What did the Masons decide with Trump. Trump opened an occult channel to the Antichrist in Riyadh? Is Donald Trump a Freemason

The Republican Party candidate Donald Trump, the Masons made the winner in the election, the 45th President of the United States of America, according to the online magazine UFO MIR.

Initially, Hillary Clinton was considered the favorite of the current elections based on the results of exit polls. Shortly after the closing of the first precincts and the beginning of the counting of votes, it became clear that at the beginning of the 2016 presidential race, Donald Trump was in the lead, having by that time scored 24 electors against 3 for the Democratic candidate.

After some time, Clinton managed to briefly pull ahead thanks to a more liberal East Coast, but as the final stage of the election moved deeper into the continent, the results were again equalized. For the second time, Trump was driven forward by a vote in the traditionally conservative Southern states.

After that, the alternation of candidates in the "race for 270" continued for several hours. Around 8:30 in Moscow, the Republican candidate was 35 electors ahead of his opponent. Despite a late temporary reversal of the outcome thanks to supportive Democrat West Coast voters, the New York Times claimed a 95% chance of Trump winning.

At 9:00

Around 9:00 Moscow time closed the last polling stations in Alaska. By this time, Trump had 244 electors to Clinton's 218, and the gap in the live vote was just over one percent. The situation remained similar an hour later, when the votes of seven states remained uncounted.

Half an hour later, Trump's victory became clear: the number of electors he received was 276, according to Bloomberg, exceeding the 270 representatives required to obtain an absolute majority in the election commission. Despite the fact that by this time the counting of votes had not been completed, preparations began at the headquarters of Donald Trump in the New York Hillton Hotel for the speech of the President-elect.

At 10:45

At 10:45 am Moscow time, Tim Kaine appeared on the Hillton stage, whom the host introduced as "Vice President Elect". He was followed on the stage by Donald Trump, whom Kane declared "America's President Elect." The audience greeted him with applause and chants of "U-S-A".

Trump thanked his supporters for their support and spoke from a congratulatory call he received from Hillary Clinton. According to the president-elect, during this race he owed a lot to his rival. He also called on those who did not support him in the elections to join him and help him work on a common cause. "Working together, we will tackle an urgent task: rebuild our nation and renew the American Dream," Trump said.

Video: Donald Trump wins US presidential election

MOSCOW, September 22 - RIA Novosti. None of the current US presidential candidates - neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump - ideally should become the supreme commander, but Trump will be a "lesser evil" for America than Clinton, according to Forbes columnist Doug Bandow.

Politico explains why the European Union secretly supports TrumpNo one will say this publicly, but for many European politicians, Trump's victory is an opportunity to get rid of American influence on the continent, writes Politico.

The Democratic nominee, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has championed all wars, no matter how stupid, for the past two decades, the article says. The Republican Party candidate, billionaire Donald Trump is generally unpredictable - no one knows what he really thinks and what he will do. But "embarrassing unpredictability would be better than predictable stupidity" - Clinton is sure to continue costly wars. Trump, at the very least, can try to change the "US craving for wars from time to time." After all, now America can no longer afford to repeat the mistakes of the previous three presidential administrations, the observer writes.

However, while Trump, calling the current foreign policy "a perfect and absolute disaster", does not offer anything sensible and systemic in return. Like other Republicans, he continues to place the entire blame for the chaos in the Middle East on current Democratic President Barack Obama, forgetting that George W. Bush started the US invasion of the region with the war in Iraq. Republican considerations that the US military needs to be reformed also do not stand up to scrutiny, Doug Bandow believes. The Pentagon is "not depleted, but swollen", its resources are much greater than what America itself needs. If Washington stops sponsoring its "friends" and fighting "enemies of other states," then it can spend much less on the army, the observer is convinced.

Trump offered to disarm Clinton's guards and "see what happens to her"Clinton, like Trump, is guarded by agents of the US Secret Service, a government intelligence agency responsible for, among other things, the security of top officials and presidential candidates.

However, if Trump does not offer solutions to foreign policy problems, then at least he can determine their essence, in particular, the unequal contribution to ensuring common security on the part of the United States and its allies and disrespect on the part of partners. In addition, the Republican calls for a "community of views based on a common interest" regarding relations with Russia and China. "It's definitely stupid to push these two forces to unite against America," the columnist notes.

Thus, Trump deserves credit for declaring that "war and aggression will not be his first impulse" and that he will "emphasize diplomacy, not destruction." Such promises set him apart from virtually all Republicans and most Democrats, especially Clinton, whom he "correctly described as 'always ready to take up arms'," Bandow writes.

“Americans deserve a better candidate than Clinton or Trump. At least in foreign policy, Clinton promises the same thing: wars, state building and social engineering abroad. Americans will be losers, with money spent and lives lost… Trump’s actions also, will most likely lead to great harm for America and other states.But he is not so defiantly aggressive and not ready to fight without a reasoned goal.It is possible that the country will eventually calm down.Small consolation, but apparently 2016 is really the year of choice lesser evil," the Forbes columnist concludes.

The opening of the Global Center to Combat Extremism was like a magical ritual.

On Sunday, May 21, the Saudi embassy tweeted a photo of Trump, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi holding their hands on a luminescent globe the size of a basketball.

The photo, posted by the Saudi Arabian embassy, ​​looked rather strange, resembling not an official event, but some kind of occult ritual from mystical films.

Somewhat later, the embassy clarified that the photo shows the opening of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in Riyadh.

Saudi Gazette wrote about it in more detail:

« In the presence of leaders from Muslim countries, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the King Salman and US President Donald Trump launched the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (GCCEI) on Sunday.

The heart of the center is a giant wall filled with screens showing extremist activity in real time. Nearby, at separate workplaces, there are more than two hundred data analyst operators.

Trump and the king placed their hands on a miniature luminous globe, thereby activating and launching the entire center.

Even people far from conspiracy theories saw something strange in this obviously occult event. However, conspiracy theorists drew attention to other mysterious events observed during Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia.

During the official speech at the summit, the President of the United States used the word 10 times world(peace) and 11 times the word safety(security), which, from the point of view of numerology of secret societies, is quite symbolic in itself.

In addition, many who listened to this speech immediately drew parallels with the message Apostle Paul Thessalonians:

"When everyone unanimously says 'peace and security', then sudden destruction will overtake them."

However, this is only the beginning of events. Trump's next stop was Israel, followed by Rome. The route and interlocutors of Donald Trump were chosen consistently and clearly not by chance - these are the capital countries of all Abrahamic religions (Islam, Judaism, Catholic Christianity) and their leaders. Probably, and there will be a lot of unexpected and new.

The ritual of summoning an evil spirit took place at the opening ceremony of the new "Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology" in Saudi Arabia, which is actually a Satanic globalist temple in disguise. The word "global" in its name is not accidental.

Satan, who is considered the first ideologue of the globalist New World Order, is also known as the "Father of Lies". Claiming that Saudi Arabia and its supporters in the US oppose extremist ideology is like bees opposing honey. This is such a blatant lie that would make Beelzebub himself choke.

Saudi Arabia is home to Wahhabism, a murderous and fanatical sect that was born in the Arabian Peninsula three centuries ago, killing Muslims who disagreed with its extremist interpretations. If Wahhabism had not been armed and supported by the British Empire, and now the Ziono-American Empire, it would have gone into oblivion with countless hundreds of other Kharaji groups that rose briefly and quickly disappeared.

Today, Saudi Arabia and the US, along with their masters in Tel Aviv, are the creators, sponsors, and supporters of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other Wahhabi-Takfiri "extremist" groups, with whom they pretend to fight. Therefore, some kind of “Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology” is truly a satanic lie.

Thus, the true meaning of the glowing ball ceremony is this: the false leaders promoting the fake "war on terror" are using this monstrous diabolical hoax to conquer the world. With their hands on a glowing globe, Trump, Salman and Al-Sisi swear allegiance to the Antichrist, known to Muslims as the Dajjal, the coming False Messiah who will attempt to unite the entire world under a global dictatorship based in the rebuilt Third Temple in occupied Jerusalem.

Such is the long-term project of Freemasonry, which was created in the 17th century, in London, by the Kabbalists-followers of the false messiah Shabtai Zvi. Sabbatans (followers of Shabtai Zvi) devote themselves to "forcing the hand of God", that is, forcing God to "bring the Messiah". They believe they can do this by systematically and religiously doing evil and worshiping evil. The Sabbatans believe in the systematic perversion of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not kill, commit adultery, and so on. Therefore, all their ceremonies are associated with sexual orgies and human sacrifices, especially the victims of children.

Obviously, this "Jewish messiah" cannot be the real Messiah, because (as both Christians and Muslims agree) the real Messiah has already come and his name is Jesus.

The purpose of Freemasonry is to enlist members of the elites into their ranks to involve them in joint activities on the "Operation Antichrist". The Sabbathans have prepared a ludicrous pasta of witch dressing and initiation ceremonies for mythological fetishists. All with only one goal - to lure the Christian elite to the side of Satanism. Today Masonic lodges are the main pillars of the globalist organized crime syndicate.

Trump's next stop is occupied Jerusalem, a holy city currently occupied by Zionists bent on destroying the House of God, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and rebuilding a temple of blood for their victims.

Now Trump and Bibi (Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu) differ in their views on how to implement this project faster. Bibi insists on moving the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem NOW, thereby starting a destructive war that will end with the explosion of Al-Aqsa and the creation of the Temple of the Blood in its place. Trump advisers say the time has not yet come.

But however events unfold, one thing is clear: when Trump and Bibi's advisers find consensus, the Luciferian New World Order Project, launched by the 9/11 mass human sacrifice, will enter its final phase. And it won't happen in the very distant future.

It seems that the contours of US policy towards our country under the new President Donald Trump are already being determined. Most likely we are waiting for a mutual detente. Cooperation in some areas of international life is also not ruled out.

Several factors testify to this.

encouraging signs

First, Trump elected the head of the country's largest oil company, Exxon Mobil, Rex Tillerson, to the post of US Secretary of State (that is, the Minister of Foreign Affairs). This is not only a very influential representative of big business, but a person who is a member of our Kremlin. Not so long ago, Tillerson even received an award from the hands of President Putin - for business cooperation between the two countries in the field related to oil development. Moreover, Rex Tillerson was one of those who in 2014 strongly opposed the imposition of anti-Russian sanctions.

Of course, today, when his candidacy is being approved in the US Congress and the Senate, he is forced to deny these connections and even criticize Russia. But we must remember that these are all routine phrases, a kind of political ritual for a person who is involved in big American politics. I think that his actual behavior as Secretary of State will be different.

Secondly, just before the New Year, the influential edition of the American conservatives "National Interest" published an article under the eloquent title "Do not tease the Russian bear." The main theses of the article:

- the deterioration of relations with Russia will entail a large-scale crisis for the United States that no one needs;

- Trump needs to meet Putin halfway on the "Ukrainian issue", as well as recognize all Orthodox countries in Europe as a zone of influence of Russia;

- Sanctions - cancel, Crimea - recognize; the main common enemy in Syria is not at all President Bashar Assad, but ISIS banned in Russia;

- Russia needs to be "pulled over" to its side so that it does not become a driven ally of China, the main geopolitical competitor of the United States in the near future...

According to the Russian portal Journalistskaya Pravda, under the original material in the American edition, a lot of enthusiastic responses from American readers immediately appeared. This suggests that it is precisely such steps in foreign policy that his voters expect from Trump.

Thirdly, the German publication Bild, citing its sources, reported that the patriarch of American politics, Henry Kissinger, would become an intermediary in establishing US-Russian relations. Let me just remind you that it was this man who at one time pulled America out of the Vietnam War, it was he who established relations with the Chinese communists, it was he who stood at the origins of detente in the 70s of the last century, when the famous Helsinki agreements on the international recognition of post-war borders in Europe were concluded ...

From the very beginning, Kissinger sharply spoke out against the recent Russian-American escalation. According to him, said in 2014, Ukraine is a traditional sphere of influence of Russia, in which it is better not to meddle with anyone. In general, Ukraine is not worth starting a new cold war for its sake. President Barack Obama did not want to listen to Kissinger, but President Donald Trump apparently listened.

Fourth, despite the fact that Tampa announced that sanctions against Russia would continue under him, his chief adviser just recently expressed doubts about their expediency. I quote his words from the Vedomosti publication:

“Western sanctions have had a very different effect on Russia than the White House planned,” said Anthony Scaramucci, business affairs adviser to President-elect Donald Trump. would be ready to eat snow to survive. In my understanding, the sanctions most likely rallied your nation around the president,” Scaramucci said in an interview with TASS on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The Trump adviser acknowledged that the sanctions imposed by the administration of the incumbent US President Barack Obama in response to Russia's policy in Ukraine were not the best solution, but Moscow's actions "were perceived with a certain disapproval in the international community." Scaramucci believes that "most likely we will have the opportunity to sit down again at the negotiating table and see if we can not come to a better agreement."

In general, most likely Trump will agree to lift sanctions. The question will be in the price. It is noteworthy that the new president himself said that the issue of reducing nuclear weapons would be the subject of bargaining. Pay attention - not Ukraine, not mythical human rights, not abstract democratic values, with which the American authorities so love to cover up their international aggressive activities, but a very specific problem of Russian-American relations.

I don’t know exactly how the bargaining will go, but the very fact of this kind of recognition from the new president is a very bad signal for Ukraine and other American puppets, whose services the United States, apparently, even for a while, but no longer needs.

Big game

I think that these things are happening not at all because of some special love for Russia. Rather, there was a merging of interests of two influential American groups at once.

The first is the US national bourgeoisie, mainly industrialists. They became the backbone of Donald Trump in the last presidential election. These people are very concerned about the industrial growth of China, which has become a powerful competitor to America in this matter. As a result, America - due to the departure of enterprises to third world countries - is losing not only jobs, but also advanced technologies. In addition, there is a slow process of degradation of the American technical elite, which, as a result of the outflow of industry, simply does not find a worthy job in the United States itself.

That is why Trump has clearly identified China as the main enemy for his presidential term. For the sake of this, he is ready to make concessions to Russia, not excluding even the conclusion of a temporary tactical alliance. I think that Trump's position was best described by political scientist Pyotr Akopov in a commentary to Vzglyad.ru:

“Trump, while continuing to repeat his desire to get along and negotiate with Russia, is gradually tightening his rhetoric - and even says that he will keep the sanctions imposed by the Obama administration in place, “at least for a while.” But this does not need to forget about two fundamental points.

First, Trump is constantly asked about how he will behave with Russia - in fact, they don’t even ask, but reproach and accuse him of intending to talk with “the tyrant who attacked our electoral system.” And no matter how much Trump ridicules the attempts to play the Russian card against him, which have already reached an indecently low level in the latest “dossier on Russian compromising evidence”, he still has to defend himself. And with all this, he continues to bend his line, which most of the American media unequivocally interprets as a readiness to improve relations between the two countries.

“If you get along with Russia, if Russia will actually help us, then why keep sanctions against those who do some wonderful things?” - This is from a recent interview with Trump The Wall Street Journal. And here is how his answer to the question of the European media about whether he supports “European sanctions against Russia” looks like:

“I believe that people should get along with each other and do what they have to do to be honest. Good? You've imposed sanctions on Russia - let's see if we can get a couple of good deals with Russia. On the one hand, I think there should be much fewer nuclear weapons and they should be significantly reduced, this also applies here. But these sanctions exist, and Russia is currently suffering greatly from them. But I think it could be something that a lot of people will benefit from.”

That is, it is clear that Trump does not make the lifting of European sanctions dependent on negotiations between the United States and Russia on the reduction of nuclear weapons - he simply talks about whether it is possible to reach various agreements with Russia. So Trump is set for both a frank conversation with Putin and a big deal. And the first will definitely take place - to find out the conditions and the possibility of the second.

Second, Trump is revising the entire foreign policy of the United States - that is, not its individual elements, but the whole complex. Because he believes that "America First" is for Americans themselves, not for the idol of globalization. The way in which he will achieve the rise of the American economy - and with it the strengthening of American power, including the military, is completely not typical of ordinary politicians. But "ordinary politicians" just led the United States as a nation state to a dead end. And Trump wants to change the rules. When the Europeans reproached him for threatening everyone - both China and Germany - with huge tariffs, which means that he does not believe in free trade, Trump said:

“No, I believe in free trade and love it, but it only has to be smart trading to be called fair. And then I said to the people: “Do you want a conservative or a person who will make great deals?” And they shouted: “Great deals, great deals!” They don't care - there are no labels for them. So who cares? I'm a conservative, but really my goal is to make good deals for people to get jobs. People don't care when you talk... They don't care - they want good deals. You know what? They want their jobs back."

That is, Trump is an absolute pragmatist and nationalist in the sense that he is an anti-globalist. And the way in which he will achieve "better conditions for a good deal" for the United States is not typical, but already understandable - this is a complete revision of almost all American foreign policy. Trump wants to play on the contradictions that exist in the world so that the balance (both trade and geopolitical) begins to change in America's favor. Does this mean that Russia is doomed to intensify confrontation with the US?

No, because Trump is going to play not just a new, but a fundamentally different game - not within the framework of Atlantic globalization, but within the framework of nation states. That is, not in a zero-sum game, when there is a single leader, he is also a dictator, he is also a monopolist and builder of a planetary empire, but in a game in which various forces and interests fight, in which a certain balance of forces is sought. Yes, this balance will be achieved through a tough fight - but it has nothing to do with "winner takes all". This is the Westphalian system, not a unipolar world...

Does this mean that Trump is a crazy dangerous player? Of course not - he just looks at his legacy from the point of view of a resident of the United States, and not the ruler of the universe. He is looking for his homemade American benefit, he really wants to return his own country to its former greatness - and, therefore, Putin at least has something to talk about with him "...

The second group of influence is supranational structures, which I most often call Masonic or Paramasonic. Henry Kissinger is a prominent representative of this group. Experts on this issue call him one of the leaders of influential Masonic lodges - the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Club, and some other similar structures in which the most important decisions for the fate of the world are made.

For reference. Somewhere since the middle of the last century, America has become a kind of headquarters for the worldwide Masonic order, and the country's powerful economic capabilities have become a very convenient tool for achieving world domination in the form of a global New World Order. A well-known American expert on various secret structures that influence the economy and politics, Anthony Sutton named three influential organizations that govern America today - the "Bilderberg Club", the "Council of Foreign Relations" and the "Trilateral Commission" (TC). The latter has the strongest influence.

The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by Chase Manhattan Bank owner David Rockefeller and Harvard University professor Zbigniew Brzezinski. This organization was conceived as a union of "the best minds in the world" - promising politicians, businessmen, journalists, scientists - from three parts of the world: the USA, Western Europe and Japan. These people, as conceived by the founders, should discuss among themselves various global problems and decide the fate of mankind. As Sutton notes, despite the fact that the TC has existed for 30 years, society still does not really know either about its members, or about its congresses that are tightly closed from the press, or about the decisions of these congresses. Nevertheless, since President Jimmy Carter, who came to power in 1976, all subsequent leaders of America, despite their different party affiliations, have been proteges of the Commission.

According to some reports, this secret American behind the scenes has recently been greatly disturbed by the current situation, when the United States, this main base of Freemasonry, began to lose influence in the world. It became clear that Americans alone could not cope with world domination! And then Kissinger, at one of the secret Masonic meetings, proposed a variant of the so-called distribution of duties.

The United States, of course, remains at the head of the entire power pyramid. A little lower are the influential centers of power, which, under the auspices of the Americans, will be responsible in their spheres of influence - the European Union, India (possibly China, if it concedes industrial superiority to America), as well as Russia. The United States, for its part, will undertake not to interfere in their spheres of influence, and the centers of power, in turn, will recognize the world leadership of the United States and the supremacy of the dollar as the world's main currency...

It is curious, but the main American Freemason, according to experts on the topic, has long personally known Putin:

“Vladimir Putin met with Henry Kissinger about twenty times. The first time they saw each other was when Putin worked in St. Petersburg in the team of Anatoly Sobchak, the mayor of the city. After the events in Ukraine, Kissinger did not betray his "Russian friend" - he called for remembering Russian interests in Ukraine and made a kind of apology for Putin.

Kissinger does not characterize the current situation in Ukraine as an act of democratic forces wishing to build organic relations with Europe. “No, I don't think so... As for the warring parties in Ukraine, in my impression, each has both democratic and oligarchic elements,” Kissinger said.

The Obama administration, according to Henry Kissinger, tends to make public statements about democratic developments on the Ukraine issue, as if everything could be decided on a Sunday talk show. “It's not that I don't agree with the administration's course, but I don't think it's necessary to do it so publicly either. We need to have a better understanding of long-term historical development,” Kissinger said. He recalled the "imperial consciousness" of the Russian people, who expect their ruler to "create the impression of his own importance abroad." “I think this is the main difficulty Putin faces,” Kissinger added.

In a word, the world behind the scenes. it seems that today it is ready to take into account the opinion of Russia, at least in the Ukrainian issue. Apparently, this is exactly what Kissinger will negotiate with the Kremlin.

It is difficult to judge how these negotiations may end. The main thing is that Russia should be on the alert and not give up an inch of its purely national interests...

Oleg Valentinov, especially for "Ambassadorial Prikaz"

The American media is still trying to understand why he became president. The most incredible theories are being used: white women, Freemasons and blacks are accused of choosing a “misogynist and xenophobe”. studied the theory of neuroscientist and comedian Dean Burnet, according to which Trump was driven to power by porn.

Nothing but the truth

Trump's inauguration took place on January 20, but those dissatisfied with the new president continue to explain to themselves and others that he won the election not at all because of his personal qualities and political program.

Feminists, oddly enough, decided that white women were to blame for the deplorable outcome of the presidential race for them. More precisely, white women who support misogyny. According to CNN estimates, the female half of the population voted for Trump many times more willingly than for. Most of the billionaire's supporters are young girls with higher education, or, as the feminists themselves call them, "women's chauvinistic pigs."

In the eyes of women's rights activists, female voters who voted for Trump could have avoided this if they had joined the feminist movement in time. But they are white, which means that being a "superior race" makes them support sexism, racism, xenophobia and other forms of oppression.

Columnists in the leading Western media, accustomed to talk about politics and remember a happy childhood, were upset by Black Lives Matter activists. Journalist Taki Theodorakopoulos, a Greek from New York and a columnist for the British Spectator, chided black rights activists for walking the streets whining about things not going according to their plan.

“I guess this is such a new fashion - you fake, and then cry, defiantly stomp your feet and interfere in every possible way in the lives of normal people. And if they voted for this "monster", then you can beat them on occasion, ”the journalist says about the psychology of the protesters.

According to Theodorakopoulos, the average voter is afraid of activists who advocate social change. Trump went against any minority - colored, gay, feminist - and in doing so secured valuable majority votes. Hillary helped him: the candidate's admission that the police often kill blacks for no reason, turned entire states against her, where law enforcement officers are the only hope in the fight against street crime.

One of the most enduring arguments among the dissatisfied is the extraordinary explosion of fake news. But it is not so much journalists who are accused of this, but rather. Active young people, and not only them, allegedly haven't read news on publications' websites for a long time and spend almost all their time on Facebook. Conspiracy advocates said Zuckerberg benefited from as many clicks as possible, and trash about presidential candidates was read many times better than boring reports about charity events.

During the election race, Facebook allegedly did not engage in fact-checking, but actively tested new algorithms for displaying the news feed. The race for the most interesting led to the formation of a powerful information bubble: users saw only links from their friends who have similar views on politics.

As a result, the Democrats read and liked the Democrats, and the Republicans - exclusively the Republicans. Among these interest groups, pseudo-news and fabrications of sites copying leading publications circulated. Fakes were shared, discussed, and if someone thought of providing a refutation, they did not receive viral distribution.

But all these explanations are nothing compared to the statements of conspiracy theorists, who saw in Trump's gestures a whole system of signs confirming his Masonic origin.

The habit of connecting the thumb and forefinger, forming a six, in the eyes of conspiracy theorists is “a clear sign of skillful programming of consciousness” (in fact, this is a gesture expressing that everything is okay). According to their theory, Trump alternately folds his palms into a triangle, praising the world government of the Illuminati, or sends sixes to the public in praise of Satan.

Experienced conspiracy theorists often turn to the 1995 board game Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy. They believe these cards predicted the 9/11 attacks. In the same deck, they found a card called "Enough is Enough" (Enough is Enough), on which you can see Trump's face.

All this must mean that the billionaire is a puppet of a secret world government that has decided to end democracy in the US and plunge the country into chaos.

It's all about porn

Neuroscientist, comedian and journalist Dean Burnet, in his column in the Guardian, admitted that he was tired of these countless fact-stuffers and decided to prove that the Trump presidency can be reduced to any event if desired.

For example, the dominance of pornography over humanity and over Americans in particular.

Porn distorts the perception of the world

First of all, Burnet pointed out that the constant viewing of porn can seriously distort the perception of the real world. Most of the pornographic material is aimed at men, and the commercials praise the subjugation and humiliation of women in every possible way.

The results of The Atlantic's study of Trump and Hillary voters fit perfectly into the porn world: the current US president was actively supported by typical American men. As the campaign progressed, thorny facts from Trump's biography constantly surfaced, and he himself again and again acted as an ardent supporter of sexism and a lover of women's spanking. This not only did not prevent him from winning the elections - on the contrary, it helped.

Porn is too accessible

Now you can easily find any porn, and most likely, it will be free. People are used to the fact that you don’t have to go anywhere for pleasure, and even more so interact with others.

This creates an addiction to making easy decisions. Why bother looking for a soul mate when you can just type in the porn you want to watch right now? Why build a culture of communication with people from different countries, if you can just build a wall from the Mexicans and expel all Muslims from the USA?

Again easy decisions in the choice of porn, and then - in the choice of the president.

Watching porn makes us gullible

The gullibility of obviously fake news may be the result of too much viewing of erotic videos.

A great many adults watch videos with unrealistic scenarios, stupid lines, ridiculous developments. All this clouds a sober view of life, makes people more trusting, and deceit is no longer perceived so critically.

Porn is actively watched in Canada or Germany, but the governments of these countries have not yet been accused of total sexism. Obviously, watching erotic videos does not necessarily lead to misogyny, just as the release of the next part of the Grand Theft Auto game is not capable of generating a wave of murders among teenagers.

Trump and porn are one of the leaders among requests in, and such material is simply bound to attract a lot of attention. Burnet only formulated a couple of theses, and then fitted the facts to them. One could think of a thousand more such theories. For example, about how feminists caused a stir at the Oscars, and Netflix series provoked Brexit.

Most explanatory materials take an event and explain it in a few simple steps. This is exactly what the reader needs. People love not so much explanations as the reflection of their own beliefs on the pages of respected and not very publications. Perhaps the problem is not with the phenomenon of fake news, but with selective news - a convenient truth for everyone.

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