Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle. Causes of brown discharge in the middle of the cycle

Ideally, there should be no bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract in women outside of menstruation. But often girls notice a daub before or after menstruation, as well as after sexual intercourse. It is necessary to pay attention to this, often serious diseases are hidden behind such minor manifestations. When should you sound the alarm and run to the doctor? In what case can brown discharge between periods be normal?

Read in this article

Allocations are normal

Discharge from the genital tract of a girl can change throughout the entire menstrual cycle. It depends on age, hormonal levels, the presence of various diseases and some other reasons.

During puberty, when puberty is just beginning, the estrogen-rich body begins to stimulate the formation of mucus in the vagina. It can be transparent, whitish in color. Most often, it is viscous in consistency, sometimes like “lumps”. All this testifies to the favorable development of puberty, the full health of the girl and the fact that her menstrual function will soon improve.

After sexual intercourse

Stormy intimate relationships, especially in a state of alcoholic or narcotic influence, often lead to genital injuries. Moreover, their nature varies from small cracks to serious breaks. In the first case, you don’t have to worry much, a slight daub will pass in a day or two. But with heavy discharge, often without surgical intervention you can not do, you should seek medical help.

At the first sexual experience, spotting may also be detected, usually a few drops or a slight daub. Their repetition is allowed up to 3 - 4 sexual contacts.

While taking oral contraceptives

In the first month of taking hormonal drugs, including for the purpose of contraception, bloody discharge from the genital tract is often observed. It can be a short-term daub, and sometimes more plentiful and long-term regulation.

Similar failures of the menstrual cycle are allowed during the first month. If symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor for examination. This may indicate an inadequate dose of the hormone in the preparation or that it is not suitable for this girl.

This pathology is more common in premenopausal women, after numerous abortions and other interventions in the uterine cavity. But there are cases of the disease in young nulliparous girls.

Most often, this causes brown discharge between periods without pain. Sometimes they can be mistaken for ovulatory ones, but the constant nature makes it necessary to look for a more serious cause.

Hyperplasia and polyps of the endometrium, in addition to intermenstrual discharge, are the cause of heavy, with clots of menstruation.

Malignant neoplasms

The oncological process also manifests with irregular spotting. Their nature can be different - from smearing to plentiful. Their appearance is often noted, including after sexual intercourse.

Bloody discharge in menopause in 30% of cases indicates endometrial cancer.

Pathology of the cervix

In the presence of erosion of the cervix, a polyp of the cervical canal, periodic spotting between menstruation of a brown color may appear. They are provoked by sexual contacts, physical activity, etc.

A characteristic feature of endometriosis is the appearance of smearing brown discharge on the eve of menstruation and after them. Usually their duration is more than 2 - 3 days. In this case, pain, discomfort, including during sexual intercourse, may appear.

Pathology of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs

The thyroid gland, to a greater extent than other organs of internal secretion, affects the functioning of the genital organs and the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, with its pathology, violations occur more often, including intermenstrual discharge.

The presence of the Navy

The intrauterine device can cause spotting on the eve of menstruation and after them. And sometimes they last up to 3 - 5 days, which brings considerable discomfort to the woman. All this can be accompanied by and. So the body reacts to such a foreign body. Only by removing the IUD, it will be possible to get rid of the symptoms.

What color tells

Bloody discharge can have a different color. But it is impossible to say what the cause of the violations is only on this basis.

So, the following can be distinguished:

  • brown,
  • very dark, almost
  • bright scarlet, bloody.

If greenish shades are added to this, of a purulent nature, as well as with an unpleasant, putrid odor, which indicates that the infection is attached to the underlying disease. In this case, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Spotting after intercourse

"Contact" spotting, which appears in a woman immediately or a few hours after sex, always alerts doctors. This is one of the most common and early signs of cervical cancer. That is why, in the event of such complaints, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination in order to identify the pathology in an unopened form.

But not only with cancer of the cervix and vagina, brown discharge appears between menstruation, the causes may be hidden in the polyp of the cervical canal or uterine cavity, erosion, inflammation, and some others. Finally, only a doctor can figure it out after the examination.

Diagnosis of the presence of pathology

What does brown discharge mean after menstruation. Dark discharge after menstruation is often the reason ... Discharge with streaks of blood after menstruation ... Brown discharge between periods: causes ...
  • Menses brown. Menstrual bleeding is one of the signs of a healthy female body, ready for childbearing. ... Brown discharge between periods: causes ...

  • 09.12.2017 at 16:31

    Hello! You describe complaints a little chaotically, at least I don’t quite understand)). So, it would be nice if you could answer the following questions:
    1. Before or after monthly discharge, or not at all dependent on them
    2. Every month?
    3. Height and weight, have you had episodes of high blood sugar?
    4. Have you ever been tested for sexually transmitted infections by PCR or culture.
    After that, you will be able to judge what is happening to you.

    regarding Metrogyl, do not worry, if you have ruled out pregnancy, the drug will not bring harm. Another question is how much it will help). If you are very worried, try to sign up, for example, in a private clinic, there is no queue. All the best!


    I am 14 years old and have not had my period yet, but there is a discharge of light brown and dark brown colors, the last 4 days, what can this mean?

    Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

    Hello! Bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract is either a sign of the onset of menstruation or other diseases. First of all, you should tell someone close to you - your mother, sister, etc. Adults who are familiar with menstruation will help figure out if it is.) Also, pregnancy should not be ruled out, but only if you are sexually active. If the discharge continues to be smearing, or you do not exclude pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. If they “pass” into normal copious spotting, then this is the beginning of the menstrual function. All the best!

    Any anomalies of the reproductive system can be fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, unusual discharge disturbs any woman. Should I be worried about brown spots on my underwear mid-cycle?

    When is brown leucorrhea normal?

    Not always the so-called brown daub is a sign of a problem in the body. Discharges that come from the genitals are not pathological if they appear:

    • started (up to 2 days) before menstruation;
    • after the end of menstruation (up to 3 days).

    The reason for the appearance of brown whites in the middle of the cycle may be hormonal changes in the body:

    Hormonal disruptions and the appearance of brown discharge can be caused by endocrine diseases.

    Another non-pathological cause of brown daub in the middle of the cycle is internal microtrauma that occurs:

    Leucorrhea that began after sex, with an unpleasant odor, itching or pain, can be a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Discharge associated with pregnancy

    Brownish leucorrhoea in the middle of the cycle may indicate the beginning or end of pregnancy (miscarriage). Why is this happening?

    When a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, endometrial vessels can be slightly damaged. The released blood stains the mucus. Sometimes mild spasms may occur.

    Abundant discharge, which is accompanied by severe pain, nausea and cycle disorders, can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

    If a fertilized egg exfoliates from the endometrium (due to the non-viability of the fetus or the presence of scars and adhesions in the uterus), a miscarriage occurs, which is accompanied by slight bleeding (duration - up to 48-72 hours).

    When to Worry: Signs of Illness

    Spotting in the middle of the cycle, the causes of which are not associated with normal physiological secretions, may be a sign of a gynecological disease. You should pay special attention to your health if whites are accompanied by the following symptoms:

    Many serious gynecological diseases (cancer, polyps, fibroids, etc.) can be asymptomatic in the early stages, so delaying diagnosis and treatment is deadly

    Brown daub as a symptom of the disease

    Brown leucorrhoea can be one of the symptoms of gynecological diseases. Often the appearance of spotting results from damage due to trauma or infection of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs.

    Name of the disease Description Additional symptoms
    endometriosis abnormal growth of endometrial tissue abdominal cramps, painful menstruation, prolonged periods, painful vaginal sex
    cervical erosion ulceration of the mucous membrane covering the part of the cervix located in the vagina pinkish discharge after vaginal penetration, painful intercourse
    cervical polyps neoplasms on the surface of the endocervical cervix irregular cycle, cramps, heavy periods, heavy leucorrhoea, postcoital bleeding
    uterine fibroids benign neoplasm in the muscle tissue of the uterus feeling of heaviness, spasms, heavy and prolonged periods
    ovarian cyst neoplasm (fluid-filled cavity) localized in the ovary deviations in the nature of menstruation, severe cramps on one side of the abdomen, painful intercourse, fever
    cervical cancer malignant tumor changes in the nature of menstruation, pink postcoital discharge, painful intercourse, pelvic pain, weakness, low-grade fever, weight loss
    STI sexually transmitted infectious diseases unpleasant (usually fishy) smell, discomfort in the vagina, pain or itching during vaginal sex
    inflammatory diseases (endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis) inflammation caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria the appearance of discharge at the end of the cycle, an increase in the intensity of menstruation, fever, pain (pulling, radiating to the back)

    The consequences of these diseases are very serious: from infertility to disability and death.

    During her life, almost every woman found herself in a situation where, in the interval between regular menstrual bleeding, she suddenly had a discharge that had a bloody character. They could occur at any time of the monthly cycle, for the most part be mild and almost painless. Someone could not pay attention to this at all, while for others this fact caused serious concern and served as a reason for urgently seeking medical help. So in what case can these discharges be a variant of the norm, and when should you think - is everything in order with my women's health?

    Normal vaginal discharge in women

    A certain amount of mucus is regularly produced in the female vagina, which prevents the infection from entering the uterine cavity, is a natural lubricant during sexual contact, and contributes to the physiological cleansing of the reproductive tract. In the normal state, such discharge from the female vagina is a clear, often whitish or whitish mucus that has a sour smell, which is explained by the presence of lactic acid bacteria in it. The volume of vaginal discharge, as well as their structure and consistency, depend on the specific phase of the female cycle. A pronounced change in the nature of the secretions, their color and structure, the appearance of an unusual, especially unpleasant odor should be a serious cause for concern and a good reason to rush a visit to a gynecologist.

    Normal vaginal discharge is clear or whitish mucus.

    What you need to know about discharge with traces of blood outside the period of menstruation

    The appearance of vaginal discharge, which is bloody in nature, in the interval between regular periods can be a variant of the norm, but at the same time, in some cases, serve as a signal of malfunctions in the woman's body. These secretions usually differ from metrorrhagia (another name is intermenstrual bleeding) in their scarcity and relative short duration, most often do not require the use of additional hygiene products. A woman during this period may well get by with pads designed for daily use.

    Approximately every third woman of reproductive age has such discharges with a certain frequency in the interval between regular periods. Here it must be said that they are usually not accompanied by either a temperature reaction or pain syndrome and, as a rule, do not lead to a pronounced deterioration in the general well-being of a woman.

    Physiological secretions

    In the following cases, a woman should not worry, since the discharge that appeared in the middle of the cycle can be explained by physiological conditions:

    • Scanty spotting discharge, which has a brownish color, usually appears one or two days before the onset or the same period of time after the end of menstruation. They are explained by the preliminary rejection of the endometrium (the mucous layer lining the uterine cavity from the inside) or the residual removal of blood after the completion of menstrual bleeding.
    • Insignificant spotting on the 10-14th day of the cycle. They can be associated with the ovulatory release of an egg from a mature follicle, are explained by a change in the concentration of estrogen, have a small volume, and usually pass in one to two days.
    • Bloody discharge of low intensity. May be the result of taking certain contraceptives (means to prevent unplanned pregnancy) or placing a spiral inside the uterus to prevent conception. They are explained by changes in hormonal levels. In this case, the preservation of secretions with traces of blood during the first two months is considered the norm, while the hormonal background is being updated.
    • The release of a small amount of blood from the vagina can be noted at the end of sexual intercourse against the background of insufficient production of moisturizing mucus, and also be based on a mismatch in the size of the male and female genitalia, excessive sexual activity of the partner. At the same time, it should be noted that repeated discharge mixed with blood after sexual intercourse should definitely alert a woman and make her consult a gynecologist, because these symptoms may indicate the onset of the development of cervical pathologies.
    • The appearance of intermenstrual discharge from the vagina with traces of blood can also be observed against the background of stress, changes in the place of residence, and a sharp change in climatic conditions. In such a situation, we are talking about a temporary violation of the regularity of the monthly cycle.

    Smearing discharge in the middle of the cycle is normally mild, almost painless, does not have an unpleasant odor

    Sometimes the appearance of spotting before the expected start of the next menstruation may be the first and at that time the only sign of pregnancy, which is caused by implantation of the egg after fertilization into the mucous layer of the uterus. It usually occurs on the 6-7th day after fertilization, when neither the results of an ultrasound scan nor an examination by a gynecologist allow one to suspect the fact of pregnancy. A pregnancy test may also be negative due to a rather low level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone whose detection in the blood allows you to confirm the occurrence of pregnancy).

    In the subsequent periods of bearing a child, the appearance of any vaginal discharge of a bloody nature is a formidable symptom and requires an urgent appeal to a gynecologist.

    Bloody discharge as a sign of pathology

    It is possible to suspect the development of pathological processes in the female body if the discharge:

    • quite plentiful;
    • lead to a drop in hemoglobin levels;
    • accompanied by pain syndrome of varying degrees of intensity;
    • have an unpleasant odor;
    • observed over a long period of time;
    • noted regularly.

    Similar bloody discharge can occur under the following conditions:

    A separate item should dwell on the sudden appearance of spotting in women during the premenopausal period. In this condition, the duration of menstrual bleeding is reduced, while the intervals between them increase, and in such a case, the appearance of a brownish discharge of a liquid consistency may be noted against the background of a delay in menstruation. Such spotting can be observed for several weeks and are the result of hormonal changes in an elderly organism. In this situation, the fact of the appearance of the above-described discharge against the background of a long (more than a year) menopause, accompanied by a complete absence of menstruation, should cause concern and alertness in a woman.

    Video: possible causes of vaginal discharge with traces of blood in the middle of the cycle

    Tactics in the presence of spotting in the interval between menstruation

    If the discharge is scarce, their duration does not exceed 1-3 days, they are not accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and an unpleasant odor, as a rule, there is no reason for expressed concern. Bloody discharge, which has a low degree of severity, can be noted at the beginning of taking some contraceptives, when setting up an intrauterine device, they are usually observed in the first 2-3 months, and then disappear.

    Discharge mixed with blood after sexual contact with a man against the background of a sufficiently long abstinence and severe vaginal dryness with a single manifestation usually does not need a medical consultation.

    At the same time, with the appearance of intense, long-lasting bloody discharge, accompanied by pain, burning sensation, unusual odor, having a heterogeneous consistency, one should not postpone a visit to a gynecologist.

    Investigations for the appearance of bleeding

    To establish the cause of spotting in the middle of the cycle, a woman needs to undergo a series of studies:

    The final decision on the scope of research is made by the doctor after collecting complaints and anamnesis, examining the woman on the armchair and carrying out a set of mandatory diagnostic manipulations.


    In principle, there are no specific methods for the prevention of this gynecological problem. Meanwhile, all women should remember the need to:

    • compliance with the regime of work and rest;
    • avoiding stressful situations whenever possible;
    • exclusion of bad habits;
    • leading the right way of life.

    For the normal functioning of the female reproductive system and the preservation of the ability to bear children, a certain danger is represented by:

    Any woman who cares about her health must definitely remember the need for regular, at least once every six months, visits to the gynecologist.

    The closest attention to this issue must be paid to young women who have not yet given birth, since the life of the unborn baby directly depends on their health, as well as women who are in the pre- and menopausal period, so as not to miss the possible likelihood of developing a malignant process.

    Discharge with traces of blood between regular periods is a fairly common problem associated with the female reproductive system. Often they are considered as one of the variants of the norm, which does not lead to the appearance of any undesirable consequences. However, sometimes these manifestations can be evidence of the onset of a serious illness, therefore, bloody discharges regularly observed in the interval between menstruation should not be left without the necessary attention and are a good reason for a visit to the doctor.

    If there is a brown discharge in women, then as soon as possible you need to contact a gynecologist. There are many diseases that are characterized by the appearance of brown discharge in women.

    The first thing to do is to figure out why a woman's brown discharge began at one time or another. After that, it will be possible to decide on effective therapeutic measures.


    Every woman knows that vaginal discharge is normal. However, brown discharge in women indicates that there is an ichorus or bloody inclusions in the whites, which means that there is a dysfunction in the reproductive system.

    Below are all the possible reasons for this phenomenon, for clarity, you can see the photo of each manifestation, characteristic of each of the reasons.


    First of all, it is worth paying attention to several diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of an atypical secret from the vagina:

    • endometritis. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a strong focus of inflammation on the uterine mucosa. You can observe the appearance of brown discharge with an unpleasant odor shortly before or after menstruation. In some cases, brown mucus appears in the middle of the cycle. If the patient has a disease with chronic endometritis, and she plans to become pregnant, then you should initially get rid of the disease, since there is a risk of miscarriage, regardless of the gestational age;
    • endometriosis. If endometriosis is localized on the cervix or body of the uterus, then one of the symptoms is dark brown discharge. At its core, the development of the disease on the cervix is ​​the formation of nodular, cystic seals, which over time grow and take the form of stripes. You can notice an atypical secret. In some cases, their color becomes light brown;
    • endometrial hyperplasia. If an atypical pathological secret with brown bloody inclusions of a smearing nature went after menstruation or began shortly before menstruation and continued after it, then most likely the cause is endometrial hyperplasia. Any gynecological disease, abortion or surgical intervention in the reproductive system, as well as a predisposition to this disease, can provoke a disease;
    • polyps. Due to hormonal disorders, it is likely that a polyp forms in the uterine mucosa. Additionally, an inflammatory process can provoke such a phenomenon;
    • detachment of the fetal egg. If a woman encountered brown secretions during pregnancy, while their nature is smearing or there are blood inclusions in the transparent mucus, then most likely the reason for this is detachment of the fetal egg. At the same time, the woman has a severe stomach ache in its lower part. Pain can also radiate to the lower back. The nature of the pain is cramping;
    • ectopic pregnancy. If the appearance of transparent mucus is observed, in which blood inclusions are clearly visible, then this is probably a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. At the same time, the patient's blood pressure decreases. Sometimes the stomach hurts, the pulse quickens and dizziness is present;
    • any disease characterized by the appearance of an inflammatory process. Such diseases include thrush, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and others. Any and diseases are characterized by the appearance of brown discharge with a smell, there may also be itching and brown discharge and other manifestations. The discharge varies in color, from dark brown to yellow-brown or very light with a slight brown tint.

    If a woman has started taking contraceptives, which include hormonal substances, then the first 3 months from the start of the intake, the appearance of brown discharge in odorless women may be observed.

    Brown discharge is an occasion to pay attention to the health of the reproductive system and understand the nature of the phenomenon. It is important to do this as soon as possible, because in most cases brown discharge is a symptom of a dangerous disease. It is not recommended to postpone a visit to the gynecologist in such a situation.

    Brown discharge from the vagina is almost always a symptom of some kind of pathology. Based on their appearance, an examination may be prescribed. Consider several possible causes of this phenomenon in different phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy.

    Girls get acquainted with menstruation at the age of 11-16, and brown discharge - what is it, and what is the nature of their appearance? In fact, this is the same blood, but only released in small quantities, mixed with vaginal secretions, which is why the color is not bright. Blood may appear from the uterus (endometrium) or cervix (in violation of the integrity of its mucosa). That is why the doctor first of all conducts a gynecological examination, which assesses the condition of the vaginal mucosa and cervix, and then prescribes an ultrasound, which can examine the condition of the endometrium.

    And now about the possible causes of daubing. But, as you know, this is only an assumption. For the diagnosis of one symptomatology will not be enough.

    At the beginning of the cycle

    Brown discharge after menstruation, more precisely after their soon completion, usually occurs due to trauma to the cervix or vagina (for example, as a result of sexual intercourse), or when taking hormonal contraceptives. In the first case, the doctor can make a diagnosis after examination. As a rule, this does not require treatment, perhaps only anti-inflammatory and sexual rest.

    If hormonal contraception was to blame, brown discharge in women can be quite long, albeit meager. Such a reaction to the drug is simply called addiction. And this addiction can take up to three months, and the discharge can appear in any phase of the cycle.

    You should not worry if spotting appears as if at the end of menstruation - this is normal.

    In the middle of a cycle

    The reason is ovulation. In some cases, this natural process can cause a woman pain in the ovary and even daub. This is about 12-14 days of the cycle. Later, after 5-8 days, spotting brown discharge may occur due to the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium if conception has occurred. Therefore, if you are healthy, live sexually and suddenly notice brown discharge on the 17-20th day of the cycle, it is quite possible that this is pregnancy. Wait another 2-3 days and it will be possible to donate blood for hCG to confirm or refute this version.

    But brown discharge in the middle of the cycle can also be associated with diseases. For example, adenomyosis, tumors of the body of the uterus, etc. often manifest themselves in this way. Quite often, large-sized uterine fibroids become the cause of bleeding.

    At the end of the cycle

    If you notice brown discharge before menstruation, then it is quite possible that this is menstruation, which for some reason came a little earlier. During the life of a woman, the cycle can both shorten and lengthen, the amount of blood lost and the duration of menstruation can also change - all this is the norm.

    But brown discharge at the end of the cycle can also occur due to a disease (see above).

    During pregnancy

    The appearance of a daub, contrary to popular belief, does not always predict pregnancy loss. There are cases, albeit rare, when this kind of discharge, which does not harm the body of the mother and child, appeared in the first half of pregnancy in the usual menstrual days (that is, in accordance with the cycle, every 4 weeks). It is worth noting that this brown discharge in early pregnancy is very scarce.

    Another possible cause may be a gynecological examination. Why are many expectant mothers afraid to undergo it, allegedly because of the risk of miscarriage. However, an examination will not provoke a miscarriage. But sometimes taking smears, inserting a gynecological speculum into the vagina, leads to the smallest lesions of the mucous membrane, which becomes especially vulnerable during the period of bearing a child. Therefore, brown discharge occurs during pregnancy after examination.

    However, there are more serious reasons. These include ectopic. This pathology is very difficult to detect in the early stages. And often it is the daub that is the only alarming symptom.

    Another possible reason is missed pregnancy. That is, the cessation of the development of the embryo, its death. The fetal membranes, the endometrium begin to slowly be rejected - that's why brown discharge appears.

    With the same symptom, a miscarriage sometimes begins. This state is called threatened. If the embryo is alive, its heart contractions are diagnosed on ultrasound, they try to save the pregnancy if the woman wants it. Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital. If the bleeding intensifies, clots begin to stand out - we are already talking about a miscarriage in progress, when the pregnancy cannot be saved.

    If brown discharge is noticed in the second trimester of pregnancy, we can talk about placental abruption. For long periods, this condition can threaten a woman's life due to the risk of heavy bleeding.

    Before childbirth, a daub often appears simultaneously with the release of the mucous plug from the cervix.

    In addition, bleeding beyond the term can occur due to hormonal disorders, which are not uncommon in adolescent girls, breastfeeding women, and women who are just around the corner of menopause.

    These are the possible causes of this trouble. Do not make your own diagnoses, go to the antenatal clinic, and the doctor will figure everything out and prescribe treatment if necessary.

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