When was the forgiveness of the resurrection. Forgiveness Sunday. The origins of the tradition of asking for forgiveness before Lent

Maslenitsa week ends with one of the most important days of the year, which in the Orthodox tradition is called Forgiveness Sunday. Another name for this day is the Week of Adam's Exile. Of course, modern people cannot know for sure when exactly the first people, Adam and Eve, were expelled from the Garden of Eden, but in this case, the date is not important. The main thing is that we comprehend the act of the biblical forefathers and reflect on the essence of the phenomenon of forgiveness.

Over the centuries, a large number of traditions and rules have appeared on how to forgive and ask for forgiveness, as well as what to pay attention to this Sunday. It is desirable to observe them, but the main thing is not to follow the tradition mechanically, but to think over everything, every word and action, putting a deep meaning into them. This good tradition annually urges us to remember all our unseemly deeds, rethink them and remove the stone of guilt from our souls. Let's take a closer look at how to properly ask for forgiveness on this special day and what it brings to a person from the point of view of the clergy.

Forgiveness Sunday does not have a fixed date, since it is directly related to Easter, which, as you know, falls on a new date every year. In both cases, the invariant is that they are celebrated on the last day of the week. In order to find out when farewell Sunday falls, use the Orthodox calendar with scheduled important events of the year. If there is no such possibility, then subtract seven Sundays from it - the last of them will be the one you are looking for. More about the date of Forgiveness Sunday you can ask directly at the church, where you will be prompted for the answer.

The roots of the holiday go deep into history and are associated with the rite of forgiveness, instituted by the monks of ancient Palestine and Egypt. Centuries ago, the clergy of those places had a special tradition: before the start of Lent, they went to pray in the desert, as Jesus Christ did, according to the biblical legend. The monks left their monastery in turn and went to deserted places, where they had to spend forty days alone. In this way they wished to strengthen their prayer.

But existence in the desert is associated with a number of hardships and hardships - from the problem of obtaining water to the likelihood of attack by wild animals or snakes. Therefore, after forty days of lonely wandering, not all of the departed monks returned to the gates of the monastery. Knowing the danger of the future undertaking, the monks started a tradition of asking for forgiveness from each other before going to the desert, as people usually do on their deathbed. They had no confidence that they would see each other again at the appointed time, therefore they forgave each other's sins in advance so that at the last hour they would be free from the sin of resentment.

Years later, this tradition, in a slightly modified form, passed into Orthodoxy. Modern clergy explain the need to observe the rules of Forgiveness Sunday by the fact that Great Lent begins the next day. In order for a person to fast correctly, he first needs to rid his soul of oppressive thoughts, which are often associated precisely with some unresolved situations in their environment. These mental torments will distract him from spiritual work, which is the main purpose of any fast - otherwise it will be just a diet, and not a fast at all. Therefore, in order not to be distracted by unnecessary thoughts, believers should sincerely solve all problems with relatives and friends on the eve of Great Lent.

In addition, the Sermon on the Mount directly states that a person must forgive the offenses of his neighbors, otherwise he will not be able to receive absolution from the Almighty. Also, some priests say that the path of unforgiveness is not only sinful in itself, but also entails a number of other sins. For example, if a person was offended, and he does not want or cannot forgive his offender, then after a while the mental anguish will only be aggravated by memories of the offense. And after this, irritation, a thirst for revenge and, in the end, one of the mortal sins - anger and despondency - will arise in the soul and will soon grow stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to forgive, and with all my heart. Many clergymen advise letting go of "debts" during Forgiveness Sunday in the way you want the Lord God himself to let go of your sins.

Throughout the day of Forgiveness Sunday, one must maintain peace of mind and not be angry. In the event of conflict situations, it is necessary to try not to lose self-control and understand the current problem.

Look for specific guilt

The classic scheme of communication during Forgiveness Sunday involves the exchange of special remarks between people. One asks for forgiveness, uttering the phrase: "Forgive me if I am guilty of anything before you." The second one answers him: "God will forgive, and I forgive." Pay special attention to the fact that it is the form “sorry” and not “sorry” that is accepted. It seems that this is some kind of whim, but in fact, the clergy have an explanation for this rule. It is believed that semantically "I'm sorry" can be regarded as "take the blame off me." At the same time, the word “sorry” is considered in such a way that a person realizes his fault and makes a promise not to repeat the mistake that caused a quarrel between people.

In the modern world, we are increasingly faced with the fact that during Forgiveness Sunday, friends, relatives and acquaintances call back and ask for forgiveness, although in general they themselves understand: there is nothing to forgive them for. This is especially true for people who live far from each other, who even during the year may never meet, let alone have time to quarrel. In such situations, there is a clear tendency for an important religious tradition with deepest implications to become mechanical. People perform certain actions because they know that it is necessary to do so, but at the same time they do not even put any sense into them. Such a detached adherence to tradition is unacceptable. It is better in this case to wish all the best, but not to remember God in vain, trying to forgive a non-existent offense. After all, the main goal of forgiveness Sunday is not to call all close and distant acquaintances, but to really clear your conscience, let go of the negative emotion that has been haunting you for months, or even years.

Therefore, the most reasonable solution would be to remember those whom you really offended in order to ask their forgiveness for very specific episodes. Similarly, you need to do with those who offended you. And this step will be even much more difficult, since the first to lend a hand to the offender at first may seem like an incredible, downright impossible mission. But often such an act will be appreciated by another person and will lead to the restoration of peace between you. And even if your good will hits a wall of misunderstanding, it will be comforting to think that you have done your best and are clean before the Heavenly Father.

Ideally, depending on the situation, asking for forgiveness for any act involves not only words, but also actions. Since you caused material damage to a person, it must be compensated. If someone has been publicly slandered or insulted, then he should also be apologized in the presence of witnesses. It is necessary to make amends completely and unconditionally. We must not forget that a forgiven ritual is not a judgment seat. When apologizing, a person does not ask for a painstaking analysis of the conflict that has occurred. He unconditionally admits responsibility for the suffering caused and expresses his regret.

But what should a person do if he wants to forgive, but at the moment he does not find the spiritual strength in himself for this? In this case, he may answer that he hopes that the Almighty will surely forgive the offender's sin, but he himself is still not strong in spirit for forgiveness. Thus, a person recognizes the fact that forgiveness is in the hands of God, and only he can evaluate our deeds.

Still, you need to try to let go of your grievances, no matter how serious they may be, so as not to carry a bleeding spiritual wound inside yourself.

Pancakes and sauna

In the old days, everyone treated the traditions of Forgiveness Sunday very responsibly. It was considered normal for the eldest and strongest in the family to apologize to the weak. It also spread in a broader sense: in the service, the higher ranks apologized to the lower ones, the noble gentlemen did not consider it shameful to apologize to their servants at least once a year. And even royal persons did not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. Representatives of crowned families traveled around the troops, while others went to repentance in monasteries.

Usually the last day of Maslenitsa involved a number of actions:

  • visiting a church;
  • a trip to the cemetery;
  • festivities near the fire;
  • festive dinner;
  • bath.

The day began with a trip to church for a festive service. Then people went to the cemetery to commemorate the dead. Be sure to take freshly baked pancakes to the cemetery. Feasts were arranged at our ancestors' homes, since during Forgiveness Sunday, for the last time before Great Lent, you can eat fast food. True, you can not eat meat, as well as drink alcoholic beverages. But it is permissible to put the following products on the festive table:

  • butter;
  • hard cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • eggs.

The festive menu is made up of dishes prepared with these ingredients, including a variety of desserts.

Traditions and signs of forgiveness Sunday

What is customary to do Why did they do so
Pancakes and dumplings are considered obligatory on the table. They can finally pamper yourself before a strict fast.
The next day, such food can no longer be eaten, and therefore our ancestors never left leftovers at home. If some of the products were not eaten, then so that they did not deteriorate, they were given to animals or burned in a furnace. And then the fields were sprinkled with this ashes so that they would give a good harvest in the new field season.
Even the dishes of the hostess were washed thoroughly. This was done so that there were no particles of non-lean dishes left on the bowls.
It was not too late for people to sit down to supper, since they still needed to visit the bath that day. It was believed that Great Lent should be entered clean not only spiritually, which was facilitated by the rules of Forgiveness Sunday, but also physically. After the bath, people put on clean clothes and went to bed - no later than midnight.
Also, throughout the day, people watched what was happening around them in order to notice special signs. It was believed that if a man enters the house first this Sunday, this promises prosperity, but a woman was considered a harbinger of sadness. But a married couple with a child was a sign of replenishment with a new family member.
We also watched the weather. Most of all, they waited for the rain, which promised a fruitful year.

Despite all the semantic depth of Forgiveness Sunday, one should not forget that this is the final stage of the Maslenitsa holiday - one of the most striking events for the Orthodox. That is why people have long participated in various entertainment events on this day. One of the brightest events that take place during Forgiveness Sunday is the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa. This symbolic action means the desire of the people for the early arrival of spring, the rebirth of nature, the renewal of life. By burning a scarecrow, walkers get rid of a frosty winter.

But it is interesting that the zimushka was not only loudly scolded for the severe cold, but also sincerely thanked for the fun winter fun. It is noteworthy that on the same day it was customary to melt the ice slides that had previously brought so much joy, thereby paving the way for warm weather. Around a huge fire, on which a scarecrow was piled up, noisy merry dances and games were arranged. When the fire was almost extinguished, young people jumped over it, demonstrating their prowess.

The celebration of the forgiven resurrection is also interesting among other nations professing Orthodoxy. In Bulgaria it is called "Proshka" or "Sirni Zagovezni". The main meaning of this day is the same as in our area. People gather in families to celebrate the end of Maslenitsa. Only the key dishes on the festive table here are not pancakes, but white walnut halva and a layer cake called “banitsu”. A similar tradition is that young people on this day ask for forgiveness from their parents and grandparents.

In Greece, Pancake week itself stretches for three whole weeks. 21 days of continuous celebration is full of numerous carnivals. Moreover, each major city is famous for its unique procession. Three weeks before the start of Lent, the cheerful Greeks indulge themselves in goodies and entertainment. But the last day of Maslenitsa is dedicated to visiting their parents and elderly family members. They also ask for forgiveness from each other, kiss the hands of their parents.

It is customary for the Greeks to give gifts to each other on Forgiveness Sunday. They are handed literally to everyone and everyone - from close relatives to just acquaintances.


Forgiveness Sunday is a church holiday celebrated on the eve of Lent. On this day, people ask for forgiveness for unseemly acts and forgive themselves. “God will forgive, and I forgive,” is the customary answer to anyone who obeys you.

Forgiveness Sunday is a bright, kind holiday of repentance and mercy towards one's neighbor.

13 Interesting Facts About Forgiveness Sunday

1. Origins of the tradition of asking for forgiveness before Lent

Two thousand years ago, Egypt took in the fugitive Mary and Jesus and protected them from King Herod. Since then, Orthodoxy has spread in the country, monasteries have opened, in which the tradition of Forgiveness Sunday was born.

During Great Lent, the monks went into the desert to pray in solitude and prepare for the day of Easter. They understood that being alone for forty days alone with wild nature is a serious test, and not everyone is destined to return home.

Before leaving, the monks asked for forgiveness from each other, forever saying goodbye to their brothers.

2. The second name of the holiday is Forgiveness Sunday

The second name of the holiday is the day of Adam's exile.

God expelled Adami and Eve from Paradise not because they committed a sin, but because they refused to confess what they had done. Many trials fell on the lot of the first people, and all because of their pride and stubbornness.

This episode from the Gospel teaches us to be open towards each other, admit our guilt and not hold a grudge against our enemies.

3. Why is it important to learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness?

Why is it so important to be able to ask for forgiveness and forgive? This is directly stated in the Holy Scriptures: one who does not forgive his neighbor and himself does not obey him, will not be able to count on the forgiveness of the Almighty, which means that after death he will not fall into the Kingdom of God.

It is pointless to repent before God if you accumulate insults and do not want to admit your mistakes made in relation to the people around you.

4. The meaning of the holiday of Forgiveness Sunday

On this holiday, the church reminds: collect treasures not on earth, but in heaven. This beautiful allegorical saying literally means the following: take care not of increasing wealth, but of improving your soul. The real value is not material wealth, but inner beauty.

By forgiving and repenting, a person takes the first step towards true spirituality.

5. Attitude towards the holiday in Russia

In Russia, Forgiveness Sunday was revered in a special way. On this day, it was not considered shameful to ask for forgiveness from a person of lower status or rank. Sovereigns bowed to their subjects, generals blamed ordinary soldiers.

On the day of Forgiveness Sunday, all battles stopped for exactly a day.

6. How was Forgiveness Sunday celebrated before?

Forgiveness Sunday traditionally falls on the last day of Maslenitsa.

This holiday has pagan roots, but it has entered the consciousness of people so closely that its traditions are mixed with church ones.

On this day, the people saw off the winter with songs and fun, and also went to the cemetery to ask for forgiveness from deceased relatives. Pancakes were left on the grave - a "commemoration" for the dead.

7. Forgiveness Sunday in the Orthodox Church

On Forgiveness Sunday, a festive liturgy is performed in the churches, and after it, the Rite of Forgiveness. This is a special procedure for the clergy to repent before the parishioners. It is unusual to observe how a priest asks for forgiveness from ordinary people, bowing his head before them.

8. Holidays like Forgiveness Sunday in other religions

In world religions, the idea of ​​forgiveness was embodied in the holidays: Yom Kippur in Judaism and Sura At-Tauba in Islam. These days it is customary to repent before the living and the dead for deeds that are displeasing to God.

Forgiveness Sunday, with the religious background that is in Orthodoxy, has been preserved only in the Greek Catholic Church.

9. When is Forgiveness Sunday celebrated?

The time frames of many holidays, including Forgiveness Sunday, have been shifted, relative to generally accepted ideas about the day. The festival begins on Saturday after sunset and ends on Sunday at dusk. Sunday evening is the first service of Lent. Fasting people do not eat meat and dairy products in the evening.

Shrovetide pancakes on Sunday with the onset of sunset are banned!

10. What does it mean to forgive?

The Church teaches forgiveness, but why is it sometimes so difficult to do?

Psychologists say that often the cause of resentment lies in unjustified expectations in relation to others. It is human nature to attribute qualities to other people that they do not possess, and to demand more from them than they can give.

We know too little about the people around us and do not bother to study our neighbor, to understand his thoughts and feelings. Resentment overtakes us at the moment when a person does not act as we imagined.

To forgive means to accept that the other is free to do as he sees fit, and we cannot predict his actions. No expectations - no disappointment and resentment.

11. Forgiveness and pseudo-forgiveness

Forgiveness should be sincere, not formal. Only in this case God will appreciate the efforts of man.

Often, pseudo-forgiveness is hidden under the guise of forgiveness, when a person wants to cut off all ties with the offender, to forget about his existence. This approach is fundamentally wrong. By excluding a person from our life, we continue to accumulate anger towards him, and forgiveness does not occur.

12. The impact of resentment on a person's life

Resentment acts destructively on the human body.

The branch of psychology - psychosomatics - deals with the study of the relationship between the psyche and physical health. It has been proven that long-standing, long-term grievances provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology.

13. The meaning of Forgiveness Sunday in a person's life

After Forgiveness Sunday, Great Lent comes - a difficult test for a believer. From time immemorial, the Orthodox have been preparing for it, and spiritual cleansing in the form of forgiveness has been an obligatory component of moral preparation.

Yet forgiveness is not a one-day event. As the holy fathers said, forgiveness cannot be put off until “later” and wait for Forgiveness Sunday.

The traditions of Forgiveness Sunday are designed to “heal” modern society. Anger and vanity haunt people. How often we do not notice that we hurt others and accumulate resentment, acquiring enemies.

This holiday provides an opportunity to clear the conscience and makes think about spirituality which we are losing so fast.

Forgiveness Sunday is the last day before Lent. On this day, all Orthodox ask forgiveness from each other - in order to start fasting with a good soul, focus on spiritual life and celebrate Easter - the day of the Resurrection of Christ with a pure heart.

When is Forgiveness Sunday in 2018, what date does the holiday fall on, the traditions and history of the occurrence of this event, as well as how to ask for forgiveness correctly and what needs to be answered - we understand together, and our article will help you understand what is the essence of this church holiday Forgiveness Sunday .

  • The meaning of the holiday and its essence
  • Forgiveness Sunday: the history of the holiday
  • What to do on Forgiveness Sunday
  • How to ask for forgiveness and what to answer
  • Forgiveness Sunday: short poems and SMS
  • Rites for Forgiveness Sunday
    • Prayer for Forgiveness Sunday
    • smoking cessation ritual
    • Rituals for financial well-being
    • Conspiracy to fulfill a wish on Forgiveness Sunday
    • Cleaning up if cursed on Forgiveness Sunday

On Forgiveness Sunday, February 18, 2018, you should sit and reflect on the fact that not all of our actions can be pleasant and pleasing to another person and the Lord.

After all, even bad thoughts about someone or something are already, in fact, a sinful act. Considering that envy, anger, foul language, gluttony also belong to the list of bad feelings and emotions, then each of us should think about it, informs the site. For a whole year, a lot of such bad emotions can accumulate in a person’s soul.

And if we take into account the fact that common sense does not always guide us, then our actions are not always correct, especially those actions that are committed under the influence of negative emotions.

Therefore, it is very important to cleanse your soul from burdensome sins at least once a year. How to contribute to this? On Forgiveness Sunday, you should ask for forgiveness from everyone, even if it seems that there is absolutely nothing to ask for forgiveness from someone.

You can not ignore your enemies and enemies, they should also be asked for forgiveness. At the end of the day, the soul will become much easier.

The requested Sunday in 2018 falls on February 18th. The Lord sees through us, and sees that sometimes a person, without intending to, can cause harm to someone, offend him. Therefore, such a day as Forgiveness Sunday was created.

In addition to the fact that on this day one must ask for forgiveness, it is also impossible not to accept forgiveness from others who are just as repentant. All the words of forgiveness heard must be accepted without fail. Also on this day one should not allow evil thoughts, quarrel and be offended.

And given that Maslenitsa is just outside the window, who wants to spoil the last day of festivities and waste time on something evil, instead of rejoicing?

The last day of the Maslenitsa week is Forgiveness Sunday. The people also called him farewell, kisser, Forgiveness Day, cheese-cake (the last time before fasting, cheese, butter and eggs are allowed).

Forgiveness Sunday is the first step on the way to Great Lent. Christians on this day ask each other for forgiveness of sins and insults. This is the day of reconciliation of the warring parties.

In churches, they read the Gospel and the Sermon on the Mount, which speaks of forgiveness of offenses to others. During the liturgy, priests urge the faithful to forgive and ask for forgiveness from relatives and friends.

After the evening service in churches, parishioners and clergymen ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Great Lent with a pure soul.

The rector of the temple addresses the brethren and the common people with the words: “Bless, holy fathers and brethren, and forgive us, the sinner, the tree (everything that) has sinned this day in deed, word, thought and all my feelings.”

From century to century, according to tradition, on this day, children bowed to their parents at the feet. Enemies went to their opponents and asked them for reconciliation. People went to the cemetery, commemorated the dead, left pancakes on the graves.

Even gentlemen and wealthy citizens did not consider it a shame to ask for forgiveness from their servants. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the tsar traveled around the troops and asked for forgiveness from the soldiers, then visited monasteries, where he asked for forgiveness from the brethren and bishops.

This is a day for good deeds - charitable donations and remission of debts.

Where did the custom come from? On this day, believers remember the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise for disobedience and intemperance. We remember that we are all exiles and we can gain what we have lost with the help of repentance, abstinence and prayer.

The rite of forgiveness traces its history back to the Egyptian monks. Before the onset of Great Lent, in order to intensify the feat of prayer, they dispersed through the wilderness for all forty days of fasting.

Many did not return: they died of hunger or were torn to pieces by wild animals. Therefore, dispersing, the monks forgave each other's offenses, as before death.

We all voluntarily or unwittingly commit various major and minor sins - we swear (even if quite rightly!) For prices growing every day.

It happens that we fight in lines, we grumble when someone stepped on our foot in a crowded bus, or when a neighbor on Sunday morning, suddenly, decided to drive a nail for a hanger into the wall.

But you never know when and whom we have offended over the past year with a deed or a carelessly dropped word! For all this, we must ask for forgiveness, not formally, of course, but quite consciously and try not to repeat these mistakes in the future (we won’t apologize for the same thing every time). If everyone does this from the bottom of their hearts, our lives will definitely get better.

  • Ask for forgiveness from loved ones

Waking up in the morning, without delay, ask for forgiveness for all the offenses caused to your household. You need to ask for forgiveness sincerely, regretting the pain caused to a loved one.

If it is difficult to ask for forgiveness, before that you can imagine yourself in the place of the offended and feel for yourself how bad it was for him.

Then you will definitely regret and repent of the evil deed. Asking for forgiveness will come naturally. Families did not go to bed without reconciling with each other.

  • Ask for forgiveness from the dead

On this day, it is customary to come to the graves of relatives and friends to ask for forgiveness from those who can no longer be seen. We often regret that we offended a person during his lifetime. On this day, there is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness and remove the burden from your soul.

  • Forgive those who ask

On Forgiveness Sunday, we need to forgive from the bottom of our hearts those who ask us for it. And even those who cannot or do not want to ask our forgiveness. Simply, to forgive all the accumulated grievances, thinking about the fact that our offenders are just as wrong as we ourselves and their soul suffers from this.

The main thing for a person on Forgiveness Sunday is sincere repentance for a committed evil deed in relation to another person and the forgiveness of their offenders.

After all, we all ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins. As we forgive others, so the Lord will forgive us. To forgive others means to approach Great Lent with a pure soul, to prepare spiritually.

  • visit the temple

In churches, at the Liturgy, they read the biblical story about Adam and Eve, remember the fall of our forefathers and their expulsion from Paradise. They also read the Gospel narrative in churches, where Jesus Christ explains the words of the Our Father prayer “and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

The Lord Himself shows us the way to the Kingdom of God - to give up evil insults, to love and forgive each other.

The last day of Maslenitsa is the last Sunday before Lent. Therefore, on this day, Forgiveness Sunday is celebrated, which, according to the priests, helps people to cleanse themselves before the test of the spirit. On this day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness and forgive your offenders.

And if you are asked for forgiveness, it is customary to answer: "God will forgive."

According to tradition, on this day you can not swear with anyone. And if there is any conflict, then it must be immediately resolved. And even more so, you can’t fall asleep in a quarrel and with heavy thoughts from this.

By the way, in Russia even the tsar himself asked for forgiveness from his servants and the people!

Asking for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday is customary not only for the living, but also for the dead, coming to their graves. After all, sometimes a heavy burden remains on the soul when a person is no longer alive, and there is no longer any opportunity to ask for forgiveness from him.

Let the spring sun
The soul warms
Let there be a feeling
That all life is good
And the mood will become
You have wonderful!
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
Forgive me, forgive me!

I ask for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart
And I forgive you in return
After all, a hidden load of grievances
It's so heartbreaking...
May your life never
There will be no grief!
Happy last Maslenitsa day -
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

You are with all my heart today
Forgive me for everything
Kohl managed involuntarily
And on with the mood
Let's live well!
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
We will not be sad!

Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
To take the weight off my soul
Today without a doubt
We forgive each other!
Let the mood be
You are wonderful
And there will be inspiration
To do good!

Love in the soul, Pancakes for a treat, and I apologize to you for everything!

On Forgiveness Sunday,
I want to ask for forgiveness.
Let the road be brighter
Forgive me for God's sake!

I ask your forgiveness before the Lord
For all the insults that once inflicted.
And I congratulate you on forgiveness Sunday,
Goodness and Peace, Happiness and Warmth!

This Sunday morning
I ask your forgiveness - for insults,
For doubts and for misunderstandings!
Happy Sunday to you!

If there is some sin behind me,
Kohl is to blame for something,
And if you offended me once,
Farewell weekend!

I ask everyone today for forgiveness,
In response, I hear, God will forgive.
Sunday forgiven today
And let forgiveness soar in the air.

Soars, descends to the ground,
Forgiveness, letting go
What did you manage to accumulate in a year,
Forgive everyone and let everyone go, easily.

Sunday forgiven today
I let go of everything, resentment, anger,
Your bad mood
There is no more interference.

The offender will become a friend tomorrow
The anger will go nowhere.
Spring is a holiday
It has melt water.

She will wash away all the bad
She will dispel the shadow.
Everything always goes with water,
Only a clean day remains.

Ask for forgiveness today
Purify your hearts.
Let tomorrow be a clean day
Everything will be carried away by spring water

If you are present at the mass burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa, then stand closer to the fire so that sweat breaks through you, and wipe your face with a handkerchief from sweat. At the same time, say the following words to yourself: Run seven sweats from me, go away hunger-cold, fire, rise, spring, start. What burns, that does not exist, but I walk in gold. Amen."

Hope to the whole end of the earth, Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady, our consolation! Do not disdain us sinners, we trust in Your mercy: extinguish the sinful flame that burns in us and with repentance irrigate our hearts withered, cleanse our mind from sinful thoughts, accept prayers from the soul and heart with a sigh brought to you.

Be an Intercessor for us to Your Son and God, and turn away His wrath with Your Motherly prayers. Heal spiritual and bodily ulcers, Lord Mistress, quench the illnesses of the soul and body, console the storm of evil enemy attacks, take away the burden of our sins, and do not leave us to perish to the end, and comfort our contrite hearts. Let us praise Thee to our last breath.”

  1. In the evening, smoke the last cigarette, put an empty pack of cigarettes on the table next to the bed. Put a note on the pack: "I quit smoking." Above is an empty matchbox. Now go to bed. They say that in the morning there will be no craving for smoking
  2. On the square where the scarecrow is burned, you need to go around the scarecrow three times and throw your pack of cigarettes into the fire, saying: “I burn tobacco, I close myself for smoking, I open a new life.
    Life without tobacco is my way!”.

On the Monday following the last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday - go to the place where the festivities took place. Walk around, carefully looking: you need to find any coin, even a penny. Raising it with your left hand, say a conspiracy:

“Walked (walked) and found (found),
As I, (state your name), went (walked) to this money, so that the money would come to me.
As many people were here today in honor of the holy Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Keep the charmed coin throughout the year, until the next first Monday after Maslenitsa. This talisman will attract money to you, protect you from financial failures. After the specified period, “lose” your spent money in the same place where you picked it up.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you need to lie down before sunset, but before reading such a conspiracy: “Light a bright star in the sky, to the joy of the whole baptized world, light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox! Look into the star and into my house, into the house of the servant of God (your name), illuminate my house with your unquenchable light, hear my desire (say a desire) and help fulfill! Amen!". The plot must be read three times, each time being baptized.

On Forgiveness Sunday, in no case should you quarrel with anyone. To avoid trouble, first read a prayer, and then a special plot.

And how do you feel about the tradition of asking for forgiveness on the last Sunday before Lent? And what do you think about yourself when those who offended you ask your forgiveness?
-God will forgive! Is this forgiveness or not? Did you forgive or offered God to deal with your offender himself?

Media news

Partner news

Forgiveness Sunday is the day when you need to ask for forgiveness, and it is also the last Sunday before the start of a serious Easter fast. But immediately a lot of questions arise: from whom and for what to ask for forgiveness, as well as how and when Forgiveness Sunday in 2017?

On Forgiveness Sunday, everyone should receive forgiveness for their minor or major sins in order to enter Great Lent crystal clear, with a bright soul. In 2017, Forgiveness Sunday falls on February 26th.

Forgiveness Sunday: the essence of this important Christian day

Forgiveness Sunday falls on the last day of the Maslenitsa week. This day will mark the beginning of Great Lent before the bright holiday of Easter. Forgiveness Sunday is also called "cheese" or "cheese" Sunday, since it is on this day, after sunset, that you need to stop eating both dairy and meat products.

Immediately after Forgiveness Sunday follows Monday - the first day of the beginning of the forty-day strict fast. Lent will end with Holy Week, which precedes the greatest Christian.

Why "Forgiveness" Sunday

Forgiveness Sunday is extremely valuable for the entire Christian world. This day should help set up your body and your soul for a difficult period of strictness, which implies cleansing both the body and the soul from the filth of worldly life.

Therefore, the real calling of every true believing Christian on this day is to forgive others for any misunderstandings, and to ask for forgiveness from everyone for possible offenses. Both to forgive and to be forgiven are very important, because a person must enter the fast absolutely clean, with pure thoughts, with a feeling of complete reconciliation with others.

Forgiveness Sunday in the Bible

For the first time, the tradition of asking for forgiveness and receiving it yourself appeared among the Egyptian monks. It was customary for them to go into the wilderness for forty days and be there all alone, thus strengthening their prayers and their repentance.

On Bright Sunday they were supposed to return, but not everyone was destined to do so. Someone died from the heat and lack of water, someone was bullied by wild animals. That is why, before setting off on a long and dangerous solo journey, the monks all gathered together and said goodbye.

Egyptian monks prayed earnestly on this day and asked for forgiveness from each other for insults, strife and other incidents. After the end of the evening prayer, the travelers dispersed, in all directions, to carry out their spiritual wanderings. And in our time, on the last day of the celebration of the merry Maslenitsa, Orthodox Christians pray and ask for forgiveness for insults from the living and the dead.

Over time, this tradition grew into a part of worship. And in Russia there was such a tradition: on this day the tsar asked for forgiveness from all his subjects. With this good purpose, he traveled all over the state, asking for forgiveness from monks, soldiers and ordinary people.

Forgiveness Sunday Traditions

In addition to the fact that on this day it is customary to ask for forgiveness for intentional and unintentional misconduct and sins, the celebration of Forgiveness Sunday implies other interesting traditions and rituals.

On the last day before the strict Great Lent, one had to sit down at the table seven times (exactly the same number of weeks for Great Lent). At the last meal, the whole family had to fully treat themselves to food of animal origin, because for the next forty days it was banned.

After a generous dinner, neither leftovers nor dishes were removed from the table. Everything was left as it was after the end of the meal, and covered with a tablecloth on top, on which they put the sheepskin upside down with fur. They did this so that the family would live in prosperity and that no disagreements or quarrels could be heard in the house all year round.

In order to be cleansed of everything sinful and filthy, the believers asked each other for forgiveness, addressing with the words: “Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything before you.” And then all possible misconducts, insults and various misunderstandings were listed, for which it was necessary to receive sincere forgiveness. The ceremony of mutual forgiveness ended with a mutual kiss. Because of this, Forgiveness Sunday was also called "kissing".

According to Holy Scripture, if you ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself, then the Lord God, our Heavenly Father will forgive all sins. At the same time, you need to say the following: “I forgive you, forgive me, Lord, and me, a sinner!”

First, they go to the priests for confession to forgive sins, and then they go to relatives, friends and acquaintances for forgiveness. It is customary to visit the graves of the dead with a prayer for forgiveness. According to a long tradition, it was impossible for anyone to go to bed until the children asked for forgiveness from their parents.

Some families on Forgiveness Sunday follow this rite: in the evening, all family members sit around the table, and the head of the family sits on a separate chair. Each of the household members, in order of seniority, approaches his father and asks for forgiveness for all the bad deeds that were committed in the past year (intemperance in conversation with parents, swearing, swearing, disobedience and other misconduct).

After the youngest member of the family asks his father for forgiveness, the head of the family should go to the middle of the room and ask for forgiveness from every relative present.

It is believed that on Forgiveness Sunday not to forgive someone or to use foul language is a great sin. Therefore, people must do everything possible to find the strength in themselves to reconcile with enemies.

Pictures with congratulations and poems

Forgiveness Sunday 2017 - date and date

Forgiveness Sunday has always been considered the last final day of the Maslenitsa week. This year it falls on February 26th. After this day, all believers will have to begin to adhere to the strictest fast, which will last for forty days.

Forgiveness Sunday Story

According to church beliefs, the monks, on the eve of the approach of the forty-day fast, which in turn preceded the onset of the brightest Christian holiday of Easter, asked each other for forgiveness and sincerely forgave from the bottom of their hearts all those who needed it. After that, all the monks dispersed and set off on a journey through the desert for all forty days of fasting. No one then knew who was destined to return home in good health, so this particular ceremony became an obligatory tradition on Shrove Tuesday. From here lies the root in the name of this day: to be forgiven not only before your loved ones or acquaintances, but also before God.

Signs for Forgiveness Sunday

One of the signs of forgiveness Sunday was as follows: one had to sit down at the table during forgiveness Sunday at least seven times. This figure corresponded to the number of weeks in the previous post.

People also believed that if the table was not cleared while taking the very last meal before going to bed, then the family would not experience troubles for a year and the house would be full. The table after the meal only needed to be covered with a clean tablecloth or any other fabric cover, on top of which sheepskins were laid.

How to celebrate this holiday

Asking for a petition on the last day of Shrovetide (cheesy) week is necessary first of all in order to purify the soul before the upcoming Great Lent. Asking for forgiveness on this particular day was very important for many people. Many tried to unite with their loved ones and forgive them all the sins and offenses committed earlier only for the purification of the human soul before the Lord.

On Sunday, before asking for forgiveness from all those around you and your loved ones, you first need to repent before God. You can do this by attending a Sunday service. During it, the priest himself, after a prayer, asks for forgiveness from all the parishioners, who, in turn, bow and utter words meaning forgiveness.

How to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday

For all those who also want to ask for forgiveness, you need to know what to say in order to receive the coveted forgiveness from the bottom of your heart. A person who wants to ask for forgiveness must say: "Forgive me a sinner." In response, the following phrase should be answered to the person: "God will forgive and I forgive."

Previously, during the forgiveness Sunday, after the ritual of forgiveness, people bowed to each other and kissed. Now, it has become less important for most.

The most important condition for a forgiven Sunday will be forgiveness itself. It must come from the depths of the human soul. Even if the person you ask for forgiveness or forgive has committed too many offenses, sins and other bad things, you must forgive him without fail and from a pure heart. Thus, we will only be closer to God and purify our soul.

All people meeting forgiveness Sunday should know that it is necessary to ask for forgiveness and forgive not only the living, but also the dead. This can only be done in the cemetery. Anyone can easily come to the graves of the deceased, bring them any treats and ask for forgiveness from invisible listeners and know that the answer was the same: “God will forgive and I forgive” ...

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