Vasily Terkin poem. Features of the poem "Vasily Terkin". The history of the creation of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" The history of the creation of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" Vasya Terkin, - presentation Presentation on the work of Vasily Terkin

Books about war Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"

Ryumicheva Svetlana Nikolaevna history teacher

BOU "Kisnema OSH"

In 1939-1940, as part of a group of writers, Tvardovsky worked in the newspaper of the Leningrad Military District “On Guard of the Motherland.” In the article “How Vasily Terkin was written,” A. T. Tvardovsky reported that the image of the main character was invented in 1939 for a permanent humorous column in the newspaper “On Guard of the Motherland.”

During the Great Patriotic War he was a front-line correspondent for various newspapers. The poet called his lyrics of the war years “front-line chronicles.” In 1941, Tvardovsky began working on the poem Vasily Terkin, to which he gave the subtitle Book about a fighter. The first chapters were published in September 1942 in the newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda; in the same year, an early version of the poem was published as a separate book. The final version was completed in 1945.

In 1941-1942, Alexander Tvardovsky worked in Voronezh in the editorial office of the newspaper of the Southwestern Front “Red Army”. The poem “Vasily Terkin” (1941-1945), “a book about a fighter without beginning and end” is Tvardovsky’s most famous work; this is a chain of episodes from the Great Patriotic War.

The poem is distinguished by a simple and precise syllable and energetic development of action. The episodes are connected to each other only by the main character - the author proceeded from the fact that both he and his reader could die at any moment. As the chapters were written, they were published in the Western Front newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda and were incredibly popular on the front line. The poem became one of the attributes of front-line life.

“A book about a fighter without beginning and end”

The accidentally found image, wrote Tvardovsky, “captivated me completely.” The original humorous idea took the form of an epic narrative; the poem became for the author “my lyrics, my journalism, a song and a lesson, an anecdote and a saying, a heart-to-heart conversation and a remark to the occasion.” In the poem “just a guy himself,” Vasily Terkin became the main hero of the people's war. Vasily Terkin became a folklore character, about which Tvardovsky remarked: “Where he came from is where he goes.” The book received both official recognition (State Prize, 1946) and high praise from contemporaries.

Ivan Bunin wrote about it: “This is a truly rare book. What freedom, what wonderful prowess, what accuracy, precision in everything and what an extraordinary folk language - not a hitch, not a single false, ready-made, that is, literary word!

Determining the main direction of his work, Tvardovsky wrote: “Personally, I will probably never be able to move away from the harsh and majestic, infinitely diverse and so little revealed in literature world of events, experiences and impressions of the war period in my entire life.”

In short, a book about a fighter

Without beginning, without end.

Why is this without a beginning?

Because time is short

Start it over again.

Why without end?

I just feel sorry for the guy.

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of our native land

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

You and I became friends

I have no right to forget that

What do I owe to your glory?

How and where did you help me?

Time for business, time for fun,

Terkin - who is he?

Terkin - who is he?

Let's be honest:

Just a guy himself

He's ordinary.

However, the guy is good.

A guy like that

Every company always has

And in every platoon.

And so that they know how strong they are,

Let's be honest:

Endowed with beauty

He wasn't excellent

Not tall, not that small,

But a hero is a hero.

Forget yourself in war,

Remember the honor, however,

Get to work - chest to chest,

A fight means a fight...

Well, what to judge about that, -

Everything is clear to a point.

It is necessary, brothers, to beat the German,

Don't give any delay.

How long he lived - that’s the end.

Free from hassle.

And then you are the fighter

Which is good for combat.

And you will go into any fire,

You will complete the task.

And look - still alive

You'll be on top of it.

Fight in the swamp.

An unknown battle about which

Let's talk today

Was, passed, was soon forgotten,

And will they remember him?

This fight is in a wild swamp

In the second year of the war

The great man did not go out of the city,

That the whole country has one;

Not for the proud stronghold,

What does Mother River have?

And for some, let’s say now

The village of Borki…

But in one immortal book

Everyone will be equal forever -

Who fell great for the city,

That the whole country has one,

Who is for the proud stronghold,

What is the Volga river,

Who is for the one who is now forgotten,

The settlement of Borki.

And Russia is our dear mother -

He will give full respect to everyone.

The fight is different, the time is different,

There is one life and one death.


Crossing, crossing!

Left bank, right bank,

The snow is rough, the edge of ice...

To whom is memory, to whom is glory,

Who needs dark water?

No sign, no trace.

Crossing, crossing...

Dark, cold. The night is like a year.

But he grabbed the right bank,

The first platoon remained there...

Crossing, crossing!

The guns fire in the pitch darkness.

The battle is holy and just.

Mortal combat is not for glory,

For the sake of life on earth.

About the reward.

No guys, I'm not proud.

Without thinking into the distance,

So I’ll say: why do I need an order?

I agree to a medal.

For a medal. And there’s no hurry.

This would end the war

I wish I could come on vacation

To the native side.

Will I still be alive? - Hardly.

Fight here, don’t guess.

But I will say about the medal:

Give it to me then.

Provide, I am worthy.

And you all must understand:

The simplest thing is -

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of our native land

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

You and I became friends

I have no right to forget that

What do I owe to your glory?

How and where did you help me?

Having met in the war.

From Moscow, from Stalingrad

You are always with me -

My pain, my joy,

My rest and my feat!

The story of a memorable time,

This book is about a fighter,

I started from the middle

And ended without end.

With a thought, perhaps daring

Dedicate your favorite work

To the fallen in sacred memory,

To all friends during the war,

To all hearts whose judgment is dear.


Books about war

they talk about brave, courageous, strong-willed people.

They selflessly love their Motherland, go to great deeds, not sparing their lives,

for the Father's house.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” is my favorite work by Alexander Tvardovsky since childhood.

This presentation was made for a school competition on works for children about the Great Patriotic War in the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

The history of the creation of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" The history of the creation of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" Vasya Terkin, a beloved literary hero of the war years, appeared in the front-line press even before the Great Patriotic War - in 1939–1940, during the war with Finland 1. He was created was a team of authors, among whom was Tvardovsky. He was a successful and cheerful fighter, always defeating his enemies. This hero was reminiscent of characters in comic books or series of cartoons: “He is a man himself / Extraordinary... / A hero, fathoms in the shoulders... / And he takes enemies with a bayonet, / Like sheaves on a pitchfork,” etc. Vasya Terkin, a beloved literary hero of the war years, appeared in the front-line press even before the Great Patriotic War - in 1939–1940, during the war with Finland 1. It was created by a team of authors, among whom was Tvardovsky. He was a successful and cheerful fighter, always defeating his enemies. This hero was reminiscent of characters in comic books or series of cartoons: “He is a man himself / Extraordinary... / A hero, fathoms in the shoulders... / And he takes enemies with a bayonet, / Like sheaves on a pitchfork,” etc.

After the completion of the Finnish campaign, Tvardovsky began work on a poem, the hero of which, Vasya Terkin, was a participant in the last war. It was assumed that the poem would be completed in the summer of 1941(!). After the completion of the Finnish campaign, Tvardovsky began work on a poem, the hero of which, Vasya Terkin, was a participant in the last war. It was assumed that the poem would be completed in the summer of 1941(!). With the beginning of the war, Tvardovsky was appointed to the position of “writer” in the newspaper “Red Army” of the Kyiv Military District and went to the front. In the first, most difficult, months of the war, Tvardovsky had no time for poetry: together with the army, he went through the entire war, along its most difficult roads, and emerged from encirclement in 1941. The poet returned to the idea of ​​"Terkin" in June 1942, only it was already a poem about a new war and, in fact, about a new hero - previously a joker and a merry fellow. It was not “Vasya Terkin”, but “Vasily Terkin”. The name has changed, the concept of the hero has changed: now nothing remains of the square chin, the author focused on the character of Terkin, on his front-line (and not only front-line) philosophy, on his role in the destinies of other people - the characters in the poem. The new title of the poem was announced in Tvardovsky’s creative report on June 22, 1942 - “Vasily Terkin.” With the beginning of the war, Tvardovsky was appointed to the position of “writer” in the newspaper “Red Army” of the Kyiv Military District and went to the front. In the first, most difficult, months of the war, Tvardovsky had no time for poetry: together with the army, he went through the entire war, along its most difficult roads, and emerged from encirclement in 1941. The poet returned to the idea of ​​"Terkin" in June 1942, only it was already a poem about a new war and, in fact, about a new hero - previously a joker and a merry fellow. It was not “Vasya Terkin”, but “Vasily Terkin”. The name has changed, the concept of the hero has changed: now nothing remains of the square chin, the author focused on the character of Terkin, on his front-line (and not only front-line) philosophy, on his role in the destinies of other people - the characters in the poem. The new title of the poem was announced in Tvardovsky’s creative report on June 22, 1942 - “Vasily Terkin.”

The poem was created throughout the war, following its course, combining seemingly incompatible qualities: efficiency, almost newspaper-like quality, and at the same time the highest artistry. The first chapters were published in the summer of 1942, after the difficult and long (seemingly endless) retreat of our troops to the Volga and the North Caucasus, in a difficult time that was unpredictable for the further course of the war. Everyone was gripped by anxiety: what next; Will the Germans be stopped? It is unlikely that there was “before literature”, “before poetry”. But, one must think, there was something in Tvardovsky’s book that resonated with almost everyone. The poem immediately became famous (surprisingly, long before its completion); newspapers with chapters of the poem, as eyewitnesses testify, were eagerly awaited by readers and passed from hand to hand. The poem was created throughout the war, following its course, combining seemingly incompatible qualities: efficiency, almost newspaper-like quality, and at the same time the highest artistry. The first chapters were published in the summer of 1942, after the difficult and long (seemingly endless) retreat of our troops to the Volga and the North Caucasus, in a difficult time that was unpredictable for the further course of the war. Everyone was gripped by anxiety: what next; Will the Germans be stopped? It is unlikely that there was “before literature”, “before poetry”. But, one must think, there was something in Tvardovsky’s book that resonated with almost everyone. The poem immediately became famous (surprisingly, long before its completion); newspapers with chapters of the poem, as eyewitnesses testify, were eagerly awaited by readers and passed from hand to hand.

Ivan Bunin about the poem: This is truly a rare book: what freedom, what wonderful prowess, what accuracy, accuracy in everything and what an extraordinary soldier's folk language - not a hitch, not a single false, ready-made, that is, literary-vulgar word! This is a truly rare book: what freedom, what wonderful prowess, what accuracy, precision in everything and what an extraordinary soldier's folk language - not a hitch, not a single false, ready-made, that is, literary-vulgar word!

Composition of the poem The poem consists of 30 chapters, a prologue and an epilogue, conventionally divided into three parts. The poem consists of 30 chapters, a prologue and an epilogue, conventionally divided into three parts. Each chapter is a short story about an episode from Tyorkin’s front-line life, not connected to the others by any general plot. Each chapter is a short story about an episode from Tyorkin’s front-line life, not connected to the others by any general plot.

Lyrical digressions In four author's digression chapters there are discussions about the war, the difficult lot of soldiers and hints at how the work on the book went. In four of the author's digression chapters, there are discussions about the war, the difficult lot of soldiers and hints at how the work on the book went.

The pathos of the poem The first chapter "From the author." Here Tvardovsky defined the pathos of the poem: an image of the truth, whatever it may be.... And more than anything else, I can’t live for sure I can’t live for sure Without what? Without the real truth, Truth that hits right into the soul, If only it would be thicker, No matter how bitter it may be.

About the war The narration of the poem is connected with the course of the military campaign of the years, specific battles and operations of the Great Patriotic War are mentioned and guessed: The narration of the poem is connected with the course of the military campaign of the years, specific battles and operations of the Great Patriotic War are mentioned and guessed: the initial period of the retreat of the year, the initial period of the retreat years, battle of the Volga, battle of the Volga, crossing the Dnieper, crossing the Dnieper, capture of Berlin. capture of Berlin.

The battle is on... Repeatedly in the poem the idea is heard that war is work. Difficult, deadly, but necessary and honorable. Repeatedly in the poem the idea is heard that war is work. Difficult, deadly, but necessary and honorable. The battle is holy and just. The battle is holy and just. Mortal combat is not for the sake of glory, Mortal combat is not for the sake of glory, For the sake of life on earth. For the sake of life on earth.

Connection of times The unity of the poem is given by the general theme of the life of a warring man, an ordinary, earthly man, but also a miracle man who does not lose faith in himself and his comrades, in the coming victory. The unity of the poem is given by the general theme of the life of a warring man, an ordinary, earthly man, but also a miracle man who does not lose faith in himself and his comrades, in the coming victory. They walk the same harsh path, They walk the harsh path, the same as two hundred years ago, the same as two hundred years ago. The Russian toiler-soldier walked with a flintlock gun. The Russian toiling soldier walked with a flintlock gun. Russian worker-soldier.

Grater grated, patient I can’t help but remember the proverb: patience and work will grind everything down. Vasily is close to Vanya, Terkin is worn out, crushed by life. But this is the strength of the Russian man: he is resistant to all life’s adversities. Having survived, retaining the best human qualities in himself, the Russian miracle man was able to defend independence and freedom to the world. Tvardovsky deliberately reduces Terkin’s heroism and selflessness. I can’t help but remember the proverb: patience and work will grind everything down. Vasily is close to Vanya, Terkin is worn out, crushed by life. But this is the strength of the Russian man: he is resistant to all life’s adversities. Having survived, retaining the best human qualities in himself, the Russian miracle man was able to defend independence and freedom to the world. Tvardovsky deliberately reduces Terkin’s heroism and selflessness.

An ordinary soldier Vasily Terkin is a joker and a merry fellow, the soul of his unit. In battle, he is an example for everyone, a resourceful warrior who will not get confused in the most difficult situation. At a rest stop, Tyorkin’s company always gathers around him; he will sing and play the accordion, and will never reach into his pocket for a sharp word. Vasily Terkin is a joker and a merry fellow, the soul of his unit. In battle, he is an example for everyone, a resourceful warrior who will not get confused in the most difficult situation. At a rest stop, Tyorkin’s company always gathers around him; he will sing and play the accordion, and will never reach into his pocket for a sharp word.

A real soldier Being wounded, on the brink of death (chapter “Death and the Warrior”), he finds the strength to gather himself and enter into a battle with Death, from which he emerges victorious. When meeting with civilians, he behaves modestly and with dignity. Being wounded, on the brink of death (chapter “Death and the Warrior”), he finds the strength to gather himself and enter into a battle with Death, from which he emerges victorious. When meeting with civilians, he behaves modestly and with dignity.

The experienced soldier Terkin stands before everyone as an experienced soldier, for whom life is the house left from his father, sweet, lived-in and in danger. He is the worker, owner and protector of this house. Terkin stands before everyone as a seasoned soldier, for whom life is the house left from his father, sweet, lived-in and in danger. He is the worker, owner and protector of this house. In Terkin one can feel great mental strength, perseverance, and the ability to rise after every blow. Here he softens the story about the three “sabantui” with a joke; here he eats soldier’s food “with gusto”; Here he calmly lays down on the damp ground in the rain, covered with “only his overcoat.” In Terkin one can feel great mental strength, perseverance, and the ability to rise after every blow. Here he softens the story about the three “sabantui” with a joke; here he eats soldier’s food “with gusto”; Here he calmly lays down on the damp ground in the rain, covered with “only his overcoat.”

Soldier-hero It is significant that Terkin lives, as it were, in two dimensions: on the one hand, he is a very real soldier, a staunch fighter of the Soviet Army. On the other hand, this is a Russian fairy-tale soldier-hero who does not burn in fire and does not drown in water. It is significant that Terkin lives, as it were, in two dimensions: on the one hand, he is a very real soldier, a staunch fighter of the Soviet Army. On the other hand, this is a Russian fairy-tale soldier-hero who does not burn in fire and does not drown in water. The hero is not the same as in the fairy tale The hero is not the same as in the fairy tale A carefree giant, - A carefree giant, - But in a marching girdle, And in a marching girdle, A man of a simple leaven... A man of a simple leaven... He is firm in pain and in grief proud In torment, strong and proud in grief, Terkin is alive and cheerful, damn it! Terkin is alive and cheerful, damn it!

Favorite hero Vasily Terkin became the favorite hero; before the author who created it, it was embodied in a sculpture installed in the Smolensk region. Tvardovsky never described Terkin’s appearance, but this fighter is recognizable. Vasily Terkin became the favorite hero; before the author who created it, it was embodied in a sculpture installed in the Smolensk region. Tvardovsky never described Terkin’s appearance, but this fighter is recognizable. Now serious, now amusing, Now serious, now amusing, No matter what the rain, no matter the snow, No matter what the rain, no matter the snow, Into battle, forward, into the utter fire, Into battle, forward, into the utter fire, He goes, holy and sinner, He comes, holy and sinner, Russian miracle man. Russian miracle man.

“Vasya Terkin is my hero”

Alexander Tvardovsky

  • The story of a memorable time,
  • This book is about a fighter,
  • I started from the middle
  • And ended without end.
  • With a thought, perhaps daring
  • Dedicate your favorite work
  • To the fallen in sacred memory,
  • To all friends during the war,
  • To all hearts whose judgment is dear.
  • A.T. Tvardovsky
  • 1941-1945

Literary quiz

"Book about a fighter"

Poetry has not yet given birth to such a figure as Tyorkin.

F. Abramov

  • From the first days of the bitter year,
  • In the difficult hour of our native land
  • Not joking, Vasily Terkin,
  • You and I have become friends.


dates of life

A.T. Tvardovsky

"Who shot?"


"Two Soldiers"

"About the reward"

In the poem

"Vasily Terkin"

There is no chapter with that title!

Where is the main character of the poem from?

"Vasily Terkin"?

from Moscow

from Smolensk

from a Ryazan village

from a Smolensk village

A.T. Does Tvardovsky emphasize the “ordinariness” of his hero?

What is the ratio of humorous and tragic in the poem?

"Vasily Terkin"?

The pages of the poem combine heroism and humor.

Prove it with text.

Need to know

Heroics - heroic content, the heroic side in someone’s activity, in some events.

Humor - an image of something in a funny, comic form.

How does the interaction between “small” and “big” themes manifest themselves?

Homelands in the poem?

Yu. Neprintsev “Rest after the battle.”

Which chapter of the poem could be illustrated? this reproduction?

1. " Fought in Karelian - Beyond the Sestra River"

2. “I am fighting the second war, brother, forever.”

3. “In service from June, into battle from July. Terkin is at war again.”

4. “I was hit by shrapnel in battle. It's healed..."

5. “Thrice I was surrounded, Three times - here he is! - went out."

6. “He experienced everything bad, He lost his native land. And he repeated one political conversation:

"Cheer up!"

Using quotes from the poem, tell the “military biography” of Vasily Terkin.

And the accordion is calling somewhere,

far, easy to lead...

No, what amazing people you guys are.

At least something for these guys,

from the spot - into the water and into the fire.

Everything that can be in the world

at least something - the accordion is humming.

What new aspects of Terkin’s character do we learn from the chapter “Accordion”?

Not susceptible to Terkin

of death,

If the war didn't come out

term !

“Terkin and his creator are “similar to each other.” Like Tvardovsky, Terkin “did not like arrogant people,” he was, like the author, reasonable and fair, did not allow himself to be offended, but was not at all cocky.”

“Just like his creator, Terkin is “endowed with a generous heart,” that is, with increased conscientiousness (after spending only a day on vacation, he returns ahead of schedule to the front line), which is nothing more than a high sense of civic duty.”

F. Abramov

2010 –

100th anniversary year

A.T. Tvardovsky

2010 year -

year of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

"Green Scarlet Sails"- “...the scarlet sail will sparkle. Illustrations by Dudin. Illustration for A.S. Green’s extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”. S.G. Brodsky. Egle. Coat of arms of love, grade 6A. Illustrations by students 6A. K.G. Paustovsky. Guys, you have to believe in miracles! Enchanting – fabulously beautiful. "...Arthur Gray was born with a living soul...". Arthur Gray. Why are the sails scarlet and the ship white?

"The Poet Martynov"- My son also lives there and works in legal structures. Unfortunately, Antonina Ilyinichna did not remember the name of the magazine. Martynov was a participant in almost all writers' congresses. Since 1932, Martynov has worked for the Petrovskaya interdistrict newspaper. And we went to our niece, Emelina Antonina Ilyinichna, who lives in the city of Petrovsk.

"Weapons in Beowulf"- Methods used in this work: Vendelian era. Weapons and weapons of the warrior of the Vendel era. The hilt of a sword from the Vendel era. Consider the complex of weapons and weapons of a warrior of the Vendel era. Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf. Helmet from burial Vendel-14. The term "Wendelian period" was coined by Swedish scientists.

"Andrey Voznesensky"- In 1960, the first collections of the poet’s poems were published - “Parabola” and “Mosaic”. Lives and works in Moscow. The performance became a phenomenon in the cultural life of Moscow. Here, in Kirzhach, the future poet spent part of his childhood. During the war, his mother and Andrei, evacuated from Moscow, lived in the Trans-Ural Kurgan.

"Joseph Brodsky"- 1963 - The cycle “Songs of a Happy Winter”, “The Great Elegy to John Donne”... 1961 - The poem “The Petersburg Romance”, the cycle “The July Intermezzo”... 1992/95 - “Works of Joseph Brodsky” prepared by the Pushkin Foundation in five volumes. In 1965, Joseph Brodsky's first book in Russian was published in New York. Brodsky is one of the youngest Nobel Prize laureates.

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