Food poisoning of microbial origin. Toxic infections, toxicosis. Bacterial food poisoning Bacterial food poisoning

Food poisoning of bacterial origin is an acute disease that occurs as a result of the use of foods containing toxic substances in food, and is very dangerous for human health with its toxins and bacteria. Food poisoning of microbial origin is divided into groups.

Bacteria in human language

  • Food poisoning. They are caused by a salmonella bacillus.
  • Food intoxications. Their cause is the toxins of botulism, staphylococcus aureus.
  • Mycotoxicosis. Caused by microscopic fungi. These include ergotism, fusariotoxicosis, aflotoxicosis.

Etiology of food poisoning

  • Pronounced onset of the disease.
  • Intensive reproduction of toxins in products.
  • The disease is associated with the use of food.
  • Short development of the disease from 60 min. up to 3-4 hours.
  • The duration of intoxication is about 2 days.
  • Eating with the subsequent occurrence of massive outbreaks of poisoning.
  • After suffering food intoxication, immunity is not formed.
  • With food intoxication, the symptoms of the digestive tract are as follows: vomiting, diarrhea, the presence of abdominal pain. With damage to the nervous system - headaches, double vision, convulsions.

Food poisoning is caused by Escherichia coli (in a healthy person it lives in the intestines), Proteus, conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Most of the diseases have a similar clinical picture.


The disease is caused by salmonella

This disease is caused by the salmonella bacillus. Infection occurs through the consumption of food of animal origin. These include: poultry, eggs, and sometimes dairy products. The source of the disease can be a person - a bacteriocarrier of salmonellosis. The incubation period develops from 6-36 hours.

The symptoms of this disease include: a sharp increase in body temperature, headache, weakness, nausea followed by vomiting, spasmodic pain in the abdomen. The character of the stool is watery with a high content of mucus.

Food poisoning is caused by living pathogens or their toxins. The route of transmission of infection is alimentary. Pathogenic microorganisms get into products during their preparation, storage, consumption. The disease develops from the use of infected products that are thermally poorly processed, or stored outside the refrigerator.

This is a serious disease caused by the pathogen - botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin itself does not cause disease, the danger is the toxin itself. Toxic bacillus lives in the ground, in the body of animals, birds, fish. The pathogen enters the human body with food. The greatest danger to human health is delivered by home-made canned food if they have not undergone the necessary heat treatment.

The causative agents of this disease are mobile rods - clostridia.

Botulism Clinic

  • In the digestive system, the following symptoms are observed: pain of unknown etiology, severe nausea and diarrhea.
  • Vision is disturbed, there is a feeling of fog, double vision, flies before the eyes, discomfort when reading.
  • The patient is thirsty, dry mucous membranes appear, and swallowing is disturbed. Body temperature remains normal or drops to 35 degrees Celsius.
  • On the part of the nervous system, headaches, fatigue, severe dizziness, constant insomnia, unsteady gait are observed. In severe cases, one can feel hoarseness of the voice up to its loss, paralysis of the eyelids and soft palate, lack of air, heaviness in the chest.

Treatment of botulism

Urgent actions include:

  • gastric lavage with boiled, clean water, then 2% soda solution;
  • plentiful, frequent drinking;
  • to neutralize botulinum toxin, anti-botulinum serum is used;
  • if necessary, artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out;

Vinegar should be added to home preservation


Identification of bombed conservation, storing them in the refrigerator. Do not use canned homemade mushrooms, they may contain botulinum spores. It is necessary to store meat products at the correct temperature, monitor the timing of implementation and use. During cooking, adhere to the rules of sanitary regime and heat treatment.

Staphylococcal poisoning

This is a disease in which the toxin enters the human body with food. The causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, which multiplies at high humidity, is characterized by high resistance to freezing, drying, exposure to disinfectants, and sunlight. The source of infection can also be people with purulent diseases of the skin and advanced tonsillitis.

In many people who carry bacteria, staphylococcus lives on the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, skin, and they distribute it to food. For the reproduction of staphylococcus, such foodstuffs are favorable: cottage cheese, sour cream, curd mass, products containing milk, cream, minced meat. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 30 minutes to 6-8 hours.

Clinic of staphylococcal intoxication

Salivation, nausea, accompanied by vomiting;

  • Stomach pain and frequent stools;
  • Increasing intoxication: pain in the head, weakness, lethargy until loss of consciousness;
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure, severe pallor of the skin in some cases, a state of shock;
  • Frequent stools and vomiting cause dehydration, loss of salt balance, which provoke convulsions and other dangerous conditions.

Preventive measures

First of all, such activities should be aimed at preventing and spreading staphylococcus among people. For this, it is necessary for persons in contact with food to undergo annual medical examinations and examinations. Ready-made food products must be stored in the cold and observe the terms of consumption.


Mycotoxicoses are caused by fungi

Mycotoxicoses are poisonings in which mycotoxins enter the human body. For example, with dairy, meat and fish products. Mycotoxins are resistant to high temperatures, freezing, drying.



This disease occurs as a result of eating grain products that have become moldy or overwintered in the field (moistened). Cereal crops are affected by microscopic fungi and release a toxin. When a toxin enters the body, a person can get a sore throat or a mental disorder, the so-called "drunken bread" poisoning.

The purpose of prevention, compliance with the temperature regime of grain storage and a ban on the use of overwintered cereal crops in the field.


Aflotoxicosis develops with the use of cereal products affected by mold fungi.

Prevention of food poisoning of microbial origin

  • Regular medical examinations by employees of enterprises.
  • People who go to work are subject to examination. Persons with gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, purulent wounds, cuts should not be allowed to work.
  • Adherence to the temperature regime, food storage, the timing of the implementation of perishable and ready meals.
  • Prevention of reproduction of infectious agents in food.
  • Regular disinfection, extermination of insects, deratization (extermination of rodents).
  • Compliance with elementary rules of personal hygiene and training of food workers.

Acute diseases that occur after ingestion of food that contains substances of bacterial and non-bacterial origin that are toxic to the body. Unlike foodborne infections, food poisoning occurs in people who have consumed the same low-quality foods and is not transmitted from person to person.

Pathogenic microbes produce two types of toxins: exotoxins and endotoxins.
Exotoxins are easily released from the microbial cell into the environment. They affect certain organs and tissues, have a specific effect.
Endotoxins are not released from the microbial cell during its life, but are released only after its death. Endotoxins do not have the specificity of affairs in the body cause general signs of poisoning.

Food poisoning of bacterial origin can be divided into three groups:

  1. Bacterial toxicoinfections - diseases caused by microorganisms such as Proteus, Escherichia, Clostridia, Enterococci, etc.
  2. Bacterial intoxication - botulism, staphylococcal poisoning).
  3. Mycotoxicosis - ergotism, fusariotoxicosis, aflotoxicosis.

Bacterial toxic infections- diseases in the pathogenesis of which live pathogens and toxins produced by them are involved. They are characterized by a sudden onset, rapid development, intoxication, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. They are transmitted only in an alimentary way. Food products are contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms during their preparation, storage or sale. Possible endogenous contamination of meat during slaughter and cutting carcasses of sick animals. Food poisoning is always associated with the consumption of either infected products that have not been sufficiently heat treated, or prepared meals that are infected after cooking during storage outside the refrigerator or provided for consumption without reheating.

Bacterial intoxications- these are diseases resulting from the consumption of food containing toxins, as a result of the development of a specific pathogen. Unlike toxicoinfections, in the case of bacterial intoxication, a toxin secreted by microorganisms during their reproduction in the product enters the human body along with food products. At the same time, live microbes in the product may no longer be present or they may be contained in a small amount.

An illustrative example of bacterial intoxication is botulism - poisoning with a toxin of bacteria. Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin is regarded as the most powerful poison in the world and is part of the arsenal of biological weapons.

Mycotoxicoses- food poisoning resulting from the ingestion of mycotoxins, the waste products of some microscopic (mold) fungi, into the body along with food products.

Mycotoxins can enter the human body with milk, meat and fish in the case of using feed contaminated with microscopic fungi. Reproducing in food products, mold fungi not only poison them, but also worsen their organoleptic properties, reduce nutritional value, lead to spoilage of products, and make them unsuitable for technological processing.

Mycotoxins are resistant to physical and chemical factors. The generally accepted methods of technological and culinary processing only partially reduce their content in food products. High temperature, drying, freezing, exposure to radioactive and ultraviolet rays are ineffective.

Symptoms of food poisoning

Most food poisonings have similar symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, loss of coordination.

Escherichia have a short incubation period that lasts from 2 hours to 1 day. The disease begins suddenly and manifests itself in the form of a moderately pronounced intoxication syndrome (chills, general weakness, headache, muscle pain) in combination with symptoms of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (sharp abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea mixed with mucus and blood) . Body temperature is normal or slightly elevated - up to 37.5 ° C. The illness lasts from 1 to 3 days.

Bacteria of the genus Proteus have an incubation period of 4 to 24 hours after eating contaminated food. Severe cases are rare. The main clinical signs are a sharp pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, general weakness, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The illness lasts 2-3, in some cases up to 5 days. In severe cases, cyanosis, convulsions, weakening of cardiac activity are observed, mortality is observed in 1.5-1.6% of cases.

Streptococcal toxic infections appear 8-12 hours after ingestion of contaminated foods. The clinical picture is typical for toxicoinfections. Recovery occurs in 1-2 days.

Botulism is one of the most dangerous food poisoning. The incubation period of botulism lasts from 2 hours to 10 days, most often 18-24 hours, depending on the amount of toxin that has entered the body. The disease develops suddenly. The first clinical signs: visual disturbances (feeling of fog, grids, doubling, flies before the eyes), reading complications, headache, unsteady gait. Later, the following symptoms appear: loss of voice, paralysis of the eyelids, involuntary movements of the eyeballs, tension of the masticatory muscles, paralysis of the soft palate, swallowing disorders and a feeling of lack of air. The temperature remains within the physiological norm or drops to 35.5°C. In the absence of timely treatment, mortality reaches 70% - death occurs in 2-3 days as a result of paralysis of the respiratory center or heart. Immunity to the disease is not formed.

Symptoms staphylococcal intoxication can be observed 2-4 hours after enterotoxin enters the body. However, the initial symptoms may appear earlier. First there is salivation, then nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Body temperature may be subfebrile or elevated. The disease is sometimes accompanied by complications: dehydration, shock, the presence of blood or mucus in the feces and vomit. Other symptoms of the disease include headache, convulsions, sweating, and general weakness. The degree of manifestation of these symptoms is determined mainly by the amount of toxin that has entered the body and the sensitivity of the patient. Recovery often occurs within a day, but may take several days. Deaths from staph food poisoning are extremely rare.

Ergotism- food poisoning of humans and animals, which occurs as a result of the use of grain products containing the microscopic fungus Claviceps purpurea (horns). Once in the body, the poison affects the nervous system and causes circulatory disorders. Signs of poisoning appear quickly - dizziness, chills, nausea, abdominal pain. Ergotism can occur in a convulsive, gangrenous or mixed form. In the case of a convulsive course, the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract are affected, salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, convulsions of various muscle groups, hallucinations, dizziness appear. In the gangrenous form, neurovascular formations are affected, which is accompanied by trophic disorders of the limbs, cyanosis, necrosis of the fingers, toes and other parts of the body. Pregnant women experience miscarriage or premature birth.

Septic angina- a disease resulting from the consumption of food products from grain that has wintered under the snow and contains toxins from the fungus Fusarium sporotrichiella. Poisoning develops within 1-4 weeks in a severe form and often ends fatally. The course can be acute and end in death within a day.

Conventionally, there are three stages of the course of the disease. The first begins a few hours after eating contaminated food. It is accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, thin whitish films are formed on it, which are easily removed. Weakness, nausea, a runny nose are felt. If the poisonous product is excluded from the diet, the disease disappears in 2-3 days, and if not, the second stage begins. Changes in the blood are diagnosed, the number of leukocytes decreases by 10 or more times, the hemoglobin content sharply decreases. The third stage is accompanied by rashes on the body, pain when swallowing, catarrhal, hemorrhagic and even gangrenous tonsillitis develops. Necrosis extends to the oral mucosa, bleeding occurs from the nose, pharynx, ears, uterus and intestines. Body temperature rises to 39-40°C. Mortality at this stage can reach 50-80%.

Prevention of food poisoning of bacterial origin involves the implementation of a set of measures:

  • implementation of sanitary and sanitary-veterinary supervision and control over the processes of slaughtering animals, catching and processing fish, and the production of sausages;
  • control over the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products;
  • control over the production, storage and sale of ready-made meals in canteens, food units of children's institutions, buffets and catering establishments;
  • maximum automation and mechanization of production processes at food enterprises;
  • ensuring production with serviceable refrigeration equipment;
  • use of laboratory methods for quality control of food products and heat treatment;
  • observance of sanitary and hygienic rules and conditions of production, storage and transportation of products;
  • effective implementation of planned deratization activities;
  • bacteriological control of food products, compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime and personal hygiene by personnel;
  • compliance with storage conditions and terms of sale of food products.

Poisoning is considered a common ailment. Many people have experienced this condition at least once in their lives. Intoxication can be caused by the presence of bacteria in foods. It provides information on microbial food poisoning, its symptoms, treatment and prevention.

The main types of intoxication

According to the International Classification of Diseases, these conditions are caused by the ingestion of foods that contain bacteria or other toxic substances into the digestive system. Experts distinguish the following types of poisoning:

  • Intoxications not caused by exposure to pathogenic organisms.
  • Food poisoning of microbial origin.
  • Pathologies, the cause of which is not established.

Most intoxications are caused by harmful bacteria (clostridium, staphylococcus, salmonella) entering the digestive system.

Common features of all types of pathologies

Regardless of what types of microbes provoke the disease, the following features are characteristic of all such conditions:

  • The infection starts suddenly.
  • The disease can be widespread. This is due to the fact that several people use a product at the same time.
  • The course of the disease is acute, but not long.

When they begin to appear The answer to this question depends on the type of poisoning. For example, signs of salmonellosis, as a rule, begin to disturb the patient after 6-12 hours. With botulism, the incubation period can be from 7 to 10 days.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of pathology

How do bacteria that provoke intoxication get into food and into the gastrointestinal tract? Organisms that cause food poisoning of microbial origin are found in soil, fish, shellfish, river and sea water.

In some cases, they get into food through dirty hands when hygienic rules are not followed, when people who suffer from purulent skin pathologies, as well as in violation of the shelf life of products and the technology of their preparation. Often, intoxication occurs due to the use of eggs of geese and ducks, infected products of animal origin. Microbes can be on the surface of fruits, berries, vegetables.

They get there with particles of dirt, dust. Bacteria are carried by rodents and arthropods.

Varieties of intoxication caused by microbes

These pathologies are divided into several types. Depending on which bacteria penetrate the human gastrointestinal tract, the following categories of ailments are distinguished:

  • Salmonella poisoning.
  • Staphylococcal intoxications.
  • Disease caused by clostridia (botulism).
  • Diseases caused by Escherichia coli.
  • Mycotoxicosis - poisoning by mold fungi.

This group of pathologies is also divided into food toxicosis and toxic infections. The first type of disease occurs as a result of the entry of poisons of harmful bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract in the absence of microbes that secrete these substances.

The second category develops due to the penetration of food into the gastrointestinal tract, in which there are pathogenic organisms that have multiplied in large numbers. Of course, in the course of their life, they also release toxins. There are general signs that are observed with any type of such intoxication.

Characteristic manifestations

The disease usually begins suddenly. Most intoxications make themselves felt within 3-4 hours after eating infected foods. The disease is characterized by an acute course, pronounced manifestations are observed during the first two days. Signs of food poisoning of microbial origin are as follows:

  • The occurrence of nausea, bouts of vomiting.
  • The presence of discomfort in the peritoneum.
  • Frequent, loose stools.
  • Pathological manifestations of the central nervous system (pain in the head, visual disturbances, seizures).
  • Elevated temperature.

Infection caused by Escherichia coli. Ways to prevent it

This microorganism forms many strains, among which there are harmless and pathogenic. Harmless people inhabit the intestines of a person already in the first hours after his birth. They are very important for a person, as they contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Only in cases where good E. coli enter other organs (prostate, vagina, and others) can they cause inflammation.

Pathogenic Escherichia coli are absent in the intestines of a healthy person. They get there if a person consumes dirty foods, insufficiently processed meat, milk. These microorganisms can cause severe infectious diseases. Some strains release toxins so poisonous that they cause death in elderly patients, children and those with weak immune systems.

The disease caused by pathogenic E. coli appears as a result of contaminated food entering the digestive tract, as well as as a result of non-compliance with personal hygiene standards while eating or cooking. In addition, if the food was stored incorrectly, these bacteria can also multiply in them. In order not to pick up pathogenic E. coli, you need to remember the following recommendations:

  • Conduct thorough heat treatment of food products (meat, raw milk).
  • Follow food storage guidelines.
  • Wash fruits, berries, herbs, vegetables.
  • Observe personal hygiene.

Salmonella intoxication

This disease also applies to food poisoning of microbial origin. Pathology occurs as a result of the consumption of poultry meat, as well as unheated milk and raw eggs. The hidden period is six to twelve hours. In rare cases, signs of intoxication begin to appear on the second day. The sick person has a feeling of nausea, liquid and mucous stools, a feeling of weakness, spasms in the peritoneum are observed.

Pathology provoked by botulinum toxin

This condition in medical practice is considered one of the most severe types of poisoning. It is characterized by a high probability of death in patients due to damage to the central nervous system and respiratory system. It is known that it is not the bacterium itself that poses a health hazard, but the substances that are released during its vital activity. The habitat of the microbe is the body of birds, mammals, and fish. Reproduction occurs in food.

The main danger is represented by canned vegetables, berries and fruits, as well as home-cooked fish. With botulism, the incubation period is approximately 4-6 hours. In some patients, symptoms of pathology occur 10 days after eating infected food.

The signs of the disease include discomfort in the peritoneum, vomiting, the appearance of fog before the eyes, disorders of the functions of breathing and swallowing, dryness in the oral cavity. The temperature with botulism may not rise. In case of severe intoxication, there is pain in the head, loss of voice, a person cannot eat or drink. With this form of poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help.

Therapy includes cleansing the stomach, introducing a special serum and drinking plenty of fluids. In case of respiratory disorders, patients undergo mechanical ventilation.

Staphylococcal intoxication

This is a pathology that is characterized by an acute course. It occurs as a result of eating contaminated foods.

Food poisoning of microbial origin, which causes staphylococcus aureus, manifests itself 2-4 hours after the penetration of bacteria into the body. They are accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, intense vomiting, pain in the head, feeling of weakness, pain in the eyes. The malaise lasts from one to three days. Staphylococcal food poisoning is not fatal.

Bacteria multiply in products prepared by the hands of people suffering from tonsillitis, purulent skin lesions. To avoid poisoning, food workers should be screened for these ailments. It is necessary to boil milk, observe the norms of heat treatment and storage of products.

Mold intoxication

These organisms pose a health hazard as they release highly toxic toxins. Once in the body with food, they cause severe damage to organs. For example, some poisons provoke malignant neoplasms in the liver. Food mycotoxicoses include ergot poisoning, fusariotoxicosis and aflotoxicosis. Diseases arise as a result of exposure to the following factors:

  • Eating bread that has been made from grains infected with fungi.
  • Eating wheat or rye products that have been in the field for a long time in winter and have been exposed to moisture.
  • The source of infection may be peanuts, coffee and cocoa beans contaminated with these organisms.

Careful observance of the rules for harvesting, harvesting and processing grain and other products allows you to avoid the appearance of intoxication.

Methods of therapy

Poisoning caused by microbes is accompanied by bouts of vomiting and loose stools. As a result, a person loses a large amount of water, his condition worsens even more. Therefore, with this ailment, help should be provided to the patient immediately. First, you need to call a doctor. Secondly, before the doctor arrives, give the victim plenty of water to drink and clear the stomach.

Taking funds that restore the balance of fluid in the body (for example, Regidron) helps to avoid dehydration. In some cases, the patient needs hospital treatment, which includes drugs that eliminate inflammation, antibiotics, injections and droppers.

How to prevent the development of pathology

Microbial origin is as follows:

  • Strict quality control of meat, fish, milk, confectionery and sausage products, smoked meats, canned food.
  • Compliance with the conditions of processing and storage of food, checking the timing of implementation.
  • Carrying out regular medical examinations of employees of the food industry.
  • Refusal to make canned mushrooms at home.
  • Compliance with hygiene standards.
  • Storage of jars of jam and pickles in the refrigerator.

Examination of goods

The procedure is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. Food products must be tested if the buyer suspects that a food or drink contains pathogenic bacteria or a large amount of chemicals. After all, such circumstances can cause serious health problems. There are several types of goods, the examination of which is usually carried out by employees of Rospotrebnadzor. Food items that are often tested include:

  • Sea delicacies.
  • Milk products.
  • Meat and semi-finished products.
  • Fruits and vegetables.

The presence of chemicals and harmful microorganisms in the goods indicates the potential danger of food for the health of buyers.

Food poisoning of bacterial origin occurs from eating food containing live microbes or their poisons. Bacterial poisoning accounts for up to 90% of all food poisoning cases. They mainly occur in the summer, as the warm season contributes to the rapid multiplication of microbes in food.

Poisoning caused by live bacteria that enters the body with food is called food poisoning. This group of poisonings includes poisoning by opportunistic microbes. A feature of these diseases is that the formation of poison (toxin) occurs in the human body, where microbes enter with food.

Poisoning caused by poisons accumulated in food during the life of bacteria is called bacterial toxicosis. These include botulism and staphylococcal poisoning.

Poisoning by opportunistic microbes - arise from the ingestion of a large amount of E. coli or Proteus microbe into the human body. Poisoning proceeds according to the type of salmonella infections, but less severe. E. coli and Proteus live in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals and are widely distributed in nature. Food poisoning occurs only when food is heavily contaminated with these microbes. With a slight contamination of food, poisoning does not occur, therefore these microbes are called conditionally pathogenic (conditionally pathogenic).

E. coli enters food products in case of violation of the rules of personal hygiene, especially from the dirty hands of the cook, in violation of the sanitary rules for the preparation and storage of food, in the unsanitary maintenance of workplaces, workshops, and kitchen utensils.

The amount of E. coli found during the sanitary examination of equipment, utensils, inventory, hands of the cook, confectioner and food serves as an indicator of the sanitary condition of a public catering establishment,

To assess the sanitary condition of food products, water in them, the titer is determined, i.e. the smallest amount of the studied material in which it is possible to detect at least one E. coli. The lower the titer, the higher the contamination of the product with Escherichia coli, the worse the sanitary condition, the more reason to fear that it may contain pathogenic microbes. For drinking water, milk and some meat products, limit values ​​for coli-titer are indicated in the standards.

Measures to prevent toxic infections caused by Escherichia coli and Proteus are as follows:

1. Eliminate the causes of food contamination with microbes.

2. Prevention of multiplication of microbes.

    Thorough heat treatment of food products.

    Proper storage of food.

Botulism - food poisoning containing a highly effective poison (toxin) of the microbe - botulinum. Poisoning occurs within a day after ingestion of contaminated food.

The main signs of the disease are: double vision, weakening of the clarity of vision (feeling of fog, grids before the eyes), headache, unsteady gait. Then there may be loss of voice, paralysis of the eyelids, involuntary movement of the eyeballs, tension of the chewing muscles, paralysis of the soft palate, impaired swallowing. All of these symptoms are the result of brain poisoning. Without timely treatment, death can occur from respiratory distress. In the absence of treatment with a special serum, the death rate of the disease reaches 70%.

Botulinus is a spore-bearing, long rod (bacillus), mobile, anaerobic, not resistant to heat, dies at 80°C within 15 minutes. Under unfavorable conditions, botulinus forms very resistant spores that can withstand heating up to 100 ° C for 5 hours, retard their development in an acidic environment, and die at 120 ° C for 20 minutes (sterilization). Getting into food products, spores under favorable conditions germinate into a vegetative cell (botulinum stick), which during the day at a temperature of 15 to 37 ° C and in the absence of air releases a toxin - a strong poison. Its lethal dose for humans is 0.035 mg. The development of botulinum is accompanied by the formation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, as evidenced by swollen lids of cans (bombing). The toxin is formed in the deep layers of the product, basically without changing its quality, there is only a slight smell of rancid oil. The toxin is destroyed throughout the depth of the product when it is heated to 100 ° C for 1 hour. Botulinus is found in nature in soil, in sea silt, water, and is found in the intestines of fish and animals.

If the sanitary rules of preparation and storage are violated, food can be contaminated with botulinum. Basically, botulism is caused by various canned food, especially home-made, due to insufficient sterilization of them; ham, ham, sausages due to improper storage; fish, especially sturgeon, as a result of violations of the rules for catching, cutting and storing it.

To prevent botulism in catering establishments, it is necessary:

1. Check all canned food for bombing and store them in a refrigerator; at home, due to insufficient sterilization, do not allow the preparation of canned mushrooms, as they can be contaminated with botulinum spores.

2. Accept for production fresh sturgeon fish only in frozen form; accelerate the process of its processing.

3. Store ham, ham, sausages at a temperature of 2-6 ° C, strictly observe the terms of implementation.

4. Follow the rules of sanitary regime and thorough heat treatment in the process of cooking food.

5. Comply with the conditions, terms of storage and sale of prepared food.

Staphylococcal , poisoning is an acute disease resulting from the consumption of food containing staphylococcus toxin. The disease occurs 2-4 hours after ingestion of food contaminated with poison, accompanied by cutting pains in the abdomen, repeated profuse vomiting, general weakness, headache, dizziness at normal body temperature. The poisoning lasts 1-3 days. There are no deaths.

The causative agent of poisoning is Staphylococcus aureus, which forms colonies in the form of bunches of golden grapes, is immobile, dies at 70 ° C for 30 minutes. Getting on various food products, especially with high humidity and containing starch and sugar, staphylococcus at a temperature of 15 to 37 ° C, both in the presence of air and without it, multiplies and releases poison. At the same time, the quality of the product does not change. Poison (enterotoxin) is neutralized by boiling at 100ºС for 1.5 - 2 hours. Staphylococcus aureus is widely distributed in nature. Especially a lot of it on festering wounds of people and animals. The main products and causes of this poisoning are as follows: milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, curds, etc.) contaminated with microbes through ulcers on the udder of cows or the hands of milkmaids; cream confectionery and any prepared food contaminated with staphylococcus by sick (pustular skin diseases or sore throats) confectioners or cooks; canned fish in oil, contaminated with microbes during their preparation.

To prevent staphylococcal poisoning, you must:

1. Check cooks and confectioners daily for pustular

skin disease angina and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Strictly observe the temperature regime of heat treatment, all dishes and

3. Store cooked food for no more than the specified period at a temperature of 2-6°C or hot at least 65°C.

4. Be sure to boil milk, use non-pasteurized cottage cheese for dishes subjected to heat treatment, and yogurt-samokvas - only in the dough; fermented milk products (kefir fermented baked milk, curdled milk, acidophilus) pour into glasses from bottles, without pouring into boilers.

    Store confectionery with cream at a temperature of 2-6 ° C, observe the terms of their implementation - no more than 36 hours with oil cream, no more than 6 h with custard and whipped cream, no more than 24 hours with curd cream, 72 hours with protein whipped cream. In the summer, custard, butter, cottage cheese creams are made only with the permission of the local centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (TSGSEN).

6. Store canned fish in oil at a temperature not exceeding 4°C.

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