Hit the coccyx hurts what to do folk remedies. How long does the tailbone hurt after a severe bruise. Functions of the coccygeal bone

Bruising of the coccyx often occurs with a sudden fall, for example, when walking on ice. This is mainly a domestic injury, which at first few people pay attention to. Symptoms that may occur allow you to carry out your normal life activities, this does not affect the quality of a person’s work. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, a coccyx bruise during a fall is attributed to an unfortunate misunderstanding. The person continues to lead his usual way of life. Only a dull pain in the coccyx can disturb. But it also passes quickly enough.

Such an attitude to trauma is fraught with the fact that in the conditions of meager clinical symptoms of a coccyx bruise, consequences develop in the long term. It should be borne in mind that when scarring the injured surface, the formation of fibrous cords occurs. They interfere with the normal innervation of the pelvic organs, rectum and anus.

We offer to find out the characteristic symptoms of a coccyx bruise and the possibilities of treatment using manual therapy methods that guarantee complete safety and a quick recovery after an injury. Only correct and timely treatment of a coccyx bruise during a fall will eliminate the future development of hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures, circulatory disorders in the pelvic cavity, urinary incontinence and a number of other pathologies associated with impaired innervation.

If you are in Moscow and you need professional medical care for a coccyx injury, you can make an appointment with a vertebrologist at our manual therapy clinic. The initial examination, consultation and appointment of examinations is carried out completely free of charge for each patient.

Clinical symptoms of a bruised tailbone

Typical symptoms of a coccyx bruise are pain, aggravated by palpation, soft tissue swelling and a small hematoma. These clinical signs may appear several hours after the injury. If the pain is severe, then there is a high probability of dislocation of this part of the spine. If the act of defecation is violated, the doctor may suspect a fracture of the last vertebra. Other serious consequences of a bruised tailbone can also cause a violation of the process of emptying the intestines.

It is worth paying attention to the following neurological symptoms of a coccyx bruise:

  • feeling of numbness in this area;
  • feeling that the buttocks have sat out;
  • violation of the processes of emptying the rectum;
  • increased pain with prolonged sitting;
  • violation of sexual desire;
  • overactive bladder (frequent urge to urinate);
  • severe swelling of soft tissues;
  • the formation of dense hematomas;
  • severe headache (may be triggered by a concussion of the spinal cord and its displacement upwards).

Any symptoms of a bruised tailbone are a signal that you need to immediately seek medical help. In the first hours after a fall or impact, it is necessary to visit a traumatologist. The doctor will take an x-ray and thereby exclude the possibility of a fracture, crack or dislocation of this section of the spinal column. Then a temporary physical rest will be assigned. In case of severe pain, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment is prescribed.

Sequelae of a coccyx injury

Self-treatment of this injury leads to the development of negative complications. Long-term consequences of a coccyx bruise can be expressed in the development of hemorrhoids due to a violation of the process of blood supply to the pelvic cavity. Most cases of varicose veins, which is the direct cause of hemorrhoids, are associated with injuries of the spinal column in the sacral region and the coccyx region.

Earlier consequences of a coccyx bruise may include the following conditions:

  • spinal cord injury, with possible partial wedging of it into the region of the occipital foramen;
  • ruptures of the spinal cord, leading to partial or complete paralysis of the lower extremities, pelvic organs;
  • increased intracanal pressure on the spinal cord, which complicates the innervation processes throughout the body;
  • the formation of a dense tumor of the fibrous type in the area of ​​​​the primary accumulation of blood in the form of an internal hematoma - a dense, painful lump appears, which is removed exclusively by surgery;
  • secondary injuries of internal organs (most often the rectum) due to wedging of fragments during a vertebral fracture.

It is very difficult to assess the consequences of a coccyx bruise, since this injury entails negative dystrophic and degenerative changes in many parts of the spinal column. So, in about 30% of cases of coccyx injury, a compensatory shock-absorbing displacement of the cervical vertebra occurs. This entails a severe headache in the temporal and occipital region, a spontaneous increase in blood pressure levels, panic attacks, etc.

It is important to understand that only an experienced vertebrologist will be able to correctly diagnose and tell the patient how to properly conduct a full-fledged treatment in order to prevent long-term complications of this injury. We recommend that you contact a traumatologist or surgeon in the first hours after a fall. A few days after the injury, it is advisable to visit a vertebrologist.

What to do with a severe bruise of the coccyx?

The first thing to do if your tailbone hurt is to ensure complete physical rest. It is important to lie on a completely flat hard surface. Cold should be applied to the site of injury. It can be an ice pack or just a rag soaked in cold water. The application of cold is necessary to narrow the small blood vessels that are injured in the bruised area, lose their integrity and create conditions for the formation of an internal hematoma. if the capillaries are narrowed, then the size of the hematoma will not be large, which will reduce the risk of developing a fibrous tumor and speed up the healing process.

The next thing to do with a bruised tailbone is to seek medical attention. For any symptoms:

  1. if this is a slight soreness and swelling at the site of the bruise, then you should try to get to the emergency room on your own in the next few hours;
  2. if the mobility of the lower extremities is impaired or any movement causes a sharp increase in pain, then it is necessary to call an ambulance team at home;
  3. if there is a feeling of acute pain, then it is strictly forbidden to move, transportation is possible only after fixation of the spinal column;
  4. if nosebleeds or a sharp increase in blood pressure appear, urgently call an ambulance team - this condition indicates a spinal cord injury.

It is important to understand what to do with a severe bruise of the coccyx and be able to properly provide medical care. These must be qualified actions. in no case should you try to forcibly seat the victim, force him to move if he cannot do this or finds it difficult.

Bruising of the coccyx is a high risk of injury to the spinal cord, which is responsible for the innervation of the entire body. When it is shaken, it is necessary to ensure complete physical rest. In case of detachment of fragments of the spinal cord, the appearance of hematomas in the area of ​​the dual sac, an emergency surgical operation is required.

The tailbone hurts after a bruise: how to treat?

Before treating a bruised tailbone, it is necessary to conduct a full examination. This may be a simple radiographic picture in the first hours after the injury. this examination is necessary to exclude the risk of fracture, dislocation, separation of the vertebra. Subsequently, if the pain persists for several weeks, MRI and ultrasound of the internal organs are prescribed. It is necessary to detect all pathological changes that could be provoked by such an injury. Therapy should include both the restoration of the integrity of the tissues in the coccyx area, and measures to eliminate negative changes in them.

If the coccyx hurts after a bruise, but no special changes can be found on radiographic and MRI images, then it is better to treat it with a neurologist. These pains can be caused by pathologies in the form of the development of fibrous tissue near the radicular nerve.

Conservative therapy is based on the principles of restoring the nutrition of damaged tissues. During a bruise, an internal hematoma is formed, which disrupts the circulation of blood, intercellular and lymphatic fluid. As a result, a secondary inflammatory complex is formed. It lies in the fact that inflammatory factors are attracted to the area of ​​tissue damage. They increase the flow of capillary blood, contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, increase scarring. It is this process that causes severe pain, swelling of the tissues.

Tailbone injury treatment

Treatment of coccyx bruises can be conditionally divided into an initial set of first aid measures and rehabilitation aimed at eliminating the risk of developing long-term consequences.

At the initial stage, the patient needs to be assisted in reducing the level of pain, preventing the risk of developing large internal hematomas. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments, warming procedures are used. for the first 5-7 days, complete physical rest and a night's sleep on a hard bed are recommended.

Then the rehabilitation begins. It is aimed at restoring microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, preventing the development of fibrous scars and tumors, and restoring completely impaired innervation. pelvic organs.

Effective treatment of coccyx injury in the rehabilitation period is possible using manual therapy methods:

  • osteopathy and massage can eliminate swelling, restore microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid;
  • therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy accelerate the process of restoring the functions of organs;
  • reflexology helps to start the process of improving the innervation of organs and tissues;
  • laser exposure prevents the formation of coarse scar fibrous tissue;
  • physiotherapy helps to quickly restore all processes in the area of ​​injured tissues.

The course of treatment is developed individually. The characteristics of the patient's body, the presence of chronic somatic and musculoskeletal pathologies are taken into account. You can sign up for an initial free consultation with a vertebrologist at our manual therapy clinic. The doctor will conduct an examination, give all the necessary individual recommendations for the treatment.

Orthopedist-traumatologist of the first category, specialist in foot surgery, PFUR, 2008

One of the most common injuries in the winter is a bruised tailbone. It is possible to damage this section of the spine when falling on the back, in particular on its lower part. It is possible to fall unsuccessfully when moving on an icy surface, skating or slides. But with such a problem, they rarely go to a medical institution, because after a while the pain disappears on its own. However, a blow with the coccyx can have serious consequences, often it causes stiffness of movements, lumbago and other unpleasant phenomena.

Bruising of the coccyx is an injury to the soft tissues in the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal junction or the coccyx itself, which occurs when falling on the buttocks. The disease is manifested by pain and swelling, and sometimes hematoma, which can be aggravated by movement. In the long term, trauma to the coccyx can manifest consequences in the form of chronic coccygodynia due to nerve damage.

The coccyx is the lowest part of the spinal column, which consists of five vertebrae fused together. Muscles are attached to these bones, which are responsible for the functionality of the genitourinary system, large intestine, as well as nerve plexuses.

The coccyx performs several functions:

  • It is the center of human balance;
  • Participates in the process of labor activity;
  • Provides the functionality of organs and systems.

is a life-threatening condition, it leads to soft tissue damage without serious damage to them. A small hematoma and moderate pain syndrome usually occur at the site of injury. Therefore, if a person hits his tailbone, he rarely pays attention to it and does not go to the doctor. This is what often causes the development of negative consequences.

Most often, a coccyx injury is diagnosed in females. This problem may have an impact on her future labor activity. Therefore, a woman who has hit her tailbone is advised to carefully approach the issue of pregnancy planning, to undergo all the necessary examinations.

Causes of pathology

A coccyx bruise usually occurs as a result of a fall on the buttocks. Often, pathology develops in athletes when performing certain physical exercises. Most often, injuries are received in winter, when the street is very slippery, as well as when riding a bicycle. Children are the most susceptible to falls due to their high mobility and attraction to dangerous elements such as sleds, slides or tall trees. Often children push each other, which can cause a fall on the buttocks or back. When falling in everyday life, the representatives of the weaker sex suffer more often, which is associated with insufficient coordination of movements, wearing high-heeled shoes.

Symptoms and signs of bruises

A bruised tailbone shows symptoms immediately in the form of a sharp pain. After a few hours, the pain sensations decrease, but they can increase when making movements, trying to sit down, as well as during defecation and sexual contact.

The pain may radiate to the anus, perineum, legs and buttocks.

Because of this, people often move with caution, neatly and rather slowly. The consequences of an injury can be observed for a long period of time, even up to several years. A person in this case will constantly experience discomfort.

Another sign of injury is the appearance of swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhage, hematoma. This phenomenon is due to the fact that soft tissues are pressed down by the pelvic bones and tailbone, and are also damaged when falling. Since the muscle layer in this area is thin, the main load falls on the vertebrae. With persistent severe pain and extensive hematoma, we can talk about a tailbone fracture, but the final diagnosis can only be made after an X-ray.

When the hematoma and pain pass, the bruise may remind of itself with pain during urination, sexual intercourse, and defecation. This is a serious reason for contacting a medical institution for treatment and possible reduction of the coccygeal vertebrae.

In some cases, a bruised tailbone during a fall can provoke the development of pain after a few days. Sometimes the pain radiates to the lower extremities.

Complications and consequences

Usually the prognosis of pathology
favorable, unpleasant symptoms disappear after a while. But there are times when a severe bruise of the coccyx leads to the development of health complications. Most often, the disease leads to the formation of post-traumatic kicks, which requires conservative treatment using physiotherapy procedures, rectal massage.

In some cases, during the resorption of the hematoma, scarring occurs, which have a negative effect on the activity of the muscles and ligaments in the injured area. Also, the victim may develop myositis.

One of the serious consequences of falling on the coccyx is damage or displacement of the spinal cord, which leads to complete paralysis of the lower extremities and migraine. In this case, migraine appears as a result of circulatory disorders and the passage of impulses in the brain due to its indentation or tension. Also, the consequences of a fall on the coccyx can lead to compression fractures in other parts of the spinal column, accompanied by compression of the nerves. All this can negatively affect the activity of internal organs, muscle activity and sensitivity of the limbs. Sometimes, after an injury, an inflammatory process may develop, as a result of which pus will accumulate in the rectum, and a fistula will form on the coccyx itself.

First aid for bruised tailbone

When bruising the coccyx, it is necessary to provide first aid as soon as possible to prevent the development of negative consequences. For this, the injured person is laid on his side and cold is applied to the injured area to reduce swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhage. If the coccyx is very sore after a fall, a person is given an anesthetic.

An extensive hematoma may indicate severe injuries, so it is recommended to examine the injured area for its presence or absence.

Transportation of the victim should be carried out in a supine position in order to avoid pressure on the damaged area. Without a doctor's examination and diagnostics, it is impossible to distinguish a coccyx bruise from its fracture or displacement of the vertebrae. What to do if the tailbone hurts after a fall, the doctor will tell. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a medical institution for an examination and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnosis of a bruise begins with a visual inspection of the injured area. In this case, the doctor detects moderate or pronounced swelling, hematoma and subcutaneous hemorrhages, which can be located on the surface or deep in the soft tissues. On palpation of the damaged areas, the victim experiences sharp pain and discomfort, but there is no crepitus.

The final diagnosis is made after X-ray to exclude the occurrence of a fracture. Also, the doctor can refer the victim to CT, MRI to assess the condition of soft tissues, to identify large hematomas.

Therapeutic measures

How to heal a coccyx bruise,
the doctor will tell after making an accurate diagnosis. Usually therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis in the traumatology department. To exclude pressure on the injured area, the patient should not lie on his back, while sitting, an orthopedic pillow should be used. In the first days after the injury, cold is applied to the affected area, then UHF is prescribed to the patient.

For severe pain, the doctor prescribes NSAIDs in tablets or in the form of an ointment. In this case, it is recommended to take the tablets for no more than seven days, otherwise they will have a negative effect on the stomach. In addition to these medicines, it is possible to use rectal suppositories that contain analgesics.

When diagnosing a fracture of the coccyx, surgical intervention is prescribed. Since the coccyx cannot be fused or set, it is removed. In this case, the operation is quite painful, the rehabilitation period in this case will be long.

folk therapy

The main task of treating bruises of the coccyx is the maximum relief of pain. To do this, you can use traditional medicine, but only after consulting with your doctor.

Wormwood juice relieves pain well. Which rub the damaged areas.

You can also make onion compresses or dressings with plantain leaves. Some argue that a bruise can be treated with tincture of valerian. It is moistened with a cloth bandage or gauze, then applied to the affected area overnight.

It is also possible to eliminate the pain syndrome with the help of vinegar and honey. They are mixed in a ratio of one to two, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the coccyx every hour. With moderate pain, seven procedures are performed.

Mindfulness helps to avoid bruising of the coccyx. In winter, it is recommended to walk carefully, slowly, while using comfortable shoes. When sledding, jumping over the springboard should be avoided. In the case of skating, it is recommended to always be ready to fall not on your back, but on your side.

When a person has fallen and bruised the coccyx, it is necessary to undergo examination and therapy in a timely manner to eliminate the risk of complications and negative health consequences.

The coccyx is the last section of the spinal column, any injury can adversely affect the activity of the body.

The consequence of winter pranks on the skating rink and a snow slide, ballet and figure skating, cycling and equestrianism, simple negligence, leading to a landing on the “fifth point”, is an injury.

Adults and children can fall victim. Women with bruises and fractures in the sacrococcygeal zone are more likely to go to the emergency room than men. Does a lady need a lot to make her fall on her tailbone? No, the first snowball and high heels are enough. But in order for her to see a doctor, she will need severe pain in the coccyx after a fall and the inability to sit, stand and lie down normally.

Types of coccyx injuries

Falling on the buttocks, depending on the force of the blow, can lead to:

  • dislocation / subluxation anteriorly;
  • rupture of the sacrococcygeal ligaments;

Each of the injuries causes acute pain, but is characterized by a different degree and nature of damage to the lower part of the spine.


When bruised, soft tissues and nerve endings are primarily affected. The blow leads to rupture of blood vessels and the formation of a hematoma. Even if the bruise did not appear, the skin, muscles, ligaments, nerve bundles and endings were sharply compressed. This can cause inflammation and swelling.

Dislocation / subluxation of the coccyx anteriorly

After a fall, especially if it's not the first time, . In this case, in addition to all the troubles of a bruise, the displacement of the articular surface of the coccyx segment relative to the articular surface of the sacrum and the stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the lower spine are added.

Rupture of sacrococcygeal ligaments

Rupture of the sacrococcygeal ligaments is a more severe consequence of a fall, when the ligaments are not just stretched, but torn. At this stage, other troubles are also observed: bruise and dislocation.


A strong blow, weak bones, or both factors together - the cause of the fracture. In this case, offsets () may be observed. Due to the peculiarities of the location of the organ, this type of injury is extremely rare and is typical for older people.

What will help a person who has fallen on the coccyx? The first is a cold compress. Outdoors, it can be made from snow and ice by filling a plastic bag or glove, and at home, made from ice cubes or any frozen food stored in the freezer.

If the victim can walk, then it is better - in the direction of the emergency room or home. If not, then you should call an ambulance. In the ambulance or at home, lay him on his stomach and continue to apply cold. From this position, you can roll over on your side, but not on your back.

With severe pain, the doctor will prescribe an analgesic or conduct a novocaine blockade. Doing painkillers on your own is not recommended.

Are coccyx injuries safe?

  • the consequence of a fall can be chronic pain ( post-traumatic);
  • ligament rupture, dislocation and fracture negatively affect the well-being of everything, especially the sacrococcygeal joint;
  • any blow can cause degenerative and dystrophic processes in the sacrococcygeal spine due to its displacement ();
  • trauma negatively affects, can lead to pinching of the roots in any area along the entire length of the spine;
  • may respond;
  • even a bruise can provoke.

Hematomas are a separate danger. They can develop inflammation, suppuration and form. The most severe cases are when the fistula opens not on the skin, but in the rectum.

Only a traumatologist can assess the degree of damage and make an accurate diagnosis after falling on the coccyx.

Symptoms and diagnosis of coccyx injuries

All coccyx injuries are accompanied by similar symptoms:

  • pain
  • puffiness;
  • the formation of hematomas.

Chronic bruises can make themselves felt years later.

It is possible to distinguish the degree of damage after probing the sore spot, rectal examination of the coccyx and X-ray in two projections (). Rarely, computed tomography (CT) is used.

Rectal examination makes it possible to distinguish a bruise from a dislocation and a fracture. An x-ray confirms the diagnosis.

If a woman hit her tailbone, then it is often inconvenient for her to seek medical help. Ladies are embarrassed when a male traumatologist or orthopedist meets them at the reception. Nevertheless, a trip to the doctor in this case is necessary.

Even a banal bruise requires proper treatment. Doctors warn against applying heat, rubbing the sore spot with warming rubbing and ointments, and massage. All these measures will be useful only after 1-2 weeks.

A variety of cooling methods will not only prevent swelling, relieve pain, but also speed up recovery. If ice compresses are recommended to be done on the first day after the fall, then external application of chloroethyl will be sufficient later. The solution evaporates quickly and cools the sore spot.

Such injuries can be treated with folk remedies, such as juice or puree from fresh wormwood, onion, arnica, or calendula. The funds are applied externally in the form of a compress.

Severe prolonged pain is relieved with medication. For this, ointments and gels are intended:

  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Dolobene";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Indomethacin";
  • Traumeel S.

In exceptional cases, resort to the appointment and intake of NSAIDs inside. Pain in the coccyx is stopped by novocaine blockades.

Dislocation and fracture of the last vertebrae are set rectally. However, this method is ambiguous and causes protests among proctologists. They believe that this procedure increases the risk of injury and the formation of a fistula in the colon. Before deciding on a rectal one should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the technique.

If the choice is made in favor of reduction, then the patient should fix the area in the correct position after the manipulation. To do this, a large-diameter drainage tube is inserted into the anus, and an adhesive plaster is glued in the coccyx area. The patient is prescribed bed rest and forced defecation for 3-5 days.

The list of methods for treating coccyx bruises includes UHF, infrared radiation, electro- and magnetotherapy. It makes sense to turn to manual specialists only months after the injury. G. Ivanichev, K. Levit and A. Sitel write about the role of massage in the treatment of coccygodynia.

If for a long time the pain in the coccyx does not go away, then surgical treatment is offered - resection. Sometimes it does not give the desired relief from pain. But then scars cause concern.

As a rehabilitation after a fall on the coccyx in the subacute period, experts advise doing special exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles and those that surround the sacrum.

No one is safe from falls, but elementary awareness at every moment of time will reduce the chances. Athletes are encouraged to train and perform in special equipment. But still, we hope that we will not see figure skaters and ballerinas in shorts that protect against bruises.

Tailbone injury is one of the most common injuries. Appears when falling from a small height on the buttocks or with a direct blow to the projection area of ​​this part of the spine. Damage, as a rule, is not accompanied by severe symptoms, so the victims are in no hurry to seek help from a traumatologist.

In fact, such a negligent attitude towards one's own health is unjustified. Do not forget that the coccyx is the extreme part of the spine, the most important axial organ of a person that provides upright posture, its damage can significantly change posture. In addition, coccygeal synostosis (vertebrae fused together) is in close proximity to the pelvic organs, and trauma can lead to disruption of their work.

It should be noted that due to anatomical features, the female coccyx suffers more with the same injury than the male one, and the consequences of the injury for the fair sex can be much more serious, affecting the course of pregnancy and childbirth in the future.

Some injuries do not really require medical intervention, the symptoms are eliminated on their own after a few days. In order not to miss an important point for the application of appropriate therapy, it is necessary to know how much the damaged area can hurt after the coccyx has been bruised.

Symptoms observed with a bruised tailbone

Some symptoms appear at the time of damage, others within a few days.

The nature of the coccyx injury

Rarely, only the coccyx remains bruised, as a rule, the sacral spine also suffers. The exact localization of damage does not actually affect the likelihood of complications. The coccyx and sacrum are the lower part of the spine; in more than 50% of cases of injuries, not only the bone tissue is affected, but also the surrounding ligaments, muscles and neurovascular plexuses. When a bruise occurs, damage to small-caliber vessels occurs, blood is poured into soft tissues, causing pain to the victim.

How long a bruised tailbone hurts determines the severity of the damage. With a superficial injury, the symptoms are eliminated within 1-2 days without the use of medication, and with a deep injury, it can take weeks to recover.

It should be noted that when women and children fall on the buttocks, the injury is more likely and dangerous, it requires additional examination, the damaged area hurts as much as in adult men, but unpleasant consequences and complications occur much more often. This is due to the fact that the female body, namely the pelvis, is anatomically built in such a way as to ensure the safe process of the birth of the fetus, so the coccyx is located somewhat differently than in men. The children's body is actively growing and forming, so the injury can cause irreversible consequences.

Duration of pain syndrome in case of injury

Post-traumatic pain syndrome can last from several hours to several weeks; in severe cases, pain haunts the victim for life, becoming chronic (there are periods of calm and exacerbation associated with physical activity). Patients are often interested in how much the coccyx hurts after a bruise. There is no single answer, each case is individual and depends on a number of factors.

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If the mildest degree of injury is noted, then the pain after a bruise may disappear after a few hours. As a rule, with such injuries, there are no visible signs, only minor pain sensations are recorded immediately after the impact, the skin is intact.

When soft tissues are damaged as a result of a bruise, edema and hematoma occur. The pain syndrome is expressed significantly, delivers discomfort to the victim within 3-5 days.

If the bruise is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the bone tissue (in fact, a fracture or fracture is diagnosed), then the pain after the injury is very strong, the victim tends to take a position lying on his stomach to reduce discomfort; the coccyx and the sacral zone, the perineum hurt as much as the tissue damaged from the bruise regenerates. With such an injury, soft tissues are usually significantly damaged, hematomas and abrasions are present. The muscles and ligaments surrounding the sacrococcygeal region may be stretched or torn. The pain persists for several weeks, due to pinching and / or compression of the nerve endings.

With untimely or incorrectly performed treatment, the pain syndrome accompanies the patient all his life, chronic damage to the nerve fibers is noted.

It is often possible to assume how long the area of ​​damage after a bruised tailbone hurts at the diagnostic stage, but the general condition of the patient affects the duration of the recovery period in such a way that it can be longer or shorter than predicted.

Features in old age

In patients of the oldest age group, the sacrococcygeal junction is especially vulnerable and difficult to restore. Osteoporetic changes in bone tissue, changes in the configuration of the spinal column, deterioration of vascular microcirculation, a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes and a tendency to thrombosis often lead to a chronic process.

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For use, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used topically (ointments, creams), orally or parenterally (into a muscle or vein), depending on the severity of the injury and the pain threshold. Medicines are used in a course of 10 to 30 days, the duration is determined by the attending physician.

Physiotherapy, massages have a positive effect on the body after an injury. Impact techniques are excluded, as they are likely to aggravate the injury.

Sometimes for symptomatic treatment, patients are prescribed laxatives. Healing is accelerated by chondroprotectors. Sometimes rectal anti-inflammatory and analgesic suppositories are used.

Treatment, as a rule, is complex, carried out by several methods. The attending physician determines the need and duration of bed rest, after which the permissible load on the spine is negotiated.

At this stage, complexes of physical therapy exercises are useful. You can return to your usual activity only with the permission of the doctor, rehabilitation can last several months.

As an auxiliary therapy, traditional medicine is allowed. With bruises, compresses from grated raw potatoes are used to relieve pain and eliminate hematomas. It is enough to apply "mashed potatoes" once a day for several hours to the site of injury.

Mix two parts of vinegar and one honey, apply the solution to the coccyx area 3 times a day.

Grind the onion and plantain leaves with a blender, apply to the injury site, as the composition dries, replace it with a fresh one.

Possible complications from prolonged pain

As a rule, extensive hematomas in the coccyx can appear not only with a bruise, but also if fractures occur. With such a severe injury, the victim not only suffers from an excruciating pain symptom, but also risks getting more formidable complications:

  1. Spinal cord injury.
  2. Periodic headaches and migraines.
  3. Posture disorder.
  4. Compression fractures and wedging of the spinal cord into the foramen magnum.
  5. In the late period after the injury, middle-aged women may suffer from coccygodynia (literally "pain in the coccyx"), which is long and intense.
  6. Men can suffer from sexual dysfunction.
  7. Patients after coccygeal trauma may experience constipation.

Doctors' opinion

To determine how much the sacrococcygeal region can hurt, if there was a bruise of the coccyx, the doctor will help. A professional with the help of examination and additional research methods will help to quickly and correctly make a diagnosis, excluding the presence of a fracture, will give recommendations on treatment, taking into account the nature and severity of the injury and the individual characteristics of the affected organism.

The imaginary "frivolity" of injuries often makes the injured refuse professional help, this can lead to the development of an acute process into a chronic one. This form of the disease is difficult to treat, and in some cases, therapy does not have the desired effect.


  • Tailbone injuries are very common.
  • The most dangerous bruises of the sacrococcygeal zone for women and children. In the former, they can cause unpleasant consequences during pregnancy and childbirth, develop into coccygodynia, in the latter, they can cause a serious violation of posture.
  • Despite the outward “lightness” of the injury, you should not self-medicate, because slightly pronounced symptoms of coccygeal injury can develop into health-threatening and even life-threatening consequences.
  • First aid provided before the arrival of doctors can reduce pain and avoid unpleasant complications. The victim must be laid on his stomach, the bruised place should be cooled with a compress, ice.
  • Almost all possible consequences of an injury can be prevented if timely and correct therapy is started under the supervision of physicians.

The coccyx is the lower part of the human spine, which is included in the sacrococcygeal junction. A bruise of this bone is a very common injury that can be easily obtained when falling, both from a great height and from a height of human growth. Many people do not immediately pay attention to the injury, and this can lead to serious consequences in the future. What is dangerous bruised tailbone, how much the injury can hurt and how to treat it, it is important to know about it.

A coccyx bruise does not cause severe and sharp pain, unlike its fracture, so many people simply do not pay attention to the injury after a fall, as a result of which, in the future, it develops into a chronic disease.

It is worth remembering that the presence of certain symptoms primarily depends on the height of the fall and speed.

If the victim fell from a sofa or chair, then the pain will be so weak that it will not be felt with a high probability, but if the victim fell from a height, for example, from a bicycle or from a ladder, then tissue damage is much more serious.

Symptoms will be as follows:

  • Sharp pain will occur immediately after landing and is aggravated by sitting or with sudden movements.
  • There is discomfort when sitting.
  • At the place where the coccyx is located, some time after the injury, a bruise or swelling forms.

The above symptoms are the main signs of getting this kind of ailment, but there are still cases when, some time after a fall, an injured person experiences pain when:

  • sexual contact;
  • going to the toilet, pain will occur if the bone has moved to the side where the rectum passes during the fall;
  • no pressure on the bone.

What determines the duration of pain?

The duration of the pain primarily depends on the height from which the person fell. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how long the ailment will disturb the victim:

  1. If the blow is not significant and received as a result of a fall from a small height, for example, from a step or from a children's swing, then the pain will pass very quickly, within an hour or even several minutes, if the soft tissues remain intact.
  2. If a bruise or swelling appears during the fall, then the pain lasts up to five days, such an injury can occur when falling from a chair or sofa.
  3. If a person was injured by falling from a great height, or from a height of his own height, and an abrasion or bruise formed at the site of the injury, then the soreness lasts for three weeks.
  4. If the coccyx was displaced upon impact, and the victim did not go to the doctor in time, then the problem can become chronic. Pain will not leave the injured throughout his life. This is especially true with an active lifestyle.

In order to avoid complications, it is necessary immediately after the injury and the appearance of the first signs of the disease to begin immediate treatment.

Treatment of a coccyx bruise during a fall with the help of medications is selected individually for each victim, but first an x-ray is taken and a diagnosis is made.

When treating a bruise, after confirming the diagnosis, the doctor usually prescribes ointments, creams, tablets and injections that have:

  • Painkillers.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Spasmodic.

These drugs include:

  1. Ibuprofen- This is a non-steroidal type of drug that has an antipyretic effect. The ointment is applied externally, directly to the site of injury. It is necessary to apply a small strip of ointment, and rub until completely absorbed. Apply 4-5 times a day, until complete recovery.
  2. Finalgon- an ointment that must be applied to the site of the lesion. First, in small portions using a special spatula, then increase the amount of ointment daily. Apply 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.
  3. Lyoton. A single portion of the gel is a strip 5 to 10 cm long, depending on the source of pain. The gel is applied externally 1-2 times a day.
  4. Paracetamol- tablets belonging to the class of analgesic. Applied inside immediately after meals, 1 tablet, but not more than 3-4 times a day.
  5. - tablets, taken three times a day, 5 milligrams, every three days the dose is increased by 5 milligrams. The daily dosage should not exceed 100 milligrams.
  6. diclofenac solution for intramuscular injection. Injections must be given twice a day for 50 mg. The dose is chosen according to the severity of the injury.

Folk remedies, with the help of which the coccyx bruise was treated, came to us from our ancestors. Before using them, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

When treating a coccyx bruise at home, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, and apply ice for several days after a fall.

If the pain has not gone away, then you need to use the following folk remedies:

  • Potato compress. This compress is very effective for bruises and sprains. To prepare it, you need to grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, and put them on the coccyx for several hours, for a better result, you can add a spoonful of honey to the potatoes. Honey will relieve inflammation, and potatoes will speed up recovery.
  • Vinegar and honey. It is necessary to mix these products 2:1. If the pain is severe, then the solution must be applied to the injury site every hour, and if not severe, then three times a day is enough.
  • Compress of onion and plantain leaves. Grate the onion, chop the plantain leaves. Apply the compress for several hours every day until the injury completely disappears.

The main rule in the treatment of the injury is the observance of bed rest and complex treatment. It is worth remembering that treatment with folk remedies must be carried out more than once, then the result will be on the face.

Sequelae of a coccyx injury

With a strong blow, you can get complications such as:

  • Violation of the work of the central nervous system.
  • Due to the violation of the integrity of the above organ, chronic headaches and dizziness can also be observed.
  • Also, with a strong blow, both the spinal cord and the brain can suffer.
  • on the coccyx itself.
  • Movement of the spinal cord into the foramen magnum.

It is important to know that in order not to get such an injury, you must be extremely careful. But if, nevertheless, this happened, and it was not possible to avoid trouble, then in no case should the treatment be delayed so as not to start the disease and prevent a chronic form.

About the consequences and methods of treating a bruised tailbone on the video:

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