A ball to help you make a decision. How does the magic ball work. You may also be interested

Or for love. It allows you to find out what awaits you in the near future. Ball is the most perfect figure of all known, therefore divination on the balloon so popular among magicians and fortune-tellers. The most famous of the tools for divination undeniably is crystal ball, but in it we will introduce you another time. And now, we invite you to try your luck in divination With ball predictions.


Divination on the magic balloon will answer the innermost questions of love, help in building a career or predict the future. To get an answer, select the topic you are interested in and click on the magical ball.


Divination on the bones - wonderful virtual divination online for predictions near future. Ease and speed of the process divination accurately convey (with real experience) the genuine excitement of a real dice game. Ask an exciting question and click "Guess". ... an interpretation will appear on the screen that characterizes the main directing vector of the development of events in your near future, on the topic of the question asked. good luck divination on the bones for the future in the House of the Sun! Try another way...


Divination on gems - a virtual means of obtaining online predictions. Divination on the stones is designed to get the forecast for the whole day. Accuracy predictions recommends guessing only once a day. good luck to you divination on gems in the House of the Sun!


Then they asked a question and threw three pebbles into the marked area. Depending on the position of the fallen stones, a fortuneteller or clairvoyant gave interpretation and predicted the future. Online divination on the stones, artificial intelligence acts as a fortuneteller, however, this predictions divination do not become less accurate. We suggest you try to tell fortunes on the stones of fate right now.


Divination according to the Book of Witches - divination for your immediate future. Frighteningly for many, the word Witch stands for quite peacefully - "Knowing mother." In other words, this is a woman with deep mystical knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, the Book of Witches is a collection of wise sayings and predictions which may help someone who is looking for answers. The Book of Witches featured here...


A beauty who was a big fan of playing solitaire. Solitaire Madame Recamier predicts both the future and gives an interpretation of current events. For divination you need to decompose solitaire and among the scattered pictures to find a complete one. Then, click on it for an interpretation - and divination Madame Recamier will give you prediction coming!


Divination on verses online - virtual divination for love, love divination for answers in the field of love relationships. Poems act here as an oracle, whose love interests are the realm predictions. Divination on verses to the site - a quick option divination for love!

Man has always wanted to predict the future. At least in small things, not to mention the global. That is why all sorts of fortune-telling, horoscopes and so on are so popular. Therefore, this product of the Mr. Geek store, Magic Ball 8, is also very popular. Oh, you probably recognized this ball if you watched the TV series "Doctor House", or the series "The Simpsons", "Friends" or "Charmed". Because in some series this ball was used, and, I must say, very successfully. The ball might be familiar if you've played Fallout 2.

How to get answers with magic ball 8

Even a first-grader can cope with fortune-telling on a ball. Because all you have to do is flip the predictor ball “eight” up, ask your question (for example, “Should I drink tonight”), shake the ball a little. After that, turn the decision ball upside down - the screen must have a strictly horizontal position. After a few seconds, the answer will appear on the screen. In total, there are 20 answers in the "arsenal" of the ball, which can be divided into four groups: positive, hesitantly positive, neutral and negative.

Buy Ball 8 is for those who need impartial advice. If you rely on fate in some matters, magic ball 8 (magic 8 ball) will be able to tell you certain steps and decisions. By the way, for sports fans there is a special magic ball in the form of a soccer ball. He can easily predict the outcome of any match and the result of any sporting event.

How the magic ball works

Perhaps someone thinks that it is foolish to rely on the solutions of a rather simple mechanism. Maybe. But let's not talk about psychology, the wave nature of thought, the subconscious and so on. Those who buy such a ball trust him. And this is quite enough. It is clear that you can trust the answers of the ball only at your own peril and risk. But with the same success, you can trust your intuition. And you know, most of the ball's answers really hit the bull's-eye. And some of the answers are even witty. Although, we would not use this ball to make some fateful, really important decisions. After all, you can buy a magic ball just as a toy - very cute, by the way.

It is worth remembering that the ball cannot be shaken strongly. If you shake it harder than it should be, bubbles will appear on the screen, which, however, will disappear after a while. If you do not like the answer of the ball, do not throw it on the ground - the mechanism may be damaged. Yes, and you should not freeze this device (well, you never know, it may seem to you that the ball is hot).

Ball characteristics

  • material: plastic;
  • diameter: 10cm;
  • number of answers: 20;
  • black color;
  • package size: 10 x 10 x 10 cm.

Mystery of the Tarot: obscurantism or a tool for the subconscious?

A tarologist, a parapsychologist, a psychologist and a psychotherapist talked about exactly how Tarot fortune-telling “works”, and whether the results should be trusted 100%.

Tarot cards are a message to mankind

The occult comprehension of Tarot cards is associated primarily with the name of Antoine Cour de Geblen, the pastor of the French Protestant Church. He was looking for a single mythological and religious truth.

Runic symbols in love magic

Behind the runes - just behind three dozen signs - there is a whole world - the world of myths, magic and history. The slightest immersion in this world leads to interesting observations and amazing discoveries.

10 Myths About Tarot Cards

People treat Tarot cards consumeristically, placing the responsibility for making decisions on the cards, or trying to fit the answers to what they want to hear. Without knowing the true nature of divination, people create all sorts of myths around them.

Runes and the end of the world

The epic says that Odin carved runes in the same way as he carved people from wood. But at any moment, Odin can scrape the runes back and then Ragnarok will come.

rune magic

Our whole life is one big journey. We travel anytime, anywhere, even when we sleep. During such journeys, we are surrounded by both good and evil forces. This fact has been known since ancient times to our ancestors. They depicted various magical signs (runes) on the walls of their dwellings, on weapons, and on jewelry. These runes had different effects, depending on who drew these signs, for what purpose and in what particular combinations and sequences.

Tarot and astrology are two faces of the same truth.

The Tarot comes from Egypt and was given to us along with astrology by the legendary Hermes Trismegistus, so it is obvious that there are direct links between these two systems.
Are you on the verge of a difficult life decision? They tried hundreds of ways out, but neither acquaintances, nor specialists, nor their own minds gave a clear answer: to be or not to be, yes or no. Oracle ball, online predictions - the very sign that you are missing.

Ask a question and get an answer

Please help us develop: Tell your friends about the generator!

Magic magic ball of fate: try your luck

Sometimes all it takes is a little push. We will provide it completely free of charge and without registration. It is not required to leave personal data on the site. Request history is not saved. The ball of fate online, like a light kick, will push an indecisive person to action.

Deep down, you may know what to do, but for some reason you don't realize it. Use the yes no ball to confirm the correctness of the choice. Just play, treat with humor, because getting random fortune-telling predictions of a mysterious assistant is fun.

Who can use the magic ball predictor

Refer to the ball of desires or the ball of divination in a variety of situations:

  • He will judge the disputants;
  • Helps to decide indecisive;
  • Will give a yes no answer to an exciting request;
  • Will become a sign of fate;
  • Remove some of the responsibility.

Alone or in company, at work, school, in transport, at a wedding, in a store - download the page with a ball of predictions to get help. Obey the decision of the magic ball or not, it's up to you. By the way, this question can be asked on the site.

How the ball of predictions works

It looks simple: ask and click, but do not rush to shake the ball with predictions. Look at the ball of answers and mentally formulate a simple question that can be answered yes or no. Try to define a specific desire, a problem, not to think about anything else. Stay alone with your thoughts.

A feature of divination online on a magic ball: the generator gives random options, without any pattern. There is something mystical, unknown in this. Concentrated - touch the ball of the predictor online to read the inscription, which will appear through the round glass.

Make 3-5 attempts to make sure the result is correct. The main thing is to believe, and then everything will come true.

The popularity of divination on the ball yes no

An entertaining little thing was invented by the son of a medium in the middle of the 20th century. The inventor wanted people to be comfortable wearing a mini fortune teller and communicate with the other world at the slightest doubt. The toy is filled with a dark liquid, in which, as if in space, a polyhedron with written phrases floats. The product was in demand when people relied on spirits to know more about the future than the living. We have made a yes no ball service online so that you can also quickly get the result.

Classic Magic ball has 20 prophecies. Divination, predictions are neutral, positive, negative, indefinite.

The ball of fate appears in the hands of the heroes of famous films: it was used by the character of the cult movie “Route 60” - there was also a computer prototype. Used in the series "Friends", "Clinic" "Charmed", "The Big Bang Theory".

Play too! Have fun coming back to us again and again.

Fortune telling on a crystal ball belongs to one of the most ancient. The first spheres for prediction were ordinary vessels with water, in which light was bizarrely refracted. Later they began to make balls of crystal, glass or transparent stone, in which soothsayers could see signs from the past or the future. This method of divination is good because everyone can join this type of predictions, using an ordinary glass of water with smooth walls instead of a magic sphere. However, if you are serious about prophecy, you will need a more advanced tool.

For fortune telling, select an arbitrary part of the ball and click on it

How to guess on a glass ball?

Fortune telling on a magic crystal is one of the most mysterious. But preparation for it will not take much time:

  1. The crystal ball should be washed, wiped dry and placed on black or white velvet. This will be a kind of screen in which you will see various images.
  2. The surface of the ball must be free from damage and cracks that would interfere with observation.
  3. Next to the sphere, you need to install a light source or position yourself so that light falls on it. The natural illuminator can be the sun or the moon. In the latter case, the atmosphere will be even more mysterious and magical. If for some reason this is not possible, place a lamp with dim light, an oil lamp or a candle near the ball.
  4. First of all, the soothsayer must clear his mind of extraneous thoughts and focus on his desire. For this, reading a prayer, spells or meditation is suitable. Any automatic monotonous utterance of phrases is a way of clearing the mind.
  5. Carefully peer into the depths of the crystal, trying to think of nothing but the question asked. The images that will arise as a result of the play of light must be carefully considered and interpreted. They can concern both the past and the future.

Fortunately, there are now many places where you can buy a crystal ball and try fortune telling yourself. And even if it is not possible to predict events, freeing yourself from thoughts and focusing on one subject will be a good workout.

What can be seen in the ball of predictions?

Most often, the predictor turns to divination for future events. People most often seek to know their fate and receive instructions for achieving good luck. However, it is often impossible to solve the problem without analyzing the past. To view the events that have already happened, clairvoyants advise to put two small candles behind the sphero, put one large candle next to you, and place a small pyramid of crystal or glass on your left hand. You need to conduct a dialogue with the ball, which begins with the phrase "What happened? ..". The better you can "talk" the ball, the more detailed information you will receive. Events that have not yet happened are predicted in the same way, but the pyramid must be moved to the right, and ask "What will happen ...". It is important to ask questions clearly and unambiguously so that the images seen are as clear and interpretable as possible. If you can’t get a clear picture, don’t stop trying to establish a dialogue with the ball: buy a thick notebook and write down everything you see there for further analysis. Get in the habit of playing solitaire to concentrate faster.

Ball of predictions online

Now it is possible to get advice from the oracle directly on the Internet, in just one click, knowing your fate and telling fortunes for the future. This divination takes a few seconds. The resource offers to focus on the question of interest, choose the subject of divination and just click on the button.

Fortune telling The ball of predictions is a kind of oracle. His peculiarity is such that he can give an unambiguous answer, he can give a hint, but some of his answers cannot be called food for thought.

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