Information about the educational organization. Basic information Saratov City Medical College

Saratov Regional Basic Medical College(GAPOU SO "SOBMK") - a state medical educational institution of secondary vocational education in the city of Saratov.

Saratov Regional Basic Medical College (SOBMK)
Year of foundation 1896
Location Russia,
Address 410012, Saratov,
st. Chernyshevsky, 151


October 2, 1896- opening of the Women's Paramedic School. The first sanitary doctor of Russia, I. I. Molleson, was appointed director. The organization of the school was facilitated by the support of well-known public and business figures of the province, Count A.D. Nesselrode, merchant A.V. Chirikhina, who provided her own building, located on Moskovskaya Street, building 20, for the temporary location of the school.

1899- a building for the school was built, designed by architect A. N. Salko (corner of Radishchev and Chernyshevsky), thanks to the active participation of the famous doctor M. V. Volkov and public donations.

June 1900- the first graduation of paramedics was made.

1902- The women's paramedic school was renamed into a midwife-paramedic school with a four-year course of study and new Regulations.

1904- sanitary guardianship was created in Saratov and an extensive program to combat cholera was developed. Students from the Saratov Medical and Obstetric School were recruited as assistants to zemstvo doctors.

March 10 - 13, 1905- at the height of the first Russian Revolution, public meetings of the Sanitary Society were held at the school under the chairmanship of Dr. A. E. Romanov.

1909- the school building became the base for Saratov State University, established in 1909.

December 6, 1909- the grand opening of Saratov State University took place in the building of the Women's Paramedic School.

1928- The Dental College is being added to the educational institution as a department. In 1928, the educational institution was again reorganized into the Paramedic and Midwifery School, which included three departments: paramedic, obstetric, and dental. However, her position at that time was very unstable. For a long time the school did not have its own building: from the premises on the street. Chernyshevsky, where she occupied only two rooms in the chemical building of Saratov University, she was transferred to a small building on the street. Bolshaya Kostrizhnaya 5, after 2-3 years she was placed in one of the buildings of the 2nd Soviet Hospital, then in a small building on the street. Tsyganskaya 20 (now Kutyakova St.), and after some time they were again transferred to the building on the street. M. Gorky no. 15, where it was located until 1938.

1933 - 1934- a dental clinic, a denture laboratory, chemical and physical rooms were organized.

1938- The paramedic and midwifery school is moving to a new building on the street. Volskoy 6..

During the war years, the paramedic-midwifery school consisted of four departments: paramedic, obstetric-paramedic, nursing department and medical laboratory assistant department. During the war years, the school graduated 1,510 mid-level medical workers.

In the first years after the Great Patriotic War, the school was one of the largest medical schools in the Soviet Union. The annual output averaged 1,500 paramedical specialists. 87 teachers worked under the leadership of director V.P. Avstrievskaya.

Since 1949 year, the school recruited one group of dentists with a training period of 2 years 10 months and a group of dental technicians with a training period of 1 year 10 months under the leadership of the school director S. O. Nesvizhsky.

1956- the educational institution was reorganized into the Saratov Regional Medical School (director V.N. Kashirin). The contingent of the school reaches up to 1000-1200 specialists in six profiles: paramedic, obstetric, sanitary paramedic, dental, dental engineering, pharmaceutical.

In the 70s The school is moving from the street. Volskoy 6 to the building on the street. Chernyshevsky 151. From 1977 to 1984 Viktor Georgievich Arishin becomes the director of the educational institution; Deputy Director for Academic Affairs - Smorodinova Aleftina Aleksandrovna.

From 1985 to 2015 the head of the educational institution was Evgeniy Anatolyevich Alekseev; Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Alexander Yurievich Klochkovsky.

1996- the educational institution was reorganized into the Saratov Regional Basic Medical College, coordinating the work of medical colleges and schools in the region.

2005 year- a cooperation agreement was concluded with the Saratov Orthodox Diocese on the training of nurses. Students of the Sisters of Charity Training Center in the name of the Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth receive medical education at the educational institution. Students of the Training Center receive spiritual education on the basis of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary. Upon completion, graduates of the Center are awarded a state diploma in the specialty “Nurse”.

Since 2015 The head of the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Saratov Region “Saratov Regional Basic Medical College” is Igor Aleksandrovich Morozov, a doctor of the highest qualification category, candidate of medical sciences. Deputy for Academic Affairs - Tomashevskaya Irina Yurievna. The educational process is carried out by more than 100 full-time teachers. Annual admission to the college is about 400 people

Since 2006 of the year within the structure of GAPOU SO "SOBMK" operates department of additional education, carrying out activities to improve the qualifications and retraining of specialists with higher and secondary education.

Since 2016 The Department of Continuing Education implements professional training programs for the following professions: medical registrar, medical disinfector, junior medical staff.

From September 1, 2016 year, work was organized on the basis of the college for retraining and advanced training in the profile of teaching activities.

The Razumovsky State Medical University College was founded in the second half of the 20th century. The reason for the emergence of this specialized institution was the shortage of mid-level medical personnel.

Pages of history

Many people are familiar with SSMU. The college is the result of the work of the rector of the medical institute N.R. Ivanov and the chief physician of the Saratov clinical hospital L.G. Gorchakov.

At first there was only one nursing department, with only sixty people studying there.

In 1967, the medical college expanded its department of laboratory diagnostics. SSMU has a unique base for conducting clinical research.

Throughout the entire period of existence of this educational institution, many large-scale transformations took place in it. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, SSMU was preserved. The college also did not cease to exist. New branches began to open here. They fully met all the requirements of the modern labor market.

In 1995, the “Orthopedic Dentistry” department appeared, and in 1997 the “Pharmacy” direction was opened.

Career guidance

SSMU and the college at the university are familiar to Saratov schoolchildren. Close cooperation has been established with secondary schools in the city. For 15 years, the college has had special medical and biological classes in which students in grades 8-11 can receive specialized knowledge in chemistry and biology.

In addition, the children have the opportunity to gain an understanding of the features of their chosen profession, communicate with professionals, and strengthen their desire to practice medicine.


After the reform of the Russian healthcare system, SSMU changed, and the college was also modernized. He acquired a department of postgraduate training and advanced training for mid-level medical specialists. The specificity of the work of this department is to provide educational services to those people who already have a pharmaceutical and secondary medical education.

In 2001, the medical college received the status of a structural unit of the Saratov Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky.


Today, this medical educational institution is the leading educational institution in the Saratov region. It is here that in-demand junior and mid-level medical professionals are trained in five areas:

  • nursing;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • dental orthopedics;
  • medicine;
  • pharmacy.

Every year, a thousand new students come to the walls of the Medical College (SSMU), and most of them, after completing their studies at the college, enter the Saratov Medical University and receive higher education.

Students demonstrate the skills acquired during their studies at this college during which they are held in university clinics, as well as in the best medical and preventive institutions in the city of Saratov.

Thanks to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process, material and technical base and highly qualified teaching staff, the medical college prepares real professional medical staff with secondary education.


Over the entire period of its existence, about twelve thousand registered nurses have graduated from the walls of this medical institution. All graduates of this educational institution are provided with jobs. The college is proud of its graduates, because many have high departmental awards, titles, and scientific degrees.

Saratov Medical College of Roszdrav

The history of the Saratov Medical College dates back to the 60s of the 20th century - a period of unprecedented growth of the country, which covered all sectors of the economy, including healthcare. The commissioning of new medical institutions led to an increasingly acute need for personnel nursing staff.

Through the efforts of the rector of the medical institute, corresponding member of medical sciences Nikolai Romanovich Ivanov and the chief physician of the Clinical Hospital No. 3 of Saratov, Honored Doctor of the USSR Lev Grigorievich Gorchakov, by Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 219 of July 2, 1963, a medical school was created.

The history of the educational institution began with the opening of one nursing department, where 60 people studied.

The first director of the medical school was Rimma Aleksandrovna Khrushcheva, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR. An energetic, talented, enthusiastic person, selflessly devoted to his work. She was faced with a very difficult task - to create a new educational institution from scratch. But thanks to the extraordinary efficiency and perseverance of R.A. Khrushcheva, she managed to rally a team of like-minded people around herself and provide everything necessary for the educational process.

Years passed and the medical school at the Saratov Medical Institute (that’s what it was originally called) confidently paved its way into the future. With each new academic year the number of students increased, and in 1967 the Laboratory Diagnostics department was opened.

In 1984, R.A. Khrushchev was replaced as director by Igor Aleksandrovich Moskalenko. Through his efforts, the number of students increased, the educational base improved, and the teaching staff improved.

During the existence of the medical school, many changes have occurred in the country. First “perestroika”, then collapse

Union and the transition to new market relations - all this was reflected in the history of the educational institution as if in a mirror.

Departments began to open that meet the needs of the modern labor market: in 1995 - “Orthopedic Dentistry”, and in 1997 - “Pharmacy”

All the transformations taking place in the educational institution in the “post-Soviet period” are associated with the name of its director - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.G. Chizh, who has been directing the work of the college from 1993 to the present. He is one of the ideologists of the medical education reform in the Saratov province. With his participation, the concept of early career guidance for school students was developed through the creation and development of a network of specialized medical and biological classes. For more than 15 years, the educational institution has successfully operated a department of pre-college education, which includes medical and biological classes. In 12 schools in the city of Saratov, students in grades 8, 9, 10, 11 have the opportunity to learn the basics of medicine in medical and biological classes. Experience of such work allows: firstly, to gain an understanding of the profession and strengthen your desire to work in medicine; secondly, to strengthen the knowledge necessary for entering college.

Reform of the healthcare and education system led to the formation in 2001 of a new structural unit, such as the “Department of Postgraduate Training and Advanced Training for Mid-Level Medical Workers.” A special feature of the department is the provision of educational services to people who already have secondary medical and pharmaceutical education.

The department's work highlights the following main areas:

  • Conducting advanced training for medical workers (up to 6,000 people per year)
  • Training in the specialty “Nursing” (advanced level of secondary vocational education) with the qualification “Organizer and teacher of nursing”

In 1996, the educational institution was awarded the status of “college”, which was fully consistent with the spirit of the times and the qualitative changes that occurred in the very process of training nursing staff.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky"

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Founder: Medical College of SSMU is a structural division of Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Base: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 2010 No. 395-r, orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2010 No. 336, dated July 22, 2010 No. 538 on reorganization in the form of affiliation, exclusion of a medical college from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities , decision of the Academic Council of the University (minutes No. 4 of April 26, 2011).

Contact Information:

410028, Saratov, st. 53rd Infantry Division, 6/9

Secretary: (845-2) 22-42-44

Fax: (845-2) 22-42-44

College administration operating hours: Monday - Friday from 08:30 to 17:30, lunch from 13:00 to 14:00

Academic year begins September 1 and ends in accordance with the annual calendar academic schedule.

Duration of the school week amounts to 5 working days.

Start of classes at 8.30 AM

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia"

Address: 410012, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya st., 112

Telephone:(845-2)-27-33-70, (845-2)-51-15-32

Fax machine:(845-2)-51-15-34

Email: [email protected]

The history of the SSMU Medical College dates back to the 60s of the 20th century - a period of unprecedented growth of the country, which covered all sectors of the economy, including healthcare. The commissioning of new medical institutions led to an increasingly acute need for paramedical personnel.

Through the efforts of the rector of the medical institute, corresponding member of medical sciences Nikolai Romanovich Ivanov and the chief physician of the Clinical Hospital No. 3 of Saratov, Honored Doctor of the USSR Lev Grigorievich Gorchakov, by Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 219 of July 2, 1963, a medical school was created.

The history of the educational institution began with the opening of one nursing department, where 60 people studied.

The first director of the medical school was Rimma Aleksandrovna Khrushcheva, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR. An energetic, talented, enthusiastic person, selflessly devoted to his work. She was faced with a very difficult task - to create a new educational institution from scratch. But thanks to the extraordinary efficiency and perseverance of R.A. Khrushcheva, she managed to rally a team of like-minded people around herself and provide everything necessary for the educational process.

Years passed, and the medical school at the Saratov Medical Institute (that’s what it was originally called) confidently paved its way into the future. With each new academic year the number of students increased, and in 1967 the Laboratory Diagnostics department was opened.

In 1984, R.A. Khrushchev was replaced as director by Igor Aleksandrovich Moskalenko. Through his efforts, the number of students increased, the educational base improved, and the teaching staff improved.

During the existence of the medical school, many changes have occurred in the country. First, “perestroika”, then the collapse of the Union and the transition to new market relations - all this, as if in a mirror, was reflected in the history of the educational institution.

Departments began to open that meet the needs of the modern labor market: in 1995 - “Orthopedic Dentistry”, and in 1997 - “Pharmacy”

In 1996, the educational institution was awarded the status of “college”, which was fully consistent with the spirit of the times and the qualitative changes that occurred in the very process of training nursing staff.

In 2011, the medical college became a structural unit of the Saratov Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky. The management of the work of the college team was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences Artem Igorevich Tarasenko.

Since 2014, the medical college has been headed by candidate of sociological sciences Larisa Mikhailovna Fedorova.

Today Medical College of SSMU named after. IN AND. Razumovsky is one of the leading educational institutions in the Saratov region in the system of secondary vocational education, training in-demand mid-level medical and pharmaceutical workers in 5 specialties.

Students are trained at the clinical sites of the Saratov State Medical University. IN AND. Razumovsky.

Every year at the Medical College of SSMU named after. IN AND. More than 1,000 students study at Razumovsky, many of whom subsequently successfully receive higher medical education.

Students fully implement the acquired skills and knowledge during educational and practical training in clinics of SSMU.

The use of innovative technologies in educational activities, a well-equipped material and technical base and highly qualified teaching staff are all the key to the successful work of the Medical College of SSMU named after. IN AND. Razumovsky for the benefit of the health of the nation.

College history
The history of the SSMU Medical College dates back to the 60s of the 20th century - a period of unprecedented growth of the country, which covered all sectors of the economy, including healthcare. The commissioning of new medical institutions led to an increasingly acute need for paramedical personnel.

Through the efforts of the rector of the medical institute, corresponding member of medical sciences Nikolai Romanovich Ivanov and the chief physician of the Clinical Hospital No. 3 of Saratov, Honored Doctor of the USSR Lev Grigorievich Gorchakov, by Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 219 of July 2, 1963, a medical school was created.

The history of the educational institution began with the opening of one nursing department, where 60 people studied.
The first director of the medical school was Rimma Aleksandrovna Khrushcheva, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR. An energetic, talented, enthusiastic person, selflessly devoted to his work. She was faced with a very difficult task - to create a new educational institution from scratch. But thanks to the extraordinary efficiency and perseverance of R.A. Khrushcheva, she managed to rally a team of like-minded people around herself and provide everything necessary for the educational process.

Years passed and the medical school at the Saratov Medical Institute (that’s what it was originally called) confidently paved its way into the future. With each new academic year the number of students increased, and in 1967 the Laboratory Diagnostics department was opened.

In 1984, R.A. Khrushchev was replaced as director by Igor Aleksandrovich Moskalenko. Through his efforts, the number of students increased, the educational base improved, and the teaching staff improved.

During the existence of the medical school, many changes have occurred in the country. First, “perestroika”, then the collapse of the Union and the transition to new market relations - all this, as if in a mirror, was reflected in the history of the educational institution.

Departments began to open that meet the needs of the modern labor market: in 1995 - “Orthopedic Dentistry”, and in 1997 - “Pharmacy”

The transformations taking place in the educational institution in the “post-Soviet period” are associated with the name of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.G. Chizh, who has led the work of the college since 1993. He was one of the ideologists of the medical education reform in the Saratov province. With his participation, the concept of early career guidance for school students was developed through the creation and development of a network of specialized medical and biological classes. For more than 15 years, the educational institution has successfully operated a department of pre-college education, which includes medical and biological classes. In many schools in the city of Saratov, students in grades 8, 9, 10, 11 have the opportunity to learn the basics of medicine in medical and biological classes.
Experience of such work allows: firstly, to gain an understanding of the profession and strengthen your desire to work in medicine, and secondly, to strengthen the knowledge necessary for entering college.
Reform of the healthcare and education system led to the formation in 2001 of a new structural unit, such as the “Department of Postgraduate Training and Advanced Training for Mid-Level Medical Workers.” A special feature of the department is the provision of educational services to people who already have secondary medical and pharmaceutical education.
The department's work highlights the following main areas:
Conducting advanced training for medical workers (up to 6,000 people per year)
Training in the specialty “Nursing” (advanced level of secondary vocational education) with the qualification “Organizer and teacher of nursing”
In 1996, the educational institution was awarded the status of “college”, which was fully consistent with the spirit of the times and the qualitative changes that occurred in the very process of training nursing staff.
In 2011, the medical college became a structural unit of the Saratov Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky. The leadership of the college staff was headed by Artem Igorevich Tarasenko.

Today, the Medical College of Saratov State Medical University is one of the leading educational institutions in the Saratov region in the system of secondary vocational education, training sought-after middle and junior level medical workers in 5 specialties.
Students are trained at 18 clinical sites in Saratov and departments of the Saratov State Medical University. IN AND. Razumovsky.
Every year, more than 1,000 students enter the Medical College of SSMU, many of whom subsequently successfully receive higher medical education.
Students fully implement the acquired skills and knowledge during educational and practical training in clinics of Saratov State Medical University and advanced medical institutions in Saratov.
The use of innovative technologies in educational activities, a well-equipped material and technical base and highly qualified teaching staff are all the key to the successful work of the SSMU Medical College for the benefit of the health of the nation.
Educational institution
The Medical College of SSMU today is a modern educational institution with advanced educational technologies, a well-equipped material and technical base and the best traditions in the professional training of future medical workers.
Currently, educational activities in the educational institution are carried out in the following specialties:
060501 Nursing
060604 Laboratory diagnostics
060301 Pharmacy
060203 Orthopedic dentistry
060104 Medical and preventive care
Every year 1,100 students study at the college. In total, during the existence of the college, more than 12 thousand students graduated. For one graduate, when assigned to a job, from 2 to 5 applications are received from medical and preventive institutions. Each of our graduates is provided with a job.

The high quality of the educational process is ensured through the integration of the teaching staff of the college and the teaching staff of the medical university.
Based on the results of their work, many teachers were awarded the awards “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Worker of Secondary Vocational Education” and “Excellence in Health Care”.
College management is based on advanced management technologies, which open up wide opportunities for realizing the creative potential of the team.

The development of scientific and publishing work contributes to the improvement of the educational process. College teachers are the authors of educational and methodological material published at the federal level, take an active part in the work of All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: “From school to university”, “New technologies in medicine”, “Ways to improve the quality of training of specialists in the system of secondary vocational education "
Federal educational programs in various disciplines are being developed on the basis of the college.
Classes are supplemented by extracurricular activities, including subject clubs, competitions, presentations, and student interdisciplinary conferences. Every year, the college hosts regional student scientific and practical conferences, which bring together students of secondary medical schools in the Volga region. The research base for scientific work is the clinics of SSMU, treatment and preventive institutions of the city. The results of such activities are not only scientific reports, but also various forms of sanitary and educational work with the population.
If 40 years ago the history of the college began with the functioning of 5 classrooms, now their number has increased 15 times. Theoretical training of future medical workers is carried out in classrooms equipped with modern equipment, where students receive fundamental knowledge in anatomy, pharmacology, hygiene, psychology, etc.
Future specialists acquire practical skills in 42 specialized preclinical practice rooms, equipped with phantoms for practicing manipulations, audio and video equipment, and the necessary medical instruments, while each student has an individual workplace.
Students show particular interest in classes in computer labs and educational laboratories.

The acquired skills and knowledge are fully put into practice by students during educational and practical training in the departments of advanced medical and preventive institutions of the city (1, 2, 3 city hospitals, Regional Children's Hospital, Clinics of eye and skin diseases, etc.).

The first steps into the profession help students to deeply experience the importance and significance of their chosen specialty. Many of them seek to strengthen their knowledge through electives, massage courses, etc.

The intense academic workload is combined with various forms of leisure activities, carried out in accordance with the Program for the formation of a health-saving educational environment.
Over the years of the college’s existence, certain traditions have developed in it, which are embodied in the form of “Initiation as a Student” holidays, spring humor, Health Day, and “Best in Profession” competitions.

At the initiative of the Student Council, amateur art competitions and KVNs are held, at which students reveal their numerous talents in singing, dancing, and acting.
The Medical College prepares highly qualified and therefore in-demand specialists for the labor market. College graduates can be found in all hospitals in the city without exception and far beyond its borders. Many of them achieved great success in their professional activities, becoming heads of structural units - senior, chief nurses.
College teachers are proud of their good reviews of the high level of training of their students. There are new challenges ahead. The team is full of innovative endeavors, bold ideas and is ready to bring them to life.

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