taxes (fees).
In accounting, accounts receivable need to be written off:
– after the expiration of the limitation period;
– in other cases when it becomes unrealistic for collection, for example, during the liquidation of an organization.
This is stated in paragraph 77 of the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting.
The general limitation period is three years (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The duration of the limitation period is determined in the following order:
– for obligations for which the fulfillment period is determined, – upon expiration of the obligation fulfillment period;
- for obligations for which the fulfillment period is not defined or is determined by the moment of demand - from the moment the creditor’s right to present a demand for fulfillment of the obligation arises.
This is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The limitation period may be interrupted. The basis for interrupting the limitation period is the actions of a person indicating the recognition of a debt. This is stated in Article 203 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Accounts receivable must be written off separately for each obligation. The amount of overdue accounts receivable is determined based on the results of the inventory. This amount is reflected in the act in form No. INV-17. The inventory is carried out by order of the manager (form No. INV-22).
The written justification for writing off a specific obligation is an inventory report in form No. INV-17 and an accounting certificate, on the basis of which the manager issues an order to write off receivables.
This is stated in paragraph 77 of the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting, letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated December 13, 2006 No. 20-12/109630.
Documents confirming its occurrence must be attached to the accounts receivable inventory report:
– agreements that specify the terms for repayment of obligations by counterparties;
– invoices;
– certificates of work performed (services rendered);
– acts of inventory of receivables at the end of the reporting (tax) period.
Such a list of documents is given in the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated June 27, 2008 No. 20-12/060959.
The write-off of bad receivables must be reflected by the following entry:
Debit 91-2 Credit 62 (71, 76)
– bad receivables are written off as other expenses.

To write off a receivable in tax accounting, you must first recognize it as uncollectible.
1. You need to deal with the debt itself. If an enterprise has ceased its activities, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can serve as documentary evidence of the liquidation of the debtor organization. The procedure for obtaining this extract is established by Art. 6 of Law No. 129-FZ (see Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 15, 2007 No. 03-03-06/1/98).
2. It is also necessary to consider the procedure for accounting for VAT amounts on written off receivables (i.e., how to deal with the amount of VAT paid to the budget on goods (works, services) sold, in the event of recognition of receivables for these goods (works, services) ) hopeless) . The Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not give an unambiguous answer to this question. In this situation, the Russian Ministry of Finance recommends that taxpayers write off the entire amount of accounts receivable as expenses, including VAT (Letter dated October 7, 2004 N 03-03-01-04/1/68).
In accounting, the write-off of accounts receivable in this case is reflected in the following entries:
— Debit 91-2 Credit 62 (60, 76) — the amount of receivables is written off (including VAT);
— Debit 007 — the amount of written off receivables is taken into account on the balance sheet.

If the company ceased its activities before the debitor can be immediately written off as expenses, only in tax accounting it will not be recognized as expenses. Only after three years (Ukrainian legislation), you will be able to include them in tax accounting expenses (Profit and Loss Statement). More precisely, they will always be in the report but do not affect the amount of profit according to tax accounting.

A special case of this indicator is the turnover ratio of accounts payable for commodity transactions. The period for repayment of receivables and payables can be visually represented...

It is not clear where the accounting archive is.
You should have an analyst for this accounts receivable, somewhere in the universe it must be. Moreover, there should be a tax audit before closing? Or am I misunderstanding something?

Overdue accounts receivable in the amount of RUB 265,000 were written off. Is this VAT input or output?

You wrote off the receivables: D-t91 kit 62 -265000, which means outgoing VAT.

After the statute of limitations expires, we write off the receivables. Does income arise under the simplified tax system? Is it possible to accept the cost of shipped goods as expenses under the simplified tax system if it was not previously taken into account in expenses?

If you have a debt on account 62 debit. then you have already charged VAT on the shipment.

From which account should receivables for communication services be written off? State-financed organization.

Does written-off accounts receivable reduce taxable income?

In theory yes

Write-off of accounts receivable. Rubric Accounting Answers 58. Dima, they are pressing the Internal Revenue Service regarding accounts receivable. And they are removed from those participating. Therefore, if you need problems, you can write them off.

The procedure for writing off receivables is established in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. So, according to paragraph 2 of article 2. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation “the losses received by the taxpayer in the reporting (tax) period, in particular the amounts of bad debts, and if the taxpayer has decided to create a reserve for doubtful debts - the amounts of bad debts not covered by the reserve funds” are equated to non-operating expenses.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, debts are recognized as bad in the following cases:
* If the statute of limitations has expired.
* If they arose from an obligation that was terminated due to the impossibility of its fulfillment.
* If they arose from an obligation terminated on the basis of an act of a government body
* If they arose from an obligation of an organization that was subsequently liquidated.
Only in these cases does a firm or enterprise have the opportunity to write off accounts receivable as non-operating expenses.

Keep in mind that if you have an ongoing relationship with your counterparties, i.e. a letter, a reconciliation report, or something similar, then write-offs are not recognized by the due date.

Is it possible to write off accounts receivable?

Based on such a decision, you can write off

The procedure for writing off receivables can be reflected in the order on accounting policy; after writing off from the balance sheet, do not forget to take it into account in the off-balance sheet account Written off debt of insolvent debtors account 04.

No, it cannot be written off because the deadline for submitting the application. the sheet has not expired and you have the opportunity to contact the bailiff service again.

Help with accounting!! ! classification of accounts according to the method of reflection in the balance sheet?

We need the text of the order to write off accounts receivable

Previously written off unclaimed receivables have been credited, what entries should be made?

Postings of receivables-positive bonds

Collection of accounts receivable. Tell me how you can collect receivables from sales representative T.P. , if the agency agreement with T.P. lost, but there is How to write off accounts receivable? State-financed organization.

Dt 62 Kt 84 (99)

What primary documents need to be completed “previously written off unclaimed receivables have been credited to the account”?

Accounting information

Accounts receivable can be written off using the provision for doubtful debts. Such an operation must be reflected by posting DEBIT 63 CREDIT 62 76 accounts receivable written off at the expense of the created reserve.

Where are the overdue accounts receivable and accounts payable located on the balance sheet?

In fact, they are written off after three years, if they have not been repaid during this time, and go accordingly to non-operating expenses and income.

After all, payment of the debt has not been received, but the shipment is taken into account as part of the revenue. Therefore, it is advisable to write off this debt in the prescribed manner. Algorithm for writing off bad receivables. How can you make money on the Internet?

Tell me the posting: Funds received from customers that were previously written off as bad receivables

If the debtor repays the debt, the amount of the debt is written off off-balance sheet and reflected in the organization’s non-operating income. Postings:
D51 K 91-1 - reflected in non-operating income is the amount of written off debt returned by the debtor;
K 007 - the amount of the repaid debt is written off off-balance sheet.

Write-off receivables are included in non-operating expenses. Is it possible to include bad receivables in expenses if there is a counter-account payable for this counterparty?

How to write off accounts receivable...

After 3 years, an inventory of debts, an order on what to do with them... They say you also need to send a letter with a notification in order to somehow prove that you were looking for this organization

The write-off of receivables and payables can be reflected in accounting using the following entries Debit 91, subaccount Other expenses Credit 62 - overdue receivables are included in other expenses Debit 007 - written off receivables...

Everything is as Firefly wrote, but you still need a photocopy of the liquidation certificate of the debtor company, without it the tax office will not count the write-off

Complete write-off of debts on personal loans

Carefully read our article about writing off debts on personal loans, and you will understand what will happen if you do not pay the loan, as well as how to avoid negative consequences under the law.

Is it legal not to pay a loan?

Yes, there is such a possibility; in the following cases, complete write-off of loan debts in 2018 - 2019 is possible:

  • upon the death of the borrower or the impossibility of determining his whereabouts (there is a court order declaring him missing);
  • statute of limitations (there are a lot of pitfalls);
  • by a court decision, for example, if you did not take out a loan (in such situations, a case of fraud is initiated);
  • by court decision, for example, if the borrower was incapacitated at the time of signing the agreement;
  • if a person does not have funds or property that can be sold to pay off the debt (bankruptcy procedure for an individual).

In all these cases, complete write-off of the loan is possible, however, it is worth considering a number of nuances of each option, let's take a closer look.

Who repays the loan in the event of the borrower's death?

If the borrower has any property that can be inherited, the loan is paid by the heirs.

Which entries reflect the write-off of accounts receivable in 2018

The same is true with credit obligations of a missing debtor (not to be confused with the bailiff’s decision under Federal Law 229 - Article 46, paragraph 1, paragraph 3 - the location of the debtor is unknown and it is not possible to determine it, more on that at the end of the article).

How to write off debt with an expired statute of limitations

Most debtors rely on this option to get rid of their obligations. It is a mistake to think that after 3 years the debt will be automatically written off, this is not true! To begin with, it is worth considering that there are quite a lot of nuances when calculating the LID (State of Limitation).

For example, any call from a creditor that you answer or notification letter that you sign for resets the SID. When calling or writing, the creditor or collector always announces the date by which you need to pay the debt; this date will be the new starting point for the statute of limitations.

It is also worth understanding that if the creditor received a JD (Court Order) and you did not challenge it, thereby allowing the court order to come into force, then you can forget about the JD. Be sure to cancel the joint venture - let the creditor go to court, where you will have the opportunity to write off fines and penalties, up to paying only the body of the loan.

What to do if scammers apply for a loan

If you did not take out a loan, go to court and demand recognition of the nullity of the loan agreement.
If we are talking about the borrower’s incapacity at the time of signing the agreement, then this fact also needs to be proven during the court hearing.

How does the bankruptcy procedure for individuals work?

We will consider this option in more detail in a separate article, since the bankruptcy process is a rather lengthy, financially expensive and legally complex procedure. Take into account the fact that the debtor may not be declared bankrupt, and if the court decides positively, a number of restrictions are imposed on the person. To begin this procedure, the following conditions must be met:

  • total debt on credit products is at least 500 rubles;
  • the period of overdue debt on at least one of the obligations (credit or loan) is more than 90 days.

In addition to the options listed, there are other ways to write off loans, naturally, within the framework of Russian legislation:

  • Federal Law 229 - Art. 46 clause 1 clause 3 (the location of the debtor is unknown and it is not possible to determine it, not to be confused with the wording “missing person”);
  • Federal Law 229 - Art. 46 clause 1 clause 4 (borrower is insolvent);
  • pre-trial agreement with the creditor (“debt amnesty”);
  • redemption of debt by a third party under an assignment agreement (resale to the debtor).

The above points can be considered as “Bad debt”; read about how the loan is written off in these cases in the following materials:

Write-off of accounts receivable and tax accounting Author: Anastasiya Many companies and organizations are faced with accounts receivable, part of the company’s assets, which can act as working capital. At the same time, accounts receivable can be: Such debt arises from missing the deadline for payment for goods or services supplied to another company or individual. It can be either dubious or hopeless.

Doubtful accounts receivable mean debts that are not financially secured: Such a debt, after the expiration of the statute of limitations, usually 3 years, develops into a bad debt that is impossible to collect from the counterparty. Normal accounts receivable are debts that have not yet become due for payment, but at the same time the property was transferred to a third party for a paid advance delivery.

What receivables are subject to write-off Debts to a company always create an unpleasant financial situation: This situation distorts the present state of affairs of the enterprise, and the company tries to write off debts. To write off receivables, you need to find out the reasons for their occurrence and classify them as one or another group of bad debts: Based on the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, receivables are classified as unrealized expenses if repayment for one reason or another is not feasible.

These are, for example, debts for which the statute of limitations has passed, and it is not possible to collect the debt even in court due to liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings.

Such debts are written off using the reserve funds of an enterprise created specifically for this purpose. Even after the debt is written off, it remains on the balance sheet for another 5 years, since the debtor’s solvency may also be revealed. Overdue receivables can be classified as expense transactions only after the judicial authorities refuse to repay the debt, again, for various reasons. But the period of claim proceedings can be extended if the counterparty admits its claims publicly, in which case the report is again extended for 3 years.

If there is no possibility of actually collecting debts, since the costs of legal proceedings may exceed the amount of the debts themselves, then these debts can be written off by order of management. Or by executive order, when the bailiff writes an explanation about the debtor’s insolvency. Preparation for debt write-off Write-off of receivables occurs both in accounting and tax accounting according to previously prepared documents explaining the origin of the debt, its size and period of occurrence.

Such documents include: Agreements for the supply of goods or provision of services. Documents confirming the shipment of goods or an acceptance certificate for the performance of certain works or provision of services. Payment or other documents confirming the fact of payment of the advance by the company that has not fulfilled its payment obligations, debt verification reports.

In order to have grounds for write-off, it is necessary to conduct an inventory of debts and draw up reports at the end of the reporting year. The management of the enterprise makes a decision based on the results of the inventory to write off debts as bad. All financial transactions carried out by the enterprise are analyzed, and the exact amount of debt for each position is identified. All prepared documentation is sent to an authorized organization, which makes a decision on writing off or collecting receivables. Typical entries for writing off bad debts Accountants of both large and small organizations are required to monitor the status of accounts receivable, and therefore enterprises create reserve funds for critical situations.

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Postings for writing off accounts receivable largely depend on the volume of the created reserve fund: Reserves can be created for each doubtful or bad debt, and their value depends on the financial condition of the company. And if they are not used during the reporting period, then they are combined with the general financial results. Typically, accountants draw up an inventory statement of the debt status at the end of the reporting period, in accordance with the accounting policies of the enterprise.

The manager issues a write-off order, and the accounting staff makes typical entries if there is a reserve fund: Write-offs are carried out through account 62 and settlements with agents to account 63 at the expense of the created reserve. At the base of the posting, indicate the number of the contract with customers for the supply of goods or provision of services. The same amount is reflected in the balance sheet account by writing off losses on receivables.

Types of accounts receivable

Pay attention to the reflection of this account, since any inspection organization is primarily interested in it. If the reserve fund has not been created, then the following entries are made: The debt is entered into the account. If the debtor company decides to pay its debt, then an entry is made: In account 51, the current account is displayed in the line. At the same time, the same amount is displayed in the account. In case of audits of the company, the accountant there must be supporting documents in case of insolvency of the debtor.

All documents are stored in a separate folder. Write-off of doubtful accounts receivable: In this case, the following entries are made: K 62 - this is how doubtful accounts are written off at the expense of reserved funds. If during the reporting period the amount of doubtful debts exceeds the amount of the reserve, then the difference is displayed in the item of other expenses: But the write-off of this debt is not canceled, and over the next 5 years the amount is displayed in the account balance Write-off of unclaimed receivables posting Unclaimed receivables may arise for 2 reasons: In case of liquidation of the enterprise.

When the statute of limitations on claims has expired.

How to properly remove a debt: grounds and statute of limitations

In order to be able to write off unclaimed debt, it is necessary to prepare a number of supporting documents: An inventory report drawn up by an accountant on the analysis of the obligations assigned to the counterparty. An accountant's certificate on calculating the deadline for filing claims based on concluded contracts. An explanatory note indicating the reason for the debt.

Surprising but true! All financial transactions carried out by the enterprise are analyzed, and the exact amount of debt for each position is identified. Having collected and analyzed the package of documents, making sure that the deadline has expired, you need to write off the KZ and reflect it as part of taxable income in order to avoid comments from the Federal Tax Service.

The prepared documents are reviewed by the head of the enterprise, and on their basis an order for write-off is issued.

Write-off of accounts receivable: postings, sample order

Write-off of receivables and tax accounting Postings for write-off of debts are displayed in tax reports, but for this action the grounds for write-off must be given: The end of the period for collection is a three-year continuous period. Decisions of judicial or executive bodies regarding the lack of funds to repay debts. If the liquidated organization is in debt.

Surprising but true! Using the reserve, you can only write off the debt that was involved in its formation. Based on the results of its implementation, the inventory commission draws up an inventory report of settlements with creditors.

When creating a reserve fund, debts are credited to the fund, and the tax base is not paid. Based on the results of the reporting period, a calculation is made, and if the debts exceed the reserved funds, then income tax is paid on the difference. If the reserve fund has not been created, then the recalculation is carried out monthly, and transfer of tax payments to another reporting period is prohibited.

Write-offs are carried out in the following order: From the debit sub-account 76 deferred payments for VAT and credit account 68 are calculated for VAT, at the base of the posting a record is made about the data of the inspection report. Write-off of accounts receivable by court decision:

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  • How to purchase under Federal Law 44
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  • List of documents to the tax office for expensive treatment
  • Registration of enterprises with foreign investment
  • Accounts receivable have been listed since January 2013. The limitation period of three years on January 31, 2016 has been missed. Is it possible to write off this debt in another month of 2016 and how?

    The period for writing off bad receivables. According to regulatory authorities, write-off bad receivables as a general rule, it is possible only during the period of expiration of the limitation period

    If, in this case, the documents necessary to recognize the debt as bad and write it off appeared to the taxpayer later (not during the expiration of the statute of limitations), then he should submit an updated tax return for corporate income tax for the reporting (tax) period in which the statute of limitations has expired

    Regarding the period for writing off receivables, there is a different position of the financial department - if failure to include bad debt amounts in the tax base during the period of expiration of the limitation period resulted in excessive payment of income tax, then receivables can be written off in later tax (reporting) periods

    Postings for writing off bad receivables

    Practical guide to income tax

    According to the author’s conclusions, regardless of the date of the order to write off the debt, it is safer to write off overdue accounts payable or receivable in tax accounting on the last day of the reporting period in which the statute of limitations expired (clause 5, clause 4, article 271 and clause 3 p 7 Article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Officials share the same opinion (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 26, 2014 N 03-03-10/60138, dated September 12, 2014 N 03-03-RZ/45767 and dated July 19, 2011 N 03-03-06/1/426, Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 8, 2014 N ГД-4-3/25307@).

    However, errors made when calculating the tax base in past periods can be corrected in the declaration for the current period only for income tax or tax under the simplified tax system. In this case, the following conditions must be met (clause 1 of Article 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Letters of the Ministry of Finance dated June 27, 2016 N 03-03-06/1/37152, dated July 22, 2015 N 03-02-07/1/42067, dated April 23 .2014 N 03-02-07/1/18777, dated 01/23/2012 N 03-03-06/1/24, dated 12/07/2012 N 03-03-06/2/127):

    - on the date of filing the declaration for the current period, three years have not passed from the date of payment of the tax on the declaration with an error;

    — as a result of an error, income is overstated or expenses are understated;

    — the error led to an overpayment of tax, that is, in the declaration with the error, the tax payable is not equal to zero

    The review was prepared by specialists from the Consulting Line of the Group of Companies "Zemlya-SERVICE"

    Concept and write-off of doubtful accounts receivable. Methods for estimating provisions for doubtful debts

    Regardless of how perfect and effective the solvency control system is, the company will always have customers who have not paid for goods purchased on credit. The accounts of such buyers are called dubious accounts or bad debts and relate to losses or expenses for selling goods on credit. Doubtful debt is an entity's receivables that are not repaid within the prescribed period in accordance with the agreement on payment terms. If doubtful debts are probable and can be assessed on the basis of comparability, possible expenses associated with them must be reflected in the reporting period when the sale is made.

    If doubtful receivables are probable and can be estimated, it is necessary to reflect the estimated doubtful receivables in the accounts, because it is a loss of income that entails, through a specific accounting entry, a decrease in accounts receivable (assets) and a corresponding decrease in profits and shareholders' equity.

    ​Writing off bad receivables: tax and accounting entries

    Loss of revenue and decrease in profit are recognized through the recording of bad debt expense, an operating expense often classified as selling expense.

    The main issue in accounting for bad debts is determining the point in time at which the loss should be recognized. Two main methods are used:

    Direct write-off method – this is a method in which expenses are recorded only immediately after specific accounts payable are recognized as uncollectible . This method is not the best from an accounting point of view, since expenses for bad debts are attributed to losses in the reporting period in which they were discovered, and not in the period in which the corresponding batch of goods or services was sold.

    Thus, we see that this method states that facts, not estimates, should be taken into account, but it is theoretically imperfect, since with this method the expenses and income of the period are not brought into correspondence.

    2. Reserve (valuation reserve) method for doubtful debts, involves in advance allocating some part of expenses to bad debts. Bad debt losses are matched to the sales that gave rise to them. This method estimates the expected amount of uncollectible accounts for all credit sales or the total amount of accounts receivable.

    Expenses related to doubtful debts, through the formation of a reserve for doubtful debts, which is created at the end of the year based on inventory data of receivables, are reflected in passive account 1290 “Provision for doubtful claims”

    Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss (0071 940

    The written-off amount of receivables (debtors) is recorded in off-balance sheet account 007 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss for five years to monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the property status of the debtor (debtor).

    Leased fixed assets - 001 Strict reporting forms - 006 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss - 007

    The write-off of unclaimed debts is carried out on the basis of an act drawn up by the commission, approved by the head of the enterprise (82/1 - 61, 62, 76). Unclaimed debt written off at a loss is transferred to off-balance sheet accounting, account 007 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss, where it is listed for 5 years in order to monitor the possibility of its collection. If the created reserve for doubtful debts is not used before the end of the year following the year of its formation, it is added to profit (82/1 - 80/3). In the event that a previously written off doubtful debt is repaid by the debtor, the received amount is credited to non-operating income (50, 51 - 80/3). At the same time, this amount is closed in off-balance sheet account 007.

    Simultaneously with this posting, the amount of the difference in the valuation of missing finished products is recorded in the off-balance sheet account Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss (007). As collection proceeds, this difference is written off from this account and applied to financial results.

    A total is drawn up for section V of the balance sheet liability, which, together with the results of sections III and IV of the liability, shows the total total of the balance sheet liability or the sum of all sources of funds. The totals of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet must be equal and reflect the amount of property owned by the organization. Behind the balance sheet, in the certificate of the availability of valuables recorded on off-balance sheet accounts, leased fixed assets, including leasing, inventory items accepted for safekeeping, goods accepted for commission, security for obligations received and issued, written off in loss, debt from insolvent debtors, depreciation of housing stock.

    Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss (007) Depreciation of housing stock (008) Depreciation of external improvements and other similar objects (009) Other off-balance sheet accounts 950 960 970 980

    Finally, the need to use off-balance sheet accounts is associated with monitoring individual business transactions (debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss, strict reporting forms).

    Off-balance sheet accounts have three-digit numbering. For example, account 001 Leased fixed assets, 007 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss, 009 Security for obligations and payments issued, etc.

    Some enterprises do not pay due attention to off-balance sheet accounts, which in practice leads to a weakening of accounting control functions. Off-balance sheet accounts are used to record values ​​that do not belong to the enterprise, but are at its disposal or for its safekeeping for a certain time, as well as to control individual business transactions. In particular, leased fixed assets, inventories, materials accepted for safekeeping, goods accepted for processing, equipment accepted for consignment, equipment accepted for installation, strict reporting forms, written off at a loss, debt of insolvent debtors, security of obligations and payments received and issued, depreciation of the housing stock

    Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss Debtors (individuals and legal entities) Debts written off

    Bad receivables written off at a loss are simultaneously accounted for on the credit side (debit) of the off-balance sheet account 007 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss.

    Upon receipt of receivables previously written off at a loss or upon expiration of a 5-year period, entries are made on the expense (credit) side of the off-balance sheet account 007 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss.

    Analytical accounting for account 007 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss is maintained for each debtor whose debt is written off at a loss and for each debt written off at a loss.

    Amounts that cannot. be "collected from the guilty party due to his insolvency (upon return of writs of execution with a court-approved act on the defendant's insolvency and the impossibility of foreclosure on his property), written off as losses. These amounts are accounted for in the off-balance sheet account 09 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss (according to each debtor) for five years from the date of write-off to monitor the possibility of collection (in the event of a change in the debtor’s property status).

    Losses from writing off debts for shortages and thefts include the amounts of awarded debts for shortages and waste of valuables, for which, due to the insolvency of the debtors, writs of execution were returned with acts of insolvency of the defendants and the impossibility of foreclosure on their property, approved by the courts. Writing off such debts at a loss is not a complete cancellation of the debt. Such debt should be taken into account on the balance sheet in account 009 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss for five years from the date of write-off to monitor the possibility of its recovery in the event of a change in the property status of the debtors.

    Writing off a debt (in the form of an uncollectible receivable) at a loss due to the insolvency of the debtor does not constitute cancellation of the debt. To monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the debtor's property status, this debt must be reflected on the balance sheet in the off-balance sheet account 007, Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss, for five years from the date of write-off.

    OFF-BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS - accounts intended for accounting of funds that do not belong to a given enterprise, institution or organization, but are in their use or temporary disposal, as well as for accounting for conditional values. When compiling a balance sheet, the data from these accounts is shown after its total, i.e., behind the balance sheet.

    Write-off of accounts receivable based on a court decision accounting entries

    Off-balance sheet accounts include, for example, accounts of Leased fixed assets, Raw materials accepted for processing, Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping, etc. These funds are reflected off-balance sheet in order to eliminate repeated accounting when consolidating the reporting data of various enterprises for purposes of national economic accounting, since the same funds are shown in the balance sheets of enterprises to which they belong. Like conditional values ​​on 3. p. strict reporting forms, debts of insolvent debtors written off at a loss, etc. are taken into account. Currently, accounting transactions are reflected on 3. p. without observing the principle of double entry.

    Leased assets (fixed assets) 001 Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping 002 Strict reporting forms 004 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss 005

    The amount of receivables written off is reflected in the accounting as the debit of account 82 - in the part covered by the reserve, in the debit of account 80 - in the part not covered by the reserve, in the credit of debt accounting accounts (62 Settlements with buyers and customers, 61 Settlements for advances issued, 76 Settlements with various debtors and creditors, etc.). The amount of debt written off is taken into account on the balance sheet in account 007 Debt written off at a loss from insolvent debtors within five years from the date of write-off to monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the property status of the debtors. Upon receipt, it is reflected in the debit of cash accounts (50 Cash Account, 51 Current Account, 52 Currency Account, other accounts if it is repaid with property) and the credit of account 80.

    Account 007 Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss is intended to summarize information about the state of receivables written off at a loss due to the insolvency of debtors. This debt must be kept on the balance sheet for five years from the date of write-off to monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the property status of the debtors.

    See pages where the term is mentioned Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss


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    To help accountants and auditors Handbook Volume 2 Issue 11 ->

    Chart of accounts -> Debt written off at a loss from insolvent debtors

    In the economic life of a legal entity, cases often arise when an organization has long-term accounts payable (AC): a completed loan, a supplier shipping goods on credit, non-payment of wages to employees of the enterprise on time.

    Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

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    If, for various reasons, the debt cannot be paid within the time limits established by law, such debt goes into the overdue section. However, the debt cannot hang “forever” - if the creditor organization does not claim the debt in court within the time limits established by law, it must be written off.

    To avoid additional charges in the event of an audit by tax authorities, it is necessary to write off accounts payable correctly, taking into account all regulatory documents.

    Basic Concepts

    Write-off of accounts payable is a procedure for accounting for debts for which the statute of limitations has expired, which has tax consequences.

    The statute of limitations under the civil legislation of the Russian Federation is calculated for a period of three years (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Interruption of the limitation period is possible if the creditor brings a claim against the debtor organization. Also, the basis for interruption may be some actions of the borrower that indicate recognition of the debt, for example, by means of a response letter to a claim acknowledging the existence of non-payment, signing a reconciliation report with the creditor, or partial repayment of the debt. After the break, the limitation period will be calculated anew, i.e. 3 years, the previous time no longer counts.


    The main reason for writing off a claim is the expiration of the statute of limitations. There may be other grounds that an organization can refer to when writing off a debt.

    The basis for writing off accounts payable will be the impossibility of fulfilling the obligation for objective reasons. For example, writing off accounts payable upon liquidation of a creditor () is the only way to legally refuse to repay money to a legal entity that no longer exists.

    In this case, you must wait for the inactive creditor to be excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Payment of the debt is also impossible in a situation where the debtor is declared bankrupt.

    Obligations may be terminated due to the creditor releasing the debtor from paying the debt (). A similar situation in practice is possible between related, affiliated persons or, suppose, when a loan to an organization was provided by the founder. Such a procedure is considered a gift in civil law if the resulting economic benefit of the party forgiving the debt is not proven.

    The legislation suggests using an act of a state body as a basis for write-off if, as a result of its issuance, the fulfillment of an obligation becomes impossible (Article).

    Another reason for writing off a contract is the impossibility of its execution due to the occurrence of an event (force majeure), for which neither party can be responsible (Article).

    Finally, the death of the creditor (Art.) can serve as a basis for termination of credit relations if we are talking about an individual.

    All of the above grounds allow you to write off bad accounts payable .

    Basic Rules

    The basic rule applied to the write-off of accounts payable is that accounting for this operation is carried out precisely during the period when its statute of limitations has expired.

    If there is a violation of this norm, you will have to submit an updated declaration in the next reporting period.


    The task of the organization's accountant is to correctly calculate the timing of the amounts to be written off. This is necessary in order not to make mistakes when calculating income tax.

    Based on the three-year period established by law for filing a claim, the accountant must check whether all the conditions for writing off the debt have been met, whether there was an interruption if the debtor organization somehow came into contact with the creditor: a letter of guarantee, a signed reconciliation act, etc. d. If there were no contacts, the time interval from the date of the last payment or from the end date of the credit agreement is taken as a basis.


    The write-off of short-term assets is carried out in accounting and tax accounting documents.

    The procedure consists of preparation:

    • inventory act;
    • accountant's certificates;
    • order from the head of the institution to write off overdue accounts payable.

    It is recommended to carry out an inventory regularly at the end of each reporting period. This will allow you to promptly identify any outstanding debt. The peculiarity of conducting an inventory at an enterprise is that in addition to the accounts payable part, it is also necessary to check the accounts receivable.

    When conducting an inventory, we pay special attention to settlements with financial institutions, extra-budgetary funds, clients of the enterprise and the amount of debt to the budget. As a rule, if based on the results of an inspection, an act is drawn up in a standard form.

    It should be noted that conducting a quarterly inventory is the right of an economic entity, but not its obligation. The Federal Law “On Accounting” requires an inventory to be carried out once a year.

    The next important step is to prepare an accounting statement, which includes important information on overdue debts:

    • contract number and date of its preparation;
    • links to primary documents: delivery notes, acts, invoices;
    • justification of the statute of limitations by performing a mathematical calculation;
    • information about the creditor company.

    The director of the organization is guided by these documents when signing the order to write off the debt.

    Order to write off overdue accounts payable

    A standard order to write off bad accounts payable may look like this.

    The order is issued on the company's letterhead, in the header of which its details are indicated.

    In the text of the order, referring to the accounting rules approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the head of the organization justifies the need to write off the debt to a specific creditor based on the inventory and accounting certificate. The amount written off is recognized as non-operating income. Control over the execution of the order is assigned to the chief accountant.


    The procedure for writing off short-circuits takes place in four stages:

    1. Identification of the amount of overdue debt during the inventory at the end of the reporting period.
    2. Drawing up an accounting certificate for the identified shortcomings.
    3. Issuance by the director (manager) of the company of an order to write off debt on the basis of regulatory documents.
    4. Making appropriate changes to accounting and tax accounting by the accounting department.

    In accounting, write-off is carried out based on the following posting:

    Debit 60 – Credit 91-1


    Tax accounting requires registration of arrears during the period when the statute of limitations expired. If this did not happen due to an accounting oversight, you will have to submit an “adjusted” declaration in the next period.

    The grounds for recording the amount of debt and statute of limitations are exactly the same as in accounting:

    • order to conduct an inventory;
    • inventory statement in a standard form;
    • accounting information;
    • order from the manager to write off the short circuit.

    When calculating the single tax according to the simplified tax system, regardless of its form (single income tax, or income minus expenses), the debt is included in non-operating income. Income does not include debts that arose for the payment of fines and penalties, as well as mandatory insurance contributions.

    If an organization pays UTII, it is obliged to keep separate records of income, expenses and business transactions. Therefore, for the purposes of calculating the single tax on imputed activities, the total amount of income received is not important and there are no tax consequences.

    The reporting period for income tax is a quarter. If taxpayers calculate monthly advance payments based on advance profits - every month.

    Often accountants have a question about how to pay VAT on an advance payment after the expiration of the contract. The Ministry of Finance clarifies this point by allowing taxpayers to reduce VAT only in terms of material and production resources, works and services.

    Editor's Choice
    08/28/18 52,869 27 And why is this important? A company may look good outwardly, have a beautiful office and a polite sales department, and...

    VAT reporting has been submitted, it seems that you can relax... However, not all accountants can breathe a sigh of relief - some of them...

    1C experts spoke about the procedure for writing off bad debts using reserves, as well as debts not covered by reserves.

    Accounts receivable appear if counterparties for some reason have not paid the company: for example, the supplier refused...
    Risk is an integral element of entrepreneurial activity. However, it is reasonable to strive to minimize it. Moreover, the manifestation of due...
    Rosstat issued Order No. 428 dated October 28, 2013, with approved Instructions for filling out forms for monitoring statistical data....
    The interaction of a business entity with its partners leads to payment of obligations to suppliers. Normal...
    Stanislav Dzhaarbekov, Deputy Director, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Institute for the Development of Modern Educational Technologies...
    What is RSV-1 in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, what does a sample of such a form look like in 2019, and what rules should be followed when forming...