A lesson in courage for Victory Day. A lesson in courage "Dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War" A lesson in courage this Victory Day

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Explanatory note

Lesson of Courage

Dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Goal: education of patriotism, love for one’s Motherland, Fatherland.

Objectives: to reveal to children the meaning of celebrating Victory Day, to show that the Great Patriotic War was a war of liberation, to help cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for one’s Fatherland using the examples of participants in the Great Patriotic War, to help cultivate in children respect for everyone who defended the Motherland from fascism.

Scope: Lesson of Courage.

Forms and methods of implementation: lesson and presentation.

Age groups: 8-10 years.

Expected results: intensification of student education in the field of patriotic education of children and youth.

For you who are not yet 16...
To everyone who doesn’t yet know what war is...
To be remembered...
To understand...

Even then we were not in the world,
When fireworks thundered from one end to another,
Soldiers, you gave to the planet
Great May, victorious May! (Slide No. 1)

Presenter: Today we are holding a holiday dedicated to the significant date of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

We have invited guests of honor to our holiday: your grandparents who survived this war.

The floor is given to V.S. Nikulichev. (Slides No. 2-12)

The country was blooming. But the enemy is around the corner
He carried out a raid and went to war against us.
At that terrible hour;
Becoming a wall of steel,
All the youth took up arms,
To defend our native Fatherland.

Presenter: On June 22, 1941, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes.

A recording of the song “Holy War” is playing.

Forty-first! June.
A year and a month of national struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And she went to the front in company,
Red stars
Carrying away banners on canvases.

Presenter: The Red Army bravely met the enemy. But the forces were unequal. The enemy was cruel. Our troops suffered huge and unjustified losses. Our entire people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders. Both old and young went to the front, straight from school. “Everything for the front, everything for victory” - the motto sounded everywhere.

One of the first battles of the war took place at the border Brest Fortress. The defenders of the Brest Fortress fought continuous battles for about a month. (Slide No. 13)

Near Brest
Who didn't get carried away!
They came here with steel lava,
But the enemies were hurt
O our birch bark city.
The Motherland met bad weather
By fire, sword or bayonet,
So that in the river Orlov and swastika
Scrap metal rusted and rotted.

Host: And then came the most formidable and difficult days of the war. On October 13, 1941, fierce battles began near Moscow. On November 7, a military parade took place on snow-covered Red Square, from which soldiers went straight to the front to defend Moscow. Hitler was unpleasantly surprised by this. He urgently ordered his aircraft to bomb Red Square, but German planes were unable to break through to Moscow. After capturing Moscow, Hitler wanted to blow it up and flood it. These plans were not destined to come true. On December 6, 1941, the offensive of our troops began. The enemy was driven back 100-250 km from Moscow. (Slide No. 14-15)

Student .

Nara River, Nara River,
Not long, not wide,
But when it is necessary -
Impregnable river.
Here on this river Nara
Into the ground, into the sky, into the fire, into the ice
Vros international
Untrained people.
And, as if next door,
Protecting the human race,
Took your last
And a decisive fight.
The bayonet broke from the blow...
Bloody fist...
He will not offend Naru,
This guy is Siberian.
Here is a Lezgin crawling with a grenade,
Black snow, grabbing with its mouth:
Here, by this river Nara,
He protects his home.
And war is not a fairy tale
Happy sugary ending!
Here is a Bashkir tenth grader
I fell face first into the Russian snow.
There is frost on my mustache,
The pain in the eyes hardened:
Then in the snow near the Nara River
The Zaporozhye Cossack fell.
We know it’s not in vain
A handful of guys fell
What's in the mass grave now?
BROTHERLY - do you hear?! - are lying.
For the country near the Nara river
folded their heads,
They gave everything, everything they needed...
But it was necessary - life.

Presenter: Leningrad, under siege, bravely held on - despite the fact that the most terrible winter of the siege was 1941-42. Hundreds of thousands of peaceful Leningraders died from hunger and cold. (Slide No. 16-17

How long ago, having passed through the plains and swamps,
An angry enemy was breaking into him
And about his cast iron gate
Broke his armored fist.
Having defended my city at the cost of troubles,
The Leningraders did not surrender Leningrad, -
And we, who have known fire and hunger,
Invincible in their city,
And don't break the gates to this city
Not by hunger, not by steel, not by fire.

Presenter: In the summer of 1942, German units began attacking Stalingrad. For several months, selected Wehrmacht units stormed the city. Stalingrad was turned into ruins, but the Soviet soldiers who fought for every house survived and went on the offensive. In the winter of 1942-1943, 22 German divisions were surrounded. The war has reached a turning point. (Slide No. 18)

Here the order of courage is worn on the chest of the earth,
No wonder this chest was torn by a shell,
Life fought with death,
And the enemies found death,
And life won in the battles of Stalingrad.

(Slide No. 19-24)

Host: And in the rear there were women, old people, children. They faced many trials. They dug trenches, stood at machine tools, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard. And the long-awaited news, “triangles”, flew from the front, since letters during the war were sent without envelopes - the paper was folded so that there was a letter inside, and the address was written on the outside. (Slide No. 25-26)

The song “Dugout” sounds quietly. Three boys portray fighters at a rest stop, writing “letters”. On the screen are documentary photographs of soldiers writing letters.
Don't remember me in tears,
Leave your worries and worries.
The path is not close, the native land is far away,

But I will return to the familiar threshold!
My love is still with you
The Motherland is with you, you are not alone, dear.
You are visible to me when I go into battle,

Defending your great happiness.

The boys fold the letters into triangles and leave.

Presenter: Songs created in those terrible years helped our people to fight and defeat the enemy. From the first days of the war, dozens of new songs appeared, most of which immediately “went” to the front. The songs spread very quickly, flew across the front line, penetrated deep behind enemy lines, into partisan detachments.

A group of children perform a medley of wartime songs.

On the screen are documentary photographs of the war years.
Apple and pear trees bloomed,
Fogs floated over the river,
Katyusha came ashore,
On a high bank, on a steep one.
The grove under the mountain was smoking,
And the sunset burned with her...
There were only three of us left
Out of eighteen guys.
There are so many of them, good friends,
Left to lie in the dark
Near an unfamiliar village
At an unnamed height.
Eh, roads... Dust and fog,
Cold, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
Is it snowing in the wind?
Let's remember, friends...
These are dear to us

Host: During the war, not only adults, but also children stood up to fight the fascists. Our country remembers the names of pioneers - heroes. (Slide No. 27-28)

Glory to the pioneer heroes,
To the sons of regiments, young scouts,
To the Defenders of the Russian Land
In our memory today and forever,
They are all alive, all, all, all!

Children talk about some pioneer heroes. (Slide No. 29-32)

Presenter: May Day 1945. Acquaintances and strangers hugged each other, gave flowers, sang and danced right in the streets. It seemed that for the first time millions of adults and children raised their eyes to the sun, for the first time they enjoyed the colors, sounds, and smells of life!

It was a common holiday for all our people, all humanity. It was a holiday for every person. Because victory over fascism signified victory over death, reason over madness, happiness over suffering. 1418 days separated May 9, 1945. dated June 22, 1941 (Slide No. 33-39)

Student: In many cities there are Tombs of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame burns, we lay flowers at them. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten! (Slide No. 40-44) Music from the movie “Officers” sounds

Your name is unknown, soldier!
Were you a father, or a son, or a brother?
Your names were Ivan and Vasily...
You gave your life to save Russia.

Your feat, soldier, has not been forgotten by us -
The eternal flame burns on the grave,
The fireworks stars are flying into the sky,
We remember you, Unknown Soldier!

Amber sunrises and sunsets,
And the whiteness of the snow and the greenness of the grass.
The soldiers saved all this for us,
Having defeated the enemy and trampled death with death.

We will greet the new morning with a smile
And let's not forget at this early hour,
That children can smile at the sun
Only because we are strong now.

We dream, we learn, we build
In the vastness of a peaceful land,
Because fighters are heroes
The planet was saved from fire.

Never forget, believe me,
As in the name of the bright dawn
We went to death, but entered immortality
Our miracle heroes.

Under the victorious banner
We went to battle for our native people
And from Moscow they reached the walls of the Reichstag...
Eternal glory to the heroes!
Eternal glory!

Let's remember everyone by name,
Let us remember with our grief...
It's not the dead who need it,
The living need this!
For a great victory
Glory to both fathers and grandfathers!
Victory! Victory!

In the name of the Fatherland - Victory!
In the name of the living - Victory!
In the name of the future - Victory!

We are the children of a free and peaceful country,
Our great people do not want war!
And our mothers and our fathers -
Fighters for peace, for freedom, for happiness!

We are studying in school,
Growing poplars
We love hiking in forests and fields.

Any path in life is open to us,
We want a calm sky
We are growing! Children sing the song “May there always be sunshine!”

This is a song about sunshine
This is a song about the sun in the chest,
This is a song about a young planet,
Which has everything ahead!

All children on the planet want peace!
Children of Vietnam and children of Algeria!
Children of Iraq, children of Hellas,

We all say: “There is no need for war!”
Let laughter be heard instead of crying -
There is enough sun and joy for everyone.

Presenter: We, the generation of the 21st century, value the future of the planet. Our task is to preserve peace, so that the people of the earth meet not on the battlefield, but in work, on the roads of peace and brotherhood.

May the years pass peacefully
Let there never be war!

I ask everyone to stand up! Minute of silence

As long as hearts
They are knocking -
At a price
Happiness is won -
Your song
Sending you flying -
About those,
Who will never again
He won’t sing, -
To my children
Tell us about them
So that
For children
Tell us about them -
To also
At all times
Trembling spring
People of the earth
People of the earth"
Carry your dream
Years later
And life
Fill it up!
But about those
Who won't come anymore
Never, -
I conjure

Children congratulate veterans and give souvenirs.


  1. Last call: Newspaper for organizers of extracurricular activities. 2003. No. 1.
  2. Last call: Newspaper for organizers of extracurricular activities. 2005. No. 9.
  3. Last call: Newspaper for organizers of extracurricular activities. 2006. No. 1.
  4. “Dead heroes speak.” Moscow Publishing House of Political Literature - 1990
  5. Nekrasova N.N. Wars are sacred pages forever in human memory - Class teacher: Magazine.
  6. 2004.No.8.
  7. Paramonova S.A., Zaitseva T.V. Siege Leningrad: Literary and historical composition - Teaching history and social studies at school: Journal.2004.No.9.
  8. From the Kremlin to the Reichstag: CD-ROM.

Festival of Pedagogical Ideas – Internet Resources.

Presentation for students in grades 1-2. Children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War
Contains a brief biography of pioneer heroes: Vali Kotik, Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova. Can be used in class and for extracurricular activities. Target:
expanding schoolchildren’s knowledge about the Second World War through stories about pioneer heroes, children of the war;
- cultivate respect for the feat of the native people; love to motherland;
- to form an idea of ​​courage and responsibility;
- develop cognitive activity; awaken patriotic feelings. Equipment:

laptop, projector, books about child heroes.

Progress of the lesson:
1 slide

2 slide

3 slide
We are children of peacetime,
We don't know the word "war".
But we remember our grandfather’s victories
And we inherit their courage.
Thanks to the grandfathers for the ray of sunshine,
That bullets don't whistle overhead,
That we do not lose our fathers in battles...

4 slide

- What is courage?
Courage is courage, presence of mind in danger. Courage is a moral quality of a person, expressed in the ability to act decisively in a dangerous situation. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended their Motherland without sparing themselves, their lives, and not for the sake of awards. All their thoughts were aimed at winning. In the difficult situation of war, hungry, tired, wounded, they did not think about themselves.
5 slide

There are wars on earth. Even now, when we live under a peaceful sky, somewhere there is a war and people are dying. And on our native land there have been battles more than once.
6 slide

The terrible war against the fascist invaders, the victory of which we celebrate every year on May 9, lasted almost 48 months (4 years). Children also participated in the war along with adults. We call them children-heroes, pioneer-heroes. They accomplished a feat, showed courage and courage in the struggle for the liberation of the Motherland. Before the war, these were ordinary guys who raised pigeons, flew a kite, played pranks, and helped adults. But suddenly the war began...

7 slide

When the war began, Valya was 10 years old. Together with his friends, he decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the battle site, which they then transported to the partisan detachment on a cart of hay.
When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Victor, went to join the partisans. The boy, who at that time had just turned fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, liberating his native land. He is responsible for six enemy trains blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War,” 2nd degree.
Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously awarded him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. There is a monument erected in front of the school where he studied.

8 slide

In the fall of 1941, Marat was supposed to go to fifth grade, but the Nazis burst into the village where he lived and turned the school building into their barracks. Marat's mother was hanged for helping the partisans. Together with his sister Ada, the boy went to the partisans in the forest and became a scout. He penetrated enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command. Participated in battles, mined the railway.
For courage and courage he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit.”
Marat died in battle. He fought until the last bullet, and when only one grenade remained, he let the enemies get closer and blew himself up along with them. For courage and bravery, Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

Slide 9

The war found her in the village where Zina came for vacation (not far from Obol station). An underground organization “Young Avengers” was created in Obol, and the girl was accepted as a member of the committee. On instructions from the partisans, she posted leaflets, learned to shoot accurately, went on reconnaissance missions, got a job in a canteen, and poisoned a group of fascists.
Zina was betrayed by a traitor. She was tortured for a long time, but she remained silent. During one of the interrogations, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and fired at point-blank range at a Gestapo man, killing another who came running to the fascist’s shots. I tried to escape, but to no avail. The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained steadfast and courageous.
For her feat, Zina Portnova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

10 slide

Mothers do not give birth to children for war:
For a peaceful life, for great achievements,
For happiness, for love, for adventure,
For peace in the world, mothers give birth to children.
We will preserve the memory of the great victories.
Let's not forget about the courage of our great-grandfathers,
We will protect peace and happiness
Our native land, where our mothers raised us.
Throughout life we ​​will carry a loud slogan:
“We need peace on the entire big planet!”
Let all children live under a peaceful sky,
Let their mothers rejoice in their successes.

Memory lesson “Letters from the front” (grades 7-8)

The script is intended for teachers of educational institutions, additional education for preparing and conducting extra-curricular activities dedicated to the celebration of the Great Victory.
Veshnikova E. V., teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Yuzhno-Alexandrovskaya Secondary School No. 5”.
Target– the formation of holistic ideas among students about the courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers who fought on the fields of the Second World War; instilling patriotism and respect for older people.
expanding schoolchildren’s knowledge about the Second World War through stories about pioneer heroes, children of the war;
* show the role of masculinity, moral fortitude, sense of duty and responsibility of Soviet people during the Second World War to society;
* contribute to the formation of a positive moral assessment of the feat in the name of the Motherland.
- develop cognitive activity; awaken patriotic feelings. PC, computer presentation.

During the classes

Presenter 1: May 9 is approaching - the Great Victory Day. Soon we will hear songs of the war years, see St. George's ribbons, and festive fireworks in the squares. There is probably not a family in Russia that was not scorched by the fire of the Great Patriotic War. More than 27 million people died on the battlefields, thousands of people were left homeless. Many lost relatives and friends in that war, but they still found the strength to live on.
Presenter 2: Our lesson is dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders in 1945-45. Let us remember the dramatic and heroic events of this difficult ordeal, which led Soviet soldiers to the Great Victory.
Teacher: Our lesson is called “Letters from the Front.” Guys, what words do you associate with this concept and why?
Students answer the teacher's question.
Presenter 1 reads a poem by S. Shchipachev:
-It seemed that the flowers were cold,
and they faded slightly from the dew.
The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes,
searched through German binoculars.

A flower, covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,
and the border guard extended his hands to them.
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment
they climbed into the tanks and closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,
it seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
only about five minutes left! (slide 2).
Teacher: On June 22, 1941, at dawn, without declaring war, violating the Non-Aggression Pact, German troops attacked Soviet soil with all their might. A war began that lasted 1418 days and nights - almost 4 tragic and at the same time heroic years (slide 3).
Presenter 1: For the campaign to the East, Hitler’s command developed a strategic plan, which was called the “Barbarossa” plan (slide 4).
Presenter 2: The whole country rose to defend its Motherland. And already 2 days after the start of the war, on June 24, 1941, simultaneously in the newspapers “Izvestia” and “Krasnaya Zvezda” the poems of the poet V.I. Lebedev-Kumach “The Holy War” were published. Immediately after the publication of the poem, composer A. V. Alexandrov wrote music for it.
-Get up, huge country,
Stand up for mortal combat
With fascist dark power,
With the damned horde!
May the rage be noble
Boils like a wave -
There is a people's war going on,
Holy war! (slide 5-7).
An excerpt from the song “Holy War” by V. Lebedev-Kumach and A.V. Alexandrov is played.
Presenter 1: The surprise and power of the German occupiers, the numerical superiority of the enemy allowed him to advance deep into Soviet soil in the summer and autumn of 1941. Occupying Soviet territories, the enemies brought tears, ruin and death all around.
Stubborn battles between the Red Army and the enemy took place near Smolensk, Leningrad, Kiev, and Odessa (slide 8).
Presenter 1: In the hot days of the summer of 1942, Order No. 227 of the People's Commissar of Defense of the country was promulgated, which received the name “Not a Step Back” among the soldiers (slide 9)…
...And when they had a free minute, the soldiers wrote letters home...
Teacher: Together with the Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Ossetians, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Georgians, Uzbeks fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and in the deep underground... The partisan movement was also large-scale (slide 10).
Presenter 1 reads S. Shchipachev’s poem “Lenin”:
-From bronze Lenin. Poplars in the dust.
The ruins of a burnt quarter.
Enemies entered the Soviet town
And the statue was toppled from its pedestal.
The dandy colonel was noticeably happy,
Why did he finish the monument so quickly?

And the camera clicked for a long time
Helpful photojournalist.
The Colonel slept soundly that night,
And at dawn he trembled with fear:
As before, the monument stood in the garden,
Raised from the dust by an invisible force.
The Nazis suddenly began to fuss.
Some shadows flashed in the ruins:
Then the partisans, closing the circle,
They went to the enemy. And Lenin led them (slide 11).
Teacher: Having withstood 2 terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union in 1943 managed to achieve a radical turning point in its course. A radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War began at Stalingrad, and after the Battle of Kursk ended (slide 12).
Presenter 2: But a terrible wave of Fire was still rolling across the country...
Reads the poem “Bread of 41”:
-He was told to:
- Set the field on fire.
- I can not! –
They told him: - Burn!...
...There is a lump of bitterness in my soul and throat,
He stood confused in the middle of the field,
Clutching a box of matches in my hand,
To the point of crunch, to unconsciousness, to pain.
He plowed this field in the spring.
I knew all the ridges and hills on it,
I was resting under that willow tree at noon:
And I even had a dream about cleaning.
And she waved, almost to her shoulders,
Wheat hasn't been like this for a long time.
Lips whispered: “Burn!”
Well, how can you burn something like that?”
And the heart did not want to obey.
What day is it already a bucket,
Just right
Now go through the plot with the mower.
Growling, releasing poisonous gas,
Tanks were crawling out from behind the mound.
Dusty armor flickered dimly
And the guns in the distance looked surprised.
A shaft of fire rolls towards them.
The field burned bitterly, frantically.
The daylight has already dimmed from the smoke,
Even the rangefinder glasses were blinded
Suddenly out of the fire, almost completely burned,
A man stepped towards the tank.
The engine stalled as if it was numb
And the man, tearing the flame from his face,
Flashed in the mug
Like a raised banner, and a torch remained on the armor.
...And if we accidentally buy bread somewhere
Suddenly we offend, than I reproach myself,
Let me and you
It will smell bitterly of bread,
Burnt on the vine in '41 (slide 13).
Presenter 1: Children and women fought alongside men for Victory... But the fierce enemy did not spare them either... Concentration camps - Auschwitz, Ravensbrück, Buchenwald - became instruments for the mass extermination of prisoners...
Presenter 2 reads an excerpt from A. Sobolev’s work “Buchenwald Alarm”:
People of the world, stand up for a minute!
Listen, listen:
It's buzzing from all sides -
This is heard in Buchenwald
Bell ringing
Bell ringing (slide 14-15).
Presenter 1: By the end of 1943, Soviet troops liberated almost half of the territories occupied by the enemy. Today we know not only from archival documents, but also from surviving letters from the front.
Reads an excerpt from B. Okudzhava’s work “We will not stand behind the price”:
-The birds don't sing here,
trees don't grow
and only we are shoulder to shoulder
We're growing into the ground here.
The planet is burning and spinning,
there is smoke over our homeland,
and that means we need one victory,
one for all - we won’t stand behind the price (slide 16-19).
An excerpt from B. Okudzhav’s song “We will not stand behind the price” is played.
Presenter 2: Battles and more battles... But when a free moment appeared, every soldier tried to write a letter, send news from the front to his family and friends. Since there were not enough envelopes, triangle letters were sent from the front. We sent the long-awaited triangles for free. The triangle is an ordinary notebook sheet, which was first folded to the right, then from left to right. The remaining strip of paper was inserted inside the triangle (slide 20).
September 28, 1944
Hello dear mom!
I send you my warm Red Army greetings and inform you that I am alive and well, and I wish the same for you. I feel even better than before the injury. I was wounded, as I already wrote to you, in the lower back. In the gap between Orsha and Vitebsk. He was in the hospital in the town of Yartsevo, Smolensk region. Mom, I haven’t received the money you sent me yet. Of course, there is an opportunity to take a photo, but there is no money. Mom, write in more detail what’s wrong with Nikolai Borisovich. Well, while I’m finishing writing, I’m left with your son Victor. Hello to all family and friends. Victor
(slide 21).
Presenter 1: Letter from radiotelegraph operator A.V. Kolbatova to her family.
December 12, 1944
Happy New Year 1945!
Hello, my dears - Mommy, Lydia and Tamara. I kiss you warmly countless times and wish you good health. Yes, New Year is coming soon. What will it be like? Of course, without a doubt, the year of the final victory over the damned enemy. After all, it’s very close to Berlin.
Mommy, dear, don’t lose heart, I’ll be back soon and we’ll definitely meet again! Darling, don’t worry about me, because everything is fine with me, I still live well. Well, as soon as the war is over, I will prepare the ground for you to have a cheerful groom, but certainly a cheerful one! Write as soon as you have free time. Write about everything, about your life and the life of your hometown. How Tamarochka studies and works. Hello to all my friends and family, I kiss you deeply, deeply, countless times.
(slide 22).
Presenter 2: But even from the Gestapo dungeons, at the cost of their lives, people sometimes managed to send a message. Letter from A.I. Svershnikova from a Gestapo prison.
May 1944 Dear friends!
Thank you for your attention and for your courage. You just inspire me a little. The soul is full, there is no more hope for life. It’s in vain that you worried so much about passing me food. Don’t, don’t rack your brains about it, the last thing I think about right now is my stomach, I’ve been ordered to remain silent. Now is not the time for him to make his demands.
Most importantly, thank you for the short summary from the Information Bureau. Although you make me feel a little bit that I am not completely cut off from the world, and this is the only way I now support my little existence...
I don’t have much to write to you, since I am a person cut off from all the bustle of the world, and even from the bustle of prison. During my entire stay I never went for a walk. I really want to bask in the sun, but at times I completely freeze.
For your valor and courage, I am sending you a couple of my works - a bookmark. And I’m writing a poem as a keepsake:
Comrade, believe! She will come, It's time for captivating happiness. And on the ruins of autocracy They will write our names. Heavy shackles will fall, Prisons will collapse, and Freedom will greet us joyfully at the entrance, And our brothers will humbly bow their heads
(slide 23).
Presenter 1: And these are the lines from a letter from Mikhail Martov on May 9, 1945, addressed to his wife: “Dear Tamara! I didn't sleep all night. They fired from all types of weapons. Here it is, victory! What we have been dreaming about all these years has come true... We are now in East Prussia. It’s beautiful here, it’s spring.”
Artilleryman Nikolai Evseev told his relatives in the village of Novocherkasskoye: “On May 9, I was returning from Vienna with my colleagues, but my car broke down on the way. Everyone got out of it. We hear shots being fired somewhere up. A line appeared across the sky, then a second one... Then it became clear to everyone - this is the end of the war!”(slide 24).
Presenter 2: On May 1, 1945, the Victory Banner was erected above the Reichstag building. On May 7, 1945, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed. The long-awaited Victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 has arrived (slide 25).
Presenter 1: The Great Patriotic War was the most brutal, the most difficult of all wars on Earth. But it showed that the spirit of the Soviet people cannot be broken, and that people will defend the world to the end, even at the cost of their own lives (slide 26).
Teacher reads an excerpt from E. Yevtushenko’s poem “Do Russians want war?”:
Do Russians want war?
You ask the silence
Over the expanse of arable land and fields,
And among birches and poplars.
You ask those soldiers
What lies under the birches,
And their sons will answer you -
Do the Russians want
Do the Russians want
Do the Russians want war? (slide 27)

Lesson of courage “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!”

Contains a brief biography of pioneer heroes: Vali Kotik, Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova. Can be used in class and for extracurricular activities. Expand children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.Foster a sense of pride and respect for the past of your Fatherland;To promote respect for people of the older generation, the desire to learn more about the lives of people during the war, about children who survived the horrors of war, people on the home front using examples of local history;expanding schoolchildren’s knowledge about the Second World War through stories about pioneer heroes, children of the war; Develop moral feelings of empathy, feelings of gratitude;Foster a sense of patriotism and respect for older people;cultivate a caring attitude towards the traditions of your people.Decor : the classroom is elegantly decorated with balloons, children’s drawings “We are for peace on the entire planet”, stands with photographs of participants in the war who returned home, people-heroes of the home front.

Leading : There are events that are quickly erased from people’s memories and become the property of archives. But there are events whose significance not only does not decrease with time, but, on the contrary, with each new decade they acquire special significance and become immortal. These include the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

More than 70 years have passed since that victorious spring: we rejoice at peace on earth, we grieve for the dead. We will never forget the courage of the soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of the Soviet Motherland. The memory of the victims will be eternal! But each of us will shudder when we hear again for the first time those terrible phrases that strike right in the heart: “Attention! Attention! Moscow speaks. We are conveying an important government message. Citizens and women of the Soviet Union! Today, June 22, 1941 at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union."The song "Holy War" is playing music A. Alexandrova, words: V. Lebedev-Kumacha

Get up, huge country,
Stand up for mortal combat
With fascist dark power,
With the damned horde!


May the rage be noble
Boils like a wave -
There is a people's war going on,
Holy war!

Let's fight back the stranglers
All fiery ideas,
Rapists, robbers,
To torture people.

Black wings dare not
Fly over the Motherland,
Its fields are spacious
The enemy does not dare to trample!

Get up, huge country,
Stand up for mortal combat
With fascist dark power,
With the damned horde!

May the rage be noble
Boils like a wave -
There is a people's war going on,
Holy war!

1 reader:

War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War – there is no holier word.

In the melancholy and glory of these years,

And on our lips there is something else

It can't be yet and no.

Reader 2:

Wherever you go or go,

But stop here.

To the grave this way

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are - fisherman, miner,

Scientist or shepherd, -

Remember forever: here lies

Your very best friend.

For both you and me

He did everything he could:

He did not spare himself in battle,

And he saved his homeland.

3 reader :

The war took a terrible toll on children’s destinies,
It was difficult for everyone, difficult for the country,

But childhood is seriously mutilated:

Children suffered greatly from the war...
They were called CHILDREN OF WAR.
What do we know about them?
Children of war are all children born between September 1929 and September 3, 1945. Now they are veterans and have the status of “Children of the Great Patriotic War.”Think about these numbers:
Lost every day 9168 children,
Each hour - 382 child,
Every minute - 6 children,
Every 10 seconds – 1 child. Student1 : And we will not contradict the memory,And we often remember the days whenfell on their weak shouldersA huge, childish problem,Student 2: The land was cruel and snowy,All people had the same fate.They didn’t even have a separate childhood,And childhood and war were together.Student3 : There was a lot of grief during the war years,And no one will ever considerHow many times on our roadsThe war left orphans.
Student 4: During these years it sometimes seemedThat the world of childhood is empty forever,That joy won't returnTo a city where houses have no walls.Student5 : The girls' laughter was silver.But the war drowned him out.And the gray hair of the boyish bangs...Is there a price for this?Children of war..How did you survive?Children of war.. How could they resist?Leading: In the occupied territory, the Nazis created concentration camps in which thousands of old people, women, and children died.

The slide demonstration of the presentation “Childhood scorched by war” begins.

Reader 2:

The great hour of reckoning has come,

The great day of the earth has come,

When Soviet soldiers

The Soviet border has been crossed.

A menacing avalanche broke out

Steel infantry and vehicles.

Swift, unstoppable

With one thought - to Berlin.

Leading: Near Leningrad, on the spot where the Red Army stopped the fascist hordes in the fall of 1941, there now stands a monument. There is an inscription carved on it: “This time has left us forever and remains with us forever.”

Reader 3:

From the endless Siberian plain

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose up.

Our great Soviet people.

He came out, free and right.

Responding with war to war.

Stand up for your native state,

For our mighty country.

Crushing iron and stone,

He mercilessly struck down the enemy.

Victory banner over Berlin -

He hoisted the banner of his truth.

He walked through fire and water,

He did not stray from his path.

Glory, glory to the heroic people,

Glory to the Red Army!

Leading : And now it has come, This great long-awaited day - Victory Day! People waited 1418 days for this holiday. Soviet soldiers walked thousands of kilometers liberating our country from fascism.

Children perform the song “About That Spring” Words and music by E. Plotnikova

The movie is on, the platoon is fighting,A distant year On an old film...Not an easy path, Just a little moreAnd the fires of war will burn out...Happy May, Beloved Land,Meet your soldiers soon...The earth trembles from the wounds of insultsLet's warm her with the warmth of our soul...

CHORUS:And all about that springI saw in a dreamThe dawn came and smiled at the world,What the blizzard swept away,That the willow blossomedAnd my great-grandfather returned home from the war...

In a daring battle, in a foreign landLet love and faith be preserved,So that more of them come aliveBoth privates and officers...They will come in the spring, like my great-grandfather,And the doors will open to the native house...I remember the light of distant years,I will believe in my country...

CHORUS:...2 times

Reader 4:

Victory! Glorious Victory!

What happiness there was in her!

May the sky be clear forever,

And the grass will be greener.

Reader 5:

Let us not forget this date,

That ended the war.

To the victorious soldier

Bow to the ground hundreds of times!

Reader 6:

Sun of the Motherland beloved

Illuminates everything around

And the white-winged one takes off

Dove of peace from our hands.

You fly, fly around the world,

Our dove, from end to end,

A word of peace and greetings

Tell it to all peoples!

At this time, children release balloons around the classroom.

(During the demonstration of the video, a minute of silence is announced in honor of all those who died during the Second World War. (Everyone stands up)).

Leading:More than 20 million Soviet people died in that terrible war - this means:

If a minute's silence was devoted to each person who died in this war, the population of the Earth would be silent for 30 years.

(The recording of the song “Let us bow to those great years” sounds. Music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by M. Lvov.)

1 reader:Every year the war is further and further from us, and there are fewer and fewer veterans, participants in that great war. The boys who were 18-20 years old during the Victory Day of 1945 are now, 70 years later, already 86-88, and many older veterans are no longer alive. Let's treat them more carefully, because we owe our lives to them.

Children sing the song “My Grandfather” Words : A . AND . Pilecka .
Music : D . Trubachev , IN . Trubachev

My grandfather told me how he served as a sailor,
How interesting it was that he lived in the army at that time.
My grandfather told me how early he got up,
In just three minutes I managed to get dressed.
The army is a harsh school for soldiers,
The army makes men men.

My grandfather told me how sailors live,
How they wash the decks, how they dance and sing.
My grandfather told me how he was in the war,
He received the order for courage and perseverance.

Reader 2:

We are studying in school,

Growing poplars

We love hiking

Into the forests and fields,

We are open in life

any way,

Under a calm sky

We want to grow.


About those who will never sing again,


Reader 3:

Let it be in defense of people

Our voice is heard everywhere:

Bloom in space

Forests and fields

The sun of peace and friendship

Rise higher and higher

“No to war!”, “Yes to peace!”

The song “Sunny Circle” plays. Music A. Ostrovsky, lyrics. L. Oshanina.

1. Solar circle, sky around -

This is a drawing of a boy.

He drew on a piece of paper

And signed in the corner:


May there always be sunshine

May there always be heaven

May there always be a mother

May it always be me.

2. My dear friend, my good friend,

People want peace so much.

And at thirty-five the heart again

Never tires of repeating:


May there always be sunshine

May there always be heaven

May there always be a mother

May it always be me.

3. Hush, soldier, do you hear, soldier, -

People are scared of explosions.

Thousands of eyes look to the sky,

Lips stubbornly repeat:


4. Against trouble, against war

Let's stand up for our boys.

The sun is forever! Happiness - forever! -

This is what the man commanded.


(3rd verse, sing quietly). Students (calling to each other). Against the background of music, students read the words:

Peace is the most important word in the world.

Our planet really needs peace!

Children need peace!

Adults need peace!

/Everyone needs peace!

World! World! Peace!/(in unison).

The matinee ends with congratulations to everyone present on Victory Day.

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