Wintering birds are a lesson for a psychologist. Lesson summary on the topic "wintering birds." Topic: “Winter. Wintering birds"

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  • expansion and activation of children’s vocabulary on the topic, consolidation in speech of the names of wintering birds and their body parts;
  • consolidation of the general concept “Wintering birds”.


  • educational: strengthening children’s ability to divide words into syllables;
  • developing:
    • development of children's thinking based on descriptive riddles;
    • development of children's coherent speech: the ability to compose a story using supporting patterns;
    • development of visual and auditory perception, development of general and fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • educational:
    • developing the ability to interact with each other;
    • fostering a humane, careful, caring attitude towards the surrounding world and wintering birds;
  • health-saving tasks:
    • prevention of children's fatigue in the classroom;
    • providing physiologically necessary stages of perception and processing of information.

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Communication",
  • "Socialization",
  • "Reading fiction"
  • "Artistic creativity"
  • "Safety".

Types of children's activities:

  • educational and research
  • communicative,
  • gaming,
  • productive.

Planned result: Using and applying knowledge about wintering birds in conversations with children and adults.

Preliminary work:

  • Bird watching on a walk.
  • Conversations about wintering birds.
  • Looking at illustrations.
  • Reading educational stories about birds.
  • Making feeders together with parents.

Equipment and materials:

  • screen,
  • subject and silhouette (for shading) pictures depicting wintering birds,
  • bird models for each child,
  • pictures of wintering birds,
  • magnetic board,
  • 6 saucers with bird food (bread crumbs, berries, lard, buckwheat, millet, seeds),
  • didactic game “Name the whole part by part”,
  • sponges (2 pieces for each child),
  • simple pencils for each child.

Progress of the lesson

Health-saving support

I. Organizational moment.

Today in class we will have to complete many different tasks. To successfully cope with them, we need to be properly prepared. Let's do some gymnastics.

1. - First, let’s pull on the “smart hat” (use your index finger and thumb to pull your earlobes down and imitate tying a knot under your chin).

2. - Now let’s yawn (open your mouth wide and press your index fingers on the middle of your cheeks.)

3. - Let’s show a “smart owl” (put your right hand on your left shoulder and press lightly, slowly turn your head back to the left, then back to the right, change hands and repeat the head movement.)

Big head.
Sits on a branch
He looks at everyone.

(Children, together with the teacher, perform each exercise 3-4 times.)

The first part of the lesson is not loaded with complex, demanding material that requires significant mental and mental effort.

4. - And the eyes need to be prepared for work. Gymnastics for the eyes “Find the named bird.” According to the teacher's instructions, the children find with their eyes, without turning their heads, a picture hanging on the wall depicting the named bird.

Well done! Now you are ready to complete the tasks.

Strengthening the extraocular muscles.

II. Main part.

1. Generalization of material on the topic “Wintering birds”.

Children, you probably guessed who we will talk about today in class (children’s answers.) That’s right, about wintering birds.

What birds do we call wintering? (Wintering birds are those birds that are not afraid of the cold, stay with us for the winter and do not fly south to warmer climes in the fall).

The teacher draws the children's attention to the screen<Слайд 8>:
- Name the wintering birds you know (crow, magpie, bullfinch, tit, sparrow, pigeon, woodpecker).

Well done. Now I suggest you guess the riddles about wintering birds, and the answer on the table will be found by the one I name, the others check the correctness of the answer. (The child goes out, finds a picture, the teacher hangs it on the board).

Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this? (Sparrow.)

Black vest,
Red beret
The tail is like a stop,
Nose like an axe. (Woodpecker)

White cheeks -
Blue bird,
Sharp beak -
She's not big.
Yellow breast -
This is... (Titmouse)

Walks important
And he coos and pecks. (Pigeon.)

I will visit everyone in a day,
I’ll destroy everything I know!
I'll tell you everything ahead of schedule,
Because I...(magpie)
How he opens his mouth is a nightmare! –
All you can hear is car-car-car! (Crow)

Increased physical activity.

2. D.I “Squeeze and count”

Now let's determine the number of syllables in the words - the names of wintering birds. Take the sponges from the tray. For each syllable we squeeze the sponge.

3. - Well done! Look at the screen.<Слайд 11>

What do all birds have in common in their structure? (2 wings, 2 legs, tail, round head, oval body, feathers, down)

How are they different from each other? (Size, color, plumage)

Take the envelopes on the table, assemble a bird from the mosaic and name it.

4. Didactic exercise “For what?»

Why does a bird have a beak?
- Why does a bird need wings?
- What do birds need paws for?
- Why do birds need feathers?
- What does a bird need a tail for?

5. Finger gymnastics “Bird”

In order to complete the next task, let's prepare our fingers.

The bird folded its wings (intertwined fingers)
The bird washed its feathers (move your fingers)
The bird moved its beak (make a beak from your little fingers)
The bird found the grains
The bird ate the grains (peck on the table)
The bird sang a song (open your little fingers)
The bird spread its wings (draw wings)
It flew, it flew!

Reliance on visual material

6. Game "Find and Shade"

– Look carefully at the screen. What is shown in the picture?<Слайд 15>
- Now let’s find out who is the most attentive. How many birds are hidden in the picture?
- Name the birds that are hidden in the picture.
- The same picture lies in front of everyone on the table. Show me the sparrow. Let's outline and shade the sparrow. Follow the direction of the shading (children perform the task to calm music).
Did you hatch?
Children: We shaded.
- And now everyone stood up together. Let's turn into birds.

Elements of relaxation and music therapy.

7. Physical exercise “Birds”.

Birds jump and fly.
Birds are jumping and singing.
Birds collect crumbs
The birds are pecking the grains.
Have you cleaned the feathers?
Feathers cleaned!
Have you cleaned your beaks?
The beaks have been cleaned!
We flew further
And they sat in a circle!

Physical exercise "Birds"

8. D.I “Let’s feed the birds”

Birds are hungry and cold in winter. How do we take care of them? (we made feeders and feed them) Many birds fly to our feeder to rest and refresh themselves. What can you give the birds? (bread crumbs, berries, lard, buckwheat, millet, nuts, seeds).
- Look, I have prepared a treat for the birds, take each picture with a bird and put it on a saucer.
- Tell me, who fed which bird what? (I fed my titmouse lard, etc.).
– Children, who didn’t have enough treats? (Owl and woodpecker).
- And why?
(An owl is a bird of prey that eats rodents. A woodpecker feeds on insect larvae. They get their own food)
- How can you call bread crumbs, berries, seeds, millet, lard, nuts in one word? (Food, feed, food)
- Who is this food for? (For birds)
- Whose food is this? (Birdseed)
- Whose food is this? (Bird food)

Maintaining mental performance in the last part of the lesson using the game method.

9. D.I “Call me affectionately”

Now let's warm the wintering birds with kind words. An affectionate word is like the sun.
- bird - bird, birdie
- tit – titmouse
- sparrow – sparrow – little sparrow
- bullfinch - bullfinch, bullfinch, bullfinch
- dove - dove, dove
- check mark - check mark
- Well done! I hope that the birds heard our affectionate and kind words and will come to visit us more often.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Who were we talking about?
- Which tasks did you like most?
- Class is over, thank you.

Relieving emotional stress.


1. The book “How to introduce preschoolers to nature”, edited by P.G. Samorukova.

2. Book “Birds of Russia”. Compiled by L. L. Semago. M. Soviet Russia, 1992.

3. Rakhmanov A.I. “Birds are our friends”, M. Rosagropromizdat, 1989.

4. Guralchuk L. “Amazing Pages.” Magazine "Preschool Education".

No. 8 1995, pp. 28-30.

Leniza Nigamatullina Birds in winter they need care. So many birds dies not from cold, but from hunger. It is necessary to instill in children a caring attitude towards.

birds Target open lesson : Involve preschoolers in observing wintering birds of our region dies not from cold, but from hunger. It is necessary to instill in children a caring attitude towards, to form interest in cognitive and research activities, to cultivate a love for


and the desire to help them in winter conditions. Strengthen children's ideas about wintering birds of our region , their lifestyle through situational conversation "What do we know about;

birds Review the basic rules of behavior in nature, give an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the way of life of animals and birds in winter , promote respect for nature and compliance with measures to protect it through situational conversation, “How do our feathered friends live in winter?”;

"Nature's Complaint Book" Improve the ability to write descriptive stories through d/i;

"Guess by the description" Develop coherent speech through exercise;

“Tell me how you made the feeder” Strengthen the ability to classify« birds by trait» wintering-migratory « through d/i» ;

Wintering and migratory Develop cognitive and research activities through observations of;

birds in nature Develop children's creative abilities in conveying an image using gestures, facial expressions, and expressive speech through theatrical performances;

“How the forty crossbill judged” Develop the ability to build a composition of a drawing using plasticineography.;

"Bullfinches on the branches" "What do we know about;

Develop motor activity, attention, the ability to coordinate speech with movement through play activities "The Crow and the Sparrows", "Bullfinches";

To develop children's musical abilities by listening to the sounds of nature and voices in winter they need care. So many;

Create a favorable psychological climate during all events.

Educator: Hello guys! Today we have gathered to participate in the holiday wintering birds.

Many birds fly south,

Many we while away the winter.

Jackdaw, crow, bullfinch, sparrow.

Come on guys, remember them quickly!

I arrived at a warm village house.

The frost is bitter outside the window.

Just sat down to drink some tea -

I suddenly hear knocking on the glass tit:

Knock-knock! Yak feeder

I make from planks,

I'm sprinkling crumbs

“Have lunch,” I say.

And the tit does not look like tits,

Doesn't fight, treats others in winter they need care. So many.

Among the white doves

A nimble sparrow jumps,

Sparrow bird,

Gray shirt

Respond, sparrow.

Fly out, don't be shy!

On branches decorated with snow fringe.

Ruddy apples grew in winter. Apples on an apple tree scurry merrily. Ice cream caterpillars are pecking at apples.

Look, mom, look,

There are bullfinches outside the window. Blue, red.

The wings are satin. The blizzard hits the windows.

It's cold without the sun. So that they don't get bored.

So that they don't feel sad,

You can put toys in the feeders with crumbs!

(A. Govorov)

Difficult birds to spend the winter,

Necessary help the birds!

I asked you to cut it

spruce board,

I made it with my dad

Bird's canteen.

Educator: Well done! Now I invite you to play a game. I'll call in winter they need care. So many, but as soon as you hear another word, clap your hands. Be careful!

3. Game "We've arrived birds» :

1) Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, flies and swifts.

2) Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, macaroni.

3) Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, jackdaws, swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos.

4) Arrived birds: pigeons, martens, nuthatches, woodpeckers.

5) Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, swifts, magpies, sparrows, siskins, storks, cuckoos, swans, starlings. Well done to all of you, you were attentive.

4. Game « Wintering and migratory birds»

Educator: Let's check if we have any errors. Wintering birds - pigeon, tit, bullfinch, magpie. Migratory birds - rook, swallow, cuckoo, crane. (if you notice a mistake, correct it, explain)

Why do we have these in winter they need care. So many we call them migratory (children's answers)

Why do we have these we call birds wintering(children's answers)

5. Game "Guess the riddles". Guessing riddles.

Educator:I will tell you riddles, and if you guess right, answers will appear. Children guess riddles, then a laptop with pictures appears wintering birds(which the children guessed).

Teacher: That's right, bullfinch.

(Flies in "bullfinch"-child in a mask)

Educator: Who came to visit us? How did you guess? (children's answers)

Bullfinch: I heard you know a lot about us - wintering birds. It's hard for us in winter. If the winter is mild and warm, we will survive, but if the winter is fierce, it will be difficult for us. It’s not easy to get food under the snow, and it won’t take long for a hungry person to freeze. Here we are, reaching out birds, in winter, closer to the person’s home, we hope for his help and kindness.

Educator: Guys, how can we, people, help? birds in winter? (feed in winter they need care. So many, make feeders).

Educator: Dear bullfinch! Do you want the guys to read a poem about the bird's canteen? (A. Alexandrova "Dining room for in winter they need care. So many» .Child reading)

Bullfinch: Well done guys, thank you! But building a feeder is not easy. Do you know how to make a feeder for in winter they need care. So many?

Presentation of feeders.

Children tell how they made a feeder with their parents.

7. Game "Feed bird»

Bullfinch: But making a feeder is not enough, you need to know what kind of food you can put in in winter they need care. So many.

(on the table on saucers - seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, sweets, rowan berries)

Bullfinch: Remove unnecessary things birds won't eat. Before you are models indicating in winter they need care. So many.

Tell me which one bird enjoy eating bread crumbs? (select this model birds and place it next to the saucer)

Which the bird loves lard? (select this model birds and place it next to the saucer)

Which bird Does it eat rowan berries in winter? (select model)

Which bird feeds on the seeds of spruce and pine cones? (select model)

Educator: - Now listen to the riddle.

This wintering bird. Her head and wings are black. The tail is also black, but with a very beautiful greenish tint, long and straight as an arrow. And on the sides the feathers are completely white. Therefore this the bird was named white-sided. (Magpie)

Listen and see what happened to one crow.

8. Theatrical performance performed by children Develop children's creative abilities in conveying an image using gestures, facial expressions, and expressive speech through theatrical performances.

Teacher questions:

Did you like our lesson?

What did you like most?

What new did you learn about wintering birds?

What did you do with plasticine, what technique (plasticineography, all?

Did you succeed, what did you do?

Well done! Look at what bullfinches and feeders you have for the birds turned out. Just a sight for sore eyes!

Surprise moment! Look, the bullfinch left us some treats and thanked you for the feeders.

Distribution of treats.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson in the senior group on “Development of speech and familiarization with the outside world” Topic: “Wintering birds” Lesson summary topic: "Wintering birds." Goal: Develop and expand children's vocabulary, consolidate the name of wintering birds in speech, develop.

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the preparatory group “Wintering Birds” Summary of GCD on FEMP in the preparatory group “Wintering Birds”. Prepared by T.V. Vetoshkina, teacher of the MADOU MO, Nyagan D/s “Yolochka” NOD.

Topic: “Wintering Birds” Purpose: Compiling a descriptive story on the topic “Wintering Birds” based on a plan diagram. Tasks: - Expansion, clarification.

Notes on speech development in grade 3, type 8. Theme “Wintering birds: tit” Lesson type: combined lesson Topic: “Wintering birds: tit” Objectives: 1. Formation of the ability to program an oral statement; development.

Kobyakova Tamara Vasilievna

Teacher, MBDOU "Kurtukovsky kindergarten", Kemerovo region

Kobyakova T.V. Lesson summary on the topic “Wintering birds” // Owl. 2017. N3(9)..07.2019).

Order No. 31966

Educational objectives. Improving the skill of ordinal counting within ten. Development of ideas about connections and relationships between standing numbers: knowledge of the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within ten. Formation of the ability to count in twos. Develop the ability to solve a problem using mathematical symbols. Improving temporal representations. Improving the skills of orientation on a plane and in space, ideas about the change of seasons.

Developmental tasks. Development of mathematical thinking, speech activity, speech hearing, finger motor skills, coordination of speech with movements, finger motor skills.

Educational tasks. Fostering a positive attitude towards learning activities, cooperation skills, independence, and initiative.

Methodical techniques:

Gaming (use of surprise moments);

Visual (use of illustrations, handouts);

Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual

Encouragement, summing up

Equipment. Magnetic board, whatman paper with a painted rowan and bullfinches, whatman paper with a drawn birch tree, 30 planar images of tits, pictures for the game “Bird Year”, for each child, sheets of paper with examples, containers with numbers and mathematical signs, simple pencils according to the number of children, sets of colored pencils according to the number of children, tape recorder.

Preliminary work. Examination of slides depicting wintering and migratory birds. Learning poems, physical exercises “In the Winter Forest”, “Bullfinches”, finger gymnastics: “Birds”, “Bullfinches”, composing and solving problems in joint activities, writing numbers in notebooks, album sheets, solving puzzles.

Progress of organized educational activities

1. Organizational moment.

Creating a positive emotional background of GCD. Improving the skill of counting by ear.

1. Entering the day.

Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Please, children, stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Hold hands and give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, give them a smile.

Guys, when I was on my way to class, a magpie flew up to me and

she began to chatter: “I was in the forest today, I don’t understand anything, I can’t see the birds at all. Has trouble really come to the forest?

But you and I know why there are no birds in the forest now. Is it true?

Want to help a magpie?

You already know that there are people who study birds. Who remembers the name of this profession?

An ornithologist is a biologist who studies birds. He observes their behavior in the forest, city and zoo.

Want to play ornithologist?

Today, I am a senior ornithologist, and you are researchers.

Guys, who will we be today? - ornithologists.

Katya, who are we today?

Bogdan, who are we today?

Then let's go into the forest together and help Magpie figure it out and understand what is happening in the forest.

One, two, three, turn around and find yourself at the edge of the forest!

(Children turn around and find themselves at the edge of the forest).

Here we are in the forest.

How beautiful! Silence. What is this noise? What's all the fuss among the trees?

Guys, these are birds. But where are they?

And here is an unusual tree. (Children approach the tree on which "sitting" birds).

Look what a lively flock has settled on the tree.

The birds in this flock are different.

Let's get to know them better.

Name these birds. (Bullfinch, magpie, crow, tit, sparrow, woodpecker, crossbill, waxwing, pigeon, owl...

-How do we call all the birds in one word? (wintering birds)

-Now let the boys count the birds

-How many birds are there in total on the tree? 10 (ten)

- what kind of account is this - straight

And the girls will count backwards.

- Listen to the next task. A crow is larger than a dove, a dove is larger than a sparrow. In what order should the birds be placed according to their size?

- Children. You need to place the crow first, then the dove, and after that the sparrow.

- You completed the task correctly.

(I invite the children to go and sit at the tables).

Educator: you have a sheet of paper on your table, take it closer to you. And on your table there are birds, now we will place them on birch branches, and you listen carefully.

Place the tit on the top left branch. Sparrow on the lower right branch. Bullfinch on the middle branch. The crow is on the lower branch - the left one. Owl on the top right branch. Well done guys coped with the task.

Game "Birds are flying." Improving computing skills. ideas about connections and relationships between series of standing numbers: knowledge of the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within ten.

Children complete the task independently on sheets of paper on which doves are drawn carrying examples in their beaks:

Educator: Flying over us, the pigeons showed us these examples. To do this, you need to remember a series of numbers from one to ten, and insert the missing numbers into the examples, then color the pigeons.

Game "The bullfinches have arrived."

Development of ideas about connections and relationships between adjacent numbers: knowledge of the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within ten. Prevention of dyscalculation.

(I invite you to approach the flannelgraph, on which is attached a Whatman paper with an image of a rowan tree with bullfinches sitting on it).

Bullfinches have flown to us from the north; they are tired from the long journey and are resting on the branches of a rowan tree. They sit on branches in groups of three. You see that the birds sitting on the edges have numbers on their breasts, but the birds in the middle have no numbers. You need to remember the order of numbers from one to ten and insert the missing numbers.

After answering, children take turns going to the flannelgraph and writing in the corresponding number with a marker. The same explanations are given for all groups of numbers. The rest of the children complete tasks independently on pieces of paper.

Game "Tits on a Birch". Formation of the ability to read in twos.

(I place a flat image of two tits on the top branch of the tree.)

The nimble, cheerful tits have started a game, and they invite you and me to play it. How many tits are there on the top branch of a birch tree?

Children. There are two tits on the top branch of a birch tree.

Place two more tits on the branch below on the left than on the upper branch.

(The called child completes the task - puts four tits on a branch).

Children. There are four tits on this branch.

Place two more tits on the branch below on the right than on the branch on the left.

(The called child completes the task - puts six tits).

How many tits are there on this branch?

There are six tits on this branch.

Place two more sparrows on the branch below on the left than on the branch on the right.

How many tits are there on this branch?

There are eight tits on this branch.

Place two more tits on the lower branch on the right than on the branch on the left.

(The called child completes the task).

How many tits are there on this branch?

Children. There are ten tits on this branch.

How did we get each subsequent number in this game?

Children, we added the number “two” to the previous number.

Name the number of tits on the branches, in the order in which you planted them.

Children. Two, four, six, eight, ten.

Great! You counted by adding two to each previous number, that is, you counted in twos. You did very well!

Physical exercise “In the winter forest”

Early morning on the cannon Walking with high knees

We hung the feeder Palm-fist (hit) 4 times

For goldfinches and titmice, Wave your arms up and down (2 times).

And for all the hungry birds. Connect the thumb of the left and right hand with the other fingers (4 times).

You don't eat from the palm of your hand. Wag your index finger.

Grains, seeds and crumbs. Curling the fingers of the left hand using the index finger of the right hand.

Fly to the edge, wave your arms up and down.

A treat awaits in the feeder. Show the palms of both hands, slightly tilting the body forward.

Game "Bird Year". Improving understanding of the changing seasons. Updating the names of the winter months.

Children approach a table on which there are four multi-colored sectors of a circle and cards with images of birds.

The next game is called "Bird Year". You will listen to poems about birds and place the corresponding pictures on different sectors of the circle that represents the year. But first, assemble a circle of parts so as to correctly show the alternation of seasons, and name the seasons in order.

Children assemble a circle by connecting the light blue, light green, red and yellow sectors in order.

Children. Winter spring Summer Autumn.

Right. Now it's winter, remember the names of the winter months.

Children. December January February.

Right. Listen to the poems your friends have learned.

1st child

Here on the branches, look.

Bullfinches in red T-shirts.

Fluffed the feathers

Basking in the sun.

Children. On light blue.

Why do you place bullfinches on the light blue sector?

Children. This poem describes bullfinches that come to us in winter. (Children place the picture on the light blue sector).

Right. Now listen to an excerpt from the second poem.

2nd child.

Screams are heard in the distance

The cranes are flying away.

A flock is melting in the blue sky.

They fly away, they fly away...

Choose a picture for this poem. (Children complete the task).

Where should this picture be placed?

Children. We will place it on the yellow sector.

Explain your choice.

Children. The poem talks about cranes that fly away to warmer lands. So it's autumn.

It's right. Listen to the following poem.

3rd child.

In the trees of the forest -

Rook village.

As the wind begins -

The trees are all swaying.

The trees are swaying.

And the whole village is with them.

Choose a picture for this poem.

- (Children complete the task).

Which sector will you place this picture in?

Children. We placed it on light green.

Why did you place this picture on the light green sector?

Children. This poem talks about rooks that flew from warm countries and built nests. And this only happens in the spring.

Right. Listen to the last poem.

4th child.

Swifts are circling over the river...

The hot air trembles so much

That the sun sways in it,

That the sun bathes in it.

Choose a picture.

(Children do the picture).

Why does this particular picture fit the poem you just read?

Children. This picture shows swifts circling in the hot air.

Which sector will you place the picture on?

Children. We'll put it on the red sector.

Why did you put the picture with swifts on the red sector?

Children. The red sector represents summer.

Well done! You have mastered a new and difficult game.


What did you learn today?

Children. Today we inserted missing numbers into a series, counted by twos, inserted missing numbers into examples, learned to compose and solve a problem, played the game “Bird Year”.

You were attentive and smart. I can be proud of you, you are real scientists - ornithologists, you know a lot about birds.


  1. Vasilyeva M.A. From birth to school: a program of education and training in kindergarten. M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2012.
  2. Pozina V.A. Pomoraeva I.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2013.

Alena Podoskina
Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group “Winter. Wintering birds"

Summary of speech therapy classes in the senior group.

Topic: “Winter. Wintering birds."


Correctional and educational:

Expansion and activation of vocabulary on the lexical topics “Winter” and “Wintering Birds”;

Enrichment of vocabulary with adjectives;

Development of coherent speech

Corrective and developmental:

Development of gross and fine motor skills through play exercises;

Development of attention and memory;

Correctional and educational:

Fostering respect for nature


Interactive whiteboard with a set of teaching materials;

Bird food: lard, millet, seeds, grain, bread, fir cones, dried rowan fruits;


An outline for writing a descriptive story about birds;

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Children, listen to the riddle:

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I'll throw silver on your roof

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard.

Working with words.

Children, let's look at the screen and talk about winter. What is she like? What is her character like? (Snowy, frosty, fluffy, white, cold, warm, blizzard, harsh, beautiful)

Children, you said that winter is snowy. Why? (Because it snowed a lot)

What kind of snow? (Sticky, white, shiny, wet, cold)

What word can you affectionately call winter? (Zimushka)

Yes, children, winter is a beautiful time of year, but also very difficult and harsh, especially for birds. What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? (Wintering)

Working on the text.

Children, now I will tell you riddles about wintering birds, and we will tell you what we know about them, listen to their voices.

Wears a gray vest

But the wings are black,

Do you see twenty couples circling?

And they shout - carr, carr, carr. (Crow)

Let's talk about the raven.

Flies all night, catches mice,

And when it becomes light, he will go to sleep in the hollow. (Owl)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch)

The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird,

The bird is talkative, the most talkative. (Magpie)

Who is wearing a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket,

He doesn't look at me

Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking. (Woodpecker)

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

Well, this is a bird of peace,

Only soared in the skies,

She quickly descended to our feet,

Walks the road boldly

And he's only afraid of cats,

We give her seeds and crumbs.

The bird is with us all year round,

Sings with cooing sounds. (Pigeon)

Development of general motor skills.

Phys. Just a minute.

Well, the birds have flown (running, waving their arms)

We flew and crouched down (crouched down)

Pecked the grains (nose up - down)

Played in the pole (spinning)

Drank some water (nose up and down)

Feathers washed (hands on waist, moving elbows)

Looked to the sides (looked to the sides)

They flew away (waving their arms, running away)

Development of visual perception, visual memory.

We listened to stories about birds, and now I want to see how attentive you were, how carefully you listened to each other.

Do you like computer games? We will play the game “The most attentive” (the third wheel).

You will see three pictures on the screen. You will have to determine which item does not fit with the others.

Development of fine motor skills.

Wintering birds fly to our site in the kindergarten. Which?

Let us treat our guests. I prepared food for them: lard, millet, seeds, grain, bread crumbs, cones, dry rowan.

You and I will take this food to the site, to our feeders. But it was only when I was preparing food for the birds that my beads accidentally broke. And the beads tore and the beads mixed with the grains. What can happen to the birds if they peck the beads?

Let's help the birds, clear the beads from the food. But our work is difficult and we will first stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

How many birds flew to our feeder (children clench and unclench the fingers of both hands)

We'll tell you (rubs palm against palm)

Crow, tit, sparrow, dove and magpie, woodpecker in motley feathers

(put your fingers together in a pinch and knock on the table)

Everyone had enough grains (they tap their fingers on the table).

The grain has been cleared of beads, let's go for a walk and take the food to the feeder for our guests.

7. Summary.

Early in the morning at the edge of the forest

We hung a feeder

For magpies and titmice

And for all the hungry birds.

You don't eat from the palm of your hand

Grains, seeds and crumbs

Fly to the edge,

A treat awaits in the feeder.

(First year of study)

Correctional educational goals: Clarify and expand the understanding of wintering birds and their structure. Form the concept of wintering birds.

Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, and compose sentences.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form high-quality adjectives, plural nouns, and improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, fine and gross motor skills, breathing and correct speech exhalation, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, nurturing a love of nature.

Equipment: nabstract canvas, pictures depicting wintering birds, a ball, colored pencils, notebooks, a model of a tree, birds made of cardboard, a plot painting “Birds at the feeder.”

1. Organizational moment

The speech therapist meets the children and invites each one to take one subject picture.

– Look at the pictures and name them.

– How can you call these pictures in one word? Who is this?

2. Introduction to the topic

- Right.

– What are the names of birds that stay for the winter?

– Who guessed what we will talk about in class?

– Today we’ll talk about wintering birds. Look at the pictures and name the birds.

3. Looking at pictures

puts on a typesetting canvas pictures of wintering birds: dove, tit, sparrow, crow, woodpecker, bullfinch.

– Of course, you know that with the onset of cold weather, many birds fly south. But not all of them, there are also those who do not fly away, but live with us all year round (crow, dove, sparrow).

– And there are also those who come to us only to spend the winter (tits, bullfinches).

– Bullfinches are called that because they come to us with the first snow. The bullfinch has a red chest, a bluish-gray back and a black head and wings.

– Tits have yellow breasts, and black heads and wings.

- Tell me about the crow. What is she like? (big, black, important, cunning).

– This bird is familiar to you. Who is this? Tell me about the sparrow.

-What is he like? (small, grey, nimble, fast).

– This bird can be found in the forest. This is a woodpecker.

He often knocks on wood, but do you know why he does this?

– The woodpecker heals trees by extracting harmful bugs from under the bark.

– You can tell me about this bird yourself. Who is this? What is he like?

(The dove is large, gray, cooing.)

-What kind of birds are these?

- Why are they called that?

4. Finger exercise "Woodpecker"

- It's time to play with your fingers.

I'm knocking on wood Open palm - wood, index finger
I want to get a worm other hand - woodpecker beak. For every line
Even though he hid under the bark, four finger strikes on the palm.
It will still be mine.

5 . Exercise “Hide the syllables in your palms”

– Let’s all pronounce clearly and clap the words together:

Tit, bullfinch, crow, pigeon.

- Now say these words in turn, slapping him.

Children complete the task one by one, naming how many syllables there are in these words.

6. Game “Which bird is gone?”

On the board there are four to five pictures depicting wintering birds. The speech therapist, unnoticed by the children, removes one picture and asks:

-Which bird is missing?

7. Exercise “Call me kindly” (with a ball)

– Now let’s play the ball game “Name it kindly.”

Bullfinch, tit, pigeon, sparrow

8. Making proposals based on the painting

- Guys, look carefully at the picture and try to say in a complete sentence what is depicted on it.

– What is the name of the house with bird food?

– Who do you think made and hung the feeder?

– What birds flew to the feeder?

- How many birds have arrived?

– What do titmouses eat?

– What birds fly away?

– Why is it necessary to help birds in winter?

9. Exercise “What kind of birds are there in a tree?”

The speech therapist attaches a model of a tree to the carpet and attaches different birds to it.

– You came up with very good proposals based on the picture, and now look – many birds have flown to the tree.

Let's say this about them:

There are a lot of... tits on the tree.
There are a lot of... woodpeckers on the tree.
There are a lot of... crows on the tree.

There are a lot of... bullfinches on the tree.

10. Exercise “Count it”

- Now let's count the birds that are sitting on the tree.

One bullfinch, two bullfinches, three bullfinches, four bullfinches, five bullfinches.

(Sparrow, tit).

11 . Work in notebooks

Children trace the dots of the bullfinch and color the picture.

12. Summary of the lesson

– Remember what we talked about in class?

– What did we do in class?

– What did you like?

Assessment of children.

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