Notes on nodes for children of the older group at the Dow logopunkt. Speech therapist classes. Summary of educational activities for a group of children with special needs preparatory to school: “A fun journey of educational activities. Social and communicative development

Outline of direct educational activities in the senior group Sound and letter “C”

Topic of the week: “Pets.” GCD theme: “Introduction to the letter “C”

Integration of educational areas:

  • Cognition
  • Communication
  • Health


  • use of gaming methods;
  • gaming technologies aimed at developing visual attention;
  • information computer technologies;
  • health-saving technologies: eye gymnastics, self-massage of the face;
  • technologies for preserving and promoting health: finger gymnastics;
  • correctional technologies: psycho-gymnastics.

Correctional educational : improve the skills of sound analysis and word synthesis (singling out a consonant against the background of a word).

Correctional and developmental: learn to pronounce the sound [C] correctly, highlight it at the beginning, middle and end of words.

Continue to formulate the concept of “consonant sound”.

Develop auditory attention and visual perception.

Develop fine motor skills, long smooth exhalation, visual attention, memory, thinking.


magnetic board, object pictures for the sound “C”, a card from the alphabet letter “C”, blue chips, notebooks, colored pencils, a ball, cards for determining the place of the sound in a word for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment/introductory conversation/
- Guys, what time of year is it now?
– How many winter months are there in total?
– Name them?
- What month is it?
- What day is it today?

2. Psycho-gymnastics
Speech therapist:
“It’s cold outside, the wind is blowing, it’s snowing. Show how frozen you are, how you cowered. Let's depict how we sculpt a snowman /imitation of movements/. We worked, warmed up, and relaxed.”

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson
– Please listen to the riddles, if you guess them, you will find out what sound we will get acquainted with today.

The living castle growled

He lay down across the door.

– What is the first sound in this word? / “s” /
– In what position are your lips? /smile/
-Where is the tongue? /tongue wide, behind the lower teeth/.

– Look at our computer screen.

4. Sound characteristics (slide 3)
– The sound “s” is consonant, hard.

– What symbol denotes a hard consonant sound?
– Which yellow-breasted birds spend the winter with us?

5. Breathing exercise
- Guys, imagine that a strong wind blew, burning your face. SSSS /exhale a hard “s” sound/.” When a tire bursts and air comes out, the sound “SSS” is heard.
6. Looking at pictures for the sound “C” (Slide 5)

Children name pictures and determine the place of sounds in words.

7. Ball game “Echo”
“Guys, I will “throw” sounds at you, and you will “return” the syllables to me.”
“s”, “a” - “sa”;
“s”, “and” - “si”;
“s”, “u” - “su”;
“s”, “o” - “so”.

8. Color the pictures whose names contain the sound “C” (work in notebooks)

9. Finger gymnastics “Porridge machine”

Masha cooked porridge, Children's right index finger

Masha fed everyone porridge. interfere with the left palm.

Masha put porridge Bend one finger at a time on the left hand.

Cat - in a cup,

For the bug - in the bowl,

And for the cat - in a large spoon.

In a bowl for hens, chicks

And in the trough for the piglets.

Took up all the dishes Unclench your fist.

I gave away everything down to the crumbs. Blow off the “crumbs” from the palm.

10. Introducing the letter “C” (slide 7)

Listen to a poem about the letter “C”:

What letter is glowing?

Old clear month?

Crescent moon in the dark sky

The letter C hung over the house.

– What does the letter “C” look like?

- Let's put it together with our fingers.

– Find the letter “C” in your notebooks in the upper right corner. What color should it be painted? Color it. Trace it with your finger, write in the air in turn with all the fingers of both hands.

11. Review of slides 8.9

12. Making sentences based on pictures

Sledge, bus, bowl, dog.

13. Lesson summary


Teacher speech therapist

Stella Danelyan

The author is pleased, it’s not difficult for you - click “I LIKE”

Target: development of phonemic processes


Correctional and educational:

— expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Transport”

- practice differentiating sounds [w] and [s]

- practice analyzing sounds, syllables and words

- practice reading syllables

- strengthen the ability to answer questions clearly and correctly

Correctional and developmental:

- develop communication skills

— develop cognitive processes: memory, attention, logical thinking;

- develop gross and fine motor skills;

Correctional and educational:

- cultivate cognitive interest

- increase activity and interest in speech therapy classes

Equipment: tape recorder, picture tickets, ball, pictures of objects whose names contain the sounds [w], [s], cards with syllables, rebus, cards with words.

The speech therapist invites children to go on an exciting journey. But first we need to carefully listen to the sounds of approaching transport and guess what we will travel on.

Children listen to a tape recording - the sound of wheels, the approach of a train.

What kind of transport is this based on the location of travel?

Children: a train is a railway transport.

Speech therapist: The one who comes up with a word with 3 sounds will get a ticket.

Children: Cancer, cat, mouth,..

/children name words, speech therapist hands out picture tickets/

Speech therapist: Look at your tickets, name the pictures

Children call: fur coat, cone, hat, samovar, boots, sled

Speech therapist: Name the first sounds in words.

Children call.

Speech therapist: That's right, today we will talk about the sounds [w] and [s]

What are these sounds?

Children give a description of the sounds: [w] - consonant, deaf, always hard.

[s] - consonant, deaf, can be hard and soft.

Speech therapist: Where is the tongue when we pronounce the sound [w]?

Children explain: the tongue is cup-shaped, behind the upper teeth.

Speech therapist: Where is the tongue when we pronounce the sound [s]

Children explain: the tongue is shaped like a slide, behind the lower teeth

Speech therapist: I make a sound, you show with your hand where the tongue is.

Children show.

Station "A".

Children read: SHA, SA

Children: hut, fireworks,...

Speech therapist: Now let's load the cars on the train.

Children are invited to take the pictures and arrange them among the carriages - words with the sound [w] in the orange carriage, words with the sound [s] - in the blue one.

Speech therapist: you did a great job, now let’s play.

Playing with a ball: replace the sound [s] with [sh].

etc. Day jokes

Style is calm

Spores spurs

Mars march

Mask Masha

Speech therapist: we get on the train and hit the road.

/children imitate the movement of a train to a tape recording/.

Station "U"

Speech therapist: We drive up and read the syllables.

Children read: SHU, SU

Speech therapist: Think of words that contain such syllables.

Children: joke, crackers,...

Speech therapist: Let's relax at this station and swim in the river:

The water splashes quietly (claps hands)
We are floating along a warm river. (swimming movements with hands.)
There are clouds in the sky like sheep (raise our hands up)
They fled in all directions. (running in place and crouching)
We are crawling out of the river, (slowly stood up)
Let's take a walk to dry off. (walking in place.)
Now take a deep breath.
And we sit down on the sand. (Children sit down.)

Speech therapist: While we were resting, a radiogram came to us.

Children are asked to correct mistakes:

The soldier is wearing porridge, Dad was painting the rat,

Masha was eating a helmet. Masha washes the bear in the sink.

Speech therapist: While we were analyzing the radiogram, a stowaway got onto our train; to find out who it is, we need to solve the puzzle:

Children are asked to read the word using the first sounds of picture words.

Roof, Wasps, Fur Coat, Wheel, Stork

Children read: CAT

Speech therapist: We will find out why the cat came to us at the next station.

We board the train and hit the road.

/children imitate the movement of a train to a tape recording/.

Station "O".

Speech therapist: We drive up and read the syllables.

Children read: SHO, SO

Speech therapist: Think of words that contain such syllables.

Children: chocolate, magpie,..

Speech therapist: The cat came running not by chance, she felt that the handler was delivering food.

The speech therapist gives children pictures - pots on which cards with words with missing letters are attached. Children complete the letters.

. UP

Speech therapist: our journey has come to an end, we get on the train and go to kindergarten.

Result: a short conversation about what was especially memorable during the trip.

Title: Speech therapist classes. Summary of educational activities in a pre-school group of children with special needs: “A fun journey”

Position: speech therapist teacher
Place of work: GBDOU No. 81
Location: St. Petersburg, Primorsky district

Speech development lesson

Speech therapist's abstract on development
lexicogrammatical categories in preschoolers
preparatory group for children with physical disabilities

Khisamova G.R., teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 5, Leninogorsk RT

Subject: Complex sentence with conjunction A.

Target: Introduce children to the structure of complex sentences, teach them to compose complex sentences based on visual symbols.

Tasks: Strengthen the ability to draw up diagrams of simple sentences, learn to draw up a diagram of a complex sentence with the conjunction a. Exercise children in composing complex sentences with the conjunction a, based on diagrams and pictures. Develop the ability to compare objects. Consolidate and activate vocabulary on the topic: “Types of sports. The Universiade is coming soon!” Strengthen the correct pronunciation of sounds, develop fine motor skills, sense of rhythm, auditory and visual attention. Fostering a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: Pictures of the diagram of the stages of work in the lesson; subject pictures for each child, on the topic “types of sports”; cards with word symbols and pictures for making sentences.

Progress of classes:

I. Organizational moment. Programming of activity stages.

A speech therapist's story.

Guys, we live in a Republic where the wonderful event of the Universiade will soon take place. And today the Uni mascot and symbol of the Universiade came to visit us. After all, the Universiade is a competition for young people. Yuni is full of energy, loves sports, his older brother, a large winged snow leopard, proudly looks at him from the coat of arms of our Tatarstan.

(slide show)

Guys, do you know what sports athletes from all over the world will compete in at the Universiade? (Children's answers) Do you like sports? (Children's answers).

I suggest you tell me what you will do today.

Children answer by making sentences according to the diagram. Sample sentences:

Today we will make proposals and their diagrams.

Let's play a game.

Let's compare objects.

II Main part.

1. Introduction to the topic.

A speech therapist asks children to name the sports in the pictures. (each child has a picture on the table). Children name sports (football, volleyball, swimming...), then summarize and name the topic of the lesson. Explain the concept of sport.

2. Explanation of new material.

The teacher gives the children tasks: girls - color the ribbons, boys - draw (circle through tracing paper) balls. Asks them to make sentences about what they do.

Children make up sentences.

Girls color ribbons.

Boys draw balls.

Then diagrams of these proposals are drawn up on a typesetting canvas.

Next, the teacher explains that if we want to talk about girls and boys in one sentence, to do this we need to connect both sentences with the small word “a” (shows on the diagram) and separate both parts obtained with a comma. Then he asks the children to make sentences according to the scheme:

The speech therapist draws attention to the fact that in each part of the sentence different words-objects are named. Informs that it is advisable to use different actions.

Children make up a sentence:

Girls color ribbons, and boys draw balls.

3. Compiling a complex sentence based on two plot pictures.

The speech therapist gives the task: using the diagram drawn up, come up with a sentence based on the pictures. Pictures are offered: “basketball players play basketball”, “tennis players play tennis”.

A proposal is made:

Basketball players play basketball, and tennis players play tennis.

4. Finger gymnastics.

Palms up! Clap! Clap! (Clap your hands at the top, on the knees, on the shoulders, on the sides, behind the back, in front of you, on the left, on the right.)

On the knees - slap, slap!

Now give me a pat on the shoulders!

Slap yourself on the sides!

5. Drawing up a proposal for combined schemes, using pictures. Preschoolers are asked to write a sentence using a diagram.

Petya is skiing

and Tanya is skating.

6. Exercise in the formation of new words on the topic “Athletes”

Plays hockey - hockey player.

Plays football - football player.

Plays volleyball - volleyball player.

Plays basketball - basketball player.

Plays tennis - tennis player.

A cyclist is riding a bicycle.

He does gymnastics - a gymnast.

Swims - swimmer.

III. Dynamic pause.

Speech therapist divides children into gymnasts and swimmers (to prevent children from getting confused, badges depicting athletes are attached to their clothes). Invites children to come up with tasks for athletes with the small word “a” and gives an example:

“Gymnasts squat and swimmers dive.”

Gymnasts jump and swimmers swim.

Gymnasts spin and swimmers hold their breath.

Gymnasts do side bends, and swimmers do an asterisk.

7. Explain the meaning of proverbs.

Walking means living long.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Sun, air and water are our best friends.

Move more, you'll live longer.

8. Lotto “Finish the sentence”

Each child has a large lotto game card and individual pictures. The speech therapist suggests reading the beginning of the sentences under the pictures on the cards and finishing them by selecting the corresponding picture with a continuation that is suitable in meaning and placing it on the empty field nearby.

In winter they play hockey, and... in summer they play football.

In winter they go skiing, and... in summer they go cycling.

In winter they skate, and... in summer they swim.

Tennis is played with a racket, and... basketball with a ball.

Children select matching pictures and read the sentences.

IV Summing up.

The teacher invites the children, using an activity algorithm, to remember what they did in class: they played, made up sentences, compared what kind of sport they do in the summer and what kind in the winter. Find out which games they liked and which they would like to play in the next lessons.

Outline of correctional pedagogy (middle group)
Summary of direct educational activities of a speech therapist and middle-aged children with special needs development
Teacher-speech therapist Golovina Alexandra Olegovna
on the topic of:
“Visiting Little Red Riding Hood”

Technologies used: Developmental education technology, problem-based gaming technologies, health-saving technologies, fairy tale therapy technology Integration of educational areas: “Communication” “Cognition” “Socialization”
Equipment: Toys (doll, bear, car, bunny, train), telephone, toy furniture (chair, table, wardrobe, sofa), Little Red Riding Hood's house, planar images of toys (Pinocchio, Cipollino, baby elephant, two bears, little bunny, sofa, doll), easel with carpet, dummies of horses, bibabo-wolf doll, Little Red Riding Hood, seller.
Correctional educational goals:
1. Clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Toys”
2. Continue work on the formation of speech activity and the development of coherent speech
3. To develop the skill of forming nouns with diminutive suffixes
4. To develop the skill of forming singular nouns in the Genitive and Accusative case on the topic “Toys”
5. Exercise children in agreeing nouns with adjectives
6. Clarify the meaning of simple prepositions of place (on, in, under, behind)
7. Form prepositional-case constructions
8. Improving the syllabic structure of words (children’s names)
9. Develop the speech apparatus to form the correct pronunciation of speech sounds
Corrective and developmental goals:
1.Develop auditory attention
2.Develop visual and auditory memory
3. Improve gross, fine and articulatory motor skills
Correctional and educational goals:
1. To develop the skills of cooperation, interaction, independence and initiative, the ability to listen to the answers of comrades
2. Cultivate positive emotions and a joyful mood in children, activate polite words.
Organizing time
Speech therapist: Children, listen, the phone is ringing.
Little Red Riding Hood (on the phone): “Hello guys, this is Little Red Riding Hood. I want to invite you to visit and play. Come quickly, I’ll be waiting for you!”
Speech therapist: Children, did you hear who called us?
Children: Little Red Riding Hood!
L: She invites us to visit. Let's go soon.
L: Aren’t you scared? After all, Little Red Riding Hood lives in the forest. A wolf lives in the forest.
D: No, we are brave, we are not afraid of the wolf!
Main part
Progress of the lesson
Speech therapist: Okay, let's go for a visit. But they come to visit with gifts. What will we give to Little Red Riding Hood?
Children: We will give Little Red Riding Hood toys.
L: Right. We need to buy toys, and we will buy them in the store.
And here is the store.
(a toy tray is displayed for the game “shop”)
There is a toy seller in the store. Let's say hello.
D: Hello!
Seller: Hello guys!
L: So that the seller knows what toys we need to buy, clearly say the name of the toy and tell us what it is.
D/I: “Shop” (Compiling sentences using nouns in V.P., singular)
Seller: What do you want to buy?
1 child: I want to buy a bear.
Seller: What is it?
1 child: It's brown. Big. Thick.

1 child: Thank you.
Seller: What do you want to buy?
Child 2: I want to buy a doll.
Seller: What is she like?
Child 2: She's beautiful.
Salesperson: What is she wearing?
Child 2: She has a red dress.
Seller: Please take it.
(children buy toys for Little Red Riding Hood)
L: Now we’ll take the toys we bought and go to Little Red Riding Hood on horseback.
In order for horses to gallop quickly, we must tell them how much we love and care for them. (development of auditory attention and memory)
(Children, together with a speech therapist, read A. Barto’s poem “I love my horse” and perform actions according to the text)

I love my horse.
I'll comb her fur smoothly.
I will smooth the tail with a comb.
And I'll go on horseback to visit.
L: In order for the horses to get us quickly, they need to clatter their hooves loudly. And we will help them with tongues
(children sit on horses and ride, together with a speech therapist they perform the “Horse” articulation exercise)
III.L: Prrrrr. Stop. I hear someone howling.
(a wolf howl is heard, and the wolf himself appears - a bibabo doll)
D: This is a wolf.
L: We are brave guys, we are not afraid of the wolf. Let's scare him ourselves. Let him think that we are wolves. Let's howl menacingly like wolves! (Development of long speech exhalation, onomatopoeia - U-U-U)
L: The wolf got scared and ran away. Let's jump further.
Prrrr. We've arrived. Here is Little Red Riding Hood's house.
(a house and toy furniture are displayed: bed, chair, table)
L: Hello Little Red Riding Hood. You are so Beautiful. We came to play with you.
Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys! I'm very glad you came. Let's get acquainted. My name is Little Red Riding Hood.
L: Let's get to know Little Red Riding Hood by clapping our names in our hands. (Formation of the sound-syllable structure of words)
Let's start our acquaintance guys with the words: My name is...
D: My name is Polina. Pauline!
My name is Rostislav. Ros-ti-glory!
My name is Ulyana. Ul-ya-na!
My name is Dasha. Yes-sha!
My name is Pavel. Paul!
Little Red Riding Hood: Nice to meet you!
L: We brought you gifts. They're in this box.
Guys, let's give toys.
Polina, what will you give to Little Red Riding Hood? Begin your answer with the words: I will give...(Reinforcing the skill of writing sentences using nouns in the V.P. singular)
D: 1. I will give Little Red Riding Hood a doll.
2.I will give Little Red Riding Hood a bear.
3. I'll give you a car as a gift.
I'll give Little Red Riding Hood a train.
VI.(Little Red Riding Hood puts toys on chairs)
Let's play the game “Who is the most attentive?” I will hide the toys, and you will answer who is missing. (Development of visual attention, use of nouns in the singular form)
L: Children, turn away from Little Red Riding Hood and turn to our guests. Let's smile at them and show them beautiful teeth.
(children perform the articulation exercise “Fence”)
Little Red Riding Hood: Turn around, who's missing?
D: The bear is gone.
L: Right. Let's turn to the guests again and smile like little frogs.
children perform the articulation exercise “Smile”)
Little Red Riding Hood: Turn around. Who is missing?
D: The machine is gone.
L: Let's play again. Turn to the guests and smile like elephants. That's right, elephants know how to smile, stretching out their long proboscis.
(children perform the articulation exercise “Proboscis”)
L: Little Red Riding Hood, I see you still have toys, but why are they broken?
Little Red Riding Hood: An evil wolf lives in our forest, he came and broke the toys. Guys, help me fix them.
D: Yes, we saw a wolf. We scared him ourselves, and he ran away.
We will help you fix your toys. (use of nouns in the singular form, development of visual attention)
(The carpet contains flat images of Pinocchio, Cipollino, bears, a bunny, a baby elephant, Tanya’s doll and missing details)
L: Bunny without what?
D: A bunny without an ear.
L: Pinocchio without what?
D: Pinocchio without a nose.
L: Cipollino without what?
D: Cipollino without a shoe.
L: Baby elephant without what?
D: Baby elephant without a trunk.
L: Tanya doll without what?
D: Tanya doll without a shoe.
VIII.L: Our fingers worked, repairing broken toys. Let's do gymnastics for our fingers. (development of speech activity, intonation side of speech)
(Finger gymnastics “Tanin’s dolls are sitting on a large sofa in a row”)
On a large sofa, Tanin’s dolls are sitting in a row:
Two bears, Pinocchio, and cheerful Cipollino.
And a baby elephant and a bunny.
One two three four five.
We help our Tanya count the toys.
Final part
Little Red Riding Hood: Thanks, guys. I also prepared gifts for you. (Use of nouns with prepositions)
(Little Red Riding Hood whispers in the speech therapist’s ear where the gifts are hidden. The children find the gifts and repeat where they were hidden) L: Polina, your gift is on the chair.
Pavel, your gift is in the closet.
Rostislav, your gift is under the table.
Ulyana, your gift is behind the sofa.
D: Thank you Little Red Riding Hood! Goodbye!
L: Children, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. We had fun playing with Little Red Riding Hood, helped fix toys, and drove the evil wolf out of the forest. Let's say goodbye to Little Red Riding Hood, to our guests. Let's get on our horses and ride to kindergarten.
(Children say goodbye, get on their horses and return to kindergarten)

Attached files

Technological map of the lesson on the topic: “The Scarecrow is visiting”

compensatory preparatory group "Umka"

Educational area"Speech development".

Direction: communication activity.

Subject"The Scarecrow is visiting."

Pedagogical goal: creating conditions for children’s speech development and intonation expressiveness of speech.



Continue learning to find a word based on its sound pattern.

Consider the formation of a compound word - vegetable storage.

Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables.

Practice highlighting the sound [K] at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Corrective and developmental:

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech: changing the voice in pitch, recognizing feelings of joy, sadness, anger.

Development of speech breathing.

Development of coordination of movements, muscle tension and relaxation.

Continue to improve the ability to recognize vegetables by smell.


Expand children's interest in the work of adults.

Cultivate a sense of empathy.

Improve the ability to work in a team, listen to the answers of peers.

Vocabulary work: Vegetable store.

Educational targets: has developed communication skills, as well as imagination, which is realized in various types of activities; shows responsibility for the work started.

Mastering the content of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Activities: gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive - research.

Means of implementation: Multimedia Power Point presentation; sign: VEGETABLE GARDEN; sentence diagram: At the Scarecrow.; fresh vegetables: garlic, cucumber, pepper, tomato; containers for vegetables; subject pictures: zucchini, potatoes (2 pcs.), cabbage (3 pcs.), pumpkin (2 pcs.), eggplant, carrots (2 pcs.), onions (3 pcs.), beets (2 pcs.), garlic ( 2 pcs.), parsley, peas (2 pcs.); an envelope with the image of the letter K; sound patterns of words: cabbage, peas, onion; three cars - trucks with the numbers 1, 2, 3; Su-Jok balls (according to the number of children).

Preliminary work:

  • search work to select illustrative material on the topic “Vegetables”;
  • inventing riddles about vegetables;
  • watching the cartoon "Chippolino"

Approximate timing of GCD stages:

Lesson stages, duration Stage tasks Stage resources Activities of a teacher Children's activities Methods, forms, techniques of organization, possible types of activities Contents of the material Expected Result

1. Motivational and incentive

Organization of directed attention.

Formation of ideas about upcoming activities.

Footprints leading to the hall.

Table: Vegetable garden

Sentence outline: At the Scarecrow.

Creation of a developing environment - vegetable garden.

Organization of educational space. Creating a problem situation that requires resolution. Direction to activity with guiding and problematic questions.

They understand and accept the task at hand.

Desire to communicate, interest in the game.

Communicative, gaming activities.

Conversation, game techniques. Surprise moment.

Creating a problematic situation.

Consideration of the developmental environment.

Preparedness for upcoming activities.

Internal motivation for activity.

2.Organizational search

20 – 24 min

Assimilation, consolidation, expansion, generalization of existing knowledge.

Changing activities, preventing fatigue.

Application of knowledge and skills.

Multimedia presentation "At the Scarecrow"

Visual teaching aids, Su-Jok balls.

Organization of search activities, interaction in achieving results.

Explanation, storytelling.

They reason independently, answer questions, pronounce words clearly, change the intonation of their voice, participate in searching for tasks, and in games. They draw conclusions and perform physical exercises.

Game, motor,

Communicative, cognitive and research activities.

Techniques for activating children's independent thinking. Solving problem situations. Explanation with visual demonstration of the material.

Didactic games. Presentation demonstration. Gaming techniques.

Multimedia presentation . An image of a vegetable garden, with a Scarecrow in the center.(add.1)

Game control "Echo" (adj.1)

Multimedia presentation . Appearance of vegetables (tomato, cucumber, onion)

Game exercise “Recognize by intonation” (add. 2)

Didactic game “Recognize by smell” (Appendix 3)

Didactic game “Find the sound K” (Appendix 3)

Phys. minute “Vegetables” (add. 3)

Did. game “Find the word according to the sound pattern” (Appendix 3)

Didactic game “What juice?” (add.4)

Multimedia presentation .

Scarecrow's message to children.(add.4)

Didactic game “Gather the Harvest” (Appendix 4)

Ability to act independently and solve problem situations.

Formed ideas, skills and abilities.

Curiosity and activity.

Relieving tension, emotional and physical release.

Mastery of a certain amount of knowledge and skills.

3. Reflexive-corrective

Summing up the results of the GCD, summarizing the knowledge gained.

Formation of basic self-esteem skills.

Multimedia presentation “At the Scarecrow”, stickers (according to the number of children) Summing up the results of the GCD - comparing the results with the goal. They talk about the excursion to the garden and summarize the knowledge gained.

Communication activities.

Presentation demonstration.

Conversation, discussion, encouragement.

Indicative assessment

Multimedia presentation .

Scarecrow's message to children.(add.4)

Awareness of one's own knowledge, the results obtained - the formation of basic self-assessment skills.

Annex 1

Scarecrow:- Hello guys! I got into trouble. I planted a vegetable garden in the spring and forgot in which beds what was growing. My vegetables just got lost. Help me find them to harvest. Can you help?

Game exercise “Echo”

Goal: development of intonation expressiveness of speech: change in voice pitch, speech breathing.

Appendix 2

Game exercise “Learn by intonation”

Goal: development of intonation expressiveness of speech: recognition of feelings of joy, sadness, anger.

Progress: Tomato (fun): I am a tomato! I'm red, round, juicy! Very tasty!

Teacher speech therapist: What a funny tomato!

Cucumber (sad): I am a cucumber! I'm green, long, strong, covered in pimples!

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, the tomato is funny, but what about the cucumber?

Bow (angrily): I am a bow! I'm very, very bitter! And not green at all, but onion!

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, what kind of onion?

Appendix 3

Didactic game “Recognize by smell”

Goal: to improve the ability to recognize vegetables by smell.

Procedure: In buckets there are vegetables (garlic, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper) with small cuts; children, smelling them, recognize them by their smell.

Didactic game “Find the sound K”

Goal: to practice highlighting the sound [K] at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

Progress: Children look at pictures of vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, eggplant, carrots, onions, beets, garlic, parsley), find the location of the sound TO in their names.

Physics minute: Game "Vegetables"
Goal: Development of coordination of movements, muscle tension and relaxation.

Improve the ability to tap a rhythm (slow - faster - fast).

Progress: Teacher speech therapist: - I turn you into little vegetable seeds.
Sit down. The warm sun warmed up, the seeds grew, grew and became plants. Plants are drawn to the sun. Feel the tension. The sun was very hot and our plants withered. Relax, drop your head, arms, lower your shoulders and torso. Get down to the floor. The rain began to pour, the plants came to life, reaching for the sun /repeat relaxation/.

Didactic game “Find the word according to the sound pattern”

Goal: improve the ability to find a word using a sound pattern.

Progress: Children use sound patterns to guess the names of vegetables (onions, peas, cabbage)

Appendix 4

Didactic game “What juice?”

Goal: improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Procedure: Children take turns calling which vegetable they will squeeze juice from and say, squeezing the Su-Jok ball in their fist: I will make pumpkin juice - it will turn out to be pumpkin juice.....

Scarecrow: Thanks guys! My vegetables have been found. Where should I put them now? You don't know where vegetables are stored? (on vegetable store, explain the meaning of a complex word)

Didactic game “Harvest”

Goal: to strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables.

Progress: On the machines - numbers 1, 2, 3. Children put vegetables on the machines in accordance with the number of syllables in the name of the vegetables.

Scarecrow: Thanks guys! Now I can take my harvest to the vegetable store. And for

For your help, I give you these stickers! Thank you!

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