Natalya Instagram storm. Natalya Sturm - biography, information, personal life. Early years, childhood and family of Natalia Sturm

In the mid-90s, Natalya Sturm was amazingly popular. Then her song “School Romance” was played at all discos. Now the artist is famous not for her musical achievements, but for her candid photo shoots and scandalous statements.

Natalya herself loves attention and has not been offended by criticism from spiteful critics for a long time. At 51, she looks almost half her age, which she never tires of emphasizing with sexy outfits. “StarHit” decided to discuss with the star the most controversial moments of her colorful biography.

Natalya, now all fans do is discuss your nude photos. Why do such pictures appear more and more often on your microblog? Is it a way to express yourself or to attract attention?

You know, all my life I sang, wrote books, interviews were always with an erotic and romantic slant. I starred on the covers of magazines in sexy outfits, and I was invariably called the sex symbol of domestic show business. So there's nothing new about nude photos on Instagram. I have always strived to show myself in all my glory. It’s just that one day those around me suddenly set a certain standard for my age, where I seemed to have no right to do all the same things. I will answer this way: an artist has no age!

Many of your nude pictures are very creative. Where do you look for inspiration for them? How do you come up with the next topic for a photo shoot?

I have always loved traveling and photography. This is how the idea was born to create candid photographs in each country, hiding behind products or objects related to the culture of that place. In each new country, with the help of some object (jamon, peppers, geraniums, marzipans, salmon) I demonstrate an erotic postcard of this country. There is humor, sarcasm, and banter. But it entertains me! I don't demonstrate the product on myself, but myself in excellent physical shape. So travel is my inspiration.

How does your 13-year-old son Arseny feel about these kinds of photographs? Isn't he embarrassed by his mother's scandalous popularity?

Neither Arseny nor my eldest daughter Lena are embarrassed by my photographs. The fact is that no one discusses this in our family. There are topics that are much more global. My son, for example, dreams of becoming a businessman; all his thoughts are already occupied with business and study. School takes up almost all of his time. In addition, Arseny does not have Instagram, so he did not even see most of the provocative photographs.

Despite the abundance of candid photo shoots, little is known about your personal life. Recently there were even rumors that Natalya Sturm got married again. Tell us, if this is the same man in your life now, and when can we expect original wedding photos?

I'm not going to get married, these are rumors. It’s not easy for me to fall in love, because I always imagine the ideal, but I don’t meet it, no matter how hard I try. Although each of my ex-men was useful to someone. I find it funny. Because I know that a good life will not make you live with such a man. But this is how most people live. They endure and torture each other. I don’t agree to this. The most important feeling in life is love. Without it, a person becomes incomplete. I don’t have love yet, so I fill the gap in my heart with creative experiments. After all, the main thing is not to stand still.

Your conflict with Evgeny Osin recently became public. Do you currently keep in touch with the singer, are you interested in his state of health?

I don’t communicate with Osin and don’t intend to, since he is a swamp that sucks in kind-hearted people. And I prefer sensible friends. And I advise you to surround yourself with successful, active and creative individuals.

Now you are again at the peak of popularity, largely due to your popularity on social networks. Did today's success come as a surprise to you?

No, the popularity didn’t surprise me at all. I lived with her all these years, but held back due to various circumstances. My development as a creative person was greatly hampered by marriages. For many years I lacked freedom, I lived cautiously. Now I live differently, not allowing anyone to spoil my mood and subordinate my will to my shortcomings. Have you let the genie out of the bottle? So be it, I shouldn’t feel dark and uncomfortable.

Natalya, you are often criticized. Do harsh words from fans offend you, and how do you manage to resist the wave of negativity?

Yes, they scold me often. They say that I have gone crazy and am corrupting young people, but I have long been accustomed to not paying attention to such statements. I do not hear or accept such criticism. I am a girl who gave birth to two children, perky, cheerful, explosive, temperamental, and I will always be like that. It amuses me how seriously many people take my provocative photos. People suffer from depression, aimlessness of existence, and blues. Invent yourself and get everyone interested in it, then there will be no time left to discuss successful individuals.

I continue to play music and perform often. In addition, I write books, travel, and take photographs. I am a very versatile person in terms of creativity, and I am always ready for new experiments. Maybe someday I’ll organize a photo exhibition of my work. Why not?

Natalya Sturm is a woman with her own destiny and her own special path in the world of show business. She is known to her fans as a bright, original singer. But what kind of person do her family and friends know?

Separating real life and pop creativity, our today's heroine has always been able to be very, very different. That is why today we decided to lift the veil of secrecy a little and tell some interesting facts from the life of the famous pop singer.

Early years, childhood and family of Natalia Sturm

Natalya Yuryevna Sturm was born in Moscow on June 28, 1966. Her father left the family quite early, and therefore her mother and grandmother were involved in raising the girl. Despite the fact that the genealogy of our today’s heroine’s family goes back to the ancient noble family of the Staritskys, this had virtually no effect on her life. As a child, Natasha did not live well, because her grandmother’s pension and her mother’s editor’s salary were not always enough.

That is why Natalya Sturm has tried to help her family since childhood. She was constantly busy with household chores, and therefore she had almost no time for rest and entertainment.

Thus, her only outlet in childhood was music. Natalya Sturm began studying music at the age of six. During this period, she began to attend classes at the Dunaevsky Music School, where, under the supervision of sensitive teachers, she learned to play the piano. In addition, the future celebrity also studied art in secondary school. The thing is that school No. 232, where Natasha studied, was distinguished by its literary and theatrical bias, and therefore special emphasis was placed on these subjects.

After receiving secondary education, Natalya Sturm decided to continue moving along her chosen path. At the age of seventeen, she enrolled in preparatory courses at the Moscow State Conservatory, where she began to study the characteristics of operatic vocals under the supervision of the famous teacher Zurab Sotkilava. During this period, our today's heroine already decided for herself that she would one day become a famous singer. However, in those years she dreamed not of the pop stage, but of the opera stage.

Surprisingly, her musical mentors decided to push Natalya Sturm towards pop music. Seeing the girl’s plasticity, as well as her striking external data, the conservatory teachers, one after another, advised the girl to think about pop creativity. In the end, Natasha did just that.

Natalya Sturm - School Romance

In 1985, our today’s heroine began studying at the pop department of the October Revolution Music School. In parallel with this, the young artist also began performing with the Jewish musical theater ensemble, and some time later she moved to another group - the State Folklore Ensemble of Vladimir Nazarov.

Star Trek singer Natalia Sturm

In 1991, in the city of Sochi, Natalya Sturm became the winner of the variety festival “Show-Queen-91”, which was held under the patronage of Joseph Kobzon. After this victory, the artist began to receive interesting offers of cooperation from various ensembles of the USSR one after another. As a result, our today’s heroine found herself part of another Jewish group, “Mitsva,” which became her main place of work for several years.

Performing as part of this group, Natalya Sturm became quite famous in the Soviet Union, and then in the CIS. Even without knowing the Hebrew language, the girl still managed to perform compositions in Hebrew and Yiddish with unusual brightness and inspiration. She was loved by the audience and other musicians of the ensemble. However, at one fine moment Natalya Sturm still decided to leave the pop and folk group.

Sturm_Street Artist.

In 1993, the singer began to work closely with composer Alexander Novikov, who soon wrote her first hits for the artist. A year later, Natalia Sturm’s first album, “I’m Not Inflatable,” appeared on the shelves of music stores, literally followed by another one, “School Romance.” The last of these records brought the girl particular success. Natalya Sturm began to often give concerts and also appear on radio and television.

Thus, the nineties became a golden time in the singer’s career. During this period, the artist often gave interviews, appeared in various programs and gave concerts in Russia and other CIS countries. Soon, Natalya Sturm also surprised all her fans with her candid photo shoot for Playboy magazine. A series of erotic photographs caused a great resonance, but in the end brought the singer only a new portion of popularity.

However, soon the creative union of the singer with composer and producer Novikov unexpectedly fell apart. Natalya Sturm is now forced to do the selection of musical material, as well as the production of her new album “Street Artist” herself.

Despite the fact that the album turned out to be quite successful, subsequently a series of failures awaited the Russian singer. Due to her long work in America, the artist’s popularity in her homeland began to slowly decline. As a result, Natalia Sturm’s next album was released only five years later and remained virtually unnoticed by the audience. Despite the fact that the singer's concerts still continued, the format of her performances became noticeably different.

Natalya Sturm currently

One of the main stars of the nineties was slowly dissolving into the past, and therefore at some point Natalya Sturm decided to retire.

Currently, the artist performs quite rarely. However, his creative career did not stop there. Today, the once famous pop singer is writing books. Between 2006 and 2012, Natalya Sturm released five successful novels, thus opening a new facet of her talent.

Personal life of Natalia Sturm

Even in her youth, the artist married a man named Sergei Deev, who studied with her at a music school. Soon the lovers had a daughter, Lena. However, after four years, the marriage broke up due to insurmountable differences between the spouses.

Subsequently, in 2003, Natalya Sturm married a certain businessman named Igor. The new husband turned out to be despotic and hot-tempered, and therefore scandals often began to occur in the family. Even the birth of their common son, Arseny, did not improve the situation. As a result, the couple divorced and began to live separately.

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Biography, life story of Natalya Yuryevna Sturm

Natalya Sturm is a Russian singer and writer.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Sturm was born on June 28, 1966 in Moscow, on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane. Her daughter was raised by her mother Elena Konstantinovna Sturm, an editor by education, and her grandmother Serafima Pavlovna. Natasha's grandfather Konstantin Nikolaevich Sturm, a native of the old noble family of the Staritskys, buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, during his lifetime was a lyric-dramatic tenor in the Nemirovich-Danchenko theater and worked in the ensemble.

Natasha began studying music at the age of six at the music school named after. in piano class. After graduating from school No. 232 with a literary and theatrical bias, she entered the music school named after. October revolution. At the age of seventeen, she entered the preparatory department at the Moscow State Conservatory in vocal class with the famous teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava. The girl dreamed of the opera stage and learned romances and opera parts by heart.

But her external appearance, dance skills and persistent character revealed the young student as a future pop diva, and an experienced teacher advised her to take up pop singing seriously. Although from childhood only classical music was heard in Natasha’s house, her parents did not oppose their daughter’s choice, and in 1985 Natasha entered the music school named after. October Revolution in pop vocal class to teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Kaitanjyan. As a third-year student, Natasha begins working as an artist in a chamber Jewish musical theater, and a year later accepts an offer to move to the State Folklore Ensemble under the direction of Vladimir Nazarov.

Life path: music, literature and family

The end of his studies at the music school coincides with the birth of his daughter Lena (December 23, 1989). The singer’s husband, Sergei Viktorovich Deev, studied with Natasha at a music school and worked at the Moscow Operetta Theater.


In 1991, Sturm went to Sochi for the pop song competition "Show-Queen-91", organized under the patronage of Moskovit JSC, where he won 1st place and the audience award. The singer receives many interesting job offers, and she becomes a soloist of the Mitsva ensemble under the direction of Victor Lenzon.

The ensemble's repertoire consists mainly of songs in Hebrew and Yiddish. Of course, Natasha did not know languages, but her work in the Nazarov folk ensemble and the Chamber Theater served the singer well: 40 foreign songs sounded in one breath, and the audience enthusiastically greeted "our girl Natasha" at concerts at the Variety Theater and on tour. The audience listened to some songs, such as “Lyulenka”, “Cigarettes”, “Shemesh” with tears in their eyes. Unfortunately, the young artist’s rapid rise brings difficulties in her family life. Having made a choice between family and the stage in favor of the latter, Natasha and her daughter left her husband and the marriage broke up, having lasted only four years.

Sturm’s desire for greater popularity than the ensemble could give her led the singer to create an independent repertoire consisting of songs by famous composers. So in 1993, Sturm began collaborating with a composer and poet, who became the singer’s producer. The song “School Romance” brings truly nationwide love, and the image of the long-awaited lyrical heroine allows Natasha to take her rightful place on the national stage. The album of the same name, in addition to the sensational hit, includes such popular songs as “Black Lily”, “Leather Cap”.

Music videos, participation in popular TV shows, and filming for one of the first Russian issues of Playboy quickly propelled Sturm to the very top of the music charts.

After the creative union with breaks up, Sturm begins producing on his own. In 1997, the singer’s new album, “Street Artist,” was released. With her new concert program, Natalya Sturm traveled a lot throughout the CIS and successfully performed in America (New Jersey, Queens, Brooklyn), Israel, and Cyprus.

New songs bring about changes... In December 2000, Sturm and her daughter moved to a new apartment. Natasha made her design project herself. The singer also drives her car independently, without resorting to the services of a driver. I have always preferred jeeps in car brands.

The love of travel and risky sports led Natalya to a ski resort in Switzerland in January 2001, where the inexperienced skier received five fractures and a month and a half of bed rest. Not having time to get back on her feet properly, the artist went on a tour of Siberia, explaining to her family and friends that “More than anything else, he hates downtime in his creative life”.

Natalya Sturm was invited to the Days of Moscow in Yalta and Bakhchisarai, where she was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.”

In 2000, Sturm starred in the series “Detectives” directed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Vladimir Uskov in the role of singer Libya. This was not the singer’s first experience in cinema - in 1983 she took part in the filming of “A Tender Age”. Natalya also starred in “Law and Order” (2000) and in the TV series “220 Volts of Love.”

Despite her busy touring schedule, Natalya Sturm often goes on tourist trips to exotic countries. "I can't deny myself traveling, it's my biggest hobby., - said the singer. – I try to travel everywhere with my daughter and mother, I really want to show them how beautiful and diverse our world is.".

The dwarf crocodile Fyodor lived in the singer’s house for many years. Taking care of the terrarium and feeding the “pet” with fresh meat and fish is another pleasant concern of the popular artist.

In April 2002, Natalya Sturm released her fourth album, “Mirror of Love.” On January 10, 2004, Natalya gave birth to a son-hero (4,350 kg and 53 cm!). Natalya chose the name of the newborn in advance - Arseny.

In October 2006, Natalya’s book “Love is the Color of Blood” was published (Eksmo Publishing House). In 2007, Natalya entered the Literary Institute.

Natalya Sturm was born on June 28 in Moscow, on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane. Her daughter was raised by her mother, Elena Konstantinovna Shturm, an editor by education, and her grandmother, Serafima Pavlovna. Natasha's grandfather Konstantin Nikolaevich Sturm - a native of the old noble family of Staritsky, buried at the Novodevichy cemetery - during his lifetime he was a lyric-dramatic tenor at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater and worked in the ensemble of L. Utesov.

Natasha began studying music at the age of six at the music school named after. Dunaevsky in piano class. After graduating from school No. 232 with a literary and theatrical bias, she entered the music school named after. October revolution. At the age of seventeen, she entered the preparatory department of the Moscow State Conservatory in vocal class with the famous teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava. The girl dreams of the opera stage and learns romances and opera parts by heart. But her external characteristics, dance skills and persistent character revealed a future pop diva in the young student, and an experienced teacher advised her to take up pop singing seriously.

Although from childhood only classical music was heard in Natasha’s house, her parents did not oppose their daughter’s choice, and in 1985 Natasha entered the music school named after. October Revolution in pop vocal class to teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Kaitanjyan. As a third-year student, Natasha begins working as an artist in a chamber Jewish musical theater, and a year later accepts an offer to move to the State Folklore Ensemble under the direction of Vladimir Nazarov. The end of his studies at the music school coincides with the birth of his daughter Lena (December 23, 1989). The singer’s husband, Sergei Viktorovich Deev, studied with Natasha at a music school and worked at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

In 1991, Sturm went to Sochi for the pop song competition "Show Queen 91", organized under the patronage of I. Kobzon and JSC "Moskovit", where he won 1st place and the audience award. The singer receives many interesting job offers, and she becomes a soloist of the Mitsva ensemble under the direction of Victor Lenzon.

The ensemble's repertoire consists mainly of songs in Hebrew and Yiddish. Of course, Natasha didn’t know any languages, but her work in the Nazarov folk ensemble and the Chamber Theater served the singer well: 40 foreign songs sounded in one breath, and the audience enthusiastically greeted “Our Girl Natasha” at concerts at the Variety Theater and on tour. The audience listened to some songs, such as “Lyulenka”, “Cigarettes”, “Shemesh” with tears in their eyes. Unfortunately, the young artist’s rapid rise brings difficulties in her family life. Having made a choice between family and the stage in favor of the latter, Natasha and her daughter left her husband and the marriage broke up, having lasted only four years. Sturm's desire for greater popularity than the ensemble could give her led the singer to create an independent repertoire consisting of songs by famous composers.

So in 1993, Sturm began collaborating with composer and poet Alexander Novikov, who became the singer’s producer. The song “School Romance” brings truly nationwide love, and the image of the long-awaited lyrical heroine allows Natasha to take her rightful place on the national stage. The album of the same name, in addition to the sensational hit, includes such popular songs as “Black Lily”, “Leather Cap”.

Music videos, participation in popular TV shows, and filming for one of the first Russian issues of Playboy quickly propelled Sturm to the very top of the music charts.

After the creative union with Novikov breaks up, Sturm begins producing on his own. In 1997, the singer's new album, "Street Artist", was released. With her new concert program, Natalya Sturm travels a lot throughout the CIS and successfully performs in America (New Jersey, Queens, Brooklyn), Israel, and Cyprus.

New songs bring about changes... In December 2000, Sturm and her daughter moved to a new apartment. Natasha did the design project herself. The singer also drives her car independently, without resorting to the services of a driver. Preference in car brands is given to jeeps.

The love of travel and risky sports led Natalya to a ski resort in Switzerland in January 2001, where the inexperienced skier received five fractures and a month and a half of bed rest. Not having time to properly get back on her feet, the artist went on a tour of Siberia, explaining to her family and friends that “more than anything else, she hates downtime in her creative life.”

Natalya Sturm was invited to the Days of Moscow in Yalta and Bakhchisarai, where she was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.”

In 2000, Sturm starred in the series “Detectives” directed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Vladimir Uskov as singer Livia. In 2008, she starred in the series “Law and Order” as a singer. In 2009 she starred in the film “220 Volts of Love” as... singer N. Sturm.

Despite her busy touring schedule, Natalya Sturm often goes on tourist trips to exotic countries. “I can’t deny myself traveling, it’s my biggest hobby,” says the singer. “I try to travel everywhere with my daughter and mother, I really want to show them how beautiful and diverse our world is.”

In 1995, the singer was given a dwarf crocodile. He lived in the singer’s apartment for 16 years. He was fed fresh meat and fish; a special terrarium was made for Fedi the crocodile, which had to be enlarged every four years. In the end, the singer was forced to give the reptile to the Moscow Zoo.

In April 2002, Natalya Sturm released her fourth album, “Mirror of Love,” the songs from which you can find on our website in the “Songs” section.

On January 10, 2004, Natalya gave birth to a son-hero (4,350 kg and 53 cm!). Natalya chose the name of the newborn in advance - Arseny.

In 2006 she was awarded the Order of Service to Art.

In October 2006, Natalya’s book “Love is the Color of Blood” was published (Eksmo Publishing House).

In 2010, a second novel entitled “Die Creature or Love the Color of Loneliness” was published. The ironic style of storytelling, dynamics and sparkling humor are very popular among readers and fans of Sturm the writer.

In June 2011, a new novel, “A High Security School or Love in the Color of Youth,” was released. 80s communist era school. Stunning revelations from four students of an elite school, the whole truth about the youth of a country where “there is no sex.”

In January 2012, a new thriller novel, “The Sun in Parentheses,” was released. The psychology of crime is the main thing that the author investigates. Love, hopes, death, exposure.

Natalya Sturm prefers an active lifestyle and is seriously involved in fitness and swimming.

In 2009, the singer and writer purchased a new apartment, which she designed herself. Apartment in modern style using the latest construction technologies.

A new album “Romantic style” (2013) is being prepared for release.

In 2013 she was awarded the Order of P.A. Stolypin for services to the development of Russian culture and art.

In 2013, Natalya fulfilled her long-time dream of owning property by the sea. With an apartment in Bulgaria on the Sunny Beach of the Black Sea and an apartment in Spain in the province of Alicante on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, another milestone in the singer’s life began - a start up for serious business in the field of real estate in the Russian and foreign markets.

Natalya manages to deal with creativity, business and children, receiving great pleasure from her busyness. “If I have free time, I immediately rush to the gym! I am a fan of sports, fitness, I have been watching my figure, nutrition and health for many years,” admits Natalya. - “When journalists ask how I manage everything, I honestly admit that, unfortunately, I still have free time. And then I immediately plunge into the social networks Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. I am interested in politics and smart thoughts. Add yourself! Let’s chat!” .

Natalia's motto: "The biggest sin is not realizing the talents God sent you."

Discography of Natalia Sturm

  • I'm Not Inflatable (1994);
  • School Romance (1995);
  • Street Artist (1997);
  • Mirror of Love (2002).

Filmography of Natalia Sturm

  • Tender Age (directed by Isakov, 1983);
  • Golden Palace (1997, never released);
  • Detectives (series, directors V. Krasnopolsky and V. Uskov, 2000);
  • Law and Order (TV series, director Dm. Brusnikin) (2008);
  • 220 Volts of Love (TV series, NTV) (2009).

Books by Natalia Sturm

  • Love the color of blood (2006, EKSMO), reissued under the title “I can’t bear to get married or love the color of blood” (2011, AST);
  • Die creature or love the color of loneliness (2011);
  • High security school or love in the color of youth (2011);
  • The Sun in Parentheses (2012);
  • All shades of pain (2013).

The warm sun of Spain transformed Natalia Sturm. If earlier she allowed herself to post very frivolous photographs, then during her last vacation she decided to appear in front of the public with her breasts bare. At the same time, in one photo, which many regarded as a provocation, the artist decided not to stop.


Apparently, Natalya Sturm has become a real fan of topless sunbathing. Another photo proving this appeared on her Instagram page. “I decided to sunbathe in a secluded place. Now it’s just me, seagulls and snakes reaching for the sun😎,” she captioned the photo.

Before this, photographs from the coast appeared on the artist’s page in a translucent dress, emphasizing all the features of her figure. However, these are not the most candid or unusual pictures with which Natalya Sturm began to delight her fans.

So, in one of the pictures she decided to cover her charms with two pieces of jamon. However, then such an extravagant decision caused a very mixed reaction among her subscribers.

The series of topless photographs, as defined by Natalya Sturm herself, began “by popular demand.” The artist undressed right on the beach. “An hour later I was left alone on the shore - the women took their Spaniards away). Am I so scary?” asked the star.

Fans rushed to convince her, after which similar pictures began to appear on her page with enviable regularity. It is noteworthy that before this, the 90s star admitted that she felt awkward when trying to be naked in public. However, it only took her a day to overcome her complexes.

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