What is moderate gastric adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of stomach tumor. Treatment of adenocarcinoma of the stomach with folk remedies

In recent years, glandular cancer has become quite widespread, affecting the main human digestive organ. In medical terminology, it is called adenocarcinoma of the stomach and is diagnosed more and more every year. According to the unbiased opinion of experts, the main factor provoking the occurrence of this type of mutation at the cellular level is a decrease in the quality of products and their “stuffing” with carcinogens, nitrates and nitrites.

Diagnosis and treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma

This type of pathogenetic condition also has a second name - glandular cancer. Not a single department of the main digestive organ is immune from its occurrence. According to experts based on clinical practice, the symptoms of gastric adenocarcinoma are usually diagnosed in people who have crossed the 55-year age limit.

This form of oncology is considered very dangerous, since it has the ability to metastasize very early. The process of "budding" from the maternal malignant structure of abnormal cells can begin at the earliest stages of the disease.

Adenocarcinomas are much more common than any other, and there is an explanation for this, characterized by some nuances of their development:

  • in the epithelial glandular tissues lining the inner surface of the main digestive organ, there is a constant renewal process that is directly related to cell division;
  • the higher the degree of fragmentation (reproduction) of their constituent cellular structures, the greater the chances for the occurrence at any stage of a characteristic pathological failure that can provoke the appearance of a spontaneous genetic mutation;
  • the cell formed as a result of this pathogenetic process becomes the progenitor of a whole clone of new anomalous microstructures that, as a result of a genetic failure, have received a structure or properties that are uncharacteristic for them;
  • their pronounced ability to actively reproduce leads to the development in the shortest possible time from normal epithelial tissue of a pathogenetic volumetric neoplasm, which has cardinal differences in appearance and morphological structure.

Adenocarcinoma always has an increased malignancy, characterized by the appearance of the ability not only to multiply intensively, but also to germinate into the surrounding tissues, as well as to "bud off" daughter cells. They spread through the blood or lymph flow throughout the body and affect distant vital organs, forming secondary foci of oncological lesions in them.

It is worth noting! Adenocarcinoma, which is a glandular form of gastric cancer, provokes the development of the metastasis process in almost 85% of cases. The most susceptible to the pathogenic condition are men over 50 years of age.

Getting rid of this type of oncology in advanced cases through a radical operation is not possible, since the pathological process in the later stages of the disease from the main digestive organ extends to the regional lymph nodes and tissues located next to it, capturing them almost completely.

Classification of gastric adenocarcinoma

This pathology, when it affects the main digestive organ, occurs in the form of several specific forms, which are distinguished by specialists in certain systematic categories. Most often, adenocarcinoma of the gastric mucosa is classified according to Bormann, since it is this subdivision of the pathogenetic state that is most popular in clinical practice.

According to such systematics, 4 main histological varieties are distinguished in tumor states of this type:

  • tubular adenocarcinoma is represented by an accumulation of branching dense structures surrounded by connective tissues that have a loose consistency;
  • papillary adenocarcinoma of the stomach is characterized by the appearance in the epithelial layer of a large number of wide or narrow oblong outgrowths;
  • - this is the accumulation and further compaction of a large number of non-nuclear unformed cells prone to mutation;
  • (mucinous) modification of the abnormal structure is characterized by the presence of a large amount of thick secretion in it, which envelops atypical cellular structures randomly scattered throughout the entire thickness of the epithelial layer.

But this classification of adenocarcinoma of the stomach is not the only one. Depending on what kind of growth characterizes abnormal tissue structures, gastric adenocarcinoma is divided into several varieties, the characteristics of which are presented in the table:

Ulcerative It is characterized by a saucer-shaped form with a significant ulceration in the central part.
Polypoid It has a mushroom-like appearance, consisting of mucous structures with clearly defined edges
A shapeless tumor-like outgrowth covering a large area of ​​muscle tissue due to the ability to grow deep into the organ, and not spread over its surface
Pseudo-ulcer Great external and clinical similarity to a gastric ulcer, making it difficult to diagnose

Ulcerated types of gastric adenocarcinoma are considered the most dangerous, since they begin to metastasize at the earliest stages of their development. Some of their cellular structures are able to penetrate into the deepest muscle layers of the digestive organ, and also spread with blood and lymph flow to distant vital organs. Such cancerous neoplasms pose a direct threat to the patient's life, as they are quite difficult to diagnose due to their great similarity with peptic ulcer.

Poorly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma

A recurrence of gastric adenocarcinoma should be expected in the near future if the patient was diagnosed with stage 4 with metastases and underwent a course of palliative treatment. A rapid exacerbation of the disease (within the next 2-3 months) in this case occurs in 65-70% of treated cancer patients. It should also be said that in oncological clinical practice, although rare, there are a number of cases when the recurrence of the tumor process occurred more than 30 years after the operation was performed for gastric adenocarcinoma, which ended successfully.

Important! The later the process of recurrence occurs in glandular cancer, the more favorable the outcome awaits a person. The appearance of a recurrence of oncological pathology of the main digestive organ almost immediately after a course of therapy usually ends in death, this negative factor is especially acute for elderly patients.

Prognosis for adenocarcinoma of the stomach

The answer to the question of how long a person diagnosed with glandular cancer can live depends directly on the stage at which the malignancy process is located. Usually the prognosis for gastric adenocarcinoma is rather disappointing. This is due to the lack of the possibility of its early detection due to the asymptomatic course. Even in the case of early, accidental detection of a pathogenetic condition, the long-term results that timely surgery and chemotherapy will give in gastric adenocarcinoma will depend on the state of human immunity and the histological structure of tumor structures:

  • intraoperative (occurring during radical surgery) mortality is approximately 3%;
  • five-year survival rate at stage I of development reaches 90%, at stage II - 50-70%, and at stage III, the chances of life extension remain in no more than 20% of patients.

Detected in the late stages, an inoperable tumor of the stomach significantly reduces life expectancy. Usually, in such a situation, patients can withstand no more than six months, and in some cases, the terms can be reduced to 1-2 months or even several weeks. The prognosis worsens with the appearance of local (local) relapses.

Prevention of stomach cancer

In order not to have a highly, moderately or poorly differentiated variety of gastric adenocarcinoma, it is necessary to follow some simple rules. They concern both the way of life and the correction of the human diet.

Prevention of adenocarcinoma of the stomach is carried out as follows:

  1. Register with a gastroenterologist and undergo annual examinations that allow timely detection of the onset of the malignancy process, if there is a history or suspicion of the development of such precancerous pathologies as polyposis, peptic ulcer or atrophic gastritis.
  2. Adjust your daily diet. An experienced nutritionist will help you create an individual menu plan that is suitable for a particular case of a pathogenetic condition.
  3. Completely give up such addictions as nicotine addiction, alcohol abuse and a tendency to overeat, especially in the evening.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely avoid the occurrence of a malignant process in the main digestive organ. This is due to the lack of knowledge of these varieties of diseases. Despite the fact that there is no definite cure for cancer, it is quite possible to reduce the risks of developing a pathogenetic condition. To do this, you just need to undergo regular preventive examinations by a gastroenterologist and strictly follow all his recommendations.

A malignant neoplasm in one of the sections of the stomach, which has become widespread in recent years, is called adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Doctors have noticed that more often the tumor appears as a result of active prolonged action of Helicobacter pylori, a decrease in immunity, ulcerative conditions of the digestive organ or stomach operations. The use of large amounts of nitrites, the metabolism of which in the stomach ends with the formation of nitrosamines. The collapsing gastric mucosa causes the initiation of the tumor process.

Statistical analysis of the prevalence of the disease indicates its frequent detection in the contingent of 40-50 years. The disease develops over the years, this is facilitated by a state of chronically low secretion of hydrochloric acid or polyps. Sometimes adenocarcinoma of the stomach develops over decades.

The graph shows the most significantly mutated gastric cancer genes.

The disease is among the life-threatening, since metastasis to nearby organs (ovaries, lungs, liver, etc.) begins in the early stages of development, when malignant cells easily detach from the node and are carried by the bloodstream.

The development of a cancerous tumor can provoke alcohol abuse and smoking, the presence in the environment of carcinogenic substances exceeding the maximum allowable norms, and hereditary predisposition.

A cancerous tumor is 1.5 times more likely to be found in men than in the fairer sex. Susceptibility to the disease in lovers of salty, fatty and spicy tastes has been noted.

Adenocarcinoma of the stomach occurs in the form of several forms, which have a different basis for separating them into systematic categories. In clinical practice, the Bormann classification of the disease has gained more popularity than others. According to the specified discreteness of adenocarcinomas, 4 types of them are distinguished.

  1. polyploid type tumor. It has the most favorable prognosis of all tumors. There is no burden with ulcerative coating, there is a clear demarcation with the border tissues. Occurs in one patient out of 18-20 suffering from stomach cancer.
  2. Ulcerated type of tumor. Approximately one third of all patients find this type of tumor, which is not always malignant on histological analysis. The bulge of the tumor is not always present, its main feature is the uneven edges of the ulcerative areas of the mucous membrane.
  3. More dangerous than the first two types partially ulcerated tumor with early metastases. Some carcinoma cells penetrate into the deep layers, while others are quickly carried by the blood stream to other organs.
  4. Skirres, as formations are called at diffuse-infiltration type of tumor, have an extensive lesion, are able to capture layers of cells under the mucous membrane. In patients, signs of the disease begin to progress early, when metastasis has already begun. Favorability of the prognosis of diffuse-infiltration type of cancer is the worst.

According to the nature of the structure, adenocarcinoma of the stomach distinguishes 3 types.

Highly differentiated type

A well-differentiated tumor, like other types of carcinomas, should be subjected to a detailed examination. The purpose of the survey is to identify the causes of tumor development in order to influence their elimination.

A group of provoking factors has been established for all manifestations of a highly differentiated cancerous tumor. The most dangerous age for the development of highly differentiated cancer is the elderly. The reasons for the progress of the tumor are hereditary predisposition, unbalanced nutrition with violations of the regimen and range of products consumed. Anal sex and viral infection causing papillomas are also noted as factors initiating a highly differentiated tumor in the gastrointestinal tract.

The causes noted as risk factors in the occurrence of a malignant neoplasm in the digestive organ, diabetes mellitus and long-term use of certain synthetic drugs cannot be ruled out.

Poorly differentiated tumor

A dangerous type of cancer due to the low differentiation of malignant cells of independent degeneration or migrating from other organs and tissues. The fastest and most aggressive form of malignant carcinoma. The prognosis is made up of the timeliness of seeking specialized help from oncologists. The degree of differentiation is an important indicator for making a forecast, since their relationship was found in the form of direct proportionality.

Features of treatment will consist of a specific algorithm. Initially, they resort to the surgical removal of the lymph nodes, after which chemotherapeutic and radiological procedures are prescribed. In the treatment of cancer, the patient is subject to fortification and nutrition according to the diet compiled by the doctor.

Moderately differentiated adenoma

The tumor is not completely differentiated, because it has a fuzzy connection with the histological structure. Specific signs of the tumor are blurred. For this reason, general characteristics are taken into account. Only an experienced specialist can identify characteristic signs from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, when they are detected, the tumor, despite its less dangerous nature than the poorly differentiated type, has to be stopped.

Stages of a malignant tumor

Highly differentiated and moderately differentiated tumors do not show clear stages, the stepwise process is clearly visible in poorly differentiated tumors. The zero stage should be considered asymptomatic progress of carcinoma only on the mucous membrane.

Neoplasm symptoms

The first stages of stomach cancer do not show general and specific signs. Later, a number of general signs are found. The patient rapidly loses body weight, working capacity decreases, complaints of impotence and fatigue are noted.

Local signs of adenocarcinoma are found in the digestive system. In the early stages of the disease, signs of nausea and vomiting can be confused with other gastrointestinal pathologies. To alert the patient and the doctor, when collecting an anamnesis, a change in taste preferences can. Later, discomfort and pain in the epigastric region join. Constant heartburn and frequent detection of blood in the patient's feces and vomiting indicate the replacement of epithelial tissue and the decay of malignant carcinoma when it is damaged by macrophages. Blood loss contributes to the progress of the anemic process. When pain is noted in the hypochondrium, bones, chest, the tumor has confidently metastasized to places of pain.

Diagnosis of the disease

If transformations are detected in the gastric mucosa using esophagogastroduodenoscopy, a biopsy is prescribed with the collection of neoplasm cells for histological analysis.

A less informative method of detection is an X-ray examination with the introduction of a contrast agent. This method is valuable for describing the contours of a cancerous tumor, its size and localization. The method also makes it possible to detect a decrease in the kinetic patency of the stomach.

The stage of development of carcinoma is determined by ultrasound. The results reveal metastases in the lymph nodes and liver.

The degree of development of a cancerous tumor, the state of the body as a whole and the presence of metastases in other organs are assessed by laparoscopy and computed tomography.

Treatment of adenocarcinoma

The only possible method of eliminating a cancerous tumor is radical treatment with the removal of the affected area with the nearby lymph nodes surrounding it. In later stages, when the lesion is significant, a total one is used. After stopping the neoplasm, the tissue is transferred for histological description. Oncologists get back a detailed description of the micropreparation and macropreparation. After removal of adenocarcinoma, the patient is prescribed drugs containing gastric enzymes, antacids, and chemotherapeutic agents.


Treatment with folk methods does not exclude the relief of the patient's condition, especially since the direction of treatment consists of the use of plants that increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells with compensation for the deficiency of the substance due to damage to some of the cells. But trusting only folk methods of influencing the tumor is life-threatening.

Of the herbal folk remedies for fighting cancer, tincture on walnut partitions, birch fungus, tinctures of aconite and potato flowers are known.


General preventive measures to prevent stomach cancer include a balanced diet, exclusion from the diet of salty, smoked and other foods that are prohibited for use in any disease. Refusal of bad habits, compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle inhibit the onset of the disease.

Special measures to avoid stomach cancer - an annual medical examination after 45 years. Special attention should be given to people who have oncological diseases of the digestive system in their family tree.


General statistical data on the survival of patients after surgical removal of a malignant tumor of the stomach is meaningless, because complaints to oncologists take place at different times. For patients who seek help at an advanced stage of cancer development, the survival rate does not exceed 20.

After the operation in medicine, the waiting technique is used. If the causes of cancer have been eliminated and the operation was successful, then the patient is under medical and laboratory control for 5 years. After this period, the patient is removed from the list of cancer patients, as he defeated cancer.

anonymous , Woman, 54

Hello Elena Sergeevna! My mother (54 years old) was diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma with metastases in the peritoneum and ovaries 2 years ago (according to the results of a trial laparotomy). Chemotherapy was prescribed every 3 weeks, ct every 2 months. In June 2014, the removal of the uterus and appendages due to their growth during chemotherapy with epirubicin + oxaliplatin + xeloda. After the operation, a new scheme of taxotere + cisplatin + xeloda. Mom did not tolerate this regimen well (oka low indicators, but biochemistry is normal) because of the low ota, chemistry was postponed for several days. According to the results of CT - no changes in the lymph nodes, organs of the chest, abdominal cavities and small pelvis. Against the background of stress (grandmother's death), physical exhaustion (wake), low eyes and dietary disturbances, symptoms of acute cholecystitis appeared: pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the collarbone, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, gases in the small intestine, there was vomiting of bile for one day. According to ultrasound and examination by a gastroenterologist - acute non-calculous cholecystitis. Although, according to the surgeons, after only a clinical examination - the spread of the tumor in the abdominal cavity ... Now he is undergoing a course of treatment for cholecystitis, taking Xeloda. The condition has improved. At me a question: your assumption - whether there can be it a usual cholecystitis? How does gastric adenocarcinoma progress, what problems can be encountered with the progression of gastric adenocarcinoma. And what would you recommend in this case? Thank you! Health to you and your family and friends! Sincerely, Alsu.

Good day. Sorry for the late reply, I was on a business trip. I understood from the letter that there was no surgical treatment of the stomach tumor, a trial laparotomy was performed, and now you are receiving palliative treatment () Unfortunately, the tactics of treating a stomach tumor are not entirely clear? In the presence of carcinomatosis, an operation was performed to remove the uterus with appendages.? Against the backdrop of many "inconsistencies" the question arises ??? how common is carcinomatosis in the abdominal cavity, what is the TNM coding of the tumor lesion? And it depends on many nuances how quickly the tumor starts to progress. ... Even cancer patients are never immune to common, unrelated illnesses. If, on the background of conservative (drug) treatment, there was an improvement in the general condition, then it is more likely that these were symptoms of acute non-calculous cholecystitis. Symptoms that are associated with the progression of the main process (abdominal carcinomatosis) are "cancer intoxication", i.e. when the tumor releases "products of its vital activity" into the bloodstream. Against this background, the patient is exhausted, loss of appetite, weight loss, then the appearance of nausea and possibly - , accumulation of fluid (ascites) in the pleural cavities and abdomen, etc. Sincerely, Elena Sergeevna

Gastric cancer is one of the most common oncological pathologies in the world. It accounts for about 30% of deaths in cancer patients. Adenocarcinoma, or glandular cancer, accounts for nearly 95% of all stomach cancers. For a long time, this disease is asymptomatic or “disguised” as other diseases (gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers).

What is gastric adenocarcinoma

Adenocarcinoma is a tumor that develops from the glandular cells of the inner lining of the stomach (mucosa). Under the influence of various factors, the cells of the mucous membrane are damaged, the protective layer that protects them is destroyed, and normal cells degenerate into tumor cells. The neoplasm is located more often in the antral and pyloric sections of the stomach.

One of the most common localizations of adenocarcinoma is the antrum of the stomach.

The main danger of this type of cancer is an asymptomatic course in the early stages, which greatly complicates the diagnosis and leads to a late visit to the doctor.

Classification of adenocarcinomas

When classifying cancer, the degree of differentiation is taken into account. The higher it is, the more the tumor cells look like normal, healthy epithelial cells. The lower the tumor is differentiated, the more dangerous and malignant it is. According to this classification, adenocarcinomas are divided as follows:

  • highly differentiated;
  • moderately differentiated;
  • poorly differentiated (poorly differentiated).

According to the appearance and nature of growth, there are adenocarcinomas of the following types:

  • ulcer-cancer - the tumor has a flat shape with an ulceration in the center;
  • polypoid cancer - outwardly very similar to a stomach polyp, has clear boundaries;
  • skirr - sprouts the wall of the stomach over a large extent, gives early metastases;
  • ulcerated cancer - outwardly very similar to an ulcer, an accurate diagnosis can only be established after a biopsy;

There is also a gradation based on the histological picture of the tumor - tubular, papillary, mucous adenocarcinomas.


The development of adenocarcinoma is based on damage to the cells of the glandular epithelium of the stomach by various factors:

  1. The role of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the pathogenesis of glandular cancer has been proven. This microorganism releases substances that break down the protective mucus layer in the stomach, damaging mucosal cells, and causing chronic inflammation. The presence of gastritis, ulcers with proven infection with Helicobacter pylori is an indication for regular preventive examinations with FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy).
  2. Foods rich in nitrites can also cause adenocarcinoma. These products include fried, smoked foods, fast food, food with a high content of preservatives.
  3. Lack of vitamins A, E, C in the body.
  4. Smoking, alcohol abuse.
  5. hereditary factor. The presence of any of the relatives of this disease is a reason to closely monitor the health of your stomach.
  6. Duodeno-gastric reflux (reflux of food from the duodenum back into the stomach).

The following diseases predispose to the development of adenocarcinoma: gastritis, chronic gastric ulcer, polyposis, the presence of dysplasia of the stomach epithelium.


For a long time, adenocarcinoma is asymptomatic. The patient may be disturbed only by such general and non-specific manifestations as weakness, fatigue, gradual weight loss. Later, symptoms join that can easily be mistaken for signs of gastritis:

  • pain in the abdomen, depending on food intake;
  • heartburn, belching (if the tumor is located in the cardia of the stomach);
  • decreased appetite.

In the later stages of the disease, specific symptoms occur, which, as a rule, force a person to see a doctor:

  • when the tumor is located in the pyloric region, a clinic of pyloric stenosis occurs - a feeling of fullness in the stomach even after taking a small amount of food, stagnation of food in the stomach, nausea;
  • due to microbleeding from the tumor, anemia develops in a person, tarry stools can be observed;
  • eating habits change - there is an aversion to meat.

By this time, the tumor is usually quite neglected, which significantly reduces the chances of recovery.

Stages of development of the disease

Unfortunately, the initial stage is rarely diagnosed, most often it is a finding during routine diagnostic studies. Survival in the later stages is 5 years, but when this threshold is overcome, the prognosis rises to 10 years. In young (under 50 years old) patients, the chances of recovery are higher than in the elderly - 20–22% and 10–12%, respectively.


The examination begins with the identification of the patient with the symptoms described above. A general blood test is prescribed, where there may be a decrease in the number of red blood cells (anemia) and an increase in white blood cells (a sign of inflammation).

The most informative and reliable diagnostic method is gastroscopy with biopsy. During this study, the doctor examines the gastric mucosa through the endoscope, and if there are focal changes, he takes a piece of the epithelium for analysis. Histological examination allows to determine cancer with 95% certainty.

An X-ray method of examination is also used. The patient drinks a special liquid - a barium-containing contrast; after some time, an x-ray of the stomach is performed, which reveals a filling defect or a niche. This is a sign of tumor growth in the lumen of the stomach or destruction of its wall.

Ultrasound is used to detect metastases in the abdominal organs. Most often, the first metastases are found in the liver, as well as in the lymph nodes of the stomach and intestines.

The patient also undergoes computed tomography of the whole body to exclude distant metastases (to the lungs, brain, bones).


In the treatment of adenocarcinoma, several methods are used - this is surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. There are also traditional medicine recipes, and there is active research into the possibility of using stem cells to treat cancer.

The type of treatment, its volume and duration are entirely determined by the type of tumor, the degree of its progression, the development of metastases, as well as the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. The range of applied methods varies from only surgical intervention to a combination of all types of treatment.

  1. Surgery. It is the only type of therapy that allows (in the absence of metastases) to completely remove cancer cells from the body. It is used in almost all stages of cancer, with the exception of cases when the tumor has reached such a size or has sprouted so many structures in the abdominal cavity that it is not possible to remove it. Usually in this case, the changes in the body are so great that the patient is prescribed palliative therapy, i.e., treatment aimed at getting rid of pain and improving the quality of life.
  2. Chemotherapy. Used to slow tumor progression, spread of metastases, relieve symptoms. It is prescribed after surgical treatment alone or together with radiation therapy. Even modern chemotherapy drugs are quite toxic, they have pronounced side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, baldness, weight loss, but it should be remembered that this is a necessary stage of treatment, and the unpleasant consequences of their use are temporary.
  3. Radiation therapy. This is a non-invasive (without physical intervention in the body), painless procedure. Certain parts of the body (stump of the stomach after surgery, lymph nodes, organs with metastases) receive radiation of a certain type. This allows you to destroy cancer cells that could remain in the stomach after surgery, relieves pain, reduces the risk of spread and growth of metastases, and reduces the likelihood of bleeding in the postoperative period.
  4. Immunotherapy. The use of drugs that affect the human immune system in order to reduce the intensity of metastasis, activate the body's natural antitumor defense factors, and reduce the likelihood of tumor recurrence.
  5. Stem cell treatment. A new, experimental, but promising method of treatment. Currently available only in the largest clinics in the country.
  6. Treatment with folk remedies. There are several traditional medicine recipes used for stomach cancer:
  • Aconite tincture. You need to take 100 gr. aconite root, wash and pour boiling water for an hour. Then grind and pour 60 degrees alcohol for 21 days. Take dissolved in 200 ml of warm water 30 minutes before meals for 10 days, starting with 1 drop, adding 1 drop daily.
  • Decoction of potato color. Collect potato flowers and dry in a dark place, then chop. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of raw materials, leave for 3 hours. Take 150 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. After a week break, repeat the course. Treatment lasts 6 months.
  • Chop 33 walnuts and pour vodka for 40 days. Strain the resulting tincture, take 1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day. Store in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

Folk remedies in the photo

Keep the finished nut tincture in the refrigerator Potato flowers should be harvested during the full flowering period. Ready-made tincture of aconite can be bought at a pharmacy

Remember that traditional medicines can relieve symptoms and improve the general condition of the body, but they are not a substitute for traditional cancer treatment!


The main complications of adenocarcinoma are associated either with a far advanced pathological process or with treatment.

  • If the tumor grows into the wall of the stomach and damages large blood vessels, a person will experience periodic or constant bleeding of varying intensity, from drip to profuse (abundant).
  • The presence of metastases in the liver, lungs and other organs disrupts their work and can lead to the development of insufficiency (hepatic, pulmonary).
  • The location of the tumor in the region of the pylorus leads to its stenosis.
  • When the tumor compresses the blood vessels, the venous circulation in the abdominal cavity is disturbed, which leads to the occurrence of ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

The main complication of surgical treatment of cancer is bleeding from the stomach stump, the formation of pronounced scars in the area of ​​the postoperative wound, and impaired passage of food through the stomach. In some cases, it may be necessary to impose a gastrostomy, i.e., the creation of a "bypass" for food.


Preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing adenocarcinoma can be divided into several main groups:

  1. Diet. Meals should be fractional (at least three meals a day), in small portions. Excessively hot food should be avoided. Exclude fast food, smoked meats, too salty or overcooked food from the diet. Eat foods rich in vitamins A, E, C (carrots, citrus fruits, black currants, sea fish).
  2. Lifestyle correction. Quitting smoking and drinking will greatly reduce your risk of developing cancer and improve your overall well-being.
  3. Regular examinations. Even in the absence of complaints of stomach problems, it is necessary to undergo an examination every 2 years - to perform EGD and analysis for Helicobacter pylori. In the presence of gastritis, ulcers, polyps of the stomach, this examination should be performed more often.
  4. Timely visit to the doctor. You should not endure pain in the stomach to the last, especially if it is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms. A timely appeal to a gastroenterologist will allow timely detection of the disease.

Sea fish

Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is a serious disease. A long asymptomatic course makes it difficult to diagnose, and therefore attention to one's health and compliance with preventive measures is the main weapon in the fight against it.

Adenocarcinoma of the stomach, or as this disease is also called glandular cancer, is a malignant tumor that is formed from cells of the gastric mucosa.

This form of stomach cancer is the most common - the 4th place in the world among all oncological diseases and the 1st place among gastric malignant pathologies in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Japan and Scandinavian countries.

According to statistics, the risk of encountering gastric adenocarcinoma is significantly higher in patients over the age of 45 in the third or fourth stage of cancer development.

Men are subject to adenosarcoma 3 times more often than women, while this disease is diagnosed extremely rarely in children.

Reasons for development

What causes stomach cancer? To date, an unambiguous etiology of the occurrence of glandular cancer in oncology has not been established, however, the fact that this pathological process develops as a result of various factors that cause persistent circulatory disorders in the walls of the stomach and inhibition of its secretory functions is recognized as absolutely accurate. What contributes to the development of this disease?

Leading clinics in Israel

Some of the most well-known causes of gastric adenocarcinoma include:

  • nicotine and alcohol addiction. Tobacco tar and alcohol have a toxic effect on the walls of the gastric mucosa;
  • unbalanced diet. Excessive consumption of fried, fatty and high-sodium foods increases the risk of developing this disease. This is due to the content of nitrites in such food, which, when mixed with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, are converted into enzymes that transform healthy cells into malignant ones;
  • abuse of a diet low in fiber, vitamins and minerals;
  • the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which provokes the appearance of infiltrative gastritis, accompanied by a violation of the mucous layer of the stomach. If the infection lasts for many years, then the likelihood of developing a tumor process is very high;
  • hereditary factor;
  • living in unfavorable ecological zones;
  • work with harmful substances.

Oncologists believe that gastric adenocarcinoma never occurs in healthy cells and is necessarily preceded by:

How is gastric adenocarcinoma classified?

According to the classification of stomach cancer according to Bormann, there are 5 main varieties and 4 subspecies of adenocarcinoma.

So the five types are:

  • polyposis - a clearly defined formation that appears in the lumen of the stomach;
  • diffuse;
  • infiltrative cancer with extended boundaries;
  • unclassified group of formations;
  • pseudoulcerative.

As subspecies stand out:

  • papillary adenocarcinoma (from 1 to 10 percent of all types of adenocarcinomas) - a tumor that is formed from epithelial cells and grows inside the stomach. It looks like a finger.
  • tubular form of cancer - a formation consisting of cystic and branched elements;
  • mucous (mucinous) adenocarcinoma - a tumor that secretes a mucus-like fluid that is detected during the gastroscopy procedure;
  • cancer with cricoid cells - a neoplasm that grows throughout the entire inner layer of the stomach.

Based on the differentiation of the structure of adenocarcinoma, it can be:

Symptoms of adenocarcinoma

Answering the question why this type of cancer is so difficult to treat, it should be noted that, given the germination of such a variety of adenoma as glandular cancer in the pyloric gastric region, it is practically not observed in the early stages of development. According to statistics, 40 percent of patients turn to a specialist already when the disease has “taken deep roots”. Tumor growth is very slow, and sometimes takes about 17-20 years. Characteristic for this type of tumor is the early appearance of metastases (in 82 percent of cases).

The earliest and sometimes not always clearly diagnosed sign of gastric adenocarcinoma is periodic and quickly passing indigestion, accompanied by nausea, belching, poor appetite, mild pain in the epigastric region and the formation of gases in the intestines. A frequent symptom is also a persistent reluctance to eat foods containing protein - fish and meat.

With the development of the disease and its transition to the next stage, symptoms such as:

  • pain that is not associated with eating and radiates to the chest, shoulder blade or back;
  • violations of the process of bowel movement - frequent constipation, or, conversely, loose stools;
  • complete refusal to eat;
  • weight loss;
  • tarry consistency of the stool with bleeding that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of the collapse of the tumor;
  • food or blood vomiting;
  • weakness, fatigue and low performance;
  • anemia and pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • an increase in body temperature above 37 degrees;
  • irritability and depression.

Attention! The formation and development of adenocarcinoma of the stomach have no signs, up to the last stage. This is the most dangerous course of the disease, since in this case surgical removal of the tumor is impossible, given the spread of its cells to most of the nearest organs. In order to avoid such a development of the situation, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist at the very first signs.

Stages of development of glandular cancer

The development of adenocarcinoma of the stomach occurs in the following sequence:

First stage- the tumor is localized within the gastric mucosa, is small in size, does not intoxicate the body and does not cause external symptoms, except for a slight deterioration in appetite;

Second stage- the formation grows into the muscle tissue and partly into the lymphatic system. Symptoms are mild, there is a violation of the digestive process, an increase in lymph nodes, muscle pain, poor appetite.

3 stage- neoplasia grows throughout the entire inner layer of the stomach, with simultaneous penetration into the abdominal cavity, liver, duodenum and pancreas. Metastases of atypical cells are found in distant lymph nodes;

4 stage- malignant formation begins to metastasize. In addition to the proliferation of cells in the organs indicated in the third stage, metastasis can also be observed in the navel and lung tissues, which causes a strong cough with sputum containing blood streaks.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose this type of malignant neoplasia, the following types of examinations are shown:

Treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma

The choice of a method for treating cancer, including gastric adenocarcinoma, comes primarily from its localization and structure. In the early stages of the tumor process, surgery is almost always prescribed using the following methods:

  • subtotal resection, in which a part of the gastric organ and tissues of neighboring organs affected by the tumor are cut out;
  • gastrectomy method, when the entire stomach, part of the esophagus, small intestine and nearby lymph nodes are resected;

At the same time, on the eve and after the operation, the patient undergoes a course of radiobeam and, the purpose of which is to reduce the size of the formation and prevent its recurrence after surgery. Chemotherapeutic drugs include the cytotoxic agents found in Docetaxel, Oxaliplatin, Cisplatin, Epirubicin, and Irinotecan.

* Having received data on the patient's disease, a clinic representative will be able to calculate the exact price for treatment.

If the disease is detected at the very late stages of its development, then the surgical operation is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. According to statistics, the mortality rate of cancer patients with surgical intervention at advanced stages of gastric adenocarcinoma is 12 percent.

Based on this, doctors in such cases prescribe other methods of treatment, among which are:

  • destruction of a malignant tumor with an endoluminal laser;
  • elimination of cancer cells by endoluminal stenting, which expands the lumen of the stomach and allows the patient to swallow food on his own;
  • taking anabolic drugs and medicines that improve stomach function.

Important: It is impossible to cure gastric adenocarcinoma using traditional medicine methods, its use is possible only as a maintenance therapy and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

What complications does it cause?

A tumor of the stomach can lead to the following complicated processes:

How long do people live with gastric adenocarcinoma?

The life expectancy of a patient with this form of cancer depends on many factors, the most important of which is the stage of gastric cancer. Based on practice, 20 percent of patients live for about 5 years, due to the late diagnosis of the tumor. In general, doctors cite the following data: in the first stage, the survival rate is 80 percent, in the second stage - 50 percent, in the third stage - from 15 to 38 percent; the fourth stage - no more than 5 percent. If gastric carcinoma is detected at the very last stage, life expectancy is no more than one year.


To minimize the risk of stomach cancer, it is necessary to follow fairly simple rules, including quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, providing the body with a healthy and balanced diet, especially when. Also, constant monitoring of health, especially in the presence of chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

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